The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 19, 1891, Image 3

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    Fresents In the most elegant form
op Tim
Combined with the medicijial
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, foimiug an agreeable
and eflective laxative to nenna-
tieiiuv cure naonuai .onsu-
ntirH tiw1 flm lilt? It-
condition of the
It is the most cxccllsnt remedy known to
When one Is ftihous or Constipated
so THAT-.
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
wuisviue. ky New york. u. r.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho excess of
pit lias been removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and it Is Soluble,
nro used in its' preparation. It ha3
more than three limes' the strength of
Cocoa mixed with 'Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nhd is thcrcforo far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
etrcngthening, easily dioested,
arid admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons In health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Btk Headache and rolloveall the troubles to
dent to a bilious etata of tho system, suoh ad
Dizziness, Kausea, Drowsiness, Distress afte?
eating. Pain, In the Bldo, &c While tholt most
yemoikablooucccKjlias booaiiliowulacuilca ,
Eeaflaehe, yet. Oitor"B IJttlo Liver Pilta an
equally valuable In Constipation, curingand pre
venting this annoying complalnt,wbllo thoy alsa
correct all dlsorderaofthoatoiaaclatlmulatotha
liver and rcgulatotboL owcK Even If they only
tuttet from this dlatrcasingcomplalnt; butfortu
tiatQly their goodness docs notendbcro,andthoso
vhoonce try LhemwIUQndtheaolltUe pills valu
Able in bo many ways that thoy will not ba wil
ling to do rcitnont them. Sat after aUslck he&4
(is ttio bane ct so many llyes that hero la whero
iwetaaVeom-grcatbout, Our pills cure It whila
cUiera do not.
Carter's LltUe Uvcr Pills sre very small and
very easy to Qnoortvoplllsmakeadoso.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by tbelr gentle, action ploaao all who
use them. In vialont2S cents; uvoforll. Sola
by druggists everywhere, or sent by malL
CARTER fllEDlCHJE CO., New York!
BanleCountorTylop System, Porfc'
abloi Unoquatod In Stylos,
Cost and Finish. , ,
ISO Ftfre Catslogue r Coauit-rt DeiU elc, lllaUraUa la
Colon, IlMiit, fr PoitiK ISlenla,
ORlce leU and Type
writer t ulilnets, UOU
HUlea, B.t, amlcljpap
t out on earth, wltb gruit
reduction in prices.
rkUB ID Ct4. full llaea of
IWikfl. ibtra. TiUra, Iteok
Ti.Mi, CittlneU, Lral Blank
I'BuiaetaH ctr., aU;tUtofk.
(Hbrrl! work madar to urder.
TVJ.Jilt lESItCO.,St.l.oila. MoU(8.A.
L'ttlekcittr'a nallsh Diamond Uraa.
Original ana On!j Genuine. .
1 T)fR-ui l . fht letter Tnu'ith lila i
wionti if arii' in iu ami' ui D"iiu
SaiKkte. alu WHh tin ri' I n TaLe
Inn r- Rtfuii AlllC.', mil lubtl itu
n Ntami't rr j irtl m irv i ttiiinoniui k09
" Ifrtli t fur Lad!i ti i tier, bv rctnra
fan. iu.'
frCi.ewtoaICa.,14 -dl.utiHquare,
mta h. ng cur 11 ins h ix 11
nt nan wutm im had n u
To test
1UV UV- iTtJLT:- "TV
is X
A" ry
But Ho Allowed Only $50 'for
His Child's Funoral.
Gruel Troatmint of Maggie Barkloy by
Hor Stepmother.
Compelled to Live Out ns a Sorvnnt Girl
to Avoid Her Tyr&nuy-Tnkeli Sick She
Wun Cared tor by on Aunt, and Flnnljy
Went to the I'oorliouse In Pittsburg
Her Father Worth 8400,000.
l'lTTsnuuo, Nov. 10. Miss Maggie
Burkeley, nged 20 years, died ut the
Pittsburg Poor Farm on Monday last ot
cousutuption. ,
Tho story ol her life came out yostorday
from a remark by undertaker Flunnery,
who declared tho young woman was the
daughter of a Brooklyn man worth
$100,000. From Investigation made last
night It appears that Miss Berkeley came
to nttBburg last May.
