i YOLi. YI.--KO. 232. publican State Ticket. AUinxoit any r.n Ai.t vs. DAVID MoMURTKIE GREGG STATS TJl ISASVllElll Capt. JOHN W. MORRISON. letegates-at-Znrge to the Constitutional Convention: B. Tj. SHIELDS, ISAIAH 0. WEAK, M. I. S01IAFFEB, HERMAN KREAMER iOIS W. HALI,, M. Ii, KAUFFMAN ;ANK REF.DEU, II. M. EDWARDS, C. M'CORMIOK, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, II. POMEROY, OYltUS ELDER, HN CESSNA, JOHN S. LAMBIE, M. R. ROGERS, JAMES L. BROWN, UN ROBERTS, T. V. POWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge lion. D. B. Green. Slieriff Benjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner MaJ. William ark. Pnnr nirp.r.tar Henrae lleflher. nexpired Term Harry H. MoQinnis tf'onstttutlonal Convention Delegate). 9 UOBEHT ALLISON. Port Carbon. B. BtJRD EDVAUDS. Pottsvllle. JOHN J. COYLE, Mabnnoy City. HAT WADLINGER OIROTJLAR. The friends of Mr. Wadllnger have en distributing circulars saying that is un American for persons to seek a .ird term, arid have cited some cases Islng in the walks of civil life. That lis Is not true of tho judiciary is islly seen by a reference to the, ju clary of tho state. Judge Elwell as elected for the third term in tho unties of Columbia and Montour, id the Republicans refused to noml ito any person against him. Judge earson, of the Dauphin county court, as nominated and elected for his urth terra. Tudge IJucher,of Union unty, has been renominated for the ilrd term and the Republican mem irs of the bar unanimously endorsed is nomination. "iow that tho object of the Demo ats in Ohio to capture tho Legisla te has been made plain, that of tanging the mode of electing eleo rs, the Republicans are no longing mthetic and they will look after that (ly. The DomScratio cause is hope- CENTS PER YARD FOR a good home-made rug carpet. It is one of tlio3e:stra heavy carpets, mudoof the best yam ad clean rags. Finest line of Velvet rusbel and Ingrain Carpets in Shen idoah at . D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. :HE SUKB BO AD TO OPTJLBNOE LIES KNEE-DEEP TI-lBOUai-I PBINTER'S INK less and they will trade oil their can didate for Governor for the Leglsla- ture, but It will not work. TdcKlnloy and the Legislature aro both safe. "Where an election takes place on the day preceding his twenty-first birthday a man can vole on age. The courts have so decided In a test case. That is, If a man's birthday falls this year on November 4th he can legally deposit his ballot at the election on November 3rd. TnE skies are growing brighter nnd brighter. The news from Ohio and New York Is of a very cheering char acter. There Is no longer any doubt of the election of McKlnley and Faseett by rousing maorltles. Soldiers, remember your comrades when you go to the polls next Tues day. General Gregg and Colonel Morrison are worthy of the sufltago of every ex-soldier or unionist in the state. Judge Green's election is as cer tain on Tue-day uextjas the sun rises. There need bo no alarm on that score. Every Republican should endeavor to make hla majority as great as possible. Senator Quay will settle the O'Harrity's, Henzels, McClures et. al. in the courts. Tho mudsllnging of this tribe will be brought to a sudden close and with swift punishment. Let every Republican see that the vote of his. district is gotten out next Tuesday. On a fairly full vote the Democrats have no chance of success, Beware of spurious tickets. Com pare your ticket with one that you know is right, before depositing it. Don't trade. Vote the whole Re publican ticket. The Democrats will not irlve but take. Green, Smith, Heffner, McGuin ness and Clark should poll the full Republican vote. A full Republican vote means a victory. Don't loselght of this fact. Ben Smith Is still gaining. He will make an excellent Sheriff. If you want an able, fearless judge vote for Judge Green. "WE CLAIM THAT THERE ARE NO BETTER GOODS ! 