The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 06, 1891, Image 2

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.Proclaimed by tho Cliiofs of
tho Brazilian Army.
Lw Eoforoed and
of Biotrs Killed.
a Number
of nil
Illo Jnnnlrn Has lie 111 a Btala or Rlejio
Hevnlts lii tlm l'rnYlncos tllaluiod Hint
KoiKPoa It Hlrlvlne to llecume Km-
perni 1I Claim tlm liicuiiiirsinp tiu
lnly lie Temporary Spirit of Itnviilt In
Hi (I Army.
Km Janeiro, Hrnull, Nov. 0. 1'rosl
dent Deo loro da Koneea has beon pro
claimed Dictator. Tho troops aro now
guarding all the streets nnd public
liuildlngs. A strict censorship
telegraphic messages lio." been
llshed mill details of the state of
nre not nllowetl to pass.
In Rio Grande do Sul the news lifts
mused a most unfavorable impression.
Great anxiety is felt as to the result of
Ton-eca's proclamation and tho disso
lution of Congr ess.
It is orflclnlly nnnouiioed thut tho
President has convened the nation to
cb et new representatives at a dale to be
determined upon later.
Hie Governors of the lendlngprovlnces
have congratulated President Fonseca
tipon his success in maintaining order.
Ill u Stale ilf .Siege.
The federal capital, Illo Janeiro, and
the town of Nictheroy, or I'rala Orando,
Ave miles east of the capital, have been
declared to bo lu a state of slego for two
The President hns been provokod to
take those stens by tho proceedings of
Congress and by the efforts of the pro
moters of a restoration to ovorturn Re
publican Institutions.
Fonseca, in a'manifosto issued to tho
nation, declares himself to have been
fully juBtilied in tuklng the steps re
furred to.
ltendy lo Miih'tnln Order.
Tlio army and navy support tho gov
ernment, and public tranquility, accord
ing to the olllcial announcement, Is per
fect throughout the States.
In conclusion, H is said that the gov
ernment is ready to maintain order by
every moans, that the constitution
he respected
HOIiM:l til' Till! IIVNIIANU. 1
llrulnl Murder of mi old Man by II la
Wire's I'unniKiiir.
UmoiiAMioH, N. Y., Nov. 0. On Sat
unlay morning Inst the barn of Illchnrd
Koote in the town of Windsor Was
destroyed by lire. The following morn
ing the charred remains of Foote were
found In the ruins. The neighbors lie
came suspicious nnd nn Investigation
was Instituted.
Yesterday Mrs. Foote confessed thnt
her husband loft the house about 0
o'clock Friday morning nnd went to
ward tho bam. A few minutes later
John Fiirmnn, n former lover of Mrs.
Footo's, camo Into the house with blood
on his hands nnd clothes and told her
he had killed Foote with n club. She
went to tho barn with Furman nnd saw
Footn lying dead In a mnnger in tho
barn. Early Saturday morning Furman
procured some kerosene and after satu
rating the victim's clothing with It, sot
the barn on fire. Mrs. Foote and iur
man have been locked up.
Captain Nolsoii 'Mis of
But Threo Men Oat of - PifTy-fiva Sur
vived tlia Hardships-
Col. Fronclt Jailed, nn nn llondsmen Can
be Secured.
Uosiojr, Nov. 0. Sinco his arrest on
Monday night, Col, Jonas II. French hns
been in the custody of tho United States
Marshal, in default of $75,000 ball.
Since thnt time ho has been making tho
most strenuous ellorts to obtain ball,
but has found his olosost associates out
of his reach since trouble overtook him.
Hut tho two men have presented them
selves to sign tho bond for $75,000 re
quired to secure Mm his liberty, but
neither was properly qualified. During
the day, John Stetson was applied to by
a friend of French, but he would not
furnish ball unless iio.000 in good so-
curltles wero placed in his hands iu'caso
French forfeited his bonds.
Col. French's friends, who woro wil
ling to glvo .an Indemnity bond, have
been trying to comply with Mr. Stetson's
requirements, but wero unable to mako
arrangements. Last evening Col. French
was committed to jail.
nnd that the government
will also bo answerable for all national
Fousecn, In his manifesto, says that
ho will govern In accordance with the
constitution. The National Ouard has
been mobilized In the province of Itio
iru iwinmsriln tholr miartcrs. An
outbreak is feared, owing to tho Influ
ence of tho opposition. Commercial In
terests In Rio urn not allected.
