The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 12, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-KO. 24:2.
"My Son, Deal "With Men Wh.o Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It "--Benjamin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
Has R larger circulation In Bhenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
5"'- I .,.,! r,,lr,l nf
Bhenandoah was In ashes.
Aftek tho 15th wo may expect some
Important changes in tho railroad
Senator Bkice's seat In the United
Slates Senate Is to bo contested on the
ground that ho Is not a resident of
that state. Ex-Governor Foraker Is
making a flghc to step Into his shoes
A Pemookatio Governor has been
elected In Iowa, and as a result it Is
said the prohibition law of that-state
will be repealed. Democracy in Iowa,
as in New York, means free whisky,
"The preserver of moral, civil and
religious liberty, tho fundamental
principles guaranteed in tho constitu
tion of our country," is tho S'news
laitn for patronage. Whew I
The Now York World defends tho
display of tho Confederate flag In tho
South and says that "the old Confeder
ate flags awaken memories, but no
disloyalty." Such abatement printed
in the World twenty-flvo years ago
would have shocked tho North. But
Democrats must pay tribute to the
solid South.
The lottery Democracy won an over
whelming victory in New Orleans on
Tuesday. It carried the primaries for
the Governorship In every ward and
had nearly 11,000 majority out of a
total vote of 25,000. Tho Louisiana
gambling ring controls the Democracy
of that state. Its terrible clutch is
like that of the Tammany Tiger on
New York.
A wave of financial reform has
Htruck the British War Office. By
ipping gold lace trimmings from
the coats of the staff sergeants of
a good home-made tea cari.ct.
It Is onoof those fixlra heavy
carpets, mudeof the best yam
and clean rags. Finest line of Velvet
Brussel and Ingrain Carpets in Shen
andoah at
nitntn.a flfantiiwii Jtu.lfav
g . . " . w wv- . u . ...
'Asancy Jiloater Mackerel.
M iltercl White and Fat. Ifeto Clean Currants Free
from dirt and stems. Heat Mince Meat made oj best
materials, line Table
Neiu Orleans Halting Molasses. Chipped Beef.
Also another car of Best Patent MnWESOTA FLOUR
Equal to anything in the
"NORTHWESTERN DAISY" made of Minnesota
Wheat gives natlsihctlon.' Bakes well.
Oil Cloths arc selling
prices. Two yards wide lrom
gurrUou artillery the ttpleudld sum ol
$100 will ho saved annually.
Tiiekk li In preparation In Paris a
photograph of tho heavens thnt will
show 00,000,000 stars. This Is several
million short of the number which
tho Democratic party In 1'ennsylvnuln
saw lust Tuesday.
Jeuhy Simpson remarked to the
Ohio voters : "Hurrahing for Sher
man will not put pants on your back."
It is not surprising that a statesman
who scorns socks should be slightly
confused as to tho proper uses of other
articles of wearlug apparel.
Week Engagement.
The Baldwin-Molvlllo combination will
appoar all next week at Ferguson's thoatro
in n pleasing repertoire of tho latest
comody and dramatic success, opening next
Monday, Nov. 10th, in Bartloy Catnpboll's
picturesque comedy entitled "Galley
Slave," introducing all the latost songs and
dances. The company is headed by tho
vcrsatilo artiste Pearl Molvillo and a good,
strong support. Each play presented is a
novelty not only in name but in fact, brim
full of music and comody. Thero will bo
an entire change of progranimo each
porformanco. Admission 10, 20 and 30
cents. Seats on ealo 0 a. m. Saturday.
Eclipse ol the Moon,
Tho moon is going to treat us to u total
eclipse noxt Sunday evening. Tho partial
eclipso will begin at 6:36 p. m., the total at
0:37, and the total eclipso will end at 8:01
and the partial at 0:03. Ai tho full moon
occurs at 7:10 on that ovenlng, wo shall
have an unusually good opportunity to
witnos tho phenomenon in all its stages,
provided the weather is clear. Amateur
photographers will then have a chance to
got in their lino work.