She had for live yours bean a domestic
In the family of Mrs. Kollogg ot New
York, n rolatlve by marriage ot one of
tho Vandorbllts.
Mrs. Kellogg advised her to leave Now
york for the benefit of herhoalth, ns the
Itlrl was showing symptoms of consump
tion. Tbl? Miss Barkloy did, taking up her
jnie at 401 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg,
with an aunt, Mrs. Mary A. Ferrlgan.
Mrs. Kellogg very kindly suppllod her
with money from time to time.
Several weeks ugo she became so poor
ly that she was Bent to tho HotniDO
pathlc Hospital. After a time she was
discharged from the institution but sub
sequently sought ro-admisslon.
On account of somo technicality this
was refused, whereupon tho girl applied
to tho city authorities and wus admitted
to the poorhouso.
Ihe girl's story as It was related at
tho Ferrlgan residence by Mrs. Mink,
who Hvo3 in the same house, was that
her parents left her with relatives in
Ireland when she was 4 years old, tho
Barkleys omlgratlng to America.
Tho mother died lu Brooklyn and the
father remarried. The daughter was,
for some reason, not sent for, but at tho
age of 10, having earned money as a
sorvant, she came to America.
She claimed that her father would not
receive her and she had to earn her own
JJndejrtakor Flannory says: "On Miss
Barkley's death, Mr, Barkley, who Is
worth fully $400,000, was notified but
sent no reply ' ,
"Another telegram was sont him and
that time he telegraphed.
"Bury her, expense not to exceed
Chief Elliott was notified and Barkley
will have to pay for the maintenance ot
bis daughter at tho poor farm.
lie Hugged tho ITlrat luok ami Beolloed
to Take Any Advantage.
Baltimore, Nov. 10. The Presidential
duck-shooting party had better luck
yesterduy, and seven fine spec! mo us, In
cluding canvas bucks, redheads and Mal
lards, are displayed as the result of the
day's sport. It was blttor cold when
.the President with Mr. Knight nnd ex
, Senator Sowell started at dawn for the
1 blind nnd a chilling northwostor was
President Hurrlson was as usual of
fered the best polut of vantage, but de
clined It, preferring to tnka his chances
with the others. lie was the first one to
bring down a bird, and his nim was
good, despito the hauvy wind. He ex
pects to have a good day's sport to-day
and to return to Washington to-morrow.
A Miner' Heroin Act.
Wjj.tcesbatsuk, , Nov- '10, Napo
leon Do Montomue, a Frenchman, om
ployod In one o( tho Plynionth mines,
sacrlllced his own life to savo that of COO
other men. He had fired a blust, when
a spark set a podket of gas on lire.
There was no immediate .danger, but
Montemuo thought.the llro would spread
nnd oni)ungor the lives of COO men. Ho
nt onco took oft his coat and began to
beat out the flame with his garment. He
succeeded, but before lit could get back
in his breast, the roof fell In, crushing
him to death.
October Output of Antbraotte.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. Statistician
Jonos' report of the production of an
thracite coal in October shows that tho
output exceeds tho best month ou record
by nearly u quarter ot a million tons.
It is estimated that the output for the
year will approximate 39,500,003 tons,
or a million tons moro thuti the best
year heretofore. Prices have been hot
ter than at auy time since the Knights
of Labor striko In tho Schuylkill regions
three years ago.
Mayor Grant Couldn't Land.
QoEENbTOWjf, Nov. 10. The Inmun
lino steamship City of Tarls, having ou
board Mayor Grant, was unable to make
a lauding here, owing to the storm
which was prevailing olf tho coast, ami
so she made direct for Liverpool. This
Is said to be the Urst time that Captain
Wutkins has had such an experience.
Mayor Grant was landed nt Liverpool at
G o'clock last evening.
Said to lie a Defaulter.
