The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 12, 1891, Image 2

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Incidents of tho
in Great Britain.
Takon Off the Wreck After Many Futllo
Attempts by tho Lift) Savers.
The Twenty-Reven Mon Kntlroly I2x
linuwlstl by Thulr StruggleMany I.lvo
I.oftt Hurt Tremendous Dentructlun
Wrought -Indignation at tho Apathy of
n Llf Saving. Crew.
London, Nov. 13. Tho gront storm,
which threatens more disaster even thnu ',
tho one of three weeks ago, contlnuos '
to-day, and from all parts of tho conn- '
try come reports of wrecks and casual
ties. No braver struggle for llfo has over
been witnessed on this coast than that '
which reunited last nlKht in tho rescue
of the members of tho ciow of the Hrlt-
ish ship Bionvenuo of Glasgow, which
was wrocked nt Sandgato. Ever since
tho terrible situation of the crew be
cumo known the llytho and Sandgato
lifeboats had been struggling to roach
the doomed vessel through tho danger
ous breakers, which beat with a fury
that seomed to mako the existence even
of a lifeboat impossible.
White the crew clung to tho masts tho
people on shoro tried to make their
encouraging choors heard abovo tho
roar of the storm. About half-past
four In tho afternoon the Uionvcnuo Ijo
gan to break up, but the masts, with
the unfortunates clinging in tho rig
ging, still held togothor. About this
time the multitude on tho shoro were
thrilled by tho spectacle of a seaman's
daring and dospprato striko for salvation
for himself and his follow-survivor.s.
Tho sailor, a bravo, Bturdy fellow,
looking every Inch a British seaman,
fastened a line around his waist, and
leaped Into the waters that beat with
fearful foam about the wreck. Chour
upon choer wont up from the watching
thousands The sailor struck out boldly
for tho shore. lie was evidently a
splendid swimmer, and for a fow mo
ments It seemed that the powerful sweep
of his limbs would carry him through
the boiling waves. But suddenly, a
pursuing breaker burstupon htm nud ho
was burled from sight.
Breathless with anxiety, tho crowd on
shoro and tho remnant on the wreck
awaited the man's appearunco. Even
the storm seemed to hush. Then came
an agonized cry from hundreds of throats
fit tho sailor appeared again, limp and
lifeless, tossed ou tho crest and In tho
hollow of tho waves. Ho was dead, and
his fate seemed to foreshadow tho doom
of his lato companions. Not long aftor
ward tho corpse and that of another
bold Bwlmmer from tho wreck, was car
ried ashore.
The storm abated somewhat as dark
ness grow, and another attempt was
made to launch the Sandgate lifeboat.
Scores of volunteers assisted in the
launching, and, amid shouts from
thousands, that must havo sont a hope
ful echo ncross the stretch or loam to
tho weary hearts and numboJ limbs on
the wreck, tho lifeboat startod. It
seemed doubtful for a whllo whether tho
tusk could bo accomplished, but at
length, after a tremendous struggle, thu .
bravo life-savers brought their boat J
up to tho rigging of the Ulenvonuo, and j
rescueil ovory one that romalnod. Tho
poor fellows wore almost unable to holp
themsolves. They had clung mechanical
ly, for Jhours to their perilous positions,
and they were utterly exhausted.
It was U:lfi p. m. when tho lifeboat
touched tho wreck, and tho work of tak
ing In tho poor wrotches was as perilous
as that of getting to them. The rocop
tlou on shore will be remborod for many
a lone dav. Evorrbody rushed to cheer
and shake the rescuers by tho hand, and
most uenerous attention was duvoted to
the victims of tho storm. These were
taken to Folkestone. Ten mtnute3after
tho Sandgato crow had succoeded In sav
ing tho Uienvenuo people, tho lowor life
boat arrived.
Tho bark T. P. I'fluger, from Son
Francisco for Dremon, was wrecked nt
Hastings. Hor crow of seventeen and
five passengers remained in the rigging
flvo hours, whllo the life-savers sent
rocket after rocket, with lino attached,
to the rescue. Eoveral rockets fell short,
but at length a line reached thu vessel.
Thousands wore assembled on shore,
their sympathies moro nrousod by see
ing a woman's form among the ship
wrecked. A tremendous cheer wont up
when It was seau that tho line was fast
ened. The crew behaved nobly, and tho
woman was the first to bo sont on the
porllous journey to safety. Nearly half
dead she was hauled ashore. Then came
two boys, and after them the men,
the captain coming lost. He was given
hu ovation.
