The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 25, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 253.
1 1
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- ( "My Son, Deal
The Evening Herald.
I Hsu n larger circulation In Bbcnanfloali than
any other paper published, urcu
latton bookH open to all.
l.Ioolis like Mills, the Free Tinder,
Tor Speaker of the next House of Rep
resentatives. i Tiikr oncrht to be no trouble to
ralBO $7,600 to meet the propoaltlon
made by a gentleman In yesterday's
To-Mounow we nhould all give
ntlmnks for the abundant harvests; the
general good health of the country;
the peaceful condition of aflalrs and
Rue prospects of a prosperous future.
KThe American people have everything
fto be thankful for.
Another brave eoldler has gone to
Ibis long rest. General Hovcy, Gover
nor of Indiana, disd on Monday, after
In brief Illness. He served with dis
K ....
Itlnctlou in the late rebellion and was
honored by the people of his state by
selecting him as their Chief Magistrate.
Shenandoah people ought to give
thanks to-morrow for the bright pros
pects of the coal trade; the coming of
the electric railway; the coming boom
of the town; the healthy condition of
business generally and the good
health of the town In particular.
Once more we call attention to our
monied men that a good paying manu
factory can be Becured here for very
little money. All that ia required is a
bulkllug, costing a few thousand
dollars. Water rent and taxes free for
five years. The borough will exempt
the concern of taxes for that length of
time. The water rent, at the highest,
will not cost more than one hundred
dollars a year, A dczen gentlemtn
could raise that much money among
themselves and make the start. It
will pay property owners to put up the
money themselves and reap benefits
JA t way of enhanced
properties and rents.
prices for their
This establish-
n a good home-made rag carpet.
J ItJB one of those nxtra heavy
carpets, made of the best yam
and clean rags. Finest Hue of Velvet
Brussel and Ingrain Carpets In Shen
andoah at
Choice Creamery Butter Iresli. every other day
(Jancy Bloater Mackerel.
Mackerel White and Eat. New qiean Currants JBree
from dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made of best
niaterials. line Table Syrup strictly imre goods.
Ifexu Orleans Baking Molasses. Chipped Beef.
and OLB TIME Git A HAM ELOVTtEresh Ground.
Also another car of Best Patent MINNESOTA ELOXTR.
Equal to anything in the market.
"NORTHWESTERN DAISY" made of Minnesota
caiuar wucnt gives satisfaction.
' J . .
prices. Two yards wide lrom
"With. Men "Who
mcnt would employ
from 60 to 10(i
girls and boyB.
Hazleton newspapers aie booming
their new city for all It Is worth. Tlu
Sentinel has suggested that a "Hazle
ton on Wheels," something similar to
"Florldn on "Wheels," be gotten up
and exhibited at Chicago to ntlvertlse
the place. What Is the matter with
Shenandoah doing the same thing?
A car, nicely fitted up with specimens
of the different kinds of coal, pyrites,
photographs of collieries, etc., etc.,
would be an attraction that would
command attention anywhere outside
of the region. We do not wish to
steal Hazletou's thuuder, but think
there is room for both towns lo adver
tise its advantages.
Newsy Letter From a Rollablo
Tho pianos aro working all night on
double shift these busy times.
The P. & K paymaster distributed some
of tho company's cash in theso parts to-day.
The electrio light wires wore run Into
town on Wednesday last, and during tho
present week the street lamps will bo put
up. Nearly 11 tho stores, and a number
of private dwellings, have been wirod for
tho incandescent lights, as are, also, the
school houses. It is oxpected that the
plant will bo ready to start on Wodnosday
Don't forgot the oyster supporof the 11.
K. Sunday school, in Colliban's hall, this
That lively Irish comedy, "Will O' tho
Wisp," will be presontod tit the now Park
theatre, at Frackvillo, this evening. Th
company is an excellent one, and lovers of
good old Irish fun should not miss thn
Shortly after 2 o'clock on Friday after
noon, last, smoko was seen issuing from tho
roof of onoof Wm. Dornbach's tenement
houses, on Water St. American HoseCo.,
Uo. 2, promptly answered tho cry of
"fire 1" and, though considerably hampered
by insufficient water service, succcedod
in quonchlng the flumes, and preventing
what might have been a general conflagra
tion. Tho firo was started by an over
heated chimney.