A fine stock of guns and amanition for
ralo cheap at Max Reese's. 10-24-tf
Mythical Convention.
Tho voto cast in this city for delegates at
largo to tho Mythical Constitutional Con
vontion is about 10,000 short of tho full
voto polled on both sides. The highest
Republican voto is for Genoral Reedor and
Joseph H. Tomeroy, each of whom re-
ceivod 00,319 and tho lowest is Toronco V.
Powderly who received 00 045. I'Mla,
A Serious Fall.
I. II, Carl, of West Cenlrestroot, slippod
on a banana peol on Main street and in his
fall broko his artificial limb and injured
the stump of his amputated leg sevoroly,
IIo is under tho care of Br. Stein.
Tho Fair.
Tho pooplo continuo to flock to tho
Pbtenix Firo Company's fair in Robbins'
opora houso overy night. To night thero
will boa now programme of entertainment.
tho Shenandoah Gloe Club boing onoof
tho features.
TiychIl ntJiev
C if
Large and Fine. New 2fo
Syrup strictly pure goods,
freely. Mice patterns. All
50 cents up.
Thoughts Suggested by tho Eloc-
trio Railway Tho Groat Firo
In Town Eight Years Ago.
Brief Skotoh of It.
Tho poor electric railway Is catching It
hot and neavy now. 'Squlro "Jack"
Monaghan is particularly activo in his
criticisms and yostorday ho expressed hi
willingness to b t his judicial practice that
'no olectrie railway car will pass this court
Tho 'squire, like many others is a littlo
impatient. If ho will manngo to keep his
judicial pationco within a reasonable scope
ho will eventually eeo tho olectrie cars pass
his court and pass on beyond tho limits of
tho territory In which ho teems to reign
At times l am lorced to smtlo by re
marks I hear about "tho olectrie." A man
stood on n stroet corner yesterday and said,
I hoar they aro going to havo a gang of
Eyotalians to lay the electrio railroad
Sure, and havon't wo got plenty men here
who need work. It's tho cheap labor they
want, I suppose." I remember that not
many months ago tho individual who gayo
expression to this sentiment wanted to
build a houso and, to get it built as cheap as
possible, ho asked for bids. Tho cheapest
bidder for tho foundation work was a Hun
garian, who got tho contract, notwithstand
ing that a gooJ stono mason who had lived
in tho town for many years and raised a
family hore was willing to do tho work at
what wasa very fair figuro.
When wo squoezo tho dollar so hard our
solves that tho eagle is forced to scream
what can wo expect of corporations, which
aro reputed to havo no souls.
Eight yoars ago to-day Shenandoah
which had grown, Jiko the sturdy oak
springs from tho acorn, from a stretch of
wilderness to a patch and then to one of
tho most thriving towns of tho nnthracito
field, was swept by flames and within a few
hours one-third of tho town laid in ashes
and ruins. Monday, tho 12th day of No
vember, 1883, was a bitter cold day. Tho
thermometer was below tho freezing point.
A snow storm raged almost without inter
mission during tho greater part of tho day.
It was accompanied by a northwestern gale
that swept through tho town with great
fury. Shortly after noon tho residents of
West Centre street wero olectriflod by tho
cry of "flro." Mr. M. J. Cloary, who is
still doing business closo to tho placo whero
ho was then located, gave tho alarm. IIo
had noticed smoko issuing from a window
in an addition which had only recently
been built to the U. 3. Hotel, which occu
pied the sitoof thoprosont Ferguson House.
Within an hour after tho buildings on both
sides of Main street, between Contro and
Oak streets, were in flamos. Tamaqua,
Mahanoy City, Ashland and Pottsvillo
were appealed to lor assistance and ponding
the arrival of their flro companies themem
bors of the Columbia and Rescue com
panies fought liko heroes against great
odds. The flamos swept along the west
side of Main with terrific fury until they
struck Franey's brick building at tho
south wost cornor of Main and Oak streets.
