Presents tn the most elegant fotra THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTniTIOU8 JUICE OP THE FIG8 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human c V system, forming' an agreeable md ellective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is the most excellent remedy kriiJwn to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated so THAT PURE DLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using It and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOIST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY QY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. UWISVILIE. KY NEW YORK. N. T. GOLD HEDAL, PARIS, 1S78. W. Baker & Go.'s from which tbo excess ol oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is tlieroforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It ia delicious, nourishing, Qtrengthcuing, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Nearly every pattern of a forsc Blanket Is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the ibar tircads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that , Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the fyi trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mllo Boss Electrlo Extra Teat Efalter- ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6,'A STYLES at prices to suit ever) body. If you can't get them from your -dealer, write us. Ask fot the Va Book. Yon can get it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port ablo, Unoqualocl In Stylos, ...Cost nnd Finish. 1(0 Tag Ctklogii efcount.ri, Unli tit., lUutrstod la Colon, Jloola, In r.ljo ISCtsta. Also Tyler'a lloyai Otllce Beske an(t Type writer Cabinet!, MOO Style. Best and eboap- ( out on onrth, with sreat reuueuon U) prices. ISO . Mlaloirii Em. roLlara Is eta. Full II.m ef Ilahka, Walr, Tasks, Ilouk (sua, CaUnala, Lrttl Cablutti, ctr., alwsja In alack.. HutrLI work mads to ordnr. rruat uesk co., nt. j.o.u., mo., v.s.a. L'blebestct's Eaallali Diamond Hi-eatt, ENNYR0YAL PILLS Orlclncl and Only Gtnulna sure, turui ram-io. LAii Mk ltHXft for CKiet,tt. JiWn Dim-A Wrti brmnJ la Ktl aitd e, fat meulUeN bote, KsUlwltLs bluo rl'ihuD. TnLo 110 other. Befuti danjeroiu mbittttu Utnsaad imitation. At lJfi 11 a. or maJIa. la tavrijp fur pa.tif ul .n leitimonlnlj and "lEt UiY fur Tm 1K," t Utter by pftara f Mult 10.0UO jii 1101.1.' AaMiAipnv Cbl. bitrr tUiauUa-U -',! nHtonHtmurq Mil Uru?tlw "I '!i4-i ! rn teat a 1'osltlve Cure or tho ctTects of self-abuse, Kwer. Impoteney, io. Bo ,Krat ls out faluj la ani'lluch Valuable 1 nformaUon V It l:K. . ddrya, U. SI. CO., B6 UrvailiWi Jluw VerU. IB ill II I HORSE BU V IkUsrsllt WE HE IMITATED BRQDIE Frank McCaroy Tried to Jump from Brooklyn Bridge STRUCK THE WATER LIKE A LOO His Body Oarrid Off by the Tido, and Has Not Beeu Reoovorod. Uumlraits Raw tlia Act McCaroy nnd Talked tho Matter Ovor Wltli Stove Ilrodlp, nnd Hnil llfinn Laughed at llnlf Intoxicated When lis Leaped Other IlrldfXO-tYumpllllI Trncodlos, New Yontt, Nov. 23. Francis Mo Carey, a foolhardy follow who has boon boasting about this city nnd Brooklyn for several days that ho would soon startle Now York and let nil tho people know that ho was a man of nsrvo, plunged off tho East lUvor Bride nt 2:30 yestordny and was drownod. Ho was halt drunk when ho made tho leap. Some time boforo eleotion MoCare y, who had boon an iron moldor in the Lowis & Fowler car shops on Walworth street, Williamsburg, but who was dis charged five woekB ngo for inebriety, road that "Stove" Brodie had bet $3,000 on the result of tho oloction. Ho asked some of his friends how Brodlo accu mulated so much money, and was in formed that ho got his start by jumping off tho bridge. That set McCarey thinking. Ho mado up his mind to win tamo nnd fortuna