AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, j ? are- I vl KAISER 1XF0BT BUB, Light. i. On tlic Right Trade, HKVKHN. thoOrooor, is still on tlin right iihi k find comM to time with another train .oftil of Fine Gr cerios, Untitled Goods, Mont, Flour, etc. SBVEH.KT'S, Centre mid White BtH., Shenandoah. WAR IN CONGO. YllHeo Attacked by tlio Hlto for IIo fimliiff to VuriiUh Mml. Uohtos, Nov. 23. A letter from the Ilev. Br. Small Buys that the Congo State 1b making war upon the natives of the Upper Congo. Several mouths ago the government expedition or tlio suppression of itlavery started up the river under command of Mr. Vitnkerclc huvun. He was Inn true ted to punish all men engaged In the slave trade, and to enlist men from each town in tho Congo fcitute service. '1 wo large steamers flllod with troop3 vent up the river, Intending to put a stop to slave raids on tho Lomaml and Aruwlmt rivers. Many of the largo towns, Including (JhumUlrl. liolobo, Irobu and others, refused to supply tho men required ol them. lhoy suid thoy could not understand why foreigners should nut only claim the ownership of the country, but should also demand the services of the ablest and strongest men. They consequently ignored the com mauds of the state, sont their women and children away, brought out their puwder, guns, spears and knives, and I ought desperately against each com' puny of soldiers sent to attack them. in course they were defoated In every instance. One of the large steamers, however, was pierced in more than a d .eu places, and some wounds were In (hcted upou the Statu soldleryi but the military traluing of the Souiluneso and Zanzibar! and tnelr superior weapon left no hope for the natives. At liolobo fully lUU natives wero killed and GO strong fellows wero takon ns a wur Indemnity, The people of Irobu lied Into the junglo after a dozen of their warriors had been killed, nud their large and nourishing town, cover - ins an urea of about throe square miles. was burned, uud nothing was loft of it but blackened grass, burnt sticks and fullen trees. Tho Congo State soldiers look away fowls, goats, sheen, bananas and all other provisions thoy could And, nnd there is now a scarcity of food among tho people. Tho wildest oxel to me, a prevails all ovor tho oouutry, and the natives are nursing a spirit of sav age revenge aguinst tho European resi dents. A llnrbud M'lro Trail. Nkw Youk, Nov. 23. A suit Insti tuted against the Elmer Mauufaoturiug Company of Nowburgh, N. Y., by tho Columbia Patent Company of this city, for Infringement of patents, has brought out the first authentic announcement of a "barbed wire trust," composed of the leading barbed wire manufacturers of the country, Including tlio Washburn -.Moeu Company of Worcester, Mass., and the Olivei-3 of Pennsylvania. Tho Columbia Company claim to own prac tically all patents oovering the manu facture of barbeil wire and machinery used in manufacturing It, and have In stunted suits against smull concerns iu all parts nt the country for Infringe meat thereon. To tho Traveling Public If you are contemplating atrip to the West, or southwest the question naturally (rises, which lathe best and most economi cal way in wbloh to tnsko the journey. This information you oan ascertain by fending postal to me answering the fol lowing questions: Whore are you going? When are you going? Where will you sturt from ? How many will there be in your party? What freight and baggage will you have to ship? On receipt of this I will write or oall upon you prepared to furnUh rnnns, time tables, and fullest Information regarding routes, lowrst rales of all oai of tickets, land pamphlets, re sort books, Hot Springs guide, etc. The Missouri 1'aclflo lUilway and Iron Mountain Route is noted for its superb through oar serviee. Pullman Vtutibuleil liulTott Sleeplna Parlor and Tourist S'eep iiii; ears, also Palace Kecllring Chair Cars free, are run on all through trains. Ask for tiokets via this popular route, and correspond with me before completing arrangement for your 'trip. J. P. Mo Cann, Eastern Traveling Agent, No. 657 N. Main St., Blroira, N. T or 801 Broad way, New York Oity. W. K. Hoyt, General Eastern Passenger Agent, No. 891 Broadway, New York Oity. Tl e Mi.