Two of tho members of tho Hytho life
saving crew wore drowned lu ther acci
dent to that boat, while attempting to
reuah tho lllunvtmuo early in tho even
ing, othors being rescued by tho spec
tators. It appears that artillery was
also used in tho attempt to throw a lino
to that vessel. Chulnshot was dis
charged from cannon at a sufo hoight, a
cord boing attached to the shot, with
the hope that tho cord would bo carried
over and fall upon tho wreck.
Tho number roscuod from the Uien
venuo Is 27. Tho lost nre Captain ilod
dlll. of Liverpool; two apprentices, tho
steward and a seaman. The soa swept
us high as the mizzsu-top, so the strug
gle to hold ou may bo Imagined. Tho
Ulonvouuo was bound from Loudon to
At Dungeuees, ou tho snme dangerous
shorn, live vessels were stranded, one a
foreign ship. The Dungeuees lifeboat,
in making i n effort to reach tho vessel,
ww overturned and five of tho crew
were drowned. Two mon from tho
Btranded ship lost their lives In trying
to swim to the shore.
The schooner John Itoberts of Port
tnadoc, Wales, wont ashore In tho after
noon near llrlghton, Kockots tailed to
curry lines to tho vosiel, Tho crew
woio In the rigging and the
vessel seemed about to break
up. The Shoreham lileoout did not
engage a tug for the rescuo, but
was drawn to the scene by horses on
tho road, reaching the spot just live
minutes after the vossol broke to pieces.
The spectators were so angry ut what
they considered a lack of energy that
might have proved fatal, that they mudo
a hostile demonstration aguiust the
rew. iuaiitlmo tuo smpwrecKou
mariners had leaped Into tho
sea and
battled their war to the shore, with tho
3slatanos ot volunteers.
Joo Uliilliiittuii fjticliiHl Up on C lmrge of
I.ami-ny In rulfttHivp,
I'lTTHBono, Nov. 12 .Joseph Mullint
tau, well known tho country uver as
"Orange Blossom," the wrltor of somo
of tho most startling and mnrvelously
untrue stories ever published, Is behind
tho bars at Central Police Station, this
city, chargod with larceny.
Patrick O'Toolc, a young railroad man,
who met Alulhattan for the first tlmo
Tuesday night, makes tho chargo.
O'Toole and Mulhnttan mot In a Grant
street saloon and soon became tho best
of friends. They remained togother un
til too Into forOToolo to catch his
train. O'Toole readily nccoptcd Mul
hattan's invitation to share his room,
and bod,
Yestorday morning when O'Toolo
awoke Mulhattau was missing, also a
roll of money from his pockots. O'Toolo
complained to. tho police and Mulhattau
was soon under nrrest hut dentos taking
Any money from his friend. The exact
amount mtssiug, however, was found
In Mulhattan's possession. Boforu bolng
locked up Jllllmttan npponled to tho
Inspector to bo roloased and saldi "I
am tho only 'Ornngo Blossom,' tho
groatest liar in the world."
"I do not think your roputntlon will
nld you much now," replied the ofllcor.
as ho turned tho key In Jlubnttan's
About two months ago Mulhattan was
roloased from a Chicago Inobriate asy
lum. Ho has been lu Pittsburg about
one week.
Examination nf Ills Person Raid to Ilnvtt
lSatalillsliad Thlj.
Manchebteii, N. II., Nov. 12. As the
rosult of on examination by Drs. Conn
of Concord and Perkins of this city, of
tho person of Frank C. Almy, tho Han
over murderer, It Is positively asserted
that the man Is no other than Oeorgo H.
Abbott. Tho physicians found tho
scars which were loft by wounds In
flicted by SliorlfT Horry when ho shot
Abbot, a few yoars ago, whllo tho latter
was evading arrest.
It Is claimed that Almy dellboratoly
broke his leg on the occasion of his re
cent trip to Woodsvllle. One of the
oflicors who accompanied him Is quoted
ns saying that ho saw him place his
sound foot against the foot of the injured
log and deliberately place so much pres
sure on it that he broke the splint and
fractured the leg anew.
Tho olllcers are so afraid of Abbott
that they havo prevailed upon Attorney
General Barnard to request that a guard
bo placed over him night and day, be
ginning to-night, until his removal next
Tuesday to Plymouth for trial.
Abbott Is In prime physical condition,
aside from his logs, and his mind is as
active and sound ns his body. He talks
freely about tho murder, but no Inkling
escapes him that he Is anything or any
body but Frank 0. Almy.
