ISTOW OUST TIE3 I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, 1 ilMKEFi. On tlic Kiulit Trade. 8KVKKN. tho Grocer, ft still on tho riKht iraok nnd come to time with another train oad of Finu Gr.ceries, Uannod Goods, Meat?, lour, etc. Centro nnd White Bts., Shcnnmloah AFFAIRS O AUGHT HASTILY. What Nowb Qathorora Tako Momont to Toll About. A now moon out. Winter is coming. IletH aro being paid. Some people aro now eating crow. Sharp toed shoes are to be the style. Big buttons are fashionable this sea son. White laciuus in black shoes is a now oflect. The "biting Croats of winter" will soon be here. Now glvo politics a rest and get down to work. Tho boutonniere for masculine full dress Is always of white llowers. The weather prophets promise us plenty of Melghing for this winter. Immensely long Blecves nre good stvle. because they make the mind smaller. The maiden's thoughts will soon be turned tosvnrd Hint Christmas present. A new design of liiif dollars, quar ters and dimes will be put in cireuia tlou January 1, lhOU. llHll(liCUlI1'U. The following note picked np on tho street Monday afternoon is a inauly ox- position of what narrowly escaped being a grievous wrong: Deaii Jane 1 hono rou ain't mad becnuso I didn't lafT nt you when you laITt nt mo last evening at th post titlls. 1 ain't prowri, dear June, but 1 have got a bllo under my arm, and I can't lall an I used to, as Heaven U my Judge. Yours truly. uknuv. Chance fnr an Opeiilnp. There was a territlo thunderstorm last nieht. and in tho mail thi3 noon there wore letters from nine different light ning rod men inquiring if there was any kind of an opening here for them. Wo don't doubt but that an opening conld bo made for them if they woro here, as the frost is not deep. Tho finest noto paper nnd onvolopes In tbo country at Alas Keeeo's. tf Coming- Events. Nov. 18 Grand supper In Kobbins' opora nouso for tbo benefit of tbo Trinity lla- formod church. Novonibor 20. Grand euppurin ltohbins' opera house; benefit of Lady Harrison LodRe, No. 10, A. V. L. A. A Surprise Keep your eye on this local. Kcagoy, tho photographer, will have his now open ins in a few days and will havo something interesting that will surprise the people, tf Legal blanks of all kinds for sale nt the IlKRAtu office. Do you want a situation ? Bo you wantholp? Do you want to soil your businoee ? Do you want to sell or oxchanRO real ostato ? If co, call on Max lteeso, Shonnndoah, fiKont for tho Unitod States Employment and Business ARoncy, -11 and -16 Broadway, Now York. Oysters. Oysters aro in eoason. Go to Schooner's. 1 amillcH Euppliod. l'arlore for ladioe. 9-i-tf Buy Keyttone flour. Be careful that the name Lkssio & Co., Ashland, l'a., ii printed on every sack. 3-3-ltaw Wators' Weiss boor Ib tho beet. Koilly eolo agent. John A. 5-6-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at llalubrldfe's old stnnd, Cor. COAI. nud WEST 8TS. and i)frers to the pnbllo tho llnest Hue of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED I ProvUlnns, Klsh and Oysters, Orecn and HmoKett nam and l lllcn. Bananas. Xiomoiis. The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hclmlnr's Companions, nook Htraps, Bohoel Hum". Tablets, etc. BSverythlng and auythlng required In school. Slates, pencils, eta, sold re tall nud wholesale. Books Suitable for East and West MabanoyTwp. Don't forget the place If you wish to cave money, ZMI. MELLET; nuao r ninerD m n nvaun 22 East Centro St., Sienanooah. I SCHOOL BOOKS. 1 1 MAVKUICJIt HA.NIC 1IVI llliNUS. Controller l.ucey Sy They Will 11 Larger Thau Kxpectori. Uorto.v, Nov 0. Controller Lncoy makes this statement in connection with tho alTalrs ot the Maverick National Bank: "Iteceivor Benl lias fliod hla bond nnd received his commission, and is now nc tlvoly omployod in provldiug for tho nromnt return to correspondents or sucn rouilttances ns have been received since tho fall tiro ot tho bank. "Thor are so lanjo in voiumo that thoir proper Investigation and clnsslllcn tlou will tiecosnrlly employ some tlmo, but is hoped Mint n, Vory few days will complete all this part of hit duties. "As investigation prooeous tlioro is ft moro cheerful feeling as to tho nssots. The judgment of those host lnformeu Is that larger dividends may be renlized by creditors than at first anticipated. "I know of no othor bank In Boston which is not fully entitled to confidence. Both myself and the rocelver acreo that a dividend shall he declnrod nt tho earli est practicable momont, mid It is hoped that ovary crodttor of tno uanK will promptly present his claim for allow ance." J1ISOUSTKI) WITH I'ONSKCA. Knptibllcnn l'urty of llrnzll ot In Love With the Illvtnlor. Rto de Janeiro, Nov. 9. Tho now dictatorial government has prohibited tho holding of public meetings until all signs of uneasiness pass entirely away. Tho newspapers aro commanded not to make nnj remarks about I)a Fonseca's dissolution of Congress or dictatorial proclamation. There are ninny eviuonces uino tuo ite- publican party Is