The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 11, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Constl
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted vith it.
W. Baker & Cos
from .'which tho excess ot
oil lias boon removed, Is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro usedjhi'fts preparation. It hns
more than three limes the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nud is thorcforo fnr moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass.
Nearly every pattern of $l Horse
Blanket is imitated in color and
stye. In most cases the imitation
looks jus't as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the warp threads, and
so lacks strength.and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as. much.
The fact that . Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the 5A trade mark is sewed on
the inside of the Blanket.
Five Mile
Extra Test
at prices to suit everybody. If yoti can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Ask for
the Va Book. You can get it without charge.
WM. AYRES & SONS. Philadelphia.
Bank Counters, Tyler Syctom, Port
ablo, Unoqualotl In Stylos,
Cost and Finish. , , l
ISO rare Catalogue of Coanirrs. Peaks etc., lUotlralad la
Cclora. Uookt, Frve Pottage 1ft Cuata
Also 'l'vier'a jsoytai
Onice lr.k nnd Type
writer tiililiitta, BOO
Ktvlea. lleat and cheap-
I cat on enrtb, with groat
redurtK 11 in prices.
ISO p.aa cauiHcua me.
railage IS el, lull ltaM at
LI..L.. llialr. Tallica. Hook
(W, CablMta Legal Bla.a
labin!, eie,, aiia, la aioca.
Siw.l.l varli ,.! la ftptl.r.
TTl.lUt 1IESKCO., tt.J,oula, Afo., V.H.A.
k lUitehtatcra K.all.h Diamond Ural.
Ortriol ftnd Only Crtiulne.
irt (.witH rilchle. iaoiii wk
trill fir CAiektC- t E tiA Ilia...
WtfnJ UhjkuJ la llc and Li nitXLW
twe, leaieii na uitjo rt un i nice
turn 1.1 d -if tali. i, i .i.ii.ariMii 4a
la tare pa fr pnriii I, t t tirovaliU aad
1111. r iW IA)U "mhtliir. t Muni
T IfraU. 1O.00O1 nubUte AitmalMper,
tfhti hotter LbeailiT-.l Lu..? Jlaaahuunra.
hoci VruftlM. I'kiUilH.. I'm.
mm wanted
'o test l'oalllv Cure tor the effects of tlf-Juae,
"nrly Ksceaaea. Kmlwliiiia, Aerteiua IteliUlty. IMQI
Karl r.scraaea. uuuuuuii.u
Sexual Tower, Jmpotency, &o.
u. ulll mtiiI nn. 1
ind Slurb VaiuaUa Information ml'li Addreoa
U. U. CO., 8Ctllrailwa7,eW YorL.
Capturo of a Clovor Gang of
Lottor-box Thieves.
Hankers Swindled Out of Largo Amounts
by "Ealssd" Checks.
IIitTe lloen Illlltnir the Malls 111 All tbs
Cittr of tho Country One of Tliolr
Number nil ICxpert l'cmniui Ifald
Work of tho Alithorltlr In Ferreting
Out the Hnhbara.
Nkw YonK, Nov. 11. After months
ot tllligeut search nuil pUlent watching
tho 1'ostollloe authorities hnve nt Inst
succeeded In onpturlng one of the boldest
gangs of mall robbers thnt hns ever
ope rn teil In the cities ot this country.
They hnve successfully pillaged mnll
boxes ot their valuable contents for near
ly a year In every prominent city of the
Union. In this city they operated in
May last by breaking open several let
ter boxes and stealing their contents.
Hie prompt action of Postmaster Van
Cott, who had every box In the city
watched for several days, soon caused
the Kng to abandon New York.
Harry Armstrong, nlins "Shconoy,"
who was caught here by Postolllco De
partment Inspector J. E. Jacobs, Is tho
last of the gang to bo captured. The
others of the gang nro: Charles Hub
bard, alias "Charles Diamond," who is
tho leader ot the gang; T. C, Boalan,
ullas "T. Clayton," and J. K. Stratton.
The latter three were caught a weok
ago in Atlanta, Gu. Stratton and Hub
bard were then taken to St. Louis for
trial, and Boalan to Nashville, Tonu.
