The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 07, 1891, Image 2

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amusing an Italian; i
A flfntlxman from Italy Vlawa
Tlnglaftd TTinttr from Hl Own
a Jfna
but II Tfa.n'i So Vary runni
After All. .
"tCoprrlghled by L. AShrpard, Boston, an.
xnero was a uurst in a tin conduotol
loading from the roof of th horns ot
Iho oorner of Roto and Myrtle afreet thi
thsr afternoon, and the Ktiw tans oj
cspinjr ran across the walk, Townrt
nleht the Treathtr itlffened up and the
loose water became atheet of ioe. Aboul
4 o'olook the next moraUf tkera Trai t
Blisht fall of snow. Ia the basstnent Oj
the Imilding an Italian reatlemaa has
fruit store. Shortly after 6 o'clock tlih ,
morning ne nan ins ontsiae vrarej in i
line of display. Peanuts being special
4t .1U 1.1 i .. . . . .
j mm, vwo or mree uustisla ot
that aitlcle made a temntin nlln nn '
large stand. ,
vnue ne was making this arrange '
lnent a carpenter with a toolbox ou hii
Bhoulder oaine around the corner, and ,
stepping on the concealed ice, immedi
, . , , , '
nteiy tttrew his toolbox into (he street 1
Bot up nttneelf, looked around to set
What bad happened and thn picked uj
his tools. This so amused the Italias
that he felt obliged to ruh into the shel
ter of tho basement to conceal his d
light. Had he been a native of tlili
country it might have suggested itself t
liim to sweep the thin guise of sno
from the ice and to sprinkle salt orashet
uikhi it, but being a foreigner and nol
very well acquainted with our langnagt
lie did not think of this, but instead ht
ported himself in a portion to give hiit
a good view of the corner and patientlj
waited for developments. He saw them
If his object was to get an idea of tin
fnllnws and flexibility of tho Englif
language he could not have poisiblj
adopted a better course.
Scarcely had the carpenter gatherei
up his thinKB and limped oft when" i
man smoking came hurrying alon
"When he reachad the ice he smddenlj
turned part way around, bit a brierwooJ
llpe completely in twain, and Mid ou hii
tireatt oil from the walk into the gutter
He got up, cautiously recovered hit, pipe
and inslted away. The Italian shook a)
over. I
Following clowly after this mlshaj
was a laborer with a dinner kettle.
When he touched the ice it was difficult
for the fruit merchont to determlm
whether it was his feet or another part
of his pernon it was dons so quick. Th
newcomer appeared tomuddenly corui
apart and shut up at the middle, and it
the same flash the tin pall described
circle of lightning rapidity and was then
tapped against the pavement with ter
rifle force.
At the same instant the Italian saw i
piece of pie, several half slices of but
tered bread, two hard boiled eggs, s
piece of cold beef and a fork and spoon
fly off in different directions, while
pint tin of coffee made its apiMarnncc
und emptied its contents in the pros
trate man's lap. While this individual
was getting up to his feet and securing
Ins pail and cutlery, the Italian man-
nged to blend considerable iustructiot
with tho amusement.
Then there came a man with aboard
on his shoulder. Ho laid down on tin
board, with one of his hands under th:
board. Then he got up and put the in
jured hand between his knees, where he
pressed it tightly, while he mod tht
most dreadful language the Italian ovet
heard, and he didn't hear it all either
being so convulsed with laughter as tc
necessarily divide his attentioa
And thus the performance went ol
until after 8 o'clock. Scarcely ten min
utes elapsed between the acts. Some-
times a boy would be the hero, thet ,
Rgain a couple or merchants, or peruapi
fcouiubody counecUd with a bank. "Who
ever U might be he went down, and went ;
down Hard, and the Italian watched ano ;
improved his mind, und began to think
that this country had its advantage as
well as its disadvantage. It was eleven
minute post 8 when the final catastrophe
occurred. This was consummated iu
the person of a long, sliui man with a
picture under his arm, aud a very larg
woman carrying a basket. The long,
Hlim man was somewhat iu advance.
The Italian, being impressed with the
conviction that something of an extra
ordinary nature wae about to happen,
Btaietl with fairly bulging eyes at the
coming figures. No sooner did the tall,
(dim man touch the treacherous spot
thaa the venturing foot kicked oat most
savagely ut the atmosphere, and his body
shot around like rirewurk.
