VOL. VI.--NO. 248. SHENANDOAH, PA.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19'. 1891. ONE CENT "My Son, Deal "With. Men Who Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It."-Benjamin Franklin n JThe Evening Herald. AtjTi THE NEWS FOU ONE CENT. Uji r larger circulation In Bhenandonhthai any other paper published. Circu lation books nptn to all. l'our ItlUod br the Cur. Greensboro, Pa., Nov. 10. A sad no cldent occurred at Belrer's Crossing nt 6 o'clock last even tag. Jamas Walsh, aged 20 years; William Galvln, ngod 28; John McCain,, aged 8, and William McCain, aged 0, attempted to cross the South west Pennsylvania Kallro.nl track In a wagon. Just as they reached the cross ing the Youghlogheny expross, going North, turned the curve and struck tlio unfortunates. Welsh, Galviu, and the oldest McCain boy, were instantly killed. The younger McCain Is fatally Injured, Galvln was married, and loaves a wife and one child. Instruction, tti Scllllltels. WAsniNOTON, Nov. 10. Acting Secro tary Spalding said yesterday that, while the Treasury Department has not yet decided to mako public tho Instructions given to Labor Commissioner Schulteis, this course would be pursued if thoro exists any ballot In England that the United States government countenanced the deception which Schulteis practiced on the EuglUk societies to assist emi grants. It Is not intended that any official of this government shall nlay detective, and tho department rosonts e tries wulcu ocuultels resorted to. Hymeneal I Irlek Drexel. Vitrcr.NTowif, N. J., Nov. 10. Miss M. S. Irlck and Mr. Georgo Washington Guilds Droxol, tho youngest son of Mr. A. J. Droxel, tho banker, were married in tho Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church at noon Bishop Scarborough of New Jersey performed tho ceremony, assisted by Rev. James W. Smith, tho rector. Tho church was handsomely decorated. Owing to the Illness of Mrs. Droxel, tho bridegroom's mother, tho wedding was private Mr. Anthony J. Droxel, the groom's father, was prosont at the ceremony. Not Yoltow Foyer. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 19. M. Ber ger, tho barber of the United States and Brazilian steamship Allencea, who was sent to tho hospital for contagious dis eases, hdB beou discharged from there as cured. The health authorities Btato that ho was not suffering from yellow fever; PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS. Actor William .7. Florence is much batter than he has been In tho past twelve hours. Coko traffic Is now so groat as to hindor passenger travel on Western Pennsyl vania railroads. David MoKinney, who has a wife and family, is locked up at Lebanon for nu alleged outrugo on tho 7-year-old udoptod daughter of W. J. Shiner. CENTS PER YARD FOR n good home-miule rug carrot It itj ono of those nxtra heavy canietB. made of tho bestva.n and clean rags. FlneHt lino of Velvet llrusael and Ingrain Carpets in Shen andoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. WE OLABL THAT THERE ARE NO BETTER GOODS ! EST TILE -THAIT VW Choice Creamery Butter Jhancy Bloater Mackerel. Zurge and Fine. New No. 1 MacJierel White and Fat. JTew Clean Currants Free from dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made oj best materials, line Table Syrvx strictly pure goods. New Orleans Baiting Molasses. Chipped Beef. CTTJST IRIECIEil'VIEID Another lot of JtlTEBSIJDE BUCKWHEAT FZOVB and OZI TIME GJIAUAM FZOZTIi-Fresh Ground. Also another car of Best Patent MINNESOTA FZOUJl. Equal to anything in the marJcet. ' NORTHWESTERN DAISY" mntle of Bliuncsotn Wlicnt gives satisfaction. Raises well. Oil Cloths are gelling; freely. Nice patterns All prices. Two yards wide lrom 50 cents up. n - THE FRENCH STRIKERS. Over 00,000 Men Out A Hitter Straggle Anticipated. PAms, Nov. 10. Dispatches received here to-day from various places in tho Department of Pas-de-CatnU show that tho striking coal minors nro gaining many accessions to their ranks. Tho strlkors now number 80,000, and o doubt Is entertained that in a very short tlmo