The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 05, 1891, Image 2

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Martini Liuy and Dictatorship
Reported in Brazil,
Aaothu Dim&ad Likely to be Midi Upon rllf cut to pieces.
' fared a (v sacrifice to the 11
till ftltOUTMI M Ulir JlaTT,
Rumored that the Kraatllaa Caagress Rns
bi IlialT4-T lllstarbaaoaa at
111 Janeiro la Oetueer-Ttie President
In 111 Health and Ufponl (a a gtraag
l'artj-.No Trauble far JTaralaaara Aa
tlelpated, Wabhinotok, Not. 6. A dispatch
which has been reoelved frra Rio
Juueiro, brings no Tin of what stimi to
lis another revolution. Congress, the
dispatch says, hat boa dissolved aud
martial law proclaimed at Hto Janeiro I
mid throughout the provinces. The on- I
blotfrnni also announces that a dictator
ship ha been established In Llraill.
Fuller dispatches rstrardliitf the ro
Yolution announced to huve occurred In
Brazil are anxiously awaited here by
Steward Offered for Bscnpprt filhertaa
rrlsnnrre, Dead fir Alive, j
Sav Fraciroo, Not. 5. Chinese ad I
vices by tha steamship City of Rio
Janeiro bring th particulars of a riot
lu the Province of Fukleu. Tba seat of
the trouble wu Tekhua. It net nttaokei
by 8,000 insurgents. One of the Inhab
itants of the place fell into the hands of
the liturReiiU. lie w as nnlled to a board
lie was of-
t After three days of unsuccessful siege
the Insurgents succeeded la gaining an
entranr to the elty by ccallng the walls
nader the corer of their own Are.
A desperate struggle follefrea. The
flrnt act of the leader of the Insurgents
wat to liberate the prisoners, lie then
went la seareh of the Magistrate and his
family. The Deputy Uagletrate was
last aeon fighting hand to hand with a
uperlor for.
A numbor of escaped prisoners from
Siberia hare been captured. The Uiu
Hinu government li paying SO roubles
for lire criminals and 75 far dead onss.
Tbi Comptroller of tba Ourraioj Itil U
Han Known the laott-
tiii: nxpoitT nit nii: .
World's Fair Couiniissiontr to
Nut llaeii Wlthdrann.
Wasiiinoton, Not. 5. At the Lntln
Amerlcnn Department of the World's
Columbian Exposition In this city em-
financier and luerchHiits who have large phatio contradiction is given to the din-
Interests nt stake in that country. It Is patch from Chicago to the effect thattho1
recalled that early In October and again
about the middle of October similar re
ports were circulated regarding the con
dition of Brazil.
Au investigation resulted In an official
atateuient to the elfeot that perfect or
der prevailed everywhere, uud that tho
liunuuial condition of the country was
uuvor belter. It was also aborted nt
the time that it was expected that a sur
plus amounting to iflD.UUU.OOD would bo
shown by tha budged, of 102. Marshal
lieudoro da Kuuseca, at that period, was
nnuounced to have entirely recovered
from the illness he had beeu suffering
from for some time.
Tho reported revolutionary movement
is likely to cause unother demand upon
the already strained resources of the
navy, for it is tegarded as necessary for
the protection of American interests
that a United States naval force be at
hand there in cnho of a formidable out
break. The only vessels regularly at
tached to tho bo m h Atlautic station now
in the vicinity of Itio du Janeiro are the
Essex and tho Tallapoosa, Iho lirst is
an old wooden cruiser, and the eecoud is
Commissioner to Chill had been with
drawn by order of Dlrector-Goiiornl Da
vis. Tho World's Fair Commissioner to
Chill is assigned to Uolivla also and dur
ing the recent troubles has been In tho
latter republic
He did not return to Chill until after
the death of Ualmacodn and tho estab
lishment of the now government, when
ho wns assured by tho leaders of tho
Junta that as soon as Presidential election
was ovor and tho reorganization of the
government complete the plans for the
representation of Chill at tho exposition
would be acted upon, and that a com
plete representation of tho marvellous
resources of tho country would be sent
to Chicago in 1803.
Kenny and Claney Drnounca O'llrlnn.