by doing likewise. Ho oonfldoil his In tentions to Mrs. McCuskio, with whom ho boarded, nnd to l'etor Kelly, a sa loonkeeper of Walworth street. Some small bets were made ia Kelly's on tho result. On Thursday last McCaroy went to Brodle's place on tho Bowery and told him that his titlo as ohnmplon would be gone soon. "I will jump off the brldgo myself," he said, "nud show tho world that lam the jumper of America." Thoro were fully 800 promonndors on tho brldgo whoa McCaroy, with his hoad baro, his coat and shoes off nnd tho fool ish confidence of overwoontng bravado evidont ia every movement, climbod la boriously out from tho south side drlva Into the main cable, nud with the part ing exclamation, "Hero goosl" leapod to death 150 foot bolow. Tho falling body of tho unfortunate man fell, tumbling over and ovor in its descent, until with , a groat splash It struck face downward the surface of tho water and sank, leaving a smother of crimson tlntod foam to mark the spot. Once, and once only, did he rise, tho limbs stiffly sprawled out and tho head thrust downward and forward. Then he sank, nnd tho crowds of watchors on the bridge nud the search ers who put but from tho shoro in row boats saw no further traco of tho rook less jumper, whoso death must novo boon Instantaneous. Tho olrcumstanoos con nected with tho case aro peculiar, and would appear inoxpllcablo excopt upon the basis of Insanity. Sinco May, 1885, fivo men hnvo jumped from tho bridge. Professor Odium, tho first, Killed himself. Urodlo was tno noxt. Aftor him was Larry Donovan. A painter fell from tho brldgo, and was injured so badly that ho died. A Gor man namod Pouch jumped successfully, and some time afterward shot hlmsolf. A lovesick Staten Island youth got six months for jumping, and McCarey lost his llfo. FAMINE-STRICKEN RUSSIA. Count Tolstoi Saye Tlicro 1V1U be n rtevo lutlon Ills UaUKlitora Oeneroslty. BcnLiN, Nov. 23. Count Lyof Tolstoi, tho great Russian social reformer, has published an energetic domand that the government declara without delay whether tho stock of grain is sufQciont to lust through uoxt summer. Count Tolstoi udvocatos tho purchase of corn in America In time to protect tho coun try from famine nnd tho terrible social disturbance that Is certain to attond such a condition of affairs. Tolstoi contends, from hla own personal calculation, that tho stock of grain will not be suluclont, and that the govern ment reply guaranteeing onough to feed tho people until tho noxt harvest, It falsified, will lead to a revolution, ia which Tolstoi says ho will nld. Count Tolstoi's daughters, Lattono and Marie, have oponoi a free refectory for tho Inimue-strloiion near his chatoau, All those persons who aro in dire necos- slty here get u good meal, but thoy are forbidden to tnko food away with them. aicQlynnon tlio Xatest Ultimatum. New York, Nov, 23. Cooper Union was packed lust ovonlng with thoXi Bands who hud assembled to hoar th e reply of Dr. MoQlynn to, tho offer which tho Propaganda at Homo, through Archbishop Corrlgan, had mado him. Doctor McOlyna affirmed ' his con Bciontlous belief In his nutl-povorty doo trines, and declared his intention to ad here to thorn, if he Isrellovod from ox communication and suspension, ho will submit, to tho judgment of Borne, but ho will not do so under any othor elrcustancos. His romarks were frequently interrupted by applause and cheers. A lVoclnmutlon by Fonseoa. Iiio Janeiro, Nov. 23. Prostdont Fon seen has Issued u proclamation stating that the eleotions for Congress will ba held on February 5)9, and that Congress will most on May 3, 1802. Ho also an nounces that among the reforms which ho desires to see adopts I is an amend ment to the constitution establishing an independent judlolnry, and safeguards for