The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 23, 1891, Image 2

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Tho Contest for tho Iiopubli
Hcan National Convention.
The Meeting Wh Galled to Order at 11
O'olook by Chairman Olarkaon-
New YorU, Ran I'ranolsco, Qmahn, I)n
trult unit MlmionpolU Still Cnnfldmit uf
Winning Tho Metropolis Claims 'i'i
Votns on tho I'lrst lliillot lUitrolt Mon
Have AMUruDDAi of Sonoml Choice nnd
Arena In Optimistic Voln.
Wamiikotok. Nov. 9fi. Shortly after
11 o'clock this morning tho Nnttonnl
Republican Committee was oalleil to or
der by -Chairman Cliirkson, anil tbo
groat fight of Relucting u place to hold
the Itepubllcan National Convention of
1892 had begun.
The meeting la holdln tho blgbnuquot
ballot tho Arlington Hotel, and nil tho
available space la packed full of pooplo,
as the hearing of tho clalma of tho vari
ous cities Ih open to the public.
Oen. Clarkaon wan mado parmanont
chairman, and at this writing the cre
dentials of tho representatives aro boing
preae uted. The vaoanoy from Pennsyl
vania caused by tho resignation of Sena
tor Quay may be Oiled by tho State
chairmen, Watres, or Secretary Frank
Loach. A contest Is likely over tho
representation of Utah, whioh Is claimed
by both Judge Mcllrldo and Judge
One hour Is allowed each city tor
spoecbea In its behalf, but in Bcvoral
canes it Is not thought likely that tho
hour will be consumed. A ballot will
be taken this evening.
It is regarded as very likely that tbo
contost will bo a prolonged onenndthntn
great number of ballots will have to bo
taken before the result is reached.
The claims of Now York will bo pre
sented by Senator Illscock, seconded by
Senator Hawley of Connecticut.
Chaunoej M. Depow will be unable to
attetul. Tho speakers for Mlnnosota
well be Heading Clerk C. W. Johnson ot
tho Senate and Senators Sab in and
Ex-Clovurnor 1'ornkor will Bpoak for
Cincinnati, Socrotary Fostor refusing to
take part in tbo light beonusa ot his
connection with tho administration.
niironimnn McKonna will plead tho
causo of UftlliorulOj General Palmer and
Conaresamun Allen Will argue for Do
trolt, and Judgo C. It. Scott for Omaha.
Tho Detroit committee report n vory
eiicnurnulmz outlook. Thoy have ussttr-
ancos of second oholco and thoy think
thero is now no llrst oholoo and that
Now York, San Francisco and Cincin
nati aro out of tho raco, and in tho
ovont of Now York dropping out thoy
hopo to gain strength trom that quar
ter. Ban Francisco, thoy say, will, on
account of tho traus-ltlsslBslppl deal,
favor Omaha If thoy boo they cannot
win. . ..
Mr. II. Do Young, ot tlie ban trancis-
co Chronlclo, feels very
ovor tho prospects.
distance, he says,
peared in
and tbo
Cnntniotor 8hphird, MUaluff fnr"'n Yfnr,
lleturiiN, ntiit 1 ttrld tut it Htirloufc tllmrge.
WilkMdarrR, l'a., fov. S3.Tho ar
rest of W. II. Shepherd, the wealthy
contractor of this city, whose mysteri
ous disappearance from homo Inst Jan
uary created a sensation throughout the
country, has caused much excitement.
He arrived here Saturday night, after
olovon mouths' absence. Ilia coming
was awaited, but In soma manner he
oludod thoso who wore watching for hlnj
and wont nulatly to his homo.
At o o'clock yesterday morning u
A Great Invention.
One of our iiroiulnent (iltizsils. A. A.
lleseer. lias invi'iiU'd b rubber wtttei
iMittlo, which Ih creating qtilttta furor
ainotiit tiBera of. and dpalarn lit I tot
wat r lotties. The Jmlfa Hubwr
World, of New York City, Which is
the standard of tlio India nifiber tradp
In the United States, rb well as
throughout the civilized world, writes
tue loiiowing coiripinuetitRrv not let
editorially! "An liKilr-nertsahlc house
Hold nrtlcl? is the lMsrlon IuiIIh libber
hot water bottle. Tlio conveniences
ntul rtBUlts or He tine are rantarkublc.
i.. . i . .. ..1,1 . . . i . . .. i . i . . t
, , ........i... i. - I. i in niQiiiu Bivie. cu iiiucu me tiuiua "i
7! "l"cu i,T" "'"V""L1.'S ' !' tho feet on tho bottlef.. tho knees 1 nd
UHiog vivos. uu wus ub unutj iuhwi uti iii ,.i.i . ' i i.i . iit,.
der arrest and taken to tho ofllce of Jus- '"i1.0,1 r."Ug.Uit0,'11.1 "Prlpllt position;
tlco Davidson, where ho was charged ""iB a ways uusiiuuib iu it
. . .' . .. ..." I afnl frntt. Ami in .l.lniti liAnl fiv
w Ml nllnnnt.lnfr t in lltrnnMnns Clt ftlnVOl I ...... .w ouvuiu m-n. .... .....
s..ttnni.r ,i Tim nri.nn.i. rnfnn,i tf hoiy the oval bottle hud to ho placed
mnV nnv .tnlnmntit.. Mil was held in Oil 1110 IHTSOI1. AS B 001116 WllU IWO
tn nnn lmti fn-trini. quarts of wntor welch live pound.