Dublin, Not. 5. Dr. Kenny and John
Joseph Clancy. M. P.. both join in de-
j nouncing William O'llrlen for revealing
I confidential documents relating to the
Boulogne conference. They declare that
O'llrlen purposely suppressed the fact
I that he had acreod that Parnell shoulil
have the power to veto Irish support of
worn out, unserviceable, and ottered for I nT Home h'" proposed in rlU
The Boston Is somewhoro of the Bra
zilian coast on route to tho Pacific, but
it is not probable that she will bo de
tained. The Yorktown, however, was at
Uahut, Brazil, Saturday, and she will
probably be ordered by cable to remain
there or return to Santos, notwithstand
ing the faot that she is also on her way
to the Pacific station. Moauwhllo tho
work of repair on the Newark at Boston
is being pressed, nnd in case of emerg
ency Admiral Oherardi's flagship, tho
Philadelphia, uow on her way to the
West Indies from New York, could be
ordered by cable to proceed to Hlo de
AChat there wero disturbances of n sor
iou3 naturo at Hio Jauolro early in Octo
ber was not entirely denied, but It was
said that they wero of a purely local
character. They started during the
night of Oct. 8, at the Italian theatre,
and the trouble soon spread to adjacent
.streets. ,
The police arrested many of the riot
ers, but, being outnumbered, wero com
pelled to call upon the troops for protec
tion. A force of cavalry, consequently,
was sent to the scene, and the troopers
were compelled to make several charges
upon the mob before order was restored.
A number of piople were killod uud
many inoro ware injured during the dis
turbance, which Is said to have its origin
Jn a politloal intrigue or conspiracy re
tarding the succession to the Presi
dency, the question having assumed
.prominence owing to tho reported weak
state of the President's haaltn.
mreujtlt and
ment, and tho same power over all im
portant legislation proposed by the Lib
erals In Ireland. They say that nobody
supposed that Parnell's retirement
would be permanont or even lengthy.
Harrington and William Redmond con
firm the statement of Kenny and Clancy
regarding tho proposed power of veto to
be bestowed on Parnell.
A IrUt for rlTly Toars.
rniLADULrllii, Not. 5. The golden
jubllos of the Right Rot. Monsignor
Nicolas Cantwell, vicar general of the
Roman Catholic archdiocese of Philadel
phia, was celebrated yesterday morning
in St, Philip de Nerls Church, of whloh
the venerable priest has been reator for
tho past oO years.
Corliatt IVniits tlm Blnlcrs SI O.OOO.
PlTTBsuno, Nov. 5. Jim Corhott, who
appears lu "After Dark," at the Bijou
Theatre this week, recelvod the follow
inir telenram from the California Ath
letlo Club last nlchti "Will give J7.600
for a fight between you and Manor, the
Irish champion." Corbett answered
follows: "It must be $10,000 or no go."
wr.n.i or Tim oat.
Ex-Got. Albert S. Marks, of Tennes
see, disil sunasniy at xiaeuTius, yesior
The liabilities of Hlrshfleld & Wolf.
bankers of Berlin amount te $300,000
The Moore desk works at Indianapolis
I burned yesterday. Loss, $7U,UUU; In
suranco, $33,01)0.
Stgfriod Qosh, a German In South San
Francisco backod ins wile ana imam son
to doath yostenlay with a hatchet and
AVLat Caused the Collapso ol
tho Mavorick Bank.
r. ss nri 1 a
is universally acknowledged to bo infinitely superior to
nials.?.. ! t)ranu9. loreiKii or domestic. Perfectly Pure
The Baa tha 1a-eeat Savlass Baali
CaalUalBt;-PresMaat H.l Mat Tat A p.
lalad Iteaelvar af the Maverlah,
Tkraafk the Optiosltloa of Br an J
rattar-Tha Hanks r.T.r Mr. Heal.
Boston, Not. S. The facts rsgardlni
the loans of the U.averick Bank have
been in possession of the Comptroller ol
the Currency slnco last January, and It
now Intimated that another Comp
troller Is likely to be appointed before
The general loan account outside of
the $3,400,000 due from directors and the
Evans losses Is good, and shows good
judgment and careful banking. The
directors' loans have still considerable
collateral behind them.
Speculation 1b tho ono word that ex
plains all speculation In stocks and
grain, with tho Maverick Bank funds
backing the deals.
The first great speculation of the Mav
erick Bank was by .Messrs. French and
Potter in Isew York & Wow Jsnglaud.
