The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 24, 1891, Image 1

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"My Son, Deal "With. Men Who Advertise. Yon will Never Lose by It."--Benjamin Franklin
i " I I i i
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Bhennndoah than
any other paper published. Clrcu.
latlon books open to all.
Gen. 8. W. Crawford, In writing to
the Philadelphia Times, says he Is
ready to tramp out the pension system
ns the Eugllsh did the mutiny lashed
to the muzzles of British cannons
and the cattle-plague. "Indicate
what's to be done, and I am ready."
A gentleman, writing from Madi
son, Wisconsin, pajs his respects to
the Rallaut (?) General In a way that
will not be relished by this "tramping
out", officer.
"Gen. Crawford received as much
pay in one year as the soldier he would
'tramp out,' kill nfc the muzzle of the
cannon, who carried his musket and
often 100 rounds, his knapsack and
rations, would in 21 years.
"This great General had more stylo
while a division comiuauder than
King William at the head of the
Prussian army; while to enter his tent
was more trouble than to enter the
harem of the Sultan of Turkey.
"The great query Is, why the 'Doc
tor' has not appeared at the National
Encampment of the G. A. It., and
blown from the cannon's mouth the
many thousands who resolved for the
pension system? Or why ho did not
appear before the Invalid Pension
Committee of fiOth and Gist Congresses,
take a seat, and 'tramp It out' like the
English did the cattle plague? Or
why did he not take a seat in the Na
tional Democratic and Republican
conventions and tell those delegates
who resolved, 'We are In favor of lib
eral pensions,' that he would 'tramp
it out as the English did the
mutiny and cattle plague.?' Why dfd
he not attend the Ohio, Iowa, and
Nebraska conventions this summer,
and tell the delegates he was going to
blow the pensioners from this mun
dane sphere as the English did the
"This great man of the closing de
cade of the 10th century, who would
'tramp out' pensioners' receiving from
$2 to 24, name appears on the Army
Register, page 280, as a Colonel, re
tired as a Brigadier-General, receiving
$343.75 each month. Would It not be
a good, home-made mgcuri-ot
It is ono of those nxtrn heavy
carpets, rnddoof the best yam
and clean rags. Fluent Hue of Velvet
Brussel and Ingrain Carptts in Shen
andoah at
Choice Creamery Butter Ires Ji every other day
Fancy Bloater Mackerel. Large and Fine. Neto No. 1
Mackerel White and Fat. New Clean Currants JEree
from dirt and stems. Best Mtnce Meat made oj best
materials, lino Table Syrup strictly pure goods.
Netv Orleans Halting Molasses. Chipped Beef.
and OLL TIME GBAUAM ILOUIt Fresh Ground.
Also another car of Best. Patent MINNESOTA FLOUR.
Equal to anything in the market.
"NORTHWESTERN DAISY" mnde of Minnesota
Wltcnt gives satisfaction. Unices -well.
Oil Clotlis arc selling freely, Nice patterns. All
prices. Two yards wide from 50 cents up,
well to tranlp out a few Major and
Brigadier-Generals like 'Doctor' Craw
ford, before Bhootlng the prlvato sol
dier receiving ?2 every time this world
revolves 3a times for Gen. Crawford ?
"This terrible genius who says, M
am ready' to practice on the Union
soldier what the civilized world con
demned In the Eugli&h punlshmcntof
the Indian mutineers, himself receiv
ing a pension of $4,125 every time this
globe revolves 305 times for him, en
abling this fell destroyer of one-half
a million private soldiers to live part
of the time at a watering placo In
Europe. He does not iudicuto
whether he will commence on Gens.
Rosenraus, Sickles, or Sigel, or It may
be he will 'trnmp out' Mrs. Grant or
Garfield, or Logan; or It may be this
valiaut luminary will order the execu
tion of the widows of the Revolution,
or perhaps tho few left of the War of
1812, and then before breakfast apply
'cattle plague' remedy to the Mexican
War veterans, aud then finish his
holocaust on the privates of the Wur
of 1861.
"The 'Doctor' had better'ask that his
name be taken from the pension roll
with tho pay of a Brigadier-General,
before he starts on the great reform of
'tramping out.' "
Industrial Proposition.
A well known business tntn residing
within a fow mllos of Shenandoah pro
poses establishing u factory in town that will
give employment to over two hundred men,
women, boys and girls. Ho iys ha will
supply one-third of a cash capital of ? 0,00J
it tho town pooplo will supply tho balance
Parties who may wish to investigate the
mattor with a view to establishing the
plant can securo additional information
upon applicathjm at tho Herald offico.
