IT MAY MEAN FIGHT Chili's lipply llegnrdod as Al most nn Insult. A SECOND DEMAND TO BE MADE. 1'V' iirs Knturliiliicil (lmt Minister Kfran Jlay Itucolro Hough Treatment Tin; 1'iu:sii)i;nt much nnritr.ssr.n. The Saucy Answer of tha Junta Creates Great Exoitemen' MlnMer lignn IllftpatcliIlpportril Hint He lint llenn Orderi-il to Itemovo tliu l:iVcU nf the United StntM I.oi-ulloti nt ftHlitliix" to tile lhtHlimirn Chilians "Would 1.1 It o to l'lailit Ui-Acllrlty nt the Navr Yards llnglniul's -View uf tlio Situation. Washington, Oct. 80. It Is not too much to say that a Koneral beliof til "WnshiiiKton is that relations between tlie Utiitoil States and Chill aro In dan ger, not only of diplomatic rupture but 0 violent fracture. As might he oxpecteil, the persons who are aware of the oxact faols nt this crisis are oxtremely reticent. Neither the President, Soorotary lilalno nor Sec retary Tracy can be persuaded to utter a Word. A sensational rumor Is current hore that .Mr. Kgan lias been Instructed to remove the property of the United Slates Legation at Snntiao and the refugees there to the United States cruiser Daltimoru in Valparaiso liar bur. This is not very probable as such ac tion might require force and Santiago U eeveritl miles by rail from Valparaiso. '1 he report telegraphed from Santiago ycteiday that excitement h id luen caused by news of attack upon the Chilian legation In Washington W re Kiirdi) i here ns mischievous, and as in clicntiiiK a deliberate attempt to fan popular passion there. In the present excited condition of the Chilian populace it is fearad that harm limy be done our representative there unless unusual precautions are taken. J. Mllltnlcr ltrtlll'n llUputrli. Minister Kgan's Valparaiso dispatch vtlmli was received yesterday afternoon Kives the folloiVliiR as the reply of the Chilian novernment to the President's teleKiam of October 23, askln repara tion for the recent murder of American sudors In the streets of Valparaiso: "Minister for r'oroign Affairs replies that the government of the United Statos formulates demand aud ad vances thro. its that, without being cast back with acrimony, are not acceptable, nor could they bo accepted In the present case or In auy other of like nature. Hu does not doubt the sincerity, rectitude or cportness of Investigation on board tho llnltlmore, but will ccognizo only the jurisdiction and authority of his own country to judge and punish tho guilty in Chilian territory. He says the administrative and "ju dicial authorities have baon investigat ing the affair; that judicial Investiga tion under Chilian law Is secrat and U10 time has not yet urrlved to make known result; when that tlmo does arrive, will communicate result, although he does not recognize any other authority com petent to judge criminal cases than that established by tho Chilian people. "Until tho timo arrives to disclose tho result, of Investigation he cannot admit that the dlso ders In Valparaiso or tho silence of his department should appear as nn expression of unfriendliness towards tho (Jovornment of tho United States whleh might put in peril tho friendly relations between the two countries. A Keconil Demand to bo Mudo. Mr. lilalno will make a second presen tation of the views of the United States to the Chilian government, and will call attontiou to tho fact that wa have not "formulated demands" or "advanced throats" or attempted to intitrfere with the "administration of judicial au thority" of that country, but hiva sim ply presented tho case to the Junta and asked for proper reparation. If the demand is not prompt! met by a suitable apology, the punishment of tho criminals and an indemnity In money American vessels will begin to concentrate on the Chilian coast nnd very arrangement will be made for the bombardment of Vnlpalralso It such a course may be deemed necessary. The President and Secretary Blaine are very much in earnest In the feeling that we should allow no trifling in so serious a matter, and that wo should not allow it to appear that wa are Indif ferent to tho Buffering which has been inflicted on the