An Inhuman Murderer.
PnTSBUliO, Nov. 12. A Bpoclnl from
Sylban's Mills, W. Va., says: Whllo
drinking togothor, two desperadoes
named Newton Hobbs and Henry
Heaver quarrelled ovor an insult offorcd
by tho latter to tho former's daughter.
Beaver attacked Hohbs with a butcher
i knife and Hobbs drow hts rovolvor nud
shot his adversary through tho heart.
Hobbs compollod Hoavor's family to cook
and sleep In tho room whore the dead
body lay iSO hours without boing touchod,
Hobbs was arrested.
Itljr Mortgage Filed.
Boston, Nov. 12. A mortgage of $0,
000,000, covering tho property of the
Boston Cordago Company, tho Standard
Cordago Company und other cordago
manufactories, was fllod yesterday In
theoftlco of tho Suffolk County lloglstry
of Heeds. This Is one procoodlng In tho
trust process by which all the concerns
aro put under ono management. The
mortgage Is glvon by tho Bocurlty Cor
poration of Now Jorsoy to tho Manhat
tan Trust Company of Now York.
llai Changed III Ilellof.
Boston, Nov. 12. Rev. Clias. Foil en
Lee, for many years connected with tho
Unlversalist Church, has withdrawn
from the denomination and has been
confirmed a member of tho Protestant
Episcopal Church. It is understood
that ho will be a candidate for holy
orders In tho Episcopal Church. Mr.
Leo is a uatlvo of Now York.
Chamber of Commerce Ilanquet.
New Haven, Conn., Nov. 12. Tho
annual banquet of tho Chamber of Com
merce was bold last evonlng. A largo
number ot distinguished gontlemen
wore present, among them being Senators
Piatt and Hawley, Lieut. -Commaudor
Soloy, U. S. N., Llout. Farnsworth,
U. H. W., and ox-Uov. Wnllor.
Interstate Commerce Cummlsitoners.
Washington, Nov. IS). Tho President
has settled upon two now intorstuto
Commissioners. The two mon who are
supposed to bo the lucky ones for tho
vacancies aro Judge Hill of Iowa and ox
Assistant Socrotary of Stato Potter of
The grip prevails in Plalnflold, Conn.
Creditors ot the Mavorlok National
Rank are promised 85 cents on the dol
The World's Woman's Christian Torn-
porauco Union Is in convention at lios
The Counoctlcut House mot at 1
o'clock yesterduy at 2:13 and udjourned
to Jan. U,
Tho first annual convontlon of tho
National Federation ot Women's Press
Clubs Is In session at Boston.
Tho postollloe at Hlghwood, Conn.,
was enteral by hurglars yostoMay morn-
ing, who robbed the safe oC t'JOJ lu
money and stamps.
Harrison A. Tracy of Lynn, Mass.,
who caused the death ot John Burns in
a glove contest tlioie was fined ?-UU or
fonr months In j ill, lu tho Superior
Throe hundred nnd fifty Italians nt
work on tho sewers In Watortawn, Mass,
aro ou striko, alleging that thoy wero
glvon only 1.85 a duy, whou they wore
promised $1.50.
An autopsy on tho body of VCunrles
Balham of Bridgeport, Conn., who itad
been treated with Koch's lymph, re
vealed that no traces of the lymph's of
feet could be found.
Judge Ablrlch, ot the Unltod States
Court, at Boston, has Issued a writ ot
I habeas corpus In the cases ot the lm-
ported Gorman musicians who tmva
been ordered buck to Uermuuy
Thrco Moro Garrisons Ilnvo
Joined tlio Uobels.
Ho Sends Gunboats, Monitors and Troops
to tho Boons of tho Outbreak.
The Governor of ltlo tirnmle do Sill Calls
Upon Fomeca. fur Aid The Whole Prov
ince Occupied by the Insurgents .All
Telegrams Suppressed In lUn Janeiro
and tho Heildents nf that City Kept In
Ignorance of Kvont.
ValpAIIaiso, Chill, Nov. 13. It la re
ported hero that a number of members
of tho Brazilian Congress which Dictator
Fonseca recently dissolved have sought
an asylum In the different foreign lega
tions in ltlo Janeiro.
Uruguay has become nl armed at tho
state of affairs In Brazil and has massed
troops along the frontier lino of that
A dispatch from Buenos Ayros states
that on tho night of Nov. 0, a revolt
was begun In the State of Rio Grands
do Sul, and that It spread rapidly. At
last accounts tho groator part of tho
Stato was occupied by robels.
