The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 30, 1891, Image 3

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Tho Muddlo Over tho Monog
lian Will Cast;.
flighest of all in Leavening Power. U. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Shillolnslis I'licd Willi Great
1 t'7 proof our ciilm that
Yi?or in Cork.
Rome Blackinq
Half-Brothers Bearing the Bama Name
Making a Bitter Fight.
The Eiot With Groat DifHoulty Quelled
By the Polios.
Presents In the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative tv perma
nently cure Habitual Consti-"
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
Ill the most excellent remedy known to
vWhen one is bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho excess of
oil liaa been removed, Is
Absolutely JPure :
land it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nrn lisrsil in its nrrtnnrnlion. It lina
more than three, timet the ttrenath of
more tnan three times the sirengtn 01
Cocoa mixed Willi btarcli, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is therefore far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well ns for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors everywhere
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
6lek Headache and relieve all tbo troubles Incr
ement to a bilious state of tho system, suoa oa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslnoss, Distress afteff
eating. Fain in tho Side, &a. Whilo their mo'.O
jeiaarfcablo success has boon shown lu curing ,
frcaaacha, ytt Carter's Llttlj Llvor FilU am
equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro
renting thlsannoylERCoraplaint,whlIe they also
correct all dlsordorsof thostomachtlmula to tha
liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they oal
JAchathoy would be almostpricelosotothosawliil
Icufer from this lUslreseing complaint; but fortu
nately tbelrgcodnees docs notond horo,and thosa
,Trho once try them will find these little pills valu
able In bo many ways that they will not bo WIN
rjlBg to do without them. But attar allslck homl
lis the bane of so many lives that here la when
fremakoourgreatboast. Our pills cure It whllo
others do not.
I Carter's Little Uvcr Hlla aro very small and
Tery easy to take. One or two pllla mahoa dose.
They are Btrlctly vegetable and do not grips or
purge, but by their gentloacUon please au who
usethem. InvialsatSSccnta; Uvsforfl. Sold
ty druggists everywhere or sent by malL
Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port
able Unequalod In Stylos,
Cost and Finish.
ISO r-tgs Catalcsu or Couolm, links cle, Illustrated la
Colors, Rook., free Toilsce lftCcsls.
Kt lea. licet and cbeap
wrucr , . r'intin.
? est on earih. with great
reduction tn prices.
Poklifa 14 cU. Full at
iiMba, iMin, mijiri, nooa
Cablactt. tf., IwHjstla klwcli.
But tiki work nidtt to order.
T V J.KiC DESK CO., Hi. J-uula, fllo.,
I Chl.-Mta Knfftlah Dlaraond It ran.
Original and Onljr Crni lio. A
rc ww rai'' urns ixrl
Moni H anJ iu Urd ai i 1. 1 1 ii'rimaVg
bOMt, alou wi it b,u 11 'nn TakoViy
nather RtfusfiHtngr,Qvulttau v
in sun 4 fr
V kt "IteUef for ritl. m .i,r, b, tol.r.
ft' H.IL lo.i.oo I Km,rm
rrj,lohlrC'ljew!. ul t ....A4 4Un rtquara.
told tj-slf Locl lr 'rxUls. "-'UJ l
iutODlol. I
.rii tnr lhneirM.tOf Keif kbUSB.
if 8tiu!l'owiT.lraiK)tencye. SosrreatH ourfallhln
mrBrSJiao". will sinJ oni Va M....I h's W.dlclls.
mill ilnW
Til Obscure Wllljol Thomas Jlnnoehnn
Tim Rurrngnte Itulilii that What Is Writ
ten, Not What Is Meant, Determines to
Whom the Property Shall Oo The
Jllchtfnl llelr l.lliely to Lose the KulU
New YortK, Oct. 80. Tho Monoghan
will case, which hits been hearing In
tho Surrogate's Court the past few days,
lins demonstrated that what a mnn
means cannot affect what he puts In
Old Thomas Monoghnn wn a house
pnlnter who quit painting houses tn
1871 and commoncod to dubblo in real
estate. So successful was ho that when
he died In September, last rear, he left
property valued at $300,000.