4 IN THE MARKET THA3ST OTTIR, Choice Creamery Butter Iresh every other day aricy Bloater MacJcerel, Barge anil Fine. New No. 1 lacTcerel White and Fat. New Clean Currants JBre'e rom dirt and stems. Best Mince Meat made oj best taterlals. Jbine Table Symp strictly pure goods. Tew Orleans Baiting Molasses. Chipped Beef. CTTJST ZEZEJOZEI-V-IEID Another lot of MIYBItSIBB BUCKWHEAT FLOUR nd OLD TJMB GBAUAM JBLOUTt-Fresh Ground. J80 another car of Best Patent MINNESOTA FJLOUB. Iqual to anything in the marltet. "NOUTIIWKSTEUN DAISY" made of Minnesota flicnt elves i-ntisjflctlon. Italics well. OH Clotlis arc selling freely. Nice patterns. All rices. Two yards -wide from 50 cents up. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31. BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOOAL CORPS OP REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Whero Those Who Are So Dis posed May Attend. Dlvlno Worship To-morrow Othor Local Nows. English Baptist church, South Jrfrdln s'root. Rev. H. G. Jamos, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 a. m. and C:30 p. m. Subject for morning and evening: Tho Tranfig- uratioa of Christ. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Deacon John Burin, superinten dent. On Monday evoning at 7:30 tho B. Y. P. Union will meet. On Wednesday ovening al 7 o'clock a general prayor moot In. M. E. church, Rev. Wm.Fowick, psstor. Servicos to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Tho sacramontof tho Lord's supper will bo administered in tho morning. In tho ovening a special sermon will bo preaohod, by roquest, to tho Jr. O. U. A, M. Subject: "Patriotism, a Religious Duty." Sunday school at 2 p m., tobo fob lowod by thodovotional meotlngof the Ep- worm iieaguo. Uoneral prayer mooting 'lhursday ovoning at 7:30. Scats froo. All aro wcleomo. Kov. W. G. Slonaker, ot Solinsgrovo, Pa., will preach In tho English Lutheran church to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. All members are requested to bo prosent. All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near Main, Bev. Floyd E. West, rector, Services as follows: Morning prayor and litany with reading and sermon, 10:30. .Evening prayer andsormon, 0:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. The rector officiatos and preaches at the morning sorvico on tho second and fourth Sundays of each month and ot tho evening service on the first and third, a lay reader officiating in hisabsonco, Ebeneze'r Evangelical church. Rev. II, J. Glick, pastor. Services Sunday at 10 a. m. in Gorman, and 6:30 p. m. in English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m, All aro heartily invited to attond. P. Mi church, cornor of Jardin and Oak stroot8. Services. Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. ra, Toung Peoples' Christian Endeavor at ( p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tuos day and Wednesday evenings al 7 o'clock ana ounaay at u:su a. m. ueneral prayor meeting Thursday at 7:20 p. m. Et. G, Russell, pastor. Froaching in tho Trinity Reformed church to-morrow morning and ovoning by tho pastor, Rov. Robert O! Boyle. Every, body wolcomo. Welsh Baptist church, cornor Wost nnd Oak stroets. Rov. D. I. Evans, pastor. borvicos Sunday at 10 a. m. in Welsh and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at i p. m. l'rayor meeting on Monday oven ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs day ovoning, at 7 o'clock. rrcEDytonan cburcb. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. ra. by Rev. W. MuNally. Prayor meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. All aro cordially in vited. Good Looks. Good looks aro more than skin deep, do pending upon a healthy condition of all tho vital organs. If the Livor bo Inactivo. you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach bo disordered you have a Dyspeptic look and if your Kidneys bo affactod you havo a pinched look. Socuro good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is tho great alterative and Tonio acts cil rectly on thoso vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, Buils and gives a good complexion, Sold at O. II, Hagonbuch's Drug Btoro, bOc. per bottlo. Ladies, If you want fine writing pape' and envolopos to match, call on Max Beose- tf Lit by Electricity. Schuylkill Ilaven is now litbv electrlcltv and is in pace with tho larger towns. The borough owns the plant and tho ocst to tho taxpayers will be less than that of tho old wsy of lighting the town with oil or gas, and at