Buy Keystone flour. Be careful thi.t the
name Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., It
printed on every sack. 8-3-3taw
Look out for counterfoils t Beo that you
get tho genuluo Salvation GUI Do not let the
dealer dell you some "Just as good, ' but Insist
upon getting the genuine .with the Hull's
lleua irnae muiK ou lue wrapper.
Coming Events.
November 20. Grand supporin Kobbins'
opera house; bonefit of Lady - Harrison
Lodge, No. 10, A. P. L. A.
Deo. 12. Coffee supper of the Salvation
Army in Franoy's hall.
Jan. 1. 20ih annual supper of tho Welsh
Baptist church in tho P. SI. church hall.
Waters' Wolss beor is tho best.
Roilly sole agent.
John A.
The Thanksgiving sermon should
bo written with n turkey quill pen.
A Kind Friend.
Is what they call I hat Famous Remedy, lied
Flag OU, it quickly cures Kheutnatlsm.
Neuralgia, Cut", Bruises, Hums, bores aud all
pain. It Is good lor man or beast. 2o cents.
At Klrllu's drug store.
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Daub's, il
An Old L col Real Estate Case
Docidod by the Court at Potta
vlllo Franey Awarded tho
Valerias Property.
Tho property on tho east sido of North
Jnrdln street, south of Coal, and adjoining
tho rcsidenco of James J, Franoy, was the
subject of a decision by Jud ;0 Uruon at
Pottsvillo yesterday. Tho property ha
been in dispute botweon Air. Franey and
Michael Valerias and wifo for a long time.
It was sold at a Sherifl's salo and tho party
who bid it in turned It ovor to Franoy,
Valerias and his wifo thon disputod tho
salo, clai ulng that thero was collusion bo-J
tween tho bidder and Franoy, and they
havo continued to hold possession. The
decision rendered yesterday declares that
Franey is ontitlod to tho proporty. It is as
follows: "Thii is a ) roceoding under Act
13, Mny, 1871, to obtain poss' ssion of u cer
tain proporty, purchasod at Sheriffs salo by
tho pi ai nil If and sold as the proporty of
Vulorias and wife, who nro in possession.
Ho resists tho dolivory of possession and
has tiled an action attacking tho validity of
the Sheriffs salo on tho ground of fraudu
lent collusion on tho part of tho purchaser.
Can ho avail himself of such a dolonso in
this proccoding? Vhtovor morit thero
may bo in tho allegations of fraud, it is
clear to my mind thoy can not bo inquired
into in tho present proceeding.
"Tho act of Assembly, Sec. 5, says that
the court has inquired whether tho peti
tioner has bocomo the purchaser of tho real
estate, and says that a sheriff's or coroner's
deed for tho samo, duly acknowledged and
certified, shall bo full and conclusive evi
dence of that, first, beforo such court or
judgo. There is no provision made in this
proccoding for tho trial of such an issue as
is raised by tho defendants in tho affidavit
of the wife.
"Tho court is requestod to forbear giving
judgment only in tho ovent that tho parties
in possession do not claim under the do
fondants in tho judgment, or that they
claim by tillo from tho defendant prior to
tho roudition of the judgment, and are
thoroforo not included in tho excepted
cases. Duo proof of notico to tho suit
having been made, all the requisites of tho
act of Assembly havo boen complied with
and tho po'eession of said real estato is
awarded to the petitioner at tho cost of tho
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeod, and
not less than ono million people havo found
just such a friend in Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you havo nover used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that it has wondorful curative powers
in nil diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs,
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed or money will bo ro'unded. Trial
bottles tree at C. II, Hagenbuch's drug
store. Large bottles 50c. and $1,00.
Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each,
at Max Reese's. tf
A New Sooioty,
A society to bo known as St. Goorgo's
Lithuanian Catholio Beneficial Socloty of
Shonandoah, Pa., has been organized and
S. G. M. Ilnllopetor, Esq., has boon au
thorized to apply for a charter for tho
samo. Tho objects of tho society aro
society are social, educational and beneficial
purposes to its members from- funds col
lected. The application for tbo chartor
will bo mado ou December 21st, next.
Thero is but ono "best" remedy for
Rheumatism and all Rheumatic pains and
achos. It is the Genuino Imported "An
chor Pain Expeller" Send to F. Ad.
Klchtor & Co., 310 Broadway, Now York
City, for the valuablo book, "Guide to
Health," It Contains tho indorsements of
prominent physicians. Mailed iroo of
charge 8t
Hotel For Rent.