Further details of tho causes thnt
linve led to tho trouble between Con
gress nnd President Fonseca, show that
it seems to lmve had Us origin in a
row thnt broko out in tho Legislative
The Senate passed a 1)111 to estnblish
tho responsibility of the I'rosideut tor
his different acts. Tills act mot with
Fonsecn's violent disapprobation and ho
refused to incept what ho termed any
such dictation as to his rights and duties
from Congross.
Troops Under Arms.
' Ho ordered the troops under arms
throughout Itio on Nov. 1, and this led
to intense excitement among tho popu
lace Bands of opponents of tho gov
.,nt Intdiulliii? old Henubllcans and
Monarchists, assembled and shouted out
their disapproval.
ISetwueu them and tho soldiery many
fights took place. Wots broko out in tho
streets nil over the city. Tho troops
were then given orders to fire upon tho
rioters, which they did. Many of the
rebels were killed.
A spirit of revolt manifested Itself In
the army, when Fonsooa was iniormeii
of this fact he went at once to the
troops and mnde tliein n stirring ud
rtres, promising to guard their Inter
ests nnd to protect them in tholr rights.
Tho chiefs of tho nrmy then roquostod
Fonseca to resume tho functions of a
A ctator, saying thut the emergency do
" inauded it. He appeared to demur tor a
time, but at length gave his oonsunt.
A I'rovlnoo In Iluvull.
Telegrnms received from Porto Alegro,
in tho State of Rio Grande do Sul, declare
thnt tho authority of the Dictator is not
recoguuod there. Alegro has u populn
tiou of some 80,001) Inhnbltnnts. Hlo
Grande do Sul U one of tho most pros
perous and independent of nil tho States.
It has n population of nearly 700,000.
The Republicans in it suy thnt thoy
will not tolerate a dictatorship, and are
demanding uu armed opposition to Fon
seca. Thoy say that ho wishes to restore Im
perial rule, with himself as Emporor,
and that he has grown tired of republl
rnn irnvern men t.
The navy has pronounced in favor of
Fonseoa. Mo Is now quiet it is uo
llevod that the revolt will be put down
and that peace will be restored nt an
early date.
W'ABiiiNaioN. Nov. 0. The Depart
ment of SUt has leoeived a cablegram
'from Minister Conner confirming tho
v-nnrr nf the dtsBolutlou of Congress aud
declaration of martial law lu Urazll,
with Foiueca's proclamation as dictator.
ih disturbed state of alluirs in brazil
is viewed with deep oonocrn here In view
of the importance of American interests
in that country and our olose trade re
lation with it.
: There is reason to believe that the re
volutionary movement is being fnmenud
liv a considerable party, which seeks to
re-establish a mouurchlal form of gov
ernment In Brazil,
Sui-li rmorts as were received here
during the past few months Indicated a
steady strengthening of the Republican
feellnu amone the Brazilian psople, and
will l-i the iiewu of tho revolutionary
inotement causes muoh surprise and will
probably lead to the ordering of noma of
our naval vessels to points whore trouble
lUHzU'a Dlplumutlo Hervloe.
, Wamiikoton, Nov. 0. -The Bureau of
American Republic Is informed that the
llrazillan goverment has reorganized its
diplomatic nud o .nsularkerrtce, rwluolng
'expenses very considerably by abolishing
the legations at St Petersburgh, Vienna
and at the Vatican. The Importance
attached to tho United States Legation
W shown bj the fact that It U elevated
to tho first class, and the stall of the
.ministry Increased by the addition ol
scond and third secretaries with a
Father Hall's rnrlslinnnrs IlevoU.
IloRTO.v, Nov. 0. Tho parishoners of
the Church of St. John tho Evangelist,
with which tho Rev. Father A. C. A.
llnll was connected, regard tho lattor's
recall to England by tho Cowley Fathers
ns an Insult to Dishop Brooks, and In
a communication to Hov. Jbatuor Long
ridKo. the successor to Father Hall, in
form him that on that account thoy enn-
uot consent to remain under his minis
Snow foil throughout Pennsylvania
Tho bank at Caledonia, Minn.,
robbed Wednesday night of $3,000.
Influenza is spreading nt nn alarming
rate in tho vicinity of. Hamburg, uor
Tlm Democrats of Albany Inst night
serenaded Governor Hill, who responded
with n speech.
Flro In tho Progress Silk Mills In Pat-
nrsnn. N. J.. WOUUBSUIIV I1IKUW urn
$25,000 damage.