On tho east side tho flamos swopt on to
Cherry street and there spent thomsolves.
Meanwbllotho firo made its way along
Centre and Oak streets to tho Lehigh Val-
loy depot and four hours after tho alarm
was given not a building remained standing
between Main street and tho Lehigh Val
loy railroad on tho oast, and Centre street
and Chorry stroot, on the south, except tho
buildings south of Franey's on tho west
sido of Main street. Tho value of prop
orty destroyed amounted to ovor $550,000.
Tho insuranco amounted to about $160,000.
At 0 o'clock on the night of tho flro J. J.
Powell presidont of tho Town Council,
presided at a mooting of tho body and tho
following named gontlemen were appointed
a relief committee: Messrs. M, J,
Whalen, John Hughes, Joseph Knipplo,
Abraham Lang, T. J. Hurley, Lewis Lohe,
John T. Thomas, John D. Hughes, John
Nolan, Patrick Sheehoy, D. J. Williams,
Thomas J. Foster, M, K. Doylo, Patrick
Ormsby and John J. Cardin. Chief Bur-
goss Daniel J, Williams wa9 authorized to
organize a patrol of ono hundred men to
pitrol tbo streots during tho night. An
appeal for aid was telegraphed to all
quarters of tho country. Subsequently tbo
relief committoo was increased by tho
addition of Messrs. S. A. Beddall, Q. W.
Johnson, M, P. Fowler, P. Conry and T.
1). Fioldors. John Oather was mado
treasurer of tbo oommittoo. Tho responses
to the appeal for nld wore prompt. Among
tho first to respond wore F. 1!. Gowon,
president of the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad Company, $5,000; tho Lehigh
Valley Railroad and Coal Company, $500
each: Rey. Father O'Roilly, $600; Senator
Kckloy 11. Coxo, $600. Messrs. Johnson,
Fowler and Williams vis tod Philadelphia
and $8,000 w.orth of carefully selected
goods fjKowod their return. The sub
scriptions from all parts aggregated over
Among tho nows items p, caned from the
Dies of Hkralu's issu d after tho firo is
the following : "Mr. John A. Rjllly, not
satisfiod that all was correct, had the
Itor. ugh Surveyor measure tho lots from
tho corner of Main and Centre streets. I)y
so doing ho found that ovory property
owner on that square occupied some 18
inches of the other fellow's lot. It was a
timely discovory and saves lots of litigation
in tho future."
Work at thestrippings is to bo resumed
again. About two hundred Italians arrivod
yosterday for tho work,
Tho amount of work the Polish and
Hungarian women of Ibis town can do in
astonishing. Standing at tho corner of
Coal and Kmcrick streets one can, at almost
any hour during tho day, see them trudg
ing along with sacks of coal upon their
backs largo enough for beasts of burden to
carry. Thero will bo few empty coal bins
about the houEos of tho Polish and Hun
garian families In town this wintor.
From Mrs. Henry Ward Booohor,
"10 Orange St., Hrouklyn, N. V., 1
Feb. 11, 1800. J
"I have used Allcock's Plasters for some
years for myself and family, and, as far as
able, for the many sufferers who como to
us fur assistance, and havo found thorn
genuine relief for most of tbo aches and
pains which flesh is heir to. I havo ufd
Allock's Plastors for all kinds of lamoness
and acute pain, and, by frequent export
monts, Hnd that thoy can control many
cases not noticed in your circulars.
"Tho abovo is tho only testimonial I have
evor given in favor of any plaster, and
my name has boon used to recommend any
other it is without ray authority or sane
lw MrsHknky Ward IJukcuer.
Look: at Tneso Bargains.
