NOW OH TjkJP I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On tlic Right Track. 8KVEHN. the Grocer. i still onlhnrifiht track and cnm to time with another train .ovl of Fine Or ceries, (Jannbd Uoods, Meat', ri'-nr. Me. Centre mul White Hts., Slieniuidoah The Evening Herald. ALL-THK NEWS FOK ONE CENT. asalargercln-ulatton In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books opf n to nil. lilliM CUT, li. KAIS11 IXPOMT REEH. Liarlit. KSSnCBSSSBI BBMnHBBBl KSHBSQISk MiJijLMtiJtMferairaJ magna Wb Dark. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. what News uatliorors Tako n, Moment to Tell About. Frosty morninga. Tho leaves ure Hying. Fall llUtlngH In order. Winter Is approaching. The Ice business Is becoming dull Boon time tojpreparo tor the holidays. Make up your mind to vote next Tuesday. He on tho lookout for Hollow K'en prunks ou Saturday night. Salt and water applied occasionally keeps the hair Irom lulling out. The eool weather is creeping upon us by degrees and winter will eoon be hero. Both parties are elee'ingthclrtlckets tills week, nexl Tuesday one uiouo will do It. When pome men pay their preacher tney leei as tnougu iney were paying u gas bill. A poultice of bruised onion? around tho neck gives great relief in dlpthere- tlc trouhlea. It is thought there will be a great demand for orange nlossouis between now and the holidays. The men are all tickled to learn that the price of eoflee is coming down, even if their wives mako it hot for them. There is one injunction of Holy AVritthatno man linds it difficult to obey, and that is, "He not righteous overmucu.' REGION 'BOUND. A Budgot of Intorosting Articles ou all Topics. It In said the Lfehlah Valley Rail road Company, whose coal region ter minus Ib at Mt Carmel, intends ex tendlmr its road through Bhamokln in order to reach Its valuable coal lands lying between Hliamokln and Trever ton. Tho Lehigh company has been using the Northern Central tracks from BiiamoKiu to ju. unrmei, uui owing to the big royalty paid, Its prolltH nave not been large. it is re ported that tho JhigU company may lay a road through to Bunbury and thus secure ii western nutlet. Complaints were made to tho Cam- bro-Amerlean Society, of WllkfB Harre. that the selection "Come With Toreuee," for the chief prize, 0j, Is not in toumi Willi me Dinging socie IUh of Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleva. as it is too hlirh for the so pranos. Tuning luesu complaints into consideration the committee of tho Cambro-Amerlcan Society has selectid another corntmpitinu from Haydn's Seasons," ' Hark, tho Deep, Tre mendous Voices." Tho arbitration enso between the Lehiirh Conl aud Navigation Com PHnvauutlio ten lantllioiaers at uoni Dnle, by which tho company expected to elect the latter becatiso tliey gold liquor on tho premlep, was decided in lavor oi tno ueieuuents. A GOOD SHOE FOK MEW 2 FOR $1.75, WORTH $2.25. Repairing Neatly Dono. - 31. BBOWN", Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. Coming Evonta. Nov. 3 and 4 Grand ontortainmcnt, "Undo Tom and Evo." in tho P. M. church. Nov. 5. Second anniversary entertain' mont of Major Jonninjjs Council, No. 307, ir. O. U. A. M., Jn Ferguson's theatro. Nov. 18 Orand supper in Ilolibins' opora nouo for tho benefit of tho Trinity Re formed church. November 20. Grand eupperin Kojbins' opora houso: bonoflt of Lady Ilarrison Lodge, No. 10, A. I'. L. A. Soeond hand school books bought sold at Max Keete's. and tf Do you want a situation ? Do you wantholp? Do you want to soli your business ? Do you want to sell or exchango real cstato ? If so, call on Max Iteeso, Shonatidoah, agont for tho United Slatot Employment and liusineu Agency, -11 and 40 Broadway, Now York. Narrow IS. cape of un Tmioount Girl. Pittsuuiio, Oct. 30. A young lady. 10 years old, giving her residence at a few miles out in tho country from To ronto, Canada, arrived lioro