Long years ago the painter was mar
ried, but ho separated from his wife,
Annlo McEvoy Monaghnn, In 1801. " Of
the three sons slm bore him only one has
survived Thomas Monoghnn, jr., a
blonde, about 30 yoarH of age. lie has
not seen or heard of his father for many
years, having llvod on a farm In Iowa.
After separating from his first wife
Monoghnn married ngaln, although for
a number of years before Aniila MoRvoy
died he lived with tho present Mrs.
Honoghan. There is a grave quostlon,
even among his lawyers, whothor the
oldest son by the socond marriage is
On tho day beforo tho old painter died
he mado iv will dividing his property
almost equally between his "beloved
daughter, Iloso Monoghan, now living
with me," and his "beloved son, Thos.
Monoghan, Jr."
This hitter was tho oldest son of tha
second Mrs. Monnghau. lie is a flno
J looking young fellow with a brown mus
I tacho and a dashing air. Unlike his half
! brother, ho is dark. Ho was prepared to
enter into tho onjoyment of the property
left to hlra, when tho oldor young
Monoghan put In an appearance and ob
jected. Hu claimed to bo the "belovod
son, Thomas Monoghan Jr.," and said
that ma imir brotuer hart no right to tho
name, ami consequently not to tho es
Surrogato Hansom practically decided
in the blonde's favor yesterday. "There
teems to bo no doubt fruiu the ovl-
donee," he says, "that tho proponont
(9!cond yonag Monoghnn) was tho party
mennt by )ll9 fathl!r t0 rcceve tUo bene.
fit of his estato. But, unfortunatoly for
him, ho failed so to state. In a case
like this we must go by what tho will
vtuios, nub uy nunb iim luitlivur ji,
thought to have meant. Tho objector
is the legitimate son of Thomas Monog
han, is known as Thomas Monoghan,
jr., and seems to have a right to the
name. Tho proponent has no such
Lawyer Thaddeus B. Wakeman there
upon arose and asked for an adjourn
ment. "This view of the case is n com-
I pleto surprise to us," was his first ro-
mark, "we have diligently searchod
I the records of the Catholic churches,
I hoping to prove that the objector is not
' entitled to his name, but is really known
as William Monoghan. We ask for a
little mora time."
I An entertaining discussion among
counsel onsuad ovor this proposition,
which Surrogate Hansom Anally settled
j by adjourning the hearing until Wo!-
nesday of noxt weok. In return for
I this privilege, however, he ordered that
tho proponent pay the fees of the ob
jector's witnesses nnd his hotel ex
penses ns well. Tho Surrogate also
added sarcastically that tho surprise of
the counsel at his view of the case was
not so much a surpriso of the facts as a
surprise of the law.
Had the old painter simply added the
I Words "Now living with me," after his
inn's name, us he did after hu daughter's,
tho presant litigation could not have
been possible. As it is now, all tho in
dications are that Thomas Monoghan,
ir., instead of providing for tho wants
of the son, whom he loved with all tho
warmth of n father's affection, has
limply enriched the child whom ho cast
off many years ago.
Slechnntcs Laid Off.
PiTTtBUBO, Pa., Oct 30. About
(killed mechanics of the z,WJ men em
ployed by the Westingbouso Air Brako
Company, have receivod notices that
their services would not be required
after to-day. Slack business at present
Is the cause.
?scapod from the Penitentiary.
Winhipko, Man., Oct 80. Qliletta,
the forger, who was serving a ten years'
term in tho Stoney Mountain peniten
tiary escaped during the night und has
not been reenpturod. Ho is tho convict
to whom tha alleged Burke, tha Cronin
murderer, confess.! while in prlsson In
this city.
A Slurderer Lynched.
CoviNoton, La., Oct. 80. Jack Par-
1- r.i1m-Dfl wn. tnlr.n frnm lila r.f.11 llV
ln ...r... nt nninn4 flnrlnor tlm lilfrllt. Anil
banged to u tree in the jail yard, for the
murder on Oct. 8, of Joe Handy at Alita
new junsnv IIUIISPS.
