The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 13, 1891, Image 2

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Fiery Country to
Undo Sam's Navy.
There Will Bt Nine of Theni-Admiral
Gherardi "Will OommaniL
A Concentration TInitAVM Amount tn n
Naval I)mmistrntlon 'Ihe Selection of
Uhnrurdl Itngardoil us HlKnlllcant lie
Is the Principal Diplomat Alnonjr
Oulcnrs of the Nnvy.
WAiHimiTON, Nov. 13. It is quite
evlilont tlmt the I'resldont mid Secretary
Itlalus do not propose to let Chill long
remain In Ignorance of the fact that tlio
United States has made substantial pro
gress In the building of a navy. The
new leaked out yesterday thit there Is
to be n change In the assignments of
number of vessels, which will result
in the concentration of such n fleet of
war ships In thn harbor of Valparaiso us
to amount to a naval demonstration.
Order have been sent to Hear Admiral
GhiTHi'dl, now on board his flagship,
the Philadelphia, at St. Thomas, to pro
ceed at once to Valparaiso and assume
command of the South Pacific station.
I leur Admiral Hrown, now In commauu
of that station, will be detached and
placed on waiting orders. Acting Hour
Admiral John O. Walker will retain his
ilagship.tho (Jhicago,and relieve Admiral
Qherarill In command of the North At
lantic station.
This fleet, however, will be cut down
from the imposing proportions of the
White Squadron to the Chicago and the
old Kearearge. Hoar-Admiral A. K. K.
Benliam will be sent on board the New
ark to take command of the South At
lantic station, with headquarters at Hlo
tie Janeiro. The Atlanta, Concord and
lleunliigton are all to ball on Sunday or
Monday for Chilian waters. The
Charleston has already been ordered to
return from the Asiatic station to the
bottth I'acillc
The order will result in placing under
the command of Admiral Gherardl nt
Valparaiso a fleet composed of the Phila
delphia (flagship), San Francisco, Char
leston, lloston, Baltimore (now already
ut Valparaiso), Atlanta, Yorktown,
Concord and Iionuington, while the
Newark will be within comparatively
easy call at Hlo. This concentration of
warships will bring together a formid
able nrray of men.
The Philadelphia carries twelve guns
In hcr-maln battery, the Baltimore ten,
tho Sun Francisco twelve, the Charleston
night, tho lloston eight, the Atlanta
eight, the Yorktown six, the Concord six,
tho liennlugton six. These gun3 are nil
new six and eight inch rilled stoel breech
loadors, and eacli ship carries a power
ful hucond battery of rapid firing and
machiuo guns. Kach ship's company
will average .'00 or moro men.
Officials of botli State and Navy do-
finrtments deprecate planing any war
Ike meaning upon this demonstration,
und insist that thnro Is no spoclal sig
nificance In tho concentration of a pow
erful fleet in South American waters.
Tho Detection of Admiral Muernrdl to
command the South Pacific squadron Is
euro to bo regarded as significant.
Gherardl Is known as the principal
diplomat among the officers of the navy,
und it will be remembered that he, in a
isense, superseded Minister Douglass in
tho futile negotiations with llayti for
tho possession of Mole St. NIcUolus as a
coaling station.
I'oiiiik) Ivanla rnrmnrs' Alliance.
IlAnnisDUito, Pa., Nov. 13. Tho State
Farmers' Alliance Convention yesterday
adopted resolutions endorsing theOcala
platform, deniauding government super
vision of railroad and telegraph lines,
the election of President, Vlco-l'roshlont
und United States Senators by diroct
vole of the people, making the issuing
of free pusses a criminal ollonco, com
pelllug oleomargarine to be sold far
what it really Is, prohibition of alien
ownership of land, demanding equal
taxation on all kinds of property, pro
Llbitliig tho dallng In stocks and grains
on futures, to prevent the adulteration
of food products. Adjouruod to meet In
WJlliamsport next year.
Captain and Ilont Misting-.
NonWALK, Conn., Nov. 13. Captain
Greenwood, of tho steam barge Hobo, of
New York ally, whose vessel sank at
Voitport Harbor two weeks ago, and
who was placed under bonds to appear
for trial before the United states Com
mlssloner, charged with violating the
law relating to the employment o
licensed engineers and pilots, and for
running his barge in forbidden waters
did not appear when his namo was
called for trial. Both captain nud boat
are missing, their whereabouts being
Irat!i of Uou run.
