r NOW OIN" T-ikIP 1 AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, IISIB 1XF0BT Light. i hum an, pi On tltc III jlit Trade. SEVKKN, tho Grocer, is still on thorifiht track and come to limn with nnothor train .oau of Fine urcorios, Canned Hoods, Moats, Flour, etc. Centre mid White PtH., Slicimmlonli. The Evening Herald. ALIi Till! NEWS FOK ONE CENT. as a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than any other paper published, circu lation 1ookH open to nil. Sa maam mpn mmm V Mn"! mamjuA mniwj4H wiimumj gMmtut IPv "H AFFAIRS OAUQHT HASTILY. "What Nowfl Gathorors Tako a Momont to Toll About. Flies nre going. Autumn weather. Almaniics for 1892 are alrendy about. Barrels of eaur kraut have been made. April weather one dny. winter the next. Some pnvoniento are being repaired but many that netJ it badly nre not. This hasn't been a cood campiilini for tho brass bands, but wait till net year. Now that leaves have commenced to fall look to your water spouts and drains. When a building leans they give it a brace, uut a man learns irom loo many brace. The forest foliage was n littlo tenacious of its grip, this fall, but it is tailing very lust now. There la a law maxim that equity follows the law which may be true, but Hlie doesn't always overtake It. A few months ago BIIks Johnson, a pretty girl of Danville, eloped with a Bportlng character of Wilkes-Uurre known as Handsome Harry Ijatlmore, of Wilkes-Hurre. Tho cirl has been deserted at Kacine, AVisconsln, and Is now clerking in a store there. Thomas Tyler, of Tannery, while ornct'inir nis eun tnroucn a fence the muzzle, it was dischnrged and the entire loud or No. 6 shot lodged In a fiank of playingcards which he carried n his top coat pocket. There is ono man who can claim that cards saved his life. Coming Evonts. Nov. 3 nnd '1 Orand ontorlainmont, "Undo Tom and Kvo." In tho P. M church. Nov. 5. Socond anniversary cntertaln- tnont of Major JonnlnRS Council, No. 3G7, lr. O. U. A. St., in Ferguson's thoalro. Nov. 18 Orand supper In Robbins' opora nouse for tho benefit of tho Trinity Ro formed church. November '20. Grand supporin Robbins' opera house; bonoflt of Lady Harrison liodgo, No. 10, A. V. L. A. Socond hand school books bought told at Max Reose's. and tf Do you want a situntion ? Do you want help? Do you want to soil your business ? Do you want to sell or exchango real ostato ? If to, call on Max Itecso, Shonandoah agent for tho United States Employment and iiutinoes Agency, Jl and 40 Broadway, Now York. Oystora. Oysters aro in season. Go to Schooner's, Familloa supplied. Fdrlors for ladies. 9-4-tf Host work dono at Iirennan's etoam laundry. Everything whito nnd spolloss, Laco curtains a spocialty. All work guar antcod. "waters' Weiss boor is tho best. John A Hoilly solo agont. 6-5-tf l'liutncriiplilnc Iter Ha. Hols a young photographer, just start ing in business and lovo. Tho other afternoon his girl's mother called for I sitting. He desired to make a most favorablo Impression upon that portion of her mind which could appreciate plio tography, and so ho became a trifli nervous in tho work, But he got her fixed finally, with her eyes fixed glassilj on a certain object, as is tiio custom then bo drow tho cloth, took out hif watch nnd counted off thirty seconds restored tho cloth and drew out tho case "GraciousI" ho unintentionally ejacu lated, "I forgot to put in tho plate." Tho old lady had to sit again, anil she prepared for tho ordeal, but with con fidence in tho operator considerably abated. Ho was more nervous now than before, and it was sotno few minutes be fore he had arranged to suit the focus. Then the cloth was again removed, the watch ngain pulled out IIo counted off tho thirty seconds, removed tho cloth and drew out tho case. "Great heavens!" he groaned In a frichtened voice. "1 forgot to pull out tho shdel" The prospective mother-in-law sprang to her feet, snatched up her hat and shawl, aud nausinc Ions enouch to in uiro if he was urttnk, snot out or tne oor. leaving tho pallid faced artist grasping a chair for support. Buy Keystone flour, lie caroful that thi name JjKSsia & uo., Ashland, rn., it printed on ovorv sack. 3-3-3taw A GOOD SHOE FOR MEN 2! FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Eepalring Neatly Dono. Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Advertisements In Ms column, not tzceedina lines. Gee. for one insertion; 75c. lor two! tt for three; one week, tl.M; two weeks, VI; one nonlh, 9-s. FOIl BALE. A large "Morning I.ieht" double beater. miltoble fir n store., or dwelling Apply to II. A. Hwulm, Houth Main street. 