' . .... I - I . I .. ... I... It.. ....1 ... 1 t 1 41...
The arrest has caused a ilooliloa sen- imn wu oujuuiuiuuiii-; uwiues, me
satinn. For fivo months attor Shori- old style WAS oval, unci of course did
hord's dlsappoaranca It waa thought not Irnvo tlie lleatilli; fUrfuco of n 11 it
that ho was dead aud had been tho vlo- bottle, BllCh ns the "Marion." To
tlmoffnnl play. Ono day in ilay lasl
ho startled the wholo community by
sending n telegram to a friend hero,
stating that ho was allvo and living in
A friond wont to that city nnd found
Shepherd lying 111 nt ono of tho hotels.
Then It began to ho whlspored that there
was a woman In tuo case, wntcn tact, aa
well aa tho causo of his long absence,
has boen mudo apparent.
overcome all this A. A. He"ser has
produced a bottle which la lllustrat 1
below. The heat can be applied to the
body without pressure. For foot
wanning it is perfection. The nozzle
Is placed on top soaa to prevent leak
A Woman 'Who llelluvod In tho Word
a Fortune Tolling Contrivance.
Biudoei'OUT, Conn., Nov. 23. Thi
Catholio prlosts of this city havo come
out strongly against a popular "talking
board," or mechanical contrivance foi
telling fortunes, by which Sirs. Eugenli
Girpentor, of Jlyrtlo avenue, who placod
laltli iu It, lias lost nor roaion.
Although only 38 yoars old sho has hoi
shnro of trials. Whon quite young Bh
niarrlod a drinking man who soon aftoi
desorted her. Of lato sho had boon re
ceiving tho attentions of a young brake
The above renrecenta tho niauuer Iu
which the "Marlon" botllo is used.
It is something which should be in
i-vpi'U hmiiM n It. will H?ivn irmnv n
a tew wcoics ago iney qunrreiioo Uoctor bill and greatly lellevo a sullei
much onthused
Tho question of
has entirely dlsap-
tho hands of tho delogatea.
offers mado by San Francisco
and ho has not called slnco. Mrs. Car
penter grow melancholy.
She heard of tho "talking board" and
purchnsod ono. With a friond twe
nights ngo alio plied tho mysterious
oracle with questions. Mrs. Carpenter
lcarnod. or thought sho loaruod, that
hor husband would nevar roturn. This
was as sho Buppoaed, but sho lookod
again and read that she had also lost hoi
brakoman's love,
Soon nftor sho retired, complaining ol
a headache. Early tho next morning n
noiKhbor found her wandering In the
stroet, hor hair down her back, aud
clad only in her night cloth33. irirow
lnirhis overcoat around her he led hoi
homo, whero tho physician who was
summoned found her roason had flown
imd tbo cheat) rates from all points of
tho country malcos san n rnncisco a uo ni! fnr the nnxt convention.
-F. -V. ' . t i . i I
The Minneapolis poopie ioei ckcvuiu ui
receiving not lesa than 11 votos on tho
llrst bullot and hnve no fear of falling
below that number at any ttmo. Thoy
hnvo been putting out feolors among
thoir Western compotltors for a good
second plaoe, In case the fight becomes
a long oue, and In that ovent they hopo
to mak n sortlo on their enemies and
come out vlctori. They consider Cin
cinnati thoir moat dangerous rival, but
do not think New York caiea much for
tho eonvention.
Tho Now York dologatlon give out aa
an estimate of their strength on tho first
ballot, of the -18 mombers of the com
mittee, 22; on tho second ballot, 27;
while on the third thoy expeot Cincin
nati's Btrength to oome to New York.
Tlio Rtrlhtlif? Minors in Frauee.
Paris, Nov. 23. Tho strlklug miners
met yesterday to consider tho proposi
tion of tho Qovornmont that three mln
lng onglnoers, appointed by tho State,
should arbitrate upon tlio issues hc
tweon tho striking minora and thoir
employers. Tho mooting was held at
Lous, and In addition to tho 183 dole'
tratos. an immonso numbor of miners
and their famlllo3 woro nssomblod in
tho place to learn tho doolslon nrrlvod
at. Notwithstanding the advocacy of
tho Government proposition by sevoral
of tho sneakers, tho dolegatos voted not
to accent it. Thoy insisted on nomin
ating tho arbitrators thomsolvca, and
choso flvo miners for that purpose. It
U thnuuht that thero la very slight pros-
cact of tho tniuoownera uccoptlng this
form of arbitration.
er. The aeniaua lor tlie ".Marlon," is
constantly increasing, one man alone
Having ttist sent in on oruer lor two
gros-a, which shows that the invention
has made a linuie for Itself.
J. G. llenncr. of Pottiville. is asent
for the bo.t'o, and lias a 'ready toiu a
large number in Shenaudoah.
JSllzztirtl ill ICaniits.
IUnbas Citv, Ma, Nov. 23. Ablla-
zard la raging ovor tho wholo State of Last night it was snowing
heavily, aud the wind was still blowing
ulmost a hurricane, driving tho snow
nnd sloot into drifts in overy direction
Reports como In slowjy from Kansas, as
tho wires aro down In ovory direction.
