ttte jetting f I -d A A -A Si 1 VOL. VI.--NO. 250. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1891. ONE CENT! My Son, Deal "With Men "Who Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It "--Benjamin Franklin The Evening Herald. ALL THE NF.WS FOR ONE CENT. Has a larger circulation In Bhonandc ah than " any other paper published. circu it J latlon books open to all. It Is said last month's coal output was the largest on record. The Schuylkill Haven Call will please consider our hat off for the kind words In Its last Issue. That faster in New York fasted too long. The dimo museum will have to get up some other attraction. Thanksqivino comeH but once a year and this year we should be thankful for a great many good things. The state authorities are getting ready for the new election law. If there are to be any new election dis tricts Ihey should be made at once so that the polling booths can be ordered. i'liauy irons in (he Are. She wants many things and wants them all at once. It will take many years at the progress she Is making to size up any ways near New York or Chicago. A aovEKNOK like Pattlsou comes high. Els first administration cost the state 5600,000 for an extra session that accomplished nothing. - This year his extra session, with a like re sult, cost th'o state $00,000. Verily Pattison Is a reformer with a little r. We agree with a contemporary that to. offer money inducements to manufacturers of other towns to come here and locate is bad policy. To offer a site, cheaper fuel, etc., are inducements enough. It would be belter for our home capitalists to get together and start new manufacturles. 5. Accokdino to official figures the JsflP.-oduction of anthracito coal for Oc v J tober was estimated at 4,500,000 tons. if1 This, In conuection with the estimates CENTS PEE YARD FOR a good home-made rag cariet. It is one of those extra heavy carnets. made of tlifi hpst. vnm and clean rags. Finest Hue of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carpets In Shen andoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CAE PET STORE. WE OLADI THAT THERE AltE ; NO BETTER GOODS ! IN THE -THZA.Isr 9 Choice Creamery Suiter Fancy Bloater Mackerel. Mackerel White and Fat. . ivom dirt and stems. Best materials, line Table Syrup strictly pure goods. Netv Orleans Baking Molasses. Chipped Beef. CTTJST IRZEaZEI-VIEID Another lot of JtlVJSJRSIJDJS BUCKWHEAT FZOUJt j and OLB TIME GJIAHAM FLO JIB Fresh Ground. ' Also another car of Best Patent MIJVJyFSOTA FLOUB. t Faual to anvthina in the niarltet. i : : "NORTHWESTERN DAISY" mndc of It Wlictit nlvcs satisfaction. IIake$ well. Oil Clotlis arc selling: irccly. Nice patterns. All (Prices. Two yards wide Ironi 50 cents up. of production for the past several months, indicates a very strong coat market, and should silence the doubl ing Thomates among city dealers who have declared that they would be unable to meet the demand during the coming months. "What Thoy aro Good For. Brandrc.h's Pills are tbo best medlclno known. First Thoy nre purely vegetable, In fact a medicated food. Second The same dose always produces tho tamo effect other purgatives require increasod doses and finally ceaso acting. Third They purify the blood. Fourth Thoy invigorate tho digestion and cleanse the stomach and bowels. Fifth Thoy stimulate tho Hvor and carry off vitiated bile and other depraved secretions. Tho first two or three doses tell the story, Tbo skin becomes clear, thu oyo bright, the mind active, digestion Is restored, costive ncss cured, tho animal vigor is rocruitod And all decay arrcstod. Brandro'.h's Pills aro sold In every drug and medlclno store, cither plain or sugar coated. To the Traveling Public. If you aro contemplating a trip to the West, or southwest tho question naturally arises, which is tho bost and most economi cal way in which to mako tho journey, This information you can ascertain by tending a postal to me answering the fol lowing questions: Where aro you going? When aro you going? Whero will you start from 7 How many will tkeroboin your party? What freight and baggage will you have to ship? On receipt of this I will write or call upon you prepared to furnish maps, time tables, and lullest information regarding routes, lowest rales of all class of tickots, land pamphlets, re sort bookj, Hot Springs guide, etc. Tho Missouri Pacific Iiailway and Iron Mountain Route Is noted for its superb thrrugh car sorvico. Pullman Vestibuled Buflott Sleeping Parlor and Tourist Sleep ing cars, also Palaco Kecllnlng Chair Cars froe, aro run on