Katla Sink, of Newark, burned In a
'bonfire Tuesday night, died yesterduy of
i Qer injuries.
William Fass, a well-known young
man of Hoboken, was arrested yesterday
(or assaulting his wife.
John MeUrath, of lUhway, was ar
rested at Newark yesterday while try
ing to dispose of an overcoat stolen the
alght beforo at Elizabeth.
AVicked and threaUnlng letters sent
by Daniel Prim, colored, of Easton, to
Rosa Oood, of Newark, N. J., by mail,
have led to Daniel's arrest.
The official registry of Middlesex
County returns 4,781 for New Bruns
wick, which is tho Second District, 5,238
for tho First District, and 4,003 for tho
Third District, making in all 14,701.
Tho deficiency of $1,103 in Money Or
der Superintendent Hurtman's accounts
with the Newark postofflce having bean
tnnde good by Velutlves, no prosecution
wdl be undertaken and he has been die-
'iiargeu. i,
A Stenmshlp Iturnmt Mhiijt I'assengors
Killed by Flln mill Wnter.
Nnw Orlkanr, Oct. 30. Tho steam
boat Oliver Belrno, from St. Louis, was
burned at Mlllilcen's Dent, 35 miles
above VIcksbuig, early yesterday.
Most of the passengers and crew were
asleep, when at 3:30 o'clock an alarm of
fire was sounded, and almost before any
one was awake tho boat was aflame. Tho
blaze originated on the lower deck, from
what cause Is not known, and commu
nicating with tho dry cotton was soon
burning with groat fleroenoss. Tho crow
of tho boat were aroused, and with the
passengers who were awake gave the
alarm to thoso who wore asleep.
A rush was Immediately made for tho
forward part of the boat, and many got
off in safety, but that avenue of oscapo
and others wore soon cut oft, and the
unfortunate passengers and crow were
forced to plunge Into the water.
Tho crew of tho boat displayed com
mendable coolness, nnd overy effort was
made to rescue those who had not got
ashore. Cliiof Engineer Ed. Bird launch
ed the yawl of the boat, and ho, with
other men, succeeded in pioking up many
of tho unfortunates In tho water.
S01110, however, wore beyond roach,
nnd were either burned to death or sunk
beneath tho waters to rise no nioro. Tho
alarm was communicated to tho peoplo
I of Mlliken's Henil nnd the bank of tho
I river was soon crowded with villagers,
who nsslstod in tho work of roscuo and
hospitality, throwing open their houses
1 to the burvivors.
I Besides a large number of cnbln pas
sengers there wore overSOO deckhands on
board. Tho docktes were on tholr way
to work on tho levees south of Vlcks
burg. Tho passengers lost all their per
sonal property.
Thn Hut. nf thn In at. net
furnished the
steamboat company by Cunt. Thonve
Riau is maue up as loiiows: two cnu
dren of Dr. Worrell of B.iton Hougaj
threo chambermaids; Samuel V. En
tricken; a daughter of Mr. Adams of
Omaha; five cabin boys; a nurse of
Mrs Frazier of Natchez; Mrs. Woolidgo
of Now Orleans; a number of deckhands.
Tho body of an elderly lady wa9
fnnnil flnnflmr flnwn f.lm rlvHl nnd lifts
not ue(m idontified.
The .teamtoat company placo their
loss at about $125,000.
suino rem i.iniiu
Senator Quay Will Prosectlte. Kvery News
psper that I'ubllshed the ChllrRes.
PlTTSBuno, Oct. 30. Senator M. S.
Qnuy yesterday brought suit against
the Pittsburg "Post," in general, and
Albert J, Barr and Jumes Mills, odltors,
for criminal libel, based on editorials
printed In that paper, charging Quay
with receiving $8,877 as his share of the
profits of Bardsley's operations in Stato
funds. The hearing will take place
Senator Quay's lawyers will to-day
enter civil suit for libel against tho
Pittsburg "Post" for $100,000 dnmngos,
Attornoy Thomas M. Marshall said
"We are now preparing papers to bring
crlminnl suits for libel ngniust every
newspaper that published tho slander,
and also against Chairman Kerr, of tha
Democratic State Committee."