J. C0UV0, having Just roturnod from
Now York City with an entiroly now stock
of boots and shoos, is now prepared to of
fer tho Citizens of Shenandoah groalor
bargains in this lino than ovor before Ho
is offering theso goods at such low prices
that competitors cannot compcto with
Bring your boys and girls and get a pair
of double-soled tip shoes at CO cents, worth
olsewhore $1.00. He is selling men's double-
soled leather boots for $1.75, and tho best
rubber boots for $2.25. Remember that
tho placo to sccuro these bargains is
Coffee's Bargain Storo, post ofllco building,
cornor Main and Oak streots. 11 6 Ot
Tho Roxby Funeral.
Tim funeral of tho lato John O. Roxby
who died at Philadelphia, will tako place
at Port Carban to-morrow afternoon, at 1
o'clock. Tho members of Shenandoah
Ljdgo, No. 511, F. & A. M., and Shonan
doah Lodge. No. 591, I. O. O. F., and
number of other people will leave town on
tho 10:P8 a m L V. R. R. train to attend
tho funeral and in caso tho passongc
should number one hundred or moro th
company will sell long ratu excursion
tickets at tho short route rate.
It Should bo in Every Houso.
J. B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Sharpsburg,
Pa., says ho will not bo without Dr. King'
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when vnrious other
remedios and soveral physicians had done
her no good. Robert Barbr, of Cooks
port, Pa., claims Dr, King's Now Dis
covory has done him moro good than any
thing ho ever used for Lung Troublo.
Nothing like it. Try it. Freo trial bottles
at O. H Hagpnbuch's Drug Store. Largi
bottles, 6O0. and $1.
Tho members of Shenandoah Lodge, No,
511, F, & A. M., will meet in the lodge
ro m to-morrow (Friday) morning, at
10:15 o'clock, to procood by tho 10.58 Le
high Valley train to attend tho funeral of
tho la'o John O. Roxby at Port Carbon.
11 12-lt Jambb Champion, AV. M.
Try It, for It never disappoints. Dr. J
Cough Bjrup. At all dealers. .Trice Sice
BurohlU's Restaurant.
Charles Bin chill is now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah
Regular meals, at popular price, servod
any time. Ladlos' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 9-14-tf
I. O. O. F. Notioo.
All membors of Shenandoah Lodge, No,
691, I. O. O. P., aro requested to attond
special meeting this (Thursday) evoning,
tho lodge room, at 8 p. m., to arrango for
the funeral of Brother John O. Roxby,
Jos. lIiNKu, Sec'y,
Hotel For Ront.
Tho hotol proporty at Lakeside Park
(Ejut Mahanoy Junction) for tho year 1892,
No ono but an experienced hotel man neod
apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O,
A. itelm, Shonandoah, Pa, 11-10
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's.
Thoy Got Into Jail Instead of tho
Accused Tho Shoo Thief Put
Away for a Whilo Finos
and Imprisonment.
About throo woeks ago threo valuablo
bull pups wero stolen from Kocht.nowski,
tho East Cnntro street saloon keeper, and
0 polico of town traced them to Mt. Car
mel. Subsiquently Jatnos Fuhey and
SVal Noll, ol town, wero arrested and
churgod with stealing th pups. Yesterday
thoy wore tried beforo tho court at Potts
illo and after alj tho evidonco for both
sides had been submitted Jttdgo Pershing
directed tho Jury to ronder a vordlct o' not
guilty without leaving tho box. Judge
orsblng thon called threo witnesses iu the
caso boforo him. I hoy wero hdward
Lauder and Hiram and Samuel Nicowin
tor. Tho throo had appeared on tbo witness
tand in an intoxicated condition and the
udgo sent them to Fort Zeiglcr for 21
ours to sober up.
Elootrio Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
nd so popular as to need no special men
lion. All who havo usoj Electrio Bitters
sing tho samo song of praiso. A purer
medicine does not oxist md it is guaranteed
to Jo all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will euro all diseases of tho Liver and Kid
neys, will reniovo Pimples, Boils, Salt
Kbeura and other affections caused by im
pure mood. Will drive Malaria from th
system and; prevont as well as euro all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache.