READIKO, Pa., Nov. 10. It Is now al
leged that Horatio Murks!, superinten
dent ot the, Aloseleni Irpu Company, is a
defaulter to the extent of several thou
sand dollars. Ho bus bean missing for
a week, nnd It Is believed that he U In
the West. Tho furnace Is owned by
Philadelphlans, and Merkel paid tho
employes and collected tho rents.
Mrs. Heury nort, of Rochester, was
killed In a wreck on the Buffalo, Roches
ter & Pittsburg railroad at Perry, Tues
day night. Baggageman Kane hud
several ribs broken.
Will Shu ford, colored, ot Jordnn,
while hunting rabbits accidentally shot
himself through the arm. The arm was
amputated but Suuford died soon after
from tho shock nnd loss ot blood.
The lifeless body of Stephen Conloy,
ot Corning, was found in his wagon
Tuesday night. He bad fallen asleep
1 Bnn,n wnl, rnf 1,1a S,a. 1 n,',..n,.
bead rmtifht
mm iu " , . . V " "
against tho wheel, which tore away
part of mi ueau,
digliest of all in Leavening Power.
Tho Century's Programme 1892
A New "Lifo of Columbus."
That great American periodical, The Cen-
lury, la going to ouldo 1(8 own unrivaled re
cord In Its programme for 1802, mid as many
of IU new le itures begin with the November
number, new venders should commence with
tliatlsiui. lathis number are the opening
chapters ol 'Naulnhka,";a novel by Itudyard
lpllng,tlie author of ''Plain Tales from the
Hills," wrbteu In colliboratlon with an
American writer, Wolcott Uiilestlcr. It Is the
slo-y of a young man and a young woman
from a ''booming" Colorado town, wliigoto In s arch of a wonderful Jeweled
necklace, called "the Naulahka" (from which
the story takes lis name), and she ns n physi
cian to women. The novel describes th-lr
remarkable adventures at the court of an
Indian mahnrnjah. Ilesldos this, The Century
will print three othT novels during the year, I
and a great number ol short stories by the
bent American story writers.
The well-known humorist Kdgar W. Nye
("UIU Nye ') Is to write a series of nmuim
sketches which tie calls bis "autobiographies '
the tlrst of which, "The Autobiography of n
Justice ol tho I'eaco," Is In November. This
number also contains a valuable and sugg s
tlvo arllclo on "Tho Fowl Supply of tho
KutU'O," which ovry Dinner should rend, to
be followed by a number of o' he s of groat
practical vabio to farmer, treating especially
of Ihe relations of the Government to the
fanner, what It Is doing and what 11 should
do. This ser 08 will Include contributions
from officers of tho Department of Agrlcul
lure, and other well-known men will discus
"The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation,"
etc., etc.
A celebrated Spmlsh wrllor Is to furnish a
"Life ol Columbus " wtitiU will bo brilliantly
illustrated, and the publishers of 27ie Centttry
have arranged with tho managers of the
World's Fair to print articles on the build
ings, etc One of the novels to nppear lu 1802
Is a story of New York life by the aulho' of
'The AnglomanlaoV and tho ma.nzlno will
contain n, great deal about the metropjlls dur-
ing the year among utlir things a series of
Illustrated articles oo"The Jews in New
York." In November la on II ustrved do
scrlptlou of tho "Players' Club," founded by
Edwin Booth, nndoue of tho features of tho
splendidly Illustrated Christinas (December)
number Is an article on 'The Ilowery."
To get JVie Cenfwrseudtlieycaily subscrlp
tlonprlco($l.0l) to Hie Ceu ury t o., Union
nana e, New Yolk, N. Y
How to Cure a Cold.
One of our citizens who has been
troubled with a severe cold on the lungs
effected hi3 reepvery in tho following
simple manner: tie boiled a little bone
set and hoarhound togetlior and drank
freely of the tea before going to bed.
The next day lie took fivo pills, put ono
kind of plaster on lus breast, another
under his arms and still another on his
back. Under advice from nn experi
enced old lady ha took all these off with
an oyster knife in the afternoon and
slapped on a mustard paste instead. Mis
mother put some onion drafts on bis
feet and gave him a lump of tar to
Bwallow. Then he put soroo hot bricks
to his feet and went to bed.