General Fernandez and Santa Anna
aro said to bo at tho head of the revolu
tionists, and their ranks nro reported to
be receiving constant accessions.
Tho garrison at Yuguaron, It is said,
hnvo joined the Insurgents, and tho ar
tillery has boon placed at the disposal of
the two.gonorals who aro in command.
Tho Dictator's Governor In Uio Grande
do Sul, Casttlo, doomed tho revolt so
serious that ho asked the contral gov
ernment for reinforcements, represent
ing his position as precarious.
In compliance with his request Dic
tator Fonseca at ouco sont four gun
boats, threo monitors and two trans
ports, loaded with troops, to the sceue
of tho uprising. Tho troops will bo
landed at tho ports of Wo Grande do
Sul, Pelotas nnd Sao Jose do Norte, ut
tho mouth of the Bay of Patos.
Following upon the announcement of
the garrison at Yuguaron going over to
the Insurgents comes word that two
other garrisons have also joined tho rebel
forces In Rio Grando do Sul.
Whllo all this Is taking place tho
residents of Rio Janeiro seem to be kept
In perfect ignorance of these stirring
events. They believe that everything is
peaceful in the Republic and that tho
discontent against Fonseca is not worth
Their Ignorance is owing to the fact
that the-government is suppressing all
telegrams that describe tho true situa
tion of affairs in the State of Rio Grando
do Sul.
Tho chiefs of tho revolution are said to
be Vlscondo Pelotas, Baron Jijuk and
Generals Astroplllo and Fravares. Their
object soon.s to bo to form a national
party In opposition to tho Dictator. This
party is to be made up of both liberals
and conservatives.
Ha "Will right Desperately -an d Swoop
f Alt Obstacles from HU ltith.
London, Nov. 12. It is statod that
Fonseca would have .little difficulty in
establishing the now order of things
woro It not for the fact that no is a sick
man. Somo reports have It that tho di
sease from which ho Is suffering Is can
cor, which, If true, would necessarily
prevent him from taking the Held In per
son should a resort to arms be neces
That he will take vigorous measures
to suppress these latest revolts against
his authority Is not doubted by thoso
who ore nciiualnteu with the personal
characteristics of the man. Ho In no
way lacks determination, nnd to gam
bis ends he will light desperately to
swoop all obstacles from his path.
Tho naval lorco ot liraiii coraprisos
5,700 olllcers and men. Thero nro flvo
naval arsenals, one each nt Rio Jan oho,
Para, Pornambuco, ilahla ana L.auurlo
de MattoG rosso. A
"Will llunff Just the Same.
MbN-H'KMicii, Vt., Nov. 12. Sylvostor
II. Bell, tho Fnirfax wlfo murder, was
brought before the Supremo Court yes
terday ou a writ of haboas corpus, bo
cause of an error in sentence by Judge
Howell at tho September, 1800, term of
tho Franklin County Court. Judge
Rowell sentenced him to six months'
solitary confinement boforo execution,
Instead of three, n3 provided by law.
Judge Tuft of tho Supremo Court de
cided that tho sentence might bo
erroneous, but was not void or Inopera
tive, nnd Bell will h-ng tho Urst Fri
day la January, 1802.
Indian Admitted tu the liar
OitAnA, Neb., Nov. 12. II) ram Chase,
a full-blooded Indian ol tho umaha
tribe, was admitted to practice In the
Federal Court yosterday. Ho was born
and brought up In this State near Pen
der, lie was educated at tuo Hunan
schools lu the East uud graduated last
year from tho law school ot tho Unlvors
ity of Pennsylvania. Mr. Chaso Is the
first Indian ever admitted to tho prac
tice of law in Nobrasku.
Funeral r thu Mine Victims.
WlucEBUAiutu, Pa., Nov. 12. Tho
funerals of the 11 victims of Sunday's
mine disaster took plaae at Nunticoke
yosterday. Tho whole town was in
mourning, the mines and mills having
shut down and business of all kinds be
inuuenerally suspended. Religious serv
ices were held In all churches. Thou
sands ot persons followed tho funeral
procession to the cemeteries.
Tho third annunl convention of New
Jersey funeral directors began yesterday
at Trentou.
George A. Dixon, restaurant keepor In
Newark, made an assignment yesterday,
His liabilities aro stated at $u,UU.
A brick laden barge sunk lu tho main
channel ot tho Maurice River at Mlll-
vllle yosterday. Navigation is com
pletely closed,
Tho nreildent of the Woman's Chris
tlan Temperuuce Union of tho State of
Now Jersey, Sirs. S. J. C. Downs, is
dead In Orange.