Trains on tho Union Pacific, Santa Fo,
and Southern Kanaas roads aro trom
throo to flvo hours lato. It Is feared
that the roads will undergo a comploto
Wreck on tho Now York Central.
SYnAcusic, N. Y., Nov. 23. Tho fast
Easbound express oa the New York Cen
tral & Hudson River R illroad, wh.lch
leaves this city at 8 p. m., ran Into the
. roar ond of a freight train about a mllo
and a half oast of Canaatota shortly af
ter 9 o'clock yeatorday ovoulng. Ea
glnoor Thomas E. Park of tho oxpross
and his fireman, Edwnrd Balrd, woro
badly injured but not fatally. Tlio en
gine of tho express was wrocked. The
wreok took ilro and two of tho express
cars woro burned.
ICx S perfectly pure-
is specially commended to sufferers from Indiecslion.
a or vveaic atomacli. Uclicalc and JNutntious.
1 1 j ii mini inn i.tinnBtrflrrninn j jUihnmuMy n m ji i ujni
Bti inwiMitiawi'niMuuiuniiimuii
VN OUDINANOK lo amcna nn nrrtl.
unnco iMMsed on the 3rd day of February, A.
D. lBttl. entitled "An ( nntitorrl
tue Mnlianoy city, Hlionandoali, tllrurdvlllc
anu Asuiana uauway Uompany tlio Hunt to
hulldjind operate an electric railway on cer
tain streets In the Horougli of Hlienaudonh."
lit it Ordained, By the Town Council of the
Borough of Shenandoah, and It Is hereby or
dained by the authority or tho same, that the
ordinance or stld borough heretofore passed
nn the third day of Kebrnary, A.. U. 1801, re
lnllng to "An ordinance conferring on tho
ananoy I'liy, tiitedanaoali, airnrilvlllea a
Ashland Httcet Hallway Company' tho right
to build and operate an Blectrlo rnllwkviin
ccnaln streets in the lioroiiKh of Btienan-
Amended. And la herebv amended hv rlmnr
Inn tho words "flanue rail" In wild ordlnsnce
to tho words "T rail." and that tlin said nrdl.
nance be
furthermore Amended. And 1 liprnhv
amended hychauglng tho guago ol trncK in
sold ordinance from live feet two and one
iihii luuiiuB m.iu.; ui mo Kunico ui iour eci
elehtand ono-half Inches (1 ft fcln.).
to mi i iihi. iue Kaiu 'iiiKiianoy uuy.
Hhenandoah, Glrardvlllo and Ashland Btrect
Hallway Company," within twotvc(12)months
from the completion of said railway, shall re
move the said "Trait" and substitute tho
llauzeraU" II the said "T rair'shall nrnve to
he nnsatUIaetory aaduuaccentable tothopuld
Town Council; nnd
rrotuiea twtnermore, inaitiio saia "ixa
hanoy City,Shenaadoah,Olmrdvllleand ABh
land street Hallway Company" shall accept
tho provisions of this oidlnanco within tin
tlO) days from the pasuge thereof.
bnacted and paaed Into an ordinance at
Hhenandoah, L'a., the fifth day ol November,
A. D. 1891.
A. 11. UAlil.U,
Pres. of Town Council.
JAS. B. I.IiS3ia,
Chief Burgess.
W. J. 10KTZ,
1M2-I0t Town Clerk.
Chunk:, Iehlgbton, Slatlngten, Oats
, Allenlown. Bethlehem, Enstou, l'lill
a and New VorS at 0.17, 7.40, o.utfa.m.,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
AnrtAroiMKNT op fambnosb tbAins. .
NOV 16. 1S91
f asset) eer trains will leave Bhenandoah for
uaucn i:uans, jjenii
naaquo, J
1ZE2. 3.10. 5.26 T).m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Wnter Unp and
itroudaburg at 6.47, n. m.,and 6.S8 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.03 h, m
For White Haven, Wllkes-Iiarre and Fit!
win 6.47, -08, 10.41 a. m 3.11) and 639 n. m,
ForTunkhannock, 10,11s, in., 3.10 and 5.2
p. m
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyont
10.41 a. m and 6.26 p. m.
t or lAooy vine, Towanda, Bayre, waverly,
Niagara Falls,
bimira, itocncsier. iiutiaio. Niaci
Chicago and all points West at 10.41
5.26 n. m.
For Itlmlra and the West via Hnlamnnrji nt
3.10 p. m.
j? or Auaenrioa, iiazieion, aioesion,
her Yard, Woatherly and l'enn Haven Jnno
tlon at 6.47, 7.40,9,08 a. ,m. and 12.62, 3.10 and
IfiS p.m.
For Joanesvlllo, Levlaton and Beave)
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a.m. and 6.28 p. m,
ForBcrantonat6.47 9.08, 10.41a, m, 3 10 and
5:28 p. m.
For Ilazle Brook. Jeddn, Jrlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12Jj2 8.10 and
6.26 d. m.
For Quakako at S.47 and 9.08 a. m nnd
1.10 p. m
rar wiggans, uimerion ana irsouvnie at
Lfhilndelrihia nnd Reading Bailroad
' Ttte TaWt in edet Xoe, IB, 1801 i .
