The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 26, 1891, Image 2

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Resldonco at I'oint
Described By Mr. BoidoH.
No Bigsi of Vegetation, and the Thermom
ter Fifty Degrees Below Z.
Aaprlaari Uy lh tl..t lie Had , A nMln(,ei.(,ti ,ir,.i .,,i.r br Mini..
Ile.n R.titrnr.d t.. I).lli. t.r Kbk.i, Trl tn ll.rap-.
Couconn, N. II., Nor. SO. Almy, tho v.i.tti.t.n Nnv. an. -Kr.nrlM C.
BlirrOW condemned murderer, was to-day np- Concha, ono of Balmacetla'a 'Mlnlstors
prised or his rate by warden t-oi ntn 01 - Qf Justlc0i ,TB, ehot yesterday ly the
me Blllio prison, no loiu iub cuauemuou
man that he .was condemned to death,
and that hit sentence would be carried
1 out In December, 18D2.
! Almy paid the strictest attention
' while the warden was speaking to lilin,
I but when he concluded hie remnrki the
prlianer cait hie eyes ea the floor of hie
cell and beared u deep eina.
The Talnelty .f the Wind I lily Miles '
Uanr-Llttla EIm ta lie Xaeapt la Try
ta 'Keep TTarta Net Jiailktr Mall
Xsxl Deer-Deer aad rlih ri.atlral,
WiimnoTOH, Ner. 6. Ltrlag ant
fields e( lee, with ne el em of re seta
el e a, the thermometer fifty dsgrsee he- i
law aero, aad the wlai blewlaf at (he
rate ef elxty nlles an hear, Supcrla-'
teedcat Xerdea, at the Ualted State
nlngt etaMea at Total Arrew, the
neTthcraaaeet feint ( tea Tfeascrn 1
Keaalapaera, write Telantaeas repeerto
the Treeaary DepartneaL
Be oxplata that he Km IltU) olce to
A ezeeat te try te keep nana. I
A batch et lettera frea Mr. Bcnlun
tut reaeked here, aad they eerer dat as
tram April te Aujrat, aad all eaao u
the urea atoaMei. I
Ha explains that a does net expest '
aether vessel te learc ferjlko TJaltrd
States aatll aaxt year whea the t
Kaalatsd mall will be scat eft
11 le lettera, ar repertt, treata ef all
aanncr of subjects. Us telle haw in
that cold climate the "llrlag haute"
seede repalre to keep out the inew nod
rata, how It It necessary to ralee the
floor to prerent the Icecomlntc throw eh,
and how those with him, a few white
people, epend their time.
He telle how on Nor. 21, 1850, he waa
aeeaulted by Andrew K Laraoa, a white
man. lie eaya he ehould be punlaksl
In erder to tnalutalu the "honor and
dignity" of the station, but there le ao
law te punish crime at Point Barrow.
He alto asks that eome mini be da
Tited to punlih deiertere from rettele
who flock to thle place and become un
ruly and dangerous
Unrlaz he winter deer were plsatif at
aad flek were farnlehod hy the
satires Bufflclent te jot all
neceestttso for fresh feed sappllos.
Pasks aad parmleaa were qttte plenti
ful, la the midst of leo, wntoc waa
soarea aad It waa only estates! tram
ahallaw yesls la the taadra or deesyed
Teeetatloa aad waa hardly fit to drlak.
. Jnt fear klrtbs and terenteea dcatae
fire reporUd durtag the year. The few
blrtat are aeeeaatod far by the faot
that the womea derltn eenAaeaaat
tt put hy thameolrea la a aaow heuee
aad recelre so alteatlaa.
Tho eeheela Bt 1H were well attoaded
hy the aallvn, hat the norelty wearmi
way they ere now bat alluly cttended.
Bapt Berdta report thsteniiopt. 19,
1850, the crew of the aehoeaci Sllrer
Ware nutlaled. Subeeijnontly tr.c erew
went ea board roeeel, whoa told that
they eeuld not lx supported at the
atutloa aad areeeeded ea their way te
.Baa Fraaeleoo. The vocsel waa aubte
ently wrecked aad abandoned. Mr.
ordea thinks the rejoel waa purpenly
nl aihore.
The warden then handed him a letter
lent to htm by all eonniel. Mr. Bur
Almy opened the epletle and read
part of It, and then inddealy asked the
wardea If he eenld talk te hlaa later ea.
The wardea anured htm that he weald
(Ire hlat aa audleace at any tlaae,
Kethlaf further rraaiplred, aad tto
wardea left the eeadeaaaed naa'a ealL
Qorcrnmont pickets In the Cordilluras
Pass while he was endeavoring to us
i cape Into tho ArKentlne Republic.
I Senor Couchii applied to United States
, Minister Egan two weeks 'bro for an asy
lum lu the American Legation. Hie
application was refused on the ground
that the list of the reftifreei In the Lega-
I tlon had been turnlahed to our uorern
A VT hlUisinl f OjO TtraeWte Rak
peeted Xew TSat Toeeo te oe.
Lsasan, Kit. tfi. Latntit cAtIkxi f rrw
Ste Qraade i Bat s,y tbae tfitare hi gee- ;
ml and (prcat reJsMag arer (bt Ckao
tor's rettreneat. !