The picture flaw from his possession at
'the same moment, and being thus freed
he made a spasmodic clutch with all his
limbs at once for a place of refuge, and
ill a flash his legs whipped about a cor-
uer leg of the inoffensive peanut stand,
nnd the great shining yellow pyramid
followed him to the pavement. The
horrified Italian, stunned for an instaut
by tiie enormity of the catastrophe,
sought to plunge out to the resoue of hii
goods, but was too late. The fleshy
woman, having rushed to the aid of the
tall, slim man, who was her husband,
was caught herself by the subtle foo,
and ia hr dssctut, which was by far tan j
mopt rlgoron of ttif tri, ths .oeflt ta
two-thlnU f fhe tit-annle, uil the rmsl
of tho demolished fruit. as sue plnniMj
It to tke walk, might haya been heard
fonr squares away, j
The unhappy vender reached the placi '
In time to be taken in himself, and thi
addition of 180 pounds of macaroni fed
Italian added to the dismal nmnnrtl... I
of the scene. How thev trot ditnt..l .
mi ou their fett no one assnis a Vie tc '
l1f," nt the mnlt wu reached
mW n fpillintf uproar f Italian i
explain, but the mnlt was reached
anu ietninme nolase,
Ttfl-1 - .... . -
kindleth. Ten cents' worth of salt would
As it is DanWy has iota. twty ,
sone with daauged bach, or 1, th,
uwner oc ia. nuiain ka fotu- iait o.
i'!Si, LrBM' t,'J,Ba,a " '
mm uu fWUUrURJ lRil the JWiME. WU
morottlj tquatted lilonil o (W fua.
.Ji o 1. . i ..
uil of a tUamer bound for Italy.
Hh flat That ChlflVon RarMlr.
It is inet as neceaaarir to VavA nnnll..
f or a Thankirivinr ilnr It t. t
have light. A Danhnry ceasle named
wnrtiam were going to have poultry foi
thelr dinner. Mr. Brigham eid to hit
wife the day before the event:
"I some splendid chickens in front
. . -
of Merrill s store to-day; and I guesi I'll
get one of thtnn this af texnoou for to
"I am goinfr to tend to that myself,'
said Mr3. Brigham quickly.
uut l can get it just as well; I'm go
ing right by there."
"I don't want yon to get it," she as-
oerted. "When I eat chicken, I want
something I can put my teeth in." And
a hard look camo into her face.
He colored up at once.
"What do you moan by that?"
"Just what I say," she oxnlalnod, set
ting her teeth together.
"Do you mean to tay I don't know
how to pick out a chicken?' he angrily
"I do."
"Well, I can just tell you, Mary Ann
Brigham, that I know more about chick
ens in one minute than you could evei
find out in a lifotime; and, furthermore,
I am going to buy that chicken, If one it
hnuM,t .t .11 in this v..-..- -
struck the table with his fist.
"And I tell you, John Joyce Brig
ham," she cried, "that you don't know
any more how to pick out a good chicken
than an unweaned mud turtle; and if
you bring a chicken iu this house it will
go out again quicker'n it come in; and
you can put that in your pipo un smoke
it as soon as you want to."
"Whose house is this, I want to know?''
he fiercely demanded.
She frankly replied at once:
"I suppose it belongs to a fiat head
idiot with a wart on his nose. But a
woman who knows a spring chicken
from n hump back camel ia running the
establishment; and as long ns she does
he can't bring no patent leather hens
here to be cooked."
"You'll see what I'll do!" he yelled;
and he pulled his coat on and jammed
his cap ou his head, with the forepiece
over his left ear.
"You bring a chicken here if you think
best, Mister Brigham," she replied.
"Yqji see if I dou't!" he growled, as ha
passed out and slammed the door behind
That evening there was a nice, fins
chicken in the pantry; but hs didn't
bring it. Perhaps he forgot to get his.
Dinner came the next day. Mr. Brig
ham took his seat at the table as usual,
but it was evident that he intended mis
chief. Mrs. Brigham filled a plate with
chicken, mashed poatoes and boiled
It was a teiuptinj dish, emit-
ting a delicious aroma. She pasted it to
ilr. Brigham. He did not look toward it.
"Brigham," said she, "here's youi
I don't want any chicken," he said,
looking nervously around the room.
"Are you going to eat that chicken.
she demanded in a voice of low-Intensity,
"So, I airt't. Woohl ouch! ooh!"