Mrs. Clay W. Evans, of St. Clair, was In
town yesterday.
Prof. Zoitz, loader of tho Grant Cornol
Band, spent to-day at the county seat.
Mrs. William J. Morgan wont to Phila
delphia this morning to spend Thanks
giving Day with her parent?.
Henry Wioderhold loft this morning for
Berwioi to spend Thanksgiving with his
wife as tho guests of Mrs. Wiederhold's
A fine stock of guns and ammunition for
sale cheap at Max Reese's; 10-2i-tf
Larue and Fine. Few No. 1
Unices well.
f 411
50 cents tip.
Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It."--Benjamm Franklin
Th3 Pennsylvania Railroad Tracks
Did Not go Down Yesterday.
Trains Running as Usual.
Firo Last Night.
PottsviUo paper, upon authority of their
local correspondents, last night exggo:aled
tho condition of tho Pennsylvania railroad,
between town and Wiggans station, and
cau cd the circulation of reports that un
necessarily alarmed tho friends of people
who passed over tho road during tho day.
One party who road an account of tho
inattor in one of tho county seat papers
condemned tho papor in round torms and
claimed that tho wife of a friend had bcon
prostrated by tho roport, her husband hav
ing left town over tho road in thn morning.
Thero vbs no cause for alarm, as the
Pennsylvania traits passed over tho lino
all day and reached their destinations on
schedule time, and they were running as
usual over tho road to day. Tho mine
workings under tho railroad in tho cut
midway between town and Wiggans had
commenced to settle, but tho plaoo is so flat
that the parlies in charge felt confident that
tho surface would bo carried down very
littlo, it any. But to nllay all fears watch
men wero placed insido the mine and on
the railroad on the surface. In justice to
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company it
should bo stated that ample precautions
aro always made to guard against accidents
on tho line by reason of the caving in of
mino workings under its tracks nnd that
patrons will recoivo ample notice whenever
thero is any indication of danger.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not less than ono million pcoplo have found
just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, ono trial will convince
you that it has wonderful curativo powers
in all dieeasos of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed or money will bo rorunded. Trial
bottles treo at C. H. Hagenbuch's drug
storo. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00.
Pottsvillo, as TjBual, Gets More
Than Her Sharo.
Thn Jury Commissioners yosterday re
ported to court the following list of jurors
drawn for duty for January and February,
from Shenandoah and vicinity :
Jan. 4th. John J, Siattory, Petor Quinn,
Shonandoab; D. M. Slauffor, John Bankos,
Union j O. W. Johnson, Lost Creek.
January lllh. James Cosgrove, James
Uilbott, D. J. Credon, Shenandoah ;
Thomas McGeover, Mahanoy Township,
January 18.h. Herman Gerfurt, Maha
noy Township ; Frank Larkin, Lost Creek,
January 25th. T. T. Williams, Shenan
doah ; Johu Rickson, Anthony Iloran,
M ahanoy Township.
February 1st. James Smith, JohnSnell,
Georgo Manning, John Maher, John
Herring, John Reilly, Michael Scanlan,
Edward Murphy, Jero Toomey, Shenan
doah; J. Kennedy, James Brennan,
Mahanoy Township j Henry M. Staufler,
Out of the tnroo hundred names drawn
Pottsville gets -10 j Ashland, 17; Shonan
doab, 16, and Mahanoy City, 13.
A Cozy Mooting Plaoo.
Mellot's, formerly Kice's hall, has just
been thoroughly ronovated. The framo
work has been repainted, tho walls and
ceilings have been covered with rich-looking
and substantial paper, and the floor is
covered with elegant Brussnls carpot. Tho
hall is now ono of the most pleasant and
comfortable in the town.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Kheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no paymont required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or monoy refundod. Prico 25 cents per
box. For sale by O. U. Hagenbuch.
The finest noto paper and envelopes in
tho country at Max Reese's, tf
Moro New Arrivals.
A band of Hungarian immigrants ar
rived in town this morning. They num
bered eighteen, ono of them being a
woman. Tbey remained at the Lehigh
Valley depot until one of tho Hungarian
ttoro keepers of town called for them and
took tbem to a settlement in tho First ward.
Stationary packages, 6 and 10 cents each,
at Max Keoso's. tf
Hotel For Rent.
