The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 20, 1891, Image 2

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Tho Gonial Actor Succumbs
I lo His Illness.
Encouraging Reports Had Caused His
Friends to Hopi Tie Would Heoover.
Sketch nf tli Omul Come illni's Cnrerr
IIli Debut In Nw York 1 ho Jint
I IbllQaeH nf Air. Florence and lilt tltm
111 thn "Mighty Inllr"-,lll Aunclt-
' tlbn .With Jiimph JnflVirsnn Ills I'lmii
fur Dm Future.
PlIlCADDtriiiA, Nov. 20. -"-Actor Will
iam J. Florence died At lilt apartments
In the Continental Hotel at 8:1)0 Inst
wetting. His death wm a surprise to
those In attendance upon hlm as nil In
dication! during the Afternoon and even
ins pointed to a steady Improvement.
Those present when the famous actor
pasted away were Mr. Florence's sister-in-law,
Mrs Barney Williams, of Brook
lyn, his sister, Mrs. Norman WlnrJ, ot
Washington, and Dr. Patrick Donnellan.
Dr. Paucoast, who had charge of the
case, left the hotel about 7 o'clock, se
cure In the thought that his patient
van doing as well as could be expected.
Mr. Florence's brother, Police Inspector
Conlln, loft for New York at six o'clock
with the samo Impression.
Mr. Florence was very weak In the
nf tern oou and Inwards evening he slept
most of the tlmo. Death came very
peacefully. The patient made no sound
whatever, and the first Intimation the
watchers had nf his death was that hu
had ceased to breathe.
Mr, Florence's death was primarily
due to double pneumonia. Tho imme
diate tauso was heart failure. He had
taken a Hevore ooltl about two weeks
ko, and while he did not neglect it he
fulled to give it the attention that the
gravity of the case demanded. Tho cold
settled in both lungs, and within n week
pneumonia dovoloped. His condition
became nlurmlug on Tuesday,, and on
l'uosday night ho suffered intense
Agony. It was then thought best to no
tify bis brother, Inspector' Conlln. A
slight' change for the better was notlcod
yesterday, mid by night this was so
marked, that hope was revived, The
favorable symptoms continued all
through the day.
I -wrs. .riureuce, WHO IS in LiOndon, anu
who had arranged to sail for homo on
Saturday, having been merely appraised
of Mr. Florence's illness, was cabled
last night the fact of her husband's
death. Telegrams announcing the death
wore also sent to all of Mr. Florence'
i JXo arrangements will be made for'
the funeral before to-morrow.
' ' ' ' Sketch if HIn Canter.
It was at Albany N. Y., in 1831, that
William J. Florence first saw light. His
right name was Conlin. His earliest
propensities were for the stage, and he
joined the Murdock Dramatic Associa
tion when quite young.' Ho made hla
debut as Peter in Kotzebuo's romantic
play of "The Stranger" lu the Richmond
Hill Theatre, in Now York, December 0,
lfl49. Knrly in tho next year he ap
peared at Niblo's (Jarden under the
management of Brougham & Oiiippeu
dule. He next played Macduff to Edwin
Jiooth'a Macbeth at Providence, It. I.
He attempted Irish comedy with great
success at Bingham's Lyceum Theatre,
New York.
In 1650 he sailed for Europe with his
wife, and in tho Drury Lane Theatre, In
London, they plnyed n nine weeks' on
gagsnient. Mrs. Florence, who la a sis
ter to Mrs. llaruoy Williams, was known
as Mrs. Joseph Little. Her maiden
name was Mulvlna Pray. She was re-
inarkobly successful, and three weeks
ago Florence signed a contract wl th
Frank L. Ooodwlu to tour the country
with her.
A little moro than two years ago Mr.
and Mrs. Florence announced their ro
tlromqut from tie utage a joiut stars.
Mr. Florence concluded then what had
been long talked of, the JolTerson
l'lorence combination, and on Oot. 15,
1839, they miilb'thoir joint appearance
ut tho New York Star Ihuatre in
"The Rivals," J.fferson taking Rob
Acres, Florence Sir Lucius O'Trigger,
and Mrs. John Drew realizing Mrs. Main
prop. This was the last season Florence
was to remain with this organization.
Mr. Florence was iriosi sucteseful .as
the Hon. Uardwell Sloatln "The Mighty
Dollar," as Hob llrierly in "The Ticket
of Leave Man," and as Oheurolser in
"No Thoroughfare."
Police Inspector Conlln of New York
la a brother to Mr. Florence. Mr. Flor
ence loaves the brothers and sisters.
His stepdaughter, Josephlue Shepurd,
made her debut with Lotta at Daly's
Theatre six years ago. She is now mar
- rled.
Mr. Florenoe was beloved and rospect
td. He was author of the "Florence
Fables," a brochure of stories, and has
been engaged writing another book
called "A Game of Poker." As a story
tellur Mr. Florence probably had -no
equal. lie was of a lovable nature and
won for friends all whom he met.
