AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, AISER EXPOBT Light. K 111 cm, n On tlic night Trade, 8KVEKN, thoGrocpr, l ellll on tlio rlfrht track and comes to timo with another iraln .oau or Fine Or cerios, Can nod Goods, Meat, Flour, etc. Centre nnd Wlilto Bin., Rlienniidouh. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY, "What Nows Gtithorors Tnko a Momont to Toll About. New moon. Kubblts nre ripe. IJa ig go) tlio liunler'H gun. SlielUmrk candy i now popular. It t ulies mi expert BWitnniur to 11 out a loan. Wages always appeal to men's hire nature. This Is the month for Tliunlseglvlng and turkey. Many of the leaves nre entirely bare of leaves, while upon others they still form a thick folium'. The world Is full of people who want to go to lieu ven, but tiisy want to do It In their own way. ' Tlio woods look very inviting," writes a popt. He must have heard that his wife was about to start liotito cleaning. Good Looks. Good looks are mure ttixn akin deep, de pi'ndinR uion a healthy condiiion of all tlio vital organs. If tin L er he Inactive, you have a llllioiis Look, if your stomach bo disordered you lmve a DjBrwpllc look and if your Kidneys be hflVted y u have a pif.cut'd look. Secure Rood health and you will have (food looks. Electric Hitter is the great alterative and Tonio acta di rectly on those viml organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, II lit and je'vesafcood complexion, Sold at O. II. IlaRenbuch's Drux Store, COo. per buttle. L idles, if you want fine writing pap. r tnd onvo'opee to match, ca'l on Mix Iteete tf The Gossoon. "The Gossoon," which will nppoariioro on Saturday comes well rccommendud, us will ba eeon by tbe following notico ' Despite the extr- inoly warm wraihor, Carroll Jobneon in "Tho Gossoon" drew a fairly g'od down-stairs bouso and a big gallery at tho Lyceum last night. The play was woll received by tho Hudionco and tho app'auBO was liberal.' Memphis Times. Fronted feel may be cured In ono or two dnyimy the uso ot Salvation Oil, thtsgruit iwintleslroyer. Coming Events. Nov. 3 and i Grand ontortainmont, "Undo Tom and Kvo," in tho P. M church. Nov. 6 Socond anniversary entertain ment of Major .lennings Council, No. 307, Ir. 0. U. A. M., in Ferguson's theatre. Nov. 18 Grand supper in Kobbins' opera nou e for the benelli of tlio Trinity Ito- formed cliurcb. November 20. Grand eupperin Kobbins' opera house: benefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. V. L. A. Second baud school books bought sold at Max lteese'e. and tf Oysters. Oysters aro in season. Go to Schooner's Families supplied. Purlers for ladies. 9-1-tf Tho lodgos and atiendod. chufchos are now bettor Host work done at Bronnan s stenm laundry. Everything white and spotless Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar- antood. "Waters' "Weiss boor is tho best. Koilly solo agont. John A 6-6-lf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Ilalutiridge's old stand, Cor. COAL, niitl WIIST STS and offers to tlio publlo the finest line of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Provisions, Kluh and Oysters, Green and Brooked Hum aud 1'lltcli. Bananas. Lomona. SCHOOL BOOKS. Tbe place to buy your school books cheap )B Also (Scholar's Companions, Hook Htraps, Bcliool Hans. Tablet", eto. Everything nnd auythlug required In school. Hlateti, pencils, eta, so'd re tail aud wholesale. Books Suitable for East nnd West MahanojTwp. Don't forget the place If you wish to save money IM:. MBLLET; CHA8. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah. Ramblor's Rounds. Tnko adviuilngu ol tba nlgbt schools. Tho prospects of a brisk coal trado this winter is alro&dy making cur morcbants smllo. LskosHo will bo a popular rosort for sleighing parties Ibis winter. Tho Shenandoah Uusiness Collcgo is again in successful operation. Our young people lmvo a splendid and cheap op pnrtunlty of Inking one or more of tho branches in it. Livnry men ara counting on having plenty of good sleighing this winter. May thoir wishes be gralill d. W'iU beating is becoming Quito an epidemic in town. Somo of tho brutes who indulge in tilts pastime should