Cleveland, 0., Nov. 18 Don Piatt,
the well-known editor, died nt his homo,
Mao-O-Chee, yesterday. Uo was
Tears of ago and had been ill for some
time. Ills latest literary work was th
editing of "llelfoisfl'a Mug izlno." 11
vrtxn a man 01 genial manners and pos
aessed an attractive personality. Few
men have enjoyed so clear an Insight
Into .National politics as Uou Piatt, and
os was one of the features of Washing'
ton life during a quarter of a century.
flelltenrod for 25 Year.
PirrsBuito, Nov. 13. A Salem, Ohio
peelal says: Stockwell, who pleaded
guilty to an indictment ouargtng hint
with having outraged two little girls at
Teegarden, last summer, one of whom
died, and the othor is insane from the
Sects, whose mother is nlso insano
through grief, was yesterday sentenced
to 25 years' imprisonment lu the pent
Itttllronri Dfimuiueut Dedicated
lloiiDBNTOWN, N. J., Nov. 13, A large
meetlug of railroad men was held here
yesterday on tho occasion of the
dedication of tho "John Hull" railroad
ruonumaut, about a mile above this
j) lace. It was the 00th anniversary of the
running of the first train of cars byalo
motlvo lu Now Jersey.
Tralu Wrecker Senteneeil,
OHEisNbuuKo, Pa., Nov. 18. F.llswortb
Luce, the West Newton train wrecker, BaUal.lCtlOn, Or your money IB rp
was found guilty in the criminal court turned.
bore yesterday, and was sentenced to the Yoti uav onlv for tho valuo ro
nenitentiarv for a term of elttht rears 1 .10'1 VjL omy Ior. 1,10 vaiu0
mai four months.
. . - ..
The Century's Prosrmrnmo 1802
A New "Life of Coluinbus."
Thotrenl American periodical, The Cert
turn, Is going to ouldo Us own unrivaled re
cord In lis prog ramme for 1892, and as many
of Us now (OHtures lipfln with the Novemb r
number, new leaders should rommeuoe with
thallssut. In this number are the opening
chapters ol "Nnulahla,";n novel by ltndyard
Kipling, the author of '-Plain Tales from the
Hills," written In colliborntlon with an
American writer, Wolcott italestler. It Is thn
slo-y of a you nil man and a young woman
'mm a "booming" Colorado town, who go to
India, ho In sfarch of iv wonderlul Jowflcd
necklace, called "the Naulahka" (from which
the story takes Its name), and she as n physi
cian to women. The novel describes th lr
remarkable adventures nt tho court of an
Indlnnmalmrajali. Ilosldes this, The Century
will print threo other novels during the year,
and a great number ol short stories by the
best American (.lory writers.
The well-known humorist Edgar V. Nyo
( 'Mil Nye ') is to write ii series of amusing
skotolies which lie calls his "autobiographies '
tho first nf which, "The Autobiography of a
Justice ol the Peace," Is In November. This
number also contains a valuable; and sugges
tive article, on "The Kuod Htipply of the
Future," which evry farmer should read, to
be followed by a number of o'hors of great
practical value to farmers, treating especially
of the relations of the Government to tho
Itt' nier, what It Is doing and what It shoulil
do. This series will Include contributions
rrom olllcers of the Department of Agrlcul
lure, nud other well-known men will discuss
"The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation,1'
etc., etc.
A celebrated Spanish wrller Is to furnish a
"Lifool Columbus " which will be brilliantly
rated, nud the puullthers of The Century
have arraugoi with the managers of tho
World's Pair to print articles on tho build-log-,
etc. One ol the novels to appear in ltU2
Is a story of New York It To by tho author of
The Auglomanlaox," und tho magazine will
contain a great deal about the metropolis dur
.ng the year among other things a series of
il.ustrnted articles on "Tho Jews In New
York " In November Is an ll.ustratcd do"
i-crlp lou of the "Playeis' Club," founded by
Kdwln iloolh, ando ie ol the features of the
splendidly Illustrated Christmas (December)
number is an article on "iho Bowery."
To get 27ie Century send tho yearly subscrip
tion prlco ($1.00) to Tho Cen.ury Co., Union
qua e, Now Yolk, N. Y.
New Tohk, Nov. 12. -Money on call easy at
4 per cent.
Closing Closing
lusioruuy. . xo-uay.
s, He..,
s, Loup.,
f, Ueg...
b, toup.
nnadlnn Pacific SO
central Pacinc U2
Uilcau-o. liur. K yiuncy na
Delawaro & Hudson 123tg
Del. Lack. & Western 13ij
l.rlo n;u
lirto prcf 07; J
Lake shore VS.