yesterday ou a train from Dullalo, being directed to a house of ill-repute. She says last woek sho met a girl in Buffalo who gave hor name as h. M. Kendall of Pittsburg, who persuaded her to come here and do liousowork. Uefore reaching this city sho showed tho letter of Introduction to a passenger, who informed her of tho nature of the bouse, superintendent, or. Polico Weir will see that the jilrl is sent home. 4i Gov. llulkeley Recognized by Got. 1I1U, Middletown, Conn., Oct. 80. Judge Calef, of this place, who is commissioner of deeds for the State of Now York, wns notified recently that his commission would expire on October 29 and that he must have r recommendation from the Governor for its ronawal. The Judge forwarded a recommendation from Gov ernor Bulkoley and yesterday received his commission. This is the first time Governor Hill has recognized Governor Uulkeley. Tratmcontlnentiil Record IJroken. New Yoiik, Oct. 80. Tho record bo- tweon Sau Francisco and Now York has again been broken. Mr. John W. Mackny recently mode tho Journey In -4 dayu 12 hours and 30 minutes. Yesterday Mr. James L. Flood alluhted at the Grand Central Dopot, having done It in 13 min utes less than Hr. Mackay. He left San Francisco on Saturday last at 7 p. m. in his car, the Grassmere, and followed tho routo takeu by Mr. Mackay. Oysters. Oystors aro in soason. Go to Scliocnor's. Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 0A-lt Froted feet may he cured In one or two daj-B by tho use ol Hulvatlou Oil, the gnat imiu-uuniroj Br. Tlireu Years for lllnokimtlllnc. Kjew Yohk, Oct. 30. William II. Welsh, the bookkeeper who was arrested on Tuesday charged with attempting to blackmail Henry W. Box, a lawyer of liullalo, N. Y., was indicted by the grand jury yesterday, lie was tben arraigned before J udtre Jlartlne In tbe uourt o General Sessions, pleaded guilty and was sentencn 1 to Stata Prison for three years and six months. Best work dono at Bronnan'a etoam laundry. Kverything whito and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Waters' Wolss beor is tho beet. Roilly sole agont. John A 5-5-lf May Idas anil ainUe Up. Pakis. Oct. 30. Ex-Kins Milan of Servia and his divorced wife, Queen Natalie, aro both in the city, and as King Milan Is In want of money, and th ex-Jueen Is rlcli. a reconciliation thought to be within the probabilities, especially as both are still ambitious ugure in society. WE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located ut Halnbrldge's old eland, Cor. COAL and Yk'liHT STS., and oBrrs to the public the finest Hue of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED I Provisions, Fish and Oysters, Green and bhiokwi nam aud Fillcli. Guns nre being put into condition for tho hunting season. In a short time the screen doors can be put into winter quarters. GHANG-E OF BASE SPECIAL SAL Next Ten Days. lEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Boots, aud Ladies' aud Chil dren's Shoes. DRY GOODS AND UNDERWEAR! at a large reduction at the ORIGINAL BARGAIN STQBE 23 S. MAIN STREET, Ell K.NANDO All, l'A. 3?-Wntch for the KF.D t-IGN 111 front.-EB. THE ESSFIKITO ! Wllllt Wns, Vlint In, ntifl Wliat In to Conic- The curtain is lifted, reveal ing the secrets of that debat able land between matter nud spirit. The Espirito Santo ! (Iie Unknown World) Seems almost within our grapp, and scientific mind strives to comprehend just where this boiderlaud lies. AB AN AMU8KMENT it is unri valed, for it commands that respectful attention that its merits as a revealer of men's minds demand. CAM. AMI) HIiI5 IT, MORGAN'S : BARGAIN : BAZAR "WANTS, fcc. A dvcrtucment tn IhU column, not exeeedino 5 Untnt 6 'c for one imrrdon; 75c. lor tvo: tl for three; one week, 81.50 two weeks, t2; one nomn, .J. FOK SALE. A large "Morning Lieut" double beater. Hullsble f r a store, or dwelling. Apply to 11. A.Hunlm South Mulii street 10-13-tf 31 South Main street, next door to the First National Bank Inquire ol ii. V. Coury. 