7 IN A SHAFT Eight Minors Moot Awful Deaths ut Niuiticoke, Pa. SIX OTHERS FATALLY HURT. The Explosion of a Safety Lamp Caused b .' the Terrible DisMter, A Hand of Ilpnctirri Cnmn Noar M noting the Hamn Futo llourlronilliic fti-mc at tlip Mnuth ii r tlio Mine Ilorrlbla Ap imnntrice of tha Corpses Another . Thflnry of tho Accident. Nantiookk, Pa., Nov. 0. A terrlblo explosion ot gns occurred yesterday af ternoon In No. 1 shaft of the Susfiue liannn Coal Company's mine, causing the instant (tenth ot eight men nuil bo badly burning and injuring several others that is feared they will die. Tho billed are: William J. AV'im.iams, 50 years old, joaves wife and four children. l'RHRY It. Junes, Town Clerk of Nnn llooke, lire boss, 10 yearn old, wife and twouhildreu. William Jonathan, 80 years old, wife and four children, John Arott, 40 years old, wife and four children. Caleb Jkthino, 80 years old, wife and our children. Thomas Li-oyd, driver, 18 years old. David L. Smith, 2? years old. IIenbt Williams. The ritically wounded are: David Pon ell, 8!! years old; Thomas Thomas, 19 years old; Henry Williams, D. W. Evans, Howell Jofhenskl, a I'olauder; two Inlanders, unman unknown. Wheu the news of the disaster reached this town, there was great excitement, H it was feared many hail boen killed, and the relatives anil friends of those known to be employed in the initio Hooked to the scene. While they wait ed for news from the shaft, the so ene was harrowing in the extreme Women and children ran hither and thither, wrlngiug their hands, walling and weeping and seeking news and sym pathy from relatives and acquaintances in the crowd. It was soon learned that, owing to the fact that it was Sunday, there were but fourteen men at work in the mine at tho time of tho oxulosion. The smell of the fatal after-damp that found its way to the surfuco only added to the fever of suspenso and all these anxious ones could do was to wait. The officials of tho mine soon had a band of bravo volunteers together, and nfter the engines woro set In motion Jhese heroes entered tho subterranean caverns. They grouped tholr way through tho dnrkuess, fearful that they migut bo overcome by tho after-damp, or that thuy might encounter another body ot Ras that might have accumulated be cause of a stoppage of tho air current Soon they camo upon their fellow work men ond a horrible scene it was. S One by one tho unfortunate men were tenderly lifted nud carried to the foot of the shaft ond were hoisted to the sur face. Then scenes woro onacted thnt moved tho hearts of tho stoutest men; scones that are witnessed only when tho death angel stalks mercilessly abroad in a coal mine. Ambulances wore soon on hand anil some of tho men wero taken to their liomes. Others wero carried there ou stretchers. Some of tho corpsos presented a hor rible oppenronce, tho ilesh hanging by alirods to tho bouos and tho features dis torted beyond tho possibility of recogni tion. Those who are still living are not in much better condition aud their death 1b hourly expected. One of tho rescuing party told a thrill intrstorr of tho search for the victims, They nenrly lost their way In tho dark ness, and they leit mo gas anu i damn coinlnwr unon them. Some of them wore growing fnlnt nnd could go no farther, when they provi dentially fouud the nlr current and -were savod fr.nn n foto as horrible as that met by those for whom they wero searchimi. Uhey Diropeu tnoir way through the wrecked cars and debris until thoy camo upon the mangled bodies ot tho men. Thov cathored tho mutilated remains totrethor and oared for the injured, then carried them as speedily as possible to the frantic wives ami children above. Those woro all oithor killed or badly hurt. The injured were in such con dition that they could not be removed irom tho mine and it is feared all will die. Tho nccldent was at first thought to have been caused by the oxploslon of n safety lamp, tho flamos of which ignited a quantity of gas wlilcn una formed lu