Louis & Nush 77K
Mlohlxan Central 100)4
Missouri racino uu
New Jersey entrat 112
Northwestern 115
irou-on Haviirimon T.i
l'acilto Mall 35U
Heading '. 37tf
liocn leianu oit
St l'au:
Union I'aoino iujj
Wesloru Union St
WhentMnrlsctoosaed steady and unchangod
throughout uay. fio. z, rou
winter chuoJ I
107. Dec., no: jan. 11-
COl U" .Tiariveu mnjiiuu niouuy nnu bouh voaii-
enoJ. No. !., mlied, 77i Nov., 6HJ.ii Doe., ulU;
Jan.. a Hi.
OntB--.viari0i uuu. no, , mizoo, j3a.oai:
Dec., '-ii.
uaineiy, state .v renn..
ri aiucry, witern, tlrsts 23
OM'i7 c,
ct&l o.
( re mi'iy. postern, seconds 2.1
Stiitoilniri.h. f. tubs, extras. ...23
ClIKt.SK -
Stnto factory, full cream, Sept. fanoy.. alOV4
Mato ruetory, inn oroain v uoi
Male lueloiy, lull ureatu, hue ULi a'JVft
MaU'fa,-'iiy, full cream, wood to priuieU al4l
htate t'ictoi-y, common to fair H a'J4
Live Poultry
Spring chlokens, cUMoe, largo porbl. lla
Spring ctilckcus, lirlme 8 e!Si
I'owls, Jersey, state It l'a., per lb.... 11 al2
Turkey, miiud welglits. per lb 12 al3
Bp'g ctik's., i'bila., 3ai lbs. to pair... au Kit
It will boou be time to ulant a holi
day advertisement, and the HmiALD
la the place to plant It.
Boon time to put the lea houses In
order for the coming crop.
Full of trouble
tho ordinary- pill. Trouble when
you tako it, and trouble when you'vo
got it down. Plenty of unpleasant
ness, but mighty littlo good.
With Dr. rierco'a Pleasant Pellets,
thoro'ii no troublo. They're mado
t ,nnn. if rPlmi.'n nilm.
nal littlo Liver Pills, tiny, supar
coated, nnti-bilious granules, purely
vegetable, perfectly harmless, tho
smallest, casiost and best to tako.
Thoy cleanso and regulato tho wholo
systora, in a natural and easy way
mildly and coutly, but thoroughly
j and effectively. One littlo Pellet
for a laxative threo for a cathar
tic Sick Headache, Bilious Head'
. ache, Constipation, Indicrostion, Bil
ious Attacks, anil all derangements
of tho liver, stomach and bowels aro
prevented, relioved and cured
rnoy'ro tuo cheapest pill you can
, uuy, lor tiioyro ijuaranteeu to givo
i . . .
. nnivnrl I !nn TTtn net- mrtrftT
JVM luyivi
A Wife Who Wanted to bo Kid
of Hor Husband.
She Had His Llfo Insured and Wanted
to Marry Again. . .
The Drum obtained from a Woman la
New York, Who Also Appears to bo lr
the I-lnt-blie Coufnaied to the Crime
When She Thought She Was Dying A
i'unner Implicated.
Tnov, N. Y., Nov. 13. The police
here have just begun nn investigation
of a remarkable case. In 183) Charles
Fietz, an employe In Qurloy's Mathe
matical Instrument Works, mnrried
Christina Jnneson, a Dane, who was em
ployed as a domestic nt Slnshelmor St
Ulock'a Hotel Decho. Her reputation
was not of the best, and it did not im
prove materially after her marriage.
Fietz nnd his wife resided at SOD Con
gress street, and for a long time tho
neighborhood has gossiped about them,
and somo wont so far as to warn Fietz to
keep a close watch on his wife. About
n year ngo Fietz und tho woman quar
relled, nnd it Is said that she then
threatened to "hnve htm undor tho
ground boforo tho snow fell."
About threo months ago Fietz took
ill. His health, always before of tho
best, began to fail him, nnd lu loss than
a mouth ho lost ttveuty pounds In
woight. His heart and kidneys troubled I
him, und his systotn seemed to Ijj broken
up. Ho was weak, and exertion tlrod
hlin exceedingly. No suspicion of tho
real nature of his ailment dawned upon
About n month ngo Mrs. Fietz was at
tacked with typhoid fever and was re
moved to tho hospital. While his wife
continued ill Fietz began to lmprovo
and was regaining his health. Ho vis
ited Mrs. Fietz daily. Sho gradually
grew worse and tho doctors told hor that
her case was hopeless. Then she call oil
her husband to hor and made an aston
ishing confession.