Next morning another old lady came
in with a bottle of goose oil und gave
him a dose of it on a quill, and nu aunt
arrived about the same time from Bethel
with a bundo of sweet fern which she
made into a tea and gave him every half
hour until noon, when he took a big dose
of salts. After dinner his wife, who bad
seen a Ono old lady of great experience
in doctoring, in Franklin street, gave
him two pills of her make about the size
of an English walnut mid of a similar
6hape, und two tablespoonfnls of homo
made balsam to keep them down. Then
he took a half pint of hot rum at tho
suggestion of an old sea captain in tho
next bouse nud steumed bis legs with
an alcohol bath.
At this crisis two of the- neighbors ar
rived, who saw at once that his blood
was out of urder, and gave him a half
gallon of spearmint tea, and a big dose
of castor oil Before going to bed ho
took eight of a new kind of pills, wrapped
about his neck a flannel soaked in hot
vinegar and salt and had feathers bnmed
on a shovel in his room He Is now
thoroughly cured and full of gratitude.
We ndvise our readers to cut this out
and keep it whore, it can be readily found
when danger threatens.
.1 M
MaJMaaWM,iiil - 1
It Ourea OolJa.Oonrki.SoreThroatOronp.InflneMa,
Whooping Couth, BronehlUa ol Asthma. A wrlUa
nn fof Consumption la list su;j., .d4 j .or. nllsl la
alvaneed atages, u..fioo You will see theix
ellrnt effect after taklaf the Bret dew. Ma r
attars tttt7atn. Writ WlUM, IN nun
c-nallw rtiilulw. Pflrmnnmltlv ReBtored.
WeaUntss. Kervoiianeaa, Debility, and all
the train of evils from early errora or later oxceasea
the resulta of orerr ork, an kness. worry, CW. full
i atreniztb. dovelonment. and lono alreo to every
i organ and portion ot the body. Bloiple, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement aeeu. Failure
impossible. l.(fl references, liuok, eplMdonj
ISLndprooratnaHedlaonledifroei Addrena
'dmn mtrd biyua
U. . Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
The Unpnrdonnblo Sin.
A very finely dressed lady, on whose
faco powder and wrinkles wero deeper
ntely struggling for the mastery, Bot on
tho train at Norwnlk, Saturday evening.
The car being crowded, she whs obliged
to stand up. Seeing her, a young woman
in an adjoining sent rose and offered her
the place. "But you will have to stand,"
said the first lady, edging toward the
seat. "Oh, that's nothing," replied the
other; "1 am young." The next Instant
the first lady was at the other end of the
car and didn't intimato to anybody tc
bring tho seat along. J. M. Bailey.
Serve Your Baby a Good Turn
By sending 'o ,1. M. Hillit 1 or (J. ,1. Mc
Carthy, tho druggists for a free, eimplo
botllo of Dr. Hmd's Colic Curo. It
Instantly cures colic pains and is freo from
dangerous drugs.
A snow In November makes the
December livery bill a sure thing.
Will Bo Glvon Away.
Ourcnterprlslngdrnvglst O. It Hnonbitch
wbooirrles ( lie Unosl atoc o', pe.
lumcrles, toll txrticles, bi uslics, sponges, tlo ,
14 giving away a large number of irlul bottles
of Or. MDes' cclebrati I Hestoru lve s. rvlue.
llHgu.'irautejsttio cure headache, dU.zlness.
nervous prostration, sleeplsNsno, the 111
eirects of spirits, tobueco, cottee. etc Drug
gists Hny If Is the gr.-tttest seller they ever
knew, and Is uirveMilly satisfactory. They
ulso guarantee Dr. MI'os' Now Heart "ure in
nil cusos of n rvous or organic heart disease,
p ilpltiition, p'lln lu sill-), smolli rln, etc.
Kino book on "Nervjus and lie .rt Dlsoasis"
Most of the trees are now almost
nuktil nut bare und look winterlike.
