ft ft ALMY'5 TRIAL OYER Judo Doo Will Proiiouncu Sontonco To-llay. THE PRISONBIVS TESTIMONY. His Story of tha Shooting of Ohriatlo Warden and His Subsequent Actions- lilt Raid Thnt WhpnlOulntr (Ivor Ilia llurn M'ith Clirlnlln They Stumbled, mill In the Confuitoii the Ilftvolviir Wus Dis charged Could Not Tll llowr li Hup pencil, Hut llo Did Mot Menu to Kill tho Girl, Whom Ha Loved Hotter Than Life, K(o. Plymouth, N. II., Nov. 10. This morning tho addresses of tho counsol (or Almy and for tho State nro being uinde. They are expected to ho brief, and then Judge Doo will announce the degrou of , ginning, inuriler ana sontonco tne prisoner. Yesterday Almy was put on thestand, and hU evldonce was breathlessly fol lowed by tho tremendous crowd proHout. Ho said ho loved Christie with all hi heart, and thought that if he could huvo had her she would havo lod him to a better llfo. They talked It over, and she advised him to get n better educa tion, but lack of funds compelled him to reach to the conclusion to make a short cut to professional life Witness said that Christie kissed him tvlieu they parted. Shu nroused illu sions In his breast, and had Mrs. War den spokon only ono pleasant word to tit m ho would not hnvo been here to-day. Ho then gave nn account of his travels after leaving Hanover, raying thnt bo bought his revolver In Springfield, for the purpose of taking it with him to Texas, llo had shown It to several persons, and bad mudo no at tempt to conceal It. lie finally came to Hnnover for tho purpose of seeing Christie alone, to got her approval and encouragement. Ho did not write while lie was away, becnuso be was afraid sho would not get the letters. His expectations wero high, and as ho had no doubt her parents were agninst him, ha must see Christie alone. He nrrived in Hanover on the midnight train, and went Into tho Wnr deu barn, from which ho could command n view of tho kitchen and parlor. He thought ho could see her when she went to the Grango. About n week later ho went through the house ono nipht. Ho wont four times In nil. Tho last time ho docldod open her door and speak to her. Ho did So 'ut 'ler brother was lying on the bod. 'llo anl not "tfty 1,11 tu "mo la the barn, but Wftnu.."0'! about the fields, rwaltlns nearly a month to Bee Christie. He told of entering tho room lit Mr. Puttee's, occupied by Christie, but was horrlflod to find It occupied by another woman. As the latter rose in bed he caught her by tho throat and pushed her back. Thou bo told her his story and his desire to soe Christie, but she said Christie was not tho re. A compact was inado to keep the mattor of tho visit a secret. Whan ho heard Christie was going to tho Grange, ho wont to tho pnsturo, changed his clothes, and after ifupper, went down back of A. Flint's house und waited for Christlo. Soon she cnnio along with othors of the family. Almy then described tho meeting with tho Warden party, as had been related by several witnesses, and said in goin ovor tho burs with bis arm about Christie's wulst they stumbled. Fannlo was ncreamiag und he flrod his revolver to keep her back. Ills fall stunned him. His thought was that ho must havo Christie; there were sounds of voices coming nearer, and Christie was on the ground uncon scious. In soma way bis rovolvor was flrod, ho did not know how. Thou, when he saw Christlo was shot, he ex claimed: "My Ood, Christie is dead !" lie was dazed. He vont to tho river, mid returned to the Warden barn, anil watched tho men who brought tho body to the house. He told of visiting Curls tlo'.s grave on cevorul occasions, THAT ANARpHIST RAID. Some of Chicago' t'ollce Likely to SufTai for tho Arrnst. Ciiioaou, Nov, ID. It begins to look as though tho city administration was to have a harder tlmo fighting tho anarchists than was anticipated. Mayor Wnshburno has no more th'in n bara majority of thn City Council at his back and cveu this majority may be broken Into upon tho demand of tho trades uulons, leaving the administra tion entirely at the mercy of the anarch ists, socialists and labor element. In such case tho Impeachment of tho Superintendent of Police for ordorlng the raids upon tha anarchists meetings is not among the Improbabilities. This