a majority of tho men still remaining nt work will quit and join the great body of strikers. ) Tho authorities are taking ovory pre caution to guard against disorders, and though in some places the m.nors dis played a very bitter feeling, there has as yet been no serious dlsturbanco of the peace, but only a trivial outbreak hero and thoro that has speedily been suppressed. As in nil labor troubles In France, thoro is danger that the Socialistic ele ment may incite rioting, and, as a matter of fact, prominent Socialists are at work among the discontented and striking miners, spreading their lawless tenets. They nro closely watched, how ever, and upon the least indication of a general resistance to tho law they will bo speedily lodged in jail. To prevent the patrols appointed by the strikers from approaching the pits in tholr endeavor to Induce tho workors to quit, and also to guard against an at tack either ngainst tho men working or upon tho property of tho mine owners, strong detachments of cavalry and in fantry huvo been stationed about the va rious pits. Tho presence of tho troops, it is be lieved, will have the effect of keeping the striKers, as n body, irom making a riot ous demonstration. This is tho fourth davof the strlko.and both tho miners and their employers aro comment oi victory. No hint of concession is made by eitner siuo, nnu irotu present indica tions tho struggle will be a long and bit ter one. . . LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM. Mrs. Partridge, 70, Hues Andrew Joyce, 80, for lreach of Promise. Brooklyn, Nov. 10. Mrs. Matilda Partridge, who is about soventy-llve years of age and a resident of Third avonue, Brooklyn, has brought an action for $10,000 damages for broach of promise of marriage against Andrew J. Joyce, about 80 years old, a real estate dealer on Atlantic avenue. The two wont around together, visit ing different places, and enjoyed each other's aociotyr It is said that Joyce asked Mrs. Partridge for a loan of $1,000, and sho let him hnve the money. When tho time approached for tho wedding it is alleged that Joyce asked Mrs. Partridge it she could not let him have about $10,000 more. Shu said sho could not. There was no wedding, and Mrs. I'artrmgo says sue was unuulo to get the $1,000 she had loaned Joyce. Shorwood Grantod n Mundtimus. Coiraiua, N. Y., Nov. 10. The appli cation of Franklin D. Sherwood, Repub lican cnudldata for Senator from tho 27th District, for a mandamus restrain ing tho Board of Canvassers of Steuben County from forwarding to the Stato Board of Cunvassers the protest of Chas. E. Walker, the Democratic candidate, and the resolution of the Board declaring their opinion that Mr. Sherwood was iu oliglblo to tho olUco of Senator because of holding the office of Park Commis sioner in the city of Hornellsvllle, was granted by Judge Adams, In tho Su oreme Court, hist uliruc MARKET OTTIRr Iresh every other day BORODGHJTEMS i GLEANTNGS BY THE LOOAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Pastors ot the Primitive Mothod- fst Churches of Schuylkl 1, Luzerno acd Northumber land Counties Meet. In the rrimitito Methodist church cf town to-diiy theio was a meeting of the general commilteo of tho denomination for tho Schuylkill, Luzerno and Northum. be rland counties, Tho clergymen present wero: Hevs. M. Harvey, Scranton; J. Sutliflo, Priceville; D. Savage, Scrsnton; G. J. JtlTr es, Par sons; S. Penglase, "Vllkos Baric; J. T Barlow, Mt. Carmcli O. Ball, Girardville; W. II. Acornley, Mnhanoy City; A Humphries, Tamnqua; 0. M. Cozzenp, HI Clair; J. Proud, Pottsville; 0. H. Higgin son, Gilbertou; II. G. Kussoll, town. Tho object of tho meeting wbs tho dis cussion of matters pertaining to tho welfare of tho various churches and there was a line theological discussion after tho opening ol tho sc'sion. To-night, commencing at 7:30 o'clock, thero will bo a public meeting in the church, at which sevoral of tho visiting clorgymon will make addresses. Strength and Health. If you aro not foelingstrongnnd h' althy, try