Sullivan Accepts Slavln's ChalleiiEe.
San FiiANCisco, Cnl., Oct. 80. Cham
pion John L. Sullivan, who arrived yes
terday from Australia, decided to-night
to accept Paddy Slavln's challenge nt
once. Ho wired his managers in the
East to put up the necessary forfeit
money and to demnnd a fight as soon
as possible. Sullivan doos not care how
big tho purse is, but he stipulates that
this will bo his last fight In the ring.
He will be free from theatrical engage
ments early next summer, nnd unless
Slavln backs down the fight will then
take placo. Sullivan is in dead earnest
and spoiling for a fight.
A sense of fullness
and otlicr troubles after eating?
Then you need a "Pellet." Not
one of tho ordinary, griping, toar
ing pills it's a sickness in itself to
take them. But ono of Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets tho original Liver
Pill, tho smallest and the easiest to
tako. The easiest in tho way they
work, too thoy'ro mild and gentle,
but thorough and effective, livery
part of the system feels their health
ful influence. Thev cleanso and
regulato tho liver, stomach and bow
els. Jiegulate, mind you. uney
prevent disease as well as cure it.
They'ro purely vegetablo and perfect
ly harmless. Sick Headache, Bilious
Headache, Constipation, Indigestion,
and all derangements of tho liver,
stomach and bowels aro promptly
rclioved and permanently cured.
Thoy'ro tho cheapest pill you can
buy, for thoy'ro guaranteed to give
satislactiou, or your raonoy is re
You pay only for tho good you
This is truo only of Dr. Pierce's
fit Im II H
National Unitarian Society.
FlTailUUlin, Mass., Oct. 30. At tho
annual meeting of the National Unitar
ian Sunday School Society, held here
yesterday, Hev. Edward A. Harton, of
Iioston, was chosen president and Itev.
II. G. Spauldingr, of Newton.Mass.,
secretary. Among the directors nelected
were Mrs. Kate Gannett Wells, of ISostnn,
Bov. O. A. Thayor, of Cincinnati, Itev.
Win. I. Nichols, of Fhlladolphin, and
Hev. Win. Fenno of Chicago.
Caplnln Mcl.aln Kscnpeil.
VicrroittA, B. C, Oct. 30. Capt. Alex
ander McLain of the Hamilton Lowls,
who was oaptured somo time ago by a
Russian mnn-of-war and taken to prison,
Is now on his waj to San Francisco from
China, where ho will arrlvo next week.
How lie escaped Is a mystery.
Typltolil In a l'rtson.
Providence, It. I., Oct. 30. For tha
past three weeks an oplilsmio of typhoid
fever has prevailed in the Hhodo Island
Stato prison. The first case was dis
covered six weeks ago. Tho bad water
supply is supposed to be tho causa of the
lnslnfflco llnrirlnrized.
Nbw London, Conn., Oct. 30. Tho
nnstolllce at (J niton was entered by bur
glars early in the morning and the safe
mown open, five liuimreil dollar",
mostly in postage stamps, were taken.
Bablos Oan't Bat Apple Dumpling,
llul they oan have gilt-edged attacks o
Wind Oolio. Dr. ll'ind's Colio Cure al
nys cures it. Free samples for a rew days
at J. M. Hillnn and 0. J. McCarthy's drug
Qrass widows are uot exempt from
h ty fever.
Alva's Driwlllan Snectllo Oo. :-I wish
lar my grateful testimony to the virtues o
v iiir iiiiFli;al curn fir ktiiz s evil.