the samo timo thero will bo no danger of a combine raising tho price. "Guide to Health," a valuable book, con taining (tho indorsements of prominent physicians in regard to tho "Anchor Pain Expellor," tho boet known remedy for all forms of Rheumatic diseaso. . Mailed, freo of charge, on application to F. Ad. Richtcr & Co., 310 Broadway, Now York City, The finest nolo paper and envelopes In tho country at Max Reese's. tf Phconlx Pbalr. Tho Phoenix Iloso Comuanv will hold n grand fair In Bobbins' opera house, com mencing on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1891. It will bo one of the largest and best fairs oyer held In this county. 10-11-lf Hyrup lias beeu termed by arents, whoso An Early Delicacy. A sallow faced man, drcssod In faded and Insufficient garments, with a knot ted, sandy beard, Bkipped lightly Into a Danbury dry goods store yesterday after noon, lie naa nuggea up cloxo to him in one arm a glass jar with a bit of dingy muslin over It He wanted to see tho proprietor, and a clork obligingly pointed out that gentleman to him, who was then engaged In the herculean task of selling a lady half a yard of linen. Tho stranger stalked up to him. 'Be you tho boss, mlsterr' ho asked, with a seductive smile. "Yes, sir. Anything I can do for your "Yes," said the stranger, carefully de positing the jar on the counter, and with an nlr as if the counter had beeu erected with thi3 object specially In view. "I've got a prime article of horseradish hero that I want to sell you. "I don't want to buy any," said tho merchant, with a tinge of pettishuess in his tono. "It's a prime article, I can tell ye." "I don't want it." "But you ain't looked at It, you ain't tried it," argued the vonder. "I tell you 1 don't wnnt it." "You can have it for fifty cents, al though It's worth seventy-five. I'll dump it right out in a paper, or I'll leave the jar and you kin bring it back tomor row." "I don't want it, I say. Take it away," demanded the merchant, flushing slight ly In the face. "Don't you git in a hurry, bos3," per suasively urged the proprietor of the condiment. "You don't git such horse radish as this everyday, I kin inform ye. I growed tho roots that came from my self, by jickeyt I growed 'em back of'a barn, an 1 took as much care of their cultivation as if they had been my own flesh and blood. Why, I've got up in tho dead of night with n lantern, and went out back of that bam an tucked them up, as it were. An I said to my ole wom an, sez I, 'Ole woman, them roots will go to make glad the heart of a merchant prince,' sez I, an here they be, grated up an ready for tho table. What do you eay?" "I say, as I said before, that I don't want yonr stuff, and I want yon to take It away from here at once," said the mer chant, who had now become very rod In tho face. "Stuff r -ejaculated the man, with a start, while his eyes watered and hla under lip trembled.' "Stuff 1 Yon call that Btuff that which grew right be hind my own barn, an which haa had a lantern above it in the dead of night grated up by my own hands, an with a pint of the best cider vinegar in the country dancing through its veins you call it stuff, do you? an you stand right Here an in tho broad light of day declare that none of that horseradish will fresco your cold meat, an set up before your children like a thing of beauty? All right." (He gathered tho jar up in his arm again.) "You can't have this horse radish now. Von needn't whimper for It. Not a word from you," he added, with as much earnestness as if tho mer chant had dropped on his knees and was agonizingly begging for a hopeless favor. "You ain't got money enough in your hull store to buy a grain of It Yon shouldn't git as much as a smell of it if you was to git right down on your snoot an howl till you were cracked open. Uosh duin me!" he suddenly shouted, "I'll go out on the boundless prairio an eat every bit of it myself, if it bnrns a hole clean through me as big as a tun nel, an sets the prairio afire an devas tates tho land." And with this terrific threat he strode gloomily away in search of a prairio. J, At BAimr. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho Beet Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tettor, Cbarped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requirod. It is guaranteod to give perfect satisfaction, or money rofundod. Prico 23 cents por box. For falo by O. II. Uagenbuch. Finished. Tho paintors havo finished tboir work of painting tho M. E. church and right well has tho work been dono. Tho scaifolding was takor. down yesterday. From Tho Nation's Capitol. Mr. A. N. Hnzen, Wanhlugton, p, (J., says: The Fhuioih lted 1'iag Oil. Is a rerlect family medlcluu, anil hug ue equal lor ltheumntlsra, Neurnlsla, bpralus. Cms, Burns, nnd nil bodily pain. rrloeiSceuts, At Klrlln's drug store. Buroblll's Bestaurant. Charles Buichill is now located at corner of Main and Coal stroets, ShenMidoah, Regular meals, at popular prices, sorvod any time. Ladios1 dining and refreshment rooms atlachod. 0-M-tf Frosted feet may be cured in ono or two daj-B by the uso ol Halvatton Oil, the gnut pumdestroyer. A fine stock of guns and amunitlon for sale choap at Max Reese's. 10-21-tf A Surprise. Keop your eyo on this local. Kagey, tho I'holographor, will havo his new open ing in a few days an J wdl havo something interesting that will turprlsatho ppopla. Jf 1891. TOWN TALKER I THOUGHTS OF THIS AND THAT THttEADED"TOGETHER. THEMES TERSELY TABULATED Tho Tattlo of tho Tattlers Timoly Taken and Told Typograplcally In a Taatoful and Tempt ing Tono. Tho road ol tho newspaper man Is, in' doed a rough one especially at tho prosent timo. V A Herald reporter scoured tho town to day for nows, but failed, to find any. All of tho Justices of tho Peaco .wear a most mournful aspect. "Nothing doing," said ono, "Politics form tho bulk of all movablo things just now. Thank goodness Tuesday win ena tno agony ana give tho poor 'squires a chanco to, got in a bill of costs." A party of local Democratic politicians wont down tho valley to-day to spend a fow dimos in Girardvillo and Ashland. They returnod smiling, bnt it is rumorod that the results will not develop according to their expectations. V Assistant District Attornoy Shay was in town to-day. Ho' said, 'Potttvillo will give Judgo Ureon l.oOO majority. Tho Indopondont Democratic Committee is doing excellent work throughout tho county. Tho report that thoso gontlomon aro not in earnest is absurd." V It is a nico thing for tho iriends of a can didate for a judgeship to bo promising kegs ot beer. So that all may know tho fact: Candl due for Judge, George J. Wadlingor, is marriod to a Wolsh woman. Tho friends of Mr. Wadlingor scorn very anxious that this should bo impressed upon tho minds of tho Wolsh voters of tho county. I soo no objection to helping to impress the fact, but would say that If Georgo J. Wadlingor is e'ectcd judgo his wifo will not prosido at trials. . It is said that "Jim" Smith, of town: would not obiect to accepting a deputy sheriUshlp. "Jim," in this case is quito wiso. Should ho eay ho wanted a deputy- ship wo thould bo tempted to criticizo him Tho man who seeks a judgeship and his tactics should bo dignified, Tbo office is ono of dignity. Harry McGinnis was In town to-day. Harry is in tho race and will bo ablo to ro port on Tuesday. Got tho Genuine. If you suffer with lamo back, especially in morning, Allccck's Plastors aro a sure relief. If you cannot sloep, try an Allcock Plaster, woll up between tho shoulder blade often relieves sometimes cures. Try this boforo you resort to opiates. If Bny of your muscles are lamo Joints stiff feel as if they want oiling or if you suffer with any local pains or aches, these plastors will cure you. If you use them onoo you will realize why so many platters bavo been made in Imitation of them. Like all good things, they aro copiod as closely as the law allows. Don't to duped by taking an Imitation when it as easy to get the genuine. If you always insist upon having All oock's Porus Platters and never acoept a substitute, you wi 1 not be disappointed. 