rreienH in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE Alio NUTRITIOUS JUIOF OP TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE WE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Uitious or Constipated so THAT PURLDLOOD, nnFnCGHIHQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOCIST FOR ffirSTES.TT:E OUT" 35X3-J3 MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N. f. GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1873. I. Baker fifth's from which llio excess ol oil lias beou removed, Is Absolutely Pure aud it is Soluble. . No Chemicals are used in Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroct or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, costing less than one cent cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. flick Ileadaoho and rellova all the troubles Inci dent to a biUous fitato of tho s ysteni, suoh &3 dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Tain In tho Side, &o. Whllo thelrmost pomarSiablo buccoss ban boeu shown In curing , Sleaaacbe, yet Outer's TJttla Liver P11I9 tw equally valoahlo in Constipation, curing p nd pro enting thisannoylngromplalnt,whUa they also correct all disorders of the stouiachtlmulatQ tho I'.vcraudroguMa thobowela. Evjnlltucyonlg curoa (Aclis they would bo almoBtprlcoloos lo those wha Iruffer from this distressing complain t; but fortu Inatelythelrgoodncssdocsuotondhcro,nndtho6a ,17lo once try them will find theso llltlo puis vilu. tolo In so many ways that they will not bo wll 3 tog to do without them. But after aUclck hood lathe bane of so many Uvea that hero la where VomsVeourgreat boast. Our pills cure It whlla others do not, Carter's Little Liver Hlb are very small and iTery easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. 'IThoy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gcntlo action ploaso all who tisethem. Invlalaat 23 cents; live for $1. Sola 'by druggists everywueio, or sent by mail. , CARTER MEDICIHB CO., New Yorki SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Bank Counters, Tyler Qystom, Port able, Unequalod In Styles, Cost and Finish. 1K0 P ClUlutfue of iouuKT., llrtla etc., IHoslraUa la Cvlon, Hokt, Free rfctag 1& i'pnt.. Also i yier jsy. Ontee l)eka and Tytie tvrlter Ciiblueta, UUU reiluctioii in prices. lsu te cbUIdcu Frre. I'nkl.Kt IS tiu r'ull Hie. ct llr.L., (tiatra, laUra, Hook CHnrl., Lrgal lllaalt Tulilnrt., lc, ataa,. la ftlock. Sitvrlal work mid la ardtr. TVl.KIl DESltCO.,Ht.J.oul,Sto,,U.H.A. ClcBealera Ka.ll.b Dlanoad lira. a. Ef.WVROYAL PILLS Oplrtnal and llnlv lrnulneu Hire ataa I ilb tAica tlk r i .i,t ! r 'mi 1. il. rt n , i muiij Bran 1 1 Itptl anrt 1,1 u,tialUa ,, . A. w I.I i il lull liLa ,lii.allii.F. 11,1 ti lat.arr mi .ufi.Iiu. ,taoin . r.r'i u vn t .Haualali aaa ltUef f"r Larilrp." m L it, , bj rctura UatL 111,000 iiir.i-. A'an ISiper. kl,-t,..tr(;l,tuil4 .11 u,.' '1lnaHfluar. 14 rlf Local Ur - ' ' ! fharu. I'ealllveCure for theeuocuol Bell abuao, ltiirlvlisceaaea,llaaiona,ajorvouallehlllly,uaa of beiuall'o-er.lnipotencyAo. Bosreatl, ourfaillila Sir SrS?inee will aenrl one I'ull Mem h's Medicine iaj Much Valuolilo information rillCIC. Addreaa, ii. 111. CO.. eS llreadwuv. Sew Iferk Breakfast Cocoa CARTER'Sl mwm Wmm Tn '-ft WAR SCARE IS OYER Coiiildonco in Evory Depart mcnt nt Washington. NOTHING SERIOUS NOW FEARED. Bcnor Montt is Thought to Hava Brought About 0, Oomploto Understanding. I The Instructions tuOur Navy In Chilian Waters Minw that is Strict Neutrality Was Detnnnded Jorge Montt Offered the Presidency of Chill The Excite ment Fast