Tho sixth annual convention of Chris
tlnn Workers in tho United States and
Canada Is lu session at Washington,
TCilwnrd Y. Townsend, president of
the Cambria Iron Compnny, died yes
tordnv at his residence In Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Tho report that Mrs. Charles S. Par-
noll Is dying Is denied. Xliougn sue
still prostrated there is every hope
she will recover.
Tho President has reoognlzed Robert
Gordon llandcock ns British Vloe-Consul
at Richmond. Va . nnd Paul lhal, uou
sul of Russia, nt Uhlcago.
Mrs. Marv MoVuv of Braddock, Pa.,
wlm Is suirerluir from enncor lu the
throat, has not taken solid food for 103
days. She is 7S years oiu.
Six persons were drowned by the run
nlnir aslioro of tho Hritisn ship Strath
bliuie. 23 miles north of Astoria, Oro,
The remaining JJ were savo.i.
sel is n total loss..
F.llsha Dver. third, of Now York, and
Mrs. Sidnov Turner Swan, tho oelo
brated beauty from Baltimore, whose
Reparation from her husband oocaslonod
no end ot comment some umo avju, worn
married ut Newport, K. I., yosterday.
FtincI Their Only Food for Twenty-three
Hays Nelson Did Not Have a Proper
Meat In Three Months Treachery of
the Arab Chiefs Terrible Suffering of
tho Men Who Tried to Relieve Kuiln
PhilaDKI-PHIA, Nov. 0. Captain R. II.
Nelson, ot tho Stanley expedition Into
Africa, who was loft In tho famous Star
vation Camp, Is In this city, and when
approached by n reporter yesterday
talked freely on tho subject nf tho expe
dition, but profaced his remarks by say
ing that ho expectod all ho could toll
was already known. Captain Nelson la
a ropresontntlvoEngllshmnn, tall, broad-
shouldered and ot powerful build, just
such n man ns one would consider flttod
for engaging In ft hazardous oxpedltlon
euch as that into Africa.
"Yes," he said, "we had a hard time
of it there, there is no mistake about
that. When Stnnloy left us we were In
a deplorable condition. I had been left
behind beoauso of bad feet, caused by
ulcers. Otherwise I was well. Besides
myself there wore C3 others all Zanzi
bar!. Two of those woro my own serv
ants: tho others woro bearers men who
had originally come irom tuo lsinnu oi
Zanzibar as slaves. Evory man who was
loft with mo was on tho sick list. I was tho
only white man In the camp. We woro
too weak to hunt, ana were absolutely
hclnloss. Tho only moans of sustenance
that wo had was tuo lungus wincn grew
upon the dead trees surrounding the
camp. These growths we gathered and
"For twonty-three days, until tho ar
rival of tho relief expedition, wo woro
without other food than tho fungi, of
which I have spoken. Almost ns soon
as the main body of the expedition left,
my men came to me nnd piled up tueir
rilles by my hut, Bnying they were too
weak to carry them longer. The Zanzl
barl, however, aro possessed of wonder
ful courage, and while a few of them
deserted mo, the majority stuck by tho
camp and died there, ui tne nity-uvo
men I had when Stanley loft me but
throe, besides myself, were nllvo when
we were rollevod. and three finer men
than theso, so far ns tho qualities of
pluck and porsoveranco go, I have never
u n j
is universally acknowledged lo be infinitely superior to
an otiier braiuls, foreipn or domestic, rorleetly Pure.,,
Another Tlclibuurne Claimant.
Losdon, Nov. 0. A Mrs. Jenkins,
claims to havo discovered tho real
Tlchboiirne heir and has written n let
ter to tho Lord Lieutenant of Itelnnd to
that effect. He Is a lunatic, according
to this letter. Mrs. Jenkins wrltos from
Sydney, Australia, and says that she
will bring Crosswoll to England at her
own expense for the purpose of having
his claim investigated.
lleclslnn nf Fall Itlver Weavers,
Fall Kiveh, Mass., Nov. 0. The Nar
rajansett Mill weavers nt a meeting yes
terday morning voted to remain awny
from work until further notice. The
wenvars' association will support 03 ot
tho 1211 strikers during tho continuance
of the trouble.
orvnKH7 ltd
The vos-
IVcntlior Indications.
Waiiiotoi. Nov. 7. -For Now England:
Continued cool: noi thorly winds mid Huh rain:
oontlnuod cool and probably fair weather to
For Kustom Now York. Eastorn Pennsylva
nia, New Jorsey, Marylandjand Dolawnro: Cool;
northeastoily wlnJs; rain or snow: wnriner
and fair tj-morrow.