Those four thieves have boen operat
ing since August, lbOD, and have robbed
the mails of moro than $100,000. Tho
postofllco inspectors havo checks for
amounts aggregating $25,000 which tho
robbers stole and had cashed at banks
ull over the country. Theso checks were
taken from lotter boxes In Washington,
Pittsburg, Chicago, St. Louis, Indian
apolis, Baltimore, Denver, San Fran
cisco, Louisville, Cincinnati, Nashville,
New Orleans, Atlanta, St. Paul, Roch
ester, Syructtse, Kansas City und many
other places.
Post Office Inspectors J. E. Jacobs and
K. Morrison, Of this city; A. M. Snroes
Bor, of Washington; Paul A. Willi ams,
of St. Louis, und A. It. Holmes, ot Cin
cinnati, who hunted down the gang,
traveled thousands of miles to capturo
tho-thieves. They followed the gang
from city to city for months and were
led a merry chase.
The members ot tho gang never
gtoppod moro than a few days In one
city. They would open tho lettor boxes
with also keys, abstract tho letters and
take them to their lodgings. They
opened the letters by' steaming. Those
that contained cash or chocks wore do
stroyod and those that hud neither woro
roiealod and remaiied.
Tho checks wero altered where they
were payable "to order" so as to read
"to bearer," and in many instances
were "raised." The writing was re
movod by means of acids. One of tho
thieves was not only an oxport penman,
but also an artist. Where checks wero
tinted of courso tho tint was removed by
the acids. He had. all kinds of crayon
pencils, and with theso he lirst retlnted
the checks and concealed the discolora
tion made by the acid before filling them
in again
As soon ns tho thloves got their checks
cashed they always went to some city
remote from tho sceno ot their last rob
bery. Tho members of the gang did not al
ways travel together. Sometimes they
would separate and each thief would
"work" a town. Thoy would then
come together again in one ot the largo
The Inspectors could have arrested
certain members of tho gang soonor, but
they wanted to get them all. and for
that reason they delayed tho capture. -:
Lieu. & u. until bono Of Washington,
formerly Chiof l'ostolHco Inspector, put
tho inspectors on the caso last February.
Tho inspectors first visited the banks had been swindled and got a de
scription of tho men who presented the
checks for payment. The descriptions
varied greatly, showing that the thlovos
were iu tho habit of disguising thorn
eel ves.
Inspector Jacobs managed to get hold
of some correspondence between Hub
bard und Prentiss Tiller, who Is serving
a live years' sentsnce at Jacksou, Mich.,
for robbing tho Iron Mountain Iiallroad
of $110,000.
The letters that Tiller wrote to Hub
bard showed he had formerly belonged
to tho gang of letter box thloves. The
gang made their headquarters at a
saloon kept by J. Carrero, in Louisville,
Ky. The inspectors followed Hubbard
about and after u time got to know
other members.of the gang by sight.
Three weeks ago the inspectors fol
lowed Hubbard, Uoalan and Stratton to
Denver. Tho thieves went from thoro
to Dallas, Texas. A fair was In progress
and the Dallas police refused to allow
them to leave the train, as they bus
pected them of being crooks. They then
proceeded to Now Orleans und from
there traveled to Atlanta.
The Inspectors arrested the trio at tho
Folsoiue llouso. lu their room ana on
their persons were found 03 lettor box
keys, 10 mail pouch keys, threu saws, 11
(llus. two boxos of crayon pencils and
several bottlos ot acids. Tho thieves
were locked up in tho Atlanta jail, and
on tho following day inspector Jacobs
hud himself committed as a counter-
falter. He was nut In a cell botween
Uoalan and Stratton. He overheard
them calling out to each other that thoy
must swear that they wero strangers to
one another, und ulso learned of the
whereabouts ot Armstrong and of the
fact that Stratton had shipped a satchel
to himself at Atlanta.
This satchel was seized at Loulsvlllo.