The Dmil faster- Htriittiiii.
Cortland, N. Y.," Nov. "0. News of
the death of Faster Strutton In New
York city reached hare just as arrange
ments had been completed for giving
him a rousing reeeptioa on his return.
Stratton was employed as cook in the
Messenger House and was unmarried.
He had an eccentric fancy for curios
ities, of which he bad a large aud valua
ble colleotion, whloh is still here. Strat
ton had no relations here, as tar as
known, aud no arrangements have yet
been' made for the disposition of the
; body, which, it is thought, will be seat
-' here. J
1 -Wheat Kpftoultturs Cuusht
CulCActo, Nov. 2p. Uoard of Trade
men have lost heavily by a rise In the
wheat market, onusod by a forged tele
t'ram purporting to come from Charles
Emory Smith, A. nor loan Minister at St,
PeteiHbut'if'bUiluK' that theOzar had
Issued luuknss prohibiting the exporta
tion of the cereaL rTJie directors will
snuko n thorough Investigation.
Tlirc Mllll ICllloJ.
Wit-KEsnAHRE, Pa, Nov. 20. Charln
Cutcahbage was instantly killed, and
Victor Mlskitl was mortally wounded
by a fall of top coal la the Sugar Notch
colliery yesterday. Doth men were
miners. Autnon btlvosky, a miner, was
killed in the .Northampton colliery oy
Uinuar I1L
Much AITVrtfil Wlmn th llpnlli Annlti
WlM Hrll'l ftpptin Mt Ills Itrmnvah
Concoiid, N. H.p Nov. 80. ThU morn-
inij, Frank H. Almy, tho murderer of
j Christie Warden, who bin been kept In
ignorance of his fate until the oitleitt
j notice of his sentence oumo from Ply
, month, was Informed that the Judge
! had sentenced hlm lo be hanged on the
llrst Tuesday In Dcembor, 189.5. ,
Almy was visibly affected when told
the news, but mrtnifestod more com
posure than was thought likely, when
his abject manner on the witness stand
Is considered.
Several hundred people gathered at
the station when the train with Almy
arrived from Plymouth. Tho prisoner
was obliged to walk on his jrutches
from tho cars to a birge In which he was
to be conveyed to tile prison, a distance
of several rods, He walkod with dllll
culty and had to stop fwo or throe times
and rest. He was surrounded by the po
lice. As he approached the barge, cries
of "Hang hlm," "String him up with a
rope" and "Lynch hlm" were heard.
After he trot Into the barire a fur coat
was placed about his shoulders and the
barge was driven to the prison.
The party was received at tho Drlso n
by the warden and deputy and escorte d I
to the room for the reception of prlso n
rs. The usual questions from which
the prison record is made were pro
pounded and quickly answered by Almy.
He was assigned to one of the mur
derers' cells. His nearest neighbor Is
Sawtelle, who Is soon to be executed I or J
killing his brother Hiram.
The Fleht Didn't Come Off.
Piiovidencs, It. I., Nov. 1!0. The Sul
livan -Connolly light, which was to have
taken place In Dyer's Opera House last
evening, did not come off, owing to the
proprietor of the opera house refusing
to allow tho use of his premises. The
Hhodo Island Athletic Club had a lease
of this hall for tho fight. The club
management are now hustling around
to sea If tboy cannot rent some other
hall, and have their - fight. Large
amounts have been Offerod to the
proprietors of halls for the privilege,
but none have accepted as yet.
Strert Railway l'laut Damaged.
Spmnqfield, Mass.. Nov. 20. Fire
; badly damaged the Springfield Street
Hallway's plant i last evening. The loss
to the building is about $10,000, covered
by Insurance. Tho loss to tenants ot the
block will bring the total up to $13,000.
I The tenants had no insurance on their
household good? nd saved but few of
,me r euects.
combustion in
The flro started from
the oil room in the base
Threats Against a Mayor.
PiTTSiiuuo, Nov. 20. Upon the plea
that Mayor Wymnn, of Allegheny, has
been indulging in race persecution of
Hungarians in that city under the pre
text of raiding alleged disorderly boarding-houses,
Max Schamborg, Consul
from Austria-Hungary to Pittsburg,
threatens td make an international ox-
ample of tbe Mayor.
The cruiser San'eVancUco has arrived
tX San Francisco.
j A straw paper trust has been formed
on the Pacific Coast.
Influenza in a severe form has reap
peared lu Southwestern France.
The business portion of Edgorton,
Mo., has been destroyed by flro. Lois,
I President Harrison returned to Wash
ington from his Maryland shooting trip
President Harrison Is said to prefer
Omaha as the place for holding the llu
publican National Convention,
Rev. Dr. Julius E. Grammar, for 23
years rector of bt. Peter s Piotestaut
Episcopal Church, Baltimore, resigned
on account of III health.
