The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 09, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. Vr.-"NTO. 239.
"My Son, Deal "With Men "Wlio Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It."-Benjamin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah that.
)any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
Now THAT the electric railway
question baa been (Infinitely settled
and it is tn tlio hands of parties who
will construct it without asking for
financial aid from the people of town,
let the people do something for them
selves. Let them do something to
wards securing new borne Industries,
Now Is the time. The coming of the
new mode of traveling and the
promised advent of a new water supply
are encouraging. Let us he up and
A l'ootfB Hotly llomnved.
Colohado SriiiNas, Col., Nov. 0. The
remains of Helen Hunt Jackson, th
famous poetoss, known ni "H. H." wor
removed Saturday from Cheyenne Mouu
tain, wlioro they have been buried fo
six yoars. They were taken to Ever-
groen Cemetery and burled, and the spot
will bo appropriately marked. Thli
'sten has been in contemplation for
..Ions time, us the spot which the author-
Kss intonueu suoum ue nuiu sucreu uy
Ihose who knew her has been desecrated
by toll-gates and bocomo the resort ol
pleasure seekers.
Jonathan Wright, who was burned te
death at Pottsvllle, was over 70 years of
age, and a well-known lawyer.
Princeton's football team easily de
feated the University of Ponnsylvonla at
Philadelphia Saturday by a ncore of 21
to 0.
By the explosion of a boiler In tho Mc
Donald oil Hold, near Pittsburg, Satur
day, a child was killed and sevoral poo
pie hurt.
Marion Leo, the Philadelphia actress,
was married this morning in Lemon to
Elwyn Mitchell, son of Dr. Weir Mit
chell of Philadelphia.
Present indications in the Jones &
Laughlin troublo at Pittsburg point to i
general strike of all tho3,5U0 men em
ploy oa in the works.
The failure of tho National Bank at
Corry is duo entirely to the fact that thi
bank bus. been oarrylrrg a larizo amount
of paper for business men in that seo
tion ofjtho lumber country who have been
unable to meet their obligations.
BurohlU's Restaurant.
OharleB Buicbill is now located at corner
lit Main and Coal etroets, Sbensndoah.
Regular meals, at popular prices, eorvod
any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 9-14-tf
n good home-made rag curpot.
It is ono of those xtra heavy
carpets, made of the best vain
and clean rags. Pineal Hue of Velvet
lirussel and Ingrain Carptta in Shen
andoah at
Choice Creamery Butter
lancy Bloater Mackerel. Barge and Fine. New 2Vb. 1
MacJierel White and Fat. JTetv Clean Currants Hree
from dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made oj Vest
materials, line Table Syrvp strictly pure goods.
Neio Orleans Halting Molasses. Chipped Beef.
and OLD TIMB GBAUAM FZOUIi Fresh Ground.
I Also another car of Best JL'atent MdJNJSJLSbU'XJLJiJuuuxt.
' -w-. . - it. I t . . . T. J
jsqiiai to unyminy ' t
'NORTHWESTCRN DAISY" ill lid c of Minnesota
Wheat jflvcs satisfaction. Bakes well.
Oil ClotliB arc selling:
es. Two yarns wine ironi
Ho Makes a Bold Attack on an
Ono day last week a tramp jumped upon
a P. & it. coal train onglno at Kllengowan
and refused to get off when told to do to bj
tho onglnoor. Words were exchanged and
tho tramp struck tho engineer on the head
with a shovel, badly cutting hts scalp. Tho
fireman then picked up a red-hot poker And
attactod the tramp, who caught the hot end
with both hands, burning thorn nlmo-t to
tho bono. Tho tramp then jumped from
tho engine and disappeared.
Look at Tnoso Bargains.