Dying; Out. WAsniNOTOs, Nov, 3. For the first time since the recejpt of the original warning dispatch from Cape, bchloy a (reek ago giving details of the brutal treatment of the American sailors at Valparaiso, a feollng of confidence per vades every department of the Govern ment to-day in regard to a paclQo out tome of tho Chilian dWlculty. Both Secretary Ulaino and Secretary Tracy havo expressed themselves within El hours to the effect that nothing seri our was now fearod by the Administra tion. Their confidenco Is believed to be due greatly to leprcsentatlonB which were made to them by Senor Montt, tho Chilian Clinrge in Washington. Senor Montt has labored nsslduously from the day of Ills introduction to the Secretary of State to brinK about a complete un derstanding botween the two govern ments. His ollorts to convey to his own gov ernment a true Impression of the feeling in tho United States havo been crowned with gratifying success, and he took oc casion to give to tho Secretary of tho Navy and tho Secretary of State yester day assurances of tho friendly attitude which be has reason to believo has been assumed by those in authority at San tiago. At tho first interview with Mr. Ulaino the Secretary of State impressed very strongly upon Senor Montt the fact that in his ulfort to preservu the peaceful re lations between tho two UovernmontB, tho Secretary depended to a largo oxteut upon tho discretion anil tact of tho ' Chilian ropresontatlvo hero, who was lu a position to Judge from personal ob servations of the real sentiment of tho American people and of the firm but pacific attitude of tho Administration. Sonor Montt, the Chilian Minister, had along conference with Secretary Tracy yesterday morning, and about noon tho two went to the State Department to gether, and the conference continued with Secretary Ulalne, Mr. Traoy tak I lng part in it. It is entirely outside ' diplomatic usage for a foreign Minister I to communicate officially with any but ! the Secretary of State, and the confer- ence between Montt aud Tracy is causing constuerauie comment. Senor Montt loft Washington last 11 1 nil t for New Orleans, to be gone until next week. Ho declined to say anything re specting his visit to the State and Navy Departments, but expressed the belief that matters were progressing satisfac torily aud deprecated the publication of sensational and trouble breeding stories. Secretary Tracy has made public his instructions issued to our naval squad ron in Chilian waters during tho recent internal struggle in that unhappy coun try. Tho correspondence shows the deep solicitude ths administration felt in preserving tho Btrlctost neutrality bo tween the contending forces, and it shows further that Admiral McCunn faithfully rellectad this solicitude In his instructions to his officers and men, Lonoox, Nov. 8. A dispatch last night from Valparaiso says that the presidency lias been offered to Jorgo Montt aud that Congress will reopen Nov. 10. All political prisoners havo been re leased. The excitement is fast dying out and it is believed tho government is now willing to settle all claims made by foreigners who havo been injured. How the New Lnw Is Evaded. Johnstown, Ph., Nov. 3. Under the new law affecting company or "pluck mo" stores evasion seems to he easy. Wood, Morrell He Co.'s store of that character hare has for throe months been managed by the Penn Traffic Company. But the Cambria Iron Company's work men say they ure compelled just as thoy used to bo, to trade at the company storo. Clorks who wore coinpalled to pjculuto from theso stores lu