The steamer Elder, for which fears
have been entertained, arrive 1 safely at
Northampton yasterdayr liroken ma
chinery vm responsible for the delay.
Qov. Jackson, of Maryland, has ap
pointed ex-Congressman Uibson to tna
vacancy in the united states sonata
caused by tbe death of Senator Wilson.
Wuatlicr Indloutlous.
TVashinotoi, Nov. SO. For Now England!
Warmer! southerly winds; and fair woathen
warmer and probably fuir to-morrow.
For Kastorn New York, ISastorn Pennsyl
vania, Now Jersey, Maryland and lleja
ware: Warmer; suuttaoily winds and fair
weather; winner and 'probably fair to.
morrow. '
For Western Now York,' Western Penasyl-
sylvUulart loudlness and local rains, southerly
Kinds slightly waruior. - t .
New Yoiik.Nov. 19,
-Money on call easy at
i per cent.
2 l, Utg -r
1 a. Coup 117(4
t s. lieg- , u7;
8 s, loup :
bl'UCK MAltKUf.
ranadlsn l'licjllo,,, eil)i
Central l'acinc
Chicago, llur. Oulnoy U
Delaware Jc Hudson UVj
Dol. Lnolt Si Woitoru 137
lirlo SiH
Luke ahore 1'"-1
Louis & Nash ..' 7"i
MlchU-an Central.. i ...,lU3li
Missouri Pacitto OM
Now Jersey entral,,.,, 11114
Noitbvrusiern US
Oreon Navigation TJU
PueilloMail , 'H
Heading 3H
Hock Island , 7U
ht l'ail, 7!i
, to-utiy.
Union Paoltlo 4 "tUU
Western union..,, oils
Whaat-.slftilcat GD-stied wealc and unuuiinrj
throughout iUv. No. red r liner clo.oi
10UU: Dee.. 1UJU: Jan. 109X
Corn Market onouei weak and closed weak
er. No. Vi, mlxcu, 7 Nov., 07HI una-, '';
Jan.. o74i.
Oats-Market dull. No. S, mixed, 38)5!.asli
1)00.. ooji.
Ciuumery, State i: l'enn.ccitrss.US c.a?8ljo,
(.rrSLnery, V'lwii, ui-ss..... ...,. uu:i
Cr imery, ' woetei n,ecxuas J .11 an'.' I
State Uairj, b. t. tuba, extras, ,,.V7, u.a
Btate factory. lull cream. Kept, fanoy.. allU
Btato factory, full ureaia 10al0,
State fdotory, lull crudtu, Hue lu alo4
Slato fkoui y, fuil cream, guoj to piimo M410 i
State Uctory, common to tuir b)4 u'J)l
Spring chickens, choice, large per bl. al'Jtj
Hnrlnir uhlckvns. urlme IVUalJ
Fowls, Jersey, SUteoi a.t par lb,, Ui ill
Turkey, mixed weights, per lb. .,,...19 alsi
Sp'f co
; oil's., FUnk, .Xl lb. W fUt.Wt
FfjlTV Stllto of AlTllirS AlOHIT
tho Norlliprn Uoundnry.
Boyenty Thousand Pounds, Smuggled Into
This Country in .One Yaar.
Not Knouali Outeri "to 'Strip Die Illicit '
TrHflioClilnce Crossing tli, j
Thuuftnntli-CtinnltiK' 'f the Canadian I
Onvernmant Decisions of th Cmirta
Wlilnli Practically Defeat the Chinese ,
Itestrlotlou Acts. j
Wasiiikoton, Nov. 20. A. K Tingle,
supervising special agent of the Treas
ury Department, in his annual report to
the Secretary of the Treasury, says on'
the subject of opium smuggling!
"On of the serious questions con-
fronting the department in the exercise,
0f its function of collecting the revenue:
is tbe great cllmculty under the present
conditions In enforcing the laws against
smugglers who make the Dominion of
Canada tbe base of their operations.
"There are but four collect! on districts
upon the northern frontier between the
Lake of the Wood and the Pacific Ocean,
distance of about 1,100 miles, each
(strict embracing a large territory,
he number of o Ulcers upon this line
frontier does not exceed 20, and the
resent customs appropriation will not
admit of any material increase ot this
"Although these ollicsrsaro active and
vigilant, making frequent captures of
muggled goods, it is apparent that
elr ellorts to prevent suiugijlltig are
large degree futile. A similar con
dition of affairs exists upon the long
boundary line between the United
Statos and Mexico. . , . t
due district of Pugoi, Sound, com
prising many islands within a few miles
llritlsh territory and a long line of
water front, furbishes facilities for
smuggling and the clandestine intro
duction ot Uulueso, against which the
customs ofllcora have vainly contended.
The revenue steamer on that station ,
nder its present energetic commander.
has done good work lu checking smug
gling, but this vessel is uullt, on .ac
count of her size and want of speed, to
render efficient service. It is believed
that It will bs necessary to employ a
number of speedy steam launches to
patrol the waters of Puget Souud In or
der to break up tho Illicit trafllc.