-souri Pacific) 1UI1 war Iron Mountain Route, tf Do you want a situation T Do yon want help? Do you want to tall your buiinacs 1 Do you want to tall or exchange real estate T If (o, oall on Max Jiaaas, Shenandoah, agent for the United Btataa Smployment and Buttaaia Atanoy, 44 and 46 Broadway, New York. FOR : THANKSGIVING : DAY ! 1 3 8 Pi Tnst lticclvi d a lot to dny, JAMES S.THOMAS Cor. COAL, nud WEST STS AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. Whnt News Gatherers Take a Moment to Tell About. Got n turkey yet? The moou is growing old. November is now on tho home stretch. Our job work gives satisfaction. Try it. It doesn't follow that a mnn want the earth because ho hikes the world as he finds it. iho boys would llko to see skating for Thanksgiving day, but the cold wuvo is departing. It Is premature to tell any woman that t-lie is an angel until it is seen how she can cook a bteuk and boll a potato. Our merchants are prepared to fur nish anything you need. There Is no oecalfn fur anybody to go out of town to do any shopping. Injured, at tho Strippinga A Hungarian retidiig;on the rocks wn1 injured by a fall of olay nt the Shenandoah City colliery ptripninpc this morning. He was tskon to hie home in an ambulance. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. DOES NOT. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carnages I In chargo of good, careful, ref ponsiblo drh- ors to hir at all na at reasonable r&tes at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVEUY AND FEED STABLE, 12 and U North I'ear Alley, Hear of Lulieig's hardware ttoie. JToises ttilen to Jlimrrt. ChthIuI atlcnth n given lo Feeding ill kluritnl JIAULIKU at tended to pronn tly i haie moderate. -UNDERTAKING- Falthfully and prrniplly attended lo. THE PIMPS SHOE S101E, M.Ooldman, formerly manager of iho Eos ton Hhooi-tore, South Slain stree-t, l:ns opened u nuv shoe sto.o In Jlailneuin's building, cor ner Pontic sheet and Market nllry, where l:o hnslu flock a tine aM-ortmeut of Jootwc-ar, which he lately purchased at public aa'oal Hotl'ielif in. linn is now telling tlieni cheaper than the n nnulicluicis tan mnknthem.. Men's talfbulton shoo tl SO, elsewhere SSI Men's line Colli -ess shoe.... 1 Si " i7,i indies' dou.olu button thoe.l in 11 HO " trench kid shoe. 1 50 " 2 so Men's beit lubber boot 1 in 14 225 Suci Bargains in Footwear Were never before ottered In town, l'arllos l.'.iia out ot Iciv i when they get oil tiulnsnt the l.ehlMi and ltendlm; depots should watch f.,r the si ,n of iho ''lnr,"Mud climb two steps as it win pay you 10 ciiinu int-iu. The People's Shoe Store Cor. Centre Street tod Jlarltt Alley. 451 CEN'l S for a window shade 1th fringe, others for 55c, anu u 1 1. nnsuea made store mid private dwel- iuea. A new lot of shad" lugs and fringes (o match. C. 3D. PBICKE'S Carpet Store, iO South Jardin SI, near Centre rhiladeljihia Cheap Bargain Siorof For a full line of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, Ladies' and UenU' KiiruUhlug Utodsatthe lowest pi Ices, ccla llieoltm. forts nt II. '.'6 each. J. RABINOWITZ, 110 R Centre street CHItAl'KU THAN EVER AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS ASHLAND, JPjk. Christmas Music Cabinets.RattanPlush Rockers parlor sons,' LOUNGES, -BEDSTEADS. OFFICE DFSXS, 4,5! and upward. 2,00 and upward. 