The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 23, 1891, Image 1

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"My Son, Deal "With Men Who Advertise. Yon will Never Lose by It."--Benjamm Fianklin
The Evening Herald.
ira n larser plrrulatlon In Shenandoah than
any otner paper puuusueu. uiitu
MtA' lotion boofcs open to all.
Secretary Tillmnu, of the Farmera'
t Alliance National Convention.has said
I he wns not there as a politician or in
the Interests of any third party,but he
did desire to call attention to the last
Congross. "More money was spent by
that profligate billion dollar Con
gress," exclaimed Mr. Tillman, "than
was spent by all the Congresses during
the first Boventy-two yenrs of the his
tory of this government. It is $60 a
day for every day since the birth of
the Savior of Mankind; $10 n minute
for every minute since the Declaration
of Independence" and so on through
along series of curious calculations.
Well, what of It? Did this enormous
expenditure increase taxation? If so,
In what way? National taxes In this
happy land are levltd only Indirectly,
A the shape of customs and, internal
, .i it
iacvcuuu uuuus, uuu iijeHU were ruiuer
lowered than increased by the "billion
dollar Congress." Then, who Is hurt
by the expenditure? And If it Is ex
travagant, why did not Mr. Tillman
specify some of the extravagant fea
tures?. Is it in the enormous sums
fpald for pensions? As a Southern
beinocrat, he doubtless thinks eo, but
he Is so well aware that the country
loes not agree with him that he would
.not dare say so publicly. Is it in the
'amount paid for the improvement of
Southern rivers and habors? O, dear,
,no; Mr. Tillman is a Southerner. Iu
jfact, this impressive title of "the
)blllion dollar Congress" Is a mere
phrase invented by Democratic leaders
to frighten weak-minded people. They
use it in the belief that the people will
not reflect that this is a billion dollar
country, and its expenses must bo in
roportlon to its size and the magni
tude of its operations.
Thanksgiving rates on tho Nickel Plato.
d&w tf
a good home-made rag carpet.
It Is ono of those flxtra heavy
carpets, madoof the best vain
and clean rags. Finest line of Velvet
Brussel and Iugrulu Carpets In Shen
andoah at
W Choice Creamery Sutter
Iiancy Bloater Mackerel,
Mackerel White and Fat.
from dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made of best
materials, line Table Syrup strictly pure goods.
Neiv Orleans Baking Molasses. Chipped Beef.
Also another car of Best Patent MINNESOTA FLOUB.
Equal to anything in tJie market.
"NORTHWESTERN DAISY" ninile ot Minnesota
Wheat elves satisfaction. Bakes well.
OH Clotlis are selling
rices. Two yards wide from
Of tho Pennsylvania Railroad's
Golden Qato TourB.
Thefo tours to California utidor the
Pennsylvania llailroad Company's personally-conducted
tcurlst system have
excited considerable interest. Tho routes
traversed aro very diversffled and interest
ing. On tho first tho Pullman vostlbule
train will leave January 13th, going via St.
Louis, Kansas City, Lis Vegas, Hot
Springs and Santa Fe.
Returning, after six weeks in California,
via Sactamento, Salt Lako, Glonwood
Springs, Leadville, sido trip over Marshall
Pass, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Denver
Omaha and Chicago.
Rata from Philadelphia, J300,
Tho second tour leaves Fobruary 21th,
go'tig via Cincinnati, Mammoth Cavo,
Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans,
(SlarJlGras festivities), Galvoston, Hous
ton, Sau Antonio and El Paso,
Koturnlng, aftor four weeks in California,
via routo of first tour.
Rate from Philadelphia, $335.
Tho third tour loaves March 21th, going
vi St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver,
Colorado Springs, Manitou, sido trip ovor
Marshall Pass, Glenwood Springs and
Salt Lako City.
Returning, after four weeks in California,
via Mt. Shasta, Portland, Tacoma, Seattlo,
Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Rate from Philadelphia, $300.
Tho fourth, April 20th, will run west via
Chicago, Denver, Colorado Springs,
Manitou, eido trip over Marshall Pass,
Glenwood Springs and Salt Lako City.
TourUt will return independently within
six months.
Rate from Philadelphia, f 235 ; via Port
land, $25 additional.
Tho rates fixed for tho first threo tours
cover every necessary expenso en route in
both directions, Including hotel accommo
dation and several carriage rides, and trains
for all side trips In California, while rato
for fourth tour covors every necessary ex
pense as abovo west-bound only, all sido
trips in California, and trains only return
ing via routo seloctod. This particular tour
is designed to accommodate thoso who
desiro to visit tho Yosemito Valley and
Yellowstone Park prior to their return to
tho East.
Hotel For Rent.
Tho hotel proporty at Lakeside Park
(East Mahanoy Junction) for they oar 1892.
No ono but an experienced hotel man need
apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O.
A. Koim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-10-tf
New Wall Fapor for 1802.
A splendid selection, embracing all the
latest colors and designs, at prices lower
than over. Largo line of parlor patterns.
Those cheap 25o window shados, with spring
fixtures, cannot bo equalled. Call at Mel-
let's, 22 East Centre street.
Thanksgiving Ratos
Via Nickel Plato Nov. 25th and 20th, ono
faro for round trip. d&w tf
A fine stock of guns and amunition for
sale cheap at Max Rceso's. 10-21-tf
Iresh every other day
Barge anil Fine. New No. 1
New Clean Currants Iree
freely. Nice patterns. All
50 cents up.
Polo and Wiring Work to be
Oommonced at Once Traok
layors and Electricians on
tho Ground
Our town people will sco snmo substan
tial progrtss in the olectrio railway work
this week if wo do not have too much rain.
Tho heavy wire and a quantity of other
okctrical supplies arrived Saturday and
Tom Van Dueou has been hauliug them to
a placo of storago, whore thoy will tie kept
until work on tho power house gots some
headway. Fifloon stono masons havo been
engaged to build foundations for tho houso
Mr. Gilbert, olcctrical export for tho
Thomson-Houston Company, isrogjstend
at tho l'ergusoi Homo and will remain
hero to tako charge of tho electrical work
of tho railway.
Tho work of erecting polos in town was
to havo commonced to-day,but tho rain in
terforod. This work will bo commenced
to-morrow, or the first favorablo day after,
should tho weather again interfere. Wiring
will immediately follow tho oroction of
tho poles.
W. A. Miller, of town, has boon eoloctod
to suporintond tho carpentor work for the
company and will havo ohargo of tho
building of bridges, trestles, &c.
Tho gentleman who will superintend tne
laying of tracks will arrivo to-morrow and
that work will bo pushed with all possible
speed, as tho graders now havo a good
Messrs. Conry and Amour, who have
chargo of tho two gangs of graders, find
their work vory pleasant. Tho pooplo
along tho lino aro very enthusiastic and
oncourage the mon in ovory way. Thoso
having fonccs, shods, &c, in tho way not
only willingly consent to their removal,
but offer to holp reniovo them.
Tho cars for the road aro nearly com
pleted and will bo shipped as soon as a placo
Is arranged so they can bo placed under
No town along tho lino is moro agitatod
over tho oloctrio railway than Ashland.
The uncertainty of the road goinK through
tho town has aroused the pooplo and a
petition is being circulated with a view to
getting tho Borough Council to again
change its decision and allow tho use of
tho "T" rail and narrow gaugo road.
Many of tho doubtful Thomases of town
have at last arrived at tho conclusion that
tho olectrio railway is a go and it is amus
ing to see tho scramble f,r positions on it.
The fact is that the majority of the ap
plicants are those who belittled the project
and holped manufacture public opinion
against tho projectors.
Intorest in electric railway matters is not
confined to tho local road. TboTamaqua
& Lansford road is attracting considerable
attention, but will not be constructed until
spring, Tho Lansford Record thinks tho
people of that placo will now have a chance
to get even with tho Jorsey Central rail
road and that thoy will not bo compelled to
haul froight half a miio or moro to load the
trains of that road, Tho olectrio road, if
oxtendod to Summit Hill,, will bo of groat
advantage to tho Switchback road.
Yesterday hundreds of people took a
walk from town to the sceno of work at
Wm. Penn and many who hesitated to
boliove that tho road was actually under
way were vory much surprised when thoy
saw what bad boon done the past week.
It is certain that tho road will havo an Im
mense traffic, and tho other railroads will
not bo hurt, eltbor. It has long since been
demonstrated that the moro facilities that
aro offered pooplo for travel, tho moro thoy
travol. Tho road will bo a boon to the
minors throughout tbo valloy.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not loss than one million peoplo havo found
just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you havo novor used this Great
Cough Modiclno, ono trial will convince
you that it has wonderful curatlvo powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle U guaranteed to do all that Is
claimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottles treo at 0. H. Hagonbuch's drug
storo. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00.
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Buichill Is now located at cornor
of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah.
Rogular meals, at popular pricoe, served
any time. Ladles' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 0-14-tf
It don't do to neelect nature's wnrnlnir
aches through the system, cause Kbeuma.
ttsm. Neuralgia and liackuclie. Try Ked Flag
Oil. the Famous Vain Cure. 23 cents at Kir-
llti'a .Icier Btr.iv.
Logal blanks of all kinds for sale at tho
Hkrai.d office.
Buy Keystone flour. Re careful that the
name Lkbbiq & Co., Ashland, Pa.) it
printed on every sack. 3-S-3taw
Edward It. Wright, geusrat agent la
Brookylu o( tho Hijuitanla Life Anur
anco Society of Now York, oomtnlttod
smicldo last night.
Hon. John Nix, M. P., addressed tho
Boston Coutral Ilranch of the Irish Fed
eration Inst night ou the ooudltlun of
nftntrs la Ireland.
Olivot Presbyterian Churoh , Philadel
phia, wai damaged to the cxton t of
5,000 yesterday by flro, which orlglu
ntod la n dofoctlva hoator.
Tho Hev. Thomas Hill, I). D. LU D. j
ox-prosldoat of Harvard College, who
died at Wnlthnm, Mass,, wus born la
Now Brunswick, N. J.
Fully 20,000 pooplo wltnossod the Yale
football oleveu defeat Harvard by a
score of 10 to 0, In an exciting contest
at Springfield, Mobs., Saturday.
Governor Hill of Now York hns se
cured qtiartors at tho Arlington Hotel,
Washington, which he will occupy whua
ho nssumos tho duties of a United States
Sonator. '
The groat horso show at Now York,
which attracted society ao lnrgoly to the
big Madison Squaro Qardon, camo to an
end Saturday night. Tho attendanoo
for tho wook was ovor 100,000.
The Victoria Hotel at Saratoga, N.
Y., over which tliero hns boon considera
ble lltlsatton, was bought Saturday by
Edwurd J. McCarty, of Brooklyn. Tho
prlco paid was IjLI.OOO, subject to mort
gages aggregating fully 1)0,000.
William Blah, colorod, was hanged
In the presence of 5,000 persons at
Mount Vernv-, Gn., yesterdny, for
killing a white man, It T. Bono, on
Oct. xo. Mash confessed his guilt on
the gallows.
Tho Supremo Court of Washington
hns affirmed tho decision of tho lowor
court In the case of Charles K. Ham
mond, of Cioveland St root, London,
notoriety, who was convicted of laraeny
at Seattle.
Tho Rov. Ezra Marsh Boring, while
tomporarily iusnno hanged himiolf at
the home ot ins son, Ubarlos u. Uorlng,
iu Evanstou, III. Ho was 78 years old
and a superannuated minister of the
Mothodist Episcopal Church.
Tho nrrost of Dr. W. H. Pulford, a
homeopathic physician of Ansonln,
Conn., on a chnrgo ot mnlprnctico on
Luoln Wood, a young colored girl, has
caused a sensation thoro. JJr. I'ulforu
Is ono of tho most promluont physicians
in tho placo.
Seven men wero burlod allvo Saturday
la a wntor main treucli in Brooklyn by
tho bank caving In. Tlu wntor main
was brokon and tho rushing waters
washed an additional nmouut of dirt
upon tho unfortunate mon. Three word
rescued alive; tlie others wero Killed.
Buoklen'a Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Snlvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fovor
Sores, Tcttor, Chappod Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment requirod.
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisiaction,
or money refunded. Price 23 cents per
box. For sale by C. H. Hagenbueh.
The finest nolo paper and envelopes in
tho country at Max lteeeo's. tf
Tho Boddy Inquest.
Deputy Coroner Bronnan and his jury
mot in 'Squlro Monaghin's office Saturday
night to tako testimony in tho case of John
Koddy, who mot bis death by a fall of rock
in a breast of Packer colliory, No. 3, on
Thursday. An adjournment was taken
until to-night to allow timo lor taking tho
evidencoof William Hopkins, who is at
tho Miners' Hospital receiving attondanco
for injuries sustained at tho time lieddy
was killod.
Mischievous Boys,
A band of boys residing on North Main
stroet have been making a practice of tor
menting Polos and Huns going to and from
their work by snatching pipos from their
hsnds and mouths. Saturday night ono of
the gang, Harry Woidnian, camo to griof.
Ho snatched a pipe from tho mouth of a
Polo named Frank Kokin, who gavo chaso.
Weldman ran into the arms of Chief
Amour at tho Ferguson House and 'Squire
Williams put him undor -100 bail for trial.
Waters' Weiss beer is tho bost. John A.
Koilly solo agent. 6-5-tf
Special Ofllcer Assaulted.
Itichard Brown, of tho First ward, was
rather boisterous on Sturday night and
when special officor Anthony Alox re
monstratod with him ho drew a billy and
6truck the ofllcer ovor an oyo. Alox then
grabbed Brown by tho oollar and put him
in tho lockup. Brown Is under bail,
A Kind Friend.
Is what they call that Famous Remedy, Ked
Flag Oil, It qulokly cures KheuBiullum,
Neuralgia, Cuts, ilruues, llurne, Sore aud all
pain. It U good lor mau or beast. UOcenU,
At Klrlln's drug store.
A Surprise.
Koep your oyo on this local. Keagey,
tho photographer, will have his new open
ing In a few days and will havo something
Interesting that will surprise tho people, tf
Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each,
at Max lteeeo's. tf
In tills world a man wanlH n irnml
balancing; polo to wnlk tho narrow
Boet work dons at Bronnan's steam
laundry. Everything whito and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar-
An Interesting Sorrnon in the
Methodist Episcopal Church
Yosterday by Rev Powick.
Tho Rovival Servicos.
Tho se.-mons at the Methodist Episcopal
church yetrdy were delivered with
special reference to the revival services now
)oing held. In the morning ten new mem
bers uoro received on probation after
nhlch christians wero addressed on the
solicitude thoy should feel for tho lost.
Tho loxt was from Jeremiah 9 1: "O thai
my head wero waters and mine oyes a
tountain of toars that I might weep day and
night for tho slain of tho daughter of roy-
people." Jeromiah has boon rightly called
the wcoplng prophot bocauso ho was so
fillod with sorrow at tho moral degradation
of God's pooplo during tho captivity that
ho wept much in secret places on account
of It. And notwithstanding his deep solid
tudo for them ho desired to lo still moro
burdened for them, and seems in the text
to bomoon himself for his light ooncorr,
God's people need to catch the samo spirit.
And it is lor want of it that many moro aro
not saved than are. If tho governor of
the stato should issuo a pardon for a con
demned criminal and appeal to the crowd
lor some one to bear it to the prison a hun
drod men would contend for tho privilege.
We are living among a condemned gener
ation "Yo aro condemned already" and
the governor of tho universo has offbrod
-paraon ana nonness ana honven " aim
asks: "Whom .shall I send and who will
go for us?" How low respond I The
evening sormon was from John 10 7-11.
Tho mission of tho Paraclete, holpor, or
comfurtor, as He is called, Is to convict the
world of sin, of rightoousness and of
judgmont: Of sin because tbey swear,
steal, slander, Ho, drink, etc? No. But
"becauso thoy bollovo not on mo." The
world's standard of sin is false. Mon aro
wicked btcauso thoy are sinful. Sin lurks
within and Is tho 6ourco of polluted Ifvs.
riin levols itself against God. Men often mutters little how thoy .treat God.
Tho wholo of charactor is supposed to bo con
cerned with tho relations belwoon man and
mau. But the damning sin of tho world is
that of tho rejection of tho Son of God.
Men's future depends not so much upon
what they do as upon what thoy are. In
deed what mon loavo undone is quite as
important as what they do. Sins ot omis
sion aro denouncod moro unsparingly in
the word of God than sins of commission.
Tho word runs : "Inasmuch ai ye did it
nof how can wo escape if wo neglect of
sin because thoy boliovo not he that be
lieveth o shall bo damned." The world
also has a false standard of righteousness.
Too spirit convicts men of an attainable
righteousno8i which springs from tba
dienco to tho moral law, tho observance
of rollgious rile ? No. But a rightoous
ness which results from tho ascension of
Christ and ihocontummation of tbo scheme
of salvation oven tho righteousness ot
God which is by faith in Jesus Christ. The
spirit also convicts mon of Judgment. Not
a judgment to come, for tho bellof in this
Is instinctive, but a judgment of tho prince
of this world which iuvolves tho downfall
of sin and the triumph of right. "For tho
Son of God wts manifested to destroy tho
works of thodovil."
Gratifying to All.
Tho high position attained and tbo uni
versal acceptance and approval of tho
pleasant liquid fruitTemedy,Syrup of Figs,
as tho most excollont laxstlvo known, il
lustrate tbo value of tbo qualities on which
its success is based and aro abundantly
gratifying to tho California Fig Sprup Co.
A fino stock of guns and amunition for
tale cheap at Max lteoto's. 10 21-tf
A Great Artiste.
Hawenforder Safe Co., the energetic
managers, hve spared neither expense or
labor in presenting tbelr latest and greatest
success, "Sho Couldn't Marry Threo."
The company inoludes Miss Lillian Ken-
nody who is proclaimed by the New York
papers "The most vertatileiotrrss who ever
visited this country." Few Bctretfet at her
age are endowed with such transcendent
talent j Inthe whole range of tho drama
she shines resplondent, oxoiting tears or
laughtor at will, and with an ease and
absenco of effort that disarms orltioism.
Sho sings a ballad or comic song, danoes
a graceful skirt danoe or break-down, and
all she doos Is Imbued with tho spirit of an
Innate artiste, a thorough musician : en
dowed with youth and uncommon beauty,
sho seems destinod at no distant day to
roach tho very pinnacle of dramatio
LOOk OUt for count Arfalta I Hba (hftt rnn
got tho genuine Balvutlan OUt Do not Jet Itie
dealer sell you some "Just as good, lut InBlst
upon gettlDg the genuine with the Bull's
ueuu uauo iaarx on me wrapper.
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
E. Anstock spent to-dsy t PolUville.
J. O. SeltzT and wife, of IUdln
in tow- ysttcrday.
Elmer Wasley is confined lo his bnm K
tn attack 0! quinsy.
Miss Maiieie Paeon, of Driftin. ! nul.
Ing a few days in town.
John Hoff, of White Harn. S.
day in town with his parents.
Harry Griffiths, of Pottivlllo. ... l
town yesterday, the guest cf his relative;
Assistant tax col ector Henry Knebel
spent a part of to-day at the Count? Mai. am
tax business.
Miss Liufcio Kehler. ona of Tou.t nit'
accomplished younz Indie. It vfaltln W
oousin, Miss Ida Kehler.
Inside Foreman Thomas Giles and Pott,
master Murray, of Mshanov Plan
Saturday evening here.
John Outlier, Jr., who left town wversj
months to ongsge in business at Bluefleld,
Wost Virginia, has been obliged to go lo
Hot Springe, Ark., for the bentfllnr hla
Deserving Praise.
We desire to sav to our oitiznni. thai. Pr
years we have been selling Dr. King's New
Discovery lor Consumption, Dr. King's
Now Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnio Salve
and Klectrio Bitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or Ibst
have given such universal satisfaction.
We do not hesitate to guarantee them
every time, and wwstend ready to refund
the purchase priH'if satisfactory results do
not follow their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on their,
raorits. O. H. Hagenbueh, Druggist.
Ono frire for round trip via Nickel Plate
Nov. 26th and 26tb, Thanksgiving
d w tf
A Groat Foot Ball Numbor.
Leslie's Weekly is becoming noted
for the way in which it treats tho great
sporting events of the year. This week's
double pago represents by instantaneous
photography, characteristic plays mado by
the great 'Varsity olevensof Piincetonand
Yalo in practice "Whon ono considers
that forty thousand pooplo aro oxpected at
tho grounds to sco them piny on Thanks
giving Day, It really seems that Prank
Leslie's is worth buying just for this ono
feature. In this numbor also on the front
pago aro pictures of the twoulevens. The
attontion that tho second series of Prof.
Totton's articles on the Millennium has
received, warrants Arkell & Harrison In
making so much of this special festure.
Fino Playing Cards.
Send ton (10) cents in stomps or coin to
John Sebastian. Gen'l Tkt. and Pom. A'f.
Chicago, Kock Island & Paclflo Ity.,
umcngo, 111., tor a pack of the latest,
smoothest, sllokost playing cards you ever
saw. Just the thing for High Five parties.
For n 50c. postal note will semi you five
packs. 11-28-lw
Vun Houton's
the world.
Cocoa The standard of
Firemen's Play.
Tho Columbia H. & S. F. E. Co., of
town, has made n contract for the produc
tion of "Tho Midnight Alarm" at Fergu
son's theatro on January 21st, 1892.
Profitable Investment.
If you want an oxcollent farm, situated
only six milos from Shenandoah, contain
ing ?8 acres, with fruit trees and stream of
water, call at tho Herald office forfurthor
particulars. It is a profitable investment
and tho terms aro reasonable 11-18-tf
Tho llbol suit against Editor Whotstono
resulted in his acquittal but he to nav two-
thirds of tho cott und the prosocutor one
third. Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
Visit Friends
Along the line of the Nickel Plate Thanks
giving Day. One fare for round trip Nor.
25th and 0tb. dw If
I found Dr. Hull's Cough tJyrup to be a most
effectual remedy and feel sure tlmt the moot
ulubborn orugh and oold will yild to ltd
healing lnlluence. Frank H. 1'rloe, Mew Or
leans, Ln.
Umbrel las
Given Away.
With four pounds of
CALIF Baking Powder,
we'll givo you a beau
tiful Gloria Cloth Um
brella. Guaranteed fash
color and as good a
you canbuy anywhere
for $1.50.
Halting Powder warranted
good or money rofunded.
No. !22 North Jardin Sir