condition of affairs has encouraged tho anarchists and socialists greatly, and ! they talk of again openly defying tho authority of tho police. Should they do this tho latter will allow thorn no mercy whatever, but will resort to tho club upon the slightest provocation. The police say they don't proposo to tako any chances, and that It there Is any shooting or bomb throwing to be done they want to bo in It at tno very u- DR. SMITHJAS GONE And With Him- lifts Disap peared Soiiio. $30,000. AN ENDOWMENT ORDER SCHEME I vjwui I fW IIILtM Tho Dootor Lit Two Fiionds Have 150, 000 to Buy tho "fraternal Oirolo-" SENATOR SHERMAN'S CHANCES. HU Friends More Confident Than Ever of Ills lte-elcntlon. CoLUMIins, O., Nov. 10. Advocates of the re-election of Senator John Sher man are more confidout than over of the veteran statesman's return to tho Senate. The news that Dr. Chauncoy M. Do pew had In his speech at tho banquet of the New York Chamber of Commerce, spoken In Senator Sherman's behalf, when taken In connection with the ut terances of Secretary Foster, has caused much gratification. It is claimed by many loading Ohio Republican that their party would stultify Itself by rejecting Senator Sher man and sending ox-uov. iornker to Washington. The consensus of opin ion Is that Senator Sherman's dis tinguished services to the pnrty and to the nation will havo such weight with tho Legislature that his ro-oiectlon Is a thing assured. Slxtenn flults for Alleged Arson, Prrrammo, Nov. 10. In tho Unite 1 States Circuit Court the cuss of the People's Fire Insurunco Company against D. W. Holt Is on trial. Tho caso Involves about $120,009. There are sixteen similar cuies against Holt which will be decided by this ouo. The prosent suit is to recover $3,500 paid to Holt on a fire Insurance policy. Holt was a lumber merchant In Phllltpsburg, Pa., and had a large lumber yard. Some tlmo ago It was destroyed by Are, and Holt recovered $120,000 lnsarance. Ho had been Insured for $125,000, appor tioned among a number of companies. It Is now said by the plaintiff that Holt has sot fire to, or caused to be set on fire, the lumber to get the insurance; nlso that by fraud ho mado his books show that ho had on hand about twice as much lumber as he actually had at tho tlmu of the lire. This Was Deposited With Transtirer of Sfnssacliusfltts, Who Refuted to fltvo It Up Smith Hail Taken tha Money from un Instltuttonof Which lie Uri Treas ure and at lie Couldn't Settle He Skipped With All He Could Find. Lowell, Mass., Nor. ID. An Inter esting chapter In tho crash of tho short term Endowment Orders developed hero yesterday. Dr. Sumner P. Smith, treasurer of the six months' benefit or der knowu as the Illslng Sun, Is a fugi tive, and technically he Is an embezzler of about $30,000. The State Treasurer, howovar, holds $50,000 of that sum, but tho remainder Is In tho possession of tho missing treas urer. It Is Btatod that the money was taken by Smith In order to save for tho benefit of the certificate holders. The cause that led to this stato of af fairs is interesting. Recently K. J. Mc Kenzie, W. II. Jones and others tried to buy tho order of the Fraternal CIr clo. As alleged the Inducement was that thore was about $30u,000 In tho treasury, enough to pay about $200 each on the certificates, which could bo bought for $120 each. This would glvo the pur chasers a profit of over $100,000. In order to buy the Fraternal Circle, however, 30,000 was required for do posit at the Stato Treasury. McKon zio was associated with Dr. Smith, the treasurer of tho Illslng Sun, and the latter was persuaded, It Is alleged, to let tho purchasers of tho Fraternal Cir clo huve $50,000 for one day. He lot , them have the money and it went luto the State Treasury, hut It Btayed there, the Treasurer refusing to rocoguUe Ale Kenzle and his associates as the legal successors of tho original olllcora of tho Fraternal Circle ponding tholr re-election as suoh stockholders. This put Smith in a trap, as tho money was wanted for certificate hold ers of the Illslng Sun and a charge of embezzlement stared htm In the face. Thereupon he took what money re mained in his charge and left town. President Lovojoy of tho Rising Sun is now looking for htm with Pinkerton detectives. It is understood that Smith will como baok if the mattor can bo arranged. It is said he Is in hiding at present through advice of counsel. 