Klectric'Biuers. If "La GMppe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit ters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidnoys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you aro i fllicled with Sick Headache, you will find spoedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is the. remedy you need. Large bottles only COe. at O. II. Hagen buch's Drug StoJo. A flno stock of guns and amunition for sale cheap at Max Reese's. 10-21-tf A-Helpless Monster. A now locomotive known as "A. G Broadhead, No. 8E9" was turned out of tho Delano shops and mado its first trip yesterday. It worked all right until halt past four yestorday afternoon, when the engineer tried to pull an empty car from Iho Shenandoah Beef Company's siding, opposite tho Lehigh Valloj depot. Thoro two of tho engine's large driving wheol) dropped between iho rails and all eflnrts to get tho monster upon tho track again wero fruitless. After remaining idlo for over two hours, tho cngino was replacod on the nils with the aid of "frogs" and another largo engine. No delay was caused to other trains on account of the accident. Flag Presentation. On Thanksgiving Day Advanco Council, No. 681, Jr. O. V. A. M of Kingtown, will u- furl a U. S. flag from tho roof of tho public school building of that placo. Thoro will be parade in tho afternoon and a musical and literary en tertainment in the evening to bo held in tho P. O. S, of A. hall. Several visiting councils will participalo in tho afternoon ceremony. A Splendid Success. The supper hold in Hobblns' opera house last night, under tho auspices of the Trinity Reformed church, was a success in overy respect. Tho hall was crowed until midnight and tho guests received royal trcatmont. During tho evening the Grant Cornet Band render, d soveral excellent soloctions, all of which wero very much appreciated. A Little Girl's Experience In a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of tho Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Bsacb, Mich., and aro blessed with a daughter,four years old. Last April sho was taken down with Moaslee, followed with a dreadlul cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at homo and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, the grew wirso rapidly, until she was a mero "bandrul of bones." then sho tried Dr. King's Now Discovery and after tho use of two and a half bottles, was com pletely cured, They say Dr. King's Now Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may got a trial bottle froo at C. II. Uagenbuch's drug storo. Hotel For Rent. Tho hotel property at Lakosldo Park (East Mabanoy Junction) for tho year 1892. No ono but an experienced hotol man neod apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O. A, Keim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-lO tf Now Wall Paper for 1892. A splendid selection, embracing all tho latest colors and designs, at prices lower than over. Largo line of parlor patterns. Those cheap 25c window shades, with spring fixtures, cannot be equalled. Call at Mol lot'e, 22 East Centre street. Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the name Lksbiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., it printed on ovory sack. 8-3-3taw A Horoo'a Dath Napoleon Montaguo, a mi er, v as klllec; Tuesday in tlio Lanco colliery, at P.y month, wliilo hirolcally endeavoring t( save his fe low workmen lrom a terrible death. He had fired a shot and rn behind a pillar when it exploded. Tho flash sot. on firo a small body of gm near the roof of a chambor directly communicating with the main gangway. Instantly loilizing that tho firo might spread in a moment through the whole mino and a lertiblo explosion follow, ho loro i IT his coat and smothered tbo fl-unes. Jutt as tho fir.) was extin guished the rool (if the. chamber, looionou by tho blast, ft II upon him and ho was ter ribly crushed beneath tho immense mass ol coal. Why suffer with liheumati'm, Gout, In flueiiza, Pain in the Side, or kindred com p'alntf, when the colebr ted imported An chor P in Expeller will givo you happy relief? 