15.00 anil upward. Large Lot Just Opened for the Holiday Trade, $1.00 and opward PICTURES Wilcox & White Organs, Stock Chickerlntf aiii'liuslieU PIANOSI:: WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Pianos, Organs ana Hewing Machines sold cheap for cash or rented by the month J. P. WILLIAM 13 South Mam Sireei, Now is the Time ! nro I'ltUrAUK for winter. Every ono Is looking foi tho best goods for tho least money. If you arc keeking bargtlns in Hots or Cups Jnst diop In to see Hctnlun. Ho sells men's aood fur earn for doe, men's red under clothing for 61c a viece, men's tine woiklng gloves nt 26o n pair, the BEST 0 V ER ALLS in tho MARKET 6So A lAHl, An ejccelltnt line of Grey Klsnncl Bhlits for working nt Ihevcry lowest jirlco. Ulg line ol good winter thlrts from 25q,up lo $-'.50. A lllg Drive In NECKWItAR-Four-ln.handsand Tecks at26cenU, legular price 40 cents. Something Nowfm Fuzzles. Bcanlan has K inellilng new In this line. Any one giving tho coriect way of doing the puzzle will lecclvc n Si hat or Us equivalent Thtie are four ways of lolvlng tho j urzle, and Hie SB c-f- in 0 O correct w-y must bo given. Theic ft puzzles we aio selling for 10c, or wo wli give one to the pciton rurcbafciug S tV) worth of goads and over. new palonthat hargerg'veo away with each hat purchased at 13 S, Main S!. SGANLAN Shenandoah A GOOD SHOE FOK FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Neatly Done. S- ID. BROWN", Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Mftin St., Shenandoah. LADIES' FINE Balbriggan : Ribbed JERSEY VESTS. 75 CENT QUALITY FOE 50 OTS CO CENT QUALITY FOE 40 OTS 40 CENT QUALITY FOE 25 OTS FOR S WEEKS If they last that long don't think the uargaiu mailers will allow them to. Oloak.s, esents CHAMBER SUITS) - - S20.G0 and upward EXTENSION TABLES. - 40Q and upward FINE LIKE LADIES' DESKS, IMl and upward EASELS. All St1es, - - 11 aiuTupwjrJ Lester .H.irdman SHENANDOAH, PA. WANTS, &o. Atlvet tuementx fn thin iwum... vir.t frf,Hrt 6 linen, 6.c. for one insertion; lac. lor two; 51 for three: one week, 81.50; lira weeks. 82: one 17ARM8 FOR SALE. Arevou loofc JL In? for a lurm? rcnmllnnni....o.n J. J. Kehler, Frackvllle, l'a., as to where thev are located and for terms. 8-22-tf FOIl RENT A seven-roomed house on North While slreet. Apply to O. W., iu ix. luuiu sireei. iwu-iw FOUND. A clothes wringer. Own er can have same upon proving proi ertj and pny cost of ibis ndveilUcment. Apply at 210 Kost Coal stre t. 11-lMt FOR SALE. One store room and one dwelling house. Lot SO fect front nud 110 feet dc-p. Place, 315 West Co .1 slreet. Easy itrms. Apply to Frank Warnlcn. 11-H-lm AGENTS WANTED Free pre paid outttt toentrgetleraen. Several of our salesmen have earned from STOtoJlOOa week for year past. P. O. Pox 171. New York. 11-18-lw WANTED. Two men to canvass Bhenandoah, and two for Ashland, be fore I'htlktmas. A fine article. Agent at Mahanoy Cliy made fiom 88 to S3 per day. Call Btt'ommerclal Hotel, Bhenandoah, from B to 12 on Wednesday. Qencuai, Aoent. 11-2J It WANTED. By tho Singer Manu facturing Co., n young man to sell Singer sewing machines. Jlust bo able to siituK tho Polish nnd Ungllsh languages. uooa pomion ror tlio rlglit man. Apply at once to the f Infer sewing machine cinice, 21 (.ciiiru street, ncienanuoin, fa. 1KM-Iw Iff OR RENT. Tho school room JL under the 1'. M. church, wlili klirinn connected, now for rent for rnrlles, suppers .ui v.iivi uiiuiiictit-', etc. apply lo jua usual IJaucjii, f res. K. W. AMOUIt, Hco'y. 11-18-lw Hkv. II. O. Hussrli., Pastor. VANTED' aoo1 ennvn-sers for T t -Aavt-n uros in tno Mluev the only work ever published giving a complete record and description ot iho reat mining disasters rtiucuuM xctjua uuurui. "uaress, i, i, o'Malley, Canton, Ohio. 11 sji-h ev sat XTOU SAI1E.-Tlin gray team of norees recently used by Hie Columbia II. &H. V. JS. Co., No. 1. The horses will be a uurgtua 10 me puicnners. FltA'NK L.EW1M. John Eibkniiowkii, .lRIFir f'MlTTTT Jerk O'Nkii.l. FltANK I'ODUINOTON, Jajies McDonald, Trustees. 11-21-tf vHARTER NOTICE. Notice la J heieby given thnt an application will be made lo the Couit ol Common I'leas nt (-LiKijiKiii criuniy on aionany, Movemberso, A. 1). 