2 TJTHE PEER OF ALL COCOAS. defies all honest competition. Economical Pure. Obtainable ot anv reliable orocer. (jbcoal too sr.nious von joking. " Smart Alecs " air their wit lo amuso sufferers with funny stories while reciting the imacrlnary virtues Of some Inert nostrum, but the pangs of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout and carbuncle, the horrors of scrofula and epeclflo disease, are not at nil funny. It Is more interesting to know that Cactus Blood Cure Infallibly cures these aliments hy simply purifying tho blood. The A Uevlsed Saying-. pen may be mightier than tho sword, but if you tako two swords anil rivet them together near the center, yftq will And that in many newspaper offices they nro far mightier than tho pen, as they have to do four-fifths of tho work. l'retty GlrlMlislnc, ItocuESTEit, N. Y., Nov. 10. Mllllo Lester, a pretty, dark-halro.l, black eyed young lady, 18 years of uge, has been missing from her homo on East avenue sluco a weuk ago lust Monday. Miss Lester's mother resides in Syra cuse, but since sho was a small child she has lived with her undo, Fontou W. Sayers. Miss Lester left her house a fow minutes before noon on tno uay mentioned, saying that she was going out for a walk and would return soon. Since that time tho most diligent soarch has boon mado, but uocluo to the young ludy's whereabouts has been found. Forger Wood Found Guilty. New York. Nov 19. Frank H. Wood was yesterday afternoon convicted of forgery in the first degree In the Court of General Sessions for signing tho name of Mrs. Elizabeth 11. Raymond, his benefactress, to a certificate of ten shares of Western Union stock. The trial has been going on for tea days, but it only took the jury ten minutes to convict htm. He will be sentenced on Monday. Under Wood's conviction ho Is liable to bo sentonced for a life's term. The minimum term Is ten years. Her Strong Point. At tho funeral of a woman in this neighborhood, one day recently, a sym pathetic and admiring neighbor volun teered the information that "for patient resignation the corpse could dance all around any woman living." Nights of Labor. A Liberty street man makes a com plaint to tho 'police of his wife, who eats dry cake in bed. If the police won't help him, ho is going to get a suit of un derclothes made of sheet iron and wear them nighta. J M. Bailey. Mai, Lehigh Valley Railroad. AHBANQ1CMKNT or PASSENGER THAWS. NOV 15, 1891.- Mauch ( I'sssengor trains will leave Hhenaudoah foi nUf.ll Chunk. Lehlshton. MlAtlni-lnn. l!nto. sauqua, Alleutown, Botblehem, Enston, I'M) He could not realize that she wus dead. Ho never thotmht of beinK captured, and the feeling that ho could not loavo her chained bun to tho locality. Almy told his story In trombllng tones, and freifuoiitly stopped to brush away tho teurs. Almy was subjectod to a sharp cross examination, and admitted that his statemont that ho had relatives In Sa vannah was false, No evidonco was al lowed to prove that Almy Is George II. Abbott, although tho matter was once broached by the Attorney-General. At tho conclusion ot Almy's testimony both Bides rested. I Knights of I-iiUor and tha World's Fair. Toledo, Nov. 19. The General As sembly, Knights of Labor, has approved the demand of tho W, C. T. U. for equal wages und equal suffrage. Tho Assembly declared In favor of tho World's Fair being kopt open on Sun day for the education ot tho masses, provided no person employed at tho Fair shall work mora than six days, eight hours each, pur week. Tho fourth reso lution, nsklug the Knights to petition the authorities to close tha saloons and prevent tho sala of liquor on tho Fair grounds, was rejeoted. A strike Improbable. I'lTTSBUIlQ, Nov. 19. Tho employes in Oliver & Roberts' South-Side wire mill wero yesterday notified of a 30 por cent reduction in tholr waos. Tho employes are naturally very muoh dis satisfied, but that a strike will rosult Is not considered probable, as the men arc without organization. Tons of Cents on Hand. New York, Nov. 10. Tho