"I am reliably informed that during
the last year 125,000 pounds of crude
opium were imported at Victoria, mak
ing about 70,000 pounds of tbe prepared
Hide for smoking purposes, aud that
nearly every pound of It was smuggled
into the United States. It is more
profitable to take the risk of an occa
sional capture and confiscation than to
pay the duty uf $1V per pound, which is
prohibitive of legitimate importations
and is the essential basis of the smug
glers' profit.
"But the smuggling ot opium Is not
the only alarming consequence follow
ing the opening up ot the railways
through Manitoba and British Columbia.
The various acts of Congress having fur
their object the exclusion ot Chinese
laborers from the United States are
practically nullified by the clandestine
Introduction of Chinese coming direct
from China through the "Dominion ot
Canada. The steamers ot the Canadian
Pacific Railroad Company land Chinese
ut Vancouver by thousands. The Can
adian uoveruiuent collects a head tax of
Ij-oO upon each Chinese person anil gives a
certificate which enables him to return to
Canada without payment a Hacond time,
hould he he detected lu entering the
United States."
"Tho law provides that any Chinese
person founu unlawfully within tue
United States shall be caused to be re
moved therefrom to the country whence
he came, at tbe cost of the United
Statos, after being brought before somo
justice, judge or commissioner, ot
court ot the United States, and .found to
be one not entitled to remain in tho
United Statos. Inasmuch us nine-tenths
of the Cldnumon catight within our. lines
near the Canadian border coma direct
from China, although they.onter by way
of Canada, they have been treated, so
far as this department lsconcernod, and
n accordance with the views ot the At
torney-General, as liable to deportation
to China as the country whence they
"The act ot September 13, 1880, which
by its terms would seem to hs operative
until the exchange, ot ratifications ot the
then pending treaty between tbe United
titates anu uniuu (wnicu was never rati
fied) contains certain provisions for an
appeal from the decision ot the commis
sioner In these cases to the courts. Such
appeals have been entertained by the
courts, and In several case , they have
given the statute another Construction
from that of the head ot this depart
ment nud of the Attorney-General by
deciding that Canada, and not China,
was the country whence these Cinnamon
came, within tho meaning of tbe law.
The effect ot this is that Chinese persons
once returned to Canada aguln enter tho
country, und repeated instance , of this
kind have occurred. Thus the object ot
tho Chluosa restriction nets is prncti
cally defeated.
Ilo.ttli of Hun. I. It. Ulllev.
Pim.ADBl.nilA, Nov. 20. Isaac It. DU-
ler. ex-United States Consul nt Flor
ence, died hero yesterday from i coin pit
cation ot ulseases. llo was 14 years
old anil was born in this State, but for
many years bits resided In Chicago. lie
was appointed by President lluchauun.
lu lb.)tt, Consul at Florence, and held
that posltlou for several years, In 1835
ha was reiimioluted to tha Hame.aUlca bv
President Cleveland, and remained there
uutll a few weeks ago, when he was re
Guv. Horey Critically 111.
Indian APOI.ih, Nov. 20. Gov. Alvln
P. Hovey is dangerously 111 with pneii'
mania, lie and his staff left this city
three weeks ago on a special train in
tending tQ visit Mexico, and ho was nut
.due to return here until N -v ilj. bUU
aav n cut. ne was inccn iiown witn a
sudden colli, and'llas beyif vel-'y' 111 evjr
since. It Is feared that bis coudltlqu is
very critical.
A Cuntest fur benator llrloe,
YouNQSTrnvK, 0.. Nov. 20. Juds
King, chairman ot the Ohio Republican
State Central Committee, will contest
Senator Urica'i right to represent Ohlc
In the Senate-
yL. 8.1
defies all honest competition. Economical.
rure. Obtainable of
Ills SweMheart Was a Wife 'whan Hi
Hunt Ifor'iirone to Cupio-to Minn
Binoiiamton,' N. Y., Nov, 20. D, H.
Mclver, of Goodwin, Washington, Is in
n perturbed state of. tdlnd over the lost
of f07 and his sweetheart, Mrs. Wllllarr
Kelly, nee McCluro. Several month
ago Miss McClure came here to vlsl
relatives 3h is a sister-in-law of Mo
Iver. She claims that some months agq
Mclver put up n job to abduct anl
marry her. Since she has been here sh
has received many letters from htm
several of which contained money.
List spring, Mclver claims In a lette
sent to the Chief or Police, Miss Mo
dure wrote 'hlm that she was ill, had n
one to support' her but fan aunt. H
senther.soms money. Then she wrot
htm that she would come West, but did
not have the money. He sent hern drafl
for $07 and that is the last he has heart
from her, lie requested her arrest, bu
as no warrant lins been sworn out sh
will' not ba molested.