all through tralns.Ask for tickots via this popular routo, and correspond with me beforo completing arrangements for yourltnp. J. P. Mc Cann, Eastern Traveling Agent, No. G57 N. Main St., Eltnira, K. Y or 391 Broad way, Now York City. W. E. Hoyt, General Eastern Passengor Agent, No. 391 Broadway, New York City. Tr,o Missouri Pacific Hallway Iron Mountain Route, tf Hotel For Rent. Tho hotel property at Lakeside Park (East Mahanoy Junction) for tho year 1692. No ono but an experienced hotel man need apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O. A. Keim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-10 if Thanksgiving Rates ' Via Nickel Plato Nov. 2fith and 2Gtb, ono faro for round trip. d&w tf A fino stock of guns and amanition for alo cheap at Max Reese's. 10-2-1-tf MARKET OTTIR,- Iresh every other day Large and Fine. Neio iVo. 1 2Tew Clean Currants Free Mince Meat made o best Minnesota BOROUGH ITEMS l! GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Whero Those Who Aro So Dis posed May Attond Dlvino Worship To-morrow Othor , Local News. M. E. church, Rev. Wm.Powick, pistor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Solicitude for tho Lost." Evening subject: "Tun Oomfortor and His Mission." Sunday school at 2 p. in., to be followed by tho do votlonal meeting of tho Epworth League. Prayer meeting atC p.m. and on Thurs day evening at 7:30. All ato invited. Soats free. English Baptist church, South Jardln street. Rev. H. O. James, pastor. Troach ing at 10:30 a. ro. and G:30 p. m. SuVjoct for morning : Sowing and Reaping. Evening subject: Tho Natural and tho Spiritual. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Deacon John Bunn, superintendent. On Monday evening at 7:30 tho B Y. P, Union will meet. On Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock a general prayer meeting. All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, noar Main, Rev. Floyd E. Wost, rector. Services as follows: Morning prayor and litany with reading and sormon, 10.30. Evening prayer and sormon, 0:30. Sunday school at 2 p. ra. The rector officiates and preaches at tho morning servico on the second and fourth Sundays of each month and at tho ovonlng service on tho first and third, a lay reader officiating in his absence. P. M. church, cornor of Jardln and Oak streets. Services Sunday nt 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath Bchool at 2 p. m. Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at ( p. m. every Sabbath. Classos meet Tues day and Wednesday ovonlngs at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. General prayor meeting Thursday at 7:20 p. m. H. G. Russell, pastor. Presbyterian church, Rov. W. MoNnlly, pastor. .Trenching sorvlces at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p, ro. Subject for morning: "The Eternal Day." Subject for ovoning: "Ro membor Lot's Wilo." Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Thursday next. Thanksgiving services will be hold at 10:30 a. m. All are cordially invited to these services. Welsh Baptist church, cornr Wost and Oak streets. Rev. D. I. Evans, pastor. Services Sunday at 10 a. tn. in Wolsb and 6 p. m. in English. Sunday school at -5 p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday even ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs day ovoning, at 7 o'clock. Ebenezor Evangelical church. Rov. H. r n.ttLS . J. pastor, borviees Sunday at 10 a. m. in Gorman, and C:30 p. m. in English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. All aro heartily invited to uttond. A Little Girl's Experience In a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott aro kocners or the Uov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach. Mich., and aro blessed with a daughter.fov- years old. Last April sho was takon down with Moaslos, followed with a cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at homo and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, sho grew worse rapidly, until sho was a mero "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's Now Diecovtry and after tbo uso of two and a half bottles, was com pletely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth Its weight In gold, yet you may got a trial bottle froo at O. H. Hagonbuch's drug storo. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each, at Max Reoso's. tf Reading Railroad Excursions. The annual pure food exposition now in progress at Philadelphia is tho "La'est Fad" and is visited daily by thousands. It is both entertaining and instructive. Tho Reading Railroad will sell special excursion tickets on Wednesday, Novem ber 25tb, and on Tuesday, December 1st, with a coupon of admission to tbo pure food exposition at tho very low rate of a single faro lor tho round trip, with 25 cents added for the admission coupon. Tickets will bo good on all trains of tbo abovo dates and can bo used to return on any train within three days, including date of ealo. Tho exposition is held In Horticul tural Hall, Broad and Spruco streets. Thanksgiving rates on tho Nickel Plate. d&w ti Now Wall Paper for 1802. A eplondld selection, embracing all tho latost colors and designs, at prices lower than ovor. Largo line of parlor patterns. Those cheap 25c window shades, whh spring fixtures, cannot bo eqiiallod. Call at Mol lot's, 22 East Centro street. Best work done at Brennan's stoam laundry, Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at the Herald office. POLITICAL POT-POURRI. Glance Ovor tho Field for Noxt Yoar. Tho nojtt contest for tho L-gislaluro in this county will bo moro than Interesting There are a host of candidates already In Bold and Shenandoah has no less than a dozon. Modott, isn't she? Who will ho tho ii' Xt Republican candi date for Congrofs in this district? Ex Con gressman Brumin is frequently mentioned, but it is said ho is a candidate for Judgo Pershing's position. Roprosentativo Davis is prominontly spoken of, but as to wheth- or our -urns is wining to enter tho list wo havo nothing definite. Ho woull mako a strong candidate and tho pnrty could go further and faro worse. Senator Keofor, it is understood, has become tirod of tho Son alo and would like to go to Copgrcss. Wat son F. Shepird, E q., was tho loadinecan' didato on tho Democratic tide, the recent election, but his advocacy of Judge Green's re-election has "soured" tho young Democracy and ho may not get it if the young bloods control tho noxt Democratic convention. A gentleman, who seems to know all about it, confidentially tells tho UKralp that tho following is tho Republican Blate noxt year: Brumm is lo bo nominated for Judge, Ljsch for O ingress, Hon. Ellas Davis for Senator, Coxo, of Schuylkill llavon, lor Legislature. For tho Legisla ture in tho upper (north of tho mountain) districts, Phillips, of Gordon; Yost, of Shenandoah, and Woldy, of Tamaqua, Delegates to tho National Convontion, Wilhelm, of Pottsvllle; Finnoy. of Shen andoah; District Attorney, MacWilhelm, of Ashland. Mahanoy City Is to have ono of tbo best county offices and a delegate to tno next btato Uonyontion. Tho balance of tho county offices to go bolow tho moun. tain. In tho next Democratic County Conven tion Shenandoah young Democrats will lako an important part. Scanlan, Mul doon, Scheifiy, Reilly (John A.) and Stan top will be on deck. Tho most conspicu ous and probably the most popular nmonir tho number, is Scanlan, who has boon set aside so often for other favorites. Scheifiy. of course, thinks his chances for a good, fat county otlicear.e .of the best. Ho may again be diiappointed. Wo never bolioved tho professions mado by bis friends woro sincere, but we will bo greatly surprised should thoy too tho mark noxt year and glvo him a nomination. "Hope doforrod makotb tho heart sick," and any other person but Schoifly would have died of dis appointment long ago. Annlvorsary. Washington Camp, No. 183, P. O. S. of A., will celebrate its fourth annivorsary noxt Wednesday ovoning by holding a mus ical and literary entertainment in tbo camp room in Robbins' building, cornor of Alain and Oak streets. Tho mombors of other camps are Invited. Buoklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fovor bores, letter, Chajped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Piles, or no pavment reouirod. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, Pnco 25 cents per box. For salo by O. II. Hagonbuch. The finest note paper and onvolopes in tho country at Max Reoso's. tf Profitable Investment. If you want an excellent farm o'liminrl only six mllos from Shenandoah, contain ing 28 acres, with fruit trees and stream of water, call at tho Herald offlco for further particulars. It is a profitable investment and tho terms aro reasonable. 11-18-tf Letter List. The following lottors remain uncallod for In tho Shonandoah. Schuvlklll post office, November 21, 1891 : Corelaud, Horace Jones, Mrs. D. Avon I'artioS Callini? for KllvnrtlsnH lnllnro should please say "advertised." Ono cent will be charged on all advertised lottors. U. O. Boyer, P. M. Lane's Fumily Modioino Moves tho bowels each day. Most pooplo noed to uso It. Out of Town Investments. 