be brought up and soveroly punished. The oltction will be over by tho lime omo of our renders recoivo this issue of UiellniiAi.n, nnd ono and all will think they buVB done their duty. Hut didjthoj ? Time will tell. Ducking for apples was tiuito a foaturo in many homes on Hollow E'en. It is a harmless amusement, , yot there is lots of fun in it. Next year there w'll he less boodloin politics under the now law, and there has been a great deal less in tho past, only peoule will not belii've it. It is only those that are always looking fur it that make the charges. There are few people who will not have plenty of go d cider vinr-gur this wint r Y-u should subscribe for the Evusisa Hkkai.I) if you have not alroaly donu so. The larger the lift tho bettor tho paper will be. I is remarkable how many people there are in town wh have not paid thoir taxes the pat two year, A Cittawbea Valley firmnr informed a 11eiiai.ii ro Kirter tho other da; that ovory ono of his neighbors for milna around have made a great deal of money in soiling their produco in Slionan loah the past two years. They always roceivo tho best prices and soil out at short notico. Tho coal region has al ays boen a good market. Tho manufacluro of fancy articles out of antbrncito coal in town is not as much indulged in as in tho pist. Wo seldom ice one of these articles offered for sale now. Sulphur diamonds, also, mem t bo getting scarce, or else tho show pooplo have all boon supplied. Farmers aro now busy bringing in their '.abbiigo and mako roidy sales to thoso who are find of sour k"rout. The crop his been vory large and fine. Tho Fergu on Hou-o must bo a popular plttc- elsfl why is it always full of gue6ts7 Wo boheve, slneo the advent or Mr. Hutchison, tho wholo hotel business in town has been, revolutionized. Ho understands how to run a good hotel and othtrs wore not slow in trying to imitate him. The court on Monday morni' g grantod a charter to St Kasimir's Catholic Buneflclal Society, of town. Tho finest note paper and onvolopes in tho country at Max Heefo's. tf PERSONAL. Mrs. John A Heading. Lewis is visiting friends in Miss Mamo Schulor, was in town yesterday. of Mabanoy City, Fred II. Hopkins, Sr., now resides al No. 132 North Whito street, having ro mnvid to that locality a few weeks ago. II. A. Davenport, tbe enterprising tin smith and stovo dealer, has purchased the Ba ker property on South Jardin stroet. Miss Emma AVilllams, daughter of Ex Burgess Williams, who holds a position in Philadelphia, is spending a fow days at home. Bucklon'B Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruisos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever Sores, Titter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and po.-i tively cures Piles, or no payment requlrod It is guaranteed to givo pcrfoct satisfaction, or monoy relundod. I'nco 2 cents por box. For sale by O. H. Hugenbuch Boar Shot. Lloyd Wintersteon, of Gordon, whilo out gunning recontly shot a young bear about six or eight montt a old on the m m tain leading to ML Pleasant, near Minors vlllo. This was a surprise to all tho old huntors in th i region, as it was only tl o second that has been shot In this county for tho last forty years. Florida on "Wheols, corner Main and Cherry streets, Nov. 5, 0 and 7. Sliawls, Cloa!k.s, Carpets CllIJAl'KU THAN KVEIt AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS No Jurisdiction. District Atlornoy Koch Monday morning entered a nol jiroi In tho enso of Thomas McDonald, who was sent down by 'Squire Williams, of town, for larceny. 