the shaft. It is now thought that tho gas was Ignited by a naked light in tho hand of Bomo one ot the men. The dumago to the inino wilt reach $20,000. Shot Darin? n Urawl. PniLLirsiiimo, Pa., Nov. 0. John nni Andrew Campbell, with six other drivers, being refused liquor at Patrick. I'lynn's hotel, SlorrlsClale, burst the door open. Flynn ordored them out and 11 red a pistol to frighten tlieni. This -anaered Andrew, who made a break or Z'lyun, ami In the riot which fallowed John Campbell receive 1 a slight scalp wound and Andrew was shot In tho neck. Physicians say ho will die. Pennsylvania W. C. A. Altoowa, Pa., Nov. !). Miss Itlanoh Xehrinii ot Ohio, Miss llertba McCurdy t Sownton, Pa., Miss Coraliel Tarr and Alls llattle Dyer of Pennsylvania, wore the speaker at the meeting ot tho State Viain' Christina Association conven tion yesterday. Tho convention finally adjuurnod last night without selecting a place for next year's meeting. Wnnli 35,0U0 llumncet. nocllBKTKR, N. Y., Nov. 0. William Hamlin, guardian for Daniel G. Wat klus, bus oonimeueed notion against tho Kteam uauge ami lantern uompany, .formerly of this olty, to recover $45,000 damage for Injuries sustaiueu by Wat kins in tho great lantern works fire ot 188a. 0iH fir Juftttoo Allium. New Yoiik, Nov. 0. Justice N. S. Adams, of Hanford, t'la., who was al most suffocated by gas in tho fllort n House on Thursday night last, is no resting easier at ths ho pltal and the doctors have hope ot his final recovery, uwium uavq uuh vl uia uuui iwuidijt, couuuutl iu uu iuihub .;iwui, i 8nCIti:T.lUY HULK'S ItHI'OltT. Tho Inert'iim In This Ymir's Value of Pi-mlucls 8700,000,000. Wabhinoton, Nov. 9. Secretary Husk lias presented to the President his mi nimi report as Secretary of Agriculture. He oalls ntteutlon to the specially noticeable feature regarding the crop values of tha present year. They aro so well sustained In tho presence ot large yields, that the Secretary estimates tho probable Increase in the value of agri cultural products for 1801 over 1800 at not loss than $700,000,000. Heviowlng our oxports an 1 imports of agricultural products, Secretary Husk status that durlug the first three mouths of tho present fiscal year our oxports in cereals alone havo agregntod in value over $70,000,000. He notes tho increase by some $29,000,000 In the Im ports ot agricultural products during the first ten months under the present law by comparison with the same period during the last year of the old law. Ho rovlows tho subject of meat in spection, stating that it was not only demanded In order to keep our foreign markets and dovolopo thom, but that there was a very general domand for somo such Inspection by the people of our own country, In many states of which laws had been passod providing for a local inspection. He urgos a system of inspection for all articles ot food which are the subject for Inter state or foreign trade. Secretary Husk devotes considerable space to a review of tho work of tho bu reau of animal industry. Pleuro pneu monia he regards as quite under control ami limited in territory to two or throe counties on Long Island nnd In New Jer sey, over which a thorough quarantluo Is exercised. He earnestly recommends Increased appropriations to extern! meat inspection all applicants. "The benefits," ho says, "which have already aci ruou by the opening up of the foreign markets to pork products, tho Increased demand for beef products, aud thn re-cstabllshment f their reputation for wholesomeuess and soundness in the markets of the world, together with tho protection which this inspection furnishes to our own consumers, amply justify a liberal appropriation." Of the rainfall experiments ho states briofly that thoy havo been made, but that ns regards the production of rain lie has no data yet at hand which would justify him In expressing any conclu sions on tho subject. in concluding his roport he indicates that from the tlmo ho assumed tho roins of offlco he has dovotod his per sonal