Tho hotel property at Lakosido Park
(East Mahanoy Junction) for the year 1802,
No ono but an experienced hotel man need
apply. For particulars, otc, apply to O.
A. Kolm, Shenandoah, Pa. U-10 tf
New Wall Paper for 1802.
A splendid selection, embracing all tho
latest colors and designs, at prices lower
than ovor. Largo lino of parlor patterns.
Thoso cheap 25o window shades, with spring
fixtures, cannot bo equalled. Call at Mel
lot's, 22 East Contro stroct.
Thanksgiving Rates
Via Nickel Plato Nov. 25th and 2Cth, ono
fare for round trip. dw tf
It don't do to neglect nature's wnrnlng
aches through tho pyMem, came Uheumu
tlsm. Neuralgia and Backache. Try Hon Flag
Oil, the Famous l'ulu Cure. 2.3 ccnta ut Klr
llu's drug store.
A fine stock of guns and ammunition for
Bale cheap at Max Boose's. 10-2-1-tf
Commonts on Events in Town and
Other Plaoos.
Haalcton has not yet itcoivod its cbnrtor
It soems that ihe 11 rough Council of the
town is postered by obstructionists as our
own. Ono if tho councilmcn has protested
U 'ho Governor that tho ckcllon notico
whs not published in all tho newspapers of
tho town and asks that tho chartor bo with
hold f,r that reason. If tho claim is bona
fide llnzleton Hill remain a borough for
lour years more and Shenandoah may yet
Advance bui'uro that buttling, bustling
Tho dlscovory that tfaoro aro outstanding
coupons which tiro markod paid on thi
SclooI Hoard and borough records is not
encouraging. It looks like bad manage
ment, or criminal intent, and il is hoped
that tho finance committee will bo able to
glean facts by tho next meeting of council
that will put mutters right. Early in tin
70' 8, when tho borough was in tho hands 01
un unsciupuliyUj gai g, coupons wero paid
several times ovor and no account was kept
of tho rcceipU aud expenditures of the
borough. It is hoped that this condition ol
aUairs is not about to devolop again. It
was not until tho Citizens' party took
charge ol tbo borough's, atl'.lrs that thi
many leaks wore stopped, but since that
timo that party has been so effectual!)
bound hand and foot that efforts to stop leak
through its agency would bo most difficult
Intho 70 s it was impossible to find out how
tho borough stood financially and tho audi
tors were obliged to draw a line and make
a now start. A worse condition cf affairs
was hard to find ana tho roiorm auditor,
had to work hard for their money.
Tho borough auditors are very important
officials and a gigantic mistaka was made
by tho citizens last spring when they failed
to ro olect Mr. Champion, who was ex
perienced in tiro business and whoso services
were invuluablo in making researches. A
good official should always be retained.
Council should show no partiality rf
gaming tho layiug ot pavomonts, oven
though it may step upon the toes of some of
its members occasionly. while it is true
that it is poor policy to pavo on the out
skirts and leave properties in tho center
of tho town ncgloctcd, it is oqually truo
that tho councilmon aro in a better position
to onlorco tho paving ordinances after they
first givo attention to their own properties,
Deserving Praise.
Wo dosiro to say to our citizens, that for
years wo hayo been selling Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's
Now Lifo Fills, Buckion's Arnica Salvo
and Electric Bittors, and have nover
handlod remedlos that sell as woll, or that
havo given such universal satisfaction
Wo do not hesitato to guarantee them
every timo, and wo stand ready to refund
tho purchase price, if satisfactory results do
not follow their use. These remedlos have
won their great popularity purely on thoir
merits. C. II. Hagcnbuch, Druggist.
One faro for round trip via Nickel Plato
Nov. 26th and 26lh, Thanksgiving.
d Ji w tf
A Surprise
Keep your oyo on this local. Kcagoy,
the pbotographor, will havo his new open
ing in a fow days and will havo something
interesting that will surprise tho people.
Charles Gurvin visited Williamsport
Harry Boughoy, of Pottsvillo, is visiting
friends in town.
Mrs. O. A. Keim is visiting her paronts
at Dudley, N. J.
Mrs. Jane Grant is visiting her daughtor,
Mm. Powles, at East Orange, N. J.
Mrs. II. G, James, and daughter, Miss
Katharino, visited frionds in Mahanoy City
Mrs. T. J. Broughall and her sister, Mils
Maggio Shaffer, spont to-day at Pottsvillo,
tho guest of friends.