Sub-Troos-ury olllclals fear nu avalanche ot copper In tho shape ot a mountain of cents. In March last thoro was a total of $17,000 in the small com in the vaults. Now thero U a total of $10 1,000, or In gross weight 72,800 pounds, or nearly 37 tons. They come in from tho ponny-ln-the-slot companies, who gather thuin from their machines all over the country, f hey ship thum to the maiii offices in Now York and thoro dump them Into the lup of Undo Sam and ask for larger money In return. Nine Cities Want tho Convention.' Washington, Nov. 19. Tho Republi can National Committee will meet In the Arlington Hotel In this city on Mon day noxt, at 11 a. m., for tho purpose of choosing a plnco for holding tho Ro nubllcun National Convention of 1803. There will bo a lively competition for tho honor. The cities that have already put in applications, or decided todo so, nro Now York, Chicago, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Omaha, Minneapolis, Pitts burg, Detroit nud Tacouu. COrVSIOwf IBM Made well tho weak, nervous or ailing woman who takes Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It's a medicino that's guaranteed to help her. It's an in vigorating, rcstorativo tonio, sooth ing cordial and bracing nervine and a certain euro for oil tho func tional derangements, painful disor ders or chronio weaknesses that affect women. For ulcerations, dis placements, bearing-down sensations, everything that's known as a " fo malo complaint," it's an unfailing remedy. It's a peculiar one, too. Peculiar in composition, peculiar in its cures, and peculiar in tho way it's sold. It's guaranteed to give satisfaction, in ovcry case, or the money is refunded. You pay only for tho good you get. idelphlaand New York at 5.17, 7.10, 9.08 a. m l9fi9.RW.fi.ttKiv In For Belvlrtere, Delaware Wnier (Tap and itroiidsburg at 6.47, a. m.. and 6.28 p. ni. or Liamuerivme ana Trouto'i, 8.0S a, m For White Haven, Wtlkes-llarre and t'lttf ion 6.47, 9.03, 10.41 a . m 3.10 and 6.23 p. m, ForTankhauuock, 10,41a. m 8.10 and 5.21 p. m For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyoni 10.41 a, m and 6.28 p. m. rnrx4icoyviuc, xowanna, oayre, waveriy. (Slmlra, Itochesler, llullalo. Niagara Falls. Chicago and all Dolnts West at 10.41 n. m..and V2 p. m. For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at 3.10 p.m. ror Auaenriea, jiaEieion, HtocKton, LiUm her Yard, Weatkrrly and Penn Haven June Hon at 5.4f, 7.10, 9,08 a. m. and 12.62 3.10 and l,2 p. m. For Joancsvtllo, Levlston and Beave Meadow. 7.40. 9.03 a. in. and 5.23 n. m. For Hcrftuton nt 6.47 9 0S, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and y;tn p. iu. For Haile llrook. Jeddo. Urlfton and Free land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41a. m., 12.52 3.10 nnd 5.26 r. m. For (lunkake at 5.47 and 9.08 a.m., und l.to p. m, For Wlesons, Gllberton and Fraokvllle at j.w ana n.m a m ana i.iu p.m. For YRtesvlUe, Mahanoy City und ltelano 5.47, 7.40, P.08, 10.41, a. m., 122, S.10,j.2, 8,03, i.i and 10.27 p.m. For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashlanu 27, 7.48, 8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35 4.10 and 9.14 p. m. For DarKwatsr. Kl. Clair and Pnttsvllle 40, 9.03, 10.53 a. in., 12.52, 3.10, 1.10, 5.2J an J 8.0. For tlack Mountain, New lioslou ana loroa, 7.40, 9.03, 1".5S a. n.., 12.62, 3.10, 5.24 and t.OTp. m. For Kaven Hun, Central la, Aft. Carmel and uainoain, B.D2, ana xu.io a. in., x.tv, i.fi 11(18.08 d. m. Trains leave Shatnokln for Hhenaudoah, i 11.09 a. in., sumj sou p. in., arriving ,.t Bbeuandouh, 9.05 a. ra., 12.52, 3.10, 6.24 and 1 1.15 p. m. SUNDAY TUA.IN8. For Lost Creek, Olrardvllle and Ashland .50, 9.10 11.33 a. in., 2.45 p. m. For Uarkwater. Bt. Oialr and Potlsvllli ..A, n.w, II, 1U I JJ, IU. For Yatesvllle, Af ahanoy City and Delano MAJ, UK H. III., l.SU, -i.VJ, O.UJ p. 111. For bony, Andourled and Hatleton, 8.0t v m., 1.40 p. m: For Mauch Chnnk. LehlKhton. fllatlniton Oatasauqua, AUnntown, Bethlehem, ISasto? tna new zora, e.wa. in., i.iu p. m. For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. k. U. BYlNGTnN, Oen'f Pass. Ant., Hethltb John Itrown's Fort fortlio Fair. CuMliEKLAND, lid., Nov. 19. Work men are biuily ongngod In