. ffiv S.BW nr vla I hlladelnhia, weekduys. t ,
H.10 6.86, 7.W Wat, and 11535 il30 and 6. t (I
n. BnndMr ElrfTnd 7.48 a. m. For New ( t
i ur, via .Manou unune, week days. a.Ja, t
ju, a. m. ana 12.3J and 2.60 p, m. ,
For Keadlncr and Flillniiarni.if. uu-b iiav. I .
2.10, 5., 7,, a. m., 12.36 Xto and 8.56 p: m '
-i.innfty, xiu ana 7.1H ft. m., -Ijo n. m,
For uarrisourg, week days, 2.10.7JO n. m,i
r,ou, O.S5 p. ol.
ror Ajwntown, week aays, 7.20 n, m., 12M
.'0 p, m. 1
U-.-v U.,l.Hi. . .. 1 .. Ml,. ....
' ' .uHsvuio. hcua unvn, dilw, 4.M.U. m.t
2.S0 J. W and 6.66 p. m. Uanday, 2.10 ana 7.43
iu., IJU p. III.
For 'IVunanua nnd Mahannv nitv. wAk
ItyB, 2.10, 6.26, 7.20, a, m., 12,3i 2.60 and 5,55
i m. Bnnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a, m., 4.30 p, m.
Additional (or Mabanoy City, week days 7,00
ror Lancaster and Columbia, week dayai
1M a. m., 2.60 p. m.
Kor wuuamsport, sunbury and irowlsburg,
r"k days. 3.25, 7.20 and 110 a. m ifiS, 7.00
. , uuuw IliSBJ ,1.1, U.VU 1-1 J 1, .
For Malmnoy Plane, week days. 2.10 8.29.
U6. 7.10 and lf-80 a. m.. 1ZS5. 1.85. Z50. fijws.
7.00 and .t5, n. m, Bunday, 2,10, 3.M and 7.48
. . O E J l - u
t UI. ,, HI.
jor uiraraviue
ravlllo (Ramrahannock Btatlonl -
VMlk dftTH. ltd. Jt.a'i- 6.2S- 7.20 ftnrt ll.SOn. m
12.35, 1 iEO, 6,55, 7.00 and 9.23. p. m. Bunda?
2'10 3 2). 7.48 a. m 3.05. 4.30 n. m.
Cor Ashland and Bnamokln. week da'
3,33,7.20, ii-3'j a. m., 1.-J5, 7.00 ana
m, onnoay, 7 43 a. m., 8.U5 p. m.
Lroave New York via Philadelphia, week
day, 7.00 a. m.
ueava l'hlladelphla, weeK days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and COO p. m., from Broad
uo cauowmu ana 8.35 a. m. ana 11.30 p. m,
from Dthftna Ureen streets. Bunday 9.05 a.
m. iuw p. m. rrom w ana ureen.
5.50 and 8.52 a m., and 4.10 p. m, I IyRve heading, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delanc, ind 11.60 a. m 635, 77 p, m. Bunday 1,3.5 and
Otii, LIU, U.UO, 1U.11, . IU-,,3.40, O.UO,
I'rof. llrltcstA nn Admirer of Newman.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. 28. Prof. Charles
A. Brlggs, 1). D-, lectured last night ot
the Church of the Covenant to over 1,200
people, on "Tho Bible and the Church."
He defended tho opening chapter ot tho
Westminster Confossion of Faith in its
description of the Hlble, nnd opposed
any alteration or addition, as proposed
by the revisers In this raspwt. He spoke
of tho luto Cnrdlnnl Newman as a repre
sentative churchman- of our day. "A
man of the highest culture! deop insight
into the the things of God; a saintly
man," said Dr. Brlggs. "If it bo horoiy
to tnko such a man at his word, then I
glory in such heroy "
Abduetud Girl Found.
Rockviixe, Conn., Nov. 23 Tho
missing Itynn girl, 10 yours old, who
was enticed from hor homo in Middle
town a fow days ngo by tho notorious
J. Wesley Edmonds, nn agent for a
numbor ot Now York dives, has been
roturuod to hor homo In Mlddlotown
through tho good dotoctlvo work of
Capt. Cady of tho Rockvlllo poica. Sho
was found in Hartford, having boon do
sorted by tho man with whom sho loft
homo. Tho girl says sho recolvod a
numbor of letters from Edmonds, who
wunted her to go to Now York with
him. snvlna- that she would not havo
tn work and could llvo on tho fat
of tho land.
Oystor Drodiflna: nt ail End.
BaiDGEl'oitT, Conn., Nov. 28. Tho
oyster drudging season Is probably at an
cud for many months to come Tho
reoent terrlno storm Is responsible for
It, and the aggregate loss will probably
amount to sevoral hundred thousand
dollars. Qonorally the season ends with
some storm whioh disturbs the mud In
tho bottom of the Sound and smothers
the oyster. This year this was delayed
until the water wns thoroughly chilled
and It is feured the oystors have beon
killed. If this proves to be true no
oysters can be gathered until next
snrlnu's spawn matures, whioh will not
be before the middle of July, even under
tho most favorable conditions.
Filial Kallrmul CallMon.