10-21-lw T70U SALE No. 31 South JL' I FARMS FOR. 8ALE. Areyoii look ing lor a larm? If so call on nr write to J. J. Keliler, Frnckvllle, l'a as to where they are located and for termc. 8 22-tf t'OR SALE. A store room and dwelling ou Kast Centre street. Good reaso i fm celling. Terms ply ut J. H. tXyle'a omce reasonable. Ali- 0 2-lm ITOR r lnir linnR on npnlre street ubfive White. Apply to It. O KnlEht.ol F. E. Maearelo, U centre street. 10 I?OR SALE.- A nice 28 acre farm lor Mile, rdx miles from Wienandoah. lleaullfnlly sltonled ou a public! read Good dwelling. Qiodb.ira. Fruit trpc beginning to ueur. ah young, ppienam Biream oi water running ibrough the the land, This Is a giod cliunce for a ii'BU who wnnts a small i.irm. inquire oi jn i is u. xiuiioo, poti It Is not necessary to eo about it surreptitiously, as do the camlnB in tho picture, If you would take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in dre'B goods, cloaks, wraps and rues. Our t-toro is it little world's fair in it self and visitors may freely inspect the exhibition without being Importuned to miy. we nave some attractive specialties tins weeit in tueiineoi ury uooas, uoats, wraps, etc. ofllee bulldl g, room a. iMitr PUOPOSALS.-Pronosals reewved at the Schuylkill Cm will be received at tbe Hchuvlklll County Alms house for furnisblnor 15 1 Ions of cheNlnnt. 50 tonsot stove and 15 tons of est; coal.unth noon of .Moud iy,Novemuer2d, 1801, coal to he acuvrrcuon Almshouse siaing ucariscuuyi' kill Haven. WILLIAM I.EININGEH, THOS J.TItACKV, IIAItltY U. MCQINNIS, Board ol Poor Directors. AMUSEMENTS. IiKGUHON'M TIIGATRI!. r. J, FEKOCSON, MANAGER. FEIDAT, OCTOBER 30, '91 AL. G. FIELD & CO.'S Famous Minstrels! JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand ! Cor. Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A flue lino of Choice GltOCEHlES Nuts and Cuudles. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr. Costlet rtcfitcs bis crecn truck dolly Irom the city runiltcts, which Is u eiurnnlto to ins cum omers inaiiiiey wuirccuvo jrcsii gooas Micn uuyii girom mm, Arennedand elegant presentation of legltl maieminsireihy iy a moaci company, aro 33. Xj33T717-X!S. Th Apodal wonder, first American appear, flnne. i lie mice kiuen ill inusio, nrsLAineri can anotaraiice KIBUl.b. EUn and sword manipulator. iiie jiiKnani rurally 01 me eonie, mepievai iiiu&iciuuh. AiuicuifN1 illlluirv Baud, and n classic orchestra of 18 eminenL Boio'fcis 11 v u L'minnu uchi trav eling on their own train 01 palace cars. (Iririiil Conccrinml Street l'artulc. at 11.80 n. ra. each day, J. W. Voglo, Manager PliooH, QC3, 50oud7Bo SALLIE SENIOR'S to Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. J SCHOOL BOOKS. The livery and undertaking establish ment conducted bv Evutr J. Davis at th corner ot Lloyd and Jardin etieoU. has been removed on account ol his increasing buelmws to the largo stablo formerly oc cupiod by Frank Hess, on l'car alley, rear of U. w. llPddall to Uro's. hardware storo. Mr. Daviea has built uu a lartte buelnoes and by strict attention to the wants of his patrons expects to increase it in his new quarters. Gaulle horses and flno buggies and carriages to biro at all times. Special attention given to tho Undortnliing Department. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will bo pleiuedto meet tho wants of bis lrleuds and tbe public In Everything in the Drinking Lino, 451 CENTS for a window sbade ith frinco, others for55o, CSu and up, Khades made for otoroH und private dwel lugs. A new lot oi snail Ingsand fringes to match. O- ID. PRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre The place to buy your school books cheap is I Also Koholar's Companions, Book Ktraps, ami aiiyvtiiug n-qulred In school. Blutwi, penclU. eta, sold re. tll Hud wholbMile. Ladies.' Coats. Books SuiUMe for East and West Maltanoj Twp. Don't lorget the plaee If you wish to cava money. ZMI. MBLLBT: CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND, 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah. Largest Line in the County. AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL ! Robbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ! Commencing September 26. ORCHESTRA OF IO 1MECKS ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. -A. PEEP!