attention to n general enlargement f the scope of tho work ot the depart ment in tho interest of practical agri culture, especially to the extension of the. market for tho disposal of the sur plus of our great staplo crops. A IIUKAWAY TltAlN. Down thn Mountain Nlile at a Terrific Hilt- .Marvelous rap. WiLKcsnAitHE, Pa., Nov. 9. Yester day morning a coal train ran away on tho hehigh Valley Railroad and camo own tho mountain sldo at, tho rato of 7G miles nn hour. The crew of tho train tried to atop it, but the brakes refused to work. The brakemau and the fireman then jumped anil saved their lives. 1 ho engineer, however, remained nt his post. At the foot of tho mountain the run away train o lided with another train, smashing the engines aud cars in both trains and piling up wrocKago to a Height of y0 feet. Tho onglneer, who had so bravely remalnod nt his post, wns burled deep in the wrooKago, nut, strongo to say, ho was taken out ontiroly unin jured. A Spiwillht-lrt Marquis. Pauis. Nov. 0. Tho Duo do Vallam- brosa. father ot the Marquis do Mores, and the Aiamulso do Mores, tue lattor's wife, havo decldod to -jointly nppiy tor an order placing tlio .larnuis under tue restraint of tho Judiciary Council in or der to prevent him from further snunn- dorliK his property. Tho Marquis da Mores was well known lu America somo time ngo as a stock raiser on n Western ranch, where ho sunk a fortune in ship ping dressed Deer, as no expressed in nis advertisements, "from rnncu to tauie, 11 h V Too Htmiltlvc. PlTTSunno, Nov. 9. Frank M. Doyle, nged 25, nu electrician, committod sui cido in ids room on bmitullPld streot vosterdav. by taking a mixture of poisonous acids, uaceasou was lorin erly a resident of Olevoland. Ills face and hnnds wore badly disfigured somo years ago by an explosion. Jo cause can be assigned lor uis commuting sucu a rash act. but it is thought an extreme sensitiveness at his personal appearance caused him to wish to cud his life. Huron Fuva rromottxl. Rosin, Nov. 8. Baron Fnva, Italian Minister to tha United States, who has been absent from his post of duty on leave, owing to the controversy between the Italian and United states uovern meuta on nccount of the Now Orleans at fair, has been promoted to the rank of Plenipotentiary of the First Class. finle of 8ihU for Yale-rrlnceton Onm, New YoliK, Nov. 8. Over Ave thou Band dollars were realized at the sale of boxes, reserved seats nnd tally-ho stand for tho Yule-Princeton footb ill game on Thanksgiving Day, on Manhnttan Field, Mrs. Garrison, of X'rluceton, paid Sio and H. H. Strong of the Union Club paid $100 tor boxes. Took S(l,000 ant) Ills GlrL TratvoltTOji. Pn., Nov. 9. 0. C. Ford recently employed by tho Weiss Produce Company of ivllngerstown, n.is ou soonded, with money and securities val uod at ifu.uuu. Alary inocnor, roru sweetheart, is also musing and the Ira presslou prevails thnt she has eloped with Ford. Nl'.W JKUSKY UKIICIfS. The barn of Col. John JIoEnery, Jer sey City, was destroyed by lire yester day with several vaiuauie uorses. l.osa, $5,000. Atlantic county officials have refused to accept from the contractors the no f .10,000 county bridge, owing to a flaw In its construction. Detective Dalton has left Jersey City to bring back from San Francisco J-jhn Hyer, who It is alleged absconded with 0,000 belonging to his employers, Messrs. Harney & Sons, real estate dealers. An application has been made before Judgo Knapp of Jersey City for the ex ouitntit on as to the sanity ot Mrs. Mary O Connor, who killed her two children ten years ago and who has since beau couQuad in ou Intone asylum. INDIGNANT OFFICERS Angry at tho Torpedo Yarn About tho Dnltimorc. THE CHILIANS SEfiKINQ PEACE. Captain Soliloy Will Allow the .Wounded Men to Testify. i Hut They Must First be Itocnvered in Health -onicer Given f,ave to Go ( Ashore at Night c hlllan Police still, Guard th stiwurdi-A l'oareiiuio Not- llsmrnt of Um Tronblit Likely. ITltniTiMan "M. M I -.1- r. . Texas. Nov. O.'-G.ntain Srf.w ,,l t.l, ' m ii.ni i.ii ... ' vam about its sinking Mr it,,,, u nt 1 tho least semblance of truth In the rumor. Thoy know that it must have caused a great deal of unnecessary anxiety among their families, frionds nnd tho pooplo generally of the United States. The utmost quietude prevails In tills city nnd In tho harbor, whore the Haiti moro is lying as peacefully as If she woro lu home waters and nothing had hap pened to disturb lifo aboard ship. Her stewards for several days past have gone ashore to do necessary market ing, under the protection of a police guard furnished by Intendont Arlegui. The olficers will bo granted leave by their captain to laud to-night. Although, ns a matter of fact, no threats have boen mado nor any signs been given that violence would be at tempted should the American officers appear again ou Valparaiso's streets, Captain bchley, in order to be on tlio safe s'ide and as nu net of prudence, had topped night leave. In reply to a letter sent Contain Schloy, asking him to allow tho victims f tho recont riot to appear before tho court or Inquiry nnd toll Judge Foster what thoy know of the outrageous ns- mlt upon them, Captain Schley sent word thnt he was willing to grant them permission to testify on certain condi tions. Tlio injured men would first havo to be entirely recovered in health, and the olllcers of tho IiaUimore must be per mitted to bo present nt the Inquiry while tho men are giving evidence. Capt. Schley also agrood to give the court n copy of tlio information about the assault sent to the United States government. A Yam lure mill Slmpln. Washington, Nov. 9. All the efforts to ferret out the origin of the story cur rent Saturday night thnt the cruiser Baltimore had been destroyed by a tor pedo at Valparaiso have proved fruit less, Tho yarn caused considerable ex citement for some time. WANTS TO UK FlUKNULY. Chilian Government Sceklni- a Toaccablc Solution of the Trouble. Valparaiso, Nov. 9. Tho Chilian government is seeking a friendly solu tion of tho difllculty with tho United Statos over tho Baltimore sailors' inci dent. to snow ouii STi:i:NGTir. Likely thnt Every Stool Ship May Go South lldfuro I.on-. WabhInOTOX, Nov. 9. Of course there is no intention on tho part of our gov ernment to provoke war, but it is evi dent that the United Statos naval force In South American waters is about to bo so increased as to givo U3 a iloet of greater strength thnn we havo evor as sembled since 1805. With tho exception of tho Jllantono mob tho Chicago, the Dolphin, tho Vesuvius and the Cushing, every ono of our completed steel ships may lio gathered in one South American port within tlio uoxt two months. The ships thus to bo assembled, if necessary, are the Atlanta, the liaitl moro, tho Bennington, tho Boston, tho Charleston, the uoncord, tue JNewnrK, tho Petrel, tho Philadelphia, tho San Francisco and tho Yorktowu. It Is not oxpected that this fleot will be called upon to do nuy fighting at tho presont time, or even make a "demon stration" against any South American State; it assembled its purpose will be simply precautionary. Sometimes tha knowledge that a sulll clent polico f orco is close at hand will keep tho mob from reckless acts that they would commit if no repressive force was available. Similarly a show of naval strength may repress a ten dency among tho people of a bravo, but ill informed nation, to attack us. White Cups Settled With Him. Fom Smith, Ark., Nov. 9. Early yesterday morning Alex. Rlc was takon from his bed by White Caps, strlppod to the waist and 103 lashes laid on his biro back. lie was then given nn hour in which to leave town, which he did, Last Tuesday night ltlce, with tho help ot the mother, succeeded In inducing n 13-year-old girl to marry him. The child was weak and delicate, while Kieo is a big, burly fellow, old enough to be the child's grandfather. The action ol tho White Caps Is generally approved. NI3W YORK Ni:VS IN UltlUlT. Governor-elect McIClnloy, of Ohio, it