Mrs. J, C. Soltzor rolurnod to hor homo
in Roiding to-day accompanied by hor
sister, Mrs, Kirlin.
Miss Maggio Ortno, ono of St. Clair'
fair daughters, spent Sunday 'in town, tbo
guest of hor cousin, Miss llattle Wobster,
of East Coal street.
Gratifying to All.
Tbo high position attained and tho uni
vorsal accoptanco and approval of tho
pleasant liquid fruit remody, Syrup of Figs,
hi the most excellent laxative known, il
lustrato tho value of tho qualities ou which
its success is based and aro abundantly
gratifying to the California Pig Sprup Co,
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Butchill it now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah
Regular meals, at popular prices, served
any timo. Ladies' dining and refroshmont
rooms attached, 0-14-tf
Visit Friends
Along the lino of the Nickel Plato Thanks
giving Day, Ono faro for round trip Nov.
25th and 2G'.h. diw tf
A flno stock of guns and ammunition for
sale cheap at Max Rooeo's, 10-21-tf
A String of Spicy and Intoroating
Paragraphs Based Upon the
Doings of the Day-Quoor
Pooplo and Happenings.
Tho presf nt lottery law is so framed that
people who conduct entertainments cannot
bo too careful. An interesting ca;o is now
at is.uu at Ilirdsburo. Tho manager of a
Kickapoo Indian show there sold ten-cent
tickets of admbsion to his show and with
ih') tickols woro distri buted a prize, or
special tickets. After tho performance
ihoso who hold tho special tickets were
called beforo the platform and aftor signing
a papor, which was an agreement to act as
Hgont lor tho medicine thoy rocoived a
bundlo of medicine and a certain cum o'
money from 1 to 810, according to the
longth of tuno they acted ns agent. Tbo
manager told the people tho prizos ran
from ?1 tu $100, but no ono ovor received
more than $10. Thoy slgnod tho agree
ment supposing it to be a receipt, as thej
wore not required to return any monoy for
tho medicine thoy received. The court
thought it was a cunningly-devised scheme
and had in it some elements of chance,
which is contrary to law. Tbo manager
was hold for trial on a chargo of violating
tho loltory law.
Tho Italian residents in Shenandoah and
vicinity who havo beon in the habit of
sonding thoir savings to Binkor Giacinto
Epifano, of Philadelphia, for safe kooping,
aro sorely distressed by information that ho
has disappeared with 500,000 all that was
on deposit in his bank.
Alroady somo of tho newly painted letter
boxes havo boen scratched and otherwise
rudely marked. The work is supposed to
bo that ot boys and a closo watch is to be
instituted for tho offenders. Paronts will
do woll to warn thoir childron against tho
practice and also warn them agaiuststuffing
rubbish into tho bsxos, soiling tho mall and
making tho addresses illegible Tho local
postal authorities aro not disposed to take
stern measures, in view of tho eovore
ponaity tho United Stales Court impos
upon offenders brought before it, but tho
practices must be atolished and if tho boys
do not take warning thoy must stand the
A stylishly dressed joung man stood at
tho Contro streot crossing of the Lehigh
Valley railroad yosterday when the rai
was falling in torrouts and a heavy galo
was blowing. A young lady approaches!
and tho s. d. y. m. tipped his hat gallantly
accompanying tho act with a seductive
smilo. Tho lifted tile was held betwoen
the thumb and forefinger, tbo bold being a
light ono, tho galo merrily wafted tho
hoadgear from the hand to tho railroad
track, just in timo to have it crushed upon
a rail by a passing coal Tho young
man's smile wilted, for ho was, indeed, In
a very embarrassing position.
"It is singular," said Jowolor Yost tho
other day, that a spring confined and pro
tected as in a watch should bo seriously
affected by tho weather, but in the trado it
is quite common to look for a run on main
springs at certain timos of tho year, and
during August tho call for them is heavier
than during two ordinary . months,
presumably because thero aro generally
thunderstorms and suddon changes during
tho month. It is not a question of the
quality of tho spring, somo of tho vory
best going to pieces under weather influ
ence, and other quite ordinary ones out
living tho watch."
A citizen stated recently that Shonan
doah cannot bo boomed because thero is no
room for new buildings. That may bi
true. But what Is tho matter wi;h going
skyward, old man ? Wo could spare many
of tho old rookeries.
Thero woro a fow people In town yestor
day who were laughing up their sleeves as
they remarked, "I guess tho electric rail
way work is not going on very fast in this
kind of weather?" But never mind. It
is said that "ovory cloud has a silver
lining," and the grand laugh will oome iu
when the road is in operation and the
silver lining Is transferred to the pockets of
tbo stockholders.