She had sprung to her feet in a Hash,
' rlaehed lover the table, caught him by
the hair nnd had his face burrowing in
the dish of hot onions. It was done so
quickly that he had no time to save him
self, aud barely time to give utterance
to the agonizing exclamations which fol
lowed upon his declaration.
"Are you going to eat that chickenf
bhe hoarsely demanded.
"Leutnie up!" he screamed.
Bhe raised his head from the dish and
jammed it on the table,
j "John Joyce Brigham," she hissed be-
tweeu her set teeth, "this is a day set
apart by the nation for thanksgiving and
-praise. I got that chicken to celebrate
this day, and I ain't going to have my
gratitude aud devotion upset by such u
runt as you are. Now I want to know
if you are going to eat that chicken like
a Christian, or if you nre going to out
up like 11 rautankerous heathen? Answer
me at once or I'll jam your old skull
Into a Jelly."
"I I'll eat itl" he moaned.
Then she let him up and he took his
plate,' and one Thanksgiving mual
least passed ou harmoniously,
J. li. Bil LEY.
It In A Kloe anil PleanJrlth Tm
iriU ou Hand to air Ad nail Thai
Om Around and Tall t,Nllib'ir
About It. I
m .. . . I
1 fti f ' " ""(VnOBi aat
imbll.hxl by ipaolal rraugmVita fben.
T5 H t - .... . i ; 1 m ,
vm.ij, uu MIIO II IIU niUCUl'
fiftha of the ini.cb.lef aad'ts. dost
, care ia the world, and jttat pip.
' wo't cow. Wether ard iYwa.
fMt. Tou &i this ont U job ar.
""""B Wr with V fu"
of pi& and your xaoutUl f toot
Your wife la shading nt fieor ia i to
position that csables her t yon, thi , is
pips and the chair, and k she fclTM !
ntteraace to thots remarbat are oal
ffUJMl'; tt" "
' r t mi Elin,
avI w junuci 10
over her waist and hsr harreet en kel as
bins. r,b.l,.. v..
her head, and your Unewat en he
. "ck and a pair of rubbU her feet
. vu n a, jipra u.
j There is about five cents' rth of poi
black on her noee end n 'of flour ot
. !V. J "
her chin, and altogether sit r. sped
i-ie mai woum insmro a tn.m with
And while you are up tie trying U
circumvent the awful oofariuess ol
the pipe, and telling that yJknow eomi
fool has been mixing it, ehiands safelj
on the floor and bombards li with suoli
domestic mottoes as "Whi the use ol
swearing no?' "You knoviio one lmi
touched that pipe." "Youh't got anj
more patience than a chi," "Do b
careful of that chair." A then sh
goes off and reappears witlan armful
more of pipo, and before ydare awart
of it she has got that pipio horriblj
mixed up that it dos secmbtwopiecel
are alike. '' f
You join the ends and brk them ti
and fro, and to and fro egti, and thes
you take them auart and lot at them.
Then you spread oa,out hd jaw thi
other together, and raouathsai onc
more. But it is no go. jou begin t
wina- ins puoes are Intpiid with life,
and ache to kick thea. thWgh the win
dow. Bnt she doesn't lose ar naHcaoa
She goes around with thalawfal exas
perating rigginr oa, witha lugth el
pipe uitder each aria and abac haaaled
broom in her hand, and efa she don't
see how it is some people nier have any
trouois putting up a stove Tfcsa you
miss the hammer. You lon't see it enriches tho blood, and rouses every
anywhere. You stara into tfc pipe along or,an into healthy action. It pre
th. mantel, and down the sovo, and ofl ye t3 and curcs all diseases arising
ili fln.nvT. 0nrA' tc"r?U" from a torpid liver or from impure
ouL wW m 7 h"u' eou,f t0 blood. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bil
ZlZTJtajrlL af !r.i L?J: iousness. Scrofulous. Skin and Scalp
pocket. Then you feel as you could
go outdoors and swear a, hoi) twelve foi
tquare through a block of brlok build-
iugs, but sho merely observes, "Why or j
earth don't you speak whjn you wanl
anything, and not staro afound like s
dummy." I
When that part of the pipe whloh goot
through the wall is up-she keeps Hup
fiie connoctiofTaud stares at it with an
intensity that is entirely uncalled for.