J. CoOeo, having just returned from
Now York City with an entirely now stock
of boots and shoon, Is now prepared to of-
lor tho citizens of Shenandoah greater
bargains In this lino than evor before. Ho
is ottering those goods at such low prices
that competitors cannot compote with
uring your boys ana girls ana get a pair
of double-solod tip shoes at GO cents, worth
elsewhere $1 00. He is selling mon'sdoubld-
soled leather boots for $1.75, and tho best
rubbor boots for ?2 2i. Itemembor that
tho place to eocuro these bargains is at
Coffeo's Bargain Store, post office building,
corner Main and Oak streets. 11 5 9t
Abnormal Appetite of a Olrl Who Was
Curgpcl lly a Tramp,
NoitTtt Plains, Conn., Nov. 9. Tho
peculiar caso of Miss Julia Hepburn,
who resides near hero, is attracting the
attention of local physicians. She has
become possessed with a mania for oat
ing, and tho amount of food that she
dally devours is astonishing. She has
to be fed every hour in the twonty-four,
and her appetite is growing. She seems
to enjoy perfect health physically, but
she has become vory nervous. Her
physicians tliluk sho is suffering from
a nervous affection of the stomach, and
suggested that she bo fed until sho was
glutted, nnd that sho bo forced to take
food until sho turned sick. This Was
trlod, but sho ate all that was placed
beforo her without signs ot distress,
until the physician gave up the treat
ment In despair.
A magnetic hoalor from New Haven
claimed that he could cure her by hyp
notizing her. but he fatted. Then cams
a physician from Hartford," who claimed.
mai sne was "cranicy," nnu saiu unit, u
she was put on a diet ot three meals a
day, and not allowed to eat any more,
she would come outot the "spell." This
treatment was tried, but she became de
lirious. Sho seems to have no prefer
ence for food. Anything that is edible
sho devours ravenously, so long as it is
Miss Hopburn, who is of a roligioua
turn of mlud, believes that she Is suf
fering from a curse. Last Soptember
she turned a tramp away from the door
of her fathor's houso ouo morning, re
fusing to give, him food. In departing
the tramp told the young woman that
God would curse her for nor treatment
of him. These words preyed upon hor
mind so that sho reported tho trampls
words to hor parents, who laughed at
her. But sho grew moody over the mat
ter, and about six weeks ago tho vora
cious appetite came upon hor. Since
then Bho has got rid of the melancholy
fits she had previously. Sho possesses
her senses perfectly anil is uble to per
form household duties.
Fresh every other day
freely, Nice patterns. All
50 ceni up.
Items of Genoral Interest Gathered
by Our Reporters for Perusal
by tho "Herald's"' Many
The churches were well attonded yester
day. Parents, visit the publio schools. Tee
superintendent would bu pleased to havo
you come and inspect the methods ol
Instruction and the children would fenl all
the more encouraged in their studios. You
nocd not think you inirudo by calling,
Tho National Polish Emigrant Society of
St. Joseph in Now York City, is now talc
Ing steps to ostablish an emigrant house in
that city for that nationality similar to the
Irish and German ones now in cxistonco.
Tho society has branches all over tho
country with the exception of that city,
whero their intoreets havo hitherto been
looked after from the headquarters of the
society, 488 Adelphi street, Brooklyn. In
view of the largo number of Poles who are
now emigrating in this country, tho officers
of the society deem it advisablo to ostablish
a branch office somewhero near tho Barge
Office With this object in viow, acorn
mlttoa has boon appointed to secure a houso
either on Battery place or on Stato street,
Tbo Jewish Alliance has appointod Max
Reeso to act as agent for Sbonandoah and
vicinity. Tbo purpose of tho Alliance is
to securo employment for tho Polish Jews
oxpolled from Itussia. Max has already
socurcd work in tho mines for at least half
dozen boys. Tho Alliance pays all ox-
pensos and none of the expelled Jews will
be permitted to peddle, must get down to
hard work like other pooplo, so says Mr.
Tho Bethlehem Daily Times say3 tb
proprietors of Huzleton's low groggeries
have instituted a boycott against tho local
newspapers because they were leaders in
the movement to secure a city charter.
city charter moans death to many of theBo
grog shops, and tbereforo in tho interest of
morality and the spiritual advancement of
their beloved community they bitterly
opposed tho evolution from a borough.