Shu said that sho had caused his llfo
to bo insured for $2,000, and proposed
when ho died to get this money and
marry George Hldley, a farmer living
near Wynuntsktll, from whom she had
taken milk and farm products, llldloy
is a widower. Tho woman he married
about" n year ago died recently.
Investigation disclosed the fact that
Mrs. Fietz was in correspondence with a
woman iu New York city, from whom It
is supposed she obtained the poison that
she administered to hor husband.
Letters that passed betwoen Mrs.
Fietz und that womnn, who signs lier
olf Hennetta Monkolth, are in the pos
session of the authorities, having been
found in a hand bag belonging to Mrs.
Fietz. The following is a verbatim
copy of a letter written by Mrs. Fietz
and addressed to "Hennetta Monkelth,
V. 0. New York city:"
Tltov. N. Y., Sept. 8, 1891.
Dear. Mrs. Mokkeitii: I nm very dis
appointed not to heur from you this
morning, nnd I suppose you are very
busy. 1 hope you got my letter that I
wrote you last week. 1 hope you will
come to troy by next bununy and 1 will
pay your fare. If you only would come.
1 have got lots of things to tell you. I
wunt you to come as soon as possible to
finish up the things you know with
His dangerous day Is Mondny nnd
Thursday. This is the day he Is around
the machines. George, he wants to go
away. Ho wants to go with him, and
of course, if he goes, I am afraid I will
loso money, and of vourse, you know your
self I can't go or do anything of tho
kind uutil tho other thing is over with
him. Of course, 1 don't blamo him a
bit that he doesn't want to stay home
any longer. Of course I see very well
what his people are looking for.
Of course 1 don't want to say any
thing to him about It, nud I want you
to fix him what you told me, so as ho
cuunot help hlmsolf. It I was only sin
gle to-morrow everything wouiu ue all
right, and I hope you will tend to It. I
hope you will come here and finish it.
So quick as llulshod I will pay you what
I told you.
.Now, will you pleaso answer me tho
same day you get my letter? I am vory
anxious to hear from you, When will
you be here, and whon can I expect any
thing going our 1 wisli tney woro all
over. lours respectfully,
Mns. Fiktz.
nidley admits that he was ou friendly
terms with Mrs. Fietz; that it was his
custom to take broakfast at her house,
and that he owes her a little money;
but he indignantly denies that he has
any knowledge of a conspiracy to kill
Fietz, or that he knew that his Ufa was
Kidnapped Girl llurae Again
Sckanton. Pa., Nov. 13. Slxteon
years ago Uhrlstiuuu Kentchler was
kidnapped from this placo by Anna
Urummond, an old herb doctor. The
child was taken to California, und not
knowing where her home had been set
tled down there and married Uharles
Dehrlng. A Scrauton miner chanced to
meet her und sho leurued of her home
and Is now (lero.
The lxplolou Was Accidental.
WlhliEsiiAltBE, Pa.. Nov. 13. The
coroner's jury, which investigated the
recent nnuucoKo miue unasvor uy wuicu
13 men lost their lives, returuod a ver
dict last eveulng lou te eUoct that the
explosion and death of the men was ac
The Jail AVas Too Louoly.
WlLicrajuAUHL, Pa,, Nov. 13. Fred
Vober, tho only inmate of the Wuyn
County Jail, cummlitud sulcido yoster
duy by straugllng himself, llu left I
note saying that tho placo was too lonely
and gave that as a reason lor his act.
John A. Stceu. a young lawyer of
Trenton, has ben convicted there of
misappropriating 5146.
The Mercantile- Credit Guarantee Com
pauy of Now York is nbout to organize
under the laws ot new Jersey.
Mrs. Abruni Stauts, nt Plalnfleld
wife ot a wholesale coal dealer ot that
place, is said to have eloped with Ed
ward Wilson, a wholesale hat dealer.
year ago they eloped and remalued away
two weeks, '.liiey returned una were
a most delicious substitute for Tea and Coffee.
More healthful. One pound sufficient for 1 50 cups.riM
School lloar.t fight Knilml,
I.ANOABTKlt, l'a., Nov. 18. John E.
Pottor & Co., of Philadelphia, sued the
Mnnholm School Hoard for $30,000 dam
ages for breach of contract. The Hoard
adopted their geographies nnd subso
qtieutly without notlco replaced them
with another publication. Tho arbitra
tors have awarded Potter & Co $50
Airnlnst thn Lottery.
New Yomt, Nov. 18, A grand dem
onstration was hold In Chlckoring Hall
last evening to show sympathy for and
help the nntl-lottory movement In Loui
siana. Tho hull was packed to the
doors nnd prominent meu of all sects,
parties and occupations occupied seats
on the stngo, many of whom delivered
addresses. Bishop Potter presided.