The hotel property at Lakosldo Park
(East Mahanoy Junction) for tho year 1892.
No one but an experienced hotel man need
apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O.
A. Kelm, Shenandoah, Pa. U-10-tf
A Blnzo on Main Btroot
At about quarter to one o'clock this
morning tho fire bell sounded an alarm
'hnt summoned tho department to Hobbins'
building on South Main street. All the
companies responded promptly, but th'iy
reached thn scene none too soon. Tin
plaro wa formerly occupied by 0. T. Kice
tnd later by a dime museum Company. A
fow days ago it was rented bj a Mr.
Shapiras, who was having it altorcd and
repainto'd for tho purpose of establishing a
phsrrojey. Painters materials and cotton
y,asto wero thickly tcnt'ored about tho
placo and furnishid excellent material for
firo. Whon tho firemen onterod tho store
a lotof cotton waite under a counter had
alrfa'y boen consumed aud tho floor and
counter were burning fiercely. After hard
work tho flames went extinguished, but not
until a largo hole had bcon burned in tho
floor and tho counter partly consumed.
Tho origin of tho firo is a myste y. Mr.
Shapiras says ho locked the doors of the
placo and left it at six p. m. and thoro was
no moans by which anything could bo
ignltod. The firo was discovered in the
nick of time. A frame building, with a
good supply of paints, oils, cotton wiste,
and a stiff wind blowing, foreshadowed a
dangerous firo.
Working for tho Presidential Nom
What man can tell who will bo noml
nited for president by tho Itepublicans or
Democrats. Each ono works his "boom1
for all it is worth. First wo read Blaine's
mind is tottering, that he's a physical
wreck; again, that ho suffers only from
indigestion; and then we'ro told that
Harrison don't want tho nomination un
less ; Hill says nothing; and Clovoland is
in the hands of his friends. There aro so
many rumors that wo know nothing
definite except that Managor Ferguson has
sajured tho groat comedy drama "She
Couldn't Marry Three," and it is un
deniably the greatest show ever visited us,
Anniversary To-night.
Washington Camp, No. 183, P. O. S. of
A., will celebrate its fourth anniversary
this evening in thoir hall in Robbing
building, at tho corner of Main and Oak
streots. Thora will be a musical and lit
orary entertainment. Mtmbers of other
camps are invited.
Deserving Praise.
Wo desire to eny to our cltizons, that for
yoars we have been selling Dr. King's Now
Discovory for Consumption, Dr. King's
Now Lifo Pills, Bucklon's Arnica Salvo
and Electrio Bittors, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or that
havo given such universal satisfaction
Wo do not hesitate to guarantee tbem
overy timo, and we stand ready to refund
tho purchase prico, if satisfactory roults do
not follow their use. These rtmedios have
won their groat popularity purely on thoir
merits, O. H, Hagenbuch, Druggist,
Post Office Notice.
To-morrow, Thanksgiving day, tho pest
offico will bo open from 7:30 to 11 a. ni
Tho carriers will make tbo six o'clock col
lection and 7 and 10 a. m. deliveries,
Brownsvillo, Yatesville, Kllengowan and
Turkey Hun will bo served with tho 7 a. m
delivery. Monoy ordors and postal notes
will not b-3 issued or paid.
Gratifying to All.
The high position attained and tbo un!
vereal acceptance and approval of the
pleasant liquid fruit romedy,Syrupof Figs,
as the most oxcellent laxative known, il
lustrato tho value of tho qualities on which
its success is based and aro abundantly
gratifying to the California Fig Sprup Co.
Thanksgiving Sorvioo,
Thanksgiving service will be hold in the
Primitive Methodist church to-morrow
evening, commencing at 7 o'clock
Preaching by tho pastor, Key. II. G
Now Oponing.
Max Kecto has opened a new storo in the
room formerly occupied by Jacob Bamber
ger, where ho will be pleased to have bis
many friends call and exaroino tho fine
line of holiday goods.
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Buichill Is now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Shent.ndoah,
Regular meals, at popular prices, served
any time'. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 0-14-tf
It is really encouraging to tako a stroll
around town and noto the activity in all
kinds of business. The arrival of large
stocks of new goods ; tbo good humor of
tbo merchants and a genoral air of satisfac
tion seems to pervade tho air.
A Surprise.