the .'residents veto, as wen as b limitation to tho powers of Congress, and a reduction in tho numoor of ropre s entatlvos, , rrouilnont Mohnwk Valley Cltlton Don d niimninra. N. Y-. Nov. 23. Hon Joseph Spraker, n promlnont nnd urnalrhv nltlznn nf tho Mohawk VlllleV. died yistorday, aged 82. The decoasod uthr vlnn.nnialilnnt. nf thn Natlonnl Mo- hawk Hiver Bank, and a director of tho National Sprukor - Bank, which ho founded. One brother, ngod 03 years, tho last of six, survives him. Nuw Stoumshlp l.luo. New Bedkoud, Mass., Nov. 23. A now steamship line is to be placoJ tn onoratiou between Now Xork and Ure gon and Puget Bound to consist ot six vessels. The contract for tho llrst of tho vessels has already been awarded, and five moro will bebulltas soon as possible. flighest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTS TWO NEW STEAMERS. Tho Stonington Lino Adda to Its Equipment. The building ot two new ateamrrs by the l'rovldence A Htonlugton Steamship Com pany, to run on their Stoulugton Line, Is an event ol much Interest not only to tho travel- eg public, tint to nil who are In any way In terested In marine architecture, as these simmers present many novelties in type nnd plan, and are ths result of much thought de- otcd to tho question ol the best type of ves sel to run on great Inland bodies of water such as Ixuib Island Bound. Tho size of those steamers, the advantage ol their plan and equipment, their arrange ments lor speed, comfort and aafcty, the mag nificcnceol their interior fittings and decora tions, Will all combined make them the finest vessels of their klud afloat. Tho llrst of the0 vessels, the "Maine," wni launched at Uarlau & Jlolllngsworth yard at Wilmington, Delaware, on October 31st, and tho secoud, tho "New Hampshire," will bo lauuchi d In about three weeks. The design of theo steamer, though mod eled somewhat on tho plan ol tho new pro pellers now running on tho 1'ototnao Itlver, Is lurely tho work of Mr. J. W. Miller, tho President of the Providence & Btonlngtou Htenuisntp Company, and thoy have been built under tho Immodlate supervision of Mr, H. J. Cluriie, tho Haierlutendcnt of the Company. 1 To begin with, these boats are steel pro pellers, In Itself n great innovation on Long Irland ound, where the side wheeler h-is held sway so long, Their general dimensions aro : length on water line, 802 feel 7 Inches; length over all, 310 feet; beam molded on load water line, 41 feet; width over guards, 00 feet; drnrt, 12 foot. Tho passenger gangway is well an, and leads lo a social hall extending the width of the vessol. On the forward side of this Is tho grand fctatrway and to the rear of a ladlcV cabin. Tho grand stairway leuds to tho main sa loon, which Is a magnificent apartment 243 lect long In the clear, and will bo decorated In White and gold with beveled plate glass mhrors.eto. Tho front of this saloon will bo occupied by large parlor storeroouiB nncly furnished with brass bedslc.ids, and tbo occu punts of these rooms will havo a line outlook- Above this and reached by a stairway from ho lorwaid saloon will be a gallery deck' The front of this houso is on a circle which will be mado Into an observation room with nearly the entire front ol glass. Blldlug doors shut it oil from the dining room, which Is reached by a passage between slatcrooms.lwo on a side. The location of tho dining saloon ou this deck Is a unique idea which cannot fall to bo popular, especially on -warm sum mer days, When tho dining rooms on tho lower deelr, which Is whero It Is located on al most nil sound bouts except those of the l'rovldencoiSStoulngton Lines, become ex. tremely hot aud ktutry. TI16 pantry, kitchen, oarber shops, smoking room, etc,, will also all be on this deck. Over tho gallery Is tho pilot