William Carson, a lougshororJTan, was
acquitted yesterday in the Hudson
County Court ot Oyer and Terminer ot
a charge ot murdering his wlfo ou May
14 last.
a most delicious substitute for Tea and Coffee.
More healthful. One pound sufficient for i so cu
To tho Travollnp; Public.
If yuu nro contemplating a trip to Iho
Woit, oriuuthwott tho question naturally
arises, which Is tho bost and most ceo .omi
cal way in which to mako tho Journey.
his Information you can ascertain by
tending a postal to mo nnsworlng tho fol
lowing questions: Whro aro ypu going?
When are you going? Whiro will you
etnrtfrora? How many will tbcroboln
your party 7 What frolght and baggage
will you havo to ship? On receipt of this
I will write or call upon you prepared to
furnish mapl, timo tables, and fullest
information regarding routes, lowrst rates
of all class of tickets, land pamphlets, ro
sort book, Hot Springs guido, etc.
Tho Missouri Pacific Hallway and Iron
Mountain Kouto is noted for its suporb
tlinughcar sorvico. Pullmsn Vestibulod
Huflettbloepinit Parlor and Tourist Sleep
ing cars, also Palaco Reoll' ing Chair Cars
froo, nre run on all through trains. Ask
for tickets via this popular route, nnd
correspond with mo boforo completing
arrangements for jour trip. J. P. Jlo
Cnn, Ktctern Traveling Agent, No. C57
N. Main St., Elmirs, N. Y or 331 Broad
way, Now YVrk City. W. K. Hoy I,
General E storn Passenger Agont, No. 891
Broadway, New York City. T o Missouri
Pacific Usilwsy Iron Mountain Route, tf
Coming ICollpso nr tlie Moon.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 12. A total
eclipse of tho moon will bo observablo
from all parts of tho United States Sun
day evonlng, nnd will last an hour nnd
a half. Inhabitants of tho Eastern and
Middle States will bo especially favored
by this eclipBe. Tho moon at tho tlmo
will bo larger and fuller than any othor
time of the year. This eclipse will bo
the first of its kind to appear since
1874, and tho next time it will be ob
servablo will bo in 19011.
The milliner boarder nnd the blnnk-
bird have ilown for the season".
The nrosncctlve bride nuts her
maiden Initial on her domestics linen.
At the rate the leaven aro fnllluir the
forests will soon be bare.
cepYMurr isU
"How do Hook?"
That depends, madam, virion how
you foci. If you'ro suffering from
functional disturbances, irregulari
ties or weaknesses, you'ro sure to
"look it." And Dr. Picrco'a Fa
vorite Prescription is tho remedy.
It builds up and invigorates the
system, regulates and promotes tho
proper functions, and restores health
and strength. It's a legitimate
medicine, not a bovcraco : purely
vegetable, perfectly harmless, and
mauo especially lor woman's needs.
in tho euro or all "lemalo com-
)laints," it's guaranteed to give sat
isfaction, or the money is refunded.
ISO other medicine ior women is
sold so. Think of that, when tho
dealer says something elso (which
pays him better) is " just as good."
" Times have changed." So havo
methods. Tho modern improve
ments in pills aro Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. Uhoy help .Nature, in
stead of fightina with her. Sick
and nervous headache, biliousness,
costiveness, and all derangements
of tho liver, stomach and bowels
aro prevented, rcliovcd, aud cured.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written,
Marriage licenses ana legal claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Coll eetloa aud Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Business, Represent
the Northwestern Lire insurance uo
OrriOB-Muldoon'sbulldlnir. corner Centre
ana west bis,, wnenanaosn, m.
Oood Properties of All Kinds For Salo
1. A two suiry double lraine dwelling house
siO'-eand restaurant, on EaH'ionlre Bt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
a. letratjle property on orner Centre and
jarain streeu, suuaoie ior uusmes? pur.
4. A two story double Irame dwelling, on
vwi L,iova street.
6 Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
ire street.
6. Two i story dwellings ou the corner ol
uoai ana unesinut streets ntore room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
streeL witii a anru waren uiso at tuo rear.
8. Thtee twtxlory double frame buildings
oornecor ivtoyaanu 'iiDeri. streets.
Bo&niloui war tht aoeUoUfor ai&lvtr Linen thai
puny doji t vma wtrituioaekuu
nd VIGQRGOa in ll pcta.
lofftilitg from NEBVQUS DE
KILITT. Loit of Palling Uin
fcood. Phvilc&l Exctutij Mintal
Worrfi Stunted DcvtloiimtDt, or
MEW. tht Prldi tad Power of Nttioni.