Keep your oye on this local. Keagey,
tho photographer, will have his now open
ing in a few days and will have something
Interesting that will surprieo tho people, tf
Bost work dono at Brennan's stoam
laundry. Everything white and spotless,
Lace curtains a ipocialty. All work guar
A Laying of Ralls Has Boon
Startod The Working Force
Steadily IncroaBlng Elootrlo
Sentiment Changing.
The rcsidonts ol Br wnsville, who ox
pectod the electric railway would pass
their doors, according to the original
plans ol tho company, are sorely disap
pointed. But this lifo is full of disappoint
ments and it is impossible to ploaso every
body. Tho routo adoptod by tho cimpany
is considered tho most Ilkoly to picas j the
majority of the people
Tho work of putting up polos and laying
tracks was commonced yestorday.
Italians conlinuo to arrivo and as fast oft
they como they are givon work grading
and digging holes fjr tho poles. It is ox
pectcd that boforo tho closo of tho wook
from threo to four hundred will bo at work
on tho road.
On the strength of what is being done
by tho electric company, several of c ur
citizens have pickod up courago and will
alter and improvo their properties to meet
the domands of business. Somo Coal
street properties havo already jumped in
prices. Railroads aro groat boomors.
It is understood tho olectrio cars will bo
painted red. The S A'etos will havo an-
othor opportunity to manufacture inter
Judgo Sadlor, of Cnrlislo, prosidont of
tho electric railway, is expectod horo to
night and will cat his Thanksgiving turkey
with Major Finnoy. During his briof stay
here ho will inspect tbo work now undor
way and assist in suggesting plans for tho
'1 he school teachors are on tho anxious
bench. They aro desirous of having the
road in operation during instituto week,
Uppanonts of tno olectrio railway aro
gradually thinning out. In a few days
they will bo so scarce that a premium will
fail to bring forward a man who will
acknowledge ho is against tho road.
Strango country this, isn't it?.
Poles and ties havo beon distributed along
Wost Coal street, to bo in readiness for tho
increased force of workmen.
Tbo Ashland papers aro in accord on tho
T" rail and narrow gauge question. Had
somo of tho papors beon moro consistent at
an eariior day much trouble would havo
boen avoided. But, then, thoy would have
boen deprivod of interesting news if thero
had been no opposition.
It is thought that the M. C. S., G & A
olectrio railway will eventually extend to
Gordon and Centralia.
Pure Food Exposition at Philadel
phiaSpecial Excursions.
Tbo annual Pure Food Exposition now
in progress at Philadelphia is tbo "Latest
Fad" and is visited daily by thousands. It
is both interesting and instructive. The
Reading Railroad will soil special excur
sion tickits on Wednosday, Novembor
'2 Ah, and on Tuosday, Decembor 1st, with
a coupon of admission to tbo Puro Food
Exposition at the very low rate of a single
faro for tho round trip, with 25 cents added
for the admission coupon. Tickoti will be
good on all trains of tbo abovo dates and
can be used to return on any train within
three days, including dato of sale. The
Exposition U held in Horticultural Hall,
Broad and Sprucu streets.
Van Houton's
Cocoa Tho
standard of
11 23-lw
tho world.
We Should Bo
Thankful to-morrow, that we aro alive
and well.
That wo aro pormitted to live at all.
That we are to bavo tho electric railway.
That wo havo so few non-progrotsivo
citizens amongst us.
That thoro aro plonty of turkeys to go
That we may bo permitted to elect wide
Rvako and progressive councilmen at tho
next spring election.
That wo will have the now election law
noxt yoar.
That Governor Paulson's folly did not
bankrupt tho state.
That wo are enjoying good health.
That Shenandoah is blessed with so many
good looking women.
That the prospects for asphalting tbo
streets noxt year are good.
That tbo County Instituto will bo held
That the prospects for plonty of sloigh
Ing and skating aro good.
That our churches aro being bottor at
tended than before.
That tho EveHinq Herald continues to
visit us regularly.
It don't do to neglect nature's warning
acuea through tbo syMcm, cause Kheumu
tlsm, Neuralgia aud liuckuche. Try Ked Flag
un, ine ruinous ruin uure. s cenw at
Uu's drug store.
A fine stock of guns and ammunition for I
tale choap at Max Reese's. 10-2 1-tf I
& I. CO.