It was successful from a pocunlary poiut
of view, but in that success lay con
cealed the ultimate ruin of the bank.
In tho New York & New England mys
tery deal the bauk's funds were used to
a startling degree, and the system of
operations then begun culminated lu tho
ruin of the bank and its directors.
Although the Maverick has been known
as a speculative bank, no one outside of
Mr. tvans ana tlie bank directors couiu
have imagined the oxteLt of the speculations.
it is now not to be wondered nt that
whon the death of Irving A. Evans was
announced that President Potter, in the
directors' room, should have physically
collapsed, but it is a wonder, In the light
of present revelations, that ho should
for bo many days nave patcbed up at-
falrs and stemmed tho current.
Tho run on tho Five-Cent Savings
Bank ooutlnues. The banking-room is
crowded, meetly with women, Polico
men are guarding the entrance and en
deavoring to keep the growing crowd
The assignors of the firm of Irving A.
Evans te Co., aa yet have not secured a
majority of the creditors upon the as.
signment papers. The difficulty Beems
to be tbe unwillingness ol tne crealtori
to have their names made public.
It is believed, however, that a majority
will ultimately sign.
T. P. tieal. President ol tbe Second
National Bank, hod not received his ap
pointment as receiver of tbe Maverick
Bank up to last night. It is thought the
papers are withheld at the instance ol
Messrs Hyde aud Potter, who object to
tba appointment.
The appointment of Mr. Deal would
likely lead to tbe distribution of $2,000,.
000 in the Maverick's vaults among thi
It is understood tho banks favor Mr,
Seal's appointment, and would not car
to act under agreement to relieve de.
positors of the Uaverlok unloss a
thorough banking man, wno nau tneu
fullest confidence was put in charge.
Jonas H. Frenoh, the Maverick Bank
dlreotor, has been unable to obtain satis
faotory bonds, and he will have to re
main In the custody of a United States
Deputy Marshal. Both of the bonds
men offered were rejected by Commis
sioner Uallett.
Car Rtaalra YlnmeA.
Newark, N. J., Not, 6. The ear sta
bles of the linpld Transit llae as Bergea.
street were burned yesterday, set ailing
a lots of about $90,000. The erlgin
of the fire Is not known.
Ton canH believe
somo dealers nlways. They want to
Boll tho medicine that pays them tho
largest profit. What you want to
buy is tho ono that does you tho
most good.
Which ono is it?
Sometimes, it may bo a matter
of doubt. IJut, in tho case of
Dr. Pierce's Fnvorito Prescription,
there's no room for doubt. It's a
matter that can bo proved.
With tho facts before you, it's
an insult to your intolligeneo to
havo something elso offered as
" just as good."
And hero's tho proof : Among
all tho medicines that claim to euro
woman's peculiar weaknesses, irreg
ularities, and diseases, tho " Favor
ite Prescription " is tho only ono
that's guaranteed.
If it doesn't do all that's claimed
for it, if it doesn't givo satisfaction
in every case, you'll havo your
money back.
There's strength and vigor for
every tirca ana lcoulo Woman,
health and a uow life for every
dolicato and ailing woman and if
there's no help, there's no pay.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-MAY 10, 1891.-
chCiinnk, Leblehton, Blatliigton, data,
na, Allontown. Betblebem, Easton, Phil
ihlaand New York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m.,
I'twflcnger trains will leave Shenandoah for
msqcs i;nani, lni
Ul.52.ai0. 6.2(1 n.m.
For Uelvldcre, Delaware Water tJap and
Htroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
"or LAmbcrtvllleand Trenton, B.08 a, m
For White Haven, Wllkes-Ilarro and Pltu
ton 5.47, D.08, 10.41 a. m., 8.10 and 638 n. m.
For Tunkban nock, 10.41 a. m 8.10 and 5.28
I. m.
. For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
10.41 a. m., and 6.28 p. m.
ForLacoyvllle.Towanda. Bayre, Waverly,
Klmlra, ltochcsler, Hutmlo, Nlaeara Falls
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
5.24 p. m.
For Klmlra and the West vlaUalamanca at
3.10 p. in.
For Audenrlod, llarleton, Btoekton, Luna,
tier Yard, Weatberly and Penn llaven Juno
Hon at 5.47, 7.40, 9,03 a. m. and 12.62, 3.10 and
5,28 p.m.