house, which will contain all tho latest appll ances for tato navigation. Two handsome domes light the main saloon Thorolsnn annunciator service from every stateroom, and a special service between tho olllcers' quarters. Thesteatn heating service is connected with both the main and tho donkey boilers. The falnon will bo heated by radiators and tho staterooms by continuous plpo-'. All the plumblbg will be tlrtt class. Tho steamers will be llgbled by electricity, about 000 lights being Installed on each vessel, side and siern llghis being also electric and a search light will bomounted upon tho pilot house. The main engine of tnoso steamers will bo an In vented, direct acting, surface condensing, triple expansion engine wnh four cylinders 28, 15, $1 nud 51 Inches diameter, with 12-luch slrofco. The propeller Is of cast Irou, left handed, fourbladed, and 13ifoet In diameter. Four Scotch type boilers will be Installed In each vessel. Tbeso will be 13 feet 0 inches in diameter and 11 feet 0 Inches long, nnd will bo mado of steelliavlug a tousllo strength of 00,000 pounds to tho square Inch. Kach boiler has Ihree corrugated furnaces 48 Inches out- sldo diameter, comprlilng 271 square leetol grate surface. The boilers will bo worked at a procure oi ICQ pounds to thosquaro Inch. Ulowentwlthaciipuoltyor 20,000 oublo feet of air will be put In, ind the fire room will bo arranged for forced draft. This will bo another novelty on Loug Island Sound, It Is not dclinliely decided that forced dralt will be used, but tbo blowing platlorm will be In mailed and tho fcystem used If it is found ad VlsablO, 1 Tho steering gear will he tho Williamson combines hand and sieam gar. There will be seven watertight oomparb menu In each vtssul, Insuring yorffct safely tn onse ot accident. The steamers will carry besides Iho full complement Df llfo infls, tmam, elc. These line vessels will bo llntsued next May, and will take their places on the Htonlugton Line nt the openlug 4 the next summer sou- sou. Florida oranges aro coming. ltd Ooids,OiKiihs,SsTboat.CroapjBi Ineais, Whooping Cough. IJronehltis sn4 Asthma, i. tarts t lor Consumption la fiit tug, sod a aura r uvr la advanetd stages. Uit st ooaa. xoa will sss the si saUent sffsot aftsr Uklnr th trst dose, ail ; (aslan ntnwhsia, La i, IxlBaa, N saow U4 IM0, U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Baking Powder THIRTEEN BITTEN. A Mad Dog luN'owurk, .'. J., Makes AVorh Tor Pasteur's Institute Newauk, N. J., Nov. 2a Thlrtoon men, women nnd children ward bltton by the big Newfoundland dflg whloh ran wildly through tho oastorn sootlon of this olty for two hours Saturday oven ing. Tho animal, which no ouo seems to own, was finally stonod to death, and tho wounds of alt Its victims were cau terized by druggists and physicians. I). While most of thorn are only slightly hurt, ono, Mrs. Llpleln of Bowery struct, had her clothos nearly torn oil aud her thigh badly lacerated by tho bruto'a fangs. Sho was ntteudod by a physician, and nil day yesterday had a high fever. Tho advislbllity of sending hor to tho rnstour Instituto in this city was dis cussed, nnd it was decided to wait until to-day for fnrthor developments. Tho do? was first seen In Bowo ry stroot, running along and snapping nt overything in its path. Thoro wero many people in tho thoroughfuro, but they broke and raa in ovory dlroctlon when tho animal approached, It first bit Michael O' Urlon, nu old man living iu Polk stroot, in the thigh, aud whon sh iken off run to MIohnol .Brown.of Oxford street aud laceratod his hand. By this tlmo tho crowd wns chasing tho evidently rabid animal and ondoav oring to kill it. By doubling nnd run ning through side streets it oscaped un til at Madison and l orry streots a brick hurlod from the crowd laid