Constipation and Indigestion try Electric
Hitters i,ntiro satisfaction guaranteed, or
money rofunded. Prico 50e. and $1.00 per
Dottio at u. u, Uagenbuch's drug storo,
A Great Railroad System.
Evory railroad man will want to seo this
week's issuo of Frank Leslie' a .Weekly,
us iront pago has a most beautiful and life-
iko llkonoss of Presidont Goorcn
itoDerls, ot tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Wo also find n pago of inter
esting skotehes showing tho workings
this great system . Tno striking ovents that
havo taken placo In the East aro reDre-
sontcd on tho foreign pace. Everv onn
wno is interested in tho curious features o
tho criminal courts should not loso
opportunity to loarn of them and soo life
liko sketches. Among the good-natured
taCOS we notice that of UoVfirnnr.nlnM
Koswoll P. Flower, of Now York, and
that of the phenotnonally popular Demo
cratic Gcvornor Boios, of Iowa.
Guilty of Assault.
Another caso tried boforo tho court at
Pottsville yosterday in which town parlies
wore interested una that of John O'Brie
bettor known as "Major." aeain6t Mrs.
Margaret Hughes. Tho chnrge was assault
and battery. Thirteen witnosses wero ox
aminod and nfter deliberating ten minutes
tho jury returned a vordict of guilty. Th
caso grow out of a raw among neighbors,
Gratifying to All.
Tho high position attained and tho uni
versal acceptanco and approval of tho
pleasant liquid fruit remedy.Syrupof Figfi
as tho most excellent laxativo known, il
lustrate tho value of tho qualitios on which
its success is based and are abundantly
gratifying to tho California Fig Sprup Co.
Stationary packages, C and 10 conts each,
at Max Recso's. tf
"Sho Couldn't Marry Throo."
Tho abovo title seemed to arouso the
curiosity of tho Now York public, so much
so that on tho opening night tbo houso was
packed to tho doors. Tho success of tbo
play was Instantaneous, and during tbo
ontiro New York engagement tbo tbeatro
was crowded. Tho play is an unqualified
succoss; tho scenery beyond anything seen
yet; tho company a powerful and ovenly
balanced ono, and Miss Lillian Kennedy
as tho horoino "Bess" presents a character
ization which for histrionic ability has
novor been surpassed on tho Amorican
Increased Coal Traffic.
Owing to tho heavy coal traffic, on tbo
Lehigh Valloy railroad tbo company has
put on another crow, Edward Lindemutb
belug tho englneor.
Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
HARNETT. On tho 10th inst., at
Shonandoah, Pa., Daniol Harnett. Fu
neral will tako placo on Friday, 13th inst.
at 9 a. m. Requiem Mats at tho Annun
elation church. Interment in the Annun
elation cemetery. Frionds and rolatlves re
spectfully invited to attond. 11-10-31
A flno stock of guns and amunllion for
gale cheap at Max Reese's. 10-21-tf
J. Codoe spent lu-day at the PotUvillo
:ouit, as a witnes.
Miss Lizzln FranlK loft town yestorday
to locate iu Philadelphia.
E O. Wagner, of Glrttrdville, was a
iltor to town this mornlne.
Constables Boland, l'LllllinandTmh and
Pollcoman Phalen spent to-day at Potta-
Thomas W. Powell, of Wost Cherry
stroo'., is confined to his bod by a fracturo
f the knee-cap.
'Squire J. J. Coylo, of Mnhanoy City,
and Major E. J, Phillip, of Shamokin,
were in tovn this afternoon.
John S. Buyer and wife, of Chalfrnt,
aro the guests of Moses Owens, tho X.
Main street dry goods merchant.