For Jeauesvllle, Levlston and ISenve)
Meadow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 5,28 p. m,
ForBcrautonat5.47 9 OX, 10.41 a. m. 3,10 and
5:2p. m.
For llazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free
land at 6.47. 7.40. 9.03. 10.41 a. m.. 122 8.10 and
5.28 p. m.
f or yuaKftno at o.n ana a. m., ana
J.10 p. m.
For Wlgans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
.50andtf.03a. in., and 4.10 p. m.
Fur Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano
'..47, 7.40, .l, 10.41, 10,58 a. m.,12UaAI0,5.28, 8,03,
9.2i and 10.27 p.m.
For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashland
4.27, 7.48. 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 8.85
U0 and 9.11 p.m.
For Darkwalcr, Bt. Clplr and PotUvllle
r.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and Ml
p.m. For Hack Mountain, New ltoslon and
Mrirmi, 7.40, 9.03, 10.53 a. m.t 12.52, 8.10, 5.26 and
For Haven Uuo, Centralla,Mt. Oarmel and
sdiamokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.41
ind 8.06 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Bhenandoab,
1JSS 11.55 a. m.. 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.28. and
11.15 p. in.
For lost Urcek, Glrardvllle and Ashland,
1.50,0.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darltwater. Bt. Oialr and PotUvllle,
kW, 8.1X1, 9.30 a . m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
1.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and llasleton, 8.01
v rn 1.40 p. m:
For Mnuch Chunk. I.ehlehton, Blntlnston,
latwauqua, AUentown, Bethlehem, Eastoi
ind New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Act.. Uethlehem
He Is Bald to lie Losing
Shuwi hymiitutus of rarulynls.
Home, Nov. 5. At an audlenou given
ly Fops Leo to the Bishop of Limerick then hung himself.
tbe Poutitr asked many quostlous as to Thomas, brother of Timothy Ilealy,
the situation lu Ireland, and appeared j,a, ij0 selected to contest Wexford,
allccted by the death of Parnell. 1 made vacant by the resignation of John
The Pope Is said to be losing strenfjth.
Ho shows symptoms of partial paralysis,
aud in October he caused his temporal
and spiritual wills to be prepared.
He disclaims any personal feollug as to
the choice of a suceessor, and by his tem
poral will his property Is entrustod to
four Cardinals for certain specified pur
poses. His property consists chiefly In a de
posit In the Bank of Knglaad and In free
hold and leasehold Investments made in
dreat Britain as a precaution In tho
vaut of having to leave Some.
J& Redmond, now contesting Cork.
Waathar Illdloatlaas.
Waibisotoh, Nev. S.-Vor Baetora Hew
York, Eastera Pauniylvanla, New Jersey,
Maryland aud Delaware: Warmer: southerly
winds: iuoroslint oloudlneis and rslai; light
rain and warmer Frioar.
For New lintlsnd: Winds beoaeslaer warmer
southerly; fslr weather, Inoreasiar olouJlosss
and probably riln diuias; tke uif ht.
'Vor Waetora New Vert aaa Wutora rssa.
sjlvanla: Cloudlnns and lljt rala; warman
loutherly winds; fair Friday.
JllilC IteAalam If 111 Su.
New YonK, Nov. 5. Judge MoAdam,
ot the Superior Court of this city, has
decided to sue about ten nswepapers, all
but one of which are published in other
counties, because of articles and odltori
als published by them ooncsrnlus tho
charges made by John I. Davenport
agalust him prior to eleotlon. They al
leged that Judge McAdam had beou lazy
In the naturalization of citizens and that
improper cases of naturalization hud
been passed by him.
NliVT vontt HAUKETI.
Coy Ilidd fnrtha Grnit'l Jury.
PlTTBrim.n, Mass., Nov. 8, Coy, the
self-confessed murderer of Whalun, and
George Kelly, charged with being an
scoomplloe, were Arraigned In the Dis
trict Court yestsnlay tor their prelimin
ary hearlnf. The court roam was
jammed with spectators. The testimony,
in general, was similar to that already
printed. At the conclusion of tbe evi
dence Judze Tuoker discharged Kelly,
jind held Coy to await the aotlea of the 10'tsi Nov
grand jury.