Mv neotiow. now nine yosrs old. born
scrofulous a id ufllctel villi swellings, soro
vps. eto. in solt H doct it- ii d 11 oo t 11m I-
ners, Kepi Ki'owini; worse, ms iieaiiu uic-s-i.t'
broken, bis nock was lull of liimis-ti. e
l-i rgo oue.n run ulnst-ore and tne cine bi-enieil
Hopeless. One month's use of Ilia Ifcotiis
Cure, to tu astunlshin u t of everyboly,
drovoaway tha lumps, healed the tore, and
cured the eyes.
lie Ins noverjfi'lt or nppnred so well in
years, nd wj feel thai his llh).nnir troubles
aro under con rol of your wonderful liirdi
clue, lot which we cannot be tnotbauRful.
213 WostS7tl St., New orR.
Hold at Klrlln's llrug-Btore.KerKUsou Iloube
Block, Uenandoaij,
Tlio clock tella the time by Its own
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians mnke no mnro fatal mUtake
ban when ibey Inform puients that nervous
heart IruUbles come from the stomach and
aro of little f-omequence. Dr. Franklin
MUof. the noted Indiana speclnlls', has
proven the contrary In his new book on
"H-'art Disease," wnlch may beuadlroeat
C, II. Iligcu'iucli'sdrnx slore who euimntees
and recommends Dr. Aides u equaled New
llenrt Cure, which has t Is largest sale o! auv
heart remedy In the world. It cures nervous
Hiid organic heart disease, short breath,
mit'crlng, pain or tenderness In the side arm
or sliouluer, Irregular pulse falntiug.hinottier
tug, dropsy, eto. His Kestorullvo Nervine
cm cs hoadaolie, tits, etc.
Itnbhita are ripening uud parti Itlges
nre lloclcioir.
MUos' isier-vo ana Lilvor Pills
Vet on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach nnd bowels throunh the nerves
uowill6covery. Dr. Miles' rills speedily
jute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation Unequaleil lor men, women,
'hlldieu. Hmnllest, mlluest.sureHt! Sldoses,
iiets. Him pies Free, at O. II. Uagenbuch's
inn; stole.
The Thanksgiving turkey will soon
be (selected.
How to Succeed.
This is tbo creat problem of Hie which few
satisfactorily solve. Homo tall because ol
poor nesuu, oiuers want ni hick, oul iue
mnlorlty from deficient Krlt want of nerve.
They are nervous, irresolute, cliauifeablo,
easily get Hie blues nnd "take the Hplrlls
down ti keep the spirits up," thus wasting
money, time, opportunity and nervo lorce.
There Is not bins (lice tiioKestoratlve Nervine,
discovered by the great specialist, Dr. Miles,
to cure nil nervous aieaex, as uexnaciie, ixie
blues, nervous ptottmtlon, sleepleiness,
neuralgia, 8t. Vitus dance, tils, and bysteila.
Trial bottles nnd flue boos of testimonials
Itee at U. II. Hageutmch's drug store.
Klectrlclty la now used In the heat
ing of tailor irous.
Oh, What a Cough. .
Will you heed the wai-ulng? The xlRual per
japs of tbo sure approach or tint more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you can allord for tho sake of saving 50
cents, Ui ruu the risk and do nothing forlL
VVe know from expsrlouco that Million's Cure
will Cure our Cough. It nevt-r falls. This
ixpUlns why more than a Million Hollies
vere sold the past year. It relieves Croup
iud Whopplnii CoiikU at once Mothers do
not be without it. For Lame llaoa, Hide or
I'hest, nsobhlloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
a II. Ilagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Uoyd streets.
Considerable building Is going; on
over the town this full.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This is beyond question the most sac
wsslul Oniigh Medicine we have ever sold,
few doses invariably cure the worst oases of
Dough, Croup, and llrouclillls, while Its won.
lerful success lu the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel In tha History of ml.nlne.
-finoe it's first discovery It lias been told on a
namntee, a test which no other medicine
-au stand. Ii you havo a C0112I1 we earnestly
uk you to try It. I'rloe 10 cents, SO oents, and
I1.M). If your Lungs are sore. Chest or HaoS
ame, use Hli I lob's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
J. II, Ilagenbuch, N. K, comer Main and
Cloyd streets.
October is giving us u little of all
kinds of weather.