All the while your position is .becoming
more and more intoresting. The pipt
don't go together, of course. The uool
shakes down into your eyes and mouth, '
the sweat rolls down your face and
tickles your chin ns it drops off, and it
reems as jf your arms were slowly but
uurely drawing out of their sockets,
Here your wife comes to the rescue by
inquiring if you are goinj to bs all daj
doing .nothing, and if you think be!
arms are made of cast iron, aud theu the
broom slips off the pipe, aud in her en-,
deavor to recover her hold she jabs you
under the chin with the handle, aud, the
pipe comes down on your head with iti
j lolll of fried soot an1 then the chair
1111s lorwani enougn to discharge youi
feet and you come down on the wrong
end of that chair with a force 'that
would bankrupt a pile driver. You don't
touch that stove again You leave youi
wife oxauiining; the chair' and bemoan-
1 ing its luiunes, aud go into ths kitchen
j und wash your skinned and bleeding
Imnus with yellow my p. Then you gc
down street arter a man to do the busi
ness, and your wife goes over to the
neighbor's with her chair and tells them
about its injuries, and drains the neigh
borhood dry with its sympathy long be
fore you get home.
Tho Cnrman.
Years of experienceln moving enables
a carman to distinguish, at an appar
ently indifferent glauoe, tjie light from
tho heavy end of a stove, or whioh is tho
wmv fM..W. w uw Dinil. , I. l.UIIL, Ol
behind. Against these fearful odds the
head of the family stands no chance
Then there is the carman who is to
move you. He is engaged the day be
fore. He says it is going to be so busy
that there will be some difficulty in ac
commodating you; but if you can have
your things ready at 7 a. m. he thinks
lie can fix it. You are up at S o'clook
that morniug. At half-past 0 a full load
ot furniture is out in front, und another
load is stacked up In the hall und on the
stairs. Your ooat ia torn down tho back,
one thumb is out of joint, and a pint of
soot and an equal quantity of perspira
tion sra firrhltni fni- iha mi.lrv rt vin.-
at , Tioraon. At 11 a. in. ilia carman muVp.
Ms appearance aad stys we arc going to
I have rate.
J. U. Biiur,
is universally acknowledged
11.11 fllttOr MPntir a infnirrn
Bomu DitTrence
There is a vnst difference in the conduct
of a limn und n woman in new clothes.
When n woman gets a now suit she im
mediately prances down town, end for
houra will walk contentedly along a
crowded thoroughfare, receiving fresh
impulses of joy every time anothtr wom
an scans her wardrobe. But r. is so
differentl He won't put oa his new
r.lntlirs for the firat titna until U la iSnrV-
tlmn Via P-nc ntr-n fntrn mn iiiHnn1v
almost create the impression that he
sneaking along.
If ho sees a crowd en a eorner he will
ellp across the way to avoid them, and
hene,E10e?int0 fcT tries
a A
UUUECCIAUUWU QHRfOnnillW I'rwih. I1 .1. 1:1 ' tj... iT
ueuinu as many uarrcis ana doxcs
ho can. All the time ha li trvinp hia .
i'svci ui lu ku jenr itti u uit mik wh iu
taontns old, and all tne while realizes
that ho is making an Infernal failure of
it. We hope the time will come when
new pants will be bo folded by the man-
lion I'uuia mil ud nu luiuru uj iud ui.U'
ufacturer that they won't show a ridge
aioug me ironi oi eacn icg wnen
wearer dons them.
The atove doaler is jutt now the
most Hlniffd man iu town.
Copyright iqsi
A feeling of dullness,
languor, and depression mcano that
your liver isn't doing its part. That
means impure blood, to begin with,
and all kinds of ailments in the
But you can stop them in advance.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov-
cry invigorates tho liver, purines and
Diseases even Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula), in its earlier stages,
all yield to it.
Tho makers of the "Discovery"
claim for it only what it will do.
qijy gHarantce that it will do it.
If it 'tails benefit or cure, in
any case tlioy'U voturn t,0 m0ncy.
-vjAthlnr. olso that ola-i . .,.;fir
the blood is sol tni9' wa 5
which proves, no matter what
denlcra may offer, that nothing else
can bo "just as ftoocl." Therefore,
don't accept a substitute,
We are malting a big drive In fur
niture, but maliclouu desire is not its
object. Wo desire lo dispose of a large
surplus stock, bd propose to give our
patrons the benefit of eouio extraordi
nary bargains.
J. P. Williams & Bro.,
South Wain St.,
SI-ITS isr.A-isr3D O j.--T.