In January last Miss ifcCluro mar
rled William Kelly of this city. Mrs
Kelly claims that the money, with thi
exception ot the $G7, was given to her
She expected to pay hlm as soon ns pos
slble. Mclver hits been notified of he.
whereabour,nnd it Is probahlo thntjther
will ba somo Interesting .developments.
HarU to take
tho birr, dtl-fashioned pill. It's
pretty hfird to have to' (ako it, ioo.
You wouldn't, if you realized fully
Low it eliocks and weakens tho
Luckily, you do?i,t have to tako
it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
are botter. Thcy'ro sensible. They
do, mildly and gently, more 'tlian.the
ordinary pill, with all its disturb
ance. Thoy regulate tbo liycr,
stomach and bowels, as well as
thorougbly cleanse them. They're
the original Little Liver Pills, purely
vcgotablc, perfectly harmless, tho
smallest and the -easiest to take.
Ono littlo Pellut fo.r a gentjo laxa
tive threo for a cathartic. Sick
Headache, Bilious Headache, .Con
stipation, Indigestion, .Bilious At
tacks, and all derangements of tbo
Liver, Stomach a.nd' Bowels aro
promptly and permanently cured.
They'ro tho cheapest, too, for
they're guaranteed to givo satisfac
tion, or your money is returnca.
You pay only for tbo good you get.
AN ORDINAN015 to amend nn ordl
nan-e passed on the 3rd day of February, A.
T. IS'll. entitled "An Ordinance con errlmr on
the Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ulrardvl lo
and Aslilacd Hallway Compimy tbe rlnhtto
tnln Mirets In the lliwnutrh of Hhenandouh."
nail tjwainea, ity tue lown touueu ui me
Borough of Shenandoah, and It Is hereby or
d.ilued bv the nuthnrltv of thes tme. that the
ordlnauce of aild borougb heretofore passed
oniho tlilrd day ol February, A. D. Ib91, re
lating lo "An omittance oonierrius us nie
Mahanov rntv. Shenandoah. Uirurdvlllea d
Ashland Street Hallway Co nnany' the right
lo buna nna operate an ciepino railway on
cer.aiu streets in tue uorjujiii oi oueuau
nnnn." nft
Aineruma. ado is iierenvameiiueiiuvcutuK
Inj the words -llauBe rail" In Kald 6rdlnnro
to Uio words -Trail.' ana tuai tue saia oral
H'tirlhprmortt Amended. And Is hereby
amended by changing tbe guigo.ol trace lu
Rain nm nnncfl ram nve leeL iwumu uuu
hair Inches (5 ft. 2a.iu.) to the iruas.e of four feet
eiKlltaiiu uuu-auu uitriien lilt n, iu-j. .
l-avUl'd. That tho said "Mahanoy City,
Rhenandoah, Glrardvllle and Ashland Btreet
Hallway Company." witiiintweiveiizimonms
from tho completion of said railway, Khali re
move the Bald "Trail" and substitute the
"llangerall" ir the said "T rati" snail prove to
be iiiimtMactory and unacceptable to the said
Town uouucn; ana , ,
hunoy city,Bliona idoah.nirardvilleaud Ash
land street Hallway Compiny" shall accept
7vi..i.f itLr hmnnm. Tiiai tne-sain "3ia,
the provisions of this oidlnanco within Un
c 10) uays from the passaKO thereoi
Knact'd and pnissd Into an ordinance at
Shenandoah, Pa, the mm aayoi Kovorauer,
A. V. 1891.
A. I. Ufllii.r.,
Pres. of Town Council.
Chief HnrgeBS.
11-12 lot Town i.'lork.
Justice of the. Peace,
Peeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
Marriage uoenses ana legal claims
promptly attended lo.
Real Eshte, Collection u Iasurante Agency
General Plre Insurance Business. Hepresenta
inn Nnrrnwestern line insnranceuo.
nrKioRMuldoon's bulldlne. corner Centre
and West Sts., Ubenandoah, Pa. '
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two story double frame dwelling house
BtnrAnnd rflHtaumilt. on EahL I Centre Ht.
2. , dwelling and, restaurant on East Centre
street. .
. Desirable property on corner Centre and
Jarflln, 8treeia,,uiuioie lor uujiuess iur
'4.-A two slory double frame dwelling, on
-WoVstory fraTme dwellnfcs bri We t Cen-
tm ilPfAt. .... ....
1-Twn iniory dwelling od tUe corner ol
7,Two-tory single house ou North CUeslnut
street witnaiargowareauus hi, uh ior,
-Three two-aiory donble frame buildings
corner of Mnvd and 'Whert Rtreetw,
fftlw-THftiTi-"-''- wrsw SbdasoaOeaM
O&Akl.'COCOAS. . , ' t
I 9 N
drtV rcliahln rrrnrer
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
.NOV I&. 1891
Passeneer trains will leavo Hhenniid'oalTToi'
iauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Hlatlngton, Oat.
auqua, Allcntdwn, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil SU? New mk Rt 6-47 7-40- . m.
