isrow oisr t:f i AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On the night Track, SEVKUN. thoOrocor, If still onUjorlRht rack and cornea to tlmo with another train ond of Kino On corios, Uannod Goods, Vcatt, Hour, etc. Ccntro mid "Whilo Sts., Shenandoah. AFFAIRS OATJGHT HASTILY. What News Gathorors Tnko Momont to Toll About. A few Hies about yet. 1892almauHCs nre about. Hog butchering Is at hand. Time Hies and 1891 is rapidly de parting. rink paper Is belug used in corres pondence. Keep the gutters and spouting clear ci leaves. The pasturo Is still very good for the season. Boon lime to put tho ice houses in order for the coming crop. This Is tho seusou of tho year that the cough drop men reap a harvest. When there Is work to bo done the buzz siiw is always willing to tako a Laud. Ice men are looking ahead with tho Jiope mat llieir Harvest win uo eany this winter. It will soon be time to plant a lion day advertisemei t, and the HmiALD is the place to plant it. Ninety per .cent, of railroad accl' deniM 111 this country are caused by the spreading of tlie rails. How much easier it Is to sit by the lire and resolve to do good than to go out into the cold anil do it. Millill CUT, PA. KAISI IXPOMT BEEB. Lisrkt. VATOIR BgTCTBBBM BMUIUMHBfll IWIIWHBk Dark. UNITED STATES MINTS. Director Leech's lliiort Lai gt Colnuce lu thd Country'" HUturr Wabhikoton, Nor. 11. -Edwnru O. Leech, tho director ot tho Mint, has sub mitted to tho Secretary ot the Treasury u report of tho operations of tho United States mints and assay offlcos for tho last flscnl year. The value of the gold deposited at tho mints and assay ofllcei during the llscal year, 13U1, was $31), C2r),07.03ofrtlnst $t9.22a, 723.00 la tho preceding year. Tho deposits and purcliasos or suvor nuRregated 71,800,00:1.02 standnrd ou ices, of the coin igu va'ue of $83,030,- 151.31, against $43,003,133. 15 lu tho pre ceding yeor. The coinago executed at tho mints was the largest in tho history of tho mint In this country, aagroating 119,- 017,77 pieces. -THE PEOPLE'S- I'ripurliif- fur the CmiYtmtlou. Boston, Nov. 11. Tho first of tho pre liminary meetings of tho dual conven tion or tho World's and tho national Women's Christian Temperance Unions, which occurs Friday, was hold yestor day by tho executive committoo of tho World's Women's Christian Tomperanco Union. lteprosentatlves are present from all quarters of the globo, among them being Lidy Soinorset and Mies Hall, of Kngland; Miss Tolsouo, tho woman lawyer trom Japan, and mora- bors from Honolulu, China, Australia, South Africa and India. New Shoe Store Having recently purchased at a sale In lieth. lehcm,A BankruptStack of Boois andShoes lam nownremred tosell these goodsnt prices chearcr than the coit of manufacture Men's calf button shoes oak mles, from S1.23 to !.".", manufacturer price io tz.ou. An m- mcne slock of best sole-lent her tipped shoes WHrrnnttfl not to tin nnd to stand cood wear. cheaper than the mamilactiulng pilccs. Big Line of Ladies' Laco Shoes whlcn we are selling at SI 2.5: mnuufarturer's price tl.Vo. Jlen'sbst rubber bouts 12, else where S'2M. Men's miner brognnstl 15, else where 81.60. Kemembor the pl'co, Centre St. and Market Alloy, Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. The Uost Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt llheum, Fovcr Soros, Tetter, Chained Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi. tivoly euros Pilot, or no payment required, It is guaranteed to givo perfoct satislaction, or money rofundod. Price iJj conls por box. For salo by O. II. HaEOnbuch. Tho finest nolo papor and tho country at Alax Hceso's. onvolopoa in tf Horatio Temporarily llelnstntml. PiitshUho, Nov. 11. The Allegheny Presbytery of the Prosbytorian Church was in sosslon nil of yostorday and far into tho night. Allegheny City Koviston and tho enso ot the Hov. II. Itausmann, of Itochostor, Pa., tho accused horotlc, woro tho two Important questions con sidered. The ll.iusmann caso was tem porarily dlsposod of on a compromise hasls by tho Presbytery sondlng him hack to his Rochester charge, ponding a further Investigation Into his orthodoxy by tho investigating committee that has him in chargo. A GOOD SHOE FOB OR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Neatly Done. s. Hi. iB:e,o"W2sr, Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Coming Events. Nov. 18 Grand Buppor in Bobbins' opera nomo for tho benefit of tho Trinity Ko- formed church. Novonibor 20. Grand supper in Kobbins' opera house; bonefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo. No. 10, A. P. L. A. A Surprleo. Koop your oyo on this local. Koagoy, tho photographor, will have his now open ing in a low days nnd will have something interesting that will surprisotho people, tf Kx-flovfminr Kmlth'a runnral. St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 11. Tho fu neral of tho lato ox-Governor John Grogory Smith occurred yesterday after noon. A largo gathering ot distill iruished