Jackkokvillf, 111., Nov. 20. Yester
day the eJtprtNW on the Jacksonville St
Sotitlieaatern Koad, bound for St. Louis
from Chicago, collided with an engine
taking water ut a water tank on tho
malti Una. The nraman of the express
jumped In time to save himself, but
Charles Halt-grove, the engineer, was
fatallv crushed between the engine and
toader. The passengers were consider
ably shaken no. but none were uurt.
Tho accident was caused by the engine
takluLr water on the express' time. The
crew ot the engine escaped unhurt.
Aiitl-tivll Servloo league.
Wa-,iiinc.ton. Nov. 28. Au organlaa
tlon to bo known ad tho "Vnti-Clvll
Bervloo League ' has boon organized in
Wasluoguin, with C Solon otovonsoa
as proaldout, Holiert X. Husaoll ns spcro
mrv. and L. D. Westbrook as treasurer.
The object of tho organization, which Is
nonpartisan, la the repeal ot the Civil
Sorvlca law.
Tho Inlluouu lu Uumburg
Hamhuuo. Nov. 23. Groat dismay
oxiats in this city over the spread of In
fluenza, which Is fatal In many In
stances. Tho numbor of deaths In the
nnnt week was 280 abovo tho average,
and thero Is no present sign of an nbato-
ment of tho opldemlo. Tho symptoms
aro said to bo in many rospeota Bimuar
to those of tho grippe. As to tuo origin
of tho disease some claim that it was
brouaht here from Buasia, and othors
frnm America. Tho authorities luclino
to tho lluaalan theory, and thore is talk
of ostobllahlug a quarantine against
IluBalan emigrants coming to Hamburg.
Stubbed by Armenlana.
LtNN, Maaa., Nov. 23. In a street
quarrol Saturday night, two men, John
Comor and William Crois, moroccc
drosaors, woro badly out by a party of
Armenian morocco workora. Croa3 ro
celvod severe outs in tho faoe, aud Comer
was stabbed six timos nrouua tno uacK,
nock nnd head, but neither Is fatally
lnjurod. Although pursued by a largo
crowd their assailants nro still at largo.
Thlulc 8I10 Murdorod Uor Husband.
At.nAKV. N. Y.. Nov. 23. Tho pollco
think that Mrs. T. J. Finuegim la tho
murderer of hor husband, who waa
found deud Saturday morning. Ills head
was crushed In at tho base ot tho skull,
apparently with a blunt Instrument.
Tho WHO sum tuai uor nuiutiuu uuu
fallen ovor a rocking chair, aud that ho
would not allow hor to call In a physi
cian. Later an axo waa found on tho
premises covorod with blood and hair,
and upon tuia oviuenco vuu nnwiu m-
dored the arrest of Mrs. I'lnuogan on
suspicion of having committed tue crime.
Hursuant to nn order of tho Orphans' Court
of the County of Hchuyllilll. In the Conitnon-
weaitn 01 rennsyivamn, me suDecrioer, au
mlnistratord. b. n. of Alary E. Kuty, late of
the Township of Barry. In this county and
state aforesaid, will expo loealo by public
vendue, on WEDNESDAY, 2o DAY OF DK
CK.MBKIt next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
011 the iireuiUes in said township, county and
state aforc-ald.
All that certain piece of land f Hunted in
Hairy tnwuahlp, Bchuj lhlll county, Honnsyl
nnla, bounded and described aa follows, to
wit: Beginning au a stone, thrnce by the land
of Benjamin Hf inert, south clght--six degrees
(80), west thirty-five perches (35) to a stone;
lbnce by lands of Keubon Yoder, north three
degrees (3),east sixty-two perche6(02) and three
lontha(3-10)to a maple; thence by the same,
north eight y.flvedcgreca (86), eon sixty fuur
perches Gil and seven tentha (7 10) to stones;
thence by lands of Benjamin H Inert, south
six degrees (6) and oue-half (), east forty
percbes (10) 10 stonen; thence by the same
south el hiy-tlve degrees (85). west forty
perches (10) to stones; lhence by the same
south six degrees (6) nnd one-half (), east
twanty nerchea (20) to stones, the placo of be
ginning, containing ten (10) acres of land
ttrirt nieaauie. It belne part ot tho name
tract of land which tue Commonwealth -of
1'ennaylvanla by patent dated Iho 4th day of
.November, A. u , itso. lor iue cousiueratiou
therein mcnt oned, did grant and confirm
unto Gideon nnd Charles Maretvine and to
their belra aud assign?, enrolled In patent
noolE 11. vol, ou. ana ny aeen uaieu mo m q
couveyed ty the snld Charles Slarewlne and
j.urjioem, ma who, a uiaoun jiarowine una
Catharine, his wife, to Benwell Yoder, by
deed dated the 2nd day of Jannary, 18V), and
reoordid Benwell Yoder and Kater. his wife,
by his deed benrlng dnte the 19th dy of
June, A. D., 1800, and recorded conveyed said
upscnoea tana 10 saia juary c.. jinty, uo-ceased.
20 per cent, down when property Is sold, tho
balance In thirty days, when deed will bo
given, the Court approving sale.
Administrator d. b. n
M, M. li'VELLE,
By Order of tho Orphans' Couit:
Bamuki. 11 card, clerk.
I'ottsville, November 0, 1891.
u.21 inrt 10.27 n. m.
For Lost Creek, airardvllle and Ashland
4.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.86
8.10 and 9.14 p. m.