That Its Quota Will bo
Thor" is ro longer any doubt that tho
production f anthracite coal next yosr
vtll be on a d 11 -rent basis from tho prosont
combination. New York and Boston
ioUrnals spoko of tho Heading as a "lamo
log." Thoy snld that, as a mittor of fact,
.ho Reading had boen treated vory lib
erally in tho past, that it was idlo to think
ho othor raombors of tbo combination
would give it any moro tonnage and that
this settled tho matter, as tho Reading
nuld not do anything in the face of such
oosition. In tbo last six weeks a remark
able chingo ha oomo ovor the tono of ad-
vicos from Now York. Instead of bfing
callod a "lamo dog" tbo Reading Is now
poken of as tho "Colossus" of tho coal
No arrangement for next year will bo-
made until after tho first of tho yoar.
Thero is, howovor, no longor any doubt of
rearrangement. That Is concodod in
quarters wboio a change, is leist deslrql.
Tho Reading will havo moro tonnage
Possibly thoro will bo n coal war, but this
is very doubtful When tho talk of in
creased allotment for tho Reading began
thero wero loud threats that a coal war
would result. This threat failed as a hotter
understanding of Reading's physical and
financial condition has led to tho conclusion
that tho Reading is bolter able to stand a
coal war than any road in tho combination.
Tho Reading Company has J100.00O.00O
Invosled that is now unproductive Every
othor company pays largo dividends on its
stock after paying interest on tho bonds.
Tho Itoading owns ono-htlf the coal in tbo
ground. It has facilities to mine and mar
ket 13,000.000 tons por year. Last year it
minod 7,000,000, or littlo moro than half its.
capacity. ThU yoar, owing to tho hotter
condition of tho trado, it will mine about
9,000,000 tons, but this is only enough tn
enable it to pay fixed charges and loavo a
trifling surp'us. Noxt yoar 13,000,000 tons
could bo mined with littlo moro oxponEO,
and, as a result, every obligation of tho
Beading company, fixed and contingent
would bo paid and tbo stock would pay
six per cont. It has been often said ia
reply to this statement that it is only a.
theory that cannot bo carried out. Quito
tho contrary. It has beon demonstrated.
In October thocompany mined and shipped
and sold over 1,000,000 tons without troublo
and could have excoedod that amount.
This could bo dono every month in tho
year, as the collieries aro constantly being
improved. Hore, then, is a condition and
not a thoory.
There is another point to bo taken into
consideration. The anthracite production
this year will bo tho largest in history, and
the market has absorbed or is absorbing it
all. Had tho companies all kept faith and
maintained prices tho net profits to all
would havo been magnificent. Unfortu
nately, this has not.been dono at all times,
owing to tho jealousy and tho efforts of tho
othor companies to kcop the Reading's
percentage whoro it is, although on an
c.verage prices havo been reasonably well
maintained. Tho outlook for next yoar is
equally bright. If tho combination shall
give the Reading its just dues, evon if the.
concession is large, and all maintaiu prico&
tbo other companios will make the largest
profits in tbeir history, notwithstanding;
their concessions, and Reading stock will,
to use a slang phrase, be "out of sight."
The present management of tho Reading
has done what was not dcemod possiblo by
its bost friends or its worst enomios. Tho
property in a fow years has boon rehabili
tated, improvements bavo boen made in al
most every direction. Its earnings aro in
creasing, and its prospects aro tho brightest
it has had for twenty years.
Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the oough at
Profitable Investment.
If you want an excellent farm, situated
only six miles from Shenandoah, contain
ing ?8 acres, with fruit trees and stream ol'
water, call at tbo Hkiuld olDco for further
particulars. It is a profitable investment;
and tho terms aro reasonable 11-18-tf
I found Dr. Hull's Couth Hyrup to be a most
eflectuul louiedy aud feel buro that tho most
stubborn oough and cold will yield to Ha
healing Influence. Fruui b. Price, New Or
lens, La.
Given Away.
With four pounds of
CALIF Balling Powder,
we'll give you a beau
tiful Gloria Cloth TJiru
brella. Guaranteed fast
color and as good aa
you can buy anywhere
for 1.50.
Bulling Powder warranted
good or money refunded.
No. J22 North Jardin SW
THE P. & R. O