railroad nnd general business men nnd men of political roputatlou was in attendance. Tho rollgious services woro hold nt 2 o'clock, Kov. 11. H. Buck ham, president of tho University of Vermont, olllclatlnz. llusinesi in tuo town was generally suspeudol during the funeral aud dug wero displayed at half mast. Legal blanks of Herald oilko. all kinds for salo nt the A Qno stock of guns and mlo cheap at Max Keoso's. nmunition for I 10-21-tf Host work dono at llronnan's steam I laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a spocialty. All work guar-1 nntood. Do you want n situation 7 Do you want holp 1 Do you want to soil your businoss 7 Do you want to 6cll or exchange real estato ? If so, call on Max Hoeso, Shonandoah, agent for tho United Statos Employment and Business Agency, -II and 40 Broadway, New York. Buy Keystone flour. Bo caroful that tin name, Lkbsio & Co., Ashland, Pa., ii printod on ovorv sack. 3-8-Staw Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. Wators' "VVoIss boor is tho bost. Rollly solo agont. John A C-5-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S. THOMAS Is now located at Bnlnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS. and offers to tho publlo the finest Hue of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED I Provisions, Fish and Oysters, Green nnd nmoKea nam una r men. iOazinxxas. Iiomoxis When it becomes necessary tohiro ahorso and bupgy, whether on business or pleas ure, manv ucoutu i ko a neai uukkv mm i nice.' quiet, gentlo horso that can travol pretty wen ; otners iiko ono mat is qjicK active anil ehowv. Persons in need o horsos and buggies can be accommodated with wnat they want at EVAN J. DAVIES' LTVEItY AND FEED STABLE, 12 (inti U North l'ear Alley, Frnnk Hess' old Mand. rear of Liihuri:1 hardware store. Good caro taken of Iran siont horses. All kinds of hauling attended to promptly. Cheapost place In town for UN D KUTAKINO. SCHOOL BOOKS. Philadelphia Cheap Bargain Siorc, For a full line of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, Ladles' nnd Gents' FuinUhlng Goods nt the loweai prices eciai nnooiucm furls at il vsoach. J. RABIN0WITZ, 110 E. Centre strcel WANTS, &o. A U re rtiieme ntt tn tM column, not exceeding 5 llnee, 6'Jc. for one insertion; 75c. or two; ?1 for three; one week, tl.60; two weeks, 1'2; one month, S3. FOH SALE. A largo "MoruliiR Light" double heater. Huilpblo f r a store, or dwelling. Apply to H, A. Hualm South Main street. 10-13-tf FARMS FOU 8AL.I3. Areyoti look ing lor a farm? If so call on or write to J. J. Kchler, Frackvllle, l'a as to where they are located and for terms. 8-53-tf WANTED A housework. In ply at 21 Nortli Main strcel girl for general smau lamiiy, ftp ji-o-tr Artists Oil Paints! ARTISTS CANVASS. OIL SKETCHING PANTS. ACADEMY BOARDS. ARTIST'S BRUSHES STUDIO AND SKETCHING EASEiS. Water Colors in Cakes, Pans and Tubes. PLACQUES AND PANELS ' IN TIN AND WOOD. TTOtt RENT- on North Wlilto street. T70R SALE Cheap, a JL1 house with engine, chorpei, A Beveii-roonied house Annly tn o. V. Dengler, 115 N. Mnln street. 11-lO lw slnuKhter tics, etc. Apply to lienjainln Richards 231 West Lloyd street, Bheuundi ah, Pa. 11-l-lw FOR SALE.-A nice 8 aore farm lor snle. Bix miles from Hhenandonb. Ileautlfnlly situated on a publlo read Good dwelling. Good barn. Fruit tires beginning to bear. All young. (Jplendld stream ol water running through tbe the land. Tills Is a good cliance for a man who wants a smnll fjrra, Inquire or Ja its G. Ilutton, post offlce bulla! g, room 0. v-o tf It Is not neotssnry toco about It surreptitiously, ns do the (ruin In 8 In tho picture, If you would take n peep at our elegiint display of the latest novelties in dre's coods, clonks, wraps mid ruca. Our store is a little world's fair In It self and visitors may freely Inspect the exhibition without being importuned to tmy. we luivownienttraetivo specialties tins week in tliellnool Dry uoous, Coats, WrapH, etc. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is KJ hereby given that an application will be made to tbe Couit ol Common 1'lia- ot Hchuylltill ciinty ou Monday, NovemberSO, a. u. jo-ji. alio o'ciock in uie loienoon, un 'ler tbo"corporatlcii net of tlinconimonwnalth ol I'eunsylvaula, approved Aprllai, 1871 "nnd the supplement Ibercto, for the chillier ol an Inte' dtd corporation to be called "The I'ollsh 81. Kiislmer Auoolntlon of Bhei audoali, l"a." Halo am elation lo be located InMbenandoah, Fa., undto have for lis object the muli tc nance ol an association 'oi social, educational and benf flclnl purposes to lis members irom lunas conectea inerein. H. G. M. IIOLLOPETEK, Attoinev for Apnllciuits. Shenandoah, fa., Nov. I, '01. 11-5-3W s s JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand ! Cor, Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A fine lino of Choice QHOCElllES Nuts and Candles. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr. Costlet ncflvcs his green tructc dally null, nit, viij .imi jiuip. twiiitimu eunmum to bis customs rs tliattkey wlllrecelve fresh gnoas wne.n uuyiigirom uim, lEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Boots and Ladies' aud Chil dren's Shoes. , DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! at a large reduction at the ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SUENANDOAII, PA. a "Watch for the KED HON lu front.-ffi JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 3G E. CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest b mn da of clears always on hand, Ttie uesi xeiuperauce a nuns. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest stock in town. Artislic Painting, Graicing and Decorating J. P. CARDEN,, 10 2-Cm 221 W. Centre Bt.. P1IENANDOAII 45 CENTS for a window shade with frin kc. others for 65c GSo and up. Hlmdea made for stores and private dwel Incs. 'A new lot of shad lngs and fringes to match. C- ID- FRICKE'S Carpet Store, iO South Jardin St, near Centre WZEJIEIIKIS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be phased to meet the wants or ins irienos una tne puuio in Everything in tho Drinking Lino The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hcholnr's Companions, Hook Htraps, I bouooi ttaga, laoieii, ie. nveryining una auyuuug rquirea in M'liooi. Mates, pencils, etc., sold re- uilniud wholwale. Books Suitable for East and West JIahanoy Twp. Don't forget tbe plaoe If you wish to save money. IMI. MBLLET; CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah. .010&JS.S5j, CHEAPER THAN EVER AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS ASHLAND, 3E J.m FECIAL SALE ! Next Ten Days. SALLE SENIOR'S- Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. iMAIN ST., SHENANDOAH TIAltTIES In reed ot of stove repalis Y of any deicrlptionsbouldcall M. on me, asl HiikolhhiI on hand a full supply. Buy Hie best range In tbe raarset, tl EW BROAD WAY. R EP A I -T-A-IEC!Ej j PEEP I- 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. jBl.. DAVENPORT, No. 6 South Jardin Street. STOVE It Is guar anteed to do perfect work. As to the price, U will snlt you. This excellent stove be had only Irom WM. U. PBATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, HOOF PAINTING 73m promptly attended to. 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah LEATHER andSH0E E1ND1HGS hp. cr. cxj&jarzr, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' Supplies ! Large iwd first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA DBESSMAK.IM. SCHOOLS To the ladles of Hhenandoah and vicinity. A Sclcutlflc Drets CuttlngaudMaBluellrauoli School 1b oi ened In room No. 8, Hobblus' liulldlnc. over the nost olllce. where nunils are taktn and taught (holattstand best sys tem of cutting ana dressmaking. Tho system Isu saving ot time, labor and money and Is readily acquired. All aredellgbud who have learnea n, upen evenings. 11-Wf , BIrB. M.C. HEWITT, J il i-OUKBOY, 4 T70RNEY-A T-LA W, Offlot Beddidl'sbulldln lorner Main and Oantii NTIQUITY can be tolerated In almost any the rest of the body is prttty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a mllllinalre or a genius can afford to wearanoieut'beadgear,and even they take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no more to be up with the times than It will lo be half a mile behind them. Everything about our f 1,60 hat Is hand some but thn price, and 51.50 forsuch a hat can scarcely be called anything but n ridiculously low figure. The same can be;saldof our 25a neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing gocds Is the lowest priced In the market, 18 S, Main St. SO A TSTT. A 1ST Shenandoah Black Goods form a large and important part of our stock-Broadcloths, Diagonals, Cheviots, worsteds. You are naturally particular about tho style and fit of tho Sunday Suit and Full Dress Suit, and will thereloro appre ciate the caro and taste we dis play in making this class of goods with right making wo combine just prices. A.G. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th fx Chestnut Sts. UeHt-Minde ClotlUiiu In I'lillaclelpliln. Crane Opening FAI.I, AND WIN TEU STYLES OF MILLINERY ! ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 26 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment lu Hats, Donnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TIUMMED AND UN. TllIMMED llATd Onnuot loo lESci'u.n.lloci.. CHRIS. BOSSLEll'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main Bt., Shenandoah. Tho Fines! Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well-made, fashionable clothesr If so, call on w. cr. Jacobs, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call nnd sen samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness and fair prices. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely caih com paules represented by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah, Pa. jf M, HAMILTON, M. D,, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OlOoe-20 West Lloyd Street, Hhenandoah la. r