Tho result of Hazleton'a election day thus
marks a distinct triumph for tho newspa
pers and for tho causo of temporanco.
With a lot of her wretched saloons up
root, as must necessarily follow, Hazle
ton will bo far happier, bettor and more
peaceful than is now possible.
Saturday's local market was well sup
plied with all kinds of fruit and vegetables.
The apples displayod at tho Elands wore
tho finest e havo scon for many yoars.
Fine yellow pippins, largor than pound
apples, sold fur 15 cents per peck.
The car, "Florida on Wheel)," during
its three-day stay in Shonand ah, was
visited by many1 people. It was well worth
tbo price, of admission, 10 conts, and our
people learned a great deal of tho resources
of tho State of Florida.
Wo receivod a letter tho other day from
our old friend Daniel B. Dunn, who is now
in Georgia, engineer for a railroad com
pany. A few years ago he visited Shonan.
doah, a perfect wreck, and was then living
in Sumner, Florida, having given up a
lucrativo position. Ho is now well again
and back to a similar position. Ho left
Tamaqua a poor boy, after serving an
onlistmentln tho 81st Fonn'a regiment,
and is now in good circumstances and has
a wido acquaitanco throughout the South.
"Wo notice in one of our exchanges that
an old former resident of Shenandoah, now
residing in Latrobo, John Dovry, bad an
narrow oscapo from death tho othor day.
Tbo cago ho was on droppod a distance of
60 feet beforo it was stopped on its way
down a deep shaft.
"Bob" Harris, of the' Tamaqua Courier,
finding little or nothing to do in getting
out his paper, has connected himself with
tho new electrio railway company, which is
to connect Lansford with Tamaqua. Ho is
secretary of tho company.
Itev. "Win. MoNalley, pastor of tho
Presbyterian church, Is winning great
favor with his congregation. He is an
earnest and forcible preacher and holds the
attention of his congregation to tho close of
his sermons.
Havo you over been at the Lehigh Valloy
depot on a Saturday evening? Such a
crowd I Coming and going with scarcely
room to turn around. The company ought
to have more room for its patrons. Even
on other days, about tho timo tbo trains aro
due, there is always a big crowd. Tho
Lehigh has tho "pull" on tho travoling
Bethlehem's letter carrier force has boon
increased twice since its establishment.
Tho force in town will no doubt bo in
crossed when the electrio railway Is built.
Baffling watches for chickens, turkeys,
etc, havo already commoncod In town, and
is more patronized by the young mon than
the old. Tbo winner generally pays as
much at tho prizo is worth, since it is
custom to "eot 'em up,"
"Ben" Sevorn must havo had cramps in
his fingers whon ho finished that postal card
which won for him tho piano lamp offered
by the Grand Union Tea Co. It was a big
task, and wo do half think "Ben" Is willing
to repeat tho experiment.
M. H. Kchlor. the up-town merchant It
Is said, and wo believe it is true, is tho
luckiest hunter and fishorman in tho town.
Ho always bags big game whon all tho res
either come homo empty handed or with n
poor showing.
II. O. Folmer visited Shamokin last
Mr. and Mrs, N. J. Owens spont Sunday
in Shamokin.
James It. Brennan, of Glon Carbon,
spont to-day in town.
Ex-Senator Win. L. Torbort, of Girard
Manor, was in town Sunday.
William Lathlean nnd wifo, of Tromont,
Bpent Sunday in town with friends.
Mrs. E. O. Brobst and son tiro onjoylng
tho sights of Philadelphia for a fow days,
Sheriff Comroy and O. 0. Lowis, of
Mahanoy City, wore in town on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ooorgo' M. Daniols, ol
Mahanoy City, voro the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Wildo yesterday.
Mrs. Mattio Uowitt, nee Jones, of Tren
ton, NI J. is in town nnd will opon a dross
cutting school in Bobbins' building.