families of our sailors by their causoless murder, nor to the digni ty of our uniform by the outrage put lipon it. I'nrea Is Xaoilml. It is not believed In diplomatic aud saval circles that correspondence with out a show of force will bo likely to have any effect. "The Chilians are a fighting people," said a distinguished naval oflicer last ulght, who has touched at Chilian ports on many cruises. "They had rather light than eat. Moreover they have just got through a little fighting among them selves and their blood is up. The aro in a pugnacious mood and think they can lick creation. It was just the same way with us utter the close of the Civil War. "Wo had a chip on our shoulder for years, And we were eager to sail into Great .Britain or Spain." 'Would Tvuch litem n I.ion. "The Chilians will be only too glad of as opportunity to show the United States svht they are made of. They have -never liked us nnd they have a very In adequate Idea of the strength of our navy. As a matter of fact they have nothing that could successfully 00m pete with us If we should assemble our tight Jng strength before Valparaiso." Cuuiitlnjr on Kitglaiitl' Help, On of the reasons of the bellicose at titude of the Chilians Is hinted at In a letter received by a naval oflicer, from a comrade on the Baltimore. This letter states that the Chilians are counting, in case of trouble, upon the support of Great llritalu. against the Viiitud States, They have im warrant for this in Bny Intimation from the British Government or Jtuy declarations of the representa tives of .Great Urltaln in Chill, but they diane IhoJr tope upon the large English , .Snteratt in CMli and the relative IIIIVAN AVAR TO tits Ilnmli Uttrrimof a A clpltitteit the Jtlnt I.trrut Hock, Ark., Oct. 30 Advices from Ilucksport, the scone of the riot, are to the olTectthnt everything Is quiet, but tlio feeling against State Treasurer Hryau of the Farmers' Alliance Is very strong. He has left tho County and his whereabouts are not known. Hryau hai been lecturing through the State on tho Sub-Treasury, land and loan schema . doctrine. The fact that his friends went to the meeting armed with shot guns caused a Bentiment that trouble was anticipated. Ills harsh utlernnoes against his politi cal opponents at Bitcksport are said to have been tho came of tho troublo. Itryan had hardly finished speaking whon n shot was II red which caused a stampede. liuok Jlnnnlng who was Injured, died yesterday. A little girl was found crushed almost beyon 1 recognition. Manning and Towns were shot with Winchesters. Five others woro seriously wounded. It Is feared that should Bryan nttompt to speak In other parts of tho Stats there will be sorlous trouble. Alliance men claim that an attempt was mado to prevent Ilryan from speaking, and this caused tho troublo. liryan is an Alliance candidate for Congress from tha Fifth district. . Till: SI1NATK INVESTIGATION. Obstruction ThcIIoi AllogoJ -Adjournment Until Next Waelt. IlARmsuuno, Va., Oct. 30. Tho Sen nto adopted a motion yesterday after' noon, nftor Judge Orvls had concluded his argument on jurisdiction, permitting counsel for the Philadelphia magistrates to discuss tho same subject. Senator lioii raised the point of order nt'a subsequent stugo of tho proceedings that the necessary two-thirds hail not voted for tho motion, but tho chair de cided that as business bad intervened the point was not admissible. Senator Hall intimated that tho pur pose of the Semite in allowing the argu ments for tho Philadelphia magistrates to bo entered, was to prevent the Attorney-General from summing up tho evidence In tho IJoyer case until aftor tho election. The Senate will ndjourn to-day until Sunday next. r.vNNiNo van"ti:h to die. llu Cut Ills 1 In nut While on Ills to u Connecticut Prlmm. Way New IIavkv, Conn. , Oct. 30. A ten satlonal attempt at suicide was made hero yesterday morning. Joseph Fan ning, a young uiau who had served one term in prUon for robbery, had been sentenced to Wotlierslleld for seven years. With a batch of eight other prisonors bo was being taken to the train for transportation to