It was found to contain a full set of
burglars' tools, several gold watches nnd
a gToat lot or jewelry, imiuo tue caso
ot ono of the watches was ongrnved
"ninrniim E. Stodmnu "
Hubbard Is a well-kuown thUf nnd is
No. BIO in Insnector Byrnes' Hogues'
Clallery. Ho was sentenced to Sing
Slno- In this cltv in loUl for four years
for hlehwav robbery. Armstrong Is tho
son ot a onco wealthy gambler of Louis
ville. Ho is well educnted and a good
tienman. He did the "chock raising"
for the iranir. Nothing is known ot tho
others, but it Is believed they havo
criminal histories, und the reonrds ot
various prisons will be scanned for the
' purpose of Ascertaining their identity.
dighest of all in Leavening Power.
Ills Mother Wanted lllm, but Ocorce
Augustus Ilml Iteon Thero Ueforo nnd
tie Didn't L'roposo to Go, So She
Called In Vain.
Copyrlshted by Loo & Shepnrd, Boston, and
published by special arrangement with thcni.l
This was on Pine btreet, Saturday.
The central figure wits a bareheaded
woman, with a broom in her hand. She
stood on tho back stoop, ami was crying.
Thero was no response, but anybody
who had been on the other sido of a
close board fence nt tho foot of tho gar
den might have observed two boys in
tently engaged in building ti mud pie.
"That a your mother hollering, Geor
gie," said one of the two, placing his ey
to n knothole und glancing through tc
tho stoop.
"1 don t care, said the other.
"Ain't you going in?"
"Georgol" canio another call, shon
and sharp, "do you hear tne?"
There was no nnswer.
"Where is she now?" inquired Gcorgio.
putting in the filling of tho pie.
"On tho stoop, replied the young maL
at the knotholo.
"What's Bhe doin?"
"Ain't doin nothin."
"George Augustus!"
Still no answer.
"Yon needn't think you can hldo fron.
rne, young man, for I can see you, ano
if yon don't como in hero at once I'D
coiuo out thero in a way that you will
know it."
Now this was an eminently natural
statement, but hardly plausible, as hei
eyes would have had to pierce an incL
board fence to see Georgie, and, oveL
were this possible, it would have re
quired a glance in that special direction,
nnd not over the ton of a pear tree in ai
almost opposite way. Even the boy a,
the knothole could hardly repress a
"What's she dcln now?" Inquired
"Sho stands thero yet."
"I won't speak to you again, Georgt
Augustus," camo the voice. "Youi
father will bo home in a few minutet
and I shall tell him all about what yot
have done."
Still no answer.
"Ain't you afraid?' asked the consci
entious young man, drawing bis ey
from the knothole to rest it.
"Noah! Sho won't tell paj sho nevei
does; she only sez it to scare me."
Thus enlightened and reassured tht
guard covered tho knothole again.
"Ain't you coming in here, yount
man?" again demanded tho woman
"or do you want me to come out thort
to yon with a stick? I won't speak tt
you again, sirl"
"Is she coinin?" asked the baker,
"Which way is she lookln?"
"Sho's lookin over in the other yard.
"Do. you hear mo, I say?" camo tht
call again.
No answer.
"Georgo Augustus! do you hear yotu
mother talking to yon?"
Still no answer.
"Oh! you just wait, young man, til
your father comes home, and he'll makt
you hear, I'll warrant yo."
"She is gone in now,1' announced tht
faithful sentinel, withdrawing from hii
"All right! . Take hold of this crust
and pull it down on that side, and tlmt'L
be another pie done," said the remorst
strickeu Goorgo Augustus.
Newly Refitted and Renovated,
Hair Cutting and Haw Dressing I
Uuder i'ostolllce Hulldlnt'.
Uiinii auu. waik lwj,, uMUUuuuuiiUt
AJ-Hntanctcold baths, Tollt. promiitund
careful atlentlou.
7; 1
IT. !T. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
The Illli'Hof Hip nrmlnatUI
to ilow from the press.