visiting his brother in New York. Governor Hill has proclaimed Novom her 20 as a day of Thanksgiving. Governor-elect Flower's statement ol election expenses gives the amount nt SJ5.0J0. Kdward Emmons, who killed Annie Owens In Stateu Island, has been par doned from Sing Sing. Mrs. Helena Nock, wife of a carrlag3 manufacturer of Kingston, has illsup peared, and is thought to have elopod. The dairy and barns of John O'Con nor at Homer .were destroyed by an in condiary Ore yesterday. Loss, $ 1.5U0. Norman L. Monroe's steam yacht, the Norwood, made n mile Saturday in two minutes twelve anu one-uait boconus, tha fastest tlmo on record. Itobert Chadwlck Hutohlngs, popu larly known in tho days of Tweed, when he was Surrogate of New York Couuty. as "Handsome Bob," is dead in New York. The shut down nt tha Moquette darpet mills in Yonkers is said to be for the purpose of repairing machinery. Between 2,000 and U.OOO men are out ot employment for two weeks. IfJitnflnnDnnD ! Plan 5 fy PERFECTLY to a most delicious substitute for Tea and CniTon. More healthful. One pound sufficient for 1 50 cups.,,,;, A Startling AfTulr. A horse attached to the cart of n tin peddler, whilo on Bahnforth avenue Fri day, becarno startled and ran away at a speed that was marvelous in a tin ped dler's horse. The wagon was old and rickety, and tlio liorso (lid not appear to bo in a better condition! but both of thetn got through that avenuo with aw ful volocity, tho former hooping its spine ond shaking its head and throw Inir its heels uproariously, whilo tho lat lnK hoels uproariously, whilo tho lat- i ter reeled from one sido tho road to the other nnd bounded from rut to rut anil 1 ,IW nn Invoice of old junk and now tinware at every hcavo. One old lady was canght around tho neok by a pair of satinet pants and nearly choked to death, and alioopskirt, badly damaged, descended over tho head of a man who was telling n neighbor what his mother rubbed on sprains, and so frightened him that ho fell over a barrel and put both his ankles out of joint, and was bitten on the shoulder by the dog of tho man he was trying to benefit. The horso, having filled tho nir with boilers and old vests aud (lat iron a and worthless overalls and brass kettles and broken down gaiters, suddenly fetch ed up by jumping off the bridge and into the river, dragging the wagon and a raotheaten undershirt in nfter it. Stick to it I Sometimes you may havo to wait. Tho troubles that havo been years in orathcrin!? can't alwavs bo cleared away in a day. For all tho diseases and disorders peculiar to woman hood, Dr. Pierco's Favorite Pre Bcription is tho surest and Bpcediest remedy. You can depend upon that but if your caso is obstinate, givo it reasonable time. It's an invigorating, restorativo tonic, a soothing and strengthen ing nervine, and a positivo specitio lor leinalo weaknesses ami ailments, All functional disturbances, painful irregularities and derangements aro corrected and ourcd by it. All unnat ural discharges, bearing-down sonsa tions, weak Lck, accompanied with faint spells and kindred symptoms, aro corrected. In every caso for which it's recommended, "Favorite Prescription," is guaranteed to givo satisfaction, or tlio money is ro funded. No other mcdicino for women is sold on such terms. That proves that nothing else offered by flm final nr vrti lio 1( TllRt. na frond." A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE. We are making a hlc drive in fur niture, but ninlloloua desire la not it object. We desire to dlspoao of a large fiurplusstock, and propose to give our patrons the benefit of bohio exiraortli nary bargains. J, P. Williams 8c Bro. SoutU Main St., COPYRIGHT IC9I PURE. 6b Lohigli Valley Railroad. BltANUKMKNT or PASSBMOSR TRAINS. MAY 10. 1891 'aiweneer trains will leave Shenandoah for llaucli Chunk, l.ebieliton, Hlatlneton, Cata. sniqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil Kor Uulvldere, Delaware Water Oap and Hrou4sbnrg at5.17, a. in., and 6.28 p. m. Kor Uunbertvllle and Trenton, H.08 a, m For White Haven, Wlllies-liarro and Pitt um 6.47. g.N. 111.41 a. m., 3.10 and 6.28 p. m. For TUBkhanuock, 10,41a. m 3.10 and 5.23 r. Kor Auburn. Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyont 10.41 a. m am) 6.26 p. m, Forliaayville,Towanda. 8ayre, Waverly, Klmtn, HeehMler, llutralo. Nlaeara Falls ( 'Mta-so and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,aut) 5.V8p. m. For Klmlra and tho West via Salamanca al 3.10 p. m. Kor Audenrled, llazleton, Htockton, Lum lr Yard, Weatfcerly aud Penn Haven Juno Ion at 5.4?, 7.40, H,08 a. m. and 12.62 3.10 and 50 p. m. Kor Jeanesvllle, Iiovlstou and Heave) Moadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5,28 p. m, KorHcrautonatG.47 HUH, 10.41a. m, 3,10 ind VSiip. m. Kor Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Drirtou and Free I ind at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 122 8.10 and 5.28 p. m. Kor Quakako at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and I. 10 p. in. Kor WlR-ains, Gllberton and Kraokvllle at i 30 and tf.03 a m and 4.10 p. m. Kir Yal-asville, Mahanoy City and Delano -.47. 7.10, 9.IW, 10.41, 10,68 . ra.,lZ52,3.10,i.2S, 8,03, P it iud 10.27 p.m. For Lost Creek, 31rardvlll and Ashland 1 47. 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 6.35 s.ioand 9.14 p. m. For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and Puttsvllle, .40, 0.08, 10.68 a. m 12.52,3.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.W r.m. For Hoes Mountain, New Boston and Morea, 7.40, 9.08, n.58 a. n.., 12.62, 3.10, 6.26 and 8.03 p. m. For Raven Ran, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and -hamollln, 8.52, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C nd8.03p. m. Trains leave Hhamokln for Bhenandoah, 7 r 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving ut Hheuandoah, 9.03 a. m., 12.52. 8.10, 5.28 and II. 15 p. m. SUNDAY TUAINH. For Lost Creek. Qlrardvllle and Ashland. 91,9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m. For Darkwater. St. Clair and Pottavllle. 40, 8.00, 0.30 a.m., 2.45 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delam., ,00, 11.35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 8.03 p. m. cor liouy, Auuonriea ana iianeiou, e.w in., i.4o p. m: Kor MaucU Chunk. Lehlnhton. Slatlucton, latanauaua. Allentown. Bethlehem. KaaUn ind New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m. Kor f huadelphla, 1.40 p. m. & ii.ijiuiuiiin, Uen'l Pass. Aet., Bethlehem. first National Bank, theatki: UUILDINO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, 9. IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER GENT. INTEREST I l'a 10 1111 uuvluica ueponlttt. People's Oyster Bay! EG AN IIUILDINQ, T2 IS. Centre St., Slicnantloali CHAS. C. GUISE, Props. OYSTERS Itw, Btewed, Scalloped, Panned or Fried to order. Families supplied at their house with the best oysters ine maraei anuras. All Orders Promptly Filled. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE aud RETAIL Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention paid to nana, ncnics, Festivals, els. KEITHAH NOKT1I MAIN BTEKET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH. PENNA A J. GALLAGHER Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages aud Bonds written, Marriage licenses ana legii ciuiuis promptly attended to. Heal Estate, Collection and Iasurante Agency General Fire Insurance Business. Represents the Nortnwestern I.ue insurance uo. OrrrcE-Muldoon's building, corner Centre and west bu,, Huenanaoau, ra. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two story double frame dwelling house storennd restaurant, on East ifenlre Bt. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street, 3. Desirable property on corner Centre and j lira in streets, suitaoie tor business pur poses. 4. A t twostorv double frame dwelling, on wesi iiovu street. 5 Two 2 story frame dwellings on West Cen tro street. 6. Two 2 story dwellings on tho corner of Coal and Chestnut streets Store room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a Unrs warehouse at the roar. 8. Throe tvo-stery doabla fmtnt buildings eoxaer 01 iuoya aau uHtmi stfeM. liladolphla and Eoading Bailroad Time Tbt in etlret Jutjf 10, 1HB1 leave rnnmrn as follows Kor New York via Philadelphia, woe days. v i.iKi a. m, ana Ji t.ai) nna 6.M a;. Bnnday 2.10 nnd 7.18 a. m. For flew , . m. and 12.83 nnd 2.60 p. m. ini ? SK ttud Fhlladelphla week day, 'i,7;,?3' ".ra-. S.W and 5.56 p;ro, .K.'-1Y,tua',,,'lui 4J p.m. ,50, 5.55 p. ra7 - 0 "p. mJlento'1,rn' w,Bk tot -W "., 12.35 SlRS,J5 p' m- Bun1ayi 2 10 ah17.iJ in., s.ou p. m. "orvtamaoua and Mahanoy city, wee i..' u"' S--"' yri . I2JJ 2.50 and 5.65 St.. Hnlay. 2-1? and 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. in. ldltlonal lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 Kor Lancaster and Columbia, week days. Do. m., 2.50 p.m. Kor WllUamsport, Hunbury and Lewlsburit. ei Oays. 8.2i, 7.2ft and 11.81 a. m., 1,85, 7.(5) for Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.25. "i. 7.20 and lf.SH a.m.. I2.M. 1 al q mi c m' 00 aac i in. Sunday. 2 10. 8.25" an'd 7.41I m. 4.05, 4.30 n. m. 35, 1 35, J.66, i,55, 7,.0o'and9.25. p. m. Sunday! .0, .2 , 7.48 a. m!, 3.05, 4.30 p. m. fl 'OT Ashland and Ubaninlrln. trciAlr Anvm ,2),5JZ5,7.2ii, 11.8) a. m 1.35, 7.00 and fai a. ) 1'RAINS Kolt BIIENANDOAH i rfave New York via Philadelphia, week ys,7.45 a. in.. 1.30. 4.00. 7.30 d. m.. 12.H k... . .. a rvi .... . r .... . . - luuday, 6.00 p. in., 12,16 nlgnt. New York via fttnnnh nhim-ar. ub iy, 4.S0. 8.45 a. m., 1.00 and 4.0) p m. eave 1'lillnOoiplila, wees days, 4.10, and . i.w aim d.iiu p. in., ironi uroaa d OailowlirJl and R.3. a. iri.mid ll aa n m trom OthijnO u reen streets. Banday 9.05 a. tn.ll.t0 p. m. from 0th aaC .irneu. Leave Heading, week days, 1.35. 7.10. 10.06 id U.60 a. m., 6.85, 7JS7 p, m. Utuidny 1.35 ana o e.. jii. .eave rottsvllle, week days, a.40, 7.40 a. m 80. b 11 P. m fctntlrtAV. 2.40. 7.1710 ft. tn. finil u6 m. ve TAauuiaa. week days, 8.70, 8.48 and 2! 1. 111.. Ul. 7.13. and 8.18 n. m. Hnniliw :n H . n. and 1W p. m. .eava Mabanoy , .-. w jk days, 8.40, 9.18 id 11.47 a. m 1.51. 7.42 n 1 0.44 p. m. Bun .y, 8.l,8.17 a. ra., ' ' Leavu Muhanov i-,.. . . ask (lavs. 24i. 4.10 ,. llMn. m.,1.05, 2.110. 620. 6iS6,7.fi7, and (H) O. m. Hnndav 1J . 4.00. anil K.27. u. tn 3 57, 5.01, p. m. Lftwtyc uiraruviuo (ltappanannocK Btationi miS. days, 2.47. 4.07. 6.3d. aud 0.41 o. m., liOi. 2. S.tH, 8.32, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. Bunday, 2,47, I . 8.33 a. ra. 3.41. 5J.7 d. 111. Lieave Williams wirl. wees: davn. and .65 a. m. s.35 and 11.16 p. m. Bandar 11.15 m. far lialtlmore, Washlnstou and the west Illl.itO. K. K.. throuir n trains leave uiraro -v.enne station, rhiladelpula, (P. & K. It. 11.) 23 p. tn. Bunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a. m., i.U . 110. dux uufi ii.zi a. 111.. anu Doaoa p. m. eave Philadelphia, Chestnut HtrectVhaiJ a riuath Btreot Wharf Kor AUantletutt. Veek-davs KxDreso. 8 00. 9:00 a. m. o.w -..u, uw , iu. auujuiuiuadUJUi I : fm . iv. cm ... .... . in. uuu t.io, ttw i. ri. uudays. express, 8.00, 0.00 a. m. AO-oomcu-atloii, a. m. and 4.45 p. m. Keturnlng, leave Atlantic city, depot lantlo and Arkansas vuuw Wonk-dai s xpress, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00, 5.30 , in. Accommodation 6.00, 8.10 a. m. and 30 n m. Sundays -E-tDress. 4.00. 6 00 u. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. and 5.0a p. in. tj. u. UAniAiuti, uen'l ruesT Agio A. M.0I1GOU. Pres. a Gen'l bJanaier. .F MNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BORDYI.KIL1. DIVISION rn anil after September 1 linl, '.mint wilt teat ancitanuoan as ottows: .-., 1T I ...... .. ..til........ vn.vui. 1 ifi. 1 uiiucmu, riau&Tiuc, lion ostle, at. Clair, and way points, 0.W, 9.19 111 UUU LIO J Ul, tlnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and WO p m. For Pottavllle. 