tearing down John Urown's Fort, nt Harper's Ferry. One ot tho contractors stated that a stock company of Chicago capitalists hud purchase the fort, und overy brick and niece of brick, with all the contrap tions both iusido and outside will be sent to Chicago. Tho building will be reconstructed on tho World's Fair l!.x-, position grouuds In Chicago. Trying to Stop IlioFlglu. I inoviDKNCic, it. i., nov. iu. a. uoio gatlon of citizens ot Olneyvlllo called upon tho Governor yesterday and re quested him to take measures to proVout tho Couloy-Sulllvnn Qglit, which is an nounced to occur at the lthoile Inland Athletic Club, at Olnoyville, to-night. Gov. Ladd declined to Interfere, unless ' tho town authorities cull upon him to prosorvo tho peace. It's tho big, old-fashioned pill that makes the most disturbance but it's one of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets that does tho most good Mild and gentle, but thorough and effective the smallest, cheapest and easiest to take.- They cleanse and regulato tho liver, stomauh and bowels. I'ltwtucliel Mill Without a Sluyor. Pawtuokw, R. I., Nov. 10. A second attempt was made yotterday to olect Mayor ot this ally but tailed. The fol lowing Is tho vote: Ux-Mayor Hugh J. Carroll, Democrat, 1,817; White Repub lican, U1U; buorman, independent, 1,432. No election. The ClavdiUKl Will hUr nt Home. Buzzahd's JUT, Mum,, Nov. 19. The report that ox-President, Mrs. Clave laud and Raby Ruth wero to visit tholr summer home, Gray Quhles,thls autumn, Is deniod by Mr. Nlokorson, who has charge of the place. Tha Ios-11lt Killed Illm. Bprinofiii-d, Mass., Nov. 19, Louis Duclos, ot Gastbanipton, who was re cently bitten by a dog and ut the time bad tha wound cauterized, died yester day from hydrophobia. Ilrldee Across the Schuylkill. Noiimstown, Nov, 19. .Tho Reading Railroad Company has tho arrangements nbout completed to build a bridge across tha bchuyllall ut JNorrlstowa. It is ex pected that by the time the terminal in Philadelphia Is Unished this bridge will bo built, and that all trains on the main Hue will cross at iNorrlstown, ana so socuro tho udvautnge ot tho terminal. llio Charleston Oidered Homo. Wasiunqton, Nov. 19. It is learned at the Navy Dspurtmout that tho cruiser Charleston had boon ordered home from the Asiutlo station and would stop nt Honolulu on her way to San Fruuelsoo. It is stated nt the Department that thn cruiser does not go to Honolulu ou nuv special mission, but will simply Btop there for coal. llurelars Made Itle Haul. AixEntown, Pa., Nov. 19. The houso ot Charles Holbach ut Catasaun.ua wus entered by burglars during the night, who stole $500 In gold, a quantity of jewelry and $30,000 worth of bonds and other papars. Tho papors wore found near tho house. bnuator Donaldson Hotter. BALMTOtr. N. Y.. Nov. 19. Btato Sen ator Harvey J. Donaldson, who has been suffering with a severe cold which threatened to develop Into pneumonia, is thought to havo passed the dunger lino. NEW JERSEY JOTTINGS. John Malloy, a groceryman nud owner ot a stone quurry at Lambertvlllo, has been missing since Friday lust. He has many creditors, It is Bald, Smallpox Is still raging Iu Newark. Yesterday an Italian woman and her 4-year-old sou were removed to tho post house suffering from tho disease. The second annual convention of the Epworth leagues, connected with the So'lth Jersey Methodist Episcopal Church, was held in iilllviuo yesterdny. Sevsral parties are scouring the woods in the outskirts of Sayarsvlllo lor Archi bald Yates, who wan do red from home on Monday night, lla Is slightly de mented. Throckmorton to llu Courl-martlnled. Wasmkotox, Nov. 19. The papers In the case of Major Charles B. Throck morton, Second Artlllory, charged with duplicating pay accounts, have boon re viewed at tho War Departmont and for warded to Gen. Howard, commanding the Division ot the Atlantic, who will order a Court-martial to try the ollicur. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordi nance passed on the 3rd day of February, A. ii. ib'ji, euitueu "tin uriimuucu uuu cuius mi t n Matianov t'ltv. rtneniindoah. Ulrndvl le mid laniard Hallway Oiunnanv tho rlnlit to mmu;aiu operaieau oiecino raitwiy uu vw tain sirwls In the llor.