For Western New York and Wostorn Pona-
Bjlvnnla: Continued cool woatbor, northerly
wind gcnorally mirs sunnily wanner auu
fair weather to-morrow.
seen. Ut these tune men two woro my
To show, however, how much a man
can do wVen ho onto makes his mind to
and has to Captain Nelson mado the
journey to Ipoto, which in coming una
takon him 12 days, In five days on tho
return, and this, too, after ho was re
duced by starvation and sickness
"From tho time 1 enterou acarvaiion
Camp until three months later I can say
I never had a proper meal. Even the
relief party brought but a scanty amount
of provisions."
When did your trojuies negin r
Our troubles bogan t They began
frnm the moment wo met tuose Arao
slave denlors ivory dealers they call
themselves. These Araus are a uisrep
utable set of fellows that will stop at
nothing, lleforo Stnnloy left Dr. Park
und mo ho made nn arrangemonl. with
the Arab chiefs, for a stipulated price, to
furnish my party with food during his
absence. They never kept their word.
As soon ns Stanley was gouo thoy re
fused to give us the food, and tho sup
ply thus cut off, we woro In deplorable
straits. Thoy stolo things whenever thoy
could, nnd It was to them tho bearers,
who deserted the oxpodltlon with their
burdens of ammunition and rilles, wont
to sell these supplies. By and by, as
things got worso, and ulcerations op
pearod on my feet, it was determined to
loavo mo with tho sick men of the
nnrt.v and to Diish on more rapidly.
They could not, of courso, take mo with Thnv had no means 'or dalng so.
Iu times like that no one man must be
considered. The purpose ot the expedi
tion was to get tho supplies of ammuni
tion to Einin Pasha as quickly as possi
ble, and the men who dropped by tho
wayside could not be stopped for. Every
man's interests were given up to tho at
tainment of that great end.
"This was the way It was with the
officers ot the expedition, and tho bear
ers, of course, could oxpect no more.
They had been engaged at tho start to
carry the loads, and wero paid by tho
month nuout y auu wn
they had to say in the matter. Thoy
had to be told everything, auyhonr, for,
though strong workers nnd excellent in
executing orders, they needed a head to
direct them always." When asked when
J5ij7, but bad
tho old-fashioned pill. Bad to
take, and bad to havo talcon. In
efficient, too. It's only temporary
relief you can get irom it.
'fry something better. With Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets tho benefit
is lastinir. They clcanso and regu
late tho liver, stomach and bowels.
Taken in time, tlioy prevent trouDio.
T-i any case, thoy cure it.
And they euro it easily; they'ro
mild and gentle, but thorough and
effective. There's no disturbance
to tho system, diet or occupation.
Ono tiny, sugar-coated Pellet for
laxiativo three for a cathartic.
Sick and Bilious Headache, Consti
pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
and all derangements of tho liver,
stomach and bowels aro promptly
relieved and permanently curcu.
They'ro purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, tho smallest, and
tho easiest to take but besides
that, they'ro tho cheapest pill you
can buy, for they'ro guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or your money is
returned. You pay only for tho
good you get. This is true only
of Dr. Pierce's medicines.
Lohigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
rsssenger trains will leave Hhenaudoah for
aauch Chunk, Lehlghton, HlatlnEton, Cata.
sauqna, Allentnwn, Bethlehem, Huston, Phil
.idelphlaand New York at 6.47, 7.40, B.08a,m.,
For Uelvldere, Delaware Wnter Gap and
auuuiinuuiKtib o.n, u ui.,uuu D.dip. ill.
For Uimhertvllleand Trent) ., V.0S a, m
For White Haven, Wllkcs-Ilarre and Flits
.uu u.-ti, p.uo i'j.?i u. ui o.w huu aaa , iu.
ForTunkhannock, 10,11 a. m., 3.10 and fi.26
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyoni
10.41 a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
For Laoevvllle, Towanda. Say re, Waverly,
anoint, ivocm-eier, iiuiiaiu, niagara j-aus,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
p. in.
For i Itnlra and tho West vtaHalnmnnca a1
tfor Auaenriea, xiaxieion, mocaum, ijum
hir Yard. Weatherlv and I'enu Haven .luno
tionat5.4f,7.40,9.08a. m.and 12.62 3.10 aud
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Heave)
Monrlnw.7.40. 9 08 a.m. andfiJKn. m.
For Hcraulon at 5.47 9 OK, 10.41a. m. 3.10 and
wnp, m.
For Hatle Brook. Jeddn. Drlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.52 3.1Uand
R.2fl n. m.