10-13.tr 31 South Main street, next door to the First National Hank Inquire ol M. I'. Conry. 10-21-lw TTOU SALE No. FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou look ing for a farm? If so call on or write to J. J. Kehler. Frnckvllle. Pa., as to where they are located nnd for terms. 8-22-tf A SPECIAL SALE! Ono Wools. Only reason foi Belling. Terms ply at J. It. fjoyle's olllce. FINE GOLD-PLATED To Fit tlic Ilnly, To J-"ll Hie ClHWIrctl, To I'it flic Crown Up. THE PRICE:- 10o Rings for 5c. lSc Kings for lOo. 23o Rings for 15c. Wo have 25 dozen to eoll. Died. WnOMSLEY. On tho 20th Inst., at Chicago, III., John Whorasloy, aged years, 11 months and 10 days. Funeral will tako placo on Monday, November 2, 1831, at 3 p. m., from tho rosidencoof Arthur Whomsloy, 227 North Catherino Btroot, Shonandoah, Pa. Friends and re latives respectfully invited to attend. s Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. CHANGE OF BASE Tho livory and underlakine establish ruent conducted by Evn J. Davis at the corner of Llovd and Jnrdin streets, has been removed on account of his increasing basinets to the largo stable formerly oo cupiod by Frank Hess, on Pear alloy, rear of O. W. Beddall & Bro's. hardware store. Mr. Davies has built up n large bueinoss and by strict attention to tho wants of his patrons expocts to increaso it in his new quarters. Gentle horses and fine buggies and carriages to hire at all times, special intention given to tne Undertaking Department. Florida on Wheels I THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S. THOMAS Is now located at fialnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL aud WEST STS., and offers to the publlo the finest lino of QR0CERIES, FLOUR, FEED! Provisions, Fish and Oysters, Oreen nnd Hmoked Ham aud Flitch, A Marvelous Revelation Tropical Luxuriance. ol SCHOOL BOOKS. The place to buy your school books cheap la Alo Bcholar's Companions, Hook Htrans. Bcliool Ilaga, Tablet", elo. Eerylhinc und anything required In school. Mates, penollH, etc , so d re tail aiid wholisale. Bonks Suitable for East and West Uahanoj Twp. Don't tor.' t the ptaro If y au wish to save ill' 'iicjr . MBLLBT; t CHA8. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. A Sifito Fair In a Itolllne Palace from the jjiuu oi 1' lowers. IIluslratlnK to tourltts. Invalids and rro. spectlve hittlers Ihendvant) tesaud resources of the Minn land. Tropical frulU, wine, per fumes, palms, etc., to inttri st parenls, and a jaunty ui i tie HiieKuiora 10 pieakeijie cuiiaron. Will exhlhlt In HheiiHndoah, on tho Cherry stteel Eldlnc of the Lthlgh Vallej' Itallroad, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, NOVElHBEn 5, 6 and 7. 10 els. Children under 12, 5 cts. To defray luoldental expense. Wentou B.Webb. Kx lllreotor (lnieralHiib Tropleal Florida Imposition, Florida Com inUnloner to the Kxpolilou, Director. DAY EVKNINQ. SPECIAL SALE ! Next Ten Days. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Boots and Ladles' and Chil- ilrcu'o Bhoco. DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! at a large reduction at the ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, TA. 3-Wntch for the HED HON lu front,-E JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oak Streets. Fresli Oysters Received Daily, A lino lino of Choice OUOCEHIES .Nuts and Caudles. Poultry of all Kinds. Jlr. Costlet re wives his crecn truck dally Irom the city mnrlicte. which Is a guarantee to his cus ointrn that they will receive 'fiosh gooos wnen uuyn gironi nun. SALLIE SENIOR'SI Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STBEET, Where he will he ploaiedto meet the wants or utsirienaB ana the public m Everything in tho Drinking Line 45 CENTS for a window shade with fringe, others for 65c. 65o and up. Hhadee made for store and private dwel intts. A new lot of shad' ings and fringes to mulch. G. 3D. FRICKE'S Cftrpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre CHEAPER THAN EVER AT WANTS, &o. T70B SALE. A store room and i- dwelllnR on East Centre street. Good reasonable. Ap- a)-im FOR SALE. A nice 28 ncre farm lor tale. Mix miles from Blienandoah. Uoautlfully MtontedoD a publlo road Good dwelling. Good barn. Kritlt trees beslnnlng to bear. All young, epienaia piream ui wnterrunnluffthrouuhtbe the land. This In a good chance for a rnnn who wnnti a small Tiirtn, inquire oi ja i tn u. iiuiiuu, T-AJSZIE A- PEEP!