it low. Thou It was stonod and cluhbod to death by tho oxcited crowd. Serve Your Baby a Good Turn By sending to J. M. Hillan or O. J. Mc Carthy, tho druggist'!, for a froo samplo botllo of Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It instantly cures colic pains and la free- from dangerous drugs. Thursday will be ThnnkHKivluB day uuu not long niter unriaiiniia. A Husband's Mistake. . HUftbands too oaen permit wlvos. and war- .uki knell ;ijiiuit,i, ,u miner uoiuuriiuiiuii:, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, fit, ner vousness, wnen oy me use 01 jjr.- fines' itcstoratlve Nervlue sucb serious results could easily bo prevented Druzelsts every where say lLeives univert-nt satisiacuon. ana has at lmmeuse sale. Wood worth Co., ol r on. w ay ne, inu.; wnow oz uo or wyracuse, N. Y.: J. U. Wolf. Hillsdale. Mich.: and lmu. d-edsot others say "It is the greatest selicr IhflV flvpr lrnw' Tt. (-ntttnlMB nn nnl.lifl Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous Diseases, rreo at u, u. iiagenuucu s. Thn TlinnkflD-lvinc cmrmnn nhnnlrl uo written witua tiirKey quill pen. Mlloa' Norvo and Llvor Pills Act on a new nrlnclnls recrulatlna' thn iivtM-, hujuiacu uuu puweis mroHan- tne nerves A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pile, constipation, uneottaled for men. women. chlldron. Smallest, mlldct,surestl Sidoaes, 25ct. Samples free, nt O. II. Ilagenbuch'a arng store. A few more blows and all tho leave s will be gone from tho trees. The Soorot of Sucoesa. C. 11. Hagenbuob, the dniijjM, believes Uial the secret of suacess Is persHVertiiioo. There fore ho persists In keeping the finest hue of neriumeries. toilet, ariioies. cosmetics, arum and chemicals on the market. IleesbeolaUv invite all persons who have palpitation, short breath) weak or hungry r pells, pain In side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry 01 ugh, smothering, dropsy or heart disease 10 try i)r. .Miles unequaieu isow iieart uure, ooiore it is too late, eras me largest saie 01 anv similar remedv. Kino book oftestlmo nliils free. Dr. Miles' liestoratlvo Nervlue Is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, neadacho, flts, etc., unu 11 contains uo opiates Some men con keep drunk when iney can't Keep anytmng eiso. Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed tho warning? The signal per mips of the sure approach of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon can afford for the sake of saving W cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from experience that Million's Cure will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million llotlles were Mild tho past year. It relieves Croup and Whopping Cough nt once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame Back, Side or Chest, useHUtlph's Porous Plaster. Sold by 0. II. Ilattonb-chj N. E. corner Main and Liioya sirtwiH. Tho campaign of tho huuter Is tiiinuing out me game. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This la beyond question the most sno uossini uwku .iieu 101 ne we nave ever sola 4 lew doses Itrariabrv oure tile wont mum o dough, Oroup. and JBrouohiUs, while its won. term1, suoocesj In the oure of Consumption la .vlthout a parallel In the history of medicine, since It's llrst dlMavery it has been sold on a guarantee, a teat which no other medicine ean stand. Ir you lutve a (lough we earnestly ask yon tn try It. Price 10 cents. SO cents, and (1.00. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack tamo, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Hold b 0, H. Hagenbuch, N, E. corner Main and i.ioya streets, Charcoal mnkeg the beat kind of a Are to broil with. The Dootor and Postmaster were talking about a ease of serlouB Illness due to a neglected oold and rapidly golnrluto ooneuuipuon wniou was promptly oureu oy Pau-Tlna Cough and Consumption Cure. iriui uoities tree at iiiruu s urug store. Tlio banc of the hunter's eun still reveiberates through tho rural diu- inct. A Parish Priest's Certificate Oar tilled to by tho Arohbishop of Mexico, I, parooMal prlestand eoclehlastlcal Judge of iweiaya, maieui uuausjuaio. Hereby ceri IV that I know ne ple who have beiMt i-uredhy the Cart us lltood Cure. It radically and udectuully dispels all Impurities 01 the blood. FKNi (lM ruNii'llta.. Tho above slsnaturets wluen he uses in an nis nusiiicks, oiuct div and otherwise, ana no is an out pupil or mtuo t P, AnAreliuMliop of Mexico. Bold at ICtrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson House DUKK.cuuuauuuaa SPEAKERSHIP CHAT iV CI030 Contest . Betwcon Messi-s. Mills nnd Crisp, NEW YORK VOTBS MAY DECIDE! IT What Springer, MoMillao, ot al. Depend Upon to Give Them a Ohanoe. They Would Like to Soo a Prolonged Fight llotweon tho Lenders Farmers' AUInnco Men Will I'robubly Support Colonel Ltvlngstnuo Mr. Springer and tho Ohloiins The Coutost lor Clerk of the Httuso. Wasiunqton-, Nov. 28. Within tho past two days an lmprosston has arisen that Now York votes will settlo the Speakership contest, and the trips ot Mossrs. Mills, Crisp and Springer to tho metropolis hnvo done much to strengthen this impression. Whether it is true or not that tho delegates from New York will voto as n unit, the fact that tlio voto ot ono State is likely to dotermlno tho lssuo shows how closo nnu uncertain tho light is at present. iho friends of Air. Mills maintain their confidence, snylng that in any event he will securo enough ot tho un pledged votos to glvo him tho nomina tion in caucus. Thero is no doubt thnt the chances of Springer. McMillan. Hatch and llynum depend largely upon a prolongod contest between Mills and (Jrlsp. Uf the VJQ votes that will bo cast in tho caucus on tno first ballot, in tho neighborhood ot 150 will bo cast for Mr. Mills or Mr. Crisp. Honco, if a nomination Is mado on tho second or third ballot, those minor candidates will have llttlo oppor tunity to form combinations. Thoy aro, thoroforu, uucournglng ns much as possiblo a protractod contest botweon tho two loaders. If this bitter ness can bo fostorod, and It has already been partially developed. It Is possiblo that neither of tho two leaders men tioned will soouro tho caucus nomina tion. However, certain pooplo who aro on tho right sldo of tho ropes and know exactly how tho fighting is being dono, aro pinning their faith to Crisp, ono of thoso saying this morning : "Crisp will bo Spoakor. Writo that down aud lot It stand." Thero seems to bo soma misunder standing about tho Ohio dolegntlou. Tho frlonds of Mr. Mills nnd Mr. (Jrlsp both claim ten votos In that btato. which has only fourtoon altogether la tho Domocrntlo caucus. Mr. bprlugor, it is stated, has In his pockot lottors from two of thoso nssuriug him of their support, which shows that thoro is a mistake somewhere. Mr. Springer hn3 always boon cspoclnlly friendly to tho Ohio Demo crats, nnd ho thinks thnt this will bu re ciprocated when tho brook comes In tho caucus. Ho was chairman ot tho com mittee sent to Cincinnati iu lbS3 to in vestigate tho nllogod lrrogularitlos ot United atatos Marshal Lot Wright in tho October election, prior to tho Presi dential eloctlon in that year, nnd when ever tho subject hns boon brought up on tuo lioor of tbo Houso la hot political debates Mr. Sprlngor has always do- fended tho Cincin'inti and Uhlo Dem ocracy. Tbo report from Indianapolis that tho Farmers' Alliance Congressmen will flock by thomsolve has not produced any startling affect upon tho candidates already in tho Held. This fnct has boon foreshndowod by recont utternucos of President