It la hollered tieat t5io hv.erctln '
will new speedily eotsa o bo oca usA
that aaTljjetlea et tho tve bo
prenpUy ie-Mtahllhed,
meat and Chill, and that the Mlaiiter
. did aot feel juittfied la addlag te the
' anraber of refugeee already uader the
preUctloa of the Amerlcaa lag. There
; apea the uafortunale asaa aiade the at
' tenpt te escape tram Chill with the
I fatal malt.
Alfred DelanefTreainrer ef the Janta,
hai flled a balance eheet et the Cengrea
i alaaal Army aad Nary axpeases, ai alia
I the ataaar aied to hire traaiaarta. Ia-
I alailra ef ererytblag the araeaat, la
reaad aaaahere, le B1I,bk,d. ui tail
imiihI S-3ia Jaaaa KJvarAs daatcd
i Marvin KxeeaUeoe fca Calaa
I Leon, Kar. 90. Tho HCUadardH
l this morulas has adrleia tresa Caiaa
that the aereraateat hae decreed the
prlatlag aad publiihlag at aatl-forelga
placards a eapltal aflame, aad haa ar
dared those already coarleted ta be he
headed forthwith without waiting for
the formal Imperial authority. It was
1 hoped that then item measures would
hare a deterrent eaect and oonrmas tna
Staaadtaae VTh ar1r ztcve Datvaded
Trad liUUaH tflth the V. I.
WowsTOOI, 6at., Ker. tC fflra
k-sadred poapla attended a xaeetlcg held
hoe te aiiCer the deettay at the Da
Blalaa. AaaezaUaa to the Halted
(nates aad reciprocity with that eaaa
try wera the aaly theaaee dlieuitid.
Hal. TThlte, ez-UetalMr at Parllameat
aad foaadrr el the Ueatlaealai uniaa
CI rib, waa the principal ipeaker la farer
mt the solltlsal aulas at the twe coun
tries, aad a letter fram Prof, Qoldwln
Smith was the itrongest arralgnmeat of
the Canadian GUrerninont's trade
RTiral rjromlnent local men opposed
Mr. White's aunozattoa rlews, but all
powers that the Qorernment le la earn- a2rttd tatt ft mora liberal trade policy
est, aa under ordinary circumstances a between the two oountrles was desira.
period of two months would elapse bs-
fore the ozecutlons.
Held far ikaetlaff m WoMia.
LowzM, Mass., Nor. 18. Henry ?.
Entwlstla, who on October T shot Maria
Clegg twice, haa beea held la fd.OW tor
, the grand Jury. One ballet penetrated
a lung and has act yet beea reuered.
Another shot took effect ta the thigh.
The girl has ImproraJl lately aad U aa-
peataol ta recerer.
Kitvra or Tna dab.
is specially commended to sufferers from Indigestion,
T1T--1- C, 1 t-v 1 . I vr ,
ur weaic c3iomacn. ueucate ana iuintious.
Lottery feclirme rnpofil tn Aid
Tauilue Stricken Feople.
ST. Pr-iEiisuDnon, Nov. JC Aa offl
clnl estimate places the amount of grain
that will be needed la liueila from
abroad at 100,000,000 poods.
M. Viichnegradeky, Ulalstcr of 11
nnnoe, proposes a Goreraraeat lottery
scheme, with prlaca aggregatlag 0,000,
000 roubles, for the benefit at the saflsr
ers la the famine districts.
It Is rumored that the fall ezteat of
the famine harlng new beeetae kaewa,
the Minister af the Iaterlar will be eeas.
pell ta raalga far baring dJegatacd tha
trne state af affairs train the Caai.
The prehlbltlaa of tha ezpertatiea af
wheat baa throwa 1,00 p rasas aat Of
emplayncat ia Odessa.
A mob attacked the Jewkth fnaater od
Cliarkeff aa Uaaday, dastraylag eaaeld
erable property aad eatalllag a heavy
loaa. Troops fiaally ensiled the rietera.
The authorities snpprasaad laUgMBt
glrlag details at the riot.
Be is
I Pbl adolphia and Boading Bailroad
irme Table in effort Jfuv, IB, J89X
for Now Yora: via l'bllnxlf inluo, weea dayf
-M0 3.SJ5, 7.5 . m. and 12 35 2.50 nnd ( I
uj. ouuuy ana 4.a a. m. or Now
rk, via Munch Chunk, week dnrs. aa.
W. a. ui. and 12.,Ti and 2.SI) n. m.
or Hearting and I'hlift'IeiphlB weekdays,
.10. 5.Zi. 7.'Jl. H. in.. l'ir V W OTiil ',JJ. n. m.
1 1 uday. 2.10 and 7,48 a. in., 4.30 p. ui.
;or Harrlsburi. week davM. !i ln. 7.2ft a. m..
.00, 5.S5p. m.
j' or Aiieniown, weez uayo, 7.'u t. m 1Z.3S
.0 p. m.
w i- PotUrliiA. WMk diva. 2.10. r.'jn.. tn..
2.S0 i.W, Hnnday, 2,10 and 7.B
i ui., 4.30 p.m.