Tbr anil herolo effort t fa tnemitlvM,
Mpklr u4 link Solo o earif
ijtUOB I Ta)trl 111 LPIt
aaant fr. MMat (.all. Clt4t
br.llM.ttJ Um4b.iplaias
ft pbtlvtHJisbr of Xtt-i
avsA AfllctlOK Of tb
Orrkqi tf U fts , how by
lfriBtbedisclBitTl7 oar
CTfm, ttt wrl rM ot
LciL or rllUe Mtsbooi.
naatars.1 &Ittl KllTOVat !)
bllKr. of Body
hqA Mind, fitcU of Errors
or ExctiiM, BtnU4 or
nnnaun n a Bri .innnVMaitanlsllltaaU llkttTrOttlAa
Finest brands ot clears always on hand.
xue nest ismporaaoa annxa.
to 1)0 infinitely superior to
flnmnofin Prtpfrtntlif Jit
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
AKBAitaaiiEirr or rAnacMOKB tkaino.
-MAY 10, 1801.
reeeeneer tralnt will lwvo Hbeuandonh for
aucli Ohnnk. Ieliicbton. HlatlnirUin. Cnta.
Hoeipnwnaa new xorKnie.i7,7.0, Itsim,
tot usiviuere, lwutwaro wivier uap una
Strouitatiarg at 6.47, a. m., and 69 p. m,
For latntifrtvllls una Trent, V.W
For TTblte Havea, IVltkBe-Karrti an:
. in,
and Pitt
UUU 11 , PiVDi Ul,, O.iU HUU 0W
rorTunklHLDnoek, 10.41 a. tn 8.
. TO
. 8.10 ana 6sa n. m.
Pat Auburn, Ithaca; Qsneva and and Lyons a. in., ani oi p. in.
For Laoawllle. Townnda. Havre. Waverlv.
Cbloatind aUpomte Wwt'atloTliB.mRDd
K Audenrled, Kaxletpo, Blockton, r,um
per Yard. WeeAterlyanawnn
ilaven Juno
iion m a.ff..iu. tf.uo a. m.ana
12.62, 8.10 and
3a p. m,
For JeaueavlllG, Levlnton ana Beaver
Mnadnw. 7.40. 0.03 a. m. ru& R.K ti. m.
For Hcrantonut 6.47 9.UR, 10.41 a. m. 8.10 and
For Haxle Crook. Jwlrto. Drlfloc and Free-
tana at 6.47, 7.40, D.08, 10.41 a. m., Ufa 9M and
30 p. III.
For (lunknko at S.47 and 9.08 a. m end
8.10 p.m.
For Wltuanc, Gllberton and Fraokvlllo at
5.50 and n.OS a m ana 4.10 p. m.
I IJ I ,HqB,lll& WWIdUVJ nu LniKUU
5.47. 7.40, 9.(M, 10.41, 10.S3 a. m.,12.62,3.10,6.36, 8.08,
SJHaoaiu p. iii.
For Ut Creek. 3lrard villi and Ashland
(.87. 7.48, 8.S2, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 8.86
4 in and 0.14 n. m.
Var iterkwater. HI. Clftlr and I'ntUvlllo.
r.40, t.m, 10.S6 a, m., 12.52, 8.10, 4.10, 6.30 una 8.W
9. na.
ffor nook Monntpln, New Boxton and
Morea, 7.40, 0.0S, 10.68 a. id., 12.52, 3.10, S.28 and
8.08 p. m-
For Haven Hun, Oentralla, Mt. Oarmol and
Kbamukm, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, -tt
nnil K.08 n. m.
Trnlua leave Bhamokln tor BbenandoRli,
7 JO 11. a. m., Z.1U, 4.du ana usu p. m., amvin
cl Bhauandonh, 9.05 u. m., 12.52. 8.10, 5.20 aui
11.15 p. m.
For Loct Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland,
H.50, 9.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 n. ra.
ror uarKwaicr, oi. bqu ruvuii,
&S1. SJX, .. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yateavlllo, Mahauoy City and Delace,
B.uu, u.:ti a. m., i.w, i.w, ti.m p, in.
For Ixiny, Aadenrlcd and Uaxleton, 8t
a ra., i.w v. m:
For Mniir.h Chunk, l.ohlalllon. GLltlntlOD,
Cataiaaaua, Allentowu, Bethlehem, Basto
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
For t" nuaaeipuia, i.J ). ra.
