SHBNAZND O AH. PA.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1891. ONE CEISTT "My Son, Deal "With. Men "Who Advertise. You will Never Lose by It. "--Benjamin Franklin VOL. VI.--NO. 243. The Evening Herald. AMi THE NEWS FOB ONE CENT. Has a larger circulation In Buenandoau than any other paper published, circu lation books optn toall. "TAXED TO DEATH." Every barrel of beer pays nn Inter nal revenue tax of $1, of whioh about SO cents are spent In pensions. Each banel contains four kegs, and each keg about 100 glasses. Therefore, a man has to drink a whole keg of beer before he pays 25 cents Into the treas ury, of which but 7J cents go for pen slons. He pays the barkeeper 5 for his beer before the pension fund geta 7 cents. This Is the way the "people are taxed to death to pay pensions." The Internal revenue tax on whisky is 90 cents a gallon, of which about 30 cents goes to tho pension fund. The average prlco of whisky is 10 cents a drink, and there are about iO stiff drinks in a gallon. A man 1JU i as to pay the barkeeper fully $20 be fore hecontrlbutes 30 cents to the pen sion fund. This is tho wny tho people are "taxed to death to pay pensions." Tho tax on cigarettes is 50 cents per 1,0(0, of which about 15 cents goes to tho pension fuud. A dude has to smoke three of these a day for nearly n year, and pay the tobac conist $10 for them before he con trib the support of the brot ans of the war. This is the way "the people are taxed to death to pay pensions." Tbo celebrated imported Anchor I'sin Expellor costs but 50 cents a bottle. Try it for your Rheumatism and bo froo from pain. 3t CMIlim Cabinet Resigns. London, Nor. 13. According to a dis patch received hero from Santiago lu Ulilll, tho Uabiuet appointed by tho Junta have tendered their resignations. mixed Cabinet Is to bo formed in order carry out a non-pollticnl programme. Iho resignation of tho Cabinet is Bald to be due to tho fact that tho-Liberal Deputies fulled to elect Councillors of State in accordance with an agreomont previously entered Into with tho Minis ters. CENTS PER YARD FOR a good home-made rug carpet. It jo ono of those xlra heavy carpets, madeof the best vain and clean rags. Finest line of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carpets In Shen andoah ut C. D. FRICKE'S CAEPET STORE. 45 WE OLABI TILA.T THERE ARE NO BETTER GOODS ! IN THE -1?E3T Choice Creamery Butter Iresh every other day Jiancy Bloater Mackerel, Larue and Fine. Neiv Vo. 1 Mackerel White and Fat. from dirt and stems. Best materials, line Table Syrtip strictly pure goods. Neiu Orleans Baking Molasses. Chipped Beef. CTTJST ZE&ZEOZEI'VIEID Another lot of M1VEBSIBE BVCKWMJEAT FLOVIt and OLD TIME GBAUAM FLOTTIt Fresh Ground. Also another car of Best JPatent MINNESOTA FLOTTR. Equal to anything in the market. "NOUTIIWESTERN DAISY" made ot Minnesota Wlicut gives satisfaction. Unites -well. Ii Oil Cloths nrc gelling prices. Two yards wide from AT KEITER'S. MAHANOY PLANE. Noway Lottar From a Reliable Correspondent. Isaac Limp, at one time 1 & R. train dispatcher at this place, but now a rosldcnt of licrgan Point, N. J., was b visitor tf town on Tuesday. Ills many friends were dollghted to sco him. Miss Mary Colllhan left 6n Thursday for Philadelphia, whoro Bho will mako het homo with her sister. Tho 1 and fair will closo to-night after a very successful season. John Connors, who wa9 severely injured in tho mouth by being struck with it bruko lever at Lawrence colliery some time ago, is home from tho hopitl. Considerable trouble was experienced in starting the electric lights on Tuesday night, owing to several of tho lamps bolng out. of odor. Tho trouble has boon remedlod. A special meoting of Council was held last weok, at which it was decided to take 15 or moro electric lights to bo distributed among the different wards. At tho sarao meeting Contractor O. R. Eborlo, repre senting tho Ashland, Shenandoah and Mahanoy City Electric Railway Company, presented a petition asking fir right of way through tho borough. This was granted, but tbo consent of tbo trustees of the Oirard Estate has yet to be obtained. It is hoped that thero will bo no difficulty in gotting it as tho proposod railway would bo a great improvement tending to an Incroase in business and prosperity In all towns through which it passos. ' Many of our merchants and business men are having their stores and offices wired for tho incandes ont oleclrio lights. William Smith, who has been night watchman at tho" P. & R. station here, has beon promoted to the position of xcigk mastor at the St. Nicholas weigh scales. List of loiters remaining in Iho poet office at this