order to pleco out beggarly salaries and live, have been discharged and new ones take tholr places this mouth; but salaries have not boen advanced. Now York Custuma lteport. Washinqton, Nov. 8. Tho Treasury Department has prepared a statement showing that tho receipts from customs at New York for tho six months ended September 35, 1881, were $28,583,890 Io-s than for the corresponding six months of 1890. To Consult Willi the Jonilt Clilof. Home, Nov, 8. Pope Leo has sum moned Father Andorledi, Chief of tlio Jesuits, to Home to consult with him regarding the state ot tho Ohurch. Tho Pilgrim Party at the Vatican has been completely discredited and superseded by the Jesuits. Frost lu England. London, Nov. 8. England has been visited with sharp frosu lately. Advices from Hamburg report heavy snowstorms, with the thermometer 7 degrees below freezing. PENNSXIYVANI.V. llltlEFi. Doylestown ships 4,000 quarts of milk per day. Sir Edwin Arnold will read at Phila delphia to-night. The miners strlko In Pittsburg will ba declared off very soon. Joseph P. Hoblnson's mother and wife were buried together at Trappe, Montgomery County. The diructors ot the Pennsylvania Railroad mot yesterday and declared a semi-auuual dividend of throe per cent. Executions issued tigalust John P. Kite's Norristown property indicate that business troubles lo.l him to disappear. I He is in wth Carolina ' Only 1,000, which was $1,000 short of ths fund required to claim the State's $24,000 appropriation, was net- tod by the Chester Hospital fund bazaar. highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTES PURE AN AWFUL CATASTROPHE. Sir. Forceps, llelng Unduly Inquisitive, Una n Pretty llurd Time of It. "Copyrighted by Lee & Khepard, lloston, and published by special arrangement with them. I Those of our readers nccpiaintetl on Monsou street will remember that the roof to Mr. Forceps' saloon adjoins his house and is approached by two win dows. One of theso windows is in Mr. forceps' bedroom. On this roof Mrs. Forceps has spread hesi tilling tomatoes with a view to hastening their ripeness. Last Wedtiesdny she put live more with their fellows, making thirty In all. Tho Forcepses havo a uicco vtsiting with them a young lady named Hall, of Thomas ton. She has made the acquaintance of many of our young peoplo.and on Wed nes day night several of them got together to give her n serenade. Providing themselves with requisite instruments the young men took up a position near this addition we speak of and struck up on the instruments. Mrs. Forceps was first awakened by the music, and nudged her husband. Ho nlsn nwoko. The music was grand not loud or coarse, but soft, low and harmonious. Mr. For ceps was very much pleased, nnd got up to tho window to hear it. Then Mrs. Forceps got up also, nud retylug her nightcap stood beside Forceps. "They're) serenading Ellen," said she. "1 know It," said Forceps. "Who can tlioy be?" the asked. "1 don't know, I'm sure," snid he; "but 1 suppose 1 could find out If 1 could creep out on tho root and look liYtri... .....'j'i ..i.l .,i. !... I uvci, 11) UUU L JUIU nuiu rue, 11C1 j curiosity increasing. "I'm afraid they I might see me," ho said. "I don't think they would," she said. "They wouldn't be looking up on the roof, would the'?" Mr. Forceps thought a moment, and i then concluded that no one could see him, as the moon had gone into a bank of clouds und objects were quite dim. t And then ho softly opened tho blind nnd cautiously crawled out on the shingles, completely incased in red Uannel under clothes und a nightcap of the same