H-or Hamwater. Bt. Clair and PottsvlUs
5 50 ..40, 8 62, 10.41 a. m., 1X62,3.10,4.10, 5.28 unit
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.26 and n. m.
For Itavcn Hun, Centralis, ilL Carmel and
BnamoKm, a.xi, ana iu.10 a. m., i.w, t.i
nnd 11.06 n. m.
Trnlns leave Bbamokln for Bhenandoab,
7.55 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4J0 and 9.30 p. m., arriving
at Hhenandoah, 0.05 a.m., 12.52, 8.10, 5.26 and
11.13 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle and Ashland,
a.w. 9 in HJTia. m.. 2.4in. m.
For DarkwaUr. Bt. blalr and FottsvlUr.
o.uu, 0. m.i t.i-i p. m.
Kor Yatesvllle. Mahanoy City and Delano.
1.00, 11 J a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m.
ror ijouy, Auaenrien ana xiazieujn, oak
m.. 1:40 d. in:
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatineton,
Calasaunua, Aueuiown, iieinienem, jastoc
ana new xors, s.tiu a. m., i.iu p. m:
u or rnuaueiiinia, i.iu p. in,
Uen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem,
irst National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
Cotton I'luntura Organise.
CitAnLEBTON. S. a, Nov. 23. Tho
nlanters of Saa Island cotton In this
Htata have oraanUed tho Soa Island
Protective Union, tho objoct boing to
annum the nosaage by Congress of a tar
iff on lonn stanla cotton, oimuar
unions will be organized In Georgia aud
Florida. During the past summer an
effort was mado to form -a oombi nation
of Carolina plautors to prevent the salo
of seed to Georgia and Florida planters,
but this failed, and the present
"oomblne" seems to be tho outoomo ot
tho former effort.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Honda written.
aiarriage licenses auu legal ciaiius
piomptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Business, Represents
the northwestern i.ue insurance uo.
Office Muldoon'o building, corner Centre
and west bib., snenanaoan; fit.
Good Properties of fill Kinds For Sale.
A two story double frame dwelling honse
but ro and restaurant, on East i;entre Ht.
, A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
3. Ilenirable property on corner Centre and
durum Hiroois, suuuuie tor uumuesd uux-noses.
. A two story 'double frame dwelling, on
west Lloyd street.
Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner ot
coal anu unesimu atresia rttore room in
Two-story single bouse on North Chestnut
street with a large warehouse at the rear.
8. Tbrtse two-story double frame buildings
corner of Ltoyq anu uupqrt strcota.
Heward Otferod fur Incondlarlea,
CoitTLASP. N. Y., Nov. 33. The
board of trustees of Iloiner toiler n re
ward of i500 for the anprehenslort of
tho nernetrotors of tho reojnt inoendl-
nrv Area at that place. The streets aud
suburbs wero patrolled from darkness
Inst pvoning until daylight this mom
lnir bv members of tho rocontly orgnu-
lzed vigilance oommlttoo. Tho general
imnression is that those crimes havo
been tho work ot boys, to got tho ilro
department out.
Jersey Ilakor Asilgns.
Atlantic City, K J Nov. 23. Tho
Assignment was announced yesterday of
John 8. Taylor, thelargttstrestnurauteur
and bakor iu this part of New Jersey.
Tho liabilities, will ruu up Into tha
thousands, ho boing Indebted to Grolf,
Trllley & L'a. the mast extonslvo grain
and Hour doalors horoabouts, to tho ox
tent of $,0JU, and to other firms in pro
Dortionato amounts. His assets hare
not jot boon aunounood.
ioU'Ki'-Mr iUir"" '
A picture
of iiealth tho woman wuo lias
faitlifullv UBod Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Proscription. Sho foela well and
she looks so. It's a medicine that
makes her well, whether she's ovor
worked and " run-down," or afflicted
with any of tho dietrossing disoasos
and disorders peouliar to hor sox.
It builds up and it euros. For
all ohronio weaknesses, functional
dorangements, and "femala oom
plaints" of overy kind, it's an un
failing romody.
And it's tho only one, among
medioines for women, tliat's guar
anteed. If it doosn't givo satisfac
tion, in any case, you Havo your
monov back.
Can anything olso be "just as
good r " .
"They're about as bad as the
disease 1 " Not all of them, though.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellota are
pleasant both whon they'ro taken
and wneu they aot. ihey euro per
manontlv Sick and Nervous Head'
aches, Biliousness, Costivcness. and
nil derangonionta of tho Liver,
Stomach and Bowels.
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson,. V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, .Cashier,
5. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
ul.43 a. m.
Leave 1'ottsvuio, week days, X40, 7.4Q a, m.,
'LW. B.ll n. m. Sunday. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
3.0S 0. m.
Leave xamaqua, wees (lays,, 8.4a ana
.21 a. 111.. 1.21. 7.13. and 11.18 p. m. Bunday 8.20
7.43 4. m, and. 2.50 p. m.
ijoave juananoy uny, ween uays, d,iu, v.10
tad 11.47a. m 1.B1 7 );" 19.44 p.m. linn,
lay. 3.4(1,8.17 a. m., Sio u. m.
Leave Mahanoy llanc. weefe days. 2-49. 4.00
1.30,9.33. 11.69 a. m.,1.05, 2.08. 5 30, Up, 7.57, and
'".nun. m. Uundav2.4U. 4.00. and 8.27. a. m.