162, 8.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Bolvldero, Delaware Wiler Gap and
itroudsburg at 5.47,,and 5.20 p. m.
For Lamljcrtville and Trento i, tUW a. m
For White Haven, Wlltes-Harro and Pitts
on 6.47. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 and 6.2a p. m.
ForTnnkhannock, 10.41a. m 8.10 and 5.2(
i. m.
.T?r Auburn. Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyoni
10.41 n. ra and 6.23 p. m.
For Laceyvllle. Towanda, Havre, Waverly,
Slmlra, Rochester, JUulI'alo, .Niagara Falls
'blcaRO and all point West at loTTl a. m.,and
1.26 p, m,
For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at
1.10 p. m.
For Audcnried, Hnzleton, Htockton, Lnm
oer Yard, Weatherly andPenn Haven June
inn at 6.47,7.40, 8,08 a. m. and 12.52 3.10 and
18 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavel
Vleaaow,7.40, B.08 a. m. and 5,26 p, ra,
ForHcrantonat5.47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
;2p. m.
Forllanleurook. Jeddn, Drlftou and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 12.52 3.10 and
5.26 p.m. y
Fortlnakake at 6.47 and B.08 a.m., and
1.10 d. m
For Wlggans, GUberton and Prackvllle at
6.W and 8.52 a m.. and 4.10 p. m.
For Yntcsvllle, Mahanoy City and Deianc,
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, , m., 12JS2, 3.10.V26, 8,03
9.2i irdiu.27p.m.
'For Lost Creek, 3lrardvllle and Ashland
1.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.85
1.10 and 9.14 p.m.
For DarKwaler, Ht. Clair and Poltsvllle
5 GO .40, 8 52 10.45 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 4.10, 6.26 ann
j. Ml.
Knr Buclc Mountain. Nnw Ttnntin nnrt
)Iorea,7.40, 9.08, lu.ll a.m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.26 andj
For Raven Hun. Ontralla. ml! nirmnl and
iiumuKiu, o.o4, uuu a. m.,,
iuu o.vr, p. in,
Trains leave Bhamokln fnr Hhenandnnb.
'. 11.55 a. m.. 2.10, 40 and 11.30 p. ra., arriving
at ahenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.28 and
11.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
X), 9,10 11.35 a. m., 2.M p.' m.
For Dartcwater. Bt. Clair and Pnttsvllli.
a mi, 930 n . m 2.45 p. m.
r or xaiesviue, Aiananoy uity ana ueiano,
00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Hatdeton, 8.0C
- rn., 1.40 p. m:
ForMancb Chunk. Lehlehton, Slatlngton,
'ataianaua. Allentown. lfethlehem. EastnT
ind New York, 8.00 a. rn., 1.40 p. m.
r or rmiaaeipuia, p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Ant., liethUh. wi.
We nre making a big drive In fur
niture, butj inaliclous desire Is not Its
object. We desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, and propose to give our
patrons the benefit of some extraortlt
nary bargains.
J. P. Williams -& Bro.,
. Sotitli nialn.St.,
Capital, . $100,000.00.
A. 19. Leiscnhhg', Pros., '
P. J. Fergus on, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
5. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Opcu Dally From 9 to 3.
Paldon BavluBts neiioHlts.
People's Oyster Bay
T2 E. Centre St., SUenaudonU
CHAS. C. 'GUISE, Props.'
1H, Stewed, Scalloped, Panned or
Pried to order. Pamdtes supplied
at their house with the best oysters
tue tnaracL anoras.
AH Orders Promptly Filled
First National Bank
Wlidolphii, and Reading ftUroad
Te'7Vtato n effnet Aor, 1891
'or Mw Ynrlf wla PhltailAli,hia WApIr Axrm
.0 1.25, 7.20 n. m, and 1235 11.60 and
tti Hunday 2.1U and 7.48 n. m. For New
rk, via Munch Chunk, week doys, 6.a5.
W, a. m. and 12.85 and 2.60 p.m.
rOf Readlm- tLnd PhltaiSnlnhla m.tlr bv.
10, 5.26, 7.20, a. m., 123 2.K0 and S.H p. m.
- rf I -Y (110 Hi 111,. 1..VJ I). III.
or Unrrlsburg, week dass. a. m.i
,60. 5.53 n. m,
ror Aiientown, week dayd, 7.20 t, m. 12.8J
IT-XT , M. M .
'.50 and 6.55 p.m. Hunday, 2.10 and 7.48
hu., s.oe p.m.
vot 'lumauna and Mahanoy city, week
y8, vyo, 5.v, 7.20, a, m., 12 8 2.50 rind 6.68
DuiiuMT, z.iunnu .ssn. m. 45m n m.
Vddltlonal for Mabanoy City, wcolc daya 7.00
For Lancaster and nnlnmlila. wkr Hdv.
.r uiiuiusiNjrL, ouuDury ana Ljewisonrk.