Wo claim by years of practice by
our exclusive method a uniform
MonuroLY or buccebb iu i real-
AttlcUosiof Mm. Testimonial
- T ' frrm&O States and Territories.
OUR NEW BdOKJiaitWSfiflBia'iffieJirii
ItwMlt Ton can. rult EzpUBtttont for SIOUK TKEAT
trot bus or atta nr iciunoui&ii. Aaaru t once
BRIE, IYlfcUICAl.tJU.IUrrAl.U.M.j-.
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
-MAY 10, 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Bhenaudoau for
Uauch Chunk, Lehlgbton, Blatlncton. Cata.
...(u, miuuiuwu, J.CL111V11UIU, J41SLUn, 1HU
Hdelphlaand New York at 5.17, 7.40, 9.08 a, m.,
ftlll, J, 111,
For llelvldere, Delaware Water (Jap and
stroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
For Lambcrtvllleaud Trenton, 9.08 a, m
For Wbito Haven, Wilttes-Barre and Pitts
ton a7, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 628 p. m.
ForTunknannock, 10.41a, m., 8.10 and 6.26
p. m.
For Anburn. Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
iU.11 H, Ul., HUil p. 111.
d. in.
For Klmlra and the West vlaUalamanca at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, Ilaileton, Stockton, Lum
ber Yard, WeatUerly and 1'enn Haven Juno
tton at 6.47, 7.40, 9,08 ft. m. and 12.62, 3.10 and
3,23 p.m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavfil
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. ra. and 6.28 p. m,
ForrJerantonat6.47 90X, 10.41 a. m. 8,10 and
t:20p. m.
For Haste Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton ana Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62 3.10 and
6.26 p. m.
For (tuakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and
M0 p. m.
For WlKirans, Ullberton and Fractcvllle at
.m and tf.08 a m and 4,10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano
..47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, 10,68 a. m.,122, 3.10,5.26, 8,03,
I. 21 and 10.27 p.m.
For Lost Creek, Slrardvllle and Ashland
(.27, 7.48, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.85
4.10 and 9.14 p. m.
For DarKwater, St. Clair and I'ottaviUe.
-.40, U.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.26 and B.Ui
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Moroa, 7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. tu., 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 and
4.03 p. m.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
shamokln, 8.52, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
nd 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Sbamokln for Shenandoah,
.55 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m arriving
it Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.28 and
II. 15 p.m. '
For Lost Croek. Olrardvllle and Ashlanrl.
50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. St. Clair and IMttsvllle.
u50, 8.00, 930 a. m.. 2.45 p. m.
r or laiesviue, Aiauanoy uuy ana ueiano,
.00, 1135 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
cor ijoiiy, Auaennea ana Jiar.ioton, s.u
m 1.40 p. m:
For llauch Chunk. Lehlehton. Blatlneton:
Oatasauqaa, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kastor
una Now York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m.
f or I'miaaeipnia, p. ra.
Uen'l Pass. Aeu, Bethlehem,
We nre making a big drive in fur
niture, but malicious desire, is not its
object. Wo desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, aud propose to give our
patrouB tho benefit of some extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P. Williams & Bra,
Soittli Itlnln St.,
SHE 3STA.lSrX50-A.I3:.
First National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. Vr. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
9. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Ialrt oil Bavlntr DeposItH.
People's Oyster Bay !
ra IS. Centre St.. Slicnandoali
CfAS. C. GUISE, Props.
Kiw, Slewed, Boalloped, Panned or
Fried to order. Fam lies supplied
at their house with the best oysters
tuu uiur&ofc Huurus.
AH Orders Promptly Filled.
Mludelphia and Beading .Railroad
T4m Table in eHeet July 10, 1891
Kof Vnw V,rlr via I' m..k A..m
2.;0 5.15, 7.20 . m. and 12 35 1.60 and S.U
( ra. minuay 2.10 ana 7.46 a. m. For Hew
.for Heading ana iMilladefnhla weekdays.
14. 0 J it IRl 4,0J 11, 111 a, t.a',,, a,
m.. IM
2.R) and 5.M p: m,
Bindy. 2.10 and 7.48 a.m., 4.30 p,
2.10,7.20 R. m,l
'0n 1'enlown week dayd, 7.20 . m 12
.,,?,.J,'oll,!lil.'l WBek 2.10,7.20,a. m.,
1Z3 1 J.W and 5.6S p. m. Unnday. 2.10 and 7.43
to , 4 30 p. m.