For 'l'amaaua and Maunnor Cltv. week
lys, 2.10, 5.2), 7.20, a, in., 12.35 2M and 5.5(
m. eunany, .ninua 7.ia. m., tsa p. m,
Additional lor Mahunoy City, week days 7.00
p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days.
7 JO a. m.,2.60 p. m.
j or wuiwmspori, Bunoury ana LiewisnnrE.
ok days, 3.2i, 7.20 and U JO a. m 13, 7.C0
ia, ounaay srzj a. m., a.w p. in.
For Mahanor Plane, woaa dars. 2.10 R.25.
7.n0ana l& n. m. HnndaT. a 111. B.UTi anil 7.4(1
Forlcyville,Towandji, Bayre, Waverly, la. m. 8,05, 4.30 p.m.
Rlmlm, ltocbeelr, Untlulo, Niagara Falls, I For tiliardvllle (Rappahannock Station)
Chicago and all polnU Woat at 10.41 a. m.,aud vek days, 2.10. 8JB, 6.23, 7.29 and a. m.,
12.35, 1 35 -JJM, 6.65, 7.00 and .25. p. m. Hnnday ,
Lohigli Valley Railroad.
NOV 15, 1891.
raSAonecr trains will leave (Shenandoah foi
nnutjua, Liicuiunu, Jicuiruoiii, fnnwuf x ujj
adelphla and New York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m.
innk, Liehlcblon, Blatlngton, (Jala
jieiuieuem, j'mhiou, 1'mi
sauqua, Aiieniown
aneinnia aua new
1Z52. 8.10. 6.M t. m.
For Bolvldere, Delaware Watei Gap and
sirouuflonrg sba.u, a. iii..Hna o.zup. in.
For Lnmbcrtvllle and Trenton, V.W a, m
For White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and PHU
ton 647. 9.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 63i p. m.
ForTuakhannock, 10.41a. m., 3.10 and 6.2t
d. m
For Anbnrn, Ithaca, Geneva and and liyoni a. m., ana o.ja p. m.
ble. A resolution in far or of political
nnioa was defeated but one favoring I
more eztendad trade relations met with
no opposition.
XIaary Orarsi' Dissipated Habits Drave
Mis Wife ta Kb Bar LI Is.
Bcrahtor. Pa.. Nor. SO. The wife
II. d Olers' TlOt to ll.rllo fca Id la
Call Atteatlou Ui That Kt.
Bir.LJ!?, Nor. 20. Chanoellor raa
Cnprlrl thle morning paid an hour's riilt
to II. de Glers, the IlUBslan Minister of
Foreign Affairs, who Is now on a visit
to this city. The German Chancellor
called on M de Gelrs at the latter'a
hotel In his ofllctal capacity as Chancel
lor of the Empire. This Is done lu spite
of tho fact that M. de Glers is traveling
in prirate capacity, semt-ofllcially, aa it
were, and It is In this role that he Is In
terviewing monarchs and ministers.
The truth ns to the object ef 1L da
Glers' travels leaked outyesterduy even
ing, probably iutoutlonally, and It has
been confirmed apparently by the Em
peror himself. 'Hie secret of these con
ferences Is that RuBsia desires psace In
Europe, for bouib to come at least, and
of Hanry Qrarss klllsd asrsslf Tuesday j that M. de Glers has been ssnt to call
alght with a dose of pelsoa. Ths eeuple attention to this fact, and see if it is aot
Jr. her. tr.m EUalra, N. T., but PIM brioK about tb. dlx.d
rally J5,0S rple Eipsele to Attsnd
tha C4l -ael!all .
Haw Yobe, Kor. S8. Frem lndlca--alnae
at this writing it may safely be
estlmaUd that fully 05,000 people will
crowd the Uanhittaa Klsld to-morrow
afternoon to wltneis the final football
game of tho season for the InUr-Collegiate
championship between 'rarity
elercas of Yi.'.e and Princeton.
Everybody knows that ths Princeton
sain is cresu. but mntcular aud will
ing. It Is tho sort of tsam that great
things aru aipsctcd of the following I
jear. b.illka former rrluceton teams, j
tha proBLl one Is without a star por
ioruier, that hero of the gridiron who Is
always likely tar make a Lamar run or
kick a goal from the forty-Uvs yard line
as Moffat did five years slnco.
The nearest approach to the phenom
nal Is littlo Johnnie I'oe, a full brother
to the famous Peter, captain of last
year's team. The youug man Is only n
freshman, but began pUylUg tho jgamc
long before he came to the college. He
will prob.tbly bo ths most Interesting
person on the field. He Ir a natural
boru half back, aud can wrtrfglo aud
dodge pn. ib!y better thau auy other
player smo the days of Lamar.
It U vary aate to say that tha btst
rrork of the Prlnoston team will be done
by the quarter back King. Here Is a
-ounir man wko has beea largely over
looked by the ohroulclers of this popular
sport. The ohanous at that few of the
great throng that will fill the grounds
will notice the littlo curly-hesded boy
that atauds dlreotly behind the
Una and panes the ball to the
backs. He Is usually engaged
in raaklug openings for his men
tt warding oft one of the wuuld-be
tacklcrs. Aa an individual exponent of
the art of iutcrfsrence King atauds head
aad shoulders above all our playsn. Iu
ths game against the University of
Penusylranla players the long runs
arsdit.d to Itomans, Pos and Flint were
aearly all dus to King's interference.