3 37,5.01. P.m.
uuave uiraraviue (luippunaaiiucjt tsuitiunj
-f lc dayB, 2.47. 4.07, DM. and 9.41 n. m., 12.03,
,, o.K, anu xo.uo p. m, uunuay,
O'.BJM a.m. 3.11,5.07 p. m.
xavo WlUlamsport. weelr. days. 8.00,9.45 and
1.06 a. m. 3.3S and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.15
j, m.
RVir Kaltlmnre. WashlnErton and tha west
via B. 4 O. It. It., through trains leave Olrard
Avenue station, I'bllailolptila, (P. & 11. It. K.)
4.1(1. 801 and 11.27 a. m.. 1.31. 4.24. 5.55 ar-
7 l.i p. ib, Hunoay, v? s.iu a, m,
42 and 7 13 p. m.
at jinrini iti ihvidiua.
i eave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut Street Wha:
aaa wuui oireei wnari.
For Atlrtntlc CltT.
Week-days Kxpreat,9:00 a. m. 2.00, 4.00,
p. tn. Aooommodatlon, 8 00 n. in. and 5.C0,
Hnndavs. Elznresa. 9.00 a. m. Acoam
moiauon, 8.00 a. m. and 40 p. m.
ustnrning, leave Aiianuo viiy, uepoi
.tlantio and Arkansas avenuea. Wo?k-daTS
KzpresB, 7.30, 9.00 a, m. and 4.00, p. m, Ac
commodations. 10 a. m. aud 4.30 p, m. Bun
days Express, 4.00, p. m. Accommodation,
7.30 a.m. nnd 4.30 p. m.
u, u aaAwu&, uan-iiTHss r Agk.
.. A. Mcl.lcOD. Pres. A (lou'l Manaeer.
80HtrxX31I.J. Diviaiort,
tnund after September 1, 1891,trami tedf foav
anenmmoar. at loiunct:
For Wleean. Bllbeitou. Fractvllle. Now
Jostle, Ot. Clair,' and way points, 0,00, 9.1D
m anu 4,io p m.
Hnnoays, uuu, o.iu a m ana s.iu p m.
For I'ottsville; 6.00, H.1J a.mand 4.15 p m,
Hondays, 600, 8.10 a m and 3.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, a ta and 4.15 p w
Sundays, 600, 9.10 a.m. and 8.10pm.
For Pottslown. Pnoenlxvllle. Koriislown
and Phlladclchla (Broad street station). 6.00.
I a. m. and 4.15 p m week days
BUDuays, tM, a xa s.iu p mi
TralnB leave FracttvlUe tar Bhenandoah at
10.40 am and 12.11, 7.42,10,09 pm, Bondays,
11,18 a m and 5.40 p ra.
Leave Voitsvllle tor Bhenandoah, 10.15 and
11.48. a m 7.15. 9.42 c xn. Unadays. 10.40 a m
5.15 p in.
iieavo irmiaaeipnia vcroau nireei. auiuonj,
.'or l'otwvllle and Bhenandoab. 5.57. 8.33 n m
4,io ana 7,00 p m woes aays. unaa 0 im, dbi
tU3i am
i"or new xorK.s.'j). .uo. s.4u, s.w. 7,
8.208.3U, i.50, ll.OOand 11.14, 1 1.33 m. 12.00 nooiii
Idiinuoa exoress, i.mi a.ou p xn.j 1.21,
3.30, 8.20, 4.02 5, tf, 8.2), 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10,00 p.
m, 12.01 nlcht.
-in annuays,, f ,su,, b.iz,, .du,
11.35 ra. auj 12 21, 12.11, 2.80, 4.02, (limited,
ifri), 5.23, 8.2). u.j , .11 . - 1. m and 12.01 night
For Hen Girt. Lone Branch nnd inlermedlato
I stations 6.51), 8.2.1 and U.,10 a. in., 3.30, 1.00 p. m.
weelt days. Bunday 1 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore aud Washington, 8.50, 7.20,
3T.T, n nniTni TiTmnnnnm I I cul ihiiuiuimj huu wiwiuuaiuu, o.ui, , ,.J,
PER 0ENT. INTEREST I klOandlUSa. m., 4 ll. 657, 7.10p.ra. and ia.0ii UUll li HlllJlWlJi ' night dally aud 8 31, 10.20 a.m., 12 35 (limited
express wttn uiuiug car 10 iiau-imurej i.wt j.ia
p. m. we -k days, i or Baltimore only 2.02, 1.01
Ealtl on BavtUBU nepuslto.
weekdays. 5.08. 11.80 p. m. dally.
l-or menmonu, t a.m. uuu n.ud uisui,
IE1. J".
llealsr lu all kind? ol
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Supphea
Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA.
Largest and cheapest slock In town.
Artistic Painting, Graisiog and Decorating!