'Squire Williams found upon, examining Into tho caso that tho offense had been committed outside of tho county and that ho had n i jurisdiction in tho matter. McDonald was released having boon imprisoned about a month. Pronounced Hopeless, Yot Saved. From a lottor wriitcn by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Oroton, S. D., wo quoto: "Was takon wilh a bad cold, whieh settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gavo mo up.suying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, det'T mined if I could not stay With my Iricnds on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hu-band was ndviied io got Dr. King's New DUcoytry lor Consump tion, Coughs aud Colds. I eavo it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well aud hearty woman." Trial bottles free at O. H. Ha genbueh's drug store, regular siz", 60a. nnd fl.00 Burohlll's Restaurant. Charles Buichill ii now located at corner .if Main and Coal stroits, ShenMidoah. Regular meals, at popular price", servod any time. Ludies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-M-tf Large Amount Promptly Paid. To the Officers of the Home Friendly So ciety : Gkntlkmkn : Wo tako erpat pleasure in thanking you for tbe prompt manner in whici the claim of $600 on the lift of our father, George Carroll, was paid, through your EUoorintendent, William T. Evans, and dgent, D. T. Williams. And wo also wi'li to let tho insuring public know that wo only paid into your good company 22.02, for which wo this day receivod tho above amount, ns was tho full valuo of our dortifieato. We freely recommend to our friends and neighbors your hotiost company. Maroaukt Carroll, Maky Carroll, Lanigan's, (nearShouandoah) Nov. 3. '911 11-3 3t A Surprise. Keep your eyo on this local. Keagey, tho photographer, will bhvo bis now open in in a few days and will havo something interesting that will eurprisotho people, tl Do you want a situation ? Do you wantholp? Do you want to sell jour business ? Do you want to sell or exchange real ostato7 If io, call on Max ltees", Shenandoah agent for tho United Stalos Employment tnd BuMness Aoncy, 41 and 40 Broalway, New York. From Tho Nation's Capitol. Mr. A. N. Ilnzon. Waxtitiiirton. D. C..sav Tho Famous Hud Flag Oil. Is a rerlect family meoieioe, una nan ne equal lor liueuiiiHiisiu. Neiirn ua. HnniioK. urns, iiurns. nnu nil tiortlly iialu. Trice a cents. At Klrllu'o drug store. Florida on "Wheels at Cherry street sid ingL V. It. It.. Nov. f, C and 7 44 Ptt too Vt THE BEST fOR EVERY PURPOSE. PliiladtipliiaCIieap Bargain Siore, For a mil Hue of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, 1-adleV anl Oents' Furnishing QnodBattbe lowest pries Kreciai nueoii;am forts ttl!Seach. J. RABIN0WITZ, 110 E. Centre stree sin ul p WANTS, &o. Advertisement tn tM column, mo rrrpptltnn line, fi.'e for one 1n,prl4nn In itnn' St fnr three; one week, 1.50; tco weeks, t'i: one onlh, 83. OH SALE. A larire "Mnrnlnir X. Light" double lienter. Hiilmhln f r n store, or dwclllm. Annlv In 11. A.Hu-nim South Main street VVKM8 FOR SALE. Areyou look- J. Kchler. Frnekvlllp. 1'n.. n in whpro iIipv nro located and for termo. &22-tf TfOIl BALKChenp, a slniighter les. eto Amilv to ltenlnmlii .Hlehnnl 211 Wet.t Lloyd street, Sliennudeah, Pa. 11-11 w loi -mle. Mn miles from Shenandoah. I)e.intlf illy situated on a publlo rond Good (luelllni;. o od burn. Fruit tp es beelnnln? to hear. Ml young. Splendid Mrcam ol water running through tlio the land. Tiilsls goou cnance lor a man who wants n small i in. Innuiro of Jn ta O. ilultoj. nnst olllcn bulldl g, room 0. d-d tr CHAN &E OF BASE Tho livory and tindortakinir establish ment conducted by Evan .1. Davis at the corner ol Lloyd and Jardin s'reets. bus been removed on account of his increasing business to the mriro stable formerly oo cupied by Frank Hess, on I'ear alley, roar t U v. li'ddHllos tiro s, hardware store Mr. Davies has built up a largo business nd by strict attention to the wants of his patrons expor ts to increase it in his new quarters. Gn'io borsns and flnobungipf nd carriages to hire at all times, hpecial attontion given to the Undertaking Department. Florida on Wheels ! BInrvelaiia Revelation o. Tropical Luxuriance. A Biate Fulr In a IlnliiiiK Palace from the jjuna oi blowers. Illustrating to tourists, invalids and pro. spectlvo heltiers tliOfldvnnUpoHiuirt resources oi mo sunny lano. iropirai lruil", wlnex, per inn. Trori' fumes, palm, elc, to iuten st jiarenls, and a unllv of 11 to alleentors Io nloaso hriiiirirpn. Will exhibit In HhfinAlHlnnll. nn Ihn niiprrv stieet sldlug of tho Lehigh Valley Itallroati, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, NOVEMBER 5, 6 and 7, Admission, 10 els. Cliildrcn under 12, 5 cts. To defray Incidental expenses. Weiltou H.Webb. Kx-IMran-nr (l.nprnl SnK. fronlcul Florida kxnoltlnn. KinridiL mlsislonor to the Exposition, Ulrecior. A SPECIAL SALE! One Woek. Only FINE GOLD-PLATED TtjKIt Use Hal, To I'ii Hie cistKIreti, I'o lflt Use Or own Up. THE PRICE:- 100 Rings for 5o. lio UitiKs for 100. 