Mllos' Norvo ana Liver PIIIb
Let on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nervet.
new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
jure biliousness, had taste, torpid liver, piles,
.onsllp.itlon. unequaled lor men, mmira,
children. Hmallest, mlKtcst,surestI 6 Mooes,
S:'ls. Hamples Free, at O. 11. Hagenbuch's
The election for C mr.pilinen next
February will be Inlerestluir.
Tho Greato&t Strike.
Among the greil strikes that of Dr. Miles
In discovering his New Heart Cure lias
proven Itself to be oueof the most Important,
fbe demand for It has become astonishing.
Already thotreatment ol heart disease Is be
ing revoiuuoniieu, nun tnaoy uuoxpecieu
cures efleoted. It soon relieves short breath.
tlntlerinir. pains in side. arm. sliouiuer. weuc
and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of
anttlcs, s.nothering and heart dropsy. Dr.
Miles' boil; on Heait and Nervous Diseases,
tree. The uuequaled New Heart. Cure Is sold
an guaranteed byC. II. Haaeubnch.tbo drug
gist, also his Ueslora'lve Nervine for bead'
ache, Id's, sprees hot lUslies, nervous ojIU",
opium liabll. elc.
The Indian summer days this year
come ou the liitallinent plan.
Ob, What a Cough.
Will yon heed the warning? The elgnal per
iods of the sure approach of that more ter
ible disease. Consumption. Asfc yourselves
1 you can afford for the sake of saving 00
-enls, to run the rlstc and do nothing for it,
vVo tsnovifrori experience that Shlloh's Curs
if 111 Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
ixplalns why more than a Million Uottlci
vcre sold tho past year. It relieves ilroup
md Whopplnc Cough at once Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Baoit, Side or
Ohest, nse-Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
X H. Hu(Aubuch, N. K. corner Malu and
Uoyd 6lreets.
We muy expect some rough weather
before a great while.
Shlloh'o Consumption Cure.
This Is beyond question tbe most suo-
."uinl Conch Medicine we have ever sola.
i (cw doses lu variably care tbe wo-Bt oases o
oiien. uronn. ana uroiiciiuis. wnue us w n.
term! success In the cure of Consumption Is
vlthout. a parallel In the history of m-sllolne.
Mncu It's Qrst discovery It has been sold on a
'narsnwe, u tesi. ivuicu uo oiuer ujeuiiiiiiv
an stand. It you have ft cough we earnestly
isk you to try II. Price 10 cents, 6'l cents, and
1 .10. If yonr liangs are sore. Chest or Bank
me, use Million's Porous Plaster. Hold by
). II. liaenbuch, N. K. corner ualn una
.loyd streets,
A barber says scalps should be
shampooed monthly.
The worst danger about uezlectluga Cough
or CoM Is Consumption, We can assure our
readers that no medicine equals I'an-Tlna
Cough nnd Consumption Cure. Try It. Trial
Domes iree ui ivirnus arng store.
Have you seen any of the November
meteors yetv
A Pariah Prleat'a Certificate Cor-
tilled to by tho Archbishop
of Mexico.
T.naroo' Isl nrlestaud ecclusiastlonl ludno of
Celayu, Stale ol (iunn .Jualo, hereby cert fy
unit i Know several people wno nave noen
uied by ihe Caclm Illood Cure. It rndl ally
and etlectuully dispels all Impurities of tbe
blood. FltANCO M CONOOIt .
The above signature Is thst which lie uses
In nil his mulnes, nillclally aud olhorwl.e,
aud bo Is an old pupil of mine.
T r. A,, Arcnuisuopoi iuexico.
Hold at Klrlln's DrugUnre,b'ergusoa House
lock, -ihenaudoi .
The fight against the mnlntenanco ot
the Bridgeport and Horseshoe Turnpike
Company's toll-gate witliiu tlie city of
Lancaster will bo curried to tho Supreme
A slander suit for $.100 damages Is the
outcome ot gossip alleged to havo boen
started by Houry Kisi of Washington
borough, LaiiouHter county, alluding to
Jaooh Kremer. a prisoner, as "a hospital
bUininor und prison grubber."