Ocn'l Pass. Act.. Hethltie
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. Vf. Leisenrwg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. ?. Leisennnq, Cashier,
5. IV. Yost, Iss'tCashierA.
Open Daily From 9 to 31
I'Hlrl uu Nnvlnss ncpaslta.
People's Oys.ter Bay !
12 5E. Centre St., aitciiniHlon3i
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
lliw, Btewed, Scalloped, P.mnedor
Fried to ordur. Families supplied
at tholr houss with the best oysters
tne inuraei anoras.
All Orders Promptly Filled.
Pure Ice Oream I
Orders promptly attended to.
Particular at-
leaiion pain 10 jmmis,
Festivals, etf.
Nnr Corner of Lloyd, SttENAMDOAII, PENNA
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leasee, Mortgagesand Bonds written.
marriage licensee ana togai claims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Buslnen, Represents
the Northwestern Life InsuranoeOo.
OrKiCE Muldoon'sballdltig, corner Centre
ana weti his,, unenanaoan, ra.
Caod Properties of All Kinds Dir Sale.
1. A two story doable Irame dwelling hnuse
Btoi-eand restaurant, on Bant ilantre lit
2, A dwelling and restaurant on Bast Centre
3, Desirable property on cnrnerOntre and
Jardin streets, suitable (or business pur-
I. A two story
two story double frame dwelling, on
went Llovd street.
5 Two 2-stnry frame dwellings on Vcet Cen
tra street.
0. Two Jalory dwelling on the corner ot
Coal end (Jtiefctnut etreoU More room Id
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
aireei wim a lareewarenoute at the rear.
8. Tarts tno-iry double frame balldlnst
for York Via rhlladfiiphw. wi- . Onys.
12.-0 7,30 h. ra. and 12 Z.W rut) -.ft
tv. -janriay ana 7.1" a ra. For t-ew
Ik, vl Maoali 'Ihtmk, wif rUyn. S.Sn.
, -1. a. ra. nnd 12.A, and Ami,, m.
rnr Hflftdtnff anil FhllfiiWnhtii 1,1 rtftvt.
I 2.10, 56, 7 JO, . rn., UM ..SO and : 6ft J.. M,
w - uuny mu a. m.. a au d. ra.
rof Harrlahnrv. WMkAr Aava. il !u.7 al a. m.i
IfO, 5.55 v. Hu
Fo? Aiientown, week days, 7.20 . m. 12.81
" r Pnttavtiui. vMk ri.v. id vta. m-.
12.3 MO nod sit D. m. Handuv. 2 10 tad 7.48
.. 4JVI n.m
For Tftmaaaa uenrm mt.v whaIt
Uyo, 2.10, 6.. 7.20. a. m.. i2.!rf un aa R-f
". Ht.. 7-10 and 7.18 a, m., .80 p. m.
Additional fur KMhaaov Utv. -wank- nnvi 7.i
p hi '
foi jncAiter ana ColniiiLla, weak Cars.
7 ia n. m.t H60 p. m.
For Wllliftincport, Wanbnry and Lowlatmra,
s,ek dajw. 8.25, 7JW nml II Jin . m., 1.06, 7.61
- Mllll OiMl W. U. , O.lftJ l, W,
-'Ol- aiAOoanv lktfia. HUM AiLira. 9 m 1 ox.
V. 7.nnil 11. HO n. rn.. 12.i. !.!. s'm
7.W aat ! - m. Omnrtj.-, 2 lo. iM and 7.48
a, rn.. .05, 4.80 p. so.
vr ttmravuM innvpitnaDnooK Hinuoni
a-flftvs. 2.10. 8.21. 5.25. 7.20 and 11.80 n. m..
13J. 1 8fi UO. K.S6. 7.110 niut H.26. n. T.i Romlav
2-10, -2'.T.a.m 8 05, 4.80 p.m.
or Aanlaain and Hhuiufcin. neak davn.
1.2 ", DJS,7.28, 11.80 a. in., 1.85, 7.00 asd ,U
. ncnoacr sjs 8 uz . to., x.oe p. m.
uaave Haw York vta. PMi&dalnhia. iraate
Ry,7.ifi a. m., l.W, 4 On, 7.W p. to.., 12.11
ni. Honaay, sm p. m., ui.ia nicDt.