placo Nov. 12, 1891 : Miss Bertha "Wilson, Q. O. Walsh, R G. Will iams, Jno. Lucid, J as. Pottor, Chas. Baron, Chas. Blowers. Read Morgan's Bazar new advertisement in to-day's Ukhald. Special sale. Beading Time Tablo Changes. The general passenger department of tbo Philadelphia & Reading Railroad an nounces that a new schodulo of train ser vice will go into effect on Sunday, 16th Inst. Tho changes aro not numerous but- all are In the directfbn of Improved facili ties. New tlmo tables will bo ready for distribution! on and after Saturday, 14th inst. Do you want a situation ? Do you want help V Do you want to sell your business? Do you want to sell or oxchango real ostato 1 If so, call on Max Reese, Shenandoah, agent for tho United States Employment and Business Agoney, 44 and 40 Broadway, New York. The finest note paper and envolopcs in tho country at Max Reeso's. tf Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the name Lessiq & printed on every Co., Ashland, Pa., Ii sack. B-'S-ltaw MARKET OUR- Few Clean Currants JO ree Mince Meat made oj best freely. Nice patterns. All 50 cents up. THE RAMBLER ! A COLUMN OP PITHY AND INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. GLEANINGS WHILE RAMBLING. A Protest Against the Jewish Ex iloB Tho Coming Borough Eloo tion Something Republicans Should Make a'Study. A few days ago I uttorod a mild prolet against tho influx of Jows into this country under tho direction of tho Jowish Alliance. It appears that tho Alliance has appointed agonts throughout the couutry to secure employment for the refugees. Max Rooso is tho Snonandoah agent. A few days ago throe Jows called Upon Rceeo and ho se cured employment for them in the mines Ono of them has already thrown up the work, claiming it was too hard. lie of forod his services to ono of his countrymen who is ongaged in the clothing business for $5 per month and board, ilitx Roeso, when asktd if the rofugcos intended to be come peddlers said, "No, si i no peddling will be porrnittod. If they don't wotk. in tho mines they can starve." Tho approach of wintor should remind tlio:0 in authority tu huvo all flro plugs put in first class condition, so as to prevent freezing and have them ready foi use in case of a sudden call. V Work on the Lithuanian church, at tho corner of Cborry and Jardin streets, which is to bo n magnificent structure, is being pusnod rapidly. It can bo llnlshed none too soon, as Bobbins' opera houso is packed to suffocation overy Sunday, when tho congregation holds servicos thero. The danger of having a hall with but one means of entrance and exit packed iu such a manner is by no means slight. Whon tho gamo season opened we wero led to beliovo that the killing of partridges, phoasants, rabbits, etc., would bo immonso and that our hunters would roturn from trips with bugs bulging with game, but up to date wo havo boen disappointed. A band ot sportsmen roturnod to town tho other evening with empty bags. "No gamo7" sskod a reporter of ono of thern 'Toker; that's all," was tho reply. V Well, Turkey Run is to havo electric lights and bo a real, live, adjunct of tho town, That's good. Tho peoplo on the bill have beon exceedingly pationt and need all that Council has given tlmm. The road to Turkey Run is a dangerous ono for man or beast, particularly at night, and it is surprising that many havo not mot with accidents while traveling to and from tbo placo For wookspast numerous cows havo been reported lost or stolen in this vicinity, I learnod something yeetordjy that may throw some, light upon the disappearances. Thero are owr two hundrod Italians lo cated ut tbo Shenandoah City colliery strippings and I learn that they aro in tho habit of driving cows from tho bushes in that neighborhood and slaughtering them fur tho meat. Tho other day soveral Ital ians took a cow from tho bush, placed a bag over her lioad and knocked ber down. Thoy then whipped out thoir kulvos and in a few minutes wero carrying chunks of the carcass to their rospectivo huts. V Ono of tho Shamokin papers publishes an account of tho thrilling oxperienco of Loon Wolf, the sixtoon-yoar.nld son of Adolpk Wolf, formerly of this town, but now of Shamokin. Loon had beon hired to drive a laundry wagon and some cue told him that a family named Lawless bad some work for him. When Loon entered the houso a woman named Mrs. Sbelock locked tho door, whllo Mrs. Lawless or dered the boy to hold up his hands. Loon did so and was rolieved of $1 71, but not until tbo two womon knocked him down and ovorpowored him. Tho women wero arrested and settled tho caso by refunding the stolon money and paying all costs. ... My remarks