Drs. Sloin, Spalding and Cailen attonded
the bi-monthly mooting of tho Schuylkill
Medical Society at Potlmille yosterday.
'Squlro C. W. Donglor and John AV.
Morgan attended tho funeral of tho lato
Daniol li. KrobntPottsvillethisafternoon.
Miguo Hamilton, business managor of
tbo Baldwin-Molyillo combination, was in
town to-day arranging for his corapiny to
play hore next week.
John llousonick, of tho firm of Robbins
& Ilousenick, hat unci cap manufacturers
of town, returned yetterday from a busi
ness trip to Philadelphia and Bnltlmoro.
David Parry, who has been at tho
soldiors' home in Erio for several months
past, arrivod in town this morning and will
remain here indi-finilniy.' Mr. Parry is in
very poor health and says the lake air does
not agrco with him.
Tho celobrated imported Anchor Pan
Kxpellor costs but 50 cents a bottlo. Try it
for your Rheumatism and be freo from
pain. 3t
Railroad Rumblings.
Noxt wtok tho wintor schedulo of tho
dlfforent local railroads will go into effect.
Tho officials aro cloeo-mouthed, and Damo
Uumor is all tho authority at hand just
now fur proposed changes, which include
tho quickening of ono or two of tho Read
ing's main line trains; a lator train in tho
ovenlng to Tamaqua and bottor Jersey
connections to Wllkeu-Barrej tho starting
of tho 3:47 p. ui. Frackville trnin at about
4:30. WhiUt on tho Pennsylvania tho
morning Wilkos-Barre train will arrivo
hero at 1:20 p. m., instead of 10:15 a. m.; a
now Lehigh train will bo put on for north
of the mountain, via Shenandoah and
Frackvillo short lino, loaving hero at 4 p.
m, If theso changes aro not all mado it
would certainly pay tho Bovoral companies
to make thorn, for patrons havo petitioned
for theeo and other improvements to pres
ent train service. 1'otUville Republican.
Contractor O. R. Eborlo has boon in
Pottsvillo for several days trying to arrange
with Resident Engineer H. S. Thompson
nnd Solicitor S U. Kaorcher for right of
way over tho Oirard ostato lands for tho
proposed new Ashland, Shonandoah and
Mahanoy City Electrio Railway.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad omployea
aro contonding for two week's pay. Tho
movement iss'rongest from Harrisburg to
Pittsburg, but has extended to this section
of tho Schuylkill Valley division. Tho
Amorican Confederation of labor will
officially act on this subject noxt month at
their annual mooting.
Kane Convicted.
Michael Kane, who claims to ball from
Mabanoy Piano, was boforo Judgo Persh
ing yestorday on throo charges of larceny
proforrod by boot and shoodoalorsof town.
Kane h a sneak thiof and has boon in tho
habit of walking oil with boots and shoes
when tho proprietors had their backs
turned. In tho caso of Lamb & Co. Kano
was sentoncod to pay six cenls lino, tho
coits, restore the property and serve threo
months. In the case of William Stefansky
costs, $100 fino, rostoro tho proporty and
serve six months. In tho caso in which AT
F. Morgan was complainant tho accused
was acquittod.
Curious Result
A bit of ojster .shell swallowed flfecn
j oars ago, yesterday caused the death of
Hiram W. Hankee, a Slalington Justice of
tho Peace.
A well Knowu mivhloiaii In New Ynrkr
New York
advises Ills patients tliat toiler with Couuh
nnd Coldi. to use 1'aD-Tlna Couuh and Con
sumption Cure. 3Saudfi0cent. Trial boillM
tree hi Kirima ariig tiuire.
Umbrel las
Given Away.
With four pounds of
CALIF Baking Ponder,
we'll give you a beau
tiful Gloria Cloth Urn
brella. Guaranteed fast
color and as good aa
you can buy anywhor
for $1.50.
Unking Powder warranted
good or money refunded.
No. 122 North Jardin Sfpn