20 prizo medals awarded the man ufacturers of this valuab'o preparation. S dd by your druggist at CO cents per bottlo. 3t Blanket Your Horse. Now that cold wealhur is at hand it is to tho inten st of every perton to seo that lib slock is properly card lor. Evory one knows how he feels when ho is not per fectly warm-and protected from the co and draughts, and how apt ho is to catch cold. There is no animal which is so susceptible to draughts and chills as you horse. At night when sleeping his blood bo.'omcs sluggUh and ho Is liablo to catch oold. In recent yours it has becomo the Hxed rulo with all owners of good stock ti carefully blanket their horses not only when out of doors, but also in tho stable It has bet n found that horso oat less to keep warm, ure ttopt In better condition and are more valuable by being b'anketod. Ono of tho most osscntial features which should bo looked st when purchaiing a horso blankot is its strength. Too much credit cannot be givon tnthumanufacturcr of the celel.ratoJ 6-A Horso Blankets, whi for years, havo insisted upon putting strong blankets upon tho market, boliving that the users of horso blankets would in tiino rocognizo tho necossity and demand Ire C-A Uoreo Blankets. Tho 5-A Blanket is what you warn, Thero aro 100 different styles made square for outdoor-uso,and shaped for stable use at prices to suit ovory body. 11-18 It d&w One faro for round trip via Nickel Plato Nov. 25th and 20lh, Thanksgiving. d Si w tf "Sho Couldn't Marry Three." IhU play is presented by ono of tho slovcroit companies in existence, ovory ono of them being especially selected for their adaptability in portraying tho characters they represent. Tho star, Hiss Lillian Kennedy, is the brightest Ingonu Souhretto in America, nnd in this comedy sho has a role which gives full scope to her wonderful volatility. Sho is supported by a&inpany which includes hor brother, Mr. Jno. J. Kennedy, on of tho cl-vorest singing comedians before tho public; Mr, E. 1'. Sullivan, tho powerful rotnantio actor, and a largo company, including a number of prominent artists; and as might be expoctod from such astnrcastof llioatri cal colebritios a great performance is presented. Timo Table Ohangos. Tho Pennsylvania lUi road Company has put on two no trains for the short Una travel. Ono leavos town at 11:15 a. m. and connects at Pottsville for Philadelphia, ar riving more at b;oj p. m, tub other new train leaves Pottuville at 4:10 p. m. and nr rives here at 6:20 p. m. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo, Tho Best Salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover Sores, Tetter, Cbai ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post tlvely cures Piles, or no payment required It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money roiunaoa. itico yj cents per box. For salo by C. U. Ilagenbuch. Wators' Weiss beer is the best, John A Kellly sole agent. 6-6-tf Leib Dies. "William L. Leib, son of Capt. L. C, Leib, of Ashland, diod yesterday from tho result of injuries sustained by being tqueezed.between cars at tho Morriam col liery last Thursday. Tho deceased was employed as shipper at tho colliery and was 80 years of ago. The funeral will take at 2 p. m. Saturday. "He who steals my purse sleals trash:" lint he who wnutouly iiurluluH my liolllo or Bui vatlou OH, Meals Mineti,lli(; that eurlches him Indeed unit leaven me bankrupt, u vlo lm to ucuoh uud pains a sorrowing, woe ful citizen, until 1 cm slowly creep to tho nearest drug store. Tno Play To-night. Tho name of tho play to bo presonted at Forguson's thoatro to-night by tho Bald-win-Molvillo Company is "Lynwood," A Horso Cripplod. A spike ran into ono of tho hind hoofs of a horso owned by E. F Kehlor, yesterday, and tho animal is in such a critical condi tion it may bo necossary to kilt it. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each, at Max Reese's. tf THE RAMBLER ! A COLUMN OF PITHY AND INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. GLEANINGS WHILE RAMBLING A String of Spicy and Interesting Paragraphs Based Upon the Doings of tho Day- Quoar People and Happoninga. The other day an old soldier residing in Sullivan county tarno to town to seo It. W. Stout, the SVrst Centre street butcher and gloantd from him somo facts to aid a pension claim. Tho old soldier arid Mr Stout wore in the war at the samo timo an tho latter was sought for information it wbs thought ho could givo concerning tho con dition of tho Sullivan county man when in ahopitHl. Thocasois roferred to to illustrate bow a combination of circumstances bring together old acquaintances after a sonar lion of many years. When called upon, Mr. Stout, unfortun ately, was not the propor porson, as hn did nut happen to to at tho placo tho Sullivan county man was injurid. Tho visitor was forely disappointed and was ubiut to leave with all hope of proving hit claim lost, "You aro tho only man I could think of who might know something of my case," ho said to Mr. Slut. "Hold up a mom ont," tho latter suddunly exclaimod "jNowtnali liiinic ot it, tnoro is a man whom, I believe, hold a position in tho hospital at tho timo you wero there, and ho is in town now." "You don't say sol" exclaimed tho applicant, his hopes taking a jump. 'Yi. He is Dr. Matter." "Matter?" anxiously inquirod tho oil veteran. "I can't rocollect onyono of that name." "A littlo, sar.dy-haired lollow," addod the informant. After reflecting a moment or two tho votoran exclaimed, "A littlo, thin, sandy- naired follow? los, now I romembor him; ho's an honest littlo fellow, too. I remember him wo'.l, now. When wo wero thoro I loaned him $50 and ho gavo mo his nolo. I lost tho noio and didn't sco him for a long time after. But I met him in HarrUburg at last and ho asked mo for tlio note. I told him I had lost it, but lit paid mo anyway, inlorcst and all. Yos, I know him. Let's go and soo him." Tho delgbted old veteran was taken to tho doctor's c lUco and thoy wero soon ongagocl in a talk over old times. But tho climax of tho old veteran's delight was reached when ho learned that thodocl 'r was a man who bad a full knowhdgo of tho caso and that he bad a band in dressing and caring for the wounds. It was a happy meeting and thero is at least ono delighted veteran in Sullivan county. V Fow peoplo in town aro nwaro that tnoro is a man in their midst who was ono of til l pioneor pedestrians of tho West. Whilo referring to tho exodus of peoplo to tho West in conversation with John McGjwan, tho boot and shoo dealer, 1 learned that vhon ho was quite a young man he struck out with a severe attack of ambition to grow up with tho great land of promiso. "I walked from tho Mississippi to Sacra mento before thero woro railroads or liko traveling facilities," said Mr. McGowan "camping out at nights. It took mo throo months and two wcoksto mako the journoy and I never bad a desiro to go westward aftir my return oast. Simo peoplo havo settlod out "West and havo prospered, but fortune does not favor all peoplo alike." Now counterfeit silver dollars of tbo is sue of 1600 havo recently boon put in cir cuiation, the touch and ring of which aro said to bo perfect, but they aro lighter and tbickor than tho genuino now dollar. Somo of tbo coins aro dated 1888 and somo 1880. What Thoy aro Good For. Brandreih's Fills are tho boat medicine known. Hrst They aro purely vegetablo, in fact a medicated food. Second Tho samo doio always produces tho samo effect other purgatives require inoreated doM and finally cease aoling. Third They purify thu blood. Fourth Thoy invigorate tho digestion and oleanso the stomach and bowels. Fifth Thoy stimulate tho livor and carry off vitiated bilo and other depraved secretions. Tho first two or three doses toll tho story, Tho skin becomes dear, tho oye bright, tho mind active, digostion is restored, costive- nets cured, tho animal vigor is recruited and all docay arrostod. Brandrelh's Pills are sold in every drug and medicine, storo, either plain or sugar coated. The finest note paper and envelopes in tbe country