v V-r- .... . now o: AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On tlic Right Trade, BKVKKN, tho Grocnr, i still on tho ripcht irnck and comos lo tlmo with Knottier 1 ruin .oad of Kino Or ccrios, Cannod Goods, Moats, Flour, etc. Cetitro nntl White Sts.. Bhcnuntloali AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. "What News GathororB Tako o Moment to Toll About. Gunners nro out. Fresh cod Is tasty now. The campaign thunder lias scarcely left nn bono. A belt m uk eH tho lemlnlno waist look narrower. The winter moustneho nud beard is now growing. Frosty mornings will now become moro frequent. Tho pad on tho pull of calendar 1b getting very thin. Tliero Is some good in the man who npplles a searching sermon to him self. Wo have a high opinion of tho in telligence of tho man who takes our advice. It 1 wonderful how chilly most men feel when passing a saloon duting a cold snap. Elephants have been known lo live upwards of two hundred years, They look tough enough to live for ever. The Farmer's almanac cays that winter commences on December 3, but people will want good worm cloth ing long tierore llial time nils year. Good Looks. Good looks nro moro than skin doop, do- pending upon a healthy condition of all tbo viltil organs. If tho L'vor bo inactive, you havo a Bilious Look, if your stomach bo disordored you havo a Dyspeptic look and if your Kidnoys bo affoctod you havo a pinched look. Securo good health and you will havo good looks.. Eloctrio Hitters is tho Rrcat altorativo and Tonic acts di- rcctly on thoso vital organs. Cures 1'itnplcB, Blotches, lloile and Kivcs a good complexion, Sold at 0. II. Httfienbuch'a Drug Store, fiOc. per bottle. Ladies, if you want flno writing papsr md onvolones to match, call on Max llocso- ' U Coming Events. Nov. 6. Second anniyorsary ontertain- raont of Major JonninRS Council, No. 367, Ir. O. U. A. M., in Ferguson's theatre. Nov. 18 Grand supper In Kohbins' opora nouso for tho benefit of tho Trinity Ito formod church. Novombor 20. Grand supper in Itobbins' opera house; benefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. 1. L. A. Lcgnl blanks of all kinds for salo at tho II KHALI) office. Do you want a situation 7 Do you wantholp? Do you want to sell your businoss ? Do you want to sell or oxchango real ostate 7 If to, call on Max Keeso, Shenandoah, agent for tho TJnitod Statos Employment and iluelnoss Agoncy, -II and -10 Broadway, Now York. Florida on Whools at Chorry street sid ing L. V. B. B., Nov. fi, 0 and 7. Oyatora. Oystors aro in season. Go to Schooner's. Families supplied. Parlors for ladles. 9-4-tf Bout work dono at lironnan's Btoam laundry. Everything whlto and spotless. Luoe curtains a specialty. All work guar antood. Waters' Weiss boor Is tho best. Beilly solo agent. John A 6-6-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now looated at linlnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS. and oilers to the publlo the finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Provisions, Klsli and Oysters, Oreenand Hinoked Ham aud Flitch. 211 .xa.,ix.. Iiomous. SCHOOL BOOKS. The place to buy your school books cheap is AIm tfeholar1 Comimuloun, I took Blrsps, liool !, Tti!t, etc Kverylhlue and aiiytlilUR required lu hrhool. Hlulan, peliolls. elo., fco.d re tMlaud wholMMla. BooVs Sailablf for East and West MaliaooyTwp. Don't forget the plaee If you wish to save jcuapy. IMI. MELLBT: CHA3. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St, Shenanooah. MlIIiM (TO, PA. D. B. Thomas. Communicated. D. 1J. Thomas loit lor Scranton yestor day, whoro ho jioos to accopt a poeitlon at book kooper in tho wholesale house of J T. & G. T. Williams, of that city. Air. Thomas was ono of tho pioneers of Shen andoah, a Rood citlxon, a staunch Republi can and ono of tho pillars of tho Wolth OonRroRational church. His residenco of 23 years in our midst has proved him lo be honost and Conscientious. Wo aro loath to part with him. Our loss will bo Scranton'i gain. Wo trust-that, in his new field ol labor, ho will enjoy many years of blif and happlno 8. Ckndlk. Shonandoah, Nov. G, 1801. mnv voiik nkws in miner. Tho condition of .Mtsi I5oiain''jr, who was murderously an.iulteil yesterday In Whlto Plulus by a tramp, is critical. John Kremor, jinltoc of ilvo flat bouses lu Now York, shot his wife, Mary, yesterday morning, and within an hour was fomU hanging ueau in an airsnaic. Tho case ot Dr. Uharlos A. Urlggs, cliarifed with heresy, has boon dismissed bv tho Mew YorK rresuytory uy a voio of 04 aaalnst !'9. The commltteo on prosecution will, however, appeal to the Synod. Tho Fair Open. The fair of tho lihconix Firo Company if now open in HobbinV opera ln.u?o and will continue open until further notice. It is attracting largo attendances and is woll worth visiting. 10-U-tf Dlod. MTJLDOON. On tho 3rd Intt., at Shen andoah, I'a., Mary, wifo of llonry SIul- doon, aged 08 years. Funeral on Friday, Cth inst., at 9 a. m. Services in tho An nunciation church, in town. Funeral will proceed by carriages to Minorsvillo, whore intormont will bo made in St. Vincent de Paul's comctory. 111-26 Council Mooting. There will bo a regular meeting of thn HorouRh Council this ovoning at 7:30 o'clock. Tho finest noto papor and envelopes in tho country at Max Itceso's. tf Proved a Succobs. The rendition of "Undo Tom and Eva,' in tho Primitivo Method'st church last ovoning, mot with much success. Tho on tortainmant was given in an acceplabl manner, and was favorably received by tho largo attendance. Tho church will realize quilo a nice littlo sum from the proceeds, A flno stock of guns and amunition for sale cheap at Max Beoso's. 10-21-tf THKIIt JJLOOII WAS KVIDKNTIA 1M- ruitr. St. raul called the Cretans "slow bell ies. costlvo, lll-ulanOHttl and mischievous." Cactus lllood Cure would havo remedied all that. Ills of tho flesh vanish lieforo pure blond. Scrofulous and upoclilo Diooa poieous aro now curaoio. Commandery Mooting. Shonandoah Commandery No. 1-1, Sons of America, will hold their regular monthly mooting to-night. Thoro will bo nomination of ol&Vers for tho ensuing term and initiation of two candidates. Accident. Patrick Finn, of MahHnoy City, ora ployed as brakoman on the Mahanoy divi Bion of tho Lehigh valley railroad, met with an accident this morning at Delan while coupling cars, which will result 1; tbolo'S of ono of his fingers. When it becomes necessary toliiro ahorso ana uuggy, wnetnor on business or pleas ure, many people line a neat buggy and nice, quiot, gentle horso that can travel pretty well : others like ono that is qiick active and showy. Persons in need of horses and buggies can bo accommodated with what tnoy want at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. 13 and II A'orth Vcar Alley, Frank Hess' old tand. rear of Lubure1 hardware (tore. Good euro tukon of trail elont horses. All kinds of hauling attends to promptly. Cheapest place in town for UNDEBTAKING, CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 01 N. Main St., iBhennudoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS hiladclpliia Cheap Bargain Siore, For a full line of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, Ijidlcs'and dents Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices Mieclal Hue ot Com forts ettl.VSeacb. . RABINOWITZ, iiO E. Centre street A GOOD SHOE FOU FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25, Repairing Neatly Done. Common Sense Swc Siore, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Florida on Wheels I A marvelous Revelation Tropical Luxuriance. A Hulto Fair In a Kolllng I'alaco from tho J.aua oi i' ic wers, IllustrntlPi; lo tourlits, Invalids and