-nieli of Hhennndosb." lieu Oraalnea, liy tne towih oiiuch m mo Tinrnnirh Mhnnnmltui h. and It Is herebv or dained by the authority of tho sime, that the ordinance of sdrt borounu heretofore passed on the tulrd day ol February, A. D 1801, le- laung to "An ormnaoce vuincmuK u hijj 'Ainnauny -iy, rMieuanuu.tu, uinttuimou AFiiiinnii fUrr-et, iiuilwav Oomnany' the rleht in build and onerato an electric railway on cr-riHin streets in tuo uoroun oi ouenau. dean, be ... A mentlptl. Ann is hereov amenaca y cuine n the worJs llauue rail ' in taia otainnre to the wotds 'Trail." anfl that the sola oroi nn ni'A I in Furthermore Amended. And is hereby amended uy changing the cusge ol track In cnin nrmnnnra mm nva ieeL lwo u u uuo half Inches (.5 ft. 2Hi In.) to the guao or four feet elglitand ono-half Inches (4 ft k lu.). Vntiliil. That thn Raid "MMli,iiiov UltV. Bhenandouh, Olrardvllle and Ashland Street Kailway uorapany," wiininiweiveimiuoiiuis from the completion of said railway, shall re movn tho said "Trail" and substitute the "flange rail" U Hie sald'T rail" shall prove to lie uiiFati.iaciory una unaccepuiuie io uioeum Town council; ana ji.i-...fiirf iwirmftw. That the said "Ma Imnrw nilv.Hhfliiaiiclnah.dlrardvllleund Ash jana direct iiunway uoinpuuy- puau ui-civ ine provisions or mis oiainauce wiiuiu ivn lira nnvR fr.un llin nnusn thnreot. iMiacieo. ami rassqu 11110 nu uiuiuauwi, , li , the ami day oi Kovonioer, Sweating Systuoi Com em nud. BostoS, Nov. 19. Tho? United Gar ment Workers, lu convention yesterday, adopted u resolution condemning tne sweating system, and refusing to deal with or rocogiiize .National trade As sembly 3ul. K. ot L., which, It alleges, has aided in perpetrating tho sweating system. Laurlcir Calls on Gov. Itunell. Boston. Nov. 19. Hon. Wilfred Lau rler and party ytsterday afternoon culled upon Gov. Russell at tho State House, and Mayor Matthews at tho City Hull, ana later visneu tiarvun liouega. NEW ENGLAND BRIEFS. The U, S. cruiser Newark sailed from Boston yesterday tor Chilli Mrs. Ruth Davis, who was 100 years old last August, Is ileud ut iong nam, N. H. The National Association ot Carriage and Harness Muniitao'ui-drs is lu session nt Springfield, Mass. Etta W. Harris, better known as Dr. I.udgate, who bus llgurud prominently iu criminal annals for the past two years, died yesterday in Linden, Mass. The house und barn of Edward Iloudo at Marlboro, Mass., were totally de stroved by lire last night, boss sxouo partly insured. A 0-year-old child was burned to death. A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE. We are making a big drive iu fu lture, butj malicious desire is uot its ibject. We desire to dispose of a large surplus stock, nnd proposo to give our patrons the benefit of some extraordi nary bargains. J. P. Williams & Bro., South Blnlu St., S HDS3Sr-A.TST3DO-I3:. Hhenandoah A. D. 18'Jl It 13 lOt A. D. GABTjH", Pres. of Town Council. JA3. 11. 1.RSIG, Chief llargess. W. J. lOKTZ, Town clerfc. A J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Knnds written Marriage iioenBwt ana ipgni claims promptly attended to. Real Eshfc, Collection and Insurance Ageaey General Fire Insurance lluslnoss. Represent! the Northwestern iiiro insurance Co. OrriCE-Muldoou'kbutldlpg.oorner Centre ana West His., wuenaunoan, ra. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. . AlwoRtory double frame dwelling house siorennd restaurant, on Kant OeuTre Ht. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Uouirt street. !). DeMrable property on corner Centre and jaruin sireeis, sutiauiu tur uuimco mr noses. 4. A two story double frame dwelling, on went l.lovd siren, 6 Two 2-stnry frame dwellings on West Con. trn Rtrant. 8. Two t story dwelling on the corner of Coal and Unestnut streets Htore room In one. 7,-Two-Rtory single house on North Chestnut street with alarire warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-story double frame bulldlngf corner or liioyn ana 'uort stream. J U fOUKBOV, A TIORHEY'H T-LA W. film fbirtltll'itrilln'ln lorooc stain taa OsnUf .'hiladfllptiia and Reading Railroad Kie Table in tgnet Xov. IB. 1801 WINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS ?.fcw-rk vla Philadelphia, week days. 0 5.23, 7,20 a. m. nnd 12 35 2.G0 and 6 I m. Hunday 2.1 and 7.48 a. m. for New rk. via Mauch nhnnk. bm Aavu ris ). R. m. and 12.S nnil firtv, ' ,nttead!jf6rftna I'blladelplila week flays, "a -'"Y 1 l.iiu p. in. Kor Harrlsbnrtr. wt.nk oa iiionn m . 