A Yankoo Shoriff Frightened.
A well known sherllt, llving'lu Malun, was
given up to die with what his pnyslclan
called Consumption, a Irleud advised him lo
try fan-Tina Cougli and .vinsu.iv.tion Cure.
recovery toiiiiwen, anu me nonujr now uses u
for Cou'hs, Colds and Consumption. Trial
bottles Iree at Klrlln's drug store:
Jnek O'Connor Kid Oront Work for tha
l'srnrllttrs Until lie Was Kniirkml Out
The Hospitals Filled With Wounded
ComtiMtiiiits I'urnell Followers Agnln
the Atgrosanrs Slany Seriously Hurt.
Cohk, Oct 30. Tho rioting was re
newed last night In moro desperate form
than before. William O'llrlen had been
invited to address a meeting of McCar-
tliyites in tho suburbs of Cork. Tho
McCnrthyltes were armed with stout
sticks, nnd many of them had their
pockets well loaded with missiles, pre
pared to resist any attack of the enemy.
A solid bodyguard closed around Mr.
O'Brien, to protect him in case of an on
Meantlmo tho Pnrnollltes wore not
sleeping. Thoy gathered in tho heart of
the city, in au enormous crowd, with
banners, torchos and bands, tho bands
playing "Croppies Llo Down," "Mc
Kcnna's Dream," and other soul-stirring
airs of '08, mingled with "God Save
Ireland," and "Tho Conquering Hero
Comos," tho last being an allusion to
Mr. William Itedraoud, who sat in nn
open car, waving a handkerchief and
shouting words of encouragement to his
Tho Parnellltos marchod until thoy
roached tho nnti-Parnollite meeting. A
hoarse cry of dollance wont up from tho
McCnrthyltes. At this challenge the
Parnellites broke whatever semblance
of rank thoy had, and dashed wildly
upon tlie enemy, brandishing blauk
thnrns and howling 11 1 the tup of their
voices. Tho two crowds met fiercely,
neltln.' giving way. Sticks descended
on skulls, combatants grasped each
other and rollod in the dirt, and blows
and kicks were exchanged with an en
ergy that mennt victory or hors dit com
bat Stones flow hliher nnd thither, nnd
O'Brien, where he stood attempting to
Ira heard and to say something to quiet
tho furious encountor, received a severe
blow In the rear from a missile that was
Tho struggle was one hand to hand,
and men could lie seen now nnd then
stnggering out of tho melee covered with
blood. Among the combatants could be
soon the 1U 1 inn of Jack O'Connor, his
blackthorn waving like the plume of
The police had not anticipated any
sot'Ious riot at this point, owing to its
remoteness from Pirnellita centres. It
was somo time, therefore, baforo thoy
could effectually iuterfero. But, at
length, having been hastily reinforced,
they charged upon the combatants,
strlktngrlglit and left with their batons.
The McCarthyites fell back; but not so
tho Parnellltos. These obstinately hold
their ground, Jack O'Connor boldly
facing tho police and refusing to glvo
way. William Iiodmond was equally
determined, and the police, treating
them as the lendors of tho onslaught, at
length set upon them in earnust, and
gave both a terrible clubbing that dis
abled them.
With the leaders knocked out, the
mob gradually fell back, and tho battle
was over for a time. It Is said that tho
number of bruised and broken skulls
was even greater than in Wednesday's
fight, and probably n good number will
not be able to do any more rioting until
after election.
Late last uUht O'Connor was having
his wounds dressed, and doularcd his
intention to be in the field again to-day.
The Parnellites look upon him as thoir
war lord, and would be depressed by his
CmdliiHl Gibbons Will Attend.
City op Mexico, Oct. 80. Canon Plnn-
carte, of this city, has sent Invitations to
f-.ll,.l n I Minn a nn.l fho liUlmn. t tbo
Catholic Church in tho United States to
attend tho opening of the Coleglntn
Church at Guadnloupe, ono of the most
renowned temples in Mexico, which has
been undergoing repairs for some time,
but which is now noaring completion.
Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, and tho
bishops of New York, Philadelphia, Bos
ton, Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis
have already ncceptod the invitation and
will gather nt Chicago and come to this
city by special Pullman coaches.
...u . .
Attached Ills Sister's Property.
Sino SiNd, N. Y., Oct. 80. deorgo A.
Brandretb, of this city, has secured an
attachment for $45,000 against tha
property of his sister, Mrs. II. O. Sy
monds, who is at present living at Los
Qatos, California. Thsprooerty, real and
personal, was seized by the Sheriff yes
terday. It covers stock in the Brand
reth pill and porous plaster factory, a
f'J.OOO legacy in the Bauou estato and
other securities.
I'leld nnd Korvst Fires.
EvankVIU-e, Intl., Oct. 80. Tho field
nnd forest fires iu the bins gr.iss region
continue and the fire is eating its way
into tho most valuable corn fields and
farming land in tho State The farmers
and their mens are out vainly trying to
fight the fire back and save their stock.
Nothing but a very heavy rain cau
top the progress of tho flames.
Shipped 3Ialehrs Not According to Z.IW.
Boston, Oct. 80. Joseph, Julius and
Kphraim Cohen, comprising the firm of
Cohen Bros., were yasWrday held by
United States Commissioner H.illet nt
$300 each for their appearance, before
the grand jury of the Unltod States
District Court charged with the ship
ment of matches nut marked according
to law to Bath, Mo.
i'KNNsvi.vaxi.v iiittr.r.s.
Prof. H. Y. Lauderbach, principal of
a boy's academy in Philadelphia, com
mitted suicide yesterday.
Au attempt is to bo made by tha
widow of the lute John D. Lowls, the
colored lawyer of Philadelphia, to broak
the will of bur husband.
1 rank C. Hutchinson, cashier of tha
Alleuhnnv National Bank of Pittsburg,
who was injured a week ago by being from i,is carriage near tho Gar
, .v.. ,!. p,i;,.j. en,i, lu
, den of the Gods at Colorado Springs, Is
Totrt thta hanff k rtrtp of leather In ii bottlaof
Acme marking and leave It tturt fur & day or
month. Takn It out and dry and einnitoo it carefulf.
Alako a Bimilu toat with French Drewiing and I'ata
Wolff sftCIEBIacking
Mikes an? kind of leather
Waterproof, Soft and Durable.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane Backer to Mahogany.
&w what can bo dope with 2PG. worth of
VTOLTT it BANDOLTH, Philadelphia,
Purities tho blond by expelling-
the iuipuiities through
the proper chain els and never
causes eruptions on tho skin.
Regulates the bowols Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, 101103 up tho system
and gives you anappetite,
Never fails 0 cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered stute of stomach, liver
or kidnoys.
SoM at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Fcrgitt'on'S Kuiel lUoek, Shenandoah, Pa.
AsU my ngents for W. I, Douglnn Shoes.
If not Inr Mile in onr place usU ionr
dealer tn eeuil for cnmlOKiU'i nt'curu the
ngeiioy, and utt iliriu lor ion.
it u a 8L'amli."s t,lio", ftli no litt-ksor wax thread
to hurt ttiefeet; inailo of the bet tluo calf, stilish
anil easy, anil because trr make viore shoes of thli
grade than any olhrr nianufoi-tui ei; It equals uand
srwt'il film's oostitlrf from $4,110 to 8".IW.
Oil (ji'iiuliir llttiHl-Nt'tsrd, the finest calf
PJo Khoi 'vt r oflfro'l for $Ml; rqiuils Frcncli
luipirii,l HhoLn u hli'h ,'OHt from fs.h"tiSUM)0.
CCVl Oil lliunl-f-esMMl Writ Mine, lino calf,
?Va Ktyllsti, eoiiif.,1 tiiblt' alu) ilurublo. The best
shoo rver olTcrml ut thin plli'e ; snme Krndo us cus
tmii mailt' shoi'H eo'.lliiK troni ml lo S'l.MJ.