concerning Citizens' party a few days ago has stirred up several of our prominent politicians and tbo question: "Shall a Republican or Citizons' ticket bo placed in the field next spring?" is airoady undor discussion. To my mind tbo day of usefulness of tho Citizons' party is past. As an Instrument tor gain by tbo Demo crats It is as a first clas article, and It is liko a mill (tune around tbo nocks of tho Re publicans. Democrats and Republicans claim the right to take part In the Citizons' primaries and tbo Democrats always manage to fix tho dates for holding their primarios tiflor tho dates fixed for the others. When the Citizens' primaries aro held they are paotod with Democrats and, frequently, thero havo beon more Demo crats than Republicans In attendance Having flxod tho Citizens' party ticket tho Democrats then go to their own primaries and nominate a ticket calculated to knock down that which thoy belpod to build In tho othor primaries. Somebody remarks that, "Thero are several prominent Democrats in this town who will veto for the Citizens' ticket, but will not support a Republican borough ticket." True. But must wo support h Citizens' ticket and court doleat year in and year out to accommodate these gentle men ? The results of the last two spring oloctions showed clearly that tho Citizens' party is nothing but a humbug and, at bost, Is only a weapon the Republicans pi co in the hands of the Democrats for their own laughter. m V Of what uso havo tho soveral prominent Democrats who will veto fur u Citizens' ticket, but won't vote for a Republican local tickot, been to tho Citizens' party the past few years? V Lot us taho tho past threo years. In 1889 the Democrats said to themsolvos : "This year we'll elect our Chlof Burgess and Tax Collector and give tho Citizens' tho tail end the High Constableship anil Borough Auditorship," so they elected Mulbolland and Schmidt and allood David Parry and J. S. Williams to go in. In 1890 tho Democrats said: "Wo'll hold the bead office and wedgo in a borough auditor," and they did re-olecting their Chief Burgess nd Tax Collector and putting Doyle on tho board of borough auditors, leaving tho High Constabloshi and a borough auditor, to pick what conso lution they could from them. Then 1891 arrived and tbo Democrats put their beads togother again and concluded, "Wo have held the Chief lturgoss lor two yearn, eo wo'll lot tho Citizons' party havo it thin year, but for tho sacrifice wo must have a good return," and they got it. They sur rendered tho ofllco of Chief Burgess, but swallowed tho Tax Oollectorship, tbo High Constableship and made the mombots of tho board of Loroueh auditors two Demo crats against one Republican. ... Now where, during tho past three years, have tho prominent Democrats who could not allow themselves to vote for a Repub lican borough ticket display thoir strongth? I feel satisfied that had tho Republicans of the borough held primaries, as Republican primaries, and shut tho doors against th Democratic primary packers they could accomplish as much, and in all probability much more, than has boon accomplished during the past throe years under tho ban nor of tbo Republican party. ... I am convinced that u Republican stands as good chance to bo elected in a borough contest under tho Republican banner as bo does undor tbo Citizuns'. Whon Lossig ran for Chief Burgoss last year and was olocled ho was rocognized as tho Republi can candidate In fact the term "Citizens' " dropped with tbo close of the primaries and tho two tickets wero looked upon as and callod Democratic and Republican. ... Let tho Citizen farco bo brought to a closo. Let the Republicans resolve to hold their own primarios for their own benefit and, with strong men to tho front, lot thorn mako a fight under their truo colors. Thoy certainly cannot faro worse than tho Citi zens' party has the past threo yoars and its chances for bettor success aro by no means few. It Should bo in Every Houso, J. U. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Shurpiburg, Pa., says ho will not bo without Dr. King's Now Discovory for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an at tack of "La Grippe," whon various othor remedies and several physicians bad done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooks port, Pa., claims Dr. King's Now Dis covery has dono him more good than any thing ho over used for Lung Trouble. Nothing liko it. Try It. Free trial bottles at C. U, Hagenbuch's Drug Storo. Largo bottles, COc. and gl. Look at Tneso Bargains. J. Coll'dO, having just returnod from Now York City with an entirely now stock of boots and shoes, is now prepared to of fer tho citizens of Shenandoah greater bargains in this lino than ever .before. He is offering these goods at such low prices that competitors cannot cumpcto with Bring your boys and girls and get a pair of doublo-soled tip shoos at CO cents, worth elsewhere f 1 00. Ho is selling men's doublo- soled leather boots for $1.76, and the bwt rubbor boots for ?2.i!, Kcmombor that the placo to socuro those bargains Is at Cufieo's Bargain Store, post offico building, corner Main and Oak streets. 