I3. J". CLE.A.ierSrT:,
Dealer in all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large aud fl rat-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Suppfiea
Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA.
Mo Likelihood of I'.KO.tnl
ltetsveen Fimseeis unil flrandn do Nnl.
Montevideo, Nov. 10. It appears
that very little conlldenco is placed by
the Provisional government fortes ot
lllo Gratulo do Sul In the favorablo
result of any negotiations nendlng with
Da Fonseca, as tho troop ot the Pro
visional government nro actively en
gaged In strengthening itio Grande do
Sul to resist nn expected attack of Da
Fonseca's forces.
The Fonseca government Is also evi
dently npprehenslvo of trouble In tho
Provlnco of Santa Catharina, and a
boJy of soldiers has boen sent there by
The troops will bo stntlonod at Des
torro, the capital, where thoy will bo
prepared for any disturbance In Santa
Catharina Itself, or can bo readily used
In on attnek on the opposition forces
lu tho adjoining province of Itio Grande
do Sul.
One rumor Is to the effect that Fon
seca npprehonds n sudden descent by
sea by tho naval forco of tho opposition
on Desterro, which, from Its exposed
situation might oaslly be captured la
that way, especially as the forts defend
lng Desterro have hut a small garrlsou.
Latest advices from Bio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, say that additional towns in tho
State have gone over to tho Bide of the
Provisional Junta. Among them are
Santlnoel, San Llns, Parana and Cru
zalto. The enllstmont of Infantry nnd cav
alry among the people of Porto Alegro,
tho capital of Itio Grande do Sul, is na
tively carried on.
Two Killed 111 n Collision.
WlLLlASlsroitT, Pn., Nov. 10. A pas
songer train collision occurred at Aug
honsbnugh Station yesterday afternoon
by which two mon wero killed outright
and ono sustained injuries that nro llko
ly to prove fatal. Twolvo or fifteen of
tho passengers wero badly shaken up
and bruised. Two onglnos wore delimi
ts lod and half a dozen conches wero
badly damaged. Two oxpross trains
running ntn high rate of speed collided.
Lum Kay, one of the train-hands, and a
passenger named Harry Bard were killed
outright. The engineer was liar led into
the air, und whon picked up hail both ot
bis legs broken and receiveii other in
juries from which ho cannot recover.
lrorgot to Put In the Wires.
Prrrsnuito, Nov. 10. Pittsb urg's new
postolllco and Federal building, which
hn3 been nearly 20 years In process of
construction, was practically finished
recontly with a strange oversight.
Those In charge forgot to wira the build
ing for electric lights. Gas has already
been found Impracticable, and Congress
will have to 1)3 asked fur an extra ap
propriation with which to put eloctrlo
wires In.
Contest for tho Kueakershlp.
WabiiinqtOK, Nov. 10. The Speaker
ship contest will open In earnest next
Monday, when Mr. Mills will establish
his headquarters at Willard's Hotel.
Ho will be the first In tho field. Mr.
Springer will bo at tho National and
Mr. Hatch probably at Willard's. Tho
other candidates havo not yet seleotod
their rooms.
1'atul ltullroad Collision.
PLATTSnuIto, N.Y., Nov. 19. A wreck
ing train collided with tho westbound
mail on the Chnteaugay Railroad, near
Lyon Mountain. Fred Mel lotto was
fatally Injured and both trains badly
wrecked. Tho cause wus a misunder
standing of orders.
Tho New Orleans Cotton Exchange re
ported Its receipts yesterday tho largest
lu tho History ot the port.
Miss Bessie Blosson, one ot the prot
tlest girls ot Genoa, Nev., has eloped
witli an Indian ot the Washoe tribe.
Tho weather in tho West for two days
has been very cold. In some parts of
Minnesota the mercury was down to 20
degrees below zero.
Thomas Magett, the son ot the well
known Indianapolis artist, Is unlor ar
rest, charged with writing improper let
ters to u young lady.
"Weutlmr lii'IlcatloiiM.