Oft in tho Stil y Night
You've heard tho wailing 'round you j
Vi ind Oohc and baby were tho combina
tion. Dr. Hand's Colic Cure is tho specific
Samplo bottles free nt C. J. McCarthy's or
J. M. Milan's drue (toro.
A man with an elastic sten nlinnlil
be able to walk for a long stretch,
Alva's Brazilian Snenlllo nn. :-I wlali ii
hear my grateful testimony to tho virtues ol
y lur magleal cure fur king's evil
My nepliew, now nine years old, born
scronilous.and alUlclea with swellings, sore
eyes, etc., In spite ol doctors ai.d liioodpurl.
mrs, Kept growl nit worw, ins health beoivue
broken, hla uecft was iull of lurnps-ot,
l'iri;flone,ftruiinl!igMire-iiud tneoaseeeetneel
hopeless. One mouth's use of Hie Octus
Cure, lo tne antoulslun nt of everybody,
drove awav the lumps, healed tua sore, and
oared the eyes.
lie has never felt or appeared so well In
years, ndw-feel tlini hit life-lonK t roubles
are under con'rol of your wonderful medl
oiue, lor which we cannot be too thankful.
m Westimh st.. New Yors.
Hold at Klrlln's OruKHtore.Kergusou House
Block, Ulienandoa ..
A town nowadnys without electric
lights is way behind the times.
Startling Faots.
The American people aro rapidly becoming
n wee of nervous wrecks, and the IoHowiiik
suggests the bent re ody: Alph inso HempU
lng, of llutler, I'a., swturs that to Ills sou
was speechless from at. Vitus danro l)r
Miles' great Itestoratlvn Nrvlue cured hint.
Mrs J. It Miller, of Vilparaluo, nud J. D.
Taylor, of Logausnnrl, Ind., eao 1 gained 20
pounds from tailing It. -Mrs. 11. A. UsMner,
of Vistula, Ind., was cured of 40 to SO con
vulsions a day, and much beudich, dlzil
nes. backache and nervous prostration by
one bottle. Trial hollies, and flue books of
marvelous curea, free at O. II. llagenbuch,
the druggist, who recommends and guaran
tees this unequaled remedy.
The fellow with a new overcoat Is
anxious for real coltl weather.
Mllos' Norvo ana Livor Pllla
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, fclotnacu and bowels through the nervn
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'llls speedily
cute blllonsneis, bad tasto, torpid liver, plies,
constipation, unequaled for men, women,
children. Smallest, mlhieot.sureRt! SOdoses,
Mcts. Samples Free, nt U. U. ilagenbuch's
An occasional straw hat may yet bo
seen, though their time is up.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is by far the must frequent
cause of Bitdden death, which lu three out of ,
four cases Is uususppctcd. The symptoms aro
uotgenerally understood. These are: lying
on the rlirht side, short breath, oalu or ills .
tress lu side, back or shoulder, Irregular
pulse, abthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
In stomach, swelilug of ankles or dropsy,
opnreaslou, dry cough and smothering. Dr. '
Miles' illustrated book ou Heart Disease, fret
atO. II. Hagenbuch, who sell and guarantee
nr. iunos- uuequaieu new neariiatre, ana ins
Kcstoratlte Nervine, which cures nervout-1
ness, headache, sleeplessness ettectsof drink
lug, etc. It coutntns no opiates.
Rimn nnnrtln , flint uru'll Iioita
early sleighing this winter.
Oh, What a Oough.
Will you heed the wanting? The signal per
asps of Ibo sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can afford for the sake of saving 00
imuIs, to run the risk and do nothing for IL
Ve know fron exp 'rlence that thlloh's Con
will Cure jour Cough. It never falls. Tlii
xplslns why mora than a Million Mottle?
vvere sold the year. It relieves Croup
ludWhopulng Cough ut ouoe Mothers do
not be wltho a H. For Lame Baos, Hidj or
Chest, use Billion's Porous 1'lnsler. Hold by
: H. ifagenbuch, N. K. corner Haln and
Lloyd si roots.
Goods for winter wear are now most
In demand at the store:!.
Sbiloh'e Consumption Cure.
This Is beyond question the most sue
iesslul . Cough Medloine we have ever s.ild.
j. few doses Invariably euro the worst oases of
;ongh, Croup, ubd Bronchitis, while Its won
lerful success in the cure of Consumption is
vtthout a parallel In the history of medicine.
4lncn It's first discovery It has been sold on n
uarantee, a test tvhlch uo other medicine
mn stand. It you havo a Cough wo earnestly
wit you to try it. Price 10 cents. 60 cents, and
11.10. If your Lungs nro sore. Chest or Back
nine, use Khilob'H Porous Plaster. Hold by
1. H, Hagonbnch. N. K. corner Main and
liloyd streets.