For Quakako at 6.4) and 9.03 a. m., and
1.10 p. in.
For Wleians, Ullberton and Frackvllle at
i.50 and D.08 a ra.,and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanov City and Delano
).17, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41, 10.68 n. m.,l2.62,S.10,j.2,8.03,
'l.'' n u auu;; p. m.
Fnrl.iwt Crnefc. 31rardvllle and Ashland
..27. 7.48, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 8.35
U0 and 9.14 p. m.
For DarRwatcr. 8t. CIMr and Futtsvllle.
.40, 0.08, 10.6S a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, S.28 and 8.0T
r. m.
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
vlorea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. n.., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
.03 p. ra
For Haven Run, Centralis, Mt. Carmel and
shamnkln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41
ml H.lKI n. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Hnenandoab,
'.5", 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. ra., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52. 8.10, 6.20 and
11.15 p. ra.
For Lost Creek. Ulrardvllle and Ashland,
tsi. 11-15 a. m.. 2.45 n. m.
r-or unrawaier. oi. uiuir auu j-uuyiiic,
i.b0, 8.00, 9.30 a.m., p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Wahanoy City and Delano,
4.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Andenrled and Ilazleton, 8.01
i m. 1.40 n. mi
For Mauch Chunk. LehlghUm, Slatlngton.
Oatasaaqua, Alicntown, iieuueuem, tmrai
4nd New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m.
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Oen'l Pass. AeU, Bethlehem
liladelphia and Reading flailroad
Xtmt Table In effect July 10, 1891
Fur NHW Ynrk va PHIlnilAmlla woaV .Suva
2..0 6JB, 7.20 a. ra. and 12 85 8.60 and 6M
in. orinoay and 7.4a n. m. For New
TIT. Via Mulinl. K n.
7. .10. a. m. aud 12.H nnrt kn n m
For Keadlng and Philadelphia weekdays,
2.10, ri.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 tfo and 55 p. m,
a uiutjr. t juanu , a, m.. 4JK) n. m.
or. Karfburg, week flayn, i.10,7.20 a. m,i
,ao, 0,11 p. m.
r or Aiieniown, week Clays, 7.20 t. m., 12.35
0 p. m.
, .li!or IotUivliie. week dayn, 2.10,7.20,. mi, and 5.55 p.m. Bunday, 2,10 and 7.48
111., p. III.
For Xaintuiua and Mahannv mt.v. mwlr
a tys, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a, m., 12.3i 2.60 and (.69
n m. Bunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days.
1 Ma. m., 2.50 p.m.
r or wuuamspori, nnnDuryana Liewisunm,
et days, 8.25, 7.20 and 11-30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00
m. Bunday 3:23 a. m., 3.05 p. m. '
for Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 3.23,
V, 7.20 and 11.31 a. m.. 12.35. 2.60. 5.65
7iWanoi.tfi. m. Sunday, 2 10, 8.23 and 7.48
a. m. 1.06, 4.30 p. ra.
For (slraravllle (llappahannock Station)
days, 2.1'', 3.23, 6.2.', 7.20 and 11.30 a. m
12.33. 1 35 2.50. 6.65. 7.00 and 9.25. n. m. Bundav.
210, .2 7.43 a. ra., 8.05, 4.30 p. m.
i-'or Ashland and UhamoEln, week days,.
.2i,5.25,7.20, 11.31 a m 1.35, 7.00 and tjttmT
m. Hunday 3.25, 8 82 a. m 8.05 p. m,
ueave New York via Philadelphia, week
iys,7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m 12.19
.ght, Sunday, 0.00 p. m., 12.15 nlpiit.
lieave Ne York via Mauch Chunk, week
OTN, 4.30, 8.45 a. in., 1.00 and 4.0) p. ra.
jeave Phlludolphla. weex days, 4.10. and
0.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m from liroad
ldCallowuilland 83 a. m.and 11.30 p. m.
ram 9th ant ureen streets. Hunday 9.03 a.
ra. 11.10 p. m from 9th anfl meu.
lisave lteadlne, week days, 1.33. 7.10. 10.05
.3d 11.60 a. in., 6,55, 7.57 p, m. Bunday 1.35 and
i,48 a. m.
Lsvo Po'Uvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
, 8 11 p. ra. Unnday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. and
05 i. m.
iave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.43 and
2 ; a. m., 1.21, 7.18, and 9.18 p. m. Snuday 8.20
7 43 . m. aud 250 p. m.
eavo Mauanoj "-'3k days, 8.40, 9.18
l 11.47 a. m, i.U d 9.44 p.m. Sun.
ty, 3.40,8.17 a. m., ' t' .