disgusted with tho acts of the I-rosidout. Baron do Lucona Is tho only ono of tho Ministry who re mains In the Dictator's Cubiuot, and is regarded as an Imperialist. Both the army anil navy continue, to uphold Fonscca in tho new rolo ho lias nssumed. Tho rumored uprising in tho State ot Itlo Grnndo do bul seems to havo died out, according to the latost news from that part of tho Republic, for everything is reportod to bo quiet. Kxlt John K. Umlinonil. Cork. Nov. 9. John Ii Redmond, the ilnfontocl ParnoUlto candidate, took his donarturo from Cork Inst night, lie was escorted to tno railway station dv lnrgo gathering of ids ndhorents beariuff torches aim Uoacloil oy u.inus ot music. Before taklnu ills seat in tho train Mr. Redmond was praseuted with an address by tho members of an organization known as "Young Ireland," composed of young men who have just attalnau the right of suffrage. Mr. Redmond re piled brleliv, thanking his supporters for their adherence in the fnco of tho violont tactics resorted to by their oppononts Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. When it becomes neceffary to hire nhoro and buggy, whether on business or nleas- tiro, many poople liko a neat buefty ar"i a nice, quiet, gentle liorfo mat can travel protty well ; others like ono that is quick activo and showy. Porsons in need of horfos and buggies can bo accommodated wltn wnnt tnoy want nt EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND PEED STABLE, 12 ami U North Pear Alley, Frank Hess' old .'stand, rear of Lubure' ha'dware storo. Oood euro taken o( tran slent horses. All kinds of hauling uttended to promptly. Cheapest place in town for UNDERTAKING -, Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, I 'Where be will be plcaiel to meot the wants or ins inenas ana ine puuno in I Evorytliintj in tho Drinking Lino, CIIlJAiEIt THAN KVCKl AX JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS Philadelphia Clieap Bargain Sioro. For a full line of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, ladles' and dents' Furnishing Goods ntthe lowest prices hi eclat HneolCcm forts at Jl.VScncli, J. RABINOWITZ, 110 EL Centre street A GOOD SHOE FOK FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Neatly Dono. S. L. BROWN, Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Artists Oil Paints! PAIMTS ARTISTS CANVASS. OIL SKETCHING PAINTS. ACADEMY BOARDS. ARTIST'S BRUSHES STUDIO AND SKETCHING EASES. Hater, Colors in Cakes, Pans and Tubes. FLACQUES AND PANELS IN TIN AND WOOD, 1 Si JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oak Streets, Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A tine line of Choice QltOCKItlES Kins and Candles. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr. Costlet receives his ereen truck dallv Iroin the city markets, wlilcb Is a gunrnnien to bis cnsiomcrs that they wlllrecelvo frtth gooaswiien uuyumrom uim, Newly. Refitted and Renovated TONSORIAL : PARLORS sxx A.-o-i3xr3-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SHAMrOOINO, ETC., 11V E. G. J. WADLINGER Under l'ostolllce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah 4i-llol and cold baths. Polite, nrnmrt and U1IC1UI UtlCUllUU. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 3G E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of clirnra alwuvii nn hnnrt x tit) uei wiiiiperuuoe urines. WALL PAPER BARGAINS Largest and cheapest stock In town. Artistic Painting, Graiiiog and Decorating J. P. CARDEN, 10-3-6ra 221 W. Centro Ht PHENANDOAH 451 CENTS for a wiucjowoliad ith frlnee, others for 65c. G5o and up. Hhuiles inutle fur etores una private ihvol liiKH. a new lot of sliud lugs and frlti t't's to match. O. 3D. PHICKE'S Carpet Slere, 10 South Jardin SI, near Centra J H POUEBOT, 4 TIORHEY-A T'LA IV, O niw-BMiiltll's biilldln corner Main int. Ci. EAISI EXPORT nem snira Jb "WANTS, &o. A itvertuetnents tn tht column, not exccetUna linen. 5 c for one intrrtion: 76e. tor two: Jl for three; one week, 11.50. two ueeki, it; one onto, W. ITOR SALE. A larce "Jilornlnc JL' I.lebl" double heater. Hultablo f r r. slore. or dwelling. Apply to 11. A. Hwalm Wmith Main street 10-13-tf FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou look Inn lor a larm? If so call on or write lo . j Heiuer, rracKvuie, l'a., as to wnere iney re located and for terma. &22-tf T7"ANTED A girl for geiieral T T nouse wont, in a si house work. In a small family. Ap- piy at 21 iNiiim -iain street. li-e-tr u uiv tiiiiiM i. A pix-roonieci Iicmee Water JL on KastCnal street Oood cellar. islde and outside. Call on Q. MnniilME. 110-tf 105 N. Main street. OR SALE Cheap, a slaughter JL! bouse with engine, chonpo , boiler, Ket ilts, etc Apply to licnjnmln Itlcliards 231 wen LMoyu street, rtiieuanuuui, i'a. ii-i-iw L'liiv oauii.