Wat mnhu VOL. VI.--NO. 255. SHENANDOAH. PA.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1891. ONE CENT "My Son, Deal "With Men "WTio Advertise. Ton "will Never Lose by It. "--Benjamin Franklin The Evening Herald. ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT. nun a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. STUBBORN FACTS. The Hnrrisburg Telegraph Bays: "There must be some amusement in the cry of tho free trader that tin plate ennnot be made In this country, or ho wouldn't keep it up. Day lu and day out, like the Bowery Parrot's cry of 'The Tarifl's a Tax,' the free trader shouts, 'You can't make American tin.' And he must enjoy It, or he wouldn't keep It up. There are tin plate factories In Missouri, Ohio Maryland aud Pennsylvania, and what Is more they give employment In tho new Industry to a large number of American worklngmen aud get a good price for their wares." A few days ago a charier was Issued at the Btato Department InHarrlaburg to tho Blalrsvllle rolling mill and tin plate company, of Blalrsvllle, Indiana county, with a capital of $73,000, the directors In which are all gentlemen of Blalrsvllle. They know that they can make American tin and they ate going to do it. Tho Middletowu, (Dauphin county; Journal, a day or two ago printed the following paragraph concerning a great event In tho history of the busy borough : "Artist W. H. Walboru is painting a sign bearing, the following : 'This building is covered with genuine American tin by A. B. Croll.' Tho sign Is to be placed on the large barn of .Col. Young's Keystone farm on wlilch Mr. Croll placed 5,000 rquare feet of this material." Wo can add to this the fuct that V. S. Hammond, the window spring man ufacturer of Lewlsberry, this county, has had tho roof of hie house covered with this same quality of tin of Amer ican make. The tin used Is N. & G. Taylor's old style and Mr. Croll was at the works In Philadelphia and saw American tin made there. He re gards this tin as the best made any' CNTS PER YAED FOR a (food home-made rag carpet n ins onoot tuosexira Heavy and clean rags. Fluestliue of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carptte in Suen andoah at C. D. FEICKE'S CAI5PET STORE. WE OLADI THAT THERE ARE NO BETTER GOODS IN THE THA1T CJioico. Creamery Butter Ircsli every other day Xancy Bloater Mackerel. Large and Fine. Xfeta ATo. 1 MacJeer el White and Fat. iVeio Clean Currants Free from dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made oj best materials, line Table Syrttp strictly pure goods. Neiu Orleans Halting Molasses. Chipped Beef. CTTJST REGEIYED Another lot of RITMRSIB-F1 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR and OLD TIME Git A HAM FLO UH Fresh Ground. Also another car of Best Patent MINNESOTA FLOUR. Equal to anything in tho market. "NORTHWESTERN DAISY" mnde ot Minnesota Wheat gives satisfaction. Bakes w ell. OH Clotlts are selling: freely, Mice patterns, prices. Two yards wide from 50 cents up. AT KEITER'S. where. Free traders may squirm over it, but American tin has come and come tostpy, no master how much they may lie about It. York Despatch City Treasurer-elect of Phila delphia, George D. McOreary, has done a most sensible thing lu reap pointing Jesse Bhiber, an old, disabled soldier, as messenger In his office. Shlber was removed by Pattlson'a ap pointee, Wright, to make room for o Democratic rounder who was after wards tripped up on the charge of is suing fraudulent tax receipts. Deserving Pralso. Wo desire to say to uur citizens, that for years we have been soiling Dr. King's New Discovory for Consumption, Dr. King's Now Life Pills, liucklon's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell as well, or that havo given such univorsal satisfaction. Wo do not hesitato to guarantee them every time, and wo stand n-ady to refund tho purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. Theso remedios havo won their great popularity purely on their merits. O. II. Uagenbuch, Druggist. Van Houton's Cocoa Tho standard of ho world. 11.23-lw NEWS OF THE DAY. It is rumored that Chancellor Von Caprivl Is about to roslgn. The wife of Ilobort Mantell, tho fam ous actor, has begun action tor a separa tion. A book Is be In ft published of sormons proachod by tho Kaiser whllo yachting in Norway. Tho funeral of tho Into Gov. Ilovey toot place irom Mount Vernon, lnd., yesterday. The thermometer atWInnopeg for ths past few days has varied between 12 and 17 degrees below zero. Fanny Davenport, tho actress, has closed a contract for 880 acres of land la Fulton's Canyon, Grange County, Cal. A heavy snow; storm fell over Minne sota and the Dakotas Wednesday night and drifted so budly that railway traillo was delayed. There was merry Thanksgiving din ner ntthe White House jostorday. All tho family wore present except Mrs. Rus sell Harrison, who loft tor Omaha, whore her parents live, on Tuesday. 