2oo Uiugs for 15o. Wq have tlozeu to ecll. A GOOD SHOE 3MBN 2 FOR $1.75, WORTH $2,25. Repairing Neatly Dono. Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Slicnamloali People's Oyster Bay ! rOAN' llUILOlNa, ;2 E. CcittrciSt,, Slicuaiidonlt CHAS. C GUISE, Props. Itiw. fitewed. Bcalloned. Panned Fried to order. Fdimltes supplied nt their bouse yltu tlio heat oy ultra me (iiurusii. uiioruH. All Orders Promptly Filled 45 CENTS for a window Bhade with frlnco, others for 55c, 65o and up. K hades made for 6 tore i nnd private dwel iiiL'B. A new lot of Bliud Inga and fringes to match. 1 Ti PTP.TrTr,P' i Carpet Store, 10 Sooth Jardin Si, Dear Centre -HAJECHi .A. It Is not Dccfpgary logo about It etirreptitlously, ns do the gamins lu tho picture. If you wou'd tulte n peep at our elegant display of the latest uoveltles in dre s (roods, cloaks' wraps uiid rugs. Our store is u little world's fair lu It self and visitors may fieely inspect the exhibition without belug importuned to buy. Wo have sonieuttiuitive speuiultiesthis week in tholineof Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. j. PRICE'S did Reliable S 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Q POOD Avoldfld by Conversances. rooD LABOR IPOIR SALE B"5rT No. 6 South ANTIQUITY cuu be toleiuied in almost any thing but bate. If tbe head is out of date tbe rest or the body is rritly sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can sflbrd to wcurnucient litartgea-,and even tbry'take a good many chances when they do it, it win cost you no more to be up with tbe times lhau 11 will to be half a mile behind them. Kverythlog about our SI. 50 hat li hand some bulthp rrl'fiud 81.50 for such a hatcan scare -ly be called unytbluir but u r'dlculonsly low figure. 'J lie fcinie can be saldof ourlio neckwear. Our lluo ot gents' furnUhlng socda is the lowest priced tn the market. i, Main St. S0ANLAN Shenandoah Grand Opening I FALL AND WIN Tll STYLES OF MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' No. 26 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa, The finest and largest assortment in Huts, ltontieta aud Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's T1UVIMKD AND UN THIMMKD IIATd Oannot to ZEcixxfvllocl, OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! AT THE COFFEE nODSE, 32 N. Main St. Families supplied with raw oysters by th Mll. KKIlGUtlON, Prop. iwipimrm nTOirwnTm WWIWBIIWW8 fd Dark. PEEP!- Cooked Nutritiously. TTUEIj Economlctrrf. LARGE! 0-V1352V. BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS The Celebrated Duplex Crate, ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS I BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF, ELEGANT HOT CLOSET, HOT "WATER RESERVOIR Waterbatki for Bailors Meet Every EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. . Jardin Street. FORECASTING THE WEATHER, One weather prediction may be made with safety that there are plenty of cola snaps, raw winds and storms in store for us before Spring comes. (Juv stock or lleavv-weight Clothing comprises everything for dress and comfort tho Suit, tho Overcoat, the Reefer, tho Storm Coat. We clotho both man and boy with taste and care, A. C. Yates & Ccl NOW ONI.T Cor. 13th fx Chestnut Sis. UeHt-iiiade Clotlslisj; n Plilliidelitlsln. DO YOTJ WANT A GOOD FIT ? and welbmade, fa'lilonable clothes? If so, call on w. or. oaco:bs, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Stiect, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the Intett goods and the styles. Good workmanship, piompluess aud lair prices. r FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cat U com. panles represented by PATJST, 120 S, Jardin St., Shenanooah, Pa. Q M.UAMILTlN,M.U.; PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. ft 0(tloe-29' West Lloyd Street, Bhenandoar ra. je '5 I