Thankful for Their Dellveranoo.
London, Nov. 13. In tho weather
beaten parish church at Folkestone, yes
terday, a service of thanks was hold, for
the Divine mercy in the terrible oxpori
onco of tho previous day. Tho survivors
of tho Ilienveniie and of the lifeboat
crows were present, and tho church was
thronged with sea-going people.
ANT OKDINANM3 to amend an ordl-
naii"e passed ou the 3rd day of February, A.
D. lg'.II, entitled "An Ordinance con-erring nn
t e Mnhauoy City, Shcuamloah, Glrardvl le
and Asnlacd ItalliVay Company the rlxht to
build und operate an electric railway on cer
tain streets la the llnrautrh of Hhcnnndnah."
11 it Urdtimcd, Hy tho Town f ouiicll of the
Hoiouuh of Hlienuiul oali. and It is hercbv or-
(l.ll nea hy the authority of the R line, that the
ordlnanco of stld borough heretofore passed
on tho tulrd day ol Kehruary, A. D. 1SU1, re
lating 10 "an ordinance comerriug ou tuo
'Mahanoy '"lly, f lieliandoah, Olrardvlllon d
Ashland Street Hallway Company' the right
to build aud ojverato an electric railway on
cerialu streets In the liorouirh of Hlienan.
donh," be
Amended, Anil Is hereby amended by Chang
1 ii i the words - ttange roll" lu mid ordlnani-o
to the woids "Trail." ana that llie said ordi
nance he
J-'urthermore Amended, And Is lieroby
amended hy changing the guageol track lu
said ordlnanco from Ave feet two and one
hsl f inches (5 ft. Vit I u.l b the iruaee of four feet
eight and one-halt Inches (t II -jiln.).
I'rovidnl, That the Kald "ftlHhanoy City.
Shenandoah, Uirardvllle and Ashland Htreet
lla 1 way Company," within twclve(IV!pnoiiths
from tho coin plot ion of said railway, shall re
move the said "T rail" nnd substitute the
"lUngorall" 11 the sald"T rntl"stiall prove to
tie uusatUlactoryuudunacceptable tothesald
Town Council; and
lrtivl'tt d furthermore, That the Bald "Ma
hanoy CllytSneuandoah.OlrnrdvllIeand Ash
lnnd rttrtet Itullway Company" shall accept
the provisions of this oidlnauco within ttn
tlO) days from the passao thereof.
hnacttd aud passed Into au ordinance nt
Shenandoah, l'a., thallfth dayol November,
A. D. 1891.
Pres. of Town Council.
Chief Uurgess.
11-12-lOt Town Clerk.
Dealer In all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Supplied
Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA
Latest Styles
Fall and Winter Millinery.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written
marriage licenses ana iegai claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Business. Represent!
ine lNorinwesLern i.iio insurance uo.
Orn-iCE-Muldoon's bulldlns. corner Centre
ana west sis., anenauaoan, l-a. -
Coorf Properties of AU Kinds For Sale,
1. A two story double frame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on East.fentreHt.
2, A dwelling and restaurant on Hast Centre
-Desirable property od corner Centre and
jarain streets, suiiaoie tor Dusiness pur
noses. 4. A two story double frame dwelling, on
wesi i.iova suret-i.
6 Two 2-story frame dwellings ou West Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner of
coal ana cnestnui streets more room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street wlta a large warenouse at ine rear.
8. Thr ee two-story double frame buildings
corner ot uoyaana MiiDen streets.
Newly Refitted and Renovated
SIX a.VI3M&,
Hair Cutting and Haw Dressing
Under Postofnee Building,
Main and Oak Sta., Shenandoah
-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and
careini anemuiu.
Leliigk Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891
Paaseneer trains will leave Bhenandoah for
tlanch Chunk, Dehlphlon, Hlatlnnton, Cata--auqua,
Allentown, llothlehem, Kaston, l'hll
-delphlaandNew York nt 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
152,3,10, 6.23 p. in.
' For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Oap and
st roudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
For Lambertvlllo and Trcnto ., 9.08 a, m
Kor White Haven, Wilkes.Barre and Pith.
on 6.47. D.OS, 10.41 a. m., 8.10 and 520 p. m.
ForTunEliannock, 10.41 n. m 3.10 and 6.2t
. u
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyon
10.41 a. in., and 6.28 p. m.