Vl.rlnirhi. hand on the shoulder of tba
ninnir he nuldes him dowu the field
ha wards oft the men with the
free hand.
The players on the Yale team have ap
neared so often In this neighborhood
that most folks know something about
them, if it is ouly their names, lu read'
down ths list the names of some of tho
young men who whallopod i'rlnoo
ton ut Eastern Park last Thanksgiving
Day will be found,
Tha bettlac on the name Is light.
Btudeats and sporting rasa offer S to 8
an Yale, but find few takers.
Glaaceitar Traoa Oaas te T7aUtnetoa.
CiUDKff, N. J., Nor. 18. President
Thominoa. of ths South Jsrssy Jockey
Club, has returned from Washington
ready to rcraore the Ulouoester race
track to the oourse at Bennlug's Station,
lust out. his the District of Columbia.
It was a olose oall for Glouoester. Mr.
Thompson's visit oams usarly being au
unsuccessful one. As It was. however.
he beat all competitors and aeoured the
nrlvl aae of operating tna traot UUl
tenbarg was a olose ssoad.
Fostatloa BobbeU ly Uafcaawn Tllleves
PtrtWitl, N. Y , Nor. S3, The post
ages hsre. looated u R. r Uraliam'
etere, waa robbed of all the postage
staoapt aad chaage aad a registered
latter Tuesday alght hy nuknewa
'thieves. Thas at e eiex W tkt icbkxcs.
The rirst Katieaal Xaak et TTO salab
le a, H. C, has closed Its deere.
The JLnerleaa TersstiT ijescslattaa
will aaeet la Wahtrta, Dad. S3 and IS.
The ntehraaad Declety u t&a Aid ai
II a silas refagee has htea oaQaateod at
Siehmead, Va.
There are nearly a asaie et typhoid
ferer aasse at Uaasaeeter, H. H. Yes
terday there were iaar deaUu fecn xA
Ths Anstrlaa Gereranaat dsleatsd a
measare latcadetl te prerlde tar the i
daetlon ef the auenat af tha workUff-
laea's Income taz.
Rivalry for the haad at a yeans lady
lsd Wilkes James ta murder Sdward
Jenkins. Both are seas at wealthy
farmers asar Graatrtlle, Qa.
A promlaaat yenag Eaasas Olry lady
waa datcoted robblag the eaatrlhatlaa
box et a Uetkodist Charoh la that slty.
The theft had beea practised for a auav
ber et Sandays.
I.swvcr Paul D. Carasnter. m cf the
late United States Bsaator Oarpeatsr,
and Miss Emma Falk, daugkter at aas
of Hllwaukee'c ptenesr brewers, were
married ia Ullwaukee yestsrday.
Ths Thompson-IIoustoa Cathoa Coaa
pany plant at Frontoat, O., the largsit
of its klud la the United States, was
totally destroyed by Are Tuesday night.
The ItcLean spike works adjoining
wcrs also destroyed.
Ths rote for Mayor of Prorldonce,
R. L. resnltsd as follows: C. t. Smith
(Hep.) 0,30.1; W. K. Potter (Dem.) 0,1'Jtj
II. U. Ularlt; u; u. a. r-imuan.
(Pro.) 29i; S. II. Ilatlsy (Nat.) 113. No
choice. D. L. D. Oraugsr was re-elsctsd
city treasurer.
firaTes threagh dlsalpatsd habits al
xeost Btada life aaVoarahle far iha
Bhe thraaUaed amlsids rspentsdly, aad
whea Qrares aae heeaa druak late
Tasatay alght aha was aat fsellog well.
Be seated areaad the ream far setae
ail an Us aad the wlfs at aaee ewallawed
serae pelsea aad fil at his feet,
Crarca alarraed, left the house, aad
befera help oeald ho ehtalaed hy aelgh
sn whs heard U varaaa'l areaxs,
tha wife waa dsad.
If a bird U caught by cat It la n
nuru sign of bad luck that le, for tbe
The yount man proposes, but some
times tho old man opposes, and that
fettled it.
S.26 D, as
For Klmtra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. m.
For Andenrled. Il&tleton. Btockton. I.tun
ber Yard. Weataerlr and lcnn Haven Juno
tlon at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 12.62. U0 and
yjjo p.m.
For Jenneovllle, Levlston nnd Beave;
Mpndow. 7.40. a. m. and 6 X u. m.
For Bcmnton at 6.17 9.0H, 10.41 a. m. 8 10 and
p. ra.
Kur Uozle Brook. Jeddo. Drlflou and Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. 111., 1262 8.10 and
K.'2 n. m.
For Quakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and
!M0 n. m
For Wlernna, Qllberton and Fraokvllle at
i.'iii nna s.o a m.,ana s.iu p. m.
Fnr Yatesvllle. Mahanor Cltv and Delano.
6.47, 7.40, 9.06, 10.41, a. m., 1X62, 8.10.20, 8.03,
vis una iu.zi p. m.