tho pribon. As ho entered tho door of tho railroad station he drew n knlfo from his pocket with the arm which was free, aud, open ing the blado with his teeth, drew it sharply across his throat'. Ho slashed again, but his arm was hold by one of the sliorilts. Tho blude had skipped the jugular vela and he may live, lie mndo frantic ef forts to tear tho bandage from his throat, hut was constantly watched. He was taken to prison and placed In tho hospi tal there. m.oj MiW.S Of Till! U.tll. Franklin, Williams County, Tonn., was half destroyod by fire. Potor Jackson says ho Is not avorso to Riving Peter Mahor, tho Irish champion, n fight. Premier Mercier, In his tostlr-.ony In Quebec, Implicates Laurler in tho Pa- cauil IJIUU.UJU scheme. Forest tiros aro raging in Nowton County, Tex., and much timber lias been destroyed. The country is dry from loug protracted drought. Yesterday Spanish securities closed strong in London on a report from Paris that the agreement in regard to the new Sliauish loan had been signed. The , llrmoa report has, howuver, not been con from Muilrid. Mr. James H. Wanlle, the assistant cliiof clerk of the Census Bureau, hai been appointed an assistant to tho Hoard of United States Government hx- hibitu at tho World's Fair to represent the Census Bureau. Weatliar lu.lloatlous. 1 WjtsniNOTO.Y, Oct. 30. For Noit EiijianJ; Fain warmer, soutliarly winds. For 12a&teru Pemuylvaiila,Now Jorsey, Mary land and Dotaware. Fain warmer; south erly winds. For Eastorn Now York: Fain warmer, southerly winds, Fur Western Xow York anJ Western Tonn- sylvauU: Fair, warmer; southerly wiutls. NKW YOniC JIAH1CEH. New York. Oct. 20Mouoj- on call loanol ) at U por cent. STUCK MAUKET. Lloslnr Yesterday. ranitdlnn Pucltlo 873 Cvutral 1'ncllic U3 Uilctttfo. Iiur. & Oulncy USM Delaware & lludsim tU'JW Del. Lack. 1; Wuituru 14'.'t CI Oil n I To-day. ts us 131 lino aH 1.11U JIV. . wi llito uore 4- Loiili & Nash Michlimii CuntrAl ml 100 nil 115J 117 iiisjourl l'acltlo tiOU New Jersey cntrsl 117 Northwusieiu IKBj Oieiron .Nuvlantloii 71 PucltloMall 3014 Hodintr 4 Hi Itoek Island )i Bt Pain 74 5 j Union l'Aoitlo 40; Wtslurn Union V-n 74 HH bB 75'4 4U? 6 B2jl GUAIN MAKKEr. Wheat Irnwuliir. No Ilan . llljlt' Jan. 107. 3 rod winter, 101: Nor. Corn clou! tlrm. No. 3 mlxeJ. 00; o.j i: lieu, oil Jan. dju. I iitu olosed stuiur. No. smlxoa, saiaui nov. -uu, utu. jj. 1'ltODUCB. IIUTIBB - Creamery. BUta & Venn., extras. 30 e.a3U(i. Lruamury, wosteni. firsts 2 7 aaiJ , Creamery, wosceriu aeuouUs 'Ji o.a'J o. btauumry. n. r, tmii. uirm....2iJ o.a'-I7 e. Elate lucforr. full cream. Sent. fanoy..O'SOW btate fuotorr, full croam. Auk. (anuy...uiia01t Mate luclurv. lull cr am. tine Uijuii btaie factory, full uiwiin. uoo4 to primeSltau I ktuto factory, cummou to lair ,,,7 nii Live Poui.tiiy - Pprlnirclilukons, ch Ice, lame po hi ulo hurl uf chlckuns, prime RV(a 8 Fowls, Jersey, btato & Pa., ier lb. . ., bti 9 DftESSEU Poulthv - I Turkey, mixed weljrtits. ptrlb I J all I cun, I'niiiu, oat iu, w pair. . ui ::.::i,jhaiirity's big game Helping His Man Tiklen Ovor tlio Treasury Fonco, A SHREWD DOUBLE PLAT AT BLUFF Tlio Wily Democrat io Boss Working tho Koibmiers In Philadelphia mill Trjlnjj to Gull tlio 1 l'liiineiw in tho State. Hurrity Is playing a big gamo of politics to get control of tlio finances not only of Philadelphia, where he has liia man Wright running for city treas urer, but of the stuto us well. When Burdsley resigned as city treasurer of tho Quaker City, Harrity picked out a young man for the place nnd got tho governor to appoint him. Having con trol of the Democratic machine in Phila delphia, ho readily had Wright nomi nated to succeed himself for the full term. Harrity's next movo was on the state treasury. With almost as firm a grip on the Donuvratio organization in tho state as he wis in the city, ho deter mined to nauio the candidate for state treasurer. He found the mail lie wanted in his own offico, his deputy secretary of the commonwealth, A. L. Tilden, of Erie. He -spoke his wish, mid the Deuicratio state coveiition promptly ratified the selection. How to got