ForLaoeyvllle, Towanda, Bayre, Waverly.
illmlra, Rochester, Buffalo, .Niagara Falls,
'bleaxo and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
i,28 p. m,
For Klmlra and the West vlaUalamanca at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, llnzleton, Stockton, Dum
icr Yard, Weathcrly and Penn Haven Juno
lonat6.47,7.10,9,08a. m.and 12.62. 3.10 and
123 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Doavei
Meadow, 7.40, 9,03 a. m. und 6.28 p. m.
For Borauton at 6.47 9 08, 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
:2flp. m.
For Hagle Brook. Jeddn, Drlfton and Free
iand at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62 8.10 and
5.28 p. m.
Fortluakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m and
1.10 p. m.
For Wlgsans, Gllberlon and Fraokvllle at
-.50 and D.tlH a m., and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City aud D?Iano
-.47, 7.40, 9.IW, 10.41, 10,68 a. ra.,12.62,3.10,5.28, 8,03,
-1.21 aud 10.27 p.m.
For Dost Creek, 31rardvllla and Ashland
I. 27. 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 8.85. and 0.14 p.m.
For DarKwater, Ht. Clair nud Pottsvillo.
.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and 8.011
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Moron, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 u. n.., 12.52, 3.10, 5.29 and
For Haven linn, Centralis, Mt. Curmel and
Shamokln, 8.62, and 10,15 a. m,, l.0, 4.40
md 8.1X1 p.m.
Trains leave Bbamokln for Bhenandoah.
TV 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving
at Bhenandoah, 0.05 a. in., 12.32, 3.10, 6.2H and
II. 15 p. in.
For Dost Creek. Qlrardvllle nnd Anhlnnfl.
50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For DarKwater. Ut. Clair and Pnttavlllr.
i.60, 8.0D, 9.30 a. m 2.45p. m.
ror latesviue, Diauauny uuy ana Delano.
,00, 11.35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
rur itiiy, Auuenrioa ana uasieion, s.uu
III,, l.W l. Ul.
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlebton. Blatlnetnn.
Datnsauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston
auu now lura, o,w a. m., p. m.
c or rniiaueipnia, p. m.
a. a, lilllNUTON,
Uen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem.
Ve are making a bis drive in fur
niture, but niallclou9 desire la not its
bject. We desire to dispose of a large
Burplus stock, nud propose to give our
patrons the benefit of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P.Williams & Bro.,
South Mniii St.,
she nsr.isriDO-f.13:,
Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo
, Vif. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
. J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
5. W.Yost, Ass' 't Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Paid 011 Havluictt Deposits,
People's Oyster Bay
12 E. Centre St., Slicnnuduali
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
Hw, Btewed, Scalloped, Panned or
f nea to oraer. l-'amdles supplied
at their house with the best oysters
tup luatuBt Huuau.
AU Orders Promptly Filled
Firs National Bank
liladolpWa and Boading Bailroad r
Time Table n effect .lulu 10, 1HV1 'I
'or New York via J.'hllsde!phi8, weekdays, 'it
0 76, 7.20 a. m. and 12 85 Z50 and 5.M 11
m. Hunoay 2,10 ana 7.1k a. m, I-or
fh.. 1,1. U.n.l, ...... .-. ! n-AnW n... ROC
I .... .'1 1, 1. . I LI k, 1 . I. . .DO. I- . y,Ml,
X), a. m. and 12.3i and 2.50 p. m.
For Heading aud Philadelphia wee days,
10, 1.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 " V) and B.65 p. m,
. -e ana 7,s a. m,, sxi p.m.
HOr Harrlshnri. trtoAtr aitt V 1117 'JV1 n m..
,50, 6.55 p.m. '
vo' Allentown. week davs. 7.20 . m.. 12.85
'I -if UnffBl... i . ,.(,.
12.3 2.50 and 5.55 p. m. Hnnday. 2 10 and 7.48
m, 4 30 p.m.
ror lamuoi-a ana Mahanoy City, week
,ys, mo, 6.25, 7.20, a m., 12.85 2.60 and 5.68
ra. Unndav. 2.10 and 7.4Rn. m . i-uin. m.
Additional for Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
For Lancaster and Columbia. wmIt
.1) a.m., 2.50 p.m.
cor w niiamf poru suniuury ana DewlsbnrK.
OA UHB, O.AJ, i,M H11U tlM) Hi III., l.iJO, 7.W
m Hnndav 3.-21 a. m.. 3.05 d. m.
or Mahanov Plane, week (Iatr. R.!L1.
i. 7.20 and 11.SJ a. m.. 13.85. 2.50. b.m:
OOane m. Hnnday, 2 10. tUS and 7.48
m. i.05, 4..10 n. ru.