at Max Reeso's. tf Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho Ukuald office. PERSONAL. Mrs. 0. T. Gibson visited friends at Port Carbon to-day. Thoophilus Williams spent a ;-trt of o-day at Pottsville on buslno'S. S. Calvin Zieirlor. of Slatlneton. WM In town yesterday transacting business. .Mrs. Robert Roberts, of Nnw lhllrlnl. phia, was tho guest of to vn frionds yostor- lay. Mrs. Silas S. Giv. with her children. loft town last night to join her husband at Salt Lako City. Mrs. Gay was accom panied by Miss Ida Barker, who wout to Join hor brother in the samo oity. "An Old Minor." Eiiitok Ukiialii: Tho Itepublican of tbe I7th inst. finds fault with my corres pondence to your paper and says that "men employed in tho mines have no backbone." Let us pauso for ono moment and nsk our selves if it woro not for tho backbono of tho poor mortals, what would tlio llepubli can man do for his threo nioals a day ? It thoso men havo no backbono why doos tho Republican stylo thorn heroes in tho samo Usue? I speak from experience Tbo Republican says it is tho pretended friends who are alwavs finding fault with tho miner for trying to better his condition in lifo. I will tako up my pen again in tho near future in behalf of my follow work men and solicit better legislation for this much neglected class rf peoplo. I will do this without fear or favor, and without asking the Ilepubliean to point Its guu i. any direction. AN OLU sun En. Shonandonh, Pa., Nov. 19, 1891. Gratifying to All. Tho high position attained and tho uni versal accoptanco and approval of tho pleasant liquid fruit romedy.fjjrupof Figs, as tho most oxcellet laxative known, il lustrate tho value of tho qunlitlos on which its success is based and aro abundantly gratifying to tho California Fig Sprup Co. Visit Frionds Along tho lino of tho Nickel Plato Thanks giving Day. Ono faro fur round trip Nov. 25th and 2Gth. ' Ciw tf A Prosontatlon. At a mooting of Pocahontas Lodgo last night Mrs. John Bunn, of Wost Coal street, was presented with a handsomo gold modal, in recognition of her services in selling moro tickets for tho excursion to Bethlehem, undor the auspices of tho Im proved Order of Red Men, than any othor lady doputized to mako sales. Profitable Investment. If you want an excellent farm, situatod only six miles from Shonandoah, contain ing V8 acres, with fruit troos and stroam of water, cull at tho Hkiiald olllco for further particulars. It is a profitable investment and tho torms nro reivonablo. 11-18-tf Spooial Features of Frank Leslie's Frank Leslie's IUuitrated WeeUy for November 2Ut is especially attractive, It has an extra colored frontispiece entitled "A Box Party at tho Horso Show." With this number aUo commonces its special dopartmont for children, conductod by Mrs. Augusta Prescott. Among tho illus trations aro a doublf-pago picturo of sketches at tho National Horso Show, a page illustrative of tho St Bartholomew's Parish House in New York, an attractive series of pictures of tho gamo of foot-ball, together with Illustration of the hotels and public halls of Minneapolis. Lioutonant Totton commences his newsoriosof articlos on "Tho Coming Crisis" in this nunibor. Over an Embankment. A serious accidont occurred to a freight train on tho Lehigh Valloy railroad yos lorday, at Black Oroek. Tho axlo of ono of tho curs broko and fivo of tho cars woro thrown ovor an embankment, badly wrecking them, but no porson was injurod. Coughing Loads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough ut once. Thanksgiving Ratoa Via Nickol Plato Nov. 25th arid 20th, ono fare for round trip. d&w tf Try It, for 11 never disappoints. Dr. IluU'H Cough Byrup. At all dealers, l'rloe IE cents u bottlo. Four tlntypos for 26 cents, at Daub's, if Umbrel las Given Away. With four pounda of CALIF Baking Powder, we'll givo you a beau tiful Gloria Cloth Urn. brella. Guaranteed fast color and as good as you can buy anywhere for 1.50. Baking Powder warranted good or money refunded. GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Str"