LCAra Neif York viu Muicn y -hnnlr vtah
ik jrs, 4.80. 8.48 a ra.. 1.00 and 4.01 p. tn A
mvo Fhllndeipma, wws days, 4.10, raW
10(10 a. to. t.W and (1.00 p. lo., i. -iro Broad
a(JallOwhiUond8.85a. to. und 11.8U r. m.
from Irtb anr rii aireets. Unnday 9.06 a,
n. U.W p. m from tn tivi -mo.
LMMve llwdtns, ntt days, 1 3". 7.10. 10.05
nd 1LS0 n. m., 5JS5, 7.67 p. ra. Bnndagr 1J16 and
ijaave rottevllle, woae daya, 2.40, 7.40 a, tn.,
4.811 D. m. Uundar. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
8.05 m
'Ave Xamaqna. weee days, 8.20, 8,48 and
2liuxa..lJl. 7.13. and 8.18 D.m. 8&uday8.20
7 48 m.and&eop. m.
ave MaJbanov ' t - ot. aavs. 8.10. v.13
id 11.47 a. m 1.51. x e.44 p. in. Han-
. 3, 8.40JS.17 a, m.. I(in.r
Leave Mabanoy . . . ask days, 2-4-1, 1.00
, VM. ll.rt) a. m 1.O6, 2.00. 5 20, G 20, 7.57, and
' 'ti. m. HnnrtAv2.4 . 4.00. end SJ7.U. m.
3 87,5.01 P.m.
twt days, 2.47 4.07, M, and 9.41 a. m 12.05,
i, .-, e.sii, h.ui ann iu.uh p. m, nanaay,
0. 8.88 a. m. 8.41. r.M n. m.
Ljo&ve WlllluBiniinrt. vms da vs. and
uMe.m.a.16 aad 11.15 p. m. bonday 11.15
for Ualllmoro. Wttalilneton end tho west
ia B. & 0. 14, ., through IraluB leavo Ulrard
....... 1 1 1)1.1 , X.. I I . ) Itt ... If ,l IE 1
14.18, DO! nnd 11JZ7 a, ra., 1.84, 4J4, BM ant
p. ra. nonoay, ae cuu ixm a, d.,
65 nnd 7.23 p. m.
A.TljANT10i;iTlt lIlVlBllin.
t-eave raH4olialila. OUeetnat atroe-Vhai 1
a id aontb Htroet vVharf.
far tlMtc crsrv.
Week-dv Bmress. S 00. 0:00 ft. m. 2.00.
8.00. .W, SCO . ui. AoojoiruoOBtlou, 7.40a.
m. and 4.15, 6 80 o.
aaaaiyu. -rixpraw, n.w, v.oo n. rn. ac
ontntnr -nation, H.00 a. m. ad 4.45 p. m.
Retnrnlns, lenvo AtJsuiUo oay, d
t'antleriud A'tanaas avuoe". We-
Express, 7.00, 7.80, 9.00 n. ra. and 8 16, 4.00, 5,'staV
p.m. Aocoraiuu1atlon 6.00, 8.10 a. m. ana
4.80 p m. Sundays -Bxprews, 4.03, 6.00 p.m.
Accornraodutlon 7.80 a.m. nmt 6.05 p. in.
' . A. Mai. SKID. Prfin. Siz'l fisucier.
conrTuiiu, bivibioj
"n and after September l 1891, '.ralru w4H a
. 11. ,1 J'aji. uuuvintu, i-i4awTfiii,
testle. UU Clair, and vjny nolnts. 6,03. 9.13
m nnd 4.16 pm,
Bnnaays, two, .4 a rn nna -w u p in.
toi-rowrviur. u.iu, y.iu u ra auu m,
eandays, 0U0, 9.40am and 8.10 p m,
For ncedltic, C.00, a n uta 4.1b v .,
Sundays, tiU), 0.40 a. la, end 8.10 p m.
Fnr Poltatown. Fhoemzrill?. H orris town
bA Phllndxlnhla rKrrmd etrost otoUon). 0.00.
a. w, ar'l 4.15 p lawBOt days
Vrslan leave Fraakvlho lor tjnenandoih nt
i4.4Bm and 12.14, 7.12, 10.09 p ra. Hnndays,
Mmvo l'oiaUl tor Baeuandoah. 10.15 and
t,l tUM 7.15, 8.42 p nt. Unndays, 10,40 a ra
Leave l"h:iilionu- (Mroafi cjvet Matiorjl.
it FotMvmeAQdBbenesdoah, 6.57, 8.810 m
4.nand 7.0T1T1 m iw)r ilava. Krinrtnv (t An. anil
I iW8- J.50.11.(Wandll.H, 11.35 m.l2.i noon,
(limited ei-.rew, l.OS i.W i u.) 12.21 12.U, HO,
m, 12.01 clcht.