Leave Hahanoy i ix ..eek days, 2-1), 4X0
,9,35. H.o9 a. m.,l.t)5, A00. 5 20. 628,7.57, and
' m. Sunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.27, a. m
a at, o.ui, p. m.
first National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. VI. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J: R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
S.IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From g to 3.
New Yoiik, Nov. B.-JIoney on call easy at
b and 0 per cent.
tansdlan racino , I "71
Coutrai l'uoinc.
Lhloaio, Ilur. & gulnoy vfb
Doiuwure Jc 1 1 jjMi
Del. Lauk. ic Wustoru 1'UJt
lirio '1J
iMke ihure
I.011IS& Nash
Miehljan initial 107 .
M ln)U il l'auitlo
NuwJeney ' eutral lVi
N01 th western tloJs
Oroiron NavlKation 7
1-solllo Mail 31
KtMilliur. '
St Paui W
Union 1'aoiUo 0M
Wwloru Union HIM
137 .4
ii ill
Wliaat-.MailtJt npj.ied troiiir and rfanallrtnl
so tnrouflioiu day. No. , iw
101K: Nov.. 10l. Jan.. 1U7.
..nn.-lurtl( illiHllH.! tlllM U!
No a., mliol, 7 Nov., tK: Dew., D7:
J OsVs tarket dull. No. 3. lalxoJ, 37a.37;
tlUTTlia -
Crearai-rr. State Ic l'enn,. extras, SO 0.11W o.
Creamery, wtmtorii. Urals id n.a'27 0,
Civainery. wastonu sooouas -o o.a3
btutouairy, u. r. tuns, uxiras,...
HiAti, fiiotnriR full eroam. Soot, fancv. OMlOti
btate fuotorr. full cream. Aug, fanuy...uVIalHi
State Imuorv. lull crvain. Una Oilail's
vtnin funtiirv. full uiain. uooJ to urimutllftaU
bute tauturr, cummou to (air 7 uS4
I.IVU Poin.Tnr
On, mr i-hlpLlMK. ill lOB. lar2B IHST h 1 a
hnrliir chlclti ns. prime 0 a014J
Fowls, Jer y, Stato l'a., jwrlb.
Diiessed 'oi'LTny
Turkey, mixed wel
Ep'i ohk'ik, 1'lUta.,
i OH a
ilybts, per lb.
,, Uat lb, to pair, .
We are milking a big drive in fur
Iture, but malicious desire is not lis
object. We desire to dispose of a large
surplus stock, and propose to give our
t.nii-AnatliQ hbiml 1. nf cmirm pvlrnnruW
T bargnhis. "l
.1. P.WilliamS & Bl'O.. Where you will start from
1 tiuw muuy lucid nioiii j'"
Sontli Main St.,
they did the biggest part of their travel
lug, Capt. Kelson replied: "During the
day. I am not a believer" he said, "In
the theory of traveling by night to avoiu
the heat. You are too apt to lose your
way, and thus take a longer time on the
trip than otuerwiso.
"When returned to England I had n
bad attack of Afrloan fever and thought
n sea voyage would do me good. 1 uavo
been In America before, some 18 years
n lint, nt that tima stave 1 In Chicago
This time I camo to Now York, and will
remain lu tills city until to-morrow.
when I will again sail dlroct ior &ug'
Huiimctril Counterfeiter Arrested.
CoheY, Pa., Nov. C Ralph Van Nau-
lar, a young man about x.i years oiu,
was arrested yesterdny near Garland, by
TTn t.fd States Slurs hats Haring unu aio-
Manus. charced with Using connectea
with the notorious Zoly nnd McCormlck,
a gang of counterfeiters wliloh has been
mnnufacturlni: and disposing ot large
lots o( counterfeit money for some tlmo
In various narts of the Btate. jjioiianus
has spent months dlsgulsod as a tramp
aud enduring all kinds of hardship to
order to land his man. Vun Naular was
taken to Erie last evening to appear uo
fore tho United States uommissione
A Hear Hcare.
ConTLAND. N. Y.. Nov. 0. Tho vll
lauer of Kast Scott, near here, are In
rvr nf excitement over the unpearatice
of a larce bear In the woods near that
nlaoe. He has been seen by several per
sons and badly frightened a group ot
school children yesterday who snw him
crushing through the shrubbery near the
rnndHlile. A number of trans have boon
set aud a party has been organized to
hunt uim a own.
paid on Havlnus oepoHlia.