Surprise parties havo taken
place of the festive picnics,
If yon want to drive away Dyspepsia.
Hlliousuess, CoosMpatlnn, Poor Appetlle una
all evils arising from a disordered Liver use
or. Lee's Liver llefUlator. Trial bottles Iree
at Klrllu's drug htore.
Mlaalng Colloglnn Wolah Turns Up.
NoiiTlt Adams, Mass., Nov. U. Itob
ert Clark Walsh of Uiojklyn, a student
at Williams College, who disappeared
about ten days ago wa,s found at, a farm
house ou tho top ot the Hoxsao Moun
tains, ulna miles from here. Ho re
turned to the collego with Student 1'hll
Allen yesterday. He refuses to talk of
his disappearance. His relatives in
Brooklyn wero notified ot hla return.
new nnu m t uumri.fc.Aiun is utl i tK,
My doctor says It acts genUy on the stomach,
llvwr and kldneya, and U a pleasant laxative. Thit
drink la mads from Uerbi. and la prepared fur uae
AUuriugtsu seuit At fioe. and f l.uu uer uu
I lluV one tOHlar. Iuuan Fnmllr r.Hflna
gloves the iforeU ruch duy. lnorUcjtob
II o Signs Winnie llnvU' Name to n Letter
lli'ggliiff fill Money. j
.Tehsev Citv, N. J., Nov. 11. Two '
letti r . have been sent South from Jer- I
ey city recently, purporting to be
written by Miss Winnlo Davis, daughter
of the late Jefferson Davis, begging for
$1,000. One was sent to Dr. William
M Trow, of Nashville, Tenn., anil tho
ttior to General Gordon, of Atlanta, On.
Th're Is little doubt but that they
were written by Stoildnrd, the forger,
vrhj lies in tho Hudson County Jail,
and who forged his way out of the Ten
nessee mines by a lotter to the Hovernor
asking for his pardon, purporting to bo
signed by the State's Attorney, and a
petition pretondtng to be signed by u lot
of tho foremnst peoplo of Tennessee.
Superintendent of Police Smith re
ceived a lotter from Dr. Morrow enclos
ing a copy of tho nolo sent to him. He
turned tho case over to Chief Murphy,
who wroto to Dr. Morrow for the origi
nal. A day or two later a friend of Miss
Davis came from Now York with tho
note to Oeu. Gordon. The General knew
the nddress ot Mrs. Davis and her
daughter lit New York, anil knew that
thoy would not need to write to him for
money, so ho sent them the letter to put
them on their guard.
Attompt to AaaaMliuiln 'John Woodward
IIU llltugliter Whs Murdered.
WAvnnLY, N. Y., Nov. 11. Tho
would-be assassin of John Woodward
has not yet been captured.
As Woodward was passing along a
street In the suburbs ottho village some
one shot at htm, tho bullet passing
through his hat. Tho would-be assnssiu
then ran and was soon lot iu tho
darkness. Woodward has no Idea who
the man was.
In July last the bodies of Lou Wood
ward, a daughter of Mr. Woodward, 18,
nud Arthur l'lerco of Athens, I'a., wore
found lu n pieco of woods two miles east
of Wuvorly, dentt.
Tholr deaths could not he accounted
tor. Iloth were shot through tho head,
nud, ns no rovolvur could be found, foul
play was suspected.
It is thought that tho porsou who shot
at Woodward had a hand In tho murder
of Pierce and Miss Woodward, and that
ho is anxious to romovo Woodward, who
has been active In pushing the investi
gation. Tho shooting will bo investi
gated. Will 1'ay Another Dividend.
Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 11. Ennk
Commissioner Chapln snys that a Becond
dividend will soon bo paid to depositors
by tho wrecked Stockbrldgo Savings
liank. Tho bank has already paid ono
dividend of .1.) per cent., but It Is not
believed thnt the socond ono will bo as
largo as tho first ono. Chns. H. Collon
tier, one of the bondsmen of tho de
faulting Treasurer Chas. H. Willis, will
not contest the suit brought by tho re
ceiver on tho bond. He says he will pay
to tho oxtont of his ability.