3t Special Sermon. By epsolal request of Major Jennings Council, No. 807, Jr. O. U. A. M., of town, Rev. Wm. Powick, of the itothoditt Episcopal church, will deliver a special sermon to-morrow evening, tho subject being: "rutrlotitm, a Boligious Duty." Tho organization will attend the ohurch In a body, Tho largo congregations thst at tond this church un Sundays to hear tho ablo pastor, is evklcnco of tho treat In storo fur the un in tors of the Jr. O, U. A. M. to-morrow ovoning. pehsonalT David James tpent yesterday In Allen-town. 222VTtltlM of town, will ONE CENT. POLITICAL, Vote for Grogg and Morrison. I'hoS'news gang not having anything olso to do, havo gono into tho business of circulating campaign documents. Whonevor thero is any doubt of Demo cratic success the German Club of town comes to tho rescue "Farmer" Tildon la rather a ploasant looking man, but ho knows more of politics than farming. Next week ho may know a great deal more of Pennsylvania politics. Every year tho Democrats howl against corporation enndidates. This year they aro dumb as oystors. They have a corpora tion candidate in Mr. W right. Get out tho Republican voto. Ohildron Enjoy The ploasant flavor, gontlo action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in neod of n laxativo, and if tho father or mother bo costivo or bilious tho most grat ifying results follow its use, so that it Is tho best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle. Obituary. William, tho son of 'Squiro nugh Thomas, of South Wost street, diod yester day, aged 17 years and 0 months. Ilohad been ill for tomo timo. Funeral will tako place at St Clair on Monday, leaving town on tho 0:15 a. m. Pennsylvania train. Tho funeral of tho lato John Whomsloy, who died at Chicago, 111., on Thursday, will tako placo in town on Monday, at 3 p. m. Tho remain! will bo intorrod in tho Odd Follows' coinotery. Look Out lor Bargain's. J. Cofl'eo is in Now York City, whero ho is purchasing! an immonso stock of clothing, dry goods and notions which .ho will ell at ;bottom-rcck pricos. Don't fall to visit his stores on South Main street and inspect this stock. People in soarch of bargains will find thom thero. Everything will bo ontiroly now. Go oarly and get first choice 10-20-31 Letter List. Tho following loiters remain uncalled for in tho Shonandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post office, October 31, 1891 : Hecker Cathf rlne Bird Mrs. W. V. Calfmsn Yetllo Btroust Florence Parties calling for advortisod letters should ploaso say "advortisod." Ono cent will bo charged on all advertised lottors. II. O. Boykr, P. M. Night School Notice. Tho ovoning schools will bo opened in the Union, White and Lloyd stroets school buildings on Monday ovoning, November 2, at 7 o'clock. Pupils will bo admitted, without tickets, to tho samo schools thoy at tended last year. Tho school hold in tho Centro street building last year will bo transferred to loom No. 12, in tho Lloyd street building. Now applicants for ad mission enn procuro tickets at the superin tendent's office, Main street building, at 0:30 o'clock Monday ovoning. Hy order of 10-20-3t Evbniko School Comsiittee. Stationary packages, S and 10 cents each, at Max Beoso's. tf Tho "Hookies" Anniversary. On Tuesday ovoning, next, tho Rotcuo nook & Ladder Company, of town, will celobrato its sovontoenlh annivoreary. A supper will bo hold in tho house of tha company, the Grant Cornet Band will bo prosent to rondor somo of its oxcollent music, and tho festivities will closo with a hop. Pronounced Hopeless, Yot Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton. S. D,, we quote: "Woa takon with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough sot in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gavo mo up.saying 1 could live but a short timo. I gayo myself up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my iilonds on eartb, I would meet my absent ones abovo. My luuhand was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. I gayo It a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured mo, and thank God I am now a well and boarty woman." Trial bottles freo at O. II. Ha- genbuck'g drug store, regular size, 60c. and $1.00. A fine stock of guns and amunitlon for sale cheap at Max Beoio's. 10-21-tf Four tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabb's. tf WANT ,A FISH? Tor Breakfast ? A Mackoral? Wo havo 'em. White and fat. Bright and sweot. JSTo oil. No rust, ilb, Hb, lib, li lfclb, GRAFS,