:u. uuyK. o.z,, j,ai ana, a. m 1,85, 7.00
111. uuuhv .1:) .iii.. n.i.i ti. m.
csuauay in., tt.UJ p. m.
r Mahanoy Plane, wees days, 2.10 8.21,
r.20 and 11.30 a. m., 12.:w, 1,85, 2,50, 63!
nc j.ii. n m. Sunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7,48
7.00 anc
ra. W5. 1.30 tii ttl.
For Glraravllle (Rappahannock Btatlon)
l,. r n .... n I . I o -1 1 . n.. a . . n..
-i.wuj,.,u.,,.i. u.iu, 1 mm ii,ou a. m,
a. m ;
1 00 7.UIJ ann h.'i. n. m. Htiniini
iu ,se a, m,, ijao p. m.
Hnr Aahlanil a rid Hlia.m.t-lrt wabV .
z9, o.v, 11.3J a m., i.., 7.uu an.
.11. eunaar 7 48 a. m., 3.00 p. m
feavo Now Yorlr VIA PhllndAlnhln. WMk
iyB,7. a, m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.11
nt, bnncay, 6.00 p, m., 12.15 nlgnu,
eave Nov York via Mnnnh (Minnk. waai.
day, 7.00 a.m.
jeavd fnuaaeipma, wee days, 4.10, and
.00 a. m. 4.00 and n. m.. fmm mi
fcau uauowuui ana &.n a. m. ana n. m
.11.10 p. m. rrom th nno )reu.
Leave tteadlntr. week darn. 1.3i. 7.1 n. lii.nn
ina 11.00 a. m 5.53, 77 p, m. tlunday ljii ana
l.SO H. 111.
VVj, B 11 p, m. tlunday, 2.40, 7,00 a. m. and
i.eare romaqna. week aays, a. a), ana -I
I 2J.m,l.-41,7.18na9.)8p.m, Sunday 8.20 I
43 . ra. and 250 p. tu. " a
L9a'reTamaaua.- week rtavs. 8.20. 8.48 and
jcava Malmnov on v. we-it davs. S.4D. 9.1 R a. m.. 1.01 p.' .t iav,u n.m. h
m. Ban. ft
, 2-4 , 4.00
7.57, and f.
.27, a. m 7
ay, 0.10,0.11 in., p, in.
l.'HlD. m. HundavZ.4 1. 4.00. and 8.27
Ol, O.U1, p. 111. 1 ,
...oave OlrardvlUo (ItanDahannock Htatlonl il :
wk days, 2.47 4.07, 6 M, and 9.U a. m 12.03. A
.1, o.-jo, o, b.uj ana iu.un p, m, nunaay,2,47, s
, ofht a. in. p.ii, p.m.
ueave Willlatrl)Ort, week days. 8.00.
W,0.43and J J
nday 11.15 'J
.03 u. 111. ojh3' anu p, m. ouni
m. -
For Baltimore. Washington and the west
is li. A O. It. It., throuKh trains leave Olrard
.venne station, Philadelphia, (P. A It. It. It.)
' '.io, ui ana n.; si m., i.w, 1.1, D.eoanw
IS ,i. m. Sunday. 3.55 8.02 11.27 a. m.. 8.60
42 ind 7.11 p. m.
cave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street
anu .Mjammreei w liarx. - 1
Vnr AtlRiittc City,
WcekHlsys Eipross,rf)0 a. m. Z.00. 4.00,
n .loconinoaiHoa. uj , in. ana o.'.u.
m. 1
banda7B. KxbrCsi.- 9.00 in. ' Acoim
natlon,S.UO o. m. and 410 p. m.
uoinrnins, leave Atiauuo i;ny, , aepot
(.lAntla una Arkansas vanned Waamhi r '
Express, 7.30, 0.00 a.'m.aud 4.00, p.m. Ac- 1
'commodatinb8.'10' a. 'nn and 4.30 p m. Bun- i
dvs-KxDrct..4 00. . m. Accommodation.
u. U. uamuouk. uen'l pass-r Agt. '
A Mnl.tfnn I'm. A nAnl U.nacrw
ttjKnnsihiniiin uniknuiu,
SZ- acnciijaij;,Divimo;rf
u v. r.n'rvi II . til UAiin.inn
n, and, alter fejiiemief'l 1$n,lraint wilt ticua
ITr. lr I ...... .. llMt.n.. IT.Ato,1l. Mam
Uslle, at.iClalr,.pt)fl.Yay pplnts, 6.W, 9.1IU
m and 4.15 p,m, , . . - .
Sundays, 600, U.40a Warid8.10p m.
For i-ousvine. e,uu, i.iuam ana i.ia p m.
dunaays, BOO, 8.40 a m and 3.10 p m, 1
dnndays, 600, .0 a. m. and 3.10 p m.