Gov. Flower's Inauguration.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 11. In contra
diction of tho published statomont that
Gov. ltoswell P. Flower would havo no
military parade or other demonstration
at his inauguration, It Is authoritatively
stated bore by tho Adjutant-General
that thoro will bo a suitable military es
cort nnd demonstration provided for
Gov. Flowor nud that he will bo Inau
gurated with all due form nnd cere
mony bofltting his rank as Commander-in-Chief
of the National Guard and Gov
ernor of tho State.
riromon Charged With Arson.
Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 11. John Fou
hout, 21 years old, and John McCann, 19
yenrs old, both membors of tho locnl fire
company, wore arrested yesterday
charged with firing barns and outbuild
ings. Fouhout confessed to having sot
Hie to half a dozon bulldingH during the
p 1st three months ami Implicated Mc
Cann. Tho latter donlo3 all connoctlon
with tho matter and will have nn ex
amination on Friday. Fouhout was
held for tho action ot tho grand jury.
Mnasncliusotts Monrd of Trudo.
Boston, Nov. 11. Tho nnnunl meet
ing of tho Massachusetts Stnto Itonrd ot
Tr.tdo was held yesterday. President
Chnrlcs E. A. Adams presided. The
resignation of tho secretary anil treas
urer, William J. Goldlng, was nccoptcd
nnd V. L. Vreesy of Brookllne was
chosen secretary, and J, A. Davis of
Boston, treasurer. Presldont Adams
was ro-eloctod.
rresldeut Tliontpatiii Indlctnd.
Camden, N. J., Nov. 11. Tho Grand
Jilry found a truo hill against Wm. J.
Thompson, the President of the Glou
cester Jockoy Club. The indictment
cbargos Thompson with maintaining
a nuisance and a disorderly house. It
was procured through tho ollorts of the
Camdon Law and Order League.
Colnred Murdorer Ilanjrol.
NoiiFolk, Va., Nov 11. Henry Cus
tis, colored, who killed an old man
named Waller near - Tanner's Crook,
Sept. S, 188), suffered tho oxtremo pen
alty of his crime iu tho Portsmouth Jail
vard yoiterday. Tho drop foil shortly
before 1 o'clock, nnJ In eight minutes
Cuutis was prououucod dead.
Paid tu be tli Work T Ktrlkflra.
UmoNTOWN, Pa., Nov. 11. Ex-Com-missloner
James Nixon's hotel and three
other dwelling housed at Fnlrahanco
wore burned yesterday. Nixon's loss Is
$7,000. The llro Is claimed to be of iu
lundinry origin and Is said to bo the
work ot the late strikers against whom
Nixon took such a doclded stand during
the big coke strike
Hcury L. lletu, who killed Chnrlos
Blish at Peoksklll, has been Indlotod for
The twenty-third, annunl convention
jf tho New York Stato Womau Sullrago
A s jolatlon, Is lu session at Auburn.
Leonard A. Giegorioh, County Clerk
of Naw York, has been appointed Judge
of tho Court of Common nous by Uov.
Stuart Ilobson, the actor, and Miss
May Waldron, tho loading lady ot his
company, wero married yesterday In
New York.
It is thought that Rov, Mr. George, jit
Catsklll, will bo uuabla to osoape con
vlctlon unless some startling develop
ments la hit Uvor aro brought out
cent a foot
to ohnngc the appearance drold
Furniture DO Ih.t
your husbands will think it is new.
will nn it ft ... , ...
wuLrr a KANDOLFU, PuUadelphla.
Purifies the blood by ex
pelling the impuiities through,
the proper chunriels and never
causes eruptions on tho skin.
Regulates tho bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up the system
and gives you nn appetite,
Never fails to cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
FerMJon'r Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Aslc my nscnlH for W. 1.. Douglas Klioes.
If not for snip tu )our nlnco link jour
. ..i.i.ii ... ...i wi,ti.i,k( iiv, nviui v , u 0
mrrnrv. ntial dm fltnm t.ii mil.
It is a soot n less shoe, wltli no tacks or wnx thread
to hurt tho feet; made ol tho best lino calf, BtrlleU
and caty, and because tee vmke wore shoea of tht
grade than any other manufaet titer. It equals hand
SHwed filmoH costing from $4.00 to 85.00.