'Squiro Goorgo W. Hass'lor has two nice properties, ono In Schuylkill Haven and tho other In Lobanon, both erected this year. They aro both very desirable and will command good rents. Ono faro for round trip via Nickel Plate Nov. 25th and 20th, Thanksgiving. d & w tf Vote of Thanks. Tbo Jewish Congregation has adonted a resolution oxtending thanks to J. P. Will iams & Son for a loan of chairs for uso ut the New Year services of the Congrega tion. A Kind Friend. Is what they call that Famous Remedy, lied Flat; Oil, It qulokly cured Ithcuumllsm, Neuralgia, Cut., llruues, Jlurne, Bores and all PUin. It U COOd lor limu nr lifnKf. Qftrontii. At Klrlln'a drug store. Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the name Lkbsio & Co., Ashland, Pa.t ic printed on evory sack. 3-3-3taw NOTES OFTRAVEL GLEANINGS BY A "HERALD" TRAVELING REPORTER. OLDTIME RESIDENTS ONTHE ROAD Familiar Facos Soon in Philadel phia, Bothlohom, Reading, Hazloton and Othor Places. Now in Othor Parts. Almost every ono who lived in Shonnn doah in tho "Sovcntios" knew ""Johnny" Ho: dorson, at ono time clerk atthoKohloy Run colliery. I mot him tho other day on a P. & R. train en route for Wllllamsport Since ho loft Shenandoah 'Mr Henderson has been over tho largest part of tho globe and ho spont sevoral months in South America. Ho is now with a largo coaland lumber firm in Philadelphia. Captain R. J. Linden, superintendent of tho Pinkerton detecllvos, is about to bo mndo superintendent and chief of tho I'hiladelpbia forco. Captain Linden is woll-known in this rogion, and especially in Shenandoah, he has many warm friends. Tho writor met him this week. Ho has changed very littlo in appearance. V I met "Phil." Conrad on Seventh street, Philadelphia, rocontly. "Phil." Is an old Tamaqua boy. Ho was clerk for Wiggan A: Treibel, coal operators, and rotidod at Mahanoy City for a number of years. Ho isnov ongagod in tho printing business in Philadelphia with his son.tnd Is doing woll. . A visit to Reading brought mo in contact with two of our termor townsmen Josh Kotnor and Stephen Goho. Thoy both own considerable proportv in tho county seat of Borks. Mr. Gjho has been especially lucky in his real estate invest ments thero. ... Cashier John R. Loisenring, formorly of town, now lives in oxcclleijt stylo in Haz loton. Tho bank of which Mr. Loi-onring is cashier in tbo now citv hn Wn on successful and he now stands in tho fore most ranks of bankers. . While in Bothlehom I camo across our old friend and formor townsman Hon. Jool B. McCamant. Ho has mado th'o bank with which ho is connected in Ilethlnhnm .. grand success. Mr. McCamant is an ardont nna consistent .Democrat, but politics don't count when ho can do a friend a favor. . Stepp'ng off the train'at Birdsboro a few dny8 ago I mot our old friend "Charley" Wldenmoyor. Ho is looking well and has steady and profitable employment. "Charley" nover forgets Shonandoah on Decoration or Grand Army Days, when ho is found in tho ranks of Watkin Waters I'ost, G. A. R , of town. . "Joe" Bonsingor, who, several years ago, was clerking in Hammer's storo in town, and who subsequently wont into the news papor businoss, is now ongagod in tho hotel business in Dubois. Ho is ono of tho most popular landlords in Cloarfiold county and is making plenty money. PERSONAL. Rov. William Powick, of tho M. E. church, is in attendance at the Epworth Loaguo convontion in Philadelphia, tut will return in timo to preach to-morrow. Mrs. William Gibson, of Vanmln T.n. zorno county, is tho guost of hor daughter, 31 ra. ueorgo llohland. The Womelsdorf Case. Tho trial of tho libel suit of Womelsdorf against Placo and Wilson, formerly of tho Reading Telegram, was concluded at Potts villo yesterday. Tho case was given to tho Jury at 3:30 o'clock. At 0 p. m the Jurors reported that they could net agreo and asked to bo dismissed, but Judgo Pershing insisted upon a vordict. At midnight a sealed vordict was handed in and whon openod it was found to be "guilty," with a recommendation for moroy in bobalf of Wilson. An nppllcatlcn will bo made for a now trial. Important to Young People. Young fullcs can spend an enjoyablo evening at the "Y" mteting this evening. Strangers aro especially woloomo. Tho following programmo will be rondorod : Instrumental Mtihlo, Misa O. Hatsler. l'aper ou scleutltltf temperance. A. O. Mor gan. Lomio itecitatlon, illts Jennie BccldaU, Question Hor, llenj. Bidden, biuglng, "Y" members social Hour, Heading. .Miss Annie CUueer Urlllo's Keport, Win. Heeves, Revival