Simsourl, ICmiHUH, ArkatttinB,
Texas, NelirnHlca, I.ouiHlaua,
Colorado, Utuli, cmitoniln,
New Mexico or Arizona,
aud will send me a postal card
or letter stating
i.oavri Qlrardvllle (KapnahanuocK station
eek aays, i.w, li.ira, ana v.u a. m li.ui,
12, S.2H, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06p.m. Snnday,U,47,
0 , 8.3.1 . ra. an, 5.i7 p. m.
lieave Wllllamsport, weet days, 8.00,9.45 and
1.55 a.m. 8.85 and 11.15 p. m. Bnnday 11.15
. ra.
For Baltimore, Washlnirton and the west
la B. t O. K. It., through trains leave Ulrard
.venne oUtlon. rhlladolphla,(P.& B. it. K.)
t 4.16, 801 nnd IlA7 a. in., 1.81, 4.24 , 5.66 an
23 p. m. Hunday, 4.18 8.02 11.127 a. m 4.21
55 and 7.2.1 p. m.
. eave PhlladelDhta. Chestnut Street What X
sia ouiuuiroei wflftri
Far Atlantic Clt
Wentr.rt'.vo Kinrw. 8 00. 9:00 a m. 2.
3.00 .m, 6.00 . "l. acoo:nmodatlon,7.40a,
m. ana 4.15, oso i. m,
juuaays. -express, 8.00, tf.OJ .a. m. Ao
oomm sHoB, S.00 a, m. and (.45 p. m.
Keturning, leave Aiianuo oily, aepoi
LlanMo and Arkansas avenues. Weik-in s
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. aud 3 15, 1.00, 0.SO
n. in. Accommodation 6.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p m. Suudays -Express, 4.00, 6 00 p. n.
Accommoaaiiun a. m. nun o.uu p.m.
u. u. n&tiuuu&i ueu-i rfi &si.
A. McIjHOD. Pres. .V (len'l Manaicer.
mand after September 1 1S91, 'ralrw tofll leav
Hhemmilaah llM foLlaws!
(Tor Wlggan, Ullberton, Frackvllle, New
Jastlo, Ut. Clair, and way points, 9.1
, m anas, id p m.
Uundays, WW, 0,40 a m and S.1 0 p m.
For Fotlsvllle, 6.00, 11.10 a m and 4.15P m,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 P m,
For Heading, 8.00, a in and 4.16 ,i .
Bnnday b, WJC, 9.40 a.m. and 8.10pm.
For Vottstown, PhoenLxville, Norrlttown
mil PhlladelDhta (Urnad street fetation). 6.09.
a, m. and 4.15 p m week days
tiunaays, uw, a m .w p m.
Trains leave Frackvllle lor BDenandoih at
0.40 am and 12.14, 7.12, 10,09 p m. Hnndays,
i.13 a mand 6.10 pm.
Ijeave 1'oitnvllle lor Uhenandoah, 10.15 ana
..4S, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. Bnndays, 10.40 a m
i.15 P in.
Lioave irmiaueipiiia iuiwiu bui-hi niHuuui,
tt eottsville and Uhenandoah. 6.57. 8 3 a ro
4.'0 and 7.00 p m week days. Bundaj 6.60, and
9J3 am .
CUI .in liiin.u,j u,w(
ttls.SA J.53. 11.00aDdll.!4. 11.85 'n.12.C0ncon,
(timiiea eznreso, i.iid s.ou u uu.
1.8?, t 20, 4.02 s, f, 5.2 1, 6.511 7.18
m, 12.01 nlKUt.
ll.SS .a. is 12 21. 12 41. 2 30. 4 02. (limited,
.an. s "H. " 2i i , ii sauiuinisnv
ForBea Girt. LomrBranch and lntermedlale
stations 6.50, 8i) and II .30 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m.
wi-cu aays. nunaay- 6 a.m.
For Baltimore and SVasiilogtou 3.50, 7.2Q,
9.10 ami 11.18 i. m., 4 41, 6 57,7.4Jp.ra and 12 03
ulgtildaly and 8 31, 10.A) a iu., 12 ,( ti iiiuea
express wltli dlulng oar tollaltiin ,re) 1.30, 3.46
w'eeidiys, fiuj, 11.80 p. ra. daily.