For airaraville (lUppfthanuock Htatlon)
a, .I'r. o.AJ, U.J, ..l. M1U ULUOa, Ul.,
!.35, 1 85, 2.50, 5,55, 7.00 aiirtWB. P. m, Hunday,
10, ,.2 ., 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
2 .,5.25, 7.20, 11.30a. m 1.15, 7.00 and ,U
-U. DUmiHf BtrjH,Dd,lUpllIll
-eave new York via l'litinaeiDUia.
ys,7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30- p. m
2uu unnany, ojw p. m., iz,i5 mcnt.
.cave New York vIa Mnncli chunk, week:
inys, 4.30, 8.45 a. to,, 1,00 nnd 4.03 p. m.
ijave x'iiii.-3eipma, wees: aays, ana
.00 a. m. 4,00 and 6.00 p. m., from Broad
id CallOWbllt ami RTi n. m. nnii 11. Rn n. m.
from HthunO Hreen streets. Hunday 8.05 a.
. ii.iu p. m. rrom t1 ano ir-eu.
Jave Heading, week days, 1.3". 7.10, 10.0S
iu li.oo a. m., o.t, ijit p. m. ounaay j ano
18 a. m.
'jeavo PotUvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.10 a. m..
80. 8.11 r. m. Hnndav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
,06 u. tn.
-mve Tamatna. week days, 3.20, 8.48 ana
2 1 a. in.. 1.21. 7.13. and U.18 1. in. Bundav 8.20
43 . m. and 20 p. tn.
save Mahanoy . ,. , k diyc. 8.40. 8.18
id 11.47 a. ni.. i.,ji. 7.12 ,u, i 8.44 D. m. Hun.
y, 3.40,8.17 i. ra., - ' 1
,1), 8.35, il.59 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 6-20, 20, 7 57, and
' O n. m. Hnnday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.27, a. la
37,5.01 p.m.
uoave uiraravnio uiappaiiannocis. nutuonj
-Ofc UH, B, , HUU 17,11 , Jil, iiVJ,
2. 5.20, 6.3i, 8.03 and 10.01) p. m. Hunday, 2,47,
I .8.33 m. n. m.
rz .a v iiii.iiiiMnn ,.. r,i, ...Liu. .,,
.n.... 11,1111. nnn QIVIOl!...
,55 a. m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Hnnday 11.15
, m.
ror Baltunore. washlneton ana tho west i,i
in B. A. O. H. It., thronirh trains leave Glrard 'i
lvuuud Bullion, l niiaueiimia, ir, cs a, a. n,i
t . 1.1 UAl A In ... 1 9J A OA K R anJ
m p. in. csunuay, .ie B.tu iu a. m.,
fvi ana 7.-.M n. Til.
AlliAKilUUllX 1UV1IUU, I
eavo Philadelphia, Chestnnt Htreet What f
id -loath Htreet Wharf
For Atlantic cirv.
Week-divs Kxnress. 8 00. 8:00 a. m2."
3.00. 5 00 '. ax. Accoinmodatlonij
oi. and 4.15, 0 30 ). in. T
jnuaaa. uxpress, b.uu, w.uu a. n
eoinni- natlDn, s.00 a. m.and 4.45 p. m.
upturning, leave Atianuo city, aepot,
tlantlo and Arkansas avenlieM..WBk1nTR
Express, 7.00.30, 9.00 a. m and 3.15, 4.00, 5.80
iu. accoiauioiiauoi e.uu, . iu a. m. ana
-t.-JV t. Ill, DIIUUIIJ. - r.A in ens, 1 w, o w 11, Ul.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. and 6.05 p. in.
A. MODEOD. Pres. & Uen'l Manager.
n and alter September 1 1W1, 'raint mill teat
Bheiuindouh ai foilout:
ful ,r iiiiiau, uuumiuu, rrucn.viiie, new 1,
iastle, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, VMM
m and 4.15 p m, ''J
Unndays, 000, a m and 3,111pm,
for rotlsville, 6.00, V.lo a m and 4.15 p m
Sunflays. COO, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m,
for Heading, 6.00, n m and 4.1b iu
Knnilnva. UHI. ft.4ll n. Tn. nnrt S.lll Yn.