rich material The music still continued, coming up through the night air in I waves of ecstatic harmony. Mr. For ' cepts sat down on tho roof and labori ously worked his way to the caves. -TTTT Then he lifted himself up to turn over and look down; and just then he stepped on something soft and yielding, felt his feet give, made a desperate clutch at tho shingles, was too lute, gave a piercing shriek aud shot off the roof, and went revolving und howling in among tho band, followed by tho tomatoes, and madly cleaving the air witlt his red flannel limbs. He struck on his back on the bass viol, and witlt one leg tore tho entrails from an accordiou.nnd with the other knocked all the keys from a silver mouuted iluto. The man who played tho bass viol was driven senseless into a pile of pea brush, and the iluto player, with his mouth full of blood and splinters, jumped over the fence and iled. What became of tho others Mr. Forceps does not know, ho being too busily engaged in getting on his feet und into tho house to muko a critical examination of the field. It is presumed the bass viol man died on tho spot, and was surreptlously removed and buried by his companions, as there was no sign of mm about tho premises in tho morning, Over $30,000 d ninago was done tn the Lorlllard Tobacco Factory, Jorsoy City, by ure yesterday. Dr. Win. T. Mlllan, who has been missing from Perrinville for several days, is thought to have been murdered. Hie police of Elizabeth fuel confident that Michael Survle Is the mur.lorer of Francesco Lombardo, killed Sunday night. Argumonts on tho npplloation of a re count for a recount of the votes oast in the Newark charter elections will be held on November 11. Edward Sheehan attempted suicide yesterday by cutting his throat with i razor at the home ot his daughter in Ho boken. William Wright, alias "Ilar-foot Hill," the ox-dog catcher of Camden, has boen arrested for highway robbery Sylvester lioou is the complainant. It was announced yesterday in Newark that the formal transfer of tbo South Orange horse car litis will be mada to the Nework i'asenger Hallway tjoinpany within a few days. John Tabor ot Newark, while gunning In South Orange yesterday, was ordered bv two highwaymen to tuso over hi mouey. He leveled his shotguu at them Instead aud the men run away. U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, A walk to the mini try these autumn (Ihvh is truly uxhlterulliig ami delight ful. Babios Can't Eat Applo Dumpling, But they can havo gilt-eded attacks of WlndOolic. Dr. Hand's Colic Cure al ways cures it. Free samples for n 'ow days at J. M. Hlllan nnd 0. J. McCarthy's drug store. Screen doors, revolving funs nud fly paper can soon go into winter quar ters. Alva's Draz an Hiiecirtn Co. --T wish in buiriuy gmierul testimony to the virtues ol y air iiidKto.il cure for klnjc s evil. y ,ur 111agto.11 cure for klns evi -My nephew, now nine ves scrofulous, in.d nlUictel with awellliij. Mire eyes, etc , In soil ol doct'irs uod t, nod purl- nera, Kepi growing worae, on iio.titu ueoi'ne broken, bis uocic was lull of lump. o o lirge ooe,B running ore and tueoaien cmed nopeleM. Oue month's ti-ie or the ('actus Cure, lo toe aHtoiilshm i,t of everyboty, drove nwav the lumps, healed the sore, and cured the eyes. He lus never felt or nppured so well in years, ndwfeel ilia lili llfe-long troubles nreU"dor oon.rol or your wonderful merit, clue, lor which we c.iiinot be loothn iKftil. lleap-ctful y, MB. Ja.N sIK WYT, SK West 27th St., New om. Hold at ICtrlln's Drugtitore,b'erguaou House Block, shennndoa,. "Stop my