. or 'ljunyuua and Mah'inoy City, week
diys.2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. a.. 12.3f 2.60 add 6.5J
2 J2... Shhday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m 4.30 p. m.
Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7M
p. ra.
ror William spori, uuntiuryana Lewlsbnrn,
cet days. 3.25, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 1 7.W
m, Sunday 35 a. m., 3.05 p, m.
for Mahanoy l'lane, wees days, 2.10 3.25,
35. 7.20 and 11.30 n. m.. 12.'i. i .as. ihi im
7.00 and n. m. Sunday, a 10, 3.25 and 7.48
a. m.- 9.05, 4.30 n. m.
For Olrardvllle (Itappahannock Blatlon)
k dSTS. 2.10. H.K. R.2i. nrt llffila m .
12.35. 1 35. 2.60. 6.65. 7.00 and H.25. n. m. Hnn
2-10. 2 ., 7.48 a. lu., 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
iror Ashland and Bliamoktn, week days,
,2i, 5.25, 7.21), 11.3 1 a. m 1.85, 7.00 and tf,3S
m. Hunday 3.25, 6 82 n. m 3.05 p. m.
Ijeave New York via Philadelphia, mbs
ays. 7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12. W I
ichl. Bunday, 6.00 p.m.. 12.15 night.
Leave Ne York via Maueh Chunk, week
'ays, 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.03 p. m.
t.eava Ijhll41nlnh1fi wmi ilnv. A in mil
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 p. m., from Broad
ad CallowhUl and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
rrom OlhanO Ureen streets. Bunday 9.05 a,
in, 11.10 p. m. from m and ursn.
l.9ave iteadlng, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05
tad ll.bO a. m., 6.55, 77 p. m. Hunday 1.35 and
1.48 a. m.
Ijeavo fottovllle, week days, 2.40,7.40 a.m.,
1.30. (1.11 P. m. Hunduv. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
''eaveTamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48 and
21a.m.. 1.21. 7.13. and H.1S n. m. Bundav 8.20
7 43 '.m. and 2.60 p. m.
eavo Mahanoy ty, week days, 8.40. 9.18
.adlU47a. m 1.61, 7.12 K id 9.44 p.m. Bun.
uy, 8.48,8.17 a.m., I'Mn r-
Leave Mahanoy week, days, 2-4), 4X0
.30.9J5. 119 a. m.,1.05, 2.06. 5-20, 620,7.57, and
'.01) n. m. Hnndnv '1.4 i. 4JCO. nnd 8.27. j. m
3 37. 5.01. n. m.
utMive uiraruvuie tiui
innoek Btatlonl
tv-jE. uayB. .tt, i.w, o.tfo, ana v.u a. ra., I'iMi,
2, S.'if), 6.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. Bunday, 2,47,
0 , e 33 a.m. 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, and
1.55 a. m. 8.85 and 11.16 p. m. Bunday 11.15
i. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
la B. A 0. 11. It., through trains leave Glrard
Vvenne elation, Philadelphia, (P. A II. K. li.)
:t 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.31. 4.24, 5.55 an i
23 p. m. Bunday, 4.1S 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24
55 and 7.23 p. m.
1 cave PblladelDhla. Chestnut Btrect Whai I
a iq loath Btreet Wharf.
For Atlantic cstv.
Weeklsvs Kinross. 8 00. 9:00 a. m. 9.00. N
3.00,1.00, 5.00 o. ea. Aoeommodatlon, 7.40 a.
m. aua 4,u, b hu a. la. a
Sundays. Express, 8.00, 9.00 a. m.
comruni-iilon, s.00 a. m.aud .45 p. m.
Retarnlng. leave Allanllo City, depot
tlantle and Arkausas avenues, weekla' a
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 8.15, 4.00, 5.30
P. m. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p. mj Sundays -Express, 4.00, 0 00 p. m.
Accommodation 7.80 a. m. and 5.05 p. m.
C. . IlANCOUK, Uea'l t-usrr Agt.
t. A. MOL1COD. Prei. 4 Uen'l Manaeer.
Bcnrrs-LKiLi. division.
h and after September 1 1891, Iraint utll leat
8henandoah a follout:
For Wlggan, Ollborton, Fraokyllle, New
iistle, Bt. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.13
- m and 4.16 p m,
Bnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.1 0 p m.
For PottsvlUe, 6.00, 9.10 a m and 4. 15 p m.