For Hichmoud, 7 20 u. m aud 12.03 night
UUliy, A OU J) 111, UUll, CALC, OUUU I.
ii ji'isioave jLiinauui. ,ji iihouuh u
ae wobI every day at i2.2Sand 8.10 a m and
M (limited) and 3.40, 8 30, 0.S5 p ra. Way lor
Mloain ' a ra auu s.iu p iu every aay.
For flltsburg only, ii.j a m a any ana
m weeK aays.
i.aava Hnnhurv tor WllllamsDart. Elmlra.
unandalgua, Etoohester, Bnflaloand Niagara
aUB, o.iu a m nauy, ana i.s2 p m weea uayu.
nr vatklns. 6.80 d m week davs.
Wnr KrtAunrl Intermediate points. 6.10am..
tallv. For Lock Haven. 5.10. and 9.66 a in.
tally, 1.42 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For
eaova t.iu am i.s; ana e,3u p m wwjk umj d,
.10 a. mtiunaays.
ff AH. VI I'l I U H . J.1LWUUU.
wen, Man - '-m. akk uv
.85 'm,12.C0ncon, 1
a.) 12.21 12.44, 1JJ). J
IS S. 12 and l"-rAf'
S.16, 12,K.!J0,9!scr
Wlmf frplflit nnd hajroracre vou have.
furnish you with the fullest
recrardlne routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and It
instrated laud pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Bprlngs guides, etc,
C H It.lsguar
' nnleed to do
perlectwork. As
to the price, It will
nAUTIKSlnrtedofofstove rernlrs Q
or any ae cnpiiuu guuui i cuu j j
on me, os I keep cunslantl
ou hand a full supply Buy
he best range In the
luamet. N EW
Cheap Karmlnjr Lands In Missouri, Arkan-
J. P, McCMJlf, Eastern Trav. Agt.,
i.i u n. ra. nnouav uiiiy a ui
Jaltsnlannnltr at 19 m
(U daily except aiitmay aiu.aua eu u. .
and a is n. m. Hiindn.v onl v ai 11.05 n, m.
iiaiui niiivoni ikwtuiui, v " -7 :
iiariiii i iiionnii'nrii .iiinriiun. rrni )ucatt:ii
t STl. In AVMillBVlt
stoiebehad only Irom Q,E. P. ABt.,80lBrowIwfty,New York ffiaaffiB
promptly attended to,
331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah A T fl ATT, A CiA
Aav i.nlv nt. 11.21 ft. til.
rtris nnninmnnc' tad
nznuMv ' j..stlce of the peac0w
Tl lTa Tl" OvPfl.TD I Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written,
JTU-lLi JlOC J1 CCbJOJ. 1 " Matriage licenses and legal claims
promptly aiienaea 10.
BRcAU AND LhUco, , v,u n.ii;n . IntiirntifA AtrMif.v
dalnrrinv nnlv lit 1.10 tt. in.
riuiu 1.11,.,.,'.. ...... i, ,......,,
uuwurJiM KiiiuuH, uen i rass. Agt.
John R. Coyle,
WHOLESALE and RETAIL, lTS1 A.ttorney-at-Law
Pro1 To'r A rrrt1 1
orders promptly attended to. . Particular at
leUllOn pniu w liniin, iikuiw.
Festivals, etc
Smr Corner of Lloyd, tHENANDOAH. PENNA
rumnK-uuldoon's building, corner Centre
and West Bt., Bhenanaoan, ra.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
l, A two story double frame dwellln
sinreand restaurant, on Kast ilenlre Bt.
A dwelling and restaurant ou East Centre
8. Desirable property on earner Centre and
jarutn streets, nuuauie ior uusiness pup
4. A two story double trams dwelling, ol
West Llovd street.
5 Two 2-story frame dwellings on Wett Cen-
30E.CENTKK HT SHENANDOAH 6.rwo tt&ry dwellings on the corner ol
1 uoaianuunesmuiBireeia. nvore roum iu
FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. UTwMtorrslnile house on
. I t w, .. n In .i.u ..... '.Iinn.a ., , , 1, a Til'l r
Finest brands of clears always on hand. I a Thr a tiro-amrT dobbla frame bulldlnzf
Viie dcsi temperauco unuu. i corner o uioya ana uuDervnreeui,
Cor. Main and Centre Streetl. SHENANDOAH, PA
i a iwn ana nntwiH.ii suirv uuuuio iru
awninti? nnusB. witn si .re-riKMii ana re
9 A. valuable property located on HoMl
J Beven dwelllngr bouses at the corner of Gl
nun. ynn i.inTd Hirmui. Hiina lnvfjunii
Tmqm a onable,
lores of clerks.