Polk and Jerry Simpson, nnd henco its olloct baa boon largely dls counted. Noithor Mr. Mills nor Mr. Crisp nro liahlo to suitor thoroby, It having boon conceded thnt It tho Alliance members supported any straight Democrat It would bo Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, lim ing declared that thoy will support ono of their numbor, it Is probable that that Individual will bo uoionoi Livingstone, of Georgia. There nro only tour Alliance members credited in tho unofficial Hat, although thoro aro some 40 members who hnvo boon elected through Alllaucu influoncos. From 12 to 20 of thoso nro oxpected to follow the Alliance leaders rather than participate in tho Democratic caucus. but no advantngo will be gainod by them iu that way. Next to tho Speakership the warmest contest has heretofore boou ovor tho Clerkship of tho Houso. This contest has been considerably simplified by the Governor of Maryland appointing ex- Congrossinnu Gibson to auoceed to the vacancy caused by tho death ot tho lata Senator Wilson of that utnto. Mr. Gibson has boon one ot tin promt nont candidates tor tho clorkshlp and divided With John U. (Jlnrkof Missouri, a largo proportion of tho Southern voto. Mr. aibson having notified tho Gover nor of Maryland that ho will accept the appointment, is therefore voluntarily retired from tho raoo. Although his Senatorial term may not be a long one, it has some advantages oounected with it. He will receive tho salary for the full tlmo oinnsinu Bluoa tho death ot Senator Wilson, whloh. ooourrod uoarly a year ago. Kuitliin-l'runco Treaty Again. Brussels, Nov. 28. The "Independ once Beige" publishes n Btatemout to the effect that lie uiers, ue irreyoinot aud ltlbot, at their meeting in the Htu- slan Embassy at l'arla ou Saturday, discussed the terms ol the execution of n treatv between Itussla and Frauce, The "Independence" olairan to apeak upon the highest authority, and, as IU Parisian corrospouuepoa is uauauy ac curate, the tntement Is sake- m a con firmation ot the reports already current la Paris. The treaty, it 1 said, will especially cover the co-operation ot the French aud rtussiau iiJi in mo steal terranauu in the event ot war. Governor llwey lletlor. iMDiAXAl'ous. Ind., Nov. 28. Gov, Hovay'a condition U slightly improved to-day, ami 111 rienus now nave soino hone of his ultimate rooovery. Ha took some uourlslimeut yesterday and it was properly digested. Ills extremities are still cold except when warmed up by ar tificial means, nnd periods ot violent couahlng. which aro quite frequent, are always followed by prostration nnd faint action of tho heart. Mint Himself While Practicing, TiAjrcAhTho. Pa.. Nov. 28. Joh 1 Bow man, ngod 12 yonrs, acoldent -Uy shot biresolf IU tno sunomen yesior jay an noon, inflicting a fatal wound, Bow man, with a numbor of othor boys, wero shooting at a mark with a revolver. We use flippy pure alcohol to make Wotrr'n Acme BLACKt.VO. Alcohol is good for leather j it it good for the skin. Alcohol Ulhe chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Hum the well known face washes. We think there in nothing too costly touso in a good leather preservative, Acmo Blacking retails at 20c. and at that price sells readily. Many lieonloare o accustomed tn hit vine a liran. ing or blacking nt Be. nnd 10c. a liottla that they cannot understand that a hlack Ingcan bo cheap at 20c. We want to meet them with cheapness if we can, and to ac complish this wo oiler a reward of for a recipe which will enable us to make Wolff's Acme Blackino at such n price that n retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. Wo hold this oiler open until Jan. 1st, 1S03. WOLS'i' & BANDOLPH, Fhlladolphia. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR 10 SARSf ilU Purifies the blood by ex pelling the impurities through tho proper channel and never causes eruptions on tho skin. llcgulatos the bowels. Curos lyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up tho system md gives you an appetite, Never fails to cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Ktrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Ji7oc&, Shenandoah, Pa. Ask 111V mzctllM far V. I.. llniiclna Shoea- fr lint flip Rflln In mill- njtii-f, Hull mil. ilenlel- 10 pnd for cntnlnctir, aecure the incur)-, niut i:ct them lor nu. tP-TAiA.; so SU115T1TUTI2. -CS S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It lHasfaiiileflssUoe, with no tacks or xrttx threat I to hurt tho fueti made of the best lino catf, Btjlfstf anil easy, ami btoauae in make mora $hoea qf this grade than any other manufacturer. It equals haml sewL'.i Bhot'H costing frmu C4.n0 to g'i.OO. U t-L wu iL'iu.iuo iiaiui-rHute.t. uionnetcair H'Ja shoo ever offered fur $5.ut; equals Fruncti 1 in ported -..iocs which cunt from $S,tMto $12 uj. 4 mi iiiiiiuv'ii wt'ic riioe( nne cair. Btllltll. Co m fort ul lie. nml dura hi n. Tho h ,C shoe oer oiTereti nt thin price j mnxe HTudo as cus lum-iiiutii' bium'b iiminiK i nun tn.uu w sf'.FJAl. .flSO oO I'ollen Hliuct larmeis, liallroatl Men wJm ami LetterCnrrlersnll wanrthann (lnoculf Bamlt-Bu, Biuooth ImbMu. heavy threo aolci, exteu Blon eilurn, Ono pulr will wear a year. - this prlcu; ouo trial will convince those ho wunt a Bhoo for comfort tuitl nervloo. Zvi) mm 94tl(i nnrkuiiiimirN snoca nro Vrrv Rlroiiir niwl hirnltli Tltnia whrt ha a glvon the m a trial will wear no other mako. EZauoI 9u(i nmi i9i.7 bcnooi BQoea aru DU V B worn hvtlio hovnvnrvu hnrni thuviti-ll on their merit a, nn tho luc reusing Hales show. k.fl I J3kCC if ii ini-OHfti sfloe, imv kuvl ICS Douuolu. vervrttvIlHti: enualaPreucli Import etl shoes coathig from UN) to $ti4J(l l.mlU'H' J,ao, 9-aS.nil mid $1.75 boe for Misses are the best line Uonyola. StjTlsh ami durable. 'iiulloii. Seo that V. L. lioualas' name and price are stamped ou the bottom of each shoe. . l. uuuuus, urecKiou, moss. DR. THBEL, Kilft North Fourth St., Duo btl urwu. PmtiPBtriuA, tbi only mta-iot Ovrioao AucriCaUk Hpe-UU. in the t'nllM 8UWS U able to ouru BlOOd POl80nv Nervous Debility ""t 8pk clal Oltieasea BkiD DisKMbtt, RedSi'OWl'alai la Oi tKuun, & Mouth, PVatctit' Ptaipttw, Eruption., in or bard t'loeri, BtUUi, Itritatlona, IaflammatlooB aud HanDtot, Htrloluiii, WmknrM and dma tfttt rntmorjr, weak bai-k mioUl anilctv. Hdoey d Blffl.W DlaMt and all DlaaM rawililiilt from -tr1"' hi itMrtttou or OTtrwork. Rmul wrt lo u rtttier at one. Do not Iom hop, no raaltrr what jAwr UrtDf Doctor, Quack, Family or llntplial Fhjriolan hu fHr. Dr. THfiRL onrai poltlvnlV "hhout dFlwUea (Yow toalataM. oto, Top, HrbtiLi tun r THni rom if itip raaai.oa. Hnh or poor. at-nJ 1c tump tor bOClC 'TRUTH Pin QvX worn taanDUla. H "a" Aillr from 9 w I Kt'k- to . Wd. and BaU X?' S lo 10. fiaadaF II till II. Vrftp or caU Md bt Fat KatwcaoM a Wndu. "d Baturdaj PUla. Oall7 TUo A FINE SHOW If you waut to nee a lino display of Hoot and W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (MasWIlar's old stand,) Cortutr coal MHd Jurrtln fUa. Cusjtoiu Work autl XepRlrinKT Done In the best sty Is. SUFFEMMG WOMEN NARRii Vin tiMnhled Uh e pm annorlim JiTsraJartt gt.iutlrfoaowluuri aobiot xa'rur.., or lMtsMVin ui jtional Wuk;;. - pt-c.'l.i to their tar, ti Une Dft, D'JOMOINS' 0ltrateci 'WALE RfQULATINQ PILLS. I njr ura K( nnKtr mi I m' i s ntit 'ir , rt i vlui r atnt t?i tut- ' ft i . ' ! Ti in . i mi or I I Kills'!. i t il ' ; ' f ' - , r. Hartt-r ui. .r ( jUih. ft 't R. BRIC'KKH id, l., P YMUA WANDS VRQEON, Mo: a vit ,!ra Htresti Uauanoy City, V Hkluandall Pt)o!aMlse8asaaiol-lty. WHYIS THE W L, DOUGLAS