Icp," is what the Ice dealer regretfully hears. A Fatal Mistake, l'hyslolni.s make no mure fatal mistnke than when i boy Inform p itlents til it nervous heart trouble, co no from the slomsci nnd are of little on-equenre. Dr. IVuiklin Mil, the tinted Iudlaua speohills , lias proven the contrary in bis new Ixiok on "Hoart D k-huh " wnleh may be bad froe at C, II, Iligeu 'ticii's drug alore who tm tranters and reooinin ud- Dr. Mih-s u tquultd Now Heart Cure, whiuh h.i Hi - large! stleol anv heart reine ly in tne world. It cure norvom 'nd orKiinie he.irt disease, short breath, tliilerlng, piitn or tendr-rneas lu the side nrm or shoulder, Irreit ilar i.ulse raliitini,siiiotlir ing, dropsy, etc Ills UeMurallve Nerviuo cures hO-ulai'he, Ills, etc. The fulling leaves havo commenced to cover thegrouml. Mllos' Norvo ana Lilver PHIs Act on a new principle reiculatlng the liver, stomach and bowels thimiuh the nerves A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Hills speedily sute blllousne-ei, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation Uuequnled lor men, womsn, rhlldreu. Smallest, mil test, surest I 5does, 5cl8. Samples Fret,, at (J. II. Hagenbuch's drug store. The matrimonial market appears to he growing more lovely. How to Suonood. This Is the ere it urohlcin of II le which few Hatlhfaclorlly solve, home lull because ot poor hiaillli, olhers wain, ol lurk, biv tne majority from di-tlclent crll want of nerve. Tiiey are nervous, Irri solute, cha liveable. easily get the bluos end "take the Kplrlts diwntokeep the spirits up," thus waning money, time, opportunity ami nerve force. There Is nothing like til" ItestorailveNeivlne, dls nvered by Ibe Kreat speeUllnt, Dr. Miles, cure nil nervous di-ease. us headache, the blues, nervous pro-ttnitiou, sieeplesne-s, neuralgia, St. Vltm dice, llts, and hyMe'i.i. Trial bottles nnd flue boos of te-tlmoulals fiee at C II. llageubuch's drug store. , . Confectioners aiv a ready nrermnnir. for ll.M Imli.lov r rml.. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the w uliur? Th signal ir- luosof the Mire iinur-MOli of Hint more lr riblu disease. Consumption. Ask y mrselves if you oanitnord for the sake or aav ne i ceuls, to run the risk aud do nothing for It A e know from experience that Million's Cur- i illCuri your Cough. II never falls. This ' 4xpisius wny more inau it ivinnou rtotiitu, jrereso'dthe past year. It relieves Croup md Wboppiuir (Jouuli at onoe Motners do ml ue witnoiiu. for uuna nao't, niu o' 'heal, useMblloh's Porous )' aster. 8.ld by '. II. Uageubuch, N K. eoruor Vlalu and doyd streets. November will have five Sundays ami live Monday wash days. Shlloh's Oonsumption Ouro. This Is beyond question the most sac lesilul Couzh Medicine we have eivr sow. t tew doses Invariably cure the wo at oases ol lugii, croup, aua uroucimis, wane ua wou term! sucoe-s lo tbo euro of Consumption la vlthout a ivtrallel In the blstnrv of indiPlne. mice it's first dlkoovory it nas boen sold on n uarantee, a test wuicu no otner meuieine 'an sland. It you li tve a Couh we earnestly nk you to try It. l'rtoe 10 cent", 6') cents, and I.U0. ir your uungs are nore, oumi or naoi ame, nseHhlloh's I'orous 1'laHer. Hold bf . H. Ilagenbuch, N. K, ooruer tlatn aud .loyd streets. Dtvlik'lit is creeping away from us ut Hie nue of three in inn ten per iluv. To Our Readers. Arayou troubled With Consuintitlou ora leepseated Cold. If so lake healthy exeroi-e. live In open air, use l'au Td a I'mghaud r msuniptlon Cure, and iw cured. Don t lelay. Trial botlles Ireent Kirliu'a drug store BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAH. PtHFICT IN f ORM 1-MATCHltSS IN WARI 00 fcUXXoai weft la aooituu (or auiwari men ttiu puuf Dojtai liinn wtrt pmtodina. Evry UAN can b 8TRUN0 ftiid viooaous In ill rciptcti. YOUNQ MEN OR OLD, fafftrlns from NERVOUS DE- BILITT. lanit tif Fttlltntt l!tn- hood. Phyilcal Exctutt, Mtatat Worry. Stunted BiTlocmnt, or my PEREOMAL WEASKESS, c&n to rtitoretl to PERFECT HEALTH tho NOBLE VITALITY Ol BTUOHO MEN, tbo Prldo ond powtrcf Katloot. Wo claim by yearn of practice by our exclusive methoflu a uniform ''MONOPOLY OF SUCCESS" In treat HHDiiaiHWMii niuiiinui AffllctloBtof Uttt. Testimonial: 1 ' f rr m 60 Htatps and Territories. It whllo y 00 can. Full Eiplanatlom for HOME TREAT BiaHTa xoa can do xtuix ulbtuklu at Titouianao lf 0 boon by no. Road oar tutimoBialt. Addrcoiatonce BRIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. H.Y. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 30E.CENTHB ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of cigars always ou hand, The best temperance drinks, AW SHOT TIIK IIOTKt. KKKPRR. A monktyn Matt AVIin Took Uevrnge fop an Injury. PKF.KSKII.L, N. Y., Nov. 0. Chtrle Bllsch, proprietor of the Es'l" liotsl here, was stmt and killed yesterday af ternoon in tils o 111 00 by a man known it II. lletls of Brooklyn. Iletts came Into the office, where sev eral people were present, and said to lillsch: "You have roblipd me of my wife and children and broke up my family and of nearly $100,000." Then he drew a rovolver nnd fired twice, tho first ball taking effect ltt Bllsch's breastbone, nnd the second la the left Bhoulder-blade, causing death la a few mlnutos. Betts was arrested and takon to Whits Plains Jail. It was said by Betts that Bllsch met Mrs. Betts In Brooklyn and had alienated her affections from him. I.A1IOK NOTIJS. The National Union of the Cabinet Makers of Germany has at present over 05,000 members. The total membership of the Locomo tive Knglneers' Mutual Life InsurHtico Association is at present 11,002, of which 7,104 are Insured for $1,500. The deserted farms in Now England are to be utilized in the raising of sheep. Many of these farms can bo bought at from $3 to $13 per acre. Tho wages of thu men working at tho June Factory Company, Belvldore, 111., having been reducod, thoy organized a uulon, the loaders of which were at onco discharged. A general strike is im minent. The organized clgar-makors of Penn sylvania have decided to appeal to tho Unlto I States Supremo Court against tho decision of their State Court lu re gard to thn label of tho Cigar-Makers' International Union. From the Westinghouso nlr-brako factory a large number of worklngmeu have boon discharged, as the superin tendent says, because they were mada superfluous by Improved machinery; but tho men allugo that the ulssmissal was determined upon because they belongod to labor organizations. -liy He Declared Otr. riTTSBURO, Tn., Nov. !. It Is con fidentially expected that at ho conven tion of railroad miners now in session in this city, the miners strike will be de clared off. The strike was inaugurated three weeks ago. The strike lias cost the ton thousand miners Interested about $750,O0T in wages lost, while the opera tors havo suffered the loss of the Lake trade for tho year, as the seasou has almost passed, nnd they will have now only the local market to supply. A great many of the diggers have ulready ro turuod to wni-k. NEW Yfilllt NEIVS IN ISKIEF. Tho big chrysanthemum show opened in New York yesterday. Burglars, who oscnped, blow open the postolllce safe nt Clayton