New Yoac, Nov. 4. Money ca call easy at
4 per oeut,
Tansdlaa I'aclAo ,
Central l'oinc. si
tlilcai. llur. & Ouluoy vi
Delaware: ilutlsou 13
DoL Lack. A; Westeru 141M
Krle 30Vs
bile pruf
Lake lhoro 13t(
Louis X Nash 7U
UiuhUun i.'oiitril 1002
Missouri l'auinc I
r.wJerer eutral ll.rK
Noituwestern ii
Cauasel New Snmralne Up Ad Jouramanl
Xext YTctU.
HAnnisJCBO, Nov. G. No business was
dona at the session of the Senate last
night, owing to the absence of a quorum.
To-day the defense will sum up the evi
dence in the case of State Treasurer
Boyer and will endeavor to convince ths
Senate that the oharges of the Governor
have not been sustained.
Attonioy-Genaral Hansel will follow
In au argument to prove the testimony
justifies an addross to tho Qoveruor ask
ing for the removal of the State Treas.
He may also give his view as to the
jurisdiction of the Senate to pass on the
case before It, so largely dwelt on by
counsel for tlie defendant. Next weak
the extra session will probably come to
au end.
Another ltuotla In Crk.
Cork, Nov. 5. Tha Parnellltes stoned
the antl-Paruellites from tke root of tha
Cork market yesterday. Wra. O'Brlea
received a blow on the head, and Dr.
Tanner was struck to the grouad. The
man who was driving tha car la which
the two sat had his skull fractured. Sev
eral Parnsllites made au attack on tha
II. P.'s aud their friends with sticks and
were stoutly resisted, The hospital Is
kept busy attending to tbo injured.
Wenre making a big drive In fur
Iturc, but malicious desire la not Its
object. Wo desire to dispose of a large
BiirpltiB slock, aud propose to give our
atrons the bunellt of some extraordl
nary bargains.
J. P.Williams & Bro.,
South Mniii St.,
she nxr -ajxtid o-Ajb:-
Tha Dllka Furmally Notldsd.
VibhnA. Nov. 5. The Duke of Orleans
was yesterday served with a writ In tbe
action for dlvoroi brought by Captain
Oregon Mavistlou 74
lteadinr 31J,
Hook Island ;3
Et raui 7Jli
Union fsollle 40H
Western Union. S2
Wheat-Market onened strouif and remained
s throuzhout day. No. 3, red winter cloud
uif: Nor.. iut?j. Jan.. ii.
Corn-tlarket .urieueJ 11 rm and :loiad firm.
No. z.. miiej, u;
fiov., 8J: Deo., 7)H
No. 3, mixed, 37a. 37;
. ..
Oab--farkct dull
D'O., H.
Creamery, etau k penn.. eitrui.30
Charles Armstrong against his wife, the Creamery, western. Orsts
-celebrate I soprano, known as Madame
Jielljs, in which the Duke Is charged as
Lord llawke Will Cum Again.
Londoh, Nov. 8, Lord Hawks and his
Creamery, western. Meonas...
ttauaairy. a. r. tuuv auras
Btata faotorr. full cream. ."eDl. fanor
State raotorr, run cream, au(. rancy.
Btata raotorr. inn crvam. sue
.36 e.a'iD
1-i a. its
Coam.r and ltloliardson Slcn.
PnlLAUBLVHiA, Nov. 5. Roger Connor
and Dan Ttlcbardson, who have played
first and second bass respectively for tbe
New York League team for many years.
list nluht signed personally guaranteed
contracts with the Athletlos for three
years. Hoy, the mute outlielder, has
also been signed by the local Association
Kegardleg Lattery Matlar.
Washinotok, Nov. i. The Treasury
Department has directed that lottery
matter seized in vlelatlnn of the Postal
Union Convention, shall bs held as il
legal Importations aad, for the present,
treated as unclaimed merohandlss, .but
excluded from sals until furthsr orders,
Visit faotory, full cream. coo4 to primcVnaU
Utate rautory, common 10 lair
l.ivi Pot i
fcprlnir chtutnns,
uh loe, large pei bl 1 a
team of cricketers arrived at Uueenstown
....I.. IT ..r hlmaair ub
highly gratlfled wltAl. A.rl... tour
asd sars that he will revisit th e United .......'.
States la 18J9 with aaether picked team Turkey, esU.d wcaU, .r lb
of player. , p aika., J-atia., ItaA lu. t elr
The Hand all Club uf Pittsburg sent
a Uleg'ram of sympathy to Gov. Camp
bell of Ohio.