&T OO (rniilim Hnnd-NCuiMl, tho flnet calf
ipJ shoo uer nlTered for $i.W equals French
Imported shooa which cont from .tn to 81.! 00.
&t OO HiiiitUSfUfd Welt Mine, lino calf.
P'MrB et llsh, comfortnljle and durablo. The best
shoo over oiTcrod at this price ; samo grado as cus
lom made RhOft coating from fi.UU to $iMA
CCO 30 l'nllcc Mhhm Parmer, Hallrond Men.
tJwa nnd letter Carriers all wear them; lino calf,
Sfumlens, Binontb, Inside, heavy thrco soles, exten
Btun edge. Uno pair will u ear a year,
ffiA 30 fine, ml ft no better shoo ever offered at
! this irlco; one trial will couWuco Ihosa
who want a shoe for comfort nnd service.
CfeO 3 und fr'J.OO WorUluqiiinn'n shoes
nro wry strong ami durable. 'Ihoao who
havo given them a trial will wear uo other make.
rjartC9 S'i.OO und 51.75 chool shoes am
EQUJf 9 worn by the boysoverywhere; they Bell
on their merits, as tin1 Increasing sales nhow.
G rTiSAE S?J00 Iliintl-Meued shoe, best
&aC4.l ItB LKiiiKola, very stylish; equals French!
Imported shoes costing from 1.00 to fte.m.
hudleV li.30, S-J.00 and $1.75 shoo for
nusHt'S nro the nest nne uorvoia. iy ma ana iiurauio.
Cuniion. bee that V. h. Douglas' namo and
prlcQ aro Btauiped ou the bottom of each shoe.
DT osopll 33 oil,
i3tt.o33L.rxca.oja. la. Pa
KIQ North rourth 8t.r
tho unlT ic-aulaa Genuaa AaiiTieftB
UpAcl&Iiat la tit UnltW bitf Lo 1
kbla to core BlOOd POl80n
Nervous Debility sad Spt
clal Dlsenses
6kln Din Hud bpoti P.lo la th
timta,8oreThroat Mouth
Blotchw, rimi'lfi. Frnrtloiii, toft or
tiri Vloer. flwailngi, lrrlUtiooi,
iDll&aiustloD m4 BodoIoi.
Bulaturua, Wioti tod Kttly
dyt toil memory, wtak buck mntU '1l,7i EMeey M
mviir mwtui di aii Diirun rpuinnB iviu ;
lo llKrvtlun or Orrwork Rwnt tMi eurl la 4 W IB aJ"
reltrr X one. Do not ton hop, no matter bl J1''"
Uln Dewwr. Qouk, Frally or Iloiplul PbyilcUn hu
Pr. TIIKKL curei positively nd ulltiout deWntlon from
tOilnfit, OtB TOt a, M1DPLS AOID 4NOTWOM Ci.T IMPt Tt
iLi'M ilW fr.m 9 tn t. rrt 6 to 9 Wri, sml BaW
6 in 10. fiutitHt 9 tin 11 Trtu. ft sail ani b nata.
Bforn.ou au Wtda. ni Saturday rail, dally Thasfc
pmi-rliti airl,. Dn.-Va tinrli t awflril taUtiu iil&lc
If yju waut lo ww a lino display of UooUantt
Boot and Shoo Store,
(Mastellor's old stand,)
Corner Colli mill Jurtltu Im.
Custom "Worlt nud Repairing:
Done lu the host ityle.
Vhen troublml wUU tb '
nr. TrrasulftL itin net
reqaMtly Jo I low l n ; n
ntutloaal Wealth
io.'-r. or froL. tm-
h iruitliblr hIk 'ild
Una DR. nuOHOINE'B Golebratea
ibyara 6treatr.eutn tothn eiitfrr arMr . .Apart
ontt, vtsoriind iuumuvUii orcV) nil faiicHoaw of liclr
Uidlulnd. Hat i,y iitaii, .u.uialyiMui,iil, Si. Aildruea,
Or. Hnrtnr Mcwll'tlne Co.. ST. 10UIS. M0
jqr R. BRIOKKK, M. J)
Vol 9 Kant Ontre Btreet; Mahanoy City, p
Ukln and all apolal dlseasas a specialty ,