-A nice k uure uiriii JL' lor fale. xlx miles from Shenandoah. Ileiullf'illy situated on a pnbllo road Oood dwelling. Ooodbarn. Fruit trfes beglnnlug to bear. All young. Splendid stream ol water ruunlng thrnUKli Hie the land. Tblsls good cnanee for a nnn wno wantn a stnnu Tin. innmro of Ja i ts U. llutlon. pohl office bulldl g, room 0. v-Otf i lniuncu ivjin;ji. inoucc is beieby given tbut nn application will bumsdo to tbo Cnuit ol Common I'leii- ol Hclniylkill county ou Mondny, November30. l. K. itui. niiu uciock initio loienoon.un er Ibc"corT)orHtloL lictof(heenmlnniiWAMltli ol I'ennsjlvnDla, approved Arrliai, 1871 "and me- Fuppieineni uieroio, lor ine cuartor ol nn nte nea corporal on lo Dn caneu "1 lie foiluli ii. liusimer Ahsociation oflie. miaou li, l'a." nl nvs elation lo be located InMbennndo ib, 'a., and to have fur Its olileet the nmli lo nnuc1 ol ao aoclatlon 'oi social, educational uiu ueni nciai purposes to lis members iroui unds collected tbcrelu. B. O, M. IIOLLOPETElt, Attoiney fur Applicants. Bbennndoah, Pa., Nov. 1. '01. 11-5-3W FECIAL SALE ! Next Ten Days. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, BootB and Indies' and Chil ilren'H Shoes. DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! tot a large reduction at the ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SIIENANDOAn, PA. fr Watch for the HE'D HON in front,"C SALLIE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N.MA1N ST., S3ENAND0AO PARTIK8 in reed ol or stove repairs of any description should call on me, ns I beep constantl on hand u full supply, liny the best range In the A market, N EW r- n Mm It is guar BROAD- n antced to do perlectwork. As to the price, It will suit you. This excellent stove be had only Irom WAY. A STOVE m P. PHATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING promptly attended to. 7-8-.1in 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplwa 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson Honso building, SHENANDOAH, PA, DBESSMAKIM SCHOOL To the ladles of Hlieuandoah and vicinity. A SclentltlcDress CuttingaodMaklneUranch Hchool Is Queued In room No. 8, ltubbms' building, over the post oiUce, where pupils are lakm and taught ibelAtestand bestnys tern of cultluuanudressinalilui'. Tho system Is a Hiving nt lime, labor and money and Is readily acquired. All a-e delighted who have learned u. upen evenings. 11-9-tf Mrs, M. C. IIKWITT CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAUR AN 201 N. Main St., iSUenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. mr bJLbi W m-Jarr J nl mnirj TAKE .A. It is not necfssiirv loco about it surrentltiouslv. nH do the trnmiriH in Mm picture, if you wou'd take a peep at our in dre8 Knods, cloaks, wrana utid runs. self and visitors may freely inspect the to uuy. we uavo nonic attractive specialties tins week in the lineof Dry Goods, Coats, YVrapb, etb. ' PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. FOB SALE No. 6 South 9 ANTIQUITY uu be tolerated In almost any thing but lints. If the head Is out of date the rest of tbo body Is pretty sure to follow snlt. Nobody bul a millionaire or a genius can afford to wearanclem headgear, nnd even they take a good inauy chances when they do It. It will cost you no more to bo up with the times than It will to bo lialfn mile behind them. Everything about our 1 1,00 bat Is band, some but the price, and tl.W) fur such a hat can scnroaly be called anytlilne but a ridiculously low figure. The same can bo; said of our 25c neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods is the lowest priced lu tbe market. 13 S, Main St, S0ANLAN Shenandoah Grand Opening! FALL AND WIS TElt STVLKS OP MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' -ISo. 36- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest asrortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our Hue of Children's TRIUMKD AND UN THIMMEU HATt Oftianot too Eciualloci. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! AT TUB COFFEE DOUSE, 32 N. Main St. Families supplied with raw oytlers by the hundred, Mita FEitauaoN, rrop. Light. -EJsix., Dark. PEEP!- elegant display of the latest novelties Our ctoro is a little world's fair In it exhibition without being Importuned Jardin Street. FORECASTING THE WEATHER. One weather prediction mar bo made with safety that there aro plenty of cold snaps, raw winds and storms in storo for us before Spring comes. Our stock of Heavy-weight Clothing comprises everything for dress and comfort the Suit, the Overcoat, tho Reefer, tho Storm Uoat. We clotho both man and boy with taste and care, NOW ONLY Cor. 13th fx Chestnut Sts, lleHt-iuncle ciotlilnir lit IMiIliuIelpliln. DO rOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well-made, fashionable clothesT If so, call ou W. J". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, .8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of tbo latest goods and the styles. Oood workmanship, piomplness and fair prices. " 8 - FIRE INSURANCE. largest und oldest reliable purely caih com panies represented by 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanaoah, Pa. Q. M.aAMlLTOH, MTlST " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe-20 West Lloyd Street, Bbenanaoali Pa.