Services. Interesting revival servioea have been going on at tho M, E ohuroh during this week aud will bo continued from nieht te night. It don't do tn nnirprt nAtiira'H wamfnp aches through the tyMem, cause Itlieinnu Usui. Ni umlijla and lkrkuclie. Try lUti Klog Oll( the t'nmuus l'uln Cure. 2i cents at Klr- Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Daub's. If HERE IS A GOOD PLAN To Got Manufacturers of all Kinds to Locato in Our Olty. Tho following article, origin illy pub lished by the Hkralp several weeks ago la still boing published throughout tho county and will b ar republication here : A prominent business man suggests tho following plan lor organization in lieu of a board of trade. The idea is h. novel ono and tho plan appo irs feasible. It is suggested that a co-operative indus trial organization, having for its object the promotion of homo industries, bo formed. That property holdors, business men, and taxpnycrs who aro not property holdors or businoss mon, bo enlisted and oach mombor pay in ono dollar per month on each share. On an issuo of 600 shares tho incomo would bo 5500 per monlh and such an in como would lay a good foundation for serious and healthy industrial movemonU. Of course if ono of two thousand shares could bo disposed of, so much moro healthy tho moyomont would bo. Whon sufiiciont funds aro accumulated tho association would bo in a position to givo outside capit alists and manufacturers, who aro now rapping at our doors, substantial encour agement without casting a burden upon any class of citizens. Tho property holdor, of, is the most interested in having industries estab lished in tho town, and ho could well af ford lo waive interest for a whilo on tho in stallments be wi uld pay into the fund. The business man is equally interested, and tho taxpayer who is not engaged in busi ness and does not own property would also havo an interest. In tho cqso of tho latter tbo holdor g sharos who takes an actlvo interest in tho aflalrs of tho association would bo in n bet tor position to t ocuro work for his relatives in the factories or other industrios that might be established than tho man who in terested himsolf in no way with tho organ ization. Gratifying to AH. Tho high position attained and tho uni versal accoptanco and approval of tho pleasant liquid fruit romedy.Syrup of Figs, as tho most excellent laxalivo known, il lustrate tho value of tho qualities on which its success is based and aro abundantly gratifying to tho California Fig Sprup Co. A fino stock of guns and amunlllon for salo cheap at Max Rcofo's. 10-21-tf Wonderful Realism. Evory atom of sconory used In tho pro duction of "Sho Couldn't Marry Three," 13 specially built lor tho play. There aro overthroo tons of it; it is worth going miles to ton. Ono of tho most notablo econos in tho p'ay is a picturo of tho Corn ish Coast, with practical revolving llght houso and moonlight on tho ocean ; alsotho view of Carboy's Abbey wilh crumbling' walls and clinging ivy, a scone so beautiful as to baffio description. In tho last act of tho play is 6hown an oxact representation of Dingloy Tunnel, ono of tho most stupen dous and natural railroad scones ovor pro duced. Every ono of thoo novel effects aro guaranteed by Managor.Hassonforder, and will bo scon here In the production of "Sho Couldn't Morry Three." Strength and Health. If you aro not foelingstrongnnd htalthy, try ElectricMlittcrs. If "La G-ippo" ba3 left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit ters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidnoys, gently aiding thoso organs to porform their functions. If you aro afllicted wilh Sick Headacho, you will find speedy and pormanont relief by taking Eloctric.Bittors. Ono trial will convinco you that this is tho remedy you need. Large buttles only 60c. nt C. H. Hagcn buch's Drug StoJo. Waters' Weiss boer is tho bo6t. John A. Rollly solo agent. 6-5-tf Burohlll's Rostaurant. Charles Buichill is now located atoorner of Main and Coal streets, Shonandoah. Rogular meals, at popular prices, served any tlmo. Ladles' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-1-1-tf Visit Frionds Along the line of the Nickel Plate Thanks giving Daf. One fare for round trip Nov. 25th and SOth. d.vw tf Umbrel las Given Away. With four pounds of CALIF Baking Powder, we'll givo you a beau tiful Gloria Cloth Urn. brolla. Guaranteed fast color and as good a you can;buy anywhoro for $1.50. Baking Powder warranted good or money refunded. GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardln Strt