Hnr Ijwi. crAek. SlrardvlUo and Ashland
4.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 8.35
S.lOond 9.14 p.m.
For Darnwaier. ut. uiair anu roiisviiie.
& 50 .40, 8.52, 10.4J a. m., Ii62. 3.10, 4.10, 5.28 and
For Back Mountain, New Boston and
Mores, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. n.., 12.52, 3.10, 5.26 aud
f.W p. ra.
For Haven Run, Central lu, Mt. Carmel and
cthamokln, 8.52, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
Trains leave Hlmmokln for Bbenandoab,
7-'n 115 a. m., 2.10, 40 ana H.'O) p. m nrnving
ati!hennndoau,9.05a.m., 1252. 3.10, 5.23 and
u.isp. m,
For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland,
B.iu a. m., 2.D p. in.
For Darkwater. tit. Clair and Pottsvlllf,
'5.00, 9.W . in., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mabanoy City and Delano,
4.IU, ll.;v ii. m., .so, o.u p. in.
Kor Lofty, Audonrled and ilailolon, B
- m., i.w p. m:
For Maneh Chnnk. Lehtchton. Blatineton.
Oatiwanqun, Allentown, Retnlebem, Kastor
ana new York, s.uu a. m., i.iu p. m:
t or rnuaaeipma, i.'u p. m.
Oen'l Poos. AsU, Betblehm.
They Caet tke Driver YTasa He nsfasad
ta limiln Ills Maay aad Yalaaklea.
Dczuejon, Ia., Nar. 18. Two yeans
boys wke bearded a strut car la this
city Uenday night aad ahet the drlrer
hecaaee he refussd te dsllrer wp his
moaey aad valuablss, wera arrcatsd at
Oclweln yesterday and braught ta tkls
slty. Their names ars J. T. Le aad A.
J. Hanson, sons of well-kaewa eltlaene
af this city. Each la about 1 ysars of
age. Ceohaer, their victim, la likely ta
Askfarth Asatn Arraigned la Ln.
Lordos, Nor. 26. Jossph J. Ash
forth, ths absconding treasurer of the
Arcanum Building aad Loan Associa
tion of Brooklyn, charged with the em
. betzleiusnt of $12,000 of the funds of
. tha assaclstlon named, was again ar-
irst National Bmk,
A needy woman
tho ono Tflio'8 overworked, nerv-
ons, and debilitated. "What tha
needs is Dr. Pierce's TTavorite Pre
scription. It'a made exactly to fit
her case au invigorating, restora
tivo tonio, and a soothing and
strengthening nervine, giving tono
n.l f 4llrt ll'l wl n .rofnm T?ltr.
ralgnsd on eztradltioa proceedlnge at ,? , t t-
the Bow strset police court. He pioadei it isn't a mcro stimulant. It's a
not guilty and requested that he bo re- ( legitimato medicine, that an expo-
manded uutll his counsel could read the rienceJ -nliVRician has Carefully pre-
American extradition papers, wliloh had . ,.,i fm. woman'a ai ments. All
i. .r . . ,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrnq, Cashier,
?. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Weather laiileatluns.
VTABiitJMTOH, Nor. So. For Ksatera Now
York, Hastern Penniylrsnla, Neir JerMy,
Harylsnd and Delaware 1 Conttuued coldi
flush westerly wind ponlbly Ulht loosl
Kor Western New Terk aad rfeitera peas
ijlraulai Continued cold; brisk westerly
wind; oloudineu aul Ujht local snows.
VJi New Eulaa4i Coatiaued oalih eloudn
local snows; brtik nUdl.
Kir- iouz uABcait
Wiw Yoar Nor. .-Meaer ea call easy at
1 psr osnt.
s, Loup "
Canallsn rsotUe
r-ui.r-1 t'uMnr. J I
Chicago, Uur. b Qulnoy 1?1'
Delaware tc lluasun J!t
DoL Lack. Wsstaru
otlwtu l"M
I Ina mi. Uv1litlOU 74
"." I4)X
Rofkfav.:::"::::::.::::: fy?
gt l'au...... JfH JfJl
Unluu raolce ik iy
Wkut..WuUi ODSaed week
Just arrlvsd. Tuts was granted.
Fait Trains on tha Ella.
Buffalo, Nov. 20. Tho Erie Is mak
ing active preparations to compote with
ths fast train recently put on the New
York Central, and tests have bsou madi
which have been exceedingly satlifftc
tory. The Krle people are satisfied that
they can bsat the Central's time by
nearly an hour. Other Important ad
vancements are being planued by the
Abdnetar ITIlie KMl J ta JalU
New Yobe, Not. 8. SylresUr F.
Wilson, ex-maaager af tsraale baseball
teams and walklag matches for women,
does aot waat to go to Stats prison for
fire years aud pay a fine of JS.OOO under
his oonrlntiou of the abduetUa af 15-yar-old
Llbble Sundcrls-ad. Howeror,
a petltlou to appoint a ceurt to larsstl
gate Wilson's saalty was denied by
Judge Martina.
Two OlrU liuat la a Fload.