- P MlTira In Deed ol ofstovo repairs of any de crlptlon should call on me, bb I keep constant! on hand a full sunnlv Tluv the best ranee in tbo A .NEW ISBuar WAY. A STOVE an teed to do perlect work. As to tbe price, It will suit you. This rzcellent stove be bad only Irom WM. B. PKATT, TIN ROOFING, SP0UTINO, ROOF PAINTING 73m promptly nttepded to. 331 S. Jardin SI., Shenandoah DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well'made, fa'hlonable clothcsT If so, call on "W. CT. JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Slicnandoali. Call and aee samples of tbe latest goods and the styieB. uooa worsmaosuip, prompmei aud fair prices. -JPOR- SHERIFF, BENJ, J. SMITH, rilESENT DEl'UTY. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., '.Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, E(e. Reliable 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. iand, To waste your 'UEL is to wasto your money. To waste your iacor is to waste your fa. -X AN OLD STOVE WASTES BOTH K- WMMmK jMMIi!W SJWE8 g- MOiEY. Convr (once, FOOD Nutritiously. FUEL Economically p" XA.XtGtS OV13X. BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS ;&!9lilt3l 15,110 CcIeItPt1!j Duplex Cralo . IH-WaSgSey - ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEADTTFTJL UIQH SHELF. BWmT ELEGANT HOT CLOSET. jMg I H0T WATER RESERVOrft gv3&l yyia I Waterback for Boilers Meat Every g"" EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. FOR SALE B3T No. 6 if. South Jardin Street. A HTIQU1TY tun be toleiattd In almost any thing but bats. If tbe bead is out of date the rest of the body Is prttty auretu follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire ora genius can afford to wcurancleni headgear, and even thny take a good many chances when thry do It. It will cost you no more to be up with tbe times than it will to be half n mile behind them. Everything about our 51. M hat Is band some but the price, and S1.G0 for such a halcan scarcely be called anything but a ridiculously lowflgure. The same can be; said of our 25o neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is tbe lowest priced In the market. 13 SJala St, SOATSTTiATT StienanJoab FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely each com panies represented uy 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah, Pa. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest aud cheapest slock In town. Artistic Painting, Graioing and Decoratio; J. P. CAKDEN, 10 2-6m 221 V. Centre Bt. 8IIENAND0AII, OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES AT TUB COFFEE HOUSE, M Main Si Families supplied with raw oysters by the MBS. FERGUHON.rrop. With an surpassed assort ment of Rcady-Mado Clothing wo maintain an equal excel- enco in Furnishing Goods. In asty and correct things for under as well as outer wear we can always bo depended upon. Uur hanusomo lino ot com fortable Medium-Aveight Over coats just tho thing for lato TT1 11 : ,1 i A l- it. V,-..-, x'uii io iiiiiuu tu lit iuu J",y- er's pocket as well as his back. A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts. neat-made Clotliliijr T11 I'lillaclelpliln. Grand Opening KALI, AND 'WIS. TKll STYLES OF MILLINERY! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' No. 2 Si East Cenliv St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment lu Hats, Jtonnets and Caps at re- m markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN- Tit 111 MED HATS