ills candidates elected, now that they wero safely nominated, was the next problem for Harrity to solve. With the quick inspiration of a shrewd politician , ho formed his plans. STaTe, Th.df.n " Can't you lift me a llttlo higher?" IIaiuuty " I'm doing my best: I don't think wo can reueh J " He started out his canSdnte for city treasurer as u reformer. He resolved to play for the independent nnd mugwump vote of the Quaker City. He has not ?;otten muchenconragenientthere. His ioutenauts realize that a Waterloo stares them in tho face. To work the stuto for Tilden, the crafty Harrity hit upon a regular bunco game. He rigged up his candidate for state treasurer as a farmer. The Demo cratic county committees wero instructed to muouueo him at all meetings as "Fi.rmer Tilden." They were also directed to form so called Alliance clubs, and get the impression abroad that there was really a "farmers move ment" for Tilden. As a wag, who saw through the scheme, remarked the other day, "It is arranged for Tilden to keep his pockets well filled with hayseed, to throw into tho eyos of the farmers dur ing his meanderings through the rural regions of the Kej btone state. This gives him u tsovt of fresh, agricultural flavor." 1 The farmers of Pennsylvania aro a 1 verv Tilain sort of neonle. and not easily 1 deceived by Mich kind of chaff. They , i,.ir.,,. ti,nt- 'l'il,lPr, 1, hem nn oflUnn seeker all his life aud that he now draws a f,.t gularv from Ins noaition as deputy ' gecretary of tho commonwealth. They ' know irom retidinir the uioirruphical , Bketch sent out bv Chairman Kerr, of tlio Democratic state committee, tnai Tilden started in the lumber business, then became an oil operator, next a purchasing agent for a railroad, then got into the wholesale spice business, and that he fed ut tho publio crib as county commissioner for two terms before he got his present suiiij berth. They do not look upon him as u farmer at all. Captain Jolin W. Morrison, the brave soldier, it was remarked the other day, will havo an easy thing of it dusting the tliistloblow out of would-be Fanner Tilden's coat tails. Harrity will hardly succeed in getting his inuu Tilden over the Btato treasury fence with attempting this sort of a bunco game upon tho thinking farmers of Pennsylvania. Tlio contest, tills year In Pennsyl vania, ns olo where, is ouo Tor ail van- tage in tlio great Mnijju'o of'02. Kvery Republican should respond to tho roll call on Tuosilny next. ItlHiVU 11101'OHIO VOTING. General Gregg captivates wherever ho goes. Captain Morrison also wins votes by ins modest uoarlug. Keep national isbties to the foret Upon these the battles of this year should turn, lor we are ginriaisiunglor Pennsylvania could not uive a Demo cratic majority at this time without do ing just so much to encourage the free trado majority in the national houbo of representatives auout to meet. Every Republican worker should see that his district polls at least ns many Re- Eublican votes as it did last year for lieuteuant Governor Watres. That will give to Gregg and Morrison a glort ous victory. Governor Pattison, with all of his partisanship, cannot bfing auy charge against either General Gregg or Captain Morrison. Tho candidates are above suspicion, and they will receive united Republican support. A Democratic victory in Pennsvlvft' nia would be a Democratic victory with all that such implies. It was claimed that no national issue was involved in last year's contest, but Governor Patu sou was no sooner elected than lie be came a presidential candidate. His nom ination would be assured Bbould the itate 0 Democratic this year. 3 $ S1 fy PERFECTLY PURE. 'cm moukwib (Sbcoa is far cheaper and much try it once. All reliable grocers sell it. A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE. We are making n big drive in fur niture, but malicious desire it not its object. We deslro to dispose of t largo surplus stock, and propoao to give our patrons tho benefit of some extraordi nary bargains. J. P.Williams & Bro., SotitU MntiiSt., A FIM SHOW If youwanl to seo a fine display of Hoots and bliOOS, go to W