IHVERUDKOX, Oat., Nor. 30. The re.
cent rains so swelled tht rlrsr her that
tha residence of John Smith hae been
undermined and swept away. Two ypnng
daughters of Mr. South wsre arowaea
the functional derangements, chronic
(Vcakncsses, and pamlui aisoraors
peculiar to the cex, aro corrected
and Cured by it.
And because it's a certain remedy,
it can bo made a guaranteed ono.
If it fails to give satisfaction, in any
case, you havo your money oacic
stesJr. No. 1!. red wlatsr,
Ju. 107U
r-n.n - iiarkat Ananas ana aioiau wcaa.
NoT 2 latseJ, 0i Nor.. 70; Dm, (WJi; Jao.,
Oit--Msril closed stsalr. Ne. I. Blzod,
40sit: Lies.. 10; Ju.; uevt.
Creamery, Btate & Perm., extras. 97 a.stSHa.
I riaoiery, western, Cnts. -i o.n c
Cre imery, wesieru, leuuads 'JJ o.tJ a.
Btate dalrj, b. f. tubs, extras. ,,,U7 e.a a
Sute (sstory. fulteresai, Sept. fsnaj., UK
btste raatory, tun erwai luaii
Mate faetery, full cream, Cua ....11 ull
ui... r.,Lfrv. fuil ornam. tfaaA La ttriiaalO AlQ
Btate fotory, eumoign vo tur H aV
Bpnnz cliicxons. ch !of, larsa per bl. illjl
Bprlng 'bi' kens, prime ...IBMalJ
iVwli Jorisy, BtaUfc ra.. perlh. ... MM alt
DaxsaiD PouLinr
Cp'o cut's
Yurksy, sslzed wslahta, a
zauc save lea.
rib II
M P3SS...M
Th fiftieth anniversary of the Baptist
niniroh at Medford will be celebrated
this afternoon audaremug.
While dlitring for fish bait on the
Uanuanuan Kiver an Inhabitant ot Her
bertsvllle discovered a box filled with
Spanish silver coins.
The Hahnemann 'varsity elarcn and
the Hahnemann rcserres will play
gams of football on the Camdeu Base
ball Grounds this afternoon.
Several fatal eases of diphtheria hare
occurred In the vicinity or Vlnceutown
There were four children dead In one
family from tha disease oa Uonday,
A bold attempt was made to blow up
a tenement house in 1'aterson. wyna
mite was placed inside of the front door
and the walls and floors near It were
The Cold Spring Presbyterian Church
has called ltev. Edward Schofleld, of
TV.nton. and the CttDC May Presbyterian
Church iter. J. m. uoctins, ui otb
ork, to their respective raoaat pastor
Lorenao Doughty, 73 ysars old, who
assaulted Charles Adams, steward ot
ila Ramdan Countv Almahouss, when
the latter was trying le make blm take
a bath, has been coorlsted aad MB'
tone4 to awe years U pslsaa. ,
2-10 3 25. 7.48 a. m.. 3.05. 4.30 p. ra.
ror Aauiana anu Buaiutwciu, weea uf ,
a. nnnoay 7 a. ra., s.ix p. m.
licare Mew York via Pblladslnhln. weear
lays, 7.43 a. m.. 1.80, 4.0O, IM p. to., 1X11
xnu bnnaay, um p. m.t menu
Ijeave Netr York via Manen uhank. week
At. 4.30. 8.45 a. m.. 1.00 and 3.45 r. m. Sun
day, 7.00 a. m.
uaara rnuaaaipma, wk aays, s.iu, ana
lOOK) a. ra. 4.00 and COO p. m., from Brond
ai oauownill nnd 8s a. m. ana n.3U p. m.
from mil and rwnetreeU. Bnnday 8,03 a.
m. lUSO p. m. from UUi anu ,;va.
Ixve XU&aing. week days, 1.33. 7.10, 10.06
and 1L60 a. m., 635,77 p.m. Hnjiday 1.85 and
j.ub. m.
Ltenre rotunue, week aays, v.iu. a. m.,
Z3b. 6.11 p. m. Uunday. 3.40. 7.01) a, 111. and
2.0Q f , m.
lieave Tamaqna. week aays, .ts ano
1 IU a. m.. 1.21. 7.13. and c. m. Hnnday 3.30
7.43 a. m. and 20 p. m.
toavo juauanoy l i v, wiwk ua. m, o,w,
nd 11.47a. m.. LSI. i.&tjia V.44 p.m. Bun-
lay, 3.48,8.17 a. ra., 32) p. m.
r ' . . .. 1 ' 111... . na ') 1.1 A HA
.JO, BAi, 119 a. m.,1.05, 2.09. 6-20, 6 30. 7.67, and
MO. m. UnudavilJ. i.00. and 8.27. a.m.
3 37, 5.01, p. m.
xjtsaye uiraraniie uppnamiiK:a. nwuiciii
?&sk days, 2.47. 4.07, 8.30, and 8.41 a. ra., 12.03,
m, od, ou, au anu iu.uo p. 111. piuiuuj,,A,t,l
0 , 8.33 a. m. :U1, 6.07 p. m.
ive WUllatnsnort. week days, 8.00,9.45 and
JJK a. m. 8.S5 and U.15 p. m. Hnnday U. 15
. ...
ror uaiumorc, woeningioa uuu mo wwi O. It. Jt., thronyh Trains leave Qlrard
16.801 and 11.27 a. ra., 1.81, 4.24, 6.56 an-
7.13 p. m. Sunday, 8.55 8.02 11.27 a, m S.50
5.42 and 7.13 p. m.