4 Weather lu'llcutlous. Wasiiis .ton, Nov. 87. For New England; Contlnuod cold, brUk, high winds, with threatening wouthor and lain and snow, likely hoavy. For Eastern Now York, Eastern Fonnsyl vnnia, Now Jersey, Maryland und Dela ware: Generally brisk and easterly winds; threatening weather and rain, likely heavy! colder to-morrow. For Western Now York and Wostorn Penn sylvania: Colder, brisk and hli;h westerly winds; clouly wenthor and rain or snow; deoldedly colder Saturday, almost amounting to tt cold wave. MARKET OTTIRr All BORODGHJTEMS I GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAK How the Many Different Pooplo In Town Observed Thanksgiv ing Day Ohuroh Services and Entertainments. Thanksgiving Day was not generally observed hero yesterday, yet tho town had a holiday appearance. Nearly all the business placos were closed and very little business was done outsido of tho saloon, refreshment and cigar establishments. Tho collieries slartod in tho morning to wholly ignoro tho day and somo of them succoeded. Turkey Kun colliery struggled along a quarter of a day and then quit. Wo-t Shonandoah made half a day. Tho rost of ths collieries managed to get.along with reducod working forcos. Services were hold in' several of the churches, some in tho morning, but tho majority in tho evoning, on account of tho collieries working. Lady Harrison Lodge, No. 10, A. P. L. A., observed Thanksgiving Day by hold ing a supper in tho ovening in Bobbins' opera houso. It was ft vory succoesful affair and a largo number of.guosts spent a vory pleasant ovoning. Mnjor Jonning3 Council, No. 3G7, Jr. O, IT. A. SI., spent part of tho day and all of tho ovoning at Ringtowo, whore Advance Council, No. 684, prosenled a flag to the public school. Tho presentation addross was made by O. T. Straughn, member of Jonnings Council, and tho gilt was ac knowlodged by tho principal of tho Ring town schools, Mr. Stauffer. Tho cere monies woro precedod by n parade, in which members of tho order Irom Jit, Carmol, Mahanoy City and other towns took part. In tho evening an ontertain- mont was hold in the P. O. S. of A. hall. I It was of a literary and musical character -lnBnr milk liii.lniriliA .fan.J( onnialn Initiation. The hall wa crowded and tho audionco thoroughly enjoyed tho enter talnment. Two tableaux, "Virtuo, Lib erty and Patriotism," and "Equality, Jus' tlco and Education" were striking features of tho programme P. J. Gaughan, of town, Appeared in negro specialties and W, J. Jacobs, also of town, furnished sen timental songs. An Interesting address on the principles and objects of the Jr. O. U. A. M. was made by William II. Dettroy, of Jonnings Council. A Million FriondB. A friend in noed is a friend indeed, and not loss than one million peoplo havo found just such a friend in Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. If you havo never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that It ba3 wonderful curativo powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that Is claimod or money will bo romnded. Trial bottles Ireo at O. II. Uagenbuch's drug storo. Largo bottles 60c. and f 1.00. The finest noto paper and envelopes in tho country at Max Keofo's. tf Wo Are for Homo Rule. Tho Herald is frequently asked to do printing, providing it can be dono at tho same pnco3 asked in Now York, Connocti cut, Ohio, or some other state. It may as woll be understood now as at any other time that the Hera.lt is working for tho benefit of the pooplo of Shonandoab, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, ana, in return, looks to them for patronage In working for tho benefit of tho town wo aro not regulated by Now York, Con nectlcut, Ohio, or any othor place, but aro guld.d strictly by homo polioy, and, for for tho printing which our townsmen may wisli to give us, we do not propose to bo governed by what tho prinlors in thosa placos may do. If you havo any printing to bo dono, send it to us. Wo will appre ciate tho favor and will givo you as good work as you can got at any placo, but wo reservo tho right to make our own prices, with tho assurance that they will bo, at all times, reasonable. Wo can sond out of town for many things wo need and uso, and got them at prices that would throw our town merchants into convulsions, but wo aro not mean enough to do that. We believe In patronizing those who patronize Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough .at once. A Surprlso. Keep your eye on this local. Keagoy, tho photographer, will have his now open ing in a few days and will have something interesting that will surprlso tho pooplo. tf A fine stock of guns and ammunition for sale cheap at Mai Kcotu's. 10-24-tf It don't do to neglect nature's warning aches through the vkU'in, cause Rheuma tism. Nturalgla aud llackacbe. Try lied Flag uu, me v amous rum uure. urauuai ltir tlu's drug store. A fine stock of guns and ammunition for sale cheap at Max Reese's. 10-21-tf THE ELECTRIC. Tho President of tho Road Hero ' Yesterday. Hon W. F. Sadler, of Carlisle, preMdoni of tho electric railway company, and W P. Sadler, Jr., and J. L. Kaufmai wero yosterday in town and spint most 01 tho day going over tho routo and Imped ing tho work dnno. Thov said that the prngres made and the prospects for tin road thus far exceod their expectations. Public opinion at Ashland concerning the electric railway has been completely revolutionized. Even tho flat rail and wide gungo pooplo havo floppod over and those who signed the petition tha'. esu'eu the Borough Council to chango its ordin ance in favor of that guago and rail havt now signed a potition for a "T" rail anc narrow guago road. A meeting of thi Borough Council is to bo hold to-morrow night to act on tho latter potition. Tbo olectrio railway has croatod a boon, for the farmers of tho Catawissa valley. All their teams aro engaged in hauliup poles and sills for tho lino. Other people who want hauling dono find tho tenuis at n premium. Poles for tho road aro now distributed along Coal stroet as far cast as Main street Superintendent Eberlo loft for Fhiladel phla this afternoon to arrango to .havo th boilers shipped lor the power houto. Mr. Eborlo says tho houso will bo roofod within two woeks. One hundred additional hands will be put on tho road next Monday. Two gangs of pole strippers aro "bark ing" poles on Wost Coal street. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Brulsoe, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khoum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, und posi tively euros Piles, or no payment required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satislaction, or money refundod. Prico 25 cents per box. Fursalo by C. II. Hagonbuch. PERSONAL. Supt. Thomas Baird spent to-day at Pottsvillo. Ex Postmaster S. P. Kindt was in town last ovoning. "Tim" L'oakley spent last ovening In Mahanoy City. W. A. Bogle, of Mt. Carmol, was a vis itor to town to-day. It, T. Lewis, of Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town yesterday. Edward Dodson, of Hudsondalo, Carbon county, spent Thankfglving in town, th guest of II. B. Hawley. Prof. O. W. Weiss, of Schuylkill Haven, was In town on Wednesday, ar ranging for tho County Institute. Mrs. Ann Roberts, her son, Edward, and hor grand daughter, Miss Annlo Powell, arrived In town yesterday from Wales, where they spent several weeks the gito ts of rolalives. Wo copy tho following personals from the Shamokin Herald of yestorday : II O. Folmer, of Shenandoah, put in a few hours here yesterday; M. Mollot, ono of Shenandoah's most prominent citizons, called on Shamokin Mono's yestorday: J. J. Keilly, of Shenandoah, was entertained by iriends In this placo last evening. IIo is well pleased with tho local electric railway and wished that tho road botwoon Ash land, Shenandoah and Mahanoy City was laid and In working order. And it is Aggravating. As a rulo most people aro Intensely ex asperated when, after wading through somo exciting story in the newspaper which they havo dovo'urod with breathless interest, to find at tbo finish it is only a trap to adver tise somo wonderful soap or patent medi cine Of courso it is disappointing, but just consider how clevorly its dono, and, by the way, what a wonderful industry has been developed In this mode of advertising, Somo of the great medlclno firms pay their advertising agont as high as ten thousand dollars a year, and a cortain manufacturer of soap pays his advertiser twenty-five thousand. Just think of it, and while you are thinking just remember that "Sho Couldn't Marry Throe" Is the bestBhow on tho road. Instructions Given. Instructions given on piano, organ, vio lin and voico, every Wednesday, in Shen andoah. Terms, CO cents per lesson oi J hour, or 75 cents per hour. All orders sent to D. F, Laubensteln, Ashland, will receive prompt attention, Have time for only four more t obolara, 11 2ti-0t Buy Ktyttone flour. Be caroful that thi name Lumsiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printed on overy sack. 3-3-3taw I found Dr. Bull's Couch Hymn to be a most effectual leuiedvand feel sure that tho mn&t stubborn cough and cold will yield to lis uetiui'K iimueuce. rrau& o. nice, isew ur jOaun, a, Burohlll's Restaurant. Charles Buichill li now located atcornor of Main and Coal streets, Shonsndoah, Itegular meals, at popular prices, served any time. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-14-tf Host work done at Bronnan's stoam laundry. Everything white and spotless, Lace curtains a specialty, All work guar anteod. IS A BAD OLD MAN REMARKABLE CAREER OP A PENNSYLVANIA JUSTICE. HIS GRIMES .RE VERY NUMEROUS Latost Mlsdomoanor of E. B. Hoi lister, a Well-Known Politician and Writer To bo Triod for Burglary. HonesdaLe, Pa., Nov. 27. E. B. IIol- lister of Ilollistorvlllo, this county, noar the Lnckuwannh. County lino, Who has been for more than a quarter ot n cen tury a Justice of the Peaco lu tha t county, although during that time- he baa boon Indicted for conspiracy, bur glary, arson, and assault with nttompt to kill, and was convicted onco on a charge of burglary and sentenced to four years In the ponitontlary, but es caped through a legal technicality, has just beon Indicted for burglary, this tlmo by tho graud jury of Lackawanna County, and will be tried at tho noxt term ot court. Ilolllster Is 70 yoars old and belongs to ono of tbo most prominent families In Wayne Couuty. Lieutenant-Governor W atrcs Is a nephow of his, and he has for 80 years been conspicuous In the af fairs of his section ot tbo county. Dur ing tho war thoro woro many mall and express robberies and masked burglar ies in that locality, and it was openly charged that bqulro Hollister was the organizer aud lender of a gang that committed those crimes. In 18G7 a burglary committed In tho village of Waymart, ten mllos from IIol listervlllo, wns traced homo to blm, and ho was arrested and convicted. Tho caso was carried to the Supreme Court, where tho Judgment of tho Wayne county court was reversed. In 187U Squire Ilolllster, his brothor- ln-law, Georgo Burns, who hadroturued to lioiusiurviuo, v. iL. diuyurs, ami a young girl named Faunlo Vuu Gordor, woro arrestod charged with conspiracy, arson, burglary and attomptod murder. Tho chargos against these parties woro made by Theodore II. Baker, i mer chant ot Ilollistorvlllo. Squire Ilollls ter owed Baker $3,000, for which tho lattor hold a, mortgage on tho former's property. Holllstor InHlsted on paying It, and tho day tho monoy was paid Ba ker sent It to a Scrnnton bank. Thac night a lire broko out In u barn near Bakor's, and Uakor ran to it, leaving his wife aud child at homo. While ha was gone a maskod man entered the houso, and olded by Faunio Vun Gorder, boat Mrs. Uakor into unconsclousnos3 and took tbo wallet which had contained tho $3,000 paid that day to Bakor. Mrs. Baker said that alio had recognlzod tho masked robbur as Georgo Burns. Baker, following allegod clues, was satisfied that Squiro Ilolllster had con spired with Burns, Will Meyor, Fanny Van Gordor, who was Moyor's sweot hoart, to flro tbo barn, i The four prison ers were tried at Ilonesdalo, and to the amazement ot every ono Miss Van Gorder aud her lover woro convicted, and Ilolllster and his brothor-ln-law, Burns, were acquitted. A fow weeks ago a daring burglary was committed In Dunuioro, a suburb of Scrnnton. Ofllcers wore put to work on tha caso, and tho clews they found led them to Ilollistorvlllo, nud fluully to tho arrest of Squire Holllstor, bis brother Henchel, Charles Engel, nnd William Snow. Besides bolng a Justice of the Peace aud tho political boss of his township, Squire Holllstor is a witty newspaper writer. Ills brother, Dr. II. II. Ilolllster, of Scranton, wrote the "History of tho Lackawanna Valley," His sister, Mrs. Watros, was a poet of more than ordinary merit, hor produc tions during the war, over tbo signature of "Stolla Lackawanna," being well known. ItuilU's oh tor objoct. St. PETEnsnuno, Nov. 27. The "No- vostl, " ofllclal organ, says that tho visit of M. de Glers to Paris shows that Franco-ltusslan friendship doos not value Gormany, and that tho chief end of Iiussla Is not to ally itself with l'rnuce, but to safeguard liusslun in terests. Myra Galaea' Ilolrs Want lliQlr Money. New Orleans, Nov. 37. Counsel for tha Myra Gaines heirs called upon tho Mayor yestorday to mako provision for tho payment ot the judgment lu their favor ulllrmod by the United Stutes Su preme Court. Tho amount Is about $900,000. A special tax will probably be levied for the payment ot tho judg ment. Gllmnre Won on u lotil. WlLKBNBAHHB, !'., Nov. 27. Jim Do ran ami Hugh Qllmoro fought at Maltby yosterduy morning for $o00 a side. Eight rounds were contested whon the light was given to Gllmore on a foul? Both mou wore badly punished. RAILROAD GOSSIP. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern has christened a new mail car just put Into service on Its line Govornor Mo Klnley. Last year the Pullman Car Company served 0,000,000 meals on the dining cars and tho profit realised did not pay 1 per cent, on the money Invested, Still another fast mall train will be put Into service between Now York and Chicago' beginning Jun. 1. It will bo on tbo Pennsylvania road, und the schedule tlmo between the tsrmlnal nnlnts Is to be 24 1-J hours. MAHANOY PLANE. Nowsy Letter Jbrom a Reliable Corroepondont. Wboroaie those electric lights which were to have illuminated our town on Vfdnesdy night? Frank Bobb, who had his foot crushed betwoen bumpers somo tiino ago, is around Hgaln. I he dancing school held In Murphy's hall on Monday oyonings, will hereaftor meet on Wednesday ovoning. ltev. Laughran, pastor of St. Mary's church, returned from Philadelphia on Wodnosday last. American Hose Co,, No. 2, of town, pro poses to attend tho bull of tho Pottsvlllo American Hofo Co. on Dec. 8th. Tho genial face of Wm. Uoislor wears an "all-wool-yard-wide" fndle, sinco tho ad vent of a bouncing baby boy on Monday. Tho Edwards' blocks of dwelling houses on North Main street aro being treted to a much needod coat of paint. Itichard Fitzgerald, tho popular furniture doalor and palntor, has secured the contract, and is doing tho work In artistic stylo. It was expected that our olectrio lighls would 1 o in placo and ready for work on Wednesday evening last, but tho most that has beon dono was tho running of tho wins to tho town limits. Whercforo this snail like progress ? Tho dynamo at Frackvillo station is roady for uso, and, in fact, was connected with tho piano lamps on Wed nesday night, working them in placo of tho olectrio light cari of tho P. & K Co. which has been inuo for about five woeks, but now that its occupation is gono it will soon bo takon away. List of letters remaining uncalled for in this post ofllco Nov. 20. 1801 : M. Will iams, Samuel J. Willingall, William Gittingor, Jas. McLaughlin, Mr. E. E., W. Deitrick, David Christ, Eddio Casoy, Daniel O Connoll, Michael Henncssy. Maizoville-B. F. Williams, S. G: Mlddlo ton i!, Androw J. O'Connor. Gratifying to All. Tho high position attained and tho uni versal accoptanco and approval of tbo pleasant liquid fruit remody.Syrupof Figs, as tho most Cicollont laxative known, il lustrate tho value of the qualities on which its success is based and aro abundantly gratifying to tho California Fig Sprup Co. A Dog Gono Shame. Mlno Inspector William Stein Is an un fortunate speculator in dogs. A fow daj a a?o a lino Newfoundland dog belonging to him was poisoned and a day or two lator Bomobody stolo his colter. A friend thon promised to mako him a presont of a New foundland pup, but before the gift could bo made the pup was found dead in tho friend's stable. But Mr. Stein is not dis couraged. He thinks a chango in his favor will follow an incident of a fow nights ago. Mr. Stein saw a young man steal out of tho stable of a neighbor, Clayt. Folmer, with threo beaglo pups under hia arm. When told to halt by Mr. Stein tho fellow started on a run. The Inspector then fired a shot in tho air, which caused tho young man to drop the pups and dis appotr. Tho pups wero restored to thoir owner. Thcro is but ono "best" remedy for Rheumatism and all Ithoumatie pains and aches. It is tbo Gonuino Imported "An chor Pain Expoller." Sond to F. Ad. ltichtor & Co., 310 Broadway, Now York City, for tho valuablo book, "Guido to Uoallb." It contains tho indorsements of prominont physicians. Mailed froo of chargo. 3t Stationary packages, 5 and'10 cents each, at Max lteoso's. tf ProQtablo Investment. If you want an excellent farm, situated only six miles from Shenandoah, contain ing 78 acres, with fruit trees and stream of water, call at tho Herald ofllco for further particulars. It, is a profitable Investment and tho torms aro reafonable. 11-18-tf Hotel For Rent. Tbo hotel proporty at Lakosido Park (Eift Mahanoy Junction) for the year 1892. No ono but an experienced hotel man need apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O. A. Keim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-lO tf Four tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabb's. if Umbrellas Given Away. With four pounds of CALIF Balting:iPQwcler, we'll givo v."f-1oeauA tiful Glori 'f!ii Urn. brclln. Guaiiteed fast color and as good as you can buy anywhoro for $1.50. Halting Powder warranted good or money refunded. GRAF'S, No. ",22 North Jardin Str