AVasiunotoi?. Nov. 10. For Now ttnifland:
Westorly winds; fain slightly warmer to
morrow. For Eastern Now York, Gas torn PennsyL
vauia. Now Jcrgey, Maryland tuiJ Ula
wftroi Fuln variable winds, fair aud warmer
For Western Now York mil Woe tern Penn
sylvania: Wurmen southerly wind and guu
erally fair weathor.
NEW VClltK MAI11C13T8.
New Yoiik, Nov. 18,-Moaay on call oasy at
4 aud & per cent,
S t, lie
4 s. Coup 11714
4 s, lleg 117),
0 6. lliup
bTUCK MAltKhlr.
fnnndUn ruolllc
central I'noine -
thlouio. llur. JcCJuiuoy ""Hi
DulawHru Si llu.lsoo
Del. Lauk. i Wosiuru 1374;
Krle wJ
Lrlepref 7i
Lake bUore i'iih
u.iiui Noah 77
Mleuuan lentrai
sluwourt Iauittu A
hew Jersey eutral Ut!
North western ,.n
Omoti avigiinoa
l'uclllo Mud 3&
lliHidlng 3Wt
Hook island
Bt btan
76 id
ITnlon Pacillo -I1
Weswru Union .
Wheat Mnrkat ousnod wealc und unahsngjd
throughout dav. No. 'i. ittd winter elo.oj
lWi; I'ea.. ldKi Juli.' UQ)f
Uoui-llurUBt oiieuo-i weak and oioted weak
er. No X, silxad, fO; Nov., MiH; Dtso., bdfii
Jan.. STIs.
Oats--iliuket dull. No. H. mixed, ,18.L3a)t
Deo.. aai,
Cruauiery, State le l'enn., eitrm.lW o.a!i8jo.
trv amery, western, Ursts. 4a c.u'7 c.
Pro uieiy, wustern, aeuonds 4.1 o.o4t c.
Btatoijair), to. f. tubs, eitrui..,,au caii o.
Ciieksb -
Btute faetory. fullorea'ji, 8ept. fancy., all
btuto factory, full cream 10ul0'.
Btalu factory, X till eruum, line ...loaluH
Htate factory, full cream, irood to pilmoWiulO
Btutu factory, common to fair s4 uUfi
Jvb Poubrar
Bprlnjr chlokens, cb doe, larKierbl. al'llj
Sprlnir oniekooi. prime , . . , ,12liulJ
Fowls, Jersey, dtutudi Pa., par lb.,,, l2Lt uU
IlliESsui pouwur
Turkev. mixed wetirbti
ts, pcrlb..,...,li Mia
is lbs. to poir...Kd vtl
bp's chkV, PhllOn aa
m 1
r 'R'1T! HI oontrk
"i rai w elaini tbit
Acme Blacking
Wourr AlfnoKE'1'
To twt thU hanjr ftHp of lilbr In w bottte of
Acme Itlevcktruc tinrl letve It thorn fur a dar or
rnnith. Take It oat and Orr and Mtmlne It carefullr.
fclfcetmlUi test with FrwncU DrewilDg and Tasta
Makes any kind of leather
Waterproof, Soft and Durnblo.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rocker to Mahogany.
B" what can be done with 20O. worth ot
Purities Ihe blood by ex-
polling th' impuiitics through
the proper chain els and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up the system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails i o euro any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrlln'a Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
iAsk my ngpnts for W. I,. Douglas Slioen
f not lor sale In lour place nslt your
Ciller to acini for ciitnlngiie, secure tbe
ngency. nut! get tlient lor sou.
It Is a aeamlens sliiie, nith notuekMor wax thread
to hurt the reeti made of tho best line calf, stylish
nml easy, anil btvuuse nv make mure thocs vi thts
Qrade Attn an if 'tlirr vianufufturer. It equals band
sewed shoe costing from SI w to 8.1.110.
fl 1)0 l.t'iiiiliiti llaiKl-seised, theflnesteatt
sPJ shoo evur olTi-reil for 85.UIJ equals French
Imported shoes uhli'li eot from 8S.lNlto81"i.l!0.
tCyJ UO lluiiil-Seued Welt Shoe, lino calf.