Leave Ptalladelnhla. Cbtatnnt Blrcat Wtari
aua nouui uiraji wnari.
Pvr AtJnialtc Cltr,
WMlrtAva TCTnrMHF.9.-f)0 a. m. 2.00,
p. 01. Aooommodauon, s Ou a. m, ana o.uo.
p. m.
Sandara. Bxprms. 0.00 a. ra. Acoom
rneaUon,S.W) a. m, and 4.30 p. za.
ttetnmmg, leave ausuuo uivy, uepoi
Mlantie and Arkansas avenoee. WotkMays
Express, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. nnd 4.00, p. m. Ao
com.meoallon8.I0 a. m. and 1X p. m. Sun.
days Express, 4.00, p. m. Accommodation,
7.30 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
O. U. ilAKUUUS., txm'l Jfaas-r Agt.
A A. Uc)I.rXU. lr. di Ota'l tlttnrjtar.
XT EOEDrLKm. e melon.
t ii rrrl aftsr RenUmher 1. IrtJl. trcini will Uat
Btwnaitaoan as lawwi: m
t"or WlEzan, GUberton, FraeSTllla, New
lulls. Bt, Clair, aud war points. 6.00, 9.11
ta and 4.15 1 m.
Hnucnyc, uuu,u.UAmnnuo.iup m.
For Pottrvl lie, 0.00, D.10 a m r.nQ 4. 15 p m.
Qnndays. coo, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m,
fl?l nOHllUK, aiv, Kin ...u iu. ,m
irnnAnvB. 131' 0.40 a. tfl. nnd 8.10 n m.
For Pottstown. Phoenix rille. Horrlstowa
a&d Phllulelohla (Broad street station). 6.3J,
a. m, and i.15 p m wnHdays ,
u.lnn. Git. Q Jfl n n 2 If, i Ml
Trains lcavs FraskrUto lor unenandoah at
lO.OaEi nnd 12.14, 7.12, 10,03 p m. uundayi,
ii is & tvi ana h.ii n m.
Unvt Poitsrlllo lorGhcaanfioah, 10.15 end'it
II. t. a ia 7.1b, v.u u m. onaunjs, a in
..jap ia.
Lriare vnuaaeipnia ixmxtu mwi ritiuu,
rnr Pntkralllannd Hbennadoah. 5.57. 8.31a TC a.
4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 6.50, and .
w.sam .
KorlNow York, B.a), .ua, s.t", 0.10, u.ou, 1.1
(limited exnrtas, 1.03 4.00 p m.) 12.21 lfcijiUO
JL.10, Wl, (.va u, b,, o.M im o.u sou
1 m, LiMV mgiifc.
ed, r
Paid 011 Bavfnsa UcponltH.
Tiio best pill costs less than any
other. Costs loss, but does more.
They're smaller, too, and easier to
take. Vr. 1'iorce's i'leasant .renew
aro tho best pilla. They rcgulato
perfectly the liver, Btomacn, ana
Will tiromntlr rdlero ths m-it ills
irewuug case vi vcuio or unruuic juhju
matieiia or Gout, IW ttrictly oWeiTlng
ineaireccioui. uwui
cur jou srnuiu-
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
larriage uoenaee kuu ivm whiuu
promptly attended to.
.etl Estate Gollivetion aad Iflsuranco Agcsey
General Fire Insurance Business, llepresents
ln Non.uweeuirn uuo iUBumuww.
nrnriE Muldoon's bullfllnif. corner Centre
and Wetttte.,Hhenanddah, Pa.
Otod Properties of All Kinds For Sale,
-A two story double frame dwelling house
Himfiimd restaurant, on KafttifenlreBt.
-A dwrl.lug and restaurant ou Bast Centre
8.mlrable properly on corner cenire ana
jarain sireeis, nuiuiuie tor uubiuwh yus
4. A two story double frame dwelllne, on
WestUovdstrett. ... .
5. Two 2-story frame dweillnes on West Cen
tra alrAAt.
6. Two 2-story dwellings on the corner of
Coal ana uueavnui. nmi ntno iuum m
7. Two-story single houso on Norm unesinni
RT rAAl. Willi U. HIKtl WI.1CUUUBD HL HI" 'Wli
8. Three tw-tory double frame bulldlncs
corner or tjioya ana 'uoeri aireei.
Largest and cheapest Block In town.
Artistic Painting. Graining and Decorating!
10 2-0m 224 W. Centre Bt.. SHENANDOAH
Unlike ttao itoneroui rrtrKravtlont thtt flwd
the eouotry, tUU medialii ia a incclfle) for tha
variant- forma of rhcuicallim nfv. and nsl 1
aay acme a " eura all," Oot twUlt vlll mak
a. aatlifaetorr lmcrcarldas on tba aTttcni. and
la e4Ba to tUn with the t-Mi, cojflata tha lurTvrrr that
tht proper rtmenjr en ocai loooat ion are t arsaauj it
auaitfl't to ttat taa Ktrlta af
aatti loab!aprpartiaa ar tnern1 buadials f tk
nail Batterlat taiUmanHla.