11 O Ut A fine stock of guns and amunition for alo cheap at Max Reeso's. 10-SM-tf BurohiU's Restaurant. Charles Bui chill is now located at corner of Main and Coal stroets, Shenandoah, Regular meals, at popular prices, served any time. Ladies dining and refresh mon rooms attached. 9-1 Mf Hotel For Rent. Tbo botel proporty at Lakoiide Park (Bast Mahanoy Junction) for tho year 1892. No ono but an experienced botol man need apply, For particulars, otc, apply to O, A. Koirn, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-10 tf Four tintypes, for 25unts, at Dabb's. tf BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OP REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Work on tho Mahanoy City, Shonaudoah, Girardvillo and Ashland Streot Railway; Going Ahead. Work on tho Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, Girardvillo and Ashland electric railway has now commenced in earnest. Mr. Eberlo, tho superintendent of con- truclion, has about concludod.hls negotia tions with tho Oirard eslato and P. & R. R. authorities and it is expected that when ho rotnrus from Philadelphia to night bo will give ordors for tho road mon in broik ground. Over onu hundred Italians, who will do tho digging and other track work, havo ar rlvcd in town and havo rented six of tho nousos In luolo s row, at tho west ond of Coal slroet. Soveral more are expected to arrivo hero to-morrow and by Monday morning tho work will be in full blast. Meanwhile toamster John Roberts is un loading tho rails and sills from tho cars at Win. Ponn colliery, no has boen en gaged in tho work tho past fivo days and has rails and sills distributed from tho col liery named east to tho Turkey Run switch of tho P. & R. railroad. THE ROXBy FUNERAL. It Took Plafco at Port Carbon To-day. Tho funeral of the lato John C. Roxby. formerly of town and who died in Phila delphia, took placo at Port Carbon this afternoon. Tho following dolecations fiom town were in attendance: From Shonau doah Lodge, No. 015, I. O. O. F. Messrs, William S. Rennio, John Ramago, Uoury L Jones, Charles Hooks, Edward O. Davis andJamosJ. Powell, From Shenandoah Lodge, No. 611, F. & A. M. James Champion, William Stein, AV. J. Morgan, William Krick, T. J. Davies. H. K. Dengler, T. J. Broughall. D, J. Williams. Samuel Davis. Wolf Leyine, Androw Morrison, John G. Davi a. W. Stout, Frank A. A Evorott, J. U. Kurtz, Richard Knight, R. A. Glovor and Lyman B; Holbort. Among tho other town penplo who attended tbo funeral wero R. A. Davonport, Charles Beach, W. U Glenn, Dr. J. S. Callon. .1 J. Prico and William R. Pratt, Miss Sallio Wasley, Mrs. J. S. Beddall, Mrs. J. W. Morgan. Mrs. William Krick, Mrs. O. W. Dengler, Mrs. T. J. Broughall and Miss Maggie Shaffer. PERSONAL. Councilman William Moaklor spent to day at Fottsvillo. M. S. Riggs, mansgorof tho Shenandoah Beef Company, and John II. Evans re turned last night from Chicago, T. J. Foster, editor Colliery Engineer, Scranton, and bis son, Jeremiah, spent lust evening in town, tho guostsof rolativos. R. A. Glovor returned from Atlantic City last evening, whoro ho bad been to too his daughter, Miss Robena, who is very ill and could not bo romovod. Mrs. Glovor wont down this morning and will remain with her daughter until sho Is out 0 danger. Look Hero I At Morgan's Bargain Bazar, for to-mor row only, you can buy any 25-jont doll for 17 conts. Or you can buy a 25-cent doll and 10 cunt doll swing (35 cents) for 26 cents. Ton dilforent stylo dolls to seloct from. We load them all,In bargains in all linos of toys, dolls, fancy goods and notions "Y" Programme Tho following will be tho programrao ut tho "Y" meeting to-morrow night: Hinging, Members. Heading, l.lzzle Hussell. Holo, Kdllli Davis. Temperance poem, lltlla Brown. "Y" Journal. J T. Liwfcon. Boclal hour and gumeH. C.ltlo, Ed. DaukH. Fair Extra. To-night will bo a gala ono at tbo fair of tho l'hojnix Fire Compiny, now being held in Bobbins' opera house. Thero will bo a grand conoert by tho Uilbertun band and dancing music by tbo Sehoppo oroboi tra. "He who steals my purse steals truth:" but he whoMaulouiy (lurlulus my bottle of Sal vation Oil. btOHlH fcometljliiL' that enrlelios litui Indeed unci leaves luo bankrupt, a vlo Ira to nchoHund pains a sorrowing, woe. fill citizen, uutll I can slowly creep to tho neurebt aruj More. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 conts each at Max Reese's. tf Fraternal Visit. About thirty members of Lydia Degree Lodge, D. of R., of town, spent Kit even ing in Girardvillo, tho guests of Moroy Lodge, No. 148. Lano's Family Modlolno Movos tho bowels each day. Most pooplo need to uso it. A fine stock of guns and amunition for salo cheap at Max Reofo's, 10-21-lf PROM THE EXCHANGES. What Quill Drivers of Other Tow. 8 Glean. A New York company has offered to sotlbi the question of snworage for the bor- ugh of Sunbury. It offers to provide tho county seat with a system of drnliiBgo that hall be sufficient for all purpose and with i' regard to sanitation, it will do this ork at its own cost, without any subsidy from tho town. All the company asks is the right to cntor in and upon tbo publto streets and alleys tor the purpose of con structing thoir mains, and the right to cburgo and collect an Biinual rental from 11 parties who drain into the company's mains. George Chisnel, the well known sprinter, will nover bo seen upmi tho oindor path gain, owing to an Injury ho sustained in tho mines. Ono of his feet was crushed. A movement is on foot among tho mer chants of Shamokin to closo their stores at p. in. Eloctrlo Bitters. This remody is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men- lion. All who havo used Electric Bitters sing tho satno song of praiso. A purer medicine does riot oxist and it is guaranteed to lo all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, will romovo Pimples, Boils, Salt Rhoum and other directions caused by im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from tho system and. prevent as well as euro all .Malarial fevers. For ctlro of Hendacho, Constipation and Indigestion try Electrio Bittors Entlro satisfaction guurantefd, or money refunded. Price 60c. and 51.00 per bottle at C. II. Hagenbuch's drug storo. Editor Morgan Guilty. Tho libel suit of Editor Steel, of tho Minorsvillo Free Preis, against Editor Tallio Morgan, of the Scranton People, was ended at Pottsvillo yesterday, After a deliberation of an hour and a half tho jury returned a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to tho mercy of tho court. A now trial has beon asked. Editor Mor gan chargod in his paper that Elitor Steol was not a good tomporanco man. Buoklon's Arnica Salvo. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chai pod Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- tivoly cures Piles, or no payment required. It Is guaranteed to givo porfect eutisluction, or money rolundod. l'rico 23 cents per box. For salo by O. H. Hagenbuch. 10,000,000 in Uso. Do you uso tho Singer Sowing Machine? If you don't, got ono and you will nover uso any other. Thero aro 10,000,000 in uso and tho demand for. them is us groat as evor, Thoy ore in uso in all quarters of the globo and pooplo sing thoir praise in all languagos. Call on 0. J. Quinn, manager fir the Singer Sewing Machine Compauy, 21 East Centra streot. Trv It. for it never dlsnmmlnlfi. T)r. Hiill-H C'ouKliHjrujj. Atall dealers, i'rlce accents u bottle. "She Couldn't Marry Threo." Manager Ferguson informs us ho is negotiating with tho manager of "Sho Couldn't Marry Throe" for ono night. Ho says there is a very email chanco of such a company having n date open. No mattor, lot thorn know wo are on earth. Wo may catch them on tho return. You must re member 'twas wind that made Chicago. Keep blowing your horn. A well known nbvslclan In New York advises his patients Unit b infer with Coughs and Colds U u&o Fau-Tlna Couch unci Con sumption Curt). 35 and 50 cents. Trial bottles ireo at iiiruna arug store. True Bill Found. Constablo Tosh reported a West Coal street saloonkeeper named Kirytis to court for selling beer on last olection day and yesterday tho Grand Jury found a truo bill in tho oase. Gratifying to All. The high position attained and the uni versal acceptance and approval of tho pleasant liquid fruit remedy.Syrup of Figs, as tbo most excellent laxative known, il lustrate tho value of tho quulilias on which iU success is based and are abundantly gratifying to the California Fig Sprup Co. Umbrel las Given Away. With four pounds of CALIF Baking Powder, we'll givo you a beau tiful Gloria Cloth Urn brella. Guaranteed fast color and as good as you can buy anywhero for $1.50. Baking Powder warranted good or money refunded. GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Strpft liutjrcaj 4m