Ten thousand railroad miners In Pitts
burg, who have been on strike for At j
weeks for an advance returned to work
yesterday at tha old rata. Miners and
operators lost 3,000,000.
Firs in Pittsburg last night damnged
Godfrey tc Clark's paper warehouse to
the amount of S15.0U0; Meyer. Arnold
U Co., upholstery house (32,000 and W.
A. Walker Sons' paper bag manufac
turers, 115.000. Leases aearly oevered
by Istsnraaee.
First National Bank.
Capital, $100,000.00.
lnltl on Havings IJcpoHltH.
n AHT1K8 In need ol of stove repairs
or any oe'cripuon snouiacaii
on me, us I keep constantl
on hand a full supply. Buy
the best.range in tbe
maraet, NEW
It Is guar
anteed to do
perlectwork. As
to the price, It will
suit you. This excellent
stove be had only Irom
promptly attended to.
331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah
Pure Ice Cream
Orders promptly atteuded to. Particular at
tention paia u sums, ncuics,
Festivals, etc
Near Corner of Lloyd. SHENANDOAH, PENNA
Finest brands ol clears always on hand
Tlie best temperance annas.
Weak&eM of Body aad Mind, Effect
jfErroriorEitxasM.aOldor Young,
(tsll'UilLs Httbls lUUDUU xi4rl MW I B.altrs atalel
Hta UaUff trtm kO bLaUa 1 el Wralarsi lMlrlc. WriUlio.
W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
9. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
HiiladolpMa and Beading Railroad
Irene TitHf effect Jul) 10, 18U1
KorNfinYnrlr via lllille.lnlnhio w ..
2-l" 6J5, T.S0 a. m. and 121)6 iw aud M
v. m. Sunday alo and 7.4s a. m. F.r Hen
roilc, vh Mauoh Chunk, week days, 5.S5,
J&a. m. and 12.85 and lion. m.
r ..r jMsiuiag ana riiiiaoelpniA WeeJt days,
.10. 65. 7.30. n. m jn 1; .v. n m'
Sunday. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4M p. m.
.. ."l g"rrthunf, week days, i.lo,7J3 a. m,i
,du, .oo jp, m.
ror Aucntown, week days, T.W , m., 12.SH
10 ?r fotUsviii week days, 2.10, T.n. m:,
12.85 Z6D and 6.65 p. m, Hnnday, 2,10 and 7.
m., 4.80 p.m.
For ramaqua and Mahanoy City, week
(Uy, 2.10, 6fa, 7.20, a. m., !2.35 Ha and 660
p m. Bnnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4.80 p. m.
Additional lur Mahanoy City, week stays 7.00
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days:
7.20 a.m.. 2.60 p.m.
rtr wnuamspon, tsunnuryana Lewlsbure,
week days, 8.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.5J
1 nuuui
ay 3:23 a. rn., 3.0S p. m.
m. 4.06. 4.R0 n. m.
For Ulraruvllle (ltappabannock Station)
Kunrall', 0.4.J, U.J, I ttJ M1U ll.WS. III.,
12.W. 1 86. 'A50. .65. 7.00 and n.25. n. m. Hnndavl
2-10. . 2 ., 7.48 a. m 8.05, 4.80 p. m.
-or Asnmnn and Uhamokin, week daysw
1.23,5.237.20, 11.3'Ja. m 1.35, 7.00 and tVjtt
111, uunuay a.n. a ti& a. m .uo p. m. sbbbj
Irfave New York via Philadelphia, week
;.S,7.4j a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.11
lpht. Sunday, 8.00 p. m., 12.15 nlghU
Leave Mo York via Manch Chunk, week
lays, 4.80. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.0J p. m.
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. from Broad
luiuuiiowuui una B.ija. m. and 11.30 p. m.
from Olhanc riruen streets, tlandav W.US a.
m. It. so p. m. from sin and nr-eu.
Lniave rteadluir, weett days, 1.3i. 7.10, 10.06
ind 11.50 a. m., 5.55, 7.87 p.m. Sunday 1.85 and
11.18 a. m.
bnave ro'tsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.40 a. in.,
.Vj.iill v. m. Hnndav. 2.40. 7.00a. m. and
2.05 .m.
:, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 : a. 111.. 1.21. 7.13. and 0.18 p. m. Unnday 3.20
7 43 111. and 2.00 p.m.
ave Mnhanoy City, week days, 8.40, 8.18
.nd 11.17 h. m 1.61, 7.42 aid K.44 p.m. Bun
lay, 3.40,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave .vlahanoy I"laiie, week days,2'4"i,4.C0
I., 0.35. 11.69a. m., 1.05, 2.00. 5 20, 028,7.57, and
1 00 ri. m. rJundav 2.4 '. 4.00. and 8.27. a. m
3 37, 6.01, p. m.
uouve uiraravilie iruippaoannucK auiuoni
veek days, 2.47 4.07, 8M, and 9.41 a. m., 12.03,
'. 12. 5.28. 6.32. 8.0'i and 10.00 p. m. Uuuday. 2.47.
0', 8.33 a. m. 8.41, 5.V p. ra.
iaave wiuiambpori, weea uays, o,uu,v.uaiiu
1 1.56 a. m. 3.35 and 11.16 p. m. Unnday 11.15
For Baltimore, Washington and the west
;la B. & O. H. It., through tialna leave Glrard
s. venue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. It.)
it 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.31. 4.21, 6.65 ant
;.23 p. m. Hnnday, 4.18 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.24
-.65 nnd 7.25 p. m.
atijantio city uiviaiON.
' cave PhUadelphla, Chestnut (street Wharf
a -u oonth Street Wnarl.
For Atlantic Cttv. A
Week-dnvn Express. 8 00. 9:00 a. m. 2.1H
3.00, .Ki, 600 .. i. Aocoaimoilatlon, 7.40a.-
m. nnu s.ia, e m . tu.
auudcyik-tuxcress. 8.00. 0.00 a. m. Ac-
oommt4AHon, .s.00 a. m. and 4.4.5 p. m.
mmmuiif, leave Auanuo cuy, uepoi.
'nntlcand Arkansas avenues tVct'k-dais
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 9.00 a. m. and 3.15, 4.00, 6.30
n. m. Accommodation 6.00. 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p. m. Sundays Express, 4.00, 6.00 p. m.
Accommoaaiion a. m. nan p. in.
U. U. HAMOOCK, Ueu'l lwr Agt.
4.. A. MCLEOU. Pres. A tlen'l Manwer.
AltE aoiNa TO
StlHHourl, iCruiHriH, Arlcntinnn.
Texas, NelirnHlcn, I.oiUHlmua.
Colorulo, Utali, Cnlllorulu.
New Mexico or ArUmm,
and will send me a postal card
or letter statins
Where you are going,
When you are golug,
Where you will start from,
How many there are In your party,
What freight and baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your house and
furnish you with the fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan-
ana L'nnnio nnri 'lt.t
J. P. FflCCfcNN, Eastern Trav. Ant.,
G. E. P. Agt., 891 Broad way ,New York
Iron Mountain Route,
BonuyiJULi. divibion.
tn mid after September 1 1891, trains todl tiav
Bfienandoafi at follow:
For Wlggnu, Ullberlon, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, and way points, 0.OJ, 9.10
m and 4.16 p m,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and Al 0 p ra.
For Pottavlllo. 8.00, 9.10 a m aud 4.15p m.
bnndays, 600, tUOn m and 8.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, a ra and 4.15 pu.
Sundays, 000, 9.40 u. m. and 8.10 p m.
For Povtstown, Phoenixville, Worrlitown
and Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.00,
a. m. and 4.15 p m weak days
riundays, uou, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m!
Trains leavo Fmckvllie lor snenendoah al
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 pm. Sundays,
U.1S a ra and 6.40 p m.
'javo I'oriTrtlH tor Shenandoah, 10.15 and
u.43, a m 7.15, 9.42 p m. Snndays, 10.40 a m
.lfi p m.
Litrnvo Philadelphia (Brood otreet Rtatlon),
or Vottavllle and Shenandoah, 5.57, 8.31a 111
4.' 0 and 7.00 p mweek days. Bundaj 0.50, and
4.28 nrn
toj Hew York, 8.20, 4.06, 4.40. 5.S5, H.S0, 7.S0,
.aj.'IJ1 1).60, ll.OOnnd 11.14, 11.35 nro. 12.00 noont
(lliolisi ncnrtvH, j.m .aj 11 in,; it.ti i.fd,
iuu, s.j, t xa 3, e, b.zj, .w 7.ta .u ana tJ.uu
m. 12.01 nliiht.