60, 15.55 p.m. ' ' --" For AUentown, week days, 7.20 . m.t 12.8i o p. m. IP Unltn-.!., . . 1. -t IU.U1IIIW, nuok uujth. 2.1U, 7,aU a, m;, 2.0 iffl andB.55p.m. (Sunday, 2,10 and J.ti . in , s.u p.m. tor juiumqua ana Aiananoy City, week lys, 2.10, 5.1r, 7.20, a. m., 123$ 2.50 and 6.58 hi. OUUU KUU I.IOH.UI., S.Wjp, HI. iVddftloual tor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 For Ijancaxter and Columbia, week 'days, JO a.m., 2.50 p.m. ' For Wllllamsport, Hnnbury and Lewlsburt, . ek days, 3.2, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m 15, 7,00 m. Bunday 8:23 .m., 3.05 p. m. "or Mahanoy Plane, wees days. 2.10 8.25, "i. 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 12.35. 1.35. 2.50. .00 ano i.ij. . m. Hunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7.48 m. 1.05, 4.30 p. m. for Ulrardvlllo lllaDDahannock HLatlnnl 12', 1 35 i.W, 6,5.5, 7.00 and 0.25. p. m. Banday! U'10 3 , 7.48 a. m!, 3J15, 4.30 p. m. or Asniana ana unamoKin, wees days. -j, o.io, .zj, a m,, i.so, 7.uu ana v,. m. Hundav S.'i't. 7 43 a. m.. 3.05 n. m. TKAINU KOrt HUKNANDOAH I Leave New York via Philadelphia, week iyn.7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00. 7.30, p. m 12.U Ehl. Bunday, 8.00 p.m.. 12.15 nignt. uoave Nesv York via Mauch Uhnnk. we ' vs. 4.30. 8.45 a. m.. 1.00 and 8.45 n. m. Hu r.. diy, 7.00 a. m. ieava rmiaaoipnia, wees: nays, 4.10, ana 10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., from Broad lad Cailownill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p, m. from 9th an irtn streets. Hunday 9.05 a. m, 11.30 p. m. from 9tJi sn n-eon. irtave Beaainit, week days, 1.85. 7.10, 10.05 na 11,50 a, m., 6.65, USJ p, m. Hunday 1.35 and tM4a. m. beavo fousvllle, week days, 2.40,7,40 a. in., ISO. 11 v. m. Hnndav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. nnd 2.05 ,1. m. hw Tamaqnn. week days, 8.20, 8.48 and 21s, 11.. 1.21. 7.1.1. " '? n. m. Hnndav 8.H0 7 43 , "a. nai2.50p, m. ave Mahanoy City, w ok days, S.40, 9.18 id 11.47 . m., l.U ' -.1 9.44 p. ra. San. y, (4.46,8.17 ,. ra., 3.2J p. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, weok days,2 4J,4.tO . )0, 9.85. ll.)9a, m.,1.05, 2.08. J 20, 82,7.67, and 'OOd. m. Sunday 2.1'. 4-00. and 8.27. a. m. 3 37,5.01 p.m. uuAve uiraravuie tiuippanannocs: oiauonj -et days, 2.47 4.07, 8.86, and 9.41 a. va 12.05, t-z, o.in, e.!, B.ui ana lu.us p. m. cmnaay,,'! 0 , 8 33 . m. 8,41, 5.7 p. m. .-eave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 ana 1.55 a.m. 8.83 and 11.16 p. m. Banday 11.15 m. 1 .. x: 11 il 1.16. 801 and 1121 a. m.. 1.31. 4.24 . 5.55 an.' 7.13 p. m. Bunday, 8.55 8.02 11.27 a, m., 8.5(1 14 ua 7 li p. m. eavo 1 a ia 5oatht for Atlantic CUT. Week-diys-Eipress.l.O1) a. m. 2.00. 4.on, p. 31. .cooiim3aaiiou,8uua. m. ana o.tu, P. m. isuauayB.cxpiess, v.w . m. a.te)m an ittion.S.OU a. hi. and 4.30 p. m. KetnrnlnE, leave Atlanilo City, depot Atlantic and Arkansas nvennei. wenkiai s Bxnress. 7.30. 9.00 a. m. and 4.00. n. m. Ac- commoaatloti8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p m. Sundays-Express. 4.00, p, m: Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 4.30 p. m. , , . u. u, unnwun, uen'irass r ak. V . MoljKOD. Pres. A Ueo'l Mauar.' i AlliANTlO CITY DIVISION. . ) 1'hlhidolphla, Chestnut Street Whs, fjv V.Jj nth Btreet Wharf. W i First National Bank THEATRIC DVILDINO, SHENANDOAH. PENNA, PENNSYLVANIA RAILH0AD. SOHTITLKlLti DIVISION and after September 1 1391, irodti will tear Bhcnatutoah Ut follow): for Wigcan, Ullberton, Frackvllle, New Aetle, Bt. Clair, und way points, 6.00, 9.18 . in and 4.15 p m, Uundays, COO, 9.40 a in knd .J.) 0 p m. for I'ottsvlUe, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4.15 p ta. Scndaye, 000.8.40 am nnd 3.10 p m, For Heading, 6.00, a in and 4.15 pn. dandays, 600,9.40 a.'m, nnd 8.10 pm. For I'ottstovni, Phoenixville, Norrlstomi tad Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6,00, a. m. and 4,15 p m week days Sundays, 60u, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m. ' Trains leave Krackvllie lor Sb.enando.iix at '.Warn and 12.14, ; 12, 10,09 p m. Uundays, .1.13 a m and 5.40 p ra. . Leave Poitsvillo lor aueaandcah, 10.15 and t.43. am 7.15, 9.42 Jim. Mondays, 10.40 a m j.ifi p m- Ueave Phlladelnnla (Broad street station), .or Potlsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.57, 8.35 n 10 4.10 aud 7.00 p m week days. Uunda 8 60, and 9.23 am r'or New York, 3.20, 4.05. 