Buckion's Arnica Salve.
Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cute,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Pilos, or no payment requirod.
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,
or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For salo by C. II. Ilagenbuob.
The finest note paper and onvelopes in
tho country at Max Reoso's. tf
Van Houlon's
tho world.
Cocoa The
standard of
and Future of tho
The Kniekrrbfioker Ice Company will
ut and store tr,o ice furnished by the lakes
Laeiite this winter. If the season
proves as cold as predicted the harvest will
be larger tbnn il has been for years.
Ihoro are a large number of applicants
for tho Lakeside Hotel. The luccessful
biddor will bo required to furnish proof
bat ho fully understands tho holol busi
ness, as no experimenting will be allowed
next season.
The trolling park will be in gocd condi
tion for early spring races. Negotiations
aro now under way for races in which somo
of the best trotters and pacers in tho etalo
will compete. Tho opening day will be it
brilliant one, and will be fixed at a much
earlier date than last season.
Tho management is woll satisfied with
the losults of tho season of 1801 and wi.l
declare u nice dlvidei.d at its annual mcet
iK. Tho grounds have already been securod
for another grand eisteddfod, ti. bo hold on
August 15th, next. The prizes will bo moro
Humorous and valuable than the last.
in ifforl will be mado to havo Buffalo
Bill's Wild West Show as one ot tho at
tractions next summer, after tho return of
tho show from Europe.
Among the numerous great attractions
for which tho management is gunning are
Paul Boynton's party and Paiuo's "Fall of
Georgo dimming, of Philadelphia, at
ono timo in charge of the Belmont Driving
Park, and a brother-in-law of Budd Doblc,
the great horseman, visited Lakesido on
Saturday. He was much pleased with the
placo and suggested a fow minor changes
for tho improvement of tho race course.
Ho will be on hand on the opening day and
will holp mako tho park a succoss.
Superior to all Others.
Allcock's Purus Plasters are the groat
external romedy of the day. Tho qulckost,
safest, sun at, best. Not only Immeasurably
superior to all other plasters but also tu
liniments, ointments, oils and similar un
cuous compounds.
Bowaro of imitations, and do not bo dn
cuived by misrepresentation. Ask for All
cock's and lot no solicitation or explana
tion induco you to accept a substitute.
Profitable Investment.
If you want an excellent "farm, situated
only six miles from Shenandoah, contain
ing ?8 acres, with fruit trees and stream of
water, call at tho IIkkald office for further
particulars. It is a profitable investment
and tbo terms aro reasonable 11-18-tf
Alono on the Prairlo
Tho'day was in that transitory stuto when
twilight lingers in the lap of day and dark
ness struggles for the aseendoncy. Tho
sun hung in u great red ball of lurid llamo
betwixt heaven and earth ; thero was n,
loeling of profound quiet which soomcd to
settlo on all things animate and inammato,
Tho bird, tho insects, tha very trocs and
sprouting pUnts wero for tho moment
hushod as if in expectancy of somo unfore
seen, somo inexplicable something which
Boomed to pervade tho vory atmosphoro.
A bull frog gurgled softly as ho foil back
into tho limpid water. Suddonly ovor tho
brow of a distant bill, thero appeared a
solitary man, eealod aslrido a great bay
horse; ho cast ono long sweoping glanco
around him and thon wont bick ovor tha
brow of tho hill again. And that samo
night over seven hundred peoplo woro
turnod away unable to gain admission to
tho opera houso whoro "Sho Couldn't
Marry Throe" was being played to tho
most delighted audionco of tho season.
Tho Storm.
Yesterday's storm did considerablo
damago throughout tho county. Down
through tbo Shenandoah valley many
foncts wero blown down and other damago
Lane's Fttmily Medloino
Movos the bowels each day. Most pooplo
need to use it.
I found Dr. Hull's Cough tfyrup to be n most
etlectual remedy and feel sure that the moat
Mubborn otaigh and oUl will yield to Its
healing lulluinoe. FruuU. H. i'llee, New Or-
10118, 141.
Thanksgiving rates on the Nickel Plate.
diw tt
Umbrel las
Given Away.
With four pounds of
CALIF Baking Powder,
we'll givo you a beau
tiful Gloria Cloth Urn.
hrella. Guaranteed fast
color 'and as good as
you canubuy anywhoro
for $1.50.
Huklng Powder warranted
good or monoy lufuuiled.
No. !22 North Jardin Str