-a Banaavs. 5-i. 4.U0. i.iu. as&.H.i. iw.
11115 'is . -nX 1221, 1211, 230, 402, (limited,
.rii. 5 m. "21 1 1 , . u hic isot atenv
For Sea Qlrt. Iionuliranch and Intermediate
stations U.W, 8.23 uud ll 3'J a. tn., 3.3D, 4.00 p. m.
wreli days. unday- bit a. ra. fls
For ll.illlmciro and Wasoluclou 3.50 W4
9.10 ana 11.18 in., 4 41,8 57, 7.4ti n in and liui
nlghldaily am: 8 31. 10.JO a iu., 12 3j (1 mlted
:B9 wun aiuing car luitaiiim rui i.M, ii.-iQ
p. ni. we It days. For 11 tltlmore only 2.02, 4.01
wee d iv. 5.U-. 11. HO n. 111. daily.
Fur Itionuioud, 7 20 a. 111 and 12.03 night
dally, 130p m. oiul, except wuud.y.
tr1-iq tSAVh Lr.ui.ur. .it r.t-ttuurK ana
ue west every lav h,l ..-Mid is.hj a ra Ld
-CI (limited) aad &A 8 30. 0.3a u m. W7 far
ltoan. , 4 a nad 4.10 u in every day. "
f or FltUburg only, U.V a m Uit-Uy ana 1U.20
m week day.
Lteave Hunbury 'or 'Wllllair.apott, Silmlra,
oandatguu, lUhxter,i:uflaloi-ri(l Hlaara
"alki, 6.10 a m dally, and 1,42 p m west (Uys,
or WalKlES, B.S0 p m week days,
Tor Brio anil Intermediate points, lo am.,
ally. Fvr Lwx Haven, 6.10, and (,.60 a ra,
tally, 1.42 and 6.80 p m. week days. Tor
Aeiiovn $.10 a ra 1.42 and 6,39 p rn woes days,
.10 o. o fjendoys.
I7V. . , ...... in 1CQ1
Trains leave Rcadinc (1. A It. station) for
Gibraltar. Hovfcrt. Blratboro. Joanna. Unrlnc-
tlold, Vcynesbaig Junction, OoatoovlUs.Vest
uhester,Chadsiord Junction, B b O- Jnuctlon,
Wllralneton and Intermediate stations, d lly
oxoopt Bunflay, M 6.2S nnd H.80 and 8.15
p. m. Kanday only at 8.05 p. m.
For Varwlck, HU Peters and Intermediate
stations, dally t-zcept iinnday, at 0.20 a.m.. and
D.11 p. m. tiunaay oaiy b.lo a ra.
For lllrdeburo aud liiLarinetilata stations.
MS&tiuday only, at, 12 in. i
f or uammnra ana wasuiniti ,u 11. a u. .
K.1 (iallv except Sunday at 6.2S and 8.40 a. in.
ftuil 8.15 p. m. Hunday only at u.ns p. m. -
Tralus arrive ai luiodlue (P. A It. station)
'rom Wilmington, li, & O, Junction, JiMJ'
chanln, (Jhsdilolord Jnuctlon, West CX fy,
Uenape. Coatesville, WayneRburg Jntoemi,
aprlugUeld.JoauuH, Ilirdeboro, Uibrultar, Hey
Ten and Intermediate sutioni-, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 r.od 8.17 p. m. Bun-
any uuiy at 11.1 a. rn.
From Ht. I'elers, WHrwloK and mtrmediau
iitatlous. dally except Humlav. at K.21 a. ra.
and 2.25 p. ra. Hunday only at (I p. m.
From ItlrdMhnri, ann IntArnnMrliutii atlitlnna
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
otpt Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.S2 and 8 17 p. ra.
annaay amy hi ii.ut a, m.
BOWNKSH HlliaaH, Oen'l Pass. Agt.
A. G. MOOA U8UAN U, Hunt,
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
OKFIOEBEnnAl.l.'s Huildino,
Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA
I A two and one-half story double frami
dwelling house, with stiro-room and res
taurant. Located on Bast Centre street.
A valuable property located on Booth Jar
din street.
3 Seven dwelling houses ftt the corner of Gil
Deri aua Lloyd streets. Good Investment
Xcras reasonable.