(go 30 1'ollre lioei Knrriit'rs, llalli-oail Men
4?ijB mill bclt'rl'iirrlersall wenrthem; llnecalf,
seamli'SR, smootli Insiili-. hi uvy thu'o suli'3, exten
sion eili'. ono pair will weiir linear.
r9 50 linn ulfi no better alioe ever offcrnt at
t9o. ttiU prlco; oiii1 trbil s 111 convince thoso
who want nsho for t-oin fort ami service.
CT5i "nd '.2.1)0 Wni-klnclilnii'H shoes
(fst.o ore very (.troiiK anil (lurable. Tlioso who
huvo uut'ii tlieiii n trial will wear no oilier mate.
I ftSnUC) S'J.OO llllll BCllOl.l SllOCS an
imuvu worn byllit' boj
rvuhiTe: thcvsclt
on theTr merits, ns tin1 Iihti'usIhk sales phow.
Eenliac lll.tlD l!utHlMm'd shoe, best
nClU I llonitola, VfryRtylUluequalsFrcncIl
Import i'il shoes coitlnnri 0111 sl.'lil to Sli.iM.
I.ndli's', rtj.OO 1111.I m.j.s; shoo for
Mtisesnre IhebeHefltieUongola. sty I lull nutl durable.
I'lliitlon. See that W. I.. HoiiRlns' uamo and
price are stamped on the liottom of each shoe.
W. L. UOUULA8, Iirockton, Mass.
coo North Fourth St.,
DOO bcl. Urwn, rriaim.ryt,
thr ohIt gennine C)rrnitt America
uio to cuti Dlood Poison
Nervous Debility n4 Spe
cial Dlsensea '
hkla Dl KnlbpoUPalni lo tha
bonei.isoreThront IMouth,
ftS.ti'heH, 11niUi, Frtji-Uoni, tofl r
ban! rio-r, bwdllnm, IrriUtiooi,
Inflainruiion and Kunnlnf
biritiius Weak tut and Eirlj-
Mr t.tna memorj irtat b inr-otal anilct KlJnfy an
Hint ''t iieui'S nd all Diicwi multin fr m r
In.lU'Htlonor Urrrwork. Ktotnt oasncund Initoioaiytj
rtlkf ai oiim Do not lne bflp. no matt"
tUlm l)-tr, Quack, Fimlh or Hplu. rhvifio hii MWO.
Vr. Tilt. EL fur. popltlvely ' 1 wih t'Kil0I I"m
tnioM to, tocNfl wir.Mton Kti THwa foirriirtTiii
Hiniitnr rt-h r ....- nd 2,- itamp frr bOOK
Ii " ".d" It tr m 9 to " Kt 6 to Wfd and BaU
iT'iiltfo 10 Hnn4aT iin II Writ or11 and U
jQt IkformtXi noe W4n. "4 SatuMX l"bHa. dallj TIm
BIT II 1HI 1U1U UI lot sisriait ui uuiaoi.
Tbr tasks nsrolo afforts to frss iBemssivsi.
tbey lira (P id d pi r and nm inti kin iir
on fro vo. isll, l'.lod
ti i ollralU'd UDi.".uln
tb phllusoplir of Dlssas
ss sad Aaictlons ct tl
IrRtesot as so, mobbw
HOME. IHtAimtrsi,
1)7 uttbods .iclullnlr eal
owa, tbt ssorst ruses oC
Lose er ratllsi UsabaoaV
n .n ... I ..d N.rvoas Do
1 bllltr. Wssknsss of Bodr
( sad Hind. EIIscts of Errors
or Exesssts, o'w
Bhroei Orssiii ran In. CuiwJ. fiVnEVBLorffi
nan ass a p AaTS of BODY mads plala to all IBtsrsslso.
t linn tryublM with lbof unnoylua lrrovals mi m
Iientl! follovsllill I " Ii' r sii. -ure, Ol Irou-fen-ilatUuMlVei'kiie
. i s'l " l '"" sbr.ild
Uso OR. Du'J'ik'.'!- C abroiaa
urn t- trv - ' i - i "i,-1 1 iArt , . aixi