Kov. Owen Enoch, of Wales, who
proached in tho Congregational church
yesterday, will very lkoly prea.h in that
church every Sunday for tho next tbreo
Mrs. Lewis M. Jones, of Philadelphia,
who. had been tho guest of her nioce, Mrs.
M. Owens, of South Main street, tho past
throe weeks, loft town Saturday to visit
friends in Ashland and other towns of tbo
county, after which sho will return hero
for a fow days.
Stationary packages, G and 10 conts each,
at Max Keese's. tf
A New School.
Mrs. M. 0. Hewitt, of Trenton, N. J., one
timo a member of our local corps of school
teachers, has oponod u branch dressmaking
school in room 8, Uobbins' building, over
the post office, where she will introduco
and teach tho latest and most scientific
tailoring system for dress-cutting yot
invonted. Tho mothod stands tho highest
of any in existonco. Sho has taught scores
of ladies and dressmakers, all of whom
speak in tho higbost terms in its praise, and
her school stands nt the head. Tho timo
has come that ladies are not obliged to
spend months of their timo in a shop to
learn tho dressmaking trade. They can
como to her rooms and in a fow hours loam
what would take months of tboir timo to
learn in a shop, as teaching tho trade is
her special business. By this system ladies'
and children's garments of all kinds can be
cut with accuracy, insuring n porfoct fit on
all forms. She teaches how to baste and
drape from any fashion design, giving all
the principal points ol tho trado, enabling
them to start in business for thcmsolves,
It supplies a long-felt want. Permanent
satisfaction guaranteed. Motliora interest
youiselvos for your daughtors. Sond them
to this school. Givo them this valuable
trade, for certainly no trado is of moro
value to any lady than to bo a first-class
dressmaker. Evory dress maker should
learn this system, bocauso It saves timo,
anxiety and material, and sbould bo tbe
first to join this class.
Eleotrlo Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no spocial men
tion. All who havo used Electrio Bitters
sing tho sumo song of praise. A. purer
medicine does not oxist and it is guaranteed
to io all that is claimed. Electrio Biltors
will euro all diseases of tho Liver and Kid
neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt
lthoum and other affections causod by im
puro blood, Will drive Malaria from th
system and provont as well as euro all
Malarial fovers. For cure of lleadacho,
Constipation and Indigostion try Electric
Bitters Entiro sa'isfaction guaranteed,
money rofunded, Price 60c, and (1.00 per
bottle at C. II. Uagunbuch's drug storo.
Pension Matters.
'squire anoomaKer has socured an in
crease of pension for Emanuel Troutman
of Brownsville. The pension has boon in
creased from JO to ?12 per month. The
'Squlro has also secured a pension for Mrs
Mary Magulro, of Wm. Penn, widow,
of James McGuiro. Tbo pension amounts
to $8 per month.
Gratifying to All.
The high position attained and tho uni
versal acceptance and approval of tho
pleasant liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs,
as tho most excellent laxativo known, Il
lustrate tho value of tbo qualities on which
Its success Is based and aro abundantly
gratifying to the California Fig Sprup Co,
A fino stock of guns and amunltlon for
sale cheap at Max Iteoso's, 10-"i-tf
Fall of Goal.
A miner named Huntzingor, residing I
town, was seriously Injured on Saturday
by a full of coal In tho Suffolk colliery,
A well known nhvslclan in Sew York
advises his patients that Buffer with Coughs
and Colds to use l'au-Tlna Cough and Con
sumption Curo, ZandfjOcents, Trial bottles
tree at lurnns arug storo.
In tho Evoninff tho Pastor. Rev,
Powiok, Discourses on tho Im
portance of tho Work of tho
Sunday School Toachor,
Kov. Kobert E. Johnson, well known as
former resident of this neighborhood, bui
now pastor of Bethel circuit, in Mont
gomery county, preached a vory oioi llont
sormon In tho Methodist Episcopal church
yesterday morning on tho contrast betweon
Hearers and Doers of tho Word." In
tho evening tho church v'hs crowded and a
ermon was dolivored by tho pastor os
pi cially to Sunday school touchers on tho
mportanco of their work.
Tho text was from Psalms31.11: "Como
yo children, hearkon unto me and I will
teach you tbo (ear of tho Lord." Tho
term "children" in tho toxt was ono of'on
dearmont, as in the toxt "if children then
heirs," and includes porsons of all bros
Tho Sunday school is not for children
only nono are too old to learn. But by
lorco of circumstances it deals principally
wiih childhood and whatover hR3 to do
with childood is important. Early im
pressions are lasting and they aro tho most
easily mado. Tbon many children receive
no othor religious instruction than thoy get
at tho Sunday school. This ought not to
be. But many parents aro so noglcctful ot
this grent duty that thoy givo out tho
moral training of their children, as thoy
do their mental, to tho teachor without
much caro as to how thoy aro trained or
whethor they are trained at all. This
makOB tho work of tho toachor ono of vast
importance and no little difficulty. Then
many homes which are moral are not
spiritual, lho training consists of thou
shalt and thou shall not without the savin
truths of tho gospel. Then tho Sunday
school toachor of to-day aro sowing th
seeds of tho civilization of tho twentieth
contury. They have a grip on tho con
science and tho habits, tho ballot boxos and
tho governments of tho future. Tho hope
of tho future lies in tho childhood of the
present. Among tho conditions of succoes
are, 1 A lofty conception of tho impor
tance and dignity of tho work. This is tha
secret of enthusiasm without which thoro
is no success anywhere. 2 A boundless
faith in tho adaptation of tho gospol to tho
ncods of childhood and tbo desirability of
early conversion. 3 An earnest dosiro for
a definite change of hoart this bolng tho
focal point of all our labors. Tho neod ol
tho church and Sunday school is not moro
pooplo of extraordinary parts, but moro in
telligent and faithful effort by pr-oplo i f
ordinary purls. Whore theso conditions
are met teachers will bo regular in their at
tendance or in tho ovo t of unavoidable
absonco will provide a suitable substitute.
They will make careful preparation to
teach will bo ptliont with tho orring, ro
momboring that thoy aro combating tho in
herited badnoss of a contury will look up
their absont scholurs through tho week,
visiting them at thoir homes and becoming
acquaintod with their surroundings will
seo that as far as possible tbey attend the
publio worship of Ged will bring them to
prayer mooting and labor with them in re
vival services that thoy may bo soundly
converted to God and will thon continue
tboir care till they aro established in tho
faith. If men should set about raising po
tatoes on the principles that some people
follow in getting up or bringing down a
revival tbo potatoes would bo as scarco as
tho conyorts. Tho word of God must bo
planted in human hearts and watorod with
prayor and tended with caro in order to
the production of fruit into holiness.
It Should bo in Evory Houso.
J, B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Sharpsburg,
Pa,, says bo will not bo without Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that it cured bis wifo who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when various othor
remodios und sevoral physicians had dono
her no good, llobert Barber, of Cooks-
port, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Dis
oovery has dono him more good than any
thing bo over used for Lung Trouble.
Nothing like it. Try it. Freo trial bottles
at C. H. nugenbuch's Drug Storo. Largo
bottles, 60c. and ?1.
A Merchant Holpor,
Tho Griffith combination cutter and
printer is tbo latost merchant helper on tho
markot. It keeps wrapping paper clean
and prevents waste, and as it is unrolled
your business card 1b prlntod on tbo sheet
required for uso. For oonvenionoo,
economy and advertising it is certainly up
to dato. Messrs. AValbridge & ilichard
son, of Mahanoy City, havo secured tho
agoncy for Pennsylvania and Now Jor6oy,
Best work dono at Bronnan'a steam
laundry Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed,
Nothing on the Water Question
Ready for Publlcat'on.