1801. nt 10 nVlnnk In tlio fnti.iinnn m . der tho"corporatlou act of the commonwealth 01 Fennsjlvanla, approved April W, 1871 "and the supple-menu theieto, for iho chatter of nn lutei ded corporation to be culled "Tho I'olUli ai. ivasimer Association orunei nndoali, l'a." Hal iiksrolation to be located Inf henandoah, l'a., uud lo liave for lis oblei l. tbe mli te minct' ot an luioclatlou joi social, educational and benetlctal pm poses to Its members nom iuuus coneciea tuerein. . a. M. IIOf.LOPETEn, Attorney for Apollcants. Hbennndoali, l'a., Nov. 1, '01. 11-6-Sw SPE Next Ten Days, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Roys' and Children's Bulla, Roots nud Ladles' and Chil dren's Blioea. DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! at u largo reduction nt the ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STRE11T, 81IENANDOAIT, PA. 5rWalch for the UED flON In front,-(D TH 1-UUKUOt, TJORHEr-AT-UW. Offloc-Jledctall'sbslKtia wrar Mala tnd Cnlje TAKE .A. It Is not necessary logo about it surreptitiously, ns do the nmius in tho picture, If you would take a. peep ut our elegant display of the latest novelties iu dress goods, cloaks, wraps luid rugs. Our Mora is a little world's fair In it self and visitors may freely inspect the exhibition without being Importuned to buy. We have some attract! vo specialties this week In the Hue of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, utc. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. FOE S - A No. 6 Soutli Grand Opening FALL AND WIN TER STYLES OF MILLINERY ! ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Fa. The finest and largest ns'ortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TKIXIMED AND UN TKIMMED 1IA.T3 PA.RTIKS in need ol of stove repairs rt of any deicrlptlon should call in O nn TnA. fin 1 kriTi ri r.lhli 1 , f . on band a full supply. Buy I the best range In tho' A rlet: -N EW CP'1 "is guar WAY. perfect work. As 0"7-" I r to the price, it will O 1 U VIZ suit you. This excellent stove bo had only from WM. B. PRATT, TIN R0OFINO, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING promptly attended to. 7-6-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSOIUAL : PARLORS ! Haw Cutting and Hair Dressing 1 SUAMPOOINO, ETC., I1Y E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under I'ostotllce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. -llot and cold baths, I'ollte, prompt and DEESSMAKING SCHOOL ! To the ladles of Bhenandoah and vicinity. n. ujcuLiuuxrers iiuiiiuganaAjaaineurancu Hchool Is ovened In room No. S. llohbins' UUlldln&r. Over the llORt ntllri. wliitrn nnmli are taken and taueht the latest and bestsys- tciu ui ciuviiug uuu urthsmaaing. ine system Is a saving ol time, labor nnd money and Is readily acquired. All r re delighted who havo hiuuvu it, upeu evenings, H-9-tr Mrs. M.C. I115WITX. Dark. PEEP !- - 3L.B B"5T Jardiu Street. Black Goods form a largo and important part of our stock-Broadcloths, Diagonals, Cheviots, worsteds. You are naturally particular about the style and fit of tho Sunday buit and .b ull Dress Suit, and "Will therefore appre ciate tho caro and tasto wo dis play in making this class of goods with right making wo combine just prices. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sis. llcHt-mnelc ciolUliij; Tu I'lilladelplita. DO YOU "WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well-made, fariitonable clothest If so, call on W. J", JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 Soutli Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, prcmptuess and fair prices. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely caih com. panles represented by JDJTVXJD FAUST, 120 S. JardmSt., Shenanaoah,P Q M. HAMILTON, M.U., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offloe-2 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenandoah J