The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 21, 1891, Image 2

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That Caused llio Woodluyon
School Board's XttiiohC"
Deoiaro Thoy Will,, right thi Ord3r
Making Them Live in tho Town.
The Irmtjei Sny the riico IVns Oolni tn
the Dobs ili'eaui of baarth orgoaletV iiaa or- swoop down upon and capture any arri
canlsad an- old naehelor's AmooI. ' vals In whom they may "be"Vs"peilalI"
Man -V l(role Manure's 'Mad ta k .
Adapted to Save the Town.
WOODIIAVBN, Ii. I., Nov. 21. Politics,
the Chilian question, and all such aflatrs
appear as nothing to ths citlxens ot tills
place, In comparison with tie great fight'
between the 18 pretty school teaohers
ot the town nnd the scb.661 trustees. If,
as has been' hinted, the girls' strike or
take tbilr cane to 'the court, the town
wlll'De fn an WproaK It is' all the r
auli'dt sl'rule pAikoiT by tUe trustees
making It 'obligatory on the teachers ta
resldeMni Woodhaven. There are three
achools'nere, and of the 10 'teaohers 13
have been living at Ilrooklyni Williams
burg and Long Island City.
President Klrkland, of tho Hoard of
Trustees, sayst "This school district
pnjri about 7,530 in salaries to toachers,
nnd I think this money should be spent
In the village. If the teachers reside
away from the village they are liable to
bo late at the morning session and also
In it hurry to depart In the afternoon.
Besides, this place has long needed' a
suitable number of educated young
women as an addition tc society. Last
spring the young women organized an
' 'Oll iluld Society, " and later the young
men organized an "Old Baohelors' Con
aolntlon Association. " When things
come to such an Issue it Is time some
thing should be done for society In tin
-village; so I conceived tho Idea of hav
ing tho teachers reside iu the place. I
think the young men of the village
should feel grateful to mo. Wo have
selected as teachers young women who
uro both handsome and accomplished."
At- the request of tho Hoard ot Trustees
all the teachers signed an agreement to
reside In Woodhaven. This boou became
very irksome to tho girls who had' re
elded else wheroi They did not Want , to
live away from their purents' homes.
Finally one girl, Miss MoKefina, of Long
IilandCttj hired a room In Woodhaven,
Her brother, James McKenhn, ran on
the1 Democratic ticket' for Assomblyman,
and.'iwas defeatod by ,Ur. Weeks,, a re:
publican,, ot Hempstead. Although
Mlss.McKenna run tod a room In W,ood
haven she want to her Long Island Olty
home every night. Tha othor young
women tried to give tbe Impression that
they lived In Woodhaven, although they,
too, went to 'their homps.iu other places,
und did not, go to the .expense ot hlrtu g
a room as, Mss McKonna did,
. President Klrkland and his fellow
trusties are reporjorl to hatfo visited
the' Woodhaven. ouurohes at all of the
eervlces'on Sunday. They did not see
tha young teachers there. They. Inquired
pleasantly .of the teachers, wlion they
mot thorn afterward. It they liked the
church services. The teacners all re- 1
plieJl "Yes," but the trustoos showed),
that the y knew that tha young women
had not been to church In Woodhaveni
then. Tha trustees,. tQd i the teachers,!
that the" must abide, by tboir contracts.
Theyoujg women held caucuses, and
voted'the wholo board of t'rustous "per- ,
fectly horrid creatures, " nnd posltlvoly I
declared that "they nover, never .would
submit." , , . i
But , they did submit. Within tha
last week all of thum, except Miss
McKenna have moved their property to
Woodhaven uud now reside tlioro. Thoy
are free to go homo on Friday nights
and .remuln till Monday, but some of
them declare that "just for spltu," they
-will not tko ndvnntaga ot that priv
ilege. . They are a very angry lot of
young women and declare that tuuy will
never spunk to uny of the Hoard of
Trustues unless thoy must.
"We,linvo nu placo to go In tho ovon
Ings wlion our school duties uro over,"
said one of the pretty toucher yuitur
duy. "Tho rates of board uro very high
nnd our salaries aro not. Wo -believe
the whole schemo has been concocted
for the banellt ot the boarding house
keepers. Our hurd earned monoy Is
ueedod labour homes. It is very uucour
genial hqro. Wo obey the new rulo only
under compulsion. Ve are utraid we
will he discharged It we do not, uud we
cannot ntlord that. ' '
School Uommlfslqner John II. Morrill
says he thinks that the coutraot between
tbe trustees and the touchers would uot
hold good It the teachers chose to rebel.
The trustees, he says, aro oreated by
statute and havo only such power-as
the statute gives them. There is no
claim on the teacher's time nttor uolioql
hours, for school purposes. Ho main
tain that the Bums rulo which deprives
the Hoard ot jurisdiction, over tbe school
children utter they leave tho school yurd
applies equally ta the tencltors.
ticliool Superintendent Smith,, who
has charge ot the Woodhaven schools
and U tha tmmodlnte superior ot the
teachers, said that the contract gives
tbe parents un opportunity ot meotlng
the teachers If tuey so desire, and tho
knowledge ot this, had a good ellect upon
the scbolors. Whim tup teachers re
elded out of Woodhnveu there wore too
muuy cases of trtrdtneis amoug the
scholars, und It. wits ditllcust to rgproyo
tho children for this when the tuachors
set so poor uu oxuniple. Air. Smith
Hays it is his duty hs superintendent to
enforce the ooutraat.aud h luuuJs to
do so.
Two Youuo- I.nillo Klllud.
IlARTFOUD, Conn., Nov. 21. Miss
llildridliunla, of llurpHldo, was killed
uud Miss Jvutie Williams fatally In
jured, by h .freight train t tho Main
ktreut crossing in lin-it Hnrtfort ut 7 p.
m. Thu ladies stepped buok to avoid a
passenger fraip wueif the froight train
Laokodtlowu uud run over ilium. There
was n,q rtyy .llufli on .he freight train
and IU UpprUach was entirely without
warning. . Irs, 'illlams wa with the
young ladles but escaped with slight
brul0, , ,
$iot il Qiiuitlou uf Money.
Mgiit'ius, Tenn., Nov. 21. 'Mrs. Annie
Dunn, who was married to a pennllosss
youth uumed Henry, is it) years old, a
nloco of Ueimi-dl ForriMt, of the Confed
erate Cavalry fame and worth a (juarter
of u million ot dollars in ur own right
Mrs. Dunn was also engaged tg murry
one ot her plantation mauagers. She
.took her husband to New York.
Ilio Great filriiacln, to 'Capture llio It.
iuMtoiiit National CoiWe'iitlidt.
, WAimNao.vp Nqv 21.tftieljufto'ancl
commotion In tlie 'lower oorrlilofti, par
lors, ''nntl Ihe lobUy of tffe Arflugtop
Hotel, romftid one of the first dnys'of h
new administration which lirltiKi with
It crowds of olllco soekers. The delega
tions from the dlllerent cities that coma
lierq to capture the next National Ro'
publican Convention are all here, and.
have their headquarters at thb Ailing-
Omaha has established Its headquar t
en In the mala psr.'or Just Inside the
entrance,' from wllieh polnt-df vantage
the' members of the torhruttteo 'can'
ClnclhhaMans are. of opinion tint
Gov. MoKlrtjej'i presentation fat tjielr
case will bo'of great weight,'' and' may'
probably give them the -prise.
Eaolr delegation is -conddent thai
their olty will be the fortunate' ana,
New York- asserts: thaWihe wtlUTiVro 81
Votes at the start; San Francisco claims
10, while the Minneapolis msn say
iheUieltr Willi receive J. ;' " '
An SOO)000 Claim Against an Kstata,
, Boston, Nov. 81. The. pstttlon of 0.
J. HBinTo'"cV7Co.,'tonde4 KankiVf, o
havs ItHW.OOO rt( ftkI by-the icotors
of the estate of the late Royal M. I'ul
alter In vrderHo tnh'tf- a Wulln for that
amount alleged to be due said Arm was
heard in the Middlesex Probate Court
before Judge Brooks, and Is "ridw under
'consideration. The ttlalm Is alleged to'
be due tot! brertch of guaraatr exeouted
liy Mr. Puhlfer- In his life time. lis
ngread to guaraUes the co nptetion ot
tho construction ot the Marietta and
North Georgia Railroad out of tho' pro
ceeds' of thu mortgage' bbnds which the
petttjonors claim1 to' Unve negotiated la
Meroler Prefers Criminal Charges.
Quebec, Nov. 21. Hon. II. Herder,
Premier of Quebeo, has sworn out crim
inal charges against J. P. Whelan, 'the
contractor for the Quebec City Court
House, 'who Is alleged tb have stated
that he had to pay heavy sums to Mr. I
Mercler and several members of the let
to do certain work. The Premier hftJ -
. . .
ter's government to secure the ooutrnct
also made charges against several 'news
Tbe Yacht tlace Is Off Until Spring.
New Yona, Nov. 21. W. It Hearst,
i owner .of the Vamoose, having, tele
1 ..v i IT.. . u .. . .. i i : L i
during weather suitable tor' the' Nor
wood, inquiry Was nilide at 'the bfflco of
Nortnati U Munroe1 regarding the' racei
It was said that owing to the tact that
fimonth-wateadld notprevall at this sea
ion ot the year the race, would have to
l be postponed until spring.
Totltlon In favor of Ktee.
Saw Fbanoisco, Nov, 21. A petition
urging President Har'risbn "to Aprfolht I
M. M. Estoe to the vacant Cabinet posi
tion Is being actively circulated audj
slgnod throughout Callfornlnj L. -- J
Dictator Fonseca is reported soriousl;
. Masked robbers got $2,030 from a
Northern Pacific express car In Moni
tana. ' - I
London has Information of yellow
fever ' at "Santos and other laa
points. - " ' -' 1
THe Washington State Farmers' All 1
anco Indbrses The "Sub-Treasury -scheme,
third -party and free cotuago,- ' .
At the joint meeting of Farmers' Alli
ance .and tho F, M. B. -A., the third
party movement was endorsed.
Secrotary Blulne Is appealed to to se
cure just treatment of United ' States
citizens, with respect to tonu&ge pass
ing through tho Wellund Cuual. '
The president has appointed Dolphin
T. Roberts, ot Evansville, - Ind. , to ba
recorder of tha Qeuerul Land- OlTlee,
vice James M. Towusend, rosigned. Mr.
Roberts Is a colored man and a minister,
ns is his predecessor.
11 Weather Indications. fl
Wasiiinotos, Nov. 31. For Now Eng
land: Slightly warmer,' fair weather: south,
orly winds; lncroaslnjr cloudlnossand probably
light rains by Sundayiovenlntf. . ,
For Eastern New York. Eastern rennsyl
vauia, Now Jersey, unl Dolawunx gllgliilj
warmor: suutherly winds and gencrall fair
weather: ralu by Suutay uUUt.
For Western Now York and Western Perm,
sylvnnlai lucroielng cloudiness and rains)
soutborly winds;' stationary temperature, '
NEW VOItll MAltKllT.
New Yona, Nov. SO. Money on coll easy al
4 per cent, ,. , i
Closing Closing
Ycterdar, .To-day.
3 l, lt7 DUV4
4 S. Coup U7V4 HUM
4 S. ltta.,..,, H7U,. 110?1
0 i, coup..
, 1U
fanadUn PuclOo.
Coutrul i'soiuc. .
Delaware & Hudson
itul. judaic iK iTujturu .ia
Urlo M)l
crio prec , ua
Iilko elinre MJl(
Louis St Vtuh.,.. rTis
tllohlnan Coiitral.i
iliMourl l'uotnc OOjli
Kow Jersey ' eptrul 113
Noitliitusicrn H6
Drofim NarlKntion
l'uollla -Mull aotj
Iteadlnv UiH
Bt i'aiil 76
MOOJt is-
Unlon 1'aolllo WK 41-.2
Westurn, Union,, H ti'Jl
11 It A IN HAUKItr. UarlcH on mud weok-and uuclianirjl
tbrouKhout dav. No. -'. rod winter elu.jj
1U0H: Deo.. Hi Hi: Jan. lWii
Coin-llurliet nueiiud weaK and oloied weak-
No. W., UUXDO, 7i NOV., Ot,) DJ., 5J;
Jan.. a7ii,
Outs-Miukot dull. No,
3, mixed, mii.aiH;
Crimmery, State & Tenn., oxtras.27
Lnanisry, w tut urn, Draw. 4:,
Crejinary, ivosleru, iiuouniie ,.3.1
State uuirj', h, f, tubs, extras, ,,,"47
msvu iHoiury. in jureiiin, sept, riinoy.. allU
btate luetury, full oreiun lOalU'S
State factory, lull cream, flue.. ' ' . .luuiuji
lavs) vSoutiir- uU
Bpnnif ehlcliniti. ell -loa. lariraDerh'
Spring cuieKens, in-hao 12tal-l
xuiTiift. uuisvy, oiuiua ra., puriu...
Ul, nlJ
Turkey, mlxod wotabts, per lb 13 alt l
bp'gcbk's., x'bluu, Jallbe. to pair.., SO .
;fHjtl COOJg OFF
ffljQ Kiory SoulJ Americans
'" ' Quit TnlklifBjAVuC
(Willing Now to. Sea JuIcb Dono to
ABjaflanti of &,B. BailorB,'
They Ilitve Alio Discovered BncJand Will
Nnl Tlnln Thm In fluknr llnIHIU
N I I , f tit ,( I
captain Fcnlj' Conrtuot Meeting With
" 'Grsat rralte-Chlll Hasn't Much of a
Naval Force Anyway
VAtJ-AltMso Nov. 21. A correspon
dent has tnado'spoclat Inqlilfles US nB
certaln the condltlaifof ' public feeling
in the subjent of the difficulty with the
Inlted States, and finds that the fiery
snttmont which prevailed, again, St
Amerlians has considerably cooled
down. The Chilians talk more 'rational
ly fis to the Amerjpan request, for 're
dress, and Just sow there is it grow
ing disposition to see that Jus'tlcs Is done
to those' woo 'a'ssnVtltei' tne ' Atne'rUan
alllbre, art'd killed tw'6 dt'ihe'm. ' ' '''
"Uhdo'Ubterlly the3 report! telegraphed
from New York' of the formidable-fleet
said to,bon Its way to Pacific wafers
has something to do with the change ot
Sentiment in Valparaiso) at least. The
pedple herd are not anxious for a bom
bardment. Their hare coma to the con''
elusion that the United States lain earn
est, and the more intelligent among
them have taken pains to ascertain
something about Anlerican power and
Resources, They tinderstahU now that
it Americans should decide Upon a bom
jbardinent, 'thoy wduld not bo deterred
'by interference of other nations in be
half of Chili, and that the Chilians
would have to take care of themselves.
When the war furore was first raised
-here, Englishmen 'wont about in 'swash
buckling fashion giving the Chilians to
understand- that the British fleet would
never permit Americans to daniao Val
paraiso. This had much to do with the
deQftht-attltudd of Chill. 'Now'thatlt
is eVldent that 'the only Ilrltish all
would be -the correspondent of the Lon
Hnn ',rTlm tj mlinu. m .i il a T h n
don "Times,"-to whose commands tho
American admiral would probably not
pay1 m u oh attention, the sltuntloti is'nt, anil Valparaiso has CiSh eluded
not td court a bombardment. Oonse'-i
quently Americans' are treated with
mpre' resptet, and there Is no disposition
to do violence to American officers or
seamen. ' - ... -
' CSipt, Ecbley's conduct meets with
universal pralsoi' - He has been calm 'and
deliberate udder tho most provoking
circumstances. This combined with dig
nity and firmness has won hlra the re
spect! even, ot th'elb'we'r "atii less Intelli
gent Bs" well as the snpsrlorn!lass.
". .1 IT -I v'.
Mi r. ! ..I- ( '
CUIU'i ShlpaOreatly, Overrated, Says a
IJnllrd Httr Ouic.r. '
SAN, Fkancisco, "Nov. '21.-rbn'e of the
ofilcers ot the San Francisco, which has,
just returned, declared that the Chilian,
navy' had been greatly o'vbrra'ted." ' Said
he:' "u -'-. I
I "They have several good vessels, but
I riot one- Is' n match for tho lial tlraore ot'
San Francisco. They have nine' and
ten-inch Armstrong guns, but the gun-'
I ners aro so unskilful that they do nc
ofectVo work'. " '
"For Instnndd, Ivltno85o& the bom
I bardment of Fort Vina del Mar by the1
Atmlrante Cochrane and the Esmeralda..
Both huve the best 'equipment, but at a'
, distance ot , 000 yards not a single shot1
hit the tort. Only one shell fell at tho
foot of the embankment in front of tho
fort', and did no damage. At such a
I distance with' proper hiindllng bf tlio
guns the fort ought to have boen dis
mantled In 15 minutes."
Ilia oniKinan ui.uey urn iiuhot
Tnov. N. Y.. Nov. 21. Tho sonsntlonal
nnUnnlntr ntnrV mud a niiblln ii fnw iliivh
polBonmg st,ory maue Pumio a low (lays
ago by Charles 1'ietz of this city, andlllB
'charge that Ills' wife desired him out of
th wav beoaUHO she had become infatii-
atcd with Milkman George Hidluy of
North Grosnbush, has turned attention
to tho latter, and he is likely to becomo
prominent by connection with thu citse'.
Ills wife died under somewhat peculiar
circumstances a 'few months ago, and an
investigation is about to be made to nsJ
certain whether she died from naturdl
causos. -
l'uuml Tlinl'r Children Ilurneil Up.
Oatlettsb'uho, Ky.' Nov. 2i. Two,
small ' tUllllroh of Farmer 'Divid liar
tram Were burned to death- at' their
home on Hill Creek, Wayne County, W.
Va., ilurlng the night The , remainder
of. fh family went to churchy leavidg
the little ones asleep. "When they're
turned nothing but a heap of ashes urid
a tew charred "bones were left to tell
what had lA'comi of thBlr hoitie and tha
' fate of the' little ' 6nes. The pecuniary
loss Is about $10,009.- ' ' '
K.'cked ltecause lie ComplalDitd.
Ljtnn1-'i1.ij), Mkhs., Nov. 21. Tha po'
lloo uro investlgallng tho case ot Itlchu'rd
Jtuggles, who was tukon" into n Held
Thursday night by live masked men and
there whipped uud kicked so badly that
his recovery is 'doubtful. HUggleii had
complained asralust a road house bea'r
I iug nn unB.wory reputation, wuich fact
' is thought to have soma couuecllou
with his treatment.
Gift fur Amherst College.
AniiEllsT, Mass., Nov, 21. An anouy
mous friend has purouased und pre
sented to Amherst College twenty acres
ot the lioltwood estate udjoinlng the
college ao acres Iu all. 'these - add!
tlonul aort-s will be gradod aud laid out
to correspond with tho college grounds.
The lata Itufus 11. Kellogg, nu alumnus
and former trustee bus bequeathed tho
college $30,000. " '
Several cases of smallpox aro reported.
in Kingston.
Governor Hill has been In Washing,
ton the pasb two days eugaglna apart-
1 , .i c. i nn . i c
I lre in the Standard Thentro In Syra-
cuse, just uftel' the performatico had
L88n u''nll. IM 3O0,0J0 damage.
Hilton Jonos, an employe, was severo-
ly scalded by tha explosion of one sec
tion of a digester In the Himiiigton
Faper Company's sulphite mill at
i vommoMtbrtxS &ncaao.
vtv;iiip uu ,noncst .competition, iiconomical. ;
e 0btatna"le of any reliable grocer. ' ' ,tM.
An Italian Al io imlar.
PiiiLAnE;,rniA, Nov. 21. Qlaqlntc
KplfalrV,' (in Italian, whb bai for, fdv
exal years past CPmlflct?jn steamship
agency and banking business nmonsf 'the
poorer closs of his countrymen, has dls
.anneared anaVi-rlhirAffht tn hnfii. ullnn.
def to the itmttuhl St r$3u,i6o! 7li ft be-1
llexdflM.JfpneJp California.
Oen. UlniButler'a plfys Ifclan, iays his,
patient's Illness Is pjlafdl TuuVrtot Jan-'
,Ovf Irfg to Jnabltlty to contjupt their
business itt.a profltthb dllmorj-Eistts
RolHnFMtlls.'W oIy.'brIgeroVt, Mass.,
have shut down permanently.
i TfVf SMff1,?11 ?f Jrf'njThqmas Hill,,
ex-prese'ntMtTi'arvArdHllegV, SvL'd li'
lying til at the residence of a friend in
WlU J-Try,Mp(-rt...
At a result ot the football gtraes be
'tween1 'Av'ifllaM ""auu AWheVst 'Cb'tlelles
at Ain,hsrs,f luss., Frjdaj;. In ; which
neither slile corod, the two teams are
tied for "the chatffplonshtpT. '
John A. King, who was arrested in
liropklyp, N. Y., and brought to Hqs.
ton, charged with 'attetnri't t'o' defritud
the'Johii' rinnc'oclt and NBV York LtW
Inmlftueo Companies', wlM held in$j,O0O
for'the'gralid jury. ''
tho progress, o Qopsrpptigri.
all its,jarli?i:;3tages,,it pan 'JjQcJjrc'L
It's a. ecrofuloup ,affr4Qtiqn of the
lungs. a blood
every other, form. .of ..scrofula, ,tv.
Pierco'a Golden. Modical Disciovory
is a certain remedy.-, But ,it rouBf
bo taken' in timo and rioto ia tho
timo to take it.
'It Tiurilies'. tho blood t that's tho
secret.' 'Nothing else acts like - it. j
It's; lha most 'potent strcngth-ro-.
storer, blood - oleartser, unu tiesU
builder 'known to 'Vneuidal scienca.
For"Wcak Llings. Spitting''6f Blood,;
T t.t M .
uroiicniLis, jvBiniuu, uniami; ami ai,
lingering CfiughiT, it's a " remedy
t.nln Inn7 t ' nrfnn. nnt?X'
w uenein or cure. '
If" it doesn't, tlfo money is re
turned'. ' " ' " "'' '
In "otlier words, it's sold - on
trial. ' "' '" " ' '
No other medicine of its kind is.
a' .-i 'i.jA: '-'.i.Li . ''.i.t .v-i.
And 'that
vnn inai proves tnat. noiutn eisej
"just as ' godtl y' as Vhb 'pisjibv-;
is ' - .....
jiio dealer is thinkinc ot his
.profit, not, pf yours,
something lso,.
when ho ,urgea
AN oitDINANOK to amend an ordl-
nnneo passed on tho 3rd day of rcbruary, A,
1 lm entitled "An Ordinance ton erring on
tUe Mllimnoy. clty Shenandoah, UlrardvUe
and Asnlacd Hallway Company the rUht to
bulldlaud operate an electrfo rllwty on cer-
. iwj reew in tne iinrooKii ui snuuit uuau nflnlnil- llv llm Tnwll CnillK.!! uf thft
f llorough of rilieunndoan, nnd it is hereby ot-
ti.L-iieuu.v Liie iiuLuoriLV iu uiuH-tiue. iiiiiliuu
ordlna'icoof sitd borough heretofore passed
on the third day ol- KebrUary, A. D 1B!U, re
lating to "An ordinance conferring .in the
'.MtiniLiinv ilv. ituenRimo in. liir.iravi ea n
Ashlilnd ritreet ItallWay Company' the right
to Duua ana operate an eiecmo railway un
reriaiu sireeis la tue iioruueu ui oueuau
doahl" bA '
jimentiea. Am is iieroivamenacuuvcninE
In ' the words ' llange lull" In "aid ordln-i'nue
to the wotds.''Tra l."-ana that tue said ordl
nannotie '
Furthermore Amended. And Is hereby
nmended'Dy changing the'gnageot trues. lu
Kuin;n iriini nvR ipri. lwii null fiiiH
half Inches (5 rt. Vh lu.l tb the irnaae'of four ftet
lirl.l anA nn.l.a 1 7 1 n.l,cd H ft kUlnl i
frovid'd. That the said "Mliinv Oltv.
HhfltiAtiilnflh. fllrnrdvllfA' nnd 'Ash'lanii Htreet
ita'lwsy Companyi" Wllbln twalve(12)months
from the completion pf ssld rallwity, slisll-rij-
mive tne saia "i rair nnor suosuime. ine
llauL'o rail" if the said "T rall"sliall prove to
ie uiiBatllaetory andunaccentable to the said
Town Codncllr and ' - '' ' "'- : I
JtwWto Furthermore, TliuUtlie said "Ma
hanoy Clty,Hhena'ldcah,(lrardvllleand Ash
laud mreel llallway Com piny" shall accept
me pruviKiu-nw. in miai oiuiuaqceijwijum uu
(lOi uavs frjm the oassiize thereof "
Knsctcd add- parsed 'Intb-aiii'ordlnancetit
Rhennndoah, 14 ,'UiatlrtU dny o! November
i A. II. UAlIliK,
i Pres. of Towu Council,
ja. n. r.Ksskd,
Cltl Unrgess.
W. J. I'OrtTZ. . '
11-13 19t Towu Clerk;
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Uonds written.
marriage license ana legal claims
promptly attended to; ' '
Ileal, Estile, Colle'clioo and Insurance, Agency
General Plre Insurance Business, llepressntt'
. tbe Northwestern l.lfe Insuraneefbi.
OryiOB-Muldoon's building, corner Centre
unu wes(,r)imieuanaoau, l tt.
Oood HropertiefOf All Kinds for Sale.
1, A twb story double frame dwelling house
Bioreand restaurant, on KaBt ientrn sr..
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centri
streot. '
8. IJeslrable property on oorner Centra and
jaruin streets, smiauie tor ousiness pur
poses, ' - - v t.
a twosiory nouuio irarne aweillne, od
west i.ioya siren. '
5 Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Ceu
trestreeL 1
6. Two J story dwelling' on the corner ol
Coal and Chestnut streets Htore room In
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnnl
street with a large wa-elnuse at the rear
8. Threo two-slory double frame bulldlngf
vomer in uiiijriiiiuu iiiiMiri. mreein.
H foitiiioy,
9Bo aedlttUs bolloUi oorner Mala Si IKiaui
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
NOV 16, 1891.-
'Hasseneer trains will leave Bhenandoah foi
uauchtniunk, ITehlehloU, Blatineton, CU'
For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gab ahd
KorUtmliertvifleand TreuTou,Ji j'.CH 'C m
iiaveu, nuaes-iiarre ana fltls
1IMI 8.rk,8.1((antt 539pJni;' , '
annock, 10,41 a. m, ,3.10 and
uv.?T Anbnrn. Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyom
10.41 a. ra., ana 8.28 p; m,
WJ&ll"i2 Bayr?. Waverly
-dcara and all polntA West a,t loifl a. m..and
i KPJH2v!" a,n1 tho West via Salamanca ai
a.lup.,fn '"''-' ,
ror Auaennea, iiazieton, utockton, Lnm
am.u. n wiuonj- uuu reau, rtavjen Juno,
lion at 5.41. 7.40. 9.08 a. m.nnn l l l .S
t$a p.m. "' -
ror , cjeanpsyiiui, ,. ie vision , ana., JJeave'
Meadow, 7.40, 9,08 ft, ta. anu'S'.Jo'p. nV.1 '
-. KOrHCra-UtOThtS.47 9 OX. I(L41u' m- niOanrt
53i p. m.
Vnr It.rln nrrwb Twln IMnnn -,.
, ......... ................. i,,,, nuu riim
land atl 5.47; 7.40, 98,'10.41p. ta.K U52.3J0an.?
for Unakake at 5.47 and D ntf a. m.. nrf
'J.10Djm, i
I Kor Wlffans. Gllbnrtnn and Urnnv1a el
6.Wttrid8J)2a. m.,nnd'4.1tfpr:Tn; '
B.47, 7.40, 9.03. 10.41, a. m., 12.62, ,10,5.26, !f,P3
and 10.27 v.tai ' . "itl"
ori8i urees, Jirarayiile ana Ashland
.27, 7.46,8.62, 10,15 a. m'.', 1.00,'l.4Cr,'4.10.1ia
i.10 and 9.14'p. tn. ' .'.'.
Kor DarRwater, Ht. Clair and Pottsvllle
60 .40. 8.52 10 40 a. m.. 12.52. 3.10. 4.10. 5.M antf
For Buck Mountain. Mew Ttnutin nnrt
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. n... 12.62. a.lo. BnHnd
For llaven Kun, Centralis, Mt. Carmel and
Shamottlu; 8.52, and 10.15" ft', to.', 1.40, 4.41'
irains leave cmamosin ior Bbenanaoab,
.oi u. iu., H.1U, sju ana v.zu p. ra,, arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m.,.12.52. 3,10, 6,2 and
11.15 p. m.
' ' ' -SUNDAY T11AIN8.
Kor lst Creek, Olrardyllla and AshlanO,
,50, 9.10 115'a. m.,.45 p.Jfif. ' '
For Uarkwater. Bt. Olalr and Pottsvillr.
.Oil, 90 a . m., 2.45 p. m. '
For YatesvlUe. Mahannvriltv and llnlnnr,
or, Ir.Anderled and Harleton, 8,01
r or.aaaucn unnnK. enigntqn, .HLatlnitqn,
atasauqua, Allontown, Hotblebem, Kastor
adNewYorK, 8.00a. rh.lHOpVtH'. 1
Kor J.'bUaaelphlai4.40,p. TO, .
Uen'l'Paas. Akti, Bethkhim.
We are making a big drive in. fur
niture, but malicious desire la not its
object. We desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, and 'proriose to give our
patrons tlio tienellt of some extraordi
nary bai gains..
J. P. Williams 8c Bro.
Soutli Main St.,
sh 33 isr.israDoy.t3:.
First National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. 19. Leiscnring, Pres.,
P. J.- ' Ferguson, V. Pres.y
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
9. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
OpeiivDnIl aProiu.9,to 3.
3 EER 0JE..;NT1RES(!
PaltJ ifji.Mfjyiirsi.peppsitjj,
People's Oyster Bay !
ii X3. Centre St., Sliciiuudoali
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
Il'W, Btewcd, Scalloped. Panned or
Fried to order. Kara llfs supplied
at tbelr Uous with the' hest oysters
tbe market aftords, '
All Orders Promptly Filled.
Ptiilaeipia and Reading lUilroad
" oe-j(ieffeof JVor, IS. 1891
For New ynrk vl Vl.ll,iihio m.vA.u
f0, 5.2J, 7,20 a. and 1283 2.50 and 6. t
I ?un4RI' 2.1b and 7.48 a. m. For New
aViirlr...iJli Um.M, .i -
week aays, 0.25.
KPi"fiSL9'a anai Philadelphia
week days.
10. 5.25. 7.20. a. 12.JW
and 5.65 p: m,
rr. Sarsburg, week days, li.10,7.20 a. m,i
io, P.&5 p, m.
""- 7 " iij n, iu -i-HJ ii, hi.
or Jjientown, week days, 7,20 i. m.i 12.81
F0 p. Ta.
t-'nr.' I'ltfsVtilA. . rtoTi Tin v .n . m
2X0 tip and 0.65 pi m. Unnday, 2'.lSaaO. 7M
9 mtL V.W ..
For 'I'amiiniia nnd Ufahannv ntlv
llv. Din c nc -. rw , . ' . .. ' I .
mv BandayV 2.10 and 7.48a.m., 4.30 p, m.
AddltSopal Air Matianoy city .-Week, days, l.oo j
p. nr. ' '
. or Lancaster ana colnmbia, woe days.
fiOalTn., 2.00 p. m. ' '
For Wlllfamsport.nnbury and Lewlsbura,
cek days. S.,.20 aud 110 n.,tu 135, 7.50
KorMahanoV'l'h'.''dTvii' s in s m.
.30 A.m.. 12.RS. 2 fin. fins
.00 anc' m JrC in. BUflday, V10! 3,irj And J.4S
tv m.- 3.05, 4,30 p. ra.
(Rappahannock Station)
vt.s:days,'2.ir5 8.25, S.25( Ttao-and iiant,.m.ii
ror uiraravinn
i iu a o, i.san. m s,uo, 4nrp. m,"
" or ABQtana nua ooamoKin, weeK a&
zi.ulijql i.tiii. m.. 7 in uia.q
m. Hunaay ta, 7 is a. m 8.ns tt.Ta,
TKaSNS VoiV HHK NAN 1)0 A. U 1
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
tys. 7.45 a. m 1.80,' 4.00,- 7.80 m ' 1 120
Ighl 8nnday.B.0QD..m..i2.15nlent.
peave, Hew Yorit via Matforrchtirar:.
inn pa nnh, 1 .haj n n ... n l H M
from 9th and ureen streets. Bunday V.05 a.
m. u.w p. nr. rronr-sttf 'anc ureen.-
Ijeaye KeadJneweeky days. JJi., 7,10. J.0.C6
urt 11.W a. n, 635. 7.57 6, rn.' Bunday'lSS and
IrftaveTdttavllle, week days', 2.40,7.40 a. m.r
'.8&. 0 11 p. m. Bandar.. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
:.06 .m. ' ' "
Leave Tamaana. .week .days. 8.20. 8.48 and
vcaye Mananoy ujty. woes; aays, 8,40, 9.18
Id 11.47 a. rn.? IM 7r,d8.44 pital. faun.
WTi 3.48,8.17 a. ra., it U p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Flaae, week days,2'4,4.C0.
su, a.ij. a. m.,i.i, z.00. a w, a xo. 7.07, ana
'.0)0. m. 8undav2.4j. 4.00. and 8.271a. ml
3 37,5.01, p.m.
uoave uiraravine inappanannocs: tstaiioni
vek daygjjj.47, 4.07I8J6,. and Ml a, m,, 12,05,
i, om, h.vj ana iv.uo p. m, annaayi2,47,
07, 8 33 . m. 8.41, 6,07 p. m. J
Lieave WllllMnsnArt. wek da?s.3.0d.9.45and
i.55 a. m. it.85 and 11.15. p. m. .Bunday 11.15
j. m.
tat if aitlmore,., Washington, ana .the west
ia is. x u. it. 11.. mrongn trains leave utrara
sbttlon.f blladell
relnhla..tP.A n. E. K.l
and 11.27 a.' tti.iWi 4.24 fcSSnnJ
I I A p.
Sunday ,.8J15 8.02.1L2:. a m 3.58
42 and 7 13 d. m.
eave Philadelphia. Uhostnnt Street
iron Atlnllc Cltr.
Week-dtys Express.ilfl'i a. m. l. .no,
. n. AnoommodayoniAppfv. nvjandjCO,
. 111.
Handays.r-Binrens. ,9.00 , a. m. .Accim.
metallon.S.OO a. m.and4.30p. m.
iwinnxing. ieave., Aiiantta- ijty( .aepqt
'.Untie and Arkansas avennen. wook-dai a
Express. 7.30: tt.OO tt. -fit. and -4.O0.- o. m. Ac-
conimoaatloyS.lQ a. m, and 4.:t0p m. Sun-dayslffil'eiW.-'4JOO.-rl.
m..''. Accom'modallou.
7.30 a.m. and 4.80 p. m.
' ' O.'Ui'.'llAWOOOKi Gen'lrass'r.Agt.
x j v. muurvYii. rres. pxuq; ytapager.
PSNNStt-XAfll flAILIiq,0(,
m and after September i 'Wl, traini will lean
' Sietiaiuloh fu tiiqw,v.Y
itm siii,rviATT imia;ivia
JastW. at. Clalhr andawayrpglnjtaj., (!,(, ,8
1 m and 415 p m.
aunaays. ouw. tMuar m and 3.10 n-m.
Ifor A,otU,vUle,,(UXI. a la and 4.16 P.m.
Kor Heading, a.00. a rn.and4.15 DXU..