U OUUUa9, n S.1HT, l.Vl', U..VJ, ".14. t?.Q'r, ff.uT
11.35 . m. 12 21, 12 41, 2 30, 4 02, (limited,
411. 5.24. 2) H., . -a a.ilh'Jl .ilirht
For Sea Girt, IxugHranch and lulermedlato
stations 0.60, 8.25 and 11.39 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m.
weea aays. imauyi 0 a, m,
l'or ii.mimoro sua wasuiugion. a.ou,
HO ana 11.18 u. in., 4 41, 0 57,7.40 p.m and 12.03
ilirhtdallv aud 8 31. 10.20 a in.. 12 35 li mited
expreMi Willi dlumu car toltaltlm .re) 1.30, 3.48
p. in. i(e. k days. For lialtimore only 2.02, 4.01
weekdays, 5.03, 11.80 p. m. dally.
For llichmoud, 7 20 a. in. and 12.03 night
dally, ISOp m, aally, except Suuday.
. T'.ius leave ixarrisourif .or niubuurE ana
he west every day at 12.45 and 8 JO a m acd
.00 (limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 8.35 p m. Way for
Alto iTiH. .11 a ra and 4.10 p ui every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a in a ally aaa 10.2U
m wees aays.
uoave Hunt
nr wat Sin s, 6.30 p m week days.
For Brie and Intermediate points, 6.10 am.,
tally. For Lock il&ven, 5.10, and 9.66 a m.
tally, 1.42 and 6.80 p. m. week days. For
-tenova 6.10 a m 1,42 and 5.90 p m week days.
M0 a. mUnndaya.
u&a. is. puuu, j. B.WOOU,
'sfln. Man'" 'len. I'smr Agt
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leased, Mortgages and Bonds written.
Marriage licenses ana ifiai ciaiius
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection sad Insurance Ageocj
General Fire Insnrance Business, Kepreaenti
the Northwestern wre insurance uo.
OFrica-Muldoon'a building, corner Centri
and west sis., unenanaoan; ra.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale,
-A two story double frame dwelling house
storennd restaurant, on Kant Centre Ht.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centrt
3. Desirable property on earner Centre and
jardln streets, suitable ror business pur
4, A two story double frame dwelling, 00
wei L.10YU sire i.
5. Two 2-stnry frame dwellings on West Cen.
tre streot.
8, Two 2atory dwellings on tbe corner 01
Coal and Chestnut Btreets Store room Ik
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street, with aTarce warehouse at the rear
8. Thraa tweiory double frame buildings
auaaier !.; Ma uuvsn suae as.
) Bnnbury for Wllllamsport, Ktmlra,
Lalgna, Uochestor,BunaloandI41agara
iline laote mtneci may 111, ioai.
Trains leave Reading (P. & K. station) for
Gibraltar, Boyfert, Blrasboro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chester,Cnadsford Junction, B. a O. Juuctlon,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dUy
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 o.m. and 8.15
p. m. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
atatlons,dally except Sunday, al 9.20 a.m., and
s un m Niinnflunn vx n n m.
For Blrdsboni and Intermediate statloss
Saturday only, at 12 m. syv
K.) dally except Sunday at 6.25 and B.S0 a. m.
and 3.15 n. m. Hundav onlv al 8.05 n. ra.
trains arrive ai ltmaiug (r. a 11. Marion)
Irom Wilmington. II. & O. Junction, Mont
cbauln, Chaddstord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Wayne6bure Junction,
Sprlngfleld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey-
icrtanu inierraeoiate siaiions, uaiiy exuepi,
Sunday at 10.21 a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. rn. Sun.
uay only at u.i a. m.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.24 a. m.
and 2.25 p. m. Sunday on ly at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday only at 1.40 p. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex.
sept Sunday, 10 20 a. m, 6,52 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.24 a. m.
BOW NIMH BitlOUS, Gen'l Pats. Agt.
A. G. MOUA USLAN I), Supt.
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE Beddall's Building,
Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA.
l-A two and one-half story double frame
dwelling bouse, with st ire-room and res
taurant, located on least cenlro street.
uin street.
J Seven dwelling bouses at the corner of Oil
bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment.
Terms reasonable.