- It'Is Dot necessary to co about it surreptitiously, as do tho eamlns in thcr picture, if you would tnlto a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in drefs Roods, cloaks, wraps and tuks. Our store Is a little world's fair In it self and visitors limy freely Inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. we nave some attractive specialties tnis weeic in tuuiiuooi Jjry uoous, Coats, Wraps, etc. olUce bulldl g, room 6. u-Btr TDItOPOSAIjS. Proposals IK! will be 1 ri-ceivpil nt tlin Snhuvlklll Cniintv Alms house for furulshlni 15 ) tons of chestnut, 50 tonsolstovo and 5 tons ol eee coal.untli noon of MondHV.November 2d, 1891, conl to b dellveredon Alrashoiiso siding uearHchuyl- klll 11 liven. WIIjIiIASI L.EIN1NUKU, THOS J.TItACKY, HAUHY H. McGINNIH, Board ol Poor Directors, AMUSEMENTS. TjlEHGUHONti THUATItK. 1'. J. FEISnCHON, MANAUKII. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, '91 FerreeA Fehrmann's Company, Introducing the lnimitaDieatuiecicomeaian, MR. MAX FEHRMANN, In Fred Jtaedcr's cyclone of tan, l"Unele Isaac! "That's My Regular Business." The representative Hebrew Comedy Drama, A greai pif'y ana n nne company. The very best SINGERS, DANCERS AND MUSICAL ARTISTS Frioos, 12 a 7 Go ancl73o SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL ! Robbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 20. ORCHESTRA OF 10 PIECES ADMISSION, 25 OENTS. . PAHUEmnneedolorstove repairs r of any description Bhould call n (j - on me, as i Keep constantl on hand a full supply. Buy the best range In tho A WAY R nn,eed 10 d w"' ' perfect work. As to tho price, It will suit you. This excellent stove be had only Irom VM. P. PRATT, TIN ROOriNO, SPOUTING, ROOF PAINTING promptly attended to. 73m 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah STOVE DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well-made, fashionable clothes? It so, call on -w. CT. JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call nnd see snmpleHof thelntestgoodsand the styles. Good worttmanshln. nromntness and I prices. -roil- SHERIFF, BENJ, J. SMITH, I'HESENT DEPUTY. JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS L, . .. vi . . - CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND nESTAURANT, 1201 N, Main St., Shenandoah. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. 7b waste your 7UL is to waste your money. To waste your fa&or is to waste your fo -Jt AN OLD STOVE WASTES BOTH K- JTMXS MilIlM MHIll SAVES IB' MONEY, Avoided by Conver.lencci FOOD liAJBOR Cookd Nutritiously. TTUEL Burned Economlcirif.' OVEX. Tho BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Celebrated Onplcx Grate ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS t BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF, ELEGANT HOT OLOSET. HOT WATER RESERVOIR Waterbacks for Boilers Meet Every Requtref. tt EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. FOR SALE DB"5rT No. 6 South Jardin Street. A NTIQU1TY cuu be tolerated In almost any thing but bats. If the head Is out or date the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow sntt. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can vfford to wearunclent beadgear,and oven thy take a good many chances when they do H. Jt will cost you no more to bo up with the times than It will to be half a mile behind them. Everything about our 11,60 hat Is baud some but the price, nnd J1.G0 for such a hat cun scarcely bo called anything but a rldlculonsly low figure. The same can be; said of our 25o neckwear. Onrllne of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest priced In the market, 13 S, Mdf St. S0ANLAN Shenandoah FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cat h com panies represented uy 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanaoah.Pa. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest andcheapest stock In town. Artistic Painting, Graining and Decorating! J. P. CARDEN, 221 W. Centre St.. SHENANDOAH. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! -AT TUB COFFEE HOUSE 32 N. Main St. 5 With an surpassed assort ment of Ready-Made Clothing we maintain an equal excel lence in Furnishing Goods. In tasty and correct things tor under as well as outer wear wo can always bo depended upon. Uur handsome line ot com fortable Medium-weight Over coatsjust the thing for late lall is made to lit tho buy er's pocket as well as his back, A. C. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th 5 Chestnut Sis. UCHt-iuactc Clothing; lu IMilliidelnlila. Grand Opening! TATA. AND WIN TER STYLES OV MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' -Ko. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa, The finest and largest assortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prlcea. Our line of .Children's' THIMMED AND UN- JUK. L.