Bandavd: -BOU.O a. nV. 'ftnrt' n rii.
aunaaVsTeOu.'O a m 3?10 D'hl.
TralriaJettyeFrackvlliej tor Bbenandpalj.RV
.0.40 aitt and 12.14. Iti 10.0 it rm. -Mnndavs.
LMiave iruiusviiie lur uueiianuoan, lu.ioanu
1M8, ai;7,15, 9.42 p(n. iBun.gayplDp.ftni
' Leave Uhlladelphla (Broad, sweet Ktatloo),
ior Pottavlile Bbd'Bnenand621i. 6.67. .8i a 'm
4.10 and 7,00 p m-weofc.days, Bundaj B 60, and
.a am ,
for new York, 4, uo, tjm, oss, eso, 7.S0,
'In Banuays, 8.20. 4.05, 4.40, 6.85. R.12, 8.30, 9,60,
11.85 Tm. MnU 12 21. 12.41. 2.30. 4 02.T(llmitad .
.4Ji')).fi.23, n 2.1. . . .ii i jx ana 1'iQl night
f or aea uirt, umgiirancn and Intermediate
Stations 8.60, 8J5 andil.SO a. m, 3,30,.4,po p. m.
Wek aafI.Mundays'81ii '
FonUallimore and, Wasnlngton, 30, .7,20,
0.10 and 11,18 a. m., 1 it, 0 57, 7.10 p.n. aud 12.03
nigut aaiiy anu 41, iu..u a m iz 3i limited
ejpress with dlnlug Air to ltaltlmorej 1.30, 3.49
p.m.'wb kdas. tor Baltimore fluly 2.02r 4 01
weekdays, 5.08, 11.80,p.m dally, .
For nichmond, 720 a.m. aud 14,03 night
dally, 1 30 p 111, dally, except Uund iy,.
iraiHBieM,ve.cxarrisDarg.ior iritisuurg ana
uawejfleveiydalfMJ2.?5a'i.l ItlQ a m and
-.X, uituf tiKii uu o ou, y.oa p m. way ior
AJtooaa ,1 a ui &bd 4.10 o ai aver rtav.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a iu dully and 10.20
a week days.
tiijave anpbury,,lpr Wllllamsport, IStmlra,
- in&ndatgaa, Itocbester, Buttaloand Niagara
aiis, o.iu a in uauy, una I. p m wees: aays,
'or Watklns. 5.30 n m week davs.
r ot crio ana lniermcaiate poinui, 0.111 a mi,
.10 a. m Hdnda
Gsn. Man'r
Ken. Pass.
Trains leave Reading (F. dt It. station) for ,
Gibraltar. Hevferti Illratboro. Joanna. Hnrlnf-
fleldXWayjiiaiburK Junction, Coatesvllle, West
Chester.Cnadsford Junction, 'II. A O. Junction, ,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except bunday, at 0.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15,
p. m. Bnnday only at 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, Ht.Feters and lptmiejSr
statlons.VlaUy Sicep Hdnday; at 9.2U a.mSat'a
5.19 n. m. Mundav nnlv HAS ft. m. .
For . BUtdshrtrtl and. .Intermediate, stations,
Katurdaybnly.atlZm. ' s gnt
For llaltlmore and Washlneton fit. A O IU
B.) dally'exoepLSaoday at-4,2p and, 8,9 a. m.l
and 3.16 n. m.
Trains arrive m lleadlnir iP. A 11. ttattonll
cuuuuy only ai d.uo p
ip. m.
Irom Wilmington, H. & O. Jnnctlon, MouV-1
cnanin,.;jnaaasiora junction, west unesier,!
Leuape, CoatesxUIe'. Waynts,l)Org Junction,!
apringueiu,joanna, uirusuoro, uioruiutr, ney.i
fen and, intermediate stations, dally except!
11UUUUJ IV. H. U.I .UU Oh.' J., Ul CUU
day only ut 11.24 a. ra.
From Bt. peters, Warwick and intermediate)
stations, aally.exrepl Huortay,
and 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6
at B.'it
1 6 p. m.
From lilrdsiioro und Intermediate stations I
Hatunlav only at 1.40 n. m.
From Washington and llaltlmore. dally ex-1
cept Hunuay, 10 20 a. m 5.52 and 817 p. m.l
Bunoay oniy at 11.21 a. m.
BOWNESH liltlOOS, Gen'l Pass. Aet
n.. in uj.' univ J, qui)'.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent!
Cor. Main and, Centre Strtatt. SHENANDOAH, PA
lK two and one-half story double
dwelling bouse, with stire-room rtirv.-J
taurant. Located on East Centre tmijYl
W-r-A. valuable property located on Boulh Jajfl
din street.
3 Heven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil
TOmuuuiuj-inircuui. uood investment
vs, 4.t0; 5t5 i ta., ijoo ahd, J.45; jj, tn. i, aun . ehvd I'hlladolphla,, wees: ,dayp, ; 4.10, and,
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and R.On n. m.. frcrn TtmliiS
iaiiy. jo nr ijock naven, o.iur ana v&q a m,
lally, 42 and 6,30 ,p.( m. week, days. Kor
'-tenova 0.10 a tn J.t3 and 6.3a n m.week davs.
1HIOI ItUKJUftUia. -