Kor Pottstown. 1'hoenlxTllle. NnrrUtnwnii
nd Fhlladoinhta (llroad street station), 6.0, ''j
a. m. an d 4.15 p m week days II j
-iuuaays, an, u.f u a m a.iu p m 1
Trains leave Fraokvllle lor Bhenandoah at 1.
ii.euam anu ix.ia, t , iu,unp m, oanQays,
.13 a m ana o.iu p m. 1
leave toitsvlllo tor Bhenandoah. 10.16 ana 1
l.4"i, a m 7.15, 0.42 p m Uundays, 10.40 a at'
la p m. i-
Leave PliiladelDnla (Broad street station.1
or PottHVllle aud Bhenandoah, 5.57, 8.31a it
.'0 aud 7.03 n m week days. Bundai 6.60. anC
t:a am
'or new York, 3.20, 4.05, 4.411, 5.35, .w, 7.80
.MS.3.). J.50. 11.35 irn. 12.00 noon
UimiLea exnress, i.un f.uu p m.i izii,
2.8P, s.20, 4.02 5.6,6.21, 6.50 7.13 8.12 audjo.00 p.
., menu
(In Hnnnii m. 3.20. 4.05. 4.40. 5.35. H.12. ft.SH. B.n .
11.35 4 m. ana 12 21, 12.41, 2 30, 4 02, IVMeil,
,5)1. 6.23. B 2 ). ft.i . . al and liLWT.saj J
For Bea airt. Lone Ilraneh and Inl tnJtfaat?'
stations 6.50, 8.25 and 11.39 a. 111., 3.30, 4.00 p. in.
whjb aays. nuuuays 5 u a. m.
For llaltlmore and Waslilngtou. 3.S0, 7.20,
0.10 and 11.18 a. 111., 4 II. 0 67, 7.40 p.m and 12.03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. m., 12 35 (hmlted
express with dining car to llaltlm re) 1.30, 3.4
p.m. we kdays. For llaltlmore only 2.02, 4.0
weosays,, p, 111. aany.
For Hlcbmond. 7 20 a. m aud 12.03 nl.
daily, 130p m, daily, except Uundiy.
irauis leave uarrisnnr .ur niisuurE ui
u west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m an.
M (limited) and J.40. 8 30. 0.35 o ra. Way foi
.-u too 11 a . 11 a m anu .iu p m every aay.
Cor flttssnrg only, 11.20 a m dally ana 10.7,
m week dave. '
I eavn Banbury for Wllltameport, Klmlra
tna.udaliru&. Knehester. Rnflalnnnd Ntaerar
alls, 0.10 a ni dally, and 1.42 p m week AnyS
or watKuis, o.isu p in wear aays,
For Kiie and intermediate uolnts. 5.10 a m
lnllv 8-n. I str ftaw.n R ill end (1 fjt a n
tally. 1.42 and 6.30 d. m. week days. FtV
,wuu, u.iu n IU A,4 luu IU WVOlk uujr
'.10 a. m Hundays.
am. Han't (Jen. Pass, At
ime iaote in eireci mav. iu. i&tn.
Trains leave Readthe (P. A It. station) A
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Dlrasboro, Joanna, Bprln :l
neld, Waynesburg Junction, Ooatesvllle, Wev, 1
une8ter,unaasiora J unction, u . u. J uucuo '
Wllmlncton and Intermediate stations, aal i
exoept Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8. ,
p. m. ouuaay omy a s.vo p. m.
For Warwick. HL Peters and lntermedlf
statlons,dally except hunday, at 9.20 a.m.,a
o.m p. m. nuuaay ouiy s.ia a. m.
For lllrdsboro and Intermediate statlo.
Saturday only, at 12 m. . '
j-or uauimore ana wasuineronfussv iu.
K.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and
Utna. )
and 3.15 d. m. Hnnday onlv at 3.05 n.-m. r
TralnB arrive at ltaadlmr (P.
it. staiio
( & 6, Junction, Moj"j
cuanin, unaausiora junction, west unesi, i
Bnrlneneld.Joanna. lSlrdsboro. Gibraltar. B1
fen and Intermediate stations, dally exc v l
aay only at, a. m. l
From Ht. Peters. Warwick and lntermedlf . 1
staiions, aany except, ounuay, a, b.zj a. ii
aud 2.25 p.m. Bunday only at 6 p.m.
U-.nM llMDluini.n Inlb.m.rikatu c.o.l.
Baturday only at 1.40 p. m. -11
From washlnKton and Baltimore, dally
ceptnunaay, iuaj a, ra, ana 8 17 p.
Bunday only at 11.21 a. m.
bowjm ICS's iiuiuus, uen'l Pass. At
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agen,(
OFFICE Bkddall's Bdilsino,
Cor. Miln and Centra Streets, SHENANDOAH. I
J A. two and one-hair storv double fis.x
dwelling bouse, with store-room and .
taurant. Located on Bast Centre etree
8 A valuable property located on South i;
din street. 4
3 Heven dwelling bouses at the ctf
bert and Lloyd streets.
Terms reasonable.