10-2-Cm 224 W. Centre Bt.. BHnNANDOAII
201 N. Malu Bt., Slieuandoah.
The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, k
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where tie will be pXasodlo meet the wonts
01 his mends ana (be public In
Everything in the Drinking Lino,
J 1
VIU promptly relieve the niofct dts-
ireraiDg caso 01 aciuo or nronic ittiu
matlsui or Gout, Uy ttrictly bwrvJug
tue directions, it will cure journlan
cntly -
Uciut tbe Dumerotit rrt artuonf that Hood
tlie country, tblBiuMiciue la a rpecliio for tho
.Tsnoua jut am irDfumniim only, tun noun
any itoie s "curt all.' Ono buttle IU mako
(tuntciorT.itotireMion on ma iTttem, ana
I dally; 1 SO p. m.aally, except Suuday.
'.00 (limited) aud 8.40, 8 30, U.S5 p m. Way for
rAinaleavti HarrlBDnru lor iflLuoart; ana
ae west ST&ry day at l'.Vinnd S.10 a m and
a atlafiiotur. jintireiiion on Ilia iritem. n
la connection lth tlo rfll, Cbtlitea tht lutTerer tha
tha proper romody hit faun round. Yon ura earnestly re
Ua valuable rroirtlea ara endoncd 1t himdreda of the
luoav uatirrius iiiwiuduisii.
udij Tcgeiion lDgreaienn, rsro anion ror tntir curaiiTt)
powcra. ara mwi in m nimunnun i bkuii a
il.CS Per Ecttla. 6 Bsttloa. 15.C0. mis. 5 Cts. Bcz.
ir your iwreieepT aoe not aen 11, tean (i.aa to tna
nanuiaaiurcr. ana tdu win mgeiveii nj man.
3037 Slurket Street, rhtlad'a. Ta
Altoona. ii a m and 1.1U a m every ilav.
for rillstrare only, ll.w a m aaliy ana iv.u
ua weet aays.
Iieave Hdnbnrv tor Wllllamsnort. F.lmlra.
'anandatgna, Rochester, BndaloanO. Ulagin
'WIIllilllHIUUitllJltUUliMlllll HVQlklUJOi
for, wattlns, 5.10 p m weeK days.
v or cne ana lniBrmoait-ie pomts, o.iii am:,
lallv. Knr lvOCK JIKven. nnd 9.68 a m.
Jlally, 1 42 and 6.81 p. m. week days. For
t'.ucova 6.10 a in U2 and 5,90 p m week Cays,
.iv a. m Hnnoays.
UAU. II. l'UUU, J. Li. WOOD,
Hen. woo'' uen. Jt'ass. asi,
lyriliMINaXON dt NOHTHE11N B. It.
ulTHStapce tnencci may, iu,
Trains leave Keadlne IP. A H. station) foi
Gibraltar, Boyfert, Blrasboro, Joanna, Spring.
field, Waynesbnrg Junction, Ooatesvllle.West
;naasiora j unction, a. axj.j uuouon,
except bunday, at 6.25 and S.3Q a.m. an4!
p. m. Bnnaay only at 3.05 p.
. . . . I -. ..... .-.I. ..
rSODlG S CJVSt6i D3V ' Wllmln'gtonand lntermedfsle stations, dally,
i j 'i except annar
Z2 U. Centre St., SUenandonli
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
For Warwick:. Bt. Peters and Intermedial .
stattons,dally except Bunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
D,rj p. w. nuiiuuy vuiy o.ia a. ui.
For lilrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Batnrdnyonly.atJZm. Vm
j? or iianimore auu wosmnKioatD. k i.
It.) dally exceptBunday atH.'Sand 8.30 a, m.
and 8.15 p. m. Bunday only at 3.05 n, m.
IX XV. Binimuj
Riw, Slewed, Boalloped, Panned or
Fried to order. Families supplied
at their house with tho best oysters
tue inaraot uuorus.
All Orders Promptly Filled.
Trains arrive at Iteadlni! (P. A i). Junction, ii
chanlu, Chaddslbrd Junction, West Chester,
Green Truck Stand!
LenaDe. Coatesvllle. Waynetburz Junction,
Bprlnetleld,Joanna,Blrdst)oro, Gibraltar, Bey.
tertana lniermeuiuiv muiiiuub, uuuy vavbpi
Sunday at 10.30 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bua.
ant only jii i.siii, ui.
From Ht. Peters. WarwlftS and intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.2.1 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 8 p. m.
From Illrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
r rora waaninKtonana isammore, aatiy ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a, m. 5.52 and 8.17 p.m.
Bunday only at 11JW a. pi.
BOWW&is BKIOGS, aen'l Pass. Agt.
1 i I ,. i " . . ' . 1
John R. Coyk,
Car. Main nnd Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily. Attorney-at-Law
A tine line of Choice QU0CE11IK3
Muta and Candles.
Poultry o all Kinil&A
Mr. Costlct receives his irreen track dallv
from the city markets, which Is a euarantee
tohlspusipmers thatlbey will receive fresh
goous wneu uuyu giium mm,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centra Streeti, SHENANDOAH, PA.
Finest brands of clears always on hand.
iim Mcnb kvjujiviiuiiHJ mtiins.
1 A two ana ono-liulf Rtnrv don hi a tv.
taurunt. Located oa Kast Centro Btroet.
A valuable proporty located on BoutU Jar
din Btreet.
5 Beven dweUlDflr Uoubcb at tbe corner of Oil
byt and Lloyd streets.
Terms reasonable.
Good Investment.
BBBBaWaaMBaWMaWMaaMMMaMa " ' "r" ''V!TSl''-V
1 " " rf1iCTW3irBBIIP')l"