6.00. U.lo a m and 4.15 d m. Sundays, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 p m, ;T iui ivcuumg, a.w, a in uuu t.io pu Hnndays, 6U0, 9.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm, For Pottstown. Plioenixville. Nnnrlttnwn and Fblladelnhla (Broad streot station 1. B.Ol. a. m, and 4.15 p m week days uunaays, eisj, v.su a m s.iu p m Trains Iaavb FrncfevlllR fnr Hhnnnrirlnh al 10.40 a m ana ia.14, r.ta, 11,00 p w. unodnri 1. ia a m anu .u p ui. Leave pottovuie lor Bntmanaoan. 10.15 ana i.ts, a m 7.19, f.u p m, unoays, au.fe a m ID 1UU i.eavo runaueiuma liiroaa streot Piationi ur t-otisviueana nnenanaoan, a.ai, b.sia n .10 and 7.03 p m week days. Bunday 6.60, am .ui am For NOW York, 3.20, 4.05. :tt), D.35, 8.60, 7.8t 208.8 . i).50. ll.OOand 11.14. 11.35 "m. 12.00 noon- (lunlusd ox-iress, 1.06 4.50 p in.) 12.21 12.44,1.40. i80. 8.20. 4.02 5. 6. 0.2). 8.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 tA m, 12.01 nlgoU AXv In Banoays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40. 5.35. ! 12,, XX. iJ U lit 14 11, lj, UtUllAflJ, SI), 5 21, 2 )..- , . a aadia.Olnluhi roroea uirt. ionir urnucuana lniermeaiatf stations u.m, sm anu 11.0:1 a. in., 8.80, i.uo p. in weekdays, sunduy . 8 25 a. m. f or iiaitimore ana wiixinngion. a.au, 7.3) o.iu null 11.10 ui., 1 ii,utj, I. IV 1. ill uuu 14.11. nlL'OLdallv and 8 31. 10.20 a m.. 12 3i (UmlteJ express witn dlumg cur loifaltlm ire) 1.30, 3. lT p.m. we kdays. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.0X For Hlctimou'd, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 nlgl dally, 1 30 p in. dally, except Bund iy. no west every day at 12.45 and 3.10 a m as 1 0) (limited) aud i.vi. 8 30. u.35 n ra. Way f Aiiouna a m nna i.ui p ax every aay. For Pittsburg only, U.iJ a m dally and 10 m week days. , Leave Banbury for -Wllltameport, IClmli' 'tnandalgua, Kocbester, Bnrialo and Nlaga: 'alls. 5.10 a m dally, aud 1.42 d m week dav 'or Watkibs. 5.30 n m weuk days. i' or June ana intermediate points, o.n a ni taiiy. f or ijoct xiavin, oau, ana u.oo a a tally, 1.42 and 6.33 v. tn. week days. I tenova 5.10 a m 1.42 and 6.30 r in week dv .iu a ui naaaays, HAB. IS. 1-1JUH. J. K.WOOU. '4on. Mod ien. Pass Aj TYT-ILMINCITON S NOUTHEKN It. It. ( TT ime laoie in eneci Aiav. iu. isai. Trains leava ReadTncr ( P. & 11. station) lllhrnllr.ii UAful I I wn u hnwi Ti.nnnn Unsl i UIUin(Ull k)UJlGlt UIIUDUUIU) UlMUUaiUUI neia, wayneHourK juucuou, -uoaiesviue, wii uuesir(uiiaasiora juuciion. js, a u. juucuh wninmeton ana intermediate stations, a oxoept bunday, at 0.25 nud tt.30 a.m. and li. m, nanauy umy ai o.uo p, ni. Kor Warwick, Bui'eterH and lnlermed: station B.dally except Hun day, at a.LUj d. m. nunaav oniv a in. For Birdsboro and Intermedlateatl iuiuruay uuiy, hi 16 in For llaltimore and WaahlnErton i R.) dally except Bunday at 6.25 and a. I and 3.16 n. m. Bunday only at 3.05 n. m. irams arrive ai iteaaint' ir. s it. uuui ironi Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, ill cbanln, Chaddsford Junction, West Ch'J Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynesburg JuntT Bprlngneld, Joanna, lilrdsboro, UlEraltar.l reri. aua intermeaiaia sLaiionn. nauy e? Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. ra. nav oniv aL u.zi a. ni. From Bt. Peters. Warwick and Intermerfl stations, aaiiy except eunaay, at K.ii and 2.25 n. ra. Bnnday only at 8 n. m. From uirdsboro ana intermediate stall Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra. From ' wasmneton asblngton and Baltimore, da!'. cept Bunday, 10 20 a, ay. iu i a. m. o.ro ana s u Bunday only at 11.21 a. m. BOWNHM3 BltlGOH, Gen'l Pass. A. G. MCOA UHLAN D, Bupt, John R. Coyle, A.ttorney-at-Law Real Estate Age OFFICE BEnnAiiti's BniuDlNO,! Cor. Mala and Centre Streetl. SHENAND0A4 PROPERTY FOR SALE: I A two and one-half story double dwelling bouse, with stre-room ail taurant. Located on Kast Centre sU t A valuable property located ? uin street. 3 Beven dwelllnir houses at the bert and Lloyd streets. Qoodlnvesu Terms reasonable. 4 i tiA H. i i l I