Sundays. 600, 9.40 a m nnd 3.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 pu.
Hnndays, 600,9.40 a.m. andS.lUnm.
For Pottstown, Phoenixville, Norrlitown
ind Fhlladelnhla (Broad street station), 6,00,
a. m. and 4.15 p m week days
Mondays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m,
Trains leave FrsckvlUe lor bhenandoah at
0.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 pm. Bundays,
MS am andS.40 p on
Leave Fottavllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 and
-1,48, a m 7.15, ,42 p in, Bundays, 10.40 a m
1.15 p in.
L.B4VB Philadelphia (Uroad street Ktatlon),
'or PottsvlUe and Bhenandoah, 6.67, 8.35 a to
4.i0and7.00p m week days. Bundaj 8,50, and
U.23 am
For New York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.4e. 6.85, 6.50, 7.30,
4.20 8.31, d.60, U.00and 11.14, ll.SSnm, 12.00 noon,
(limited exnress, 1.06 4.50 p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40,
2.31), 8.20, 4.02 5, 6, 6.2 ), 6.50 7.13 8,12 and 1U.00 p.
m. U.01 night,
On HDnaare. 8.20. 4.05. 4.40. 6.S5.S.12. H.Iifit.W).
11.35 t .1. una 12 21, 12 44 , 2 30, 4 02, (ltmiLsd. 5.28. 2 ), j . i j tn and 12.01 Wit
Wnr Hen rilrf Tvn a Itrn n iH nnri IntcnilWfl fx
Stations 6.50, 8.25 aud 11.89 a. in., 3.30, 4.00?i.-fii.
wren uiur, nuuutiyn Mi u. m.
For Baltimore aud Wasnlnelon. 3.50. 7.20.
9.10 and 11,18 t. in., 4 41,6 57, 7.4U p.m and 12.0.1
uiguLuauy auu e 41, iu.zu a m., izaa iiimuea
express with dining car to llalllin ire) 1.30, 8.48
p.m. we kdays. For Bultluinre only 2.02, 4.01
wcuK-u-iya,, p. m. aauy.
For ltlchnioud. 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 nlcht
uaiiy, 1 p m, uuuy9 except ouua.ty.
Lr.-iinsle.tve Hamsbur .or PUisDure aud
iy ntri-ir, una 3.10 a m and
'.0J (limited) and 3.40, 8 30, 9.35 p m. Way for
AltoaAM 11 a in and 4.10 u m every dav.
For PitUburgoaiy,ii.i a m. dally and 10.20
m week days.
Leave Banbury (or Wllllamsport, lSlmlra,
snandalgua, Ilochcster, BnOaloand Niagara
alls, 5.10 a m dally, and 1.42 p m week days.
-or woiKUJB,D.upra weeioays.
For Erie and intermediate nolnts. 6.10 am..
tally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.66 a m.
tally, 1.42 and 6.30 v. m. week days. For
tenova 6.10 a m 1.42 and 5.30 d m week davs.
nen. Man'r dsn. Pass. Agt '
Trains leave Head in r (P. & 11. station) foi
meiaoie menea Aiav. iu. issi.
uiDraitar, Heyiert, liirneboro, Joanna, Hnnug.
Held, Waynesbure Junction, Coatesvllle.Weet
V1103lr,UUUB1U1 U U UUC11UU, UUUilUU,
Wllmtneton and Intermediate stations, dsllv
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3.15
p. m. Hunday only at 8.05 p. m.
utnHnnB.rlatl V ATlvnt. Uiinitav. nt. U 1 a m anil
For Ulrdsboro and luteruiedlatA stntlons.
HflinrnflTAn v. ot. im m
nnr k, i mnniHnn w n o ,1 1 n wrnn At ti n
tt.1 dallv exceDtHundav at 6.25 and R.-i
and 3.15 p. m. Bunday only at 3D5 p. im
from Wilmington. B, & O. Junction, Mont.
LK-nape, uoaiesviuo, waynesDurg junction,
Bprlqgneld,Joanua, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
nv tv. Ul. O.Od U1IU o.lf p. Ul. ouili
From Bt. Peters. Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.21 a. in.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally en
Bunday only at 11.24 a. m.
.BOWNEsa uuiuus, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent
w n i.iDn nnn nnn.nnir irnvv nnmiia mi n
tanrant. JLocated on East Centra street.
8 A valuable property located on Bouth Jr
uiu Birtwi.
3-Keven dwelling houses at the cor
bert and liloyd streets, doodle
Terms reasonable.