For Potutown. Pboenixville. Norristown
.na iniiaaeinnia luroaa. street stauonii u.un
a, nu anu 1.10 p m Tie aays
suooars. uuu. v.m a in h.iu u m
Trains leave Fraekvllie lor Bhenandoih al
0.40 am and i'J.14, 7 u, io,op m. bunaaye
am and C.10 Ti m. J
i,eave fottavuie lor anenauaoan, lu.iaanc
1.13, a za, V.S4 p iu nnnuays, ao
i;i n 111.
L,eava Phlladelnnla IBroad street ctatlonl
inr Pottsvlllo aud Shenandoah. 6.67. 8 .Tin L'
4.10 and 7.00 p m week daya. Bundaj B50, and
rernewioK., .s", o.a, tjiu, .
208.!H rf.GO. ll.OOand 11.14. 115 m,12.Q0nooaf. .
llmlted pxoress, 1.01 4.60 p in.) 12.21 12X,iO, "U
S.80. 1.20, 4.02 S.rf.B.S), 6.6071188.12 andW pi '-vf
m, ri.ui nisuu
On Souuays, 8 211. 4.40, 6.85, .12, 8.80, 9.60
11.33 . Ol. -inl 1221, 12.41, 2 30, iOl, (limited!,
,M), V21,2). a.n , ,l . 1 n and 12.01 nlehS
For Sea Girt. IionKllrnuch and Intermedial.
olullnnBAUl U9-.n,,il II Vlrt trt Q Qll J W .
weea oays. nuuuay-. o &i a. m.
f or uaiumore ana vvasiunsion,, i:a
.10 and 11.18 . m.. 4 41. 0 67. 7.40 P.m. and 12 0
niKiuoauy anu o oi, in.zo a m., iza (liniuc
express wun uinuiK cur to iiauiin ire; i.m, a.
p. m. we R-anys. r oriiaiiiuioreoniy, 4.
weezdivs. b.M. 11.80 n. m. dally.
Fur Richmond. 7 20 a. m aud 12.03 nieh
aauy, 1 ijo p in, uauy, except ounu ly.
Lratns leave narnsouri; iui i-iilsuute
aa west every day nt 12.2 1 and 3.10 a m a:
..maim tedand8.40. 8 30. 9.35 d m. Way
A.itoona ana s.iu p oi every aay.
,ifor Plllsburc only, ll.2d a ni dally ana lu.
m week davs. '
iloive Snnbnry-for Wllllameport, Elmlr;
1 1 aandalena. Hochester. Bo Halo and N laaa
- alls, n.10 a m daily, and 1.42 n m week day
-or aiaiDS, 0.1AIP m woesaays.
not ine ana lntermeaiaie points, o.i'i a
allv. For lxck Haven. 6.10. and 9.66 a
lallv. 1.42 and 6.30 n. m. week davs. 1
FUnovn 6.10 a m 1.42 and 5,30 p m week da:'
.iua. mnunaaye.
1AB. B. PDUH. J. B.WOOB. ,
. (fan. Man'' Nen. Pass. Al
uvrneiaoie men eel May, 10, ibvi.
Trains leave Iteadfn? (P. &. It. station!
Gibraltar. Sevfcrt. lilratboro. Joanna. Snrlti
neia, w ayncsourg j unction, uoatesviiie, w a
unester,unaasioru J unction, 11. a u. j uuciiu
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, aa
except Sunday, at 6.23 and 8.30 a.m. and 3
p. m. Buodaonly at 3i5 p, m.
for warwica, auieiers ana imeriuvun
Saturday onlv. at 12 m
r oriiauimoreana wasnington iu. at u
K.) dally except Snnday at 6.25 and 8.30 a
and 8.1S 11. m. Sundav nnlv al 8.05 n. m.
Trains arrive at Keadlncr f P. tc 11. stall
from Wilmington, U. & O. Junction, Mil
cnauin, uuaaasiora junction, west cut
Innne. Ilnatesvllle. Wavnesburs; Junctl
Hprlngdeld.Joanna, BirdBboro, Gibraltar, S
rertnnn imermeaiate stations, nauv exc
Sunday at 10.21) a. m. o.M ana 8.17 p. m, o
duv onlv at 11.21 a. m.
f rom Hi. reters, warwioa auu intermem;
stations, aauy except nunnay, at b.zj a.
and 11. m.
Sunday only at 6 p. ra.
Prom uirasnoro ana intermediate statici
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
Prom Washlneton and Baltimore, dallvl
cept nunuay, iu -m i
m. 6.62 and 8.17 pi
Hundav ouly at 11.24 a. m.
11H1UUS, a en' I Pass. All
a. u. oiuuAUOUArsiJ.isapi,
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Ageil
Cor, Mila' and Centre Streetl, SHENANDOAH
1 A two arid one-half story doable
uweiuug uouse, wun si'jre-room
9 A valuable property located on!
uin street.
3 Seven dwelling honses at the corner c
bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investml
ixjnae reueoaauis.