The I'ott.villo Chronicle ot Friday pub
lished the following paragriph: "The
prospect of s curing a now supply of
water, with tho borounh as the corporation
to supply it, is not as bright as it was a few
weeks ago. Tho joint committee of citi
zens and members of tho Borough Coun
cil soloctod a stream in the Catawissa Val
loy from wh'ch to draw a supply( but whon
thoy caino to mako thoir surveys, they dis
covered that tho Citizens' Water and Gas
Company had hoadod thotn off by securing
the prior and exclusivo right of way to
convoy water over tho lands of the Olrard
Estate and tho lands of Wm. L. Torbert.
Tho Citizens' Water and Gas Company is
doing nnd can bo depended upon to do
ovorything in their power to hamper tho
now enterprise, but tho committee is hope
ful of bolng able to surmount all tho ob
stacles thoy can placo in their way, al
though It will probably tako somo timo to
do so."
Tho Hisrald is ablo to stato upon au
thority that the abovo paragraph is whol'y
incorrect and that the prospects for secur
ing a now supply of wator, with tbo bor
ough as tho corporation, are brighter, if
anything, than thoy woro a fow weeks ago,
Tho joint eommhtoo is working Indus-
tr ously, and when it feels th - timo has ar
rived when nothingosn be done by those op
posed to tho movement loobstiuot tho plans
a full statement of all that has been done
and of all that may bo contemplated will
bo given to tho public, through tho news
papers and otherwise. Up to tho proeunt
timo tho committoe has Btudiously avoided
allowing any of its business to bocomo
public nows, for oxcellont reasons, which
will also bo made known in duo timo.
Be on time, for prevention Is better than
cure. All coughs and colds, throat and hi g
aUeoilon are cured by Dr. Hull's Cougu
Hj'rup. Oulyijcts.
Exposition Buildings.
A folder illustrating the several buildings
to bo erected for tho Columbian exposition
to bo held at Chicago in 18D3 bas been
issued by tbo Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas
City Bailway Company. Tho illustrations
aro artistic gems. A copy of tho foldor
can bo obtained free of cbargo upon appli
cation to W. P. Cooley, 60 South Third
strcot, Philadelphia.
Now Breaker to Start.
It is understood that operations in tho
immonso now breaker at Maples Hill will
begin on December 1st, next. Tho breakor
is ono of tbe largest in tho anthraci a
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salve in tho world for Cuts,
Bruisos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fovor
Soros, Tetter, Cbappod Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nnd posi
tively euros Piles, or no paymont required.
It is guaranteed to givo perfoct satisfaction,
or monoy refunded. Prico 20 cents por
box. For salo by 0. U. llagenbuch.
A fino stock of guns and amanition for
salo cheap at Max Kooso's, 10-24-tf
Now Shoo Storo.
L. Goldman has just purchased a largo
stock of boots and shoes at a bankrupt salo
at Bothlohom, These goods will bo sold
cheaper-than tho manufacturer can afford to
mako them. Tho opening will take placo
Saturday, November 7th, in Ilaring
ton's building, on East Centre street and
Market alloy. Look at the sign of tho
To reach tbo storo there aro a few stops to
climb, but it will pay you to climb thorn.
Square dealing to all.
Be sure to be on timo at tbo grand open
ing of tho Star Shoe Store, Shenandoah,
Pa. L. Goldman, Manager.
Vortolli's Museum of Wondor will open
at Tboatro Block Tuosday evening at 7
o'clock, for this weok only. Tho local
press notices aro very good. Admission, 10c.
Tho Fair.
Tho fair of tho Pheanlx Fire Company
in Bobbins' opera bouse is proving a grand
succoss. Hundreds crowd into tho hall
every night, No ono in town should miss
this excellent affair
With the 19th century dawned tbo era of
wonders. It nns also proven an era of sur
prised for notwithstanding Its giant stzldos
toward knowledge, we are told that there aro
still In somepUu-es a few citizens who havo
uoi neara at baivtuiou an.
Four tintvpes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. if
For Breakfast?
A Mack oral ?
"Wo havo 'cm.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. No rust.
Hb, 3.1b, lib, li lb, 1Mb,
No. 122 North Jardin Str