aud ob tained $CG3 In stamps and money. The Quassalck National Dank ot New burgh had $29,010.09 ou deposit with thu Maverick Bank at tho time It closed its doors. Tho Bargo Oflico authorities nro still undecided what to do with John Mid ler nud his lstor Marguerite, who wore married under misrepresentation oil their arrival iu this country. NEWS OF THE UAV. The Census Office lias announced the population ot Mississippi as 1,289,000, against 1,181,597 in 1880. The cabin in which Sitting Bull was klllellast winter will be exhibited ut the World's Fair. The monthly debt statement lssuoa ' ...t !..;, !.. ,u i n, J """ '7 .V."'"," "." "r"" ,' creirnte of tlie ileiit ilurtmr the last month anioutillir to SI 290 fi'2 1 monin anioiuiug to 91,,0.1. In tho onse of P. A. llenson, ot Fort T .1 . i i , Leavenwortli, Kansas, suntoneod to ba bnnirad Novumbor 5. Prosidont Harrison Iihs granted u respite until Fobruury 3, 189J. Whllo a fnrnier named Jackson, accom panied by his wife and child, was driv ing over tho New York, Lake Krlo & Western Hnllro.nl track nt Aurora, O., his wagon was struck by a locomotive, all three of the occupants lwlng killed. IVeatbcr Indications. Wasuinotov. Nov. 3, Tor Now Eng land: Coutinuol ooldor; generally northerly winds and fuir weather, slightly warmer Wed nesday. For Eastern New York, Eastern l'onusyl vunla. Now Jersey, Deluwaro nnd Maryland; (outnuod colder; goueriilly northerly winds und fair w outlier, slightly warmer Wcdiuwlny. l;or Western Now York and Western Penn sylvania; Fair, vuriablo winds: ellght chnuges lu tcmiHiruturc; wuriuer und gonerully fulr Wcdnosday, NEW VUI1IC MAKKETS. Nbw York, Nov. S.-SIoney on caU eaiy at 3 per oeut, b'fOCK JlAlllCOT. Cloalng Batur.l.vv. tHiindhiti l'acino 7H Loiitrul l'iicin 'iiSil LhiuHo, llur. .VQnliiay Ua-tu Duluware 4e Hudson lUMd Del. Liiuk. a U oalern la Kilo :ij hilopref U8li lk rhore UdH Louis Sc Nash 7K AlichUun Unitral , M7 Mhaioiiri I'nuiHc tMH New Jorsoy cutr.il UIH Noithwuaiern HUH tnefoo NatUfatioii H l'ucltlo Mail mi heading 3Hli Hock Island 8 Bt l'au 71 Union l'aoillc 4U Western Union Closlnt 7o.ii.iy. Mil, iw I3U 0 . loiljl ti llo 117 74 3dtf aifa H3 7B!lS 40i tiltAIN MAUICHT Wheat Mai k ituptueil strong uud remained s 1 turoujliou. day No. 3, red wlnUW olo.ed loui Nov.. 104 a: Jan.. 107W. Uorn--tai lo t opouud llrai and aloaed firm No. a., mixed, 7.; JSov., ujjj; uoo., 07 Jan , Oats - vlurket dull. No. 3. uiiied, 37a.3;i Dc.a.'H. ruoiiuuii. 1.UTTEII - Cremuory. rtata It l'enn.. extras. 80 as30 0, Irotiiuory, waastakrn, nrsts 2U n,us e. o.a.o a, c.u'jd o. llIKKMt-- Biuto luotorv. full cream. Snot, fanoy . .OtyiO! Mine I.iolorv, lull eioam. Aug. faiioy...u..ibaj rtate luuloi v. lull er uiu. hue UVliI Srntn fuolorv. f nil 01 (41101. iroo.1 In ItrillluU al btutu luotory, couiuiuu tu tair 7 aS(i 1,1V a! VOULTHY fprnig c-hiokens, eh loe, lame porbl. Ua Bprlog ohickens, pi hue U aUll lunls, Jersey, St.ileii'a., gierlu..., u,i a DlttS-KU l'OUI.TKV 'I'urkev, mixed weights, per lb 13 altl bp'gchli'., l'hlla,, JB-lIb, to pair... 3d a4 Ifrrt tihn laying eomtthtng Ji Alii COOTS A KP SHOES DUEbHEDwiTK COr l KM ITT I Wolff sO Blacking NEVER oft Mann inn nrirr U'ATEIU'ltOOF nnd warranted to prrarrve leather, itm! ki p it anil snd durable. 