4.40, 5.85, 8.50, 7.30, 4.208,31V d.SO, ll.00andll.14, 11.35 - m, 12.00noonA. (Umtled orross, 1.03 4,60 n m.) 12JU 12,44, UW rmf. im im k flti Rn7iq.ii9iins limi r.N-v' m, 12.01 'nl'trhU "n oanaays, vi. i.m, nu, o.as. s.12, sjsv, s.bo, 11.35 . -u. vnl 12 21, 12.41, 2 30, iOi, (limited, 111,5 21. 21 .t , .1' . 11 anil liJU uient For Bea Girt. LonirDranoh and Intermediate stations 6.50, 8.25 and 11.39 u. m., 4.00 p. m. wk nays, ounuayi o ao u, iu. For Baltimore aud Wasningtou, 3.50. 7.20, 0.10 and 11.18 a. m., 4 41, 6 57, 7.10 p.m and 12.03 hrhldailv and 8 31. 10.0 a. in.. 123 (1 milled express with dining car to llaltlnl ire) 1X0, 8.48 .. trf . I, .! l(n. ll..llllnnHnnl., HI.) I HI wee i d tys, 5.08, 11.80 p, m. dally. For Kichmoud, 7 3) a. in. and 12.03; night dally, 130p ui. dally, except Buudjy. 1 rains reave iiarrisoury lor x-iitsuurs: auu is wsst everv dav at Vl.ifi .n& 8.10 H m and :.0J (Hmtted) and 3.40. 8 30. 9.35 0 m. Way for Mto'ina o a oi and 4.10 p m every day. r or rmaourg oniy, iimi a ni nuiy una iv.w n week days. i.oaveliunbnry Jor Wllllftmsporl, Klmlra, insnrtr.lcia. I'.ocjiealcr, lHiflaloand Niagara Mis. 6.10 a m dally, and 1.42 d m week days, 'or atslrjs,5.S0p m weskdays. Kor Krlo nnd Intermediate nolnts. 6.1 n a mi, ally. Cor liocc Haven, 5.10, and 9.56 a in. lally, 1 4'i and &80 p. m. week days. For .enova o.iu a, m i.iv sua o,w p m wsok uujrs, 10 a. in Hundays. HA8. B. PUOk, J. B. WOOD, Osn. MaD Han.-Pans Agti Capital, $100,000,00. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring,' Cashier, 5. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER GENT. INTEREST l'alil ou Havlntca DepoHlta. People's Oyster Bay KGAN BUILDINO, las K. Centre St., Slicimndoalt CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.' OYSTERS Eiw, Htewed, Scalloped, Pinned or Fried to order. Fam lies supplied at their Uouss with the belt oysters tne market anorns. AH Orders Promptly Filled T-ILMINOTON & NOItTUlSKN R. K. jxmeiaoie mntci May. iu,ioi. Trains leave Readlnsr IF. Alt. station) foi aibraltar, Heyfert, lllrai-boro, Joanna, Spring- neia, waynesDurg junciion, i;oaiesvuie,vveBi Cbester.Cliadsrord Junction, B. A O. Junction, Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15 n. in. snuuav uuiv ui a.ua u. iu. Knr Warwick. Kt- Peters and lntermedlntH statlons.dally except Banday, at 9,20 a.m., n3)f 5.19p,m. Hunduy only 8.15 a ja. wj ror uirasDoni ana iniermeuiaie uvuiiuus, Saturday only, at 12 rn. CK1 i"or uaiiimore ana wasntnzwn m. e yj. ik. Si.) dally except Sunday at 6.25 and 8.S0 a. m. and 3.16 p. m, Bunday only at 8.05 p. in. Arams arrive ai neaaiue ir, a xv. nutiiuu, Irom Wllmlu(ttpntli. O, Junction, Mont chanid, Chaduilord Junction, West Chester, Lenape, Coatesvllle. Waynesbnrg Junction, 8prlngneld,JonnnA, lllrdsboro, Ulbraltar. Bey. fen nud Intermediate stations, dally except Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. ra. Bun- usy ouiy at 11.1 a. m. From Bt. Feters, Warwick and Intermediate stations, daily except Huwuy.'at 8.2 i a.m. and 2.25 n. m. Bundav onlv at 6 n. m. From lllrdsboro ana intermediate sutiions, Saturday only at i.iu p. in. From washhiBtpn and llaltlmore. dally ex. ceDt Sunday. 10 20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 P. m. Hunday only at 11.21 a. m. BOWNESS BUiaOB, Oen'l Paso. Ast a. u. MOUAuaijAnLi.aupi. - John R. Coye, A.ttorney-at-Law AND Real Estate Agent, OFF1UK lUtDDAUS IlUILlJINO, Cor. Main and Centre Streetl. SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: lK two and one-hair story double fra dwelling nouse, with stire-room. and taurant. liocated on Kast Centre trtrc A valuable property located on South J u mux sircvu I Seven dwelling housed at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment, Terms reasonable.