Oalj v(tiabla lairadltnla, rainaraaVla far tittr curat.
vaarari. ara ei la i nanufaetara ef KftOUT'S
C2.C3 Ut Xsttli. Xcttlu, 33.C0. rilli, M Ctt. tn.
If yoor aterakteptr flc not ktap It, aaad 1.U to lb
ftaaaafMtaiar, aa iaa will racilva ft j mail.
88ST lUrkttfe ($trt, riUUd', Ta.
f ilT 1 13 XUIJae OaetrV. KaWs UaWa u.w. aes.
8.S08.SI, .W. ll.W)andll.M, 11.85 a m. ltoaawiv.
I-v ... s run t nr. a m c oc u 10 nun a
stations ti.iy), 8.25 nnd 11.39 a. m., 3.30, 4.00 p, m,
c flu vm HiindiaVta H'Ai a. III.
For Baltimore and Wastilugton, 3.50. 7.2(.
9.10 and ll.U u. m 4 41 , 6 57, 7.40 p.iu. and 12.0)
nignvuutiy aau iw.iiuu. m.( lis iimuih
... . i .!., 1 .HlmfirunnlwOiO A
- . .. o 11 onI it In a tt i art
Altooai m and i m overy Oay.
Por nttsburg only, ll.! n ai dims and 10.1
m week days.
iioaiiuauiutt, v,t;iijui , "
? vatklne, 5.80 p ta week days,
for JKrie and Intermediate polnta, 6.10 a r
tally. Fee Look uaven, uiu, ana v.oo a
latiT. 1.42 and 5.1U n. m. Trees: days. I
rtenoTa ttlu a m l.2 aad p m sraeb da
u n, m muisoys.
IIJU3. 3d. i'Uliti, J. . HWl'i
dan. Hut'' U3- Fons.
People's Oyster Bay !
ia E. Ceutrc St., miciiandoali
MAS. C. GUISE, Props.
lliw, Htewed, Scalloped, Panned or
Fried to order. Families supplied
at their housf wit UtUe beet oysters
tbe market anuras.
All Orders Promptly Filled
-yiliMINQTON & NOimiEKN ll K.
wlme taoie m eneci jiay, iu, jooi.
Tralna lAvn TlAttrtfnir I K A 11. Slatlonl
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blraeboro, Joanna, Bprt.
Cbester.Cnndnrord JanctlOD, H, O. Juuctli
Wilmington and intermediate stations, div
except Hunday, at 825 nnd 8.30 a.m. audi'
p. ra. Snnday only at 8.03 p. m.
For Warwick, BU 1'eters and lntermedl
KiAuone.aaiiy wwpi ounuvi ut " v'i
"For lllrdsboru and Intermediate T,35lirj
Batnrday only, at 12 rn. J
or iiaiLimure uuu w tvsuiuiuiu i j. "
R.ldalls- exoent Sunday at 0.25 and 8.30 a.
anil Rl(n m. Hnnitav nnlv at 8.05 1. in.
xralue arrive ai iieaainEvr. ix
trom Wllmlagton. a. & 0. Junction, M.J
cbanln, Cnoddslord Junction, Went . Cnea
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynesbnrp Juuci)
Bprlugtleld, Juanna, Blrdnuoro, a i lira 1 tar, H
fen and Intermediate stations, dally ex
Bnnday at 10.) a. no. 5.52 and 8.17 p. in. f
aay only at n.-tti. . , . . . t
From Bt. feters, warwica ana lnvermea
Green Truck Stand!
Cor, Main and Oak Streets.
Frosli Oysters Received Daily,
A One line of Choice GROCERIES
N uts and Candles.
JPoultry of all Kinds.
Mr. Costtet reoelvcs lits ereen truck dally
from tli.. city markets, which is a guarantee
to Uls cusiomers that tbey will receive fresh
gooaswnen uuyn eirom mm,
201 N. Main Bt Shenandoah.
Do Fiut. SiMk it kuhM Ciftri, te J
Finest brands of clears always on band.
Tuo nest ismjurrjica onnaa.
stations, dally exoept Uuuauy, at n.lei
. iu. nuuuHy uuij ut. u i.. ut.
Irdeboro and Intermediate statl
Uulnnlav finlv at 1.411 n. Tn.
From Wasuinzton ana usiiimore, aauj
oept Bunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p
Unndav only at 11.21 a. m.
BUWJiaiH mtiuuH, uen -i l-suis. a
John R. Coye,
A.ttomey-at-Law i
Real Estate Age
Cor. Main and Centre Streets. SHENAND0AKV
I A two and one-half story double f
dwelling bouse, with store-roopi am.
laurani. iocaiea oa rmt
8 A valuable property located ouj
din street.
jimjiwjiti nm mi. iiukhi hliiih i . i r m r r 1 1
Dcrt ana iioya aireeia. uoou iqtcs
Tones reasoaabu.