rro- specllvo selllers thepdiantf geRand resources oi i no sunny lanci. j ropuai ir fumei, paim, etc., lo lnlenst parentB, nnd a fumlly of 1 lie alienators to please 'h-children win exiiiini lu Hiicnoutionii. on the Cherry stieet siding of the Lehigh Valley Hallroad, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, NOVEMBER 5. mid 7, 1 in .1- m t 1 j. in r i AuuiisMuu, iu cis. tiuiurca uuuer ii, o as. To defray Incidental expenses. Wentou M.Webb. Kz-Ulreotor (itneralBnb. Tropical Florida Exposition, Florida Com. miBsioner 10 1110 lixpoMilou, Director. X3 A."5T JTSTX) 33VB3STI1SIQ. - A SPECIAL SALE! Ono Weols. Only FINE GOLD-FXATED 'J'oFIt tlic Haly, To l-'lt Hie ClilKlrcii, To 1'lt tlic (Srown lip. THE PRICE:- 100 Riugs for fit, lno Ilitigs for 10c. "oo Rings for 16c. We have 25 dozen to sell. s Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSOIUAL : PARLORS ! Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SHAMPOOING, ETC., BY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under I'ostolllce llulldlng, Slain and Oak Sts., Shenandoali i-Hot and cold baths, l'olltf, prompt and ciireiut uiiuuuuu. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest andchcapest slock In town. Artistic Fainting, Graiiing and Decorating! J. P. CARDEN, 10-2-Cm 22iW. Centre Bt.. 8IIKNANDOA1I 451 CENTS font window shade with frluire. others forSSc. Gfx) and up. Khadew nmde or wrw and nrlvate dwel lings. A new lot of shad ings and fringes to match. C. 3D. FHICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre KAISIM 1XP0MT Bill, WANTS, Sco. A tlvertisemenfa in thin enttimn. not excepdina S lines, 6'.'c. for one insertion; 7Sc. tor two: 51 for three; one week, J1.80.' two weeks. one nonth, 3. FOR SALE. A large "Mnrnlng Llirht" double heater. Hullnblo fir a store, or dwelling. Apply to 11. A. Hwalm South Main street. 10-13-tf FAUMB FOU BALE. Areyou look liie lor n larm? If so call on or write lo J. J. Kehler, Frackvllle, l'a as to where they aro located and for terms. 8-22-tf FOIl BALE Cheap, a Blutigliter house with engine, chopper, boiler, fcf t 1 Ies. elo Apply to ilculatnln Richards 211 v est Lloyd street, Bueoandcab, I'a. . ll-l-lw FOR SALE. A nice 28 acre farm lor sale. HI miles from Hhenandoah. lle.iutlf.lllr situated on a nnblla road Gnnd dwelling. Qod barn. Fruit trees beginning i'j ucar. ah young. pienaia siream 01 water runnlugthrouKlnlie the land. This Is a good ensnce for a man who wants a smalt farm. Inquire of Ja 1 is G. Ilutlou, post olIK-e bulldl g, room 0. U-0 tf CHARTER NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that an amilleatlon will be mode lo tho Court ot Common Mea ol Schuylkill ciuntyon Mouday, NovemberSO. A. 1). 1691, at 10 o'clock lu tno foiennon, un dcr tho"corporatlcin act of thecommonwiiHltli ot I'ounsjlvanla, approved April i!9, 1874 "and iuu ruiipieiiicuL' iiieruiu, lur ine cnaiier oi au Into- df d corporation to be railed "Thn inith HI. Kuslmer Association ofBhei nudoah, I'n." .-ui ' ftwmnua 111 uoiocaiuii iu nnenaiiuosu. I'a., and to havo fr lis object tho m:il; lo nancK ot an asroclatlon '01 social, edncatlnnut and bemflclal purposes to Its membes Irom I Hurts collected therein. S. O. M. XIOLLOPETEIt, Attorney for Applicants. Shenandoah, I'a., Nov. 4, '01. 11-Ww AMUSEMENTS. TjllUMilTttO'S TIIIiATKk, P. J. FKHQUSON, MANA(JKH. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1891 The rising Irish Har, CARROLL JOHNSON, In tbo great successful Irlf.h play, The Gossoon A sweet love Ptory of the Emerald Isle.wrlt- ten by E. E. Kidder, author of "Poor Rela tion." "three ol a Kind." "t'ndera YoKe." etc. Hweet&oucs. nil rrv lousla and dalutv dances. The treat est ecenlc Irish rroducllon ever PBIOBS, 2B.SO, 7S OI31MTS Reserved beats at Klrlln's drugstore SPECIAL SALE! Next Ten Days. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Boots and Lad leu' and Chil dren's Shoes. DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! at a large reduction at tho ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. BIAIN STJKEET, SHENANDOAH, PA. ? Watch for the HED HON lu front.- SALLIE SENIOR'S! Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N, MAIN ST., S3ENAND0A0. People's Oyster Bay ! KOAN' 11UILUINQ, xa K. Centre St., Slicnandoali CHAS. C. GUISE, Props. OYSTERS Iliw, Stswed, Soulloped, Panned or Fried to oritxr. Emilies supplied at their house with tho bentoiBiem All Orders Promptly Filled. JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A One line f Chnlee ailOCElUES Mtts and Cuudlee. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr. Cogtlet receives his crreen trunk rtnllv (trom the city markets, which Is a guarantee to his customers that they will receive fresh -TICEl .A. IEE3F!- Tf. Is not recfssnry logo about it surreptitiously, ns dn the gamins In tho picture, If you would take a peep at our elegant dlspluy of tho latest novelties in dref s goods, clouks. wraps and rugs. Our store is a little woild'a fair In It self and visitor may freely inspect the exhibition without being Importuned to buy. VV have some attractive specialties this week lu the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. J, J. PRICE S Old 113 North Main Streot, Shenandoah, Pa. Q IaHDOrj POOD r.A-nnp AM'A by FOOD Conver.lencci, FOE SALE -B-5rT Nn. Smith ANTIQUITY cuu betoieiaied In almost any thing but has, If the head Is out of date the rest of the hody Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but u millionaire ora genius can afford to wearanclent, beadgear.and even they take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no more to be tip with the times than It will to be half a mile behind them. Kvcrythlrg nbont our 11.80 hat Isuand- some but the price, and f 1X0 forsuch a hatean scarcely be called anythlDe but a ridiculously low flgure. The time can be.saldof our25o neckwear. Our line ot gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest priced In the market. IS S. Main SI, SnATCLATC ' Grand Openin g! FALL AND Wri TKK STYLES OF MILLINERY ! ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No.26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest nnd largert assortment lu Hals, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our lino of Children's THIMMKD AND UN. TKIM51K1) IIAT8 Cannot Too 3Ucivt,11oc1. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES I COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N. Main St. m Families Bupplledwlth raw oyaters by tlje Light. Reliable Stand, Cooked vi i Burmd Nuttltiouily. 1- UXiJ-l EconomleiBf.' BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Tito Celebrated Duplex Grate ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF. ELEGANT HOT CLOSET. HOT WATER RESERVOIR. Watwbjckt for Boilers Moot Every Required it EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. .Tnvrlin Strpfit. l ML FORECASTING THE WEATHER i, 1 x P - . 1 r w wiiuiis miiii suiriiis in sin ior us before Spring cornea. ( inr shu'.k nr Hfln.vv-vniiv , uir i tpsh .Mini (Mimiiirr ij iTIIII. 1,1114 l I V I II ' 1 1 ; I 1 , 1,1111 i it i4 l"m.iii'iii i.fiiir vv m 11111, i A. C. Yates & NOW ONLY IlcHt-iiiuctc Clotlitiiir T11 I-Hllartc-Ipliln. DO YOU WANT and well made, fashionable clothes? If so, call on Fashionable Custom Tailor, r r-Miiii.il .1:1111111 rM ri'ii.. nnnniiTiiinni iriH HfviPft. (JfViri vfirtimmikliln tin,mn nA and ! JUlt j prlcen. FIRE INSURANCE. pauies lepresentea uy DAVID "PATTRT1 M w VUI WtJ WIIWMUffUUllVJ Q M. IIAMI1.TON, M, U PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. nHiu tya Mr..t ri.j tit. n m wiumau cfl L xjiuvii nirHHi. nnnnnn t RANGE MONEY, ml iiTffflWiL 1 i Kuuus wuen uuyioi; irom mm, MItS. FEIlOUliON.rrop, v . ,