10C Will pay for the Cot 10c 'Jc 3InaTr..rltoItiil,y, yC IOC Kmnlil,0ml, 10C "JQq or other Coatly Ciluaa. "JOq a FOR GLASs WILL do it. WOtlr A RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO Purifies the blood by ex polling tho impuiities through the proper channels and never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you anappetite. Never fails ' objure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered stato of stomach, liver or kidneys. SoM at Klrlin'6 Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa, Aalc my nactils for V. I.. Dntt<is Hhnea. Ir not lor aule lu )our pluci nak your denli'i l send for cntiiloKile, nccuru tho nseiicy, and seel iliem lor you. CSTTAIIE SO bfIl.VriTUTE.iU S3 SHOE CENTLErVlEM I THE BEST SHOE III THE WORLD FOn THE MONEY? ilt U n si,.inilu-4 shiie. null no tueka or wax thread to hurl the feet; allele of the best lluo calf, stylish nnd eaiy, unil bri-nuae ire tmiln nioiv slwcx of this firtule tlttinnuit ttthrr matiitfnftuier. It equals hautl sewoil alio, a custltigr fiutn 81.141 to&.j HU. 1 OtMieillllue llnud-MCMcd, the finestcalC aPUa alum owr olTereil fur $5.1X1; equals trench IniniHteil Mlinea which rn.l from fts.ll t to SI 2.11. a m no Hoi a. snnsii mi ..iiuu-ncnru tifii ruoe, iiiio can. st Ilsti, rnmrnrtahle null duruhte. 1 he beat hoo ever offer. ahoe ever offered ut tliU pi Ice t auiuu grade as ens- , tun, m.Kierihoi ai-nhitnL. from aii.iaitoa'i.io. I Q. .,U INlllec r.hoei Kariuera, Uiillroail Mara 5J5. andla-tu-rl'iirrli isult wi-.irtliem; Iluocatr, wnndi hin.ioiu hisi.i,. h.,ny ihno soles, extcn. slnn eilao. tine pull' will wear 11 jenr. or. S flue Vniri ii,.l iierahooeer offered at ! Paa this in ley, one trlul will couWueo thase 11 h', want 11 Hhoe for eoiiifort unil airvlcu. 60 'JlA and 8'J,tM W01 klinciuitu's shoes. Pasta are ery atroni; ntul (hiraltle. Ihoso who hao given them a trial will wear 110 other make. ucl 8vi.no und I.?.a sellout allots are DUfo worn bylhii boseeryheret theysetl cm their merits, aa the llu-reanliis a ilea show. nrliAR 9.11,11 llino-HI'aat'O miuu, ijpb. Iks Calk it;c$ lioutiola, t-rvat) Ibh; equuls French niporii'u HuoeseoHiirBirnni uuu 10 n.iai. I. a, lies' '. .'ill. S-2.UO mid 1.73 shoo for Mlsoesaro the best tlni' IIoiikuIu. st Huh and Uurable. Cilllllon. See that W. I.. llmuUaV lunio and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoo. W I 1H1IO.I M l!n.L-tn Vna. aTosopia 3J13., -la.ox5iixxxclcvli. 'JP'ex DR. THEEL. piQQ North Fourth St., the culr ftvDuine i. rwa An t riot I-DMtkilUl Id lb L'ulU-tl fcttt bo li bio w curt Blood Poison, Nervous Debility spc cl..l Dlsonses Bl Hhiu DtxaMa m-d hxuPJni In tbo umn.boreThront Mouth, Rlitchekt. Piwiili-n, Fmpllonf, wft or tiar-l I'lof-ra, hwilllngi, Irrlttlon, luilktiniuftllaBt oixl ItODDlnfi. tStrioturc. Wekn- oul trly fJT, 1ot memory wuk mental onilHT. Minfy litkvl I- r Dlwairs Bint all DlM'tm toultion from ' lii.litvtritlom.r Ot. rwork. Hiwnt rnrnl in 4 i" o ij Mkf al omw Ho not to hop, no matlr what !lI.!!S liNinK r.- ior. Quack 1 omili or Hi-cMal Tlif Pktan ha- fall'd. nr. THt.hi. cut- po(lvrly i't"'' '"" n,"m btriooM nlD VIiMI MII'I'La 41RO I TH"! COItTIMM 4T1H iRtiikni rich or prttir. 'i i in."i m a TRUTH' l"f Onuihi unl r w.irn ti-ftt'' i iaio. H.hiiI Aiilv from 9 to 1 MMti9 Vl ar, l fcal. B' I lo 10 Rumia- B till 11 rft- or rU .nr. f for KonnDOtw x w an -"a Bimra.j run. ..a- A FINE SHOW If you waut to a Hoe dUpluy of li ots aud niiutw, W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal nud Jiiidlu H'h. WHY IS THE WD L, DOUGLAS Ciistotu Work iiiitl Ilcpnirltic Done In the best tyU. SUFFER!KfiVil'...u a'bon WaMlbltKi wtth thuairt anti'i. i- t J -'-qaontly followin ( ! r .ii'Uonal Wi.liitf-r . i , , - 1 ,l 1 ' Uoo Dt nuO"'lM.- . 'EM ALE ti tvih tjjrarw Kirunct' 1 I taint). W mi H. R BRIOKEH Al. I). PHYSIOIA N ANDSt,, , o;KiUit Centre Htreet, Mnaoy Ony, m tfclo d all spsotail disease a an ' y