ZM9m st.sllsU. eumf'Ttiible anil durable. The best
shoe ever otTertd at tilts price ; same grudo as uus
I torn made slm.s eosiln Cruni $i(ont $MJ(1.
g 50 Pollrf. Minct i-ariiieift. ttnllroad Men
slJ. nml lAtteri flrrli'riill wear them; llnecnir,
I e.-amless, flm'nith Innlile. ht-uvy three soles, exten
sion edge. One pair w III wear a year.
C5 0 ll lllle colli no lienor mioe ever onerei at
Sit 5 this price; one trial ivtll eonvince those
wlio want a shoe fur comfort and service.
ffiO "'id 92.00 roi kliiainiin'M shoes
7saa are c.-y htrttii ami itnriible. lliose who
h ive given them a Irlnl illl wear no other make.
Drive' s'J.Otl mid Ml.?.! aehool shoes nro
DvV9 worn by the lHMev(rywhere; iheyaeU
nu their merits, ui the tnei coslntt s.des show.
B -al Inc 811.110 lliuiil-.eii e,l shoe best
ihnU ECS InniKola. vi'i'ya'yllshicquaUKrpucn
Imported shoes costing frmi sum to Aii.ul.
I.Hillen' tt.nil, (s'J.tll) nml ! 1 .7.1 shoe for
Misses are the best line boiiKola. Ktyllshaud durable.
t;mlllun. ee mat v,. l uuugius- name ana
nrl.u, urn nn llin linltolil nt each shoe.
W. L. UOUUL.tS, llroekton, ilau.
la.oja.o, IE a
kqq North Fourth St.,
UtlD iH, iinva. rMiLitrm,
tht unit Rutiulne Otrmiu AmrrUta
0twctUit in Om t'Diwa buu who U
Uo to cure Blood POliOn,
Nervous Debility " Spt.
clal DieeuGes .
hlia Dins Mti. K-d tspoti Plnt In Uw
Du.-.SoreThront Mouth,
niti!b, nmptu, FraptloDi, son
bsvrd V! rt, Kwi-UiRgi, Irrltationa,
lutluiinitUom ni Buoniojti.
Btrtcturci, WkneM tail Kirlj
m7 loit memory wfak bark tnfntl Mtr mwy
HUW.rDUttvM Kixl Kll Wstawi rrultlni from "J";'
InrtlriUon or Ov.rworH Rvcrut -' cuiM o;0fl.'-iI
rt-llff it onM Io not low hope, r.o t.ui- h . .TT
tUlncDnetur Qututk, FimlU or Ilmi'lul I'hjcHaa bu
Or. THKKL cur positively to- tbmil dftt-Blloo rr
taxtoett oid, vot'w. Mtrrnn in kp Tni cirrBMri.Tti riih or ixwr "-ml - -w POOR
H AiU f.!.m 9 3 ' Wed. an 81.
Br w 10 fumi.i 9 till IJ WHl or eftll m4 W "'t
rr Ucfft(Mt Wtln. "! Bturdj PtU. tin
yon want t see a flue display of Hoots and
Uhuea, goto
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Man teller's old stand,)
Cftruer ConI imil Jmcim Htt..
Hi I ill
CuMtuui Worlc and Rcpairlnsr
Dane In Ihe best style.
.Vlun trjQl.UJ 1')' slo'isneovlBn lrNsnsl. M o
i.jui-ntly folio -i'j . . ..I.l r ni-uro. or rul;
.lit'atloaal Weaknp : r"l'' l"lr 'enU
U.e OH. OuCHOINH-ai O'lebrw'eo
i.nyar Sliiisllin''i w ' "' ",'' '''r . ..m.;
,,0. rlunrbU-t a,.i', ' ' ' Bi'tiui, il.usanf l,.
.liili.t. Ktnti- . - " '-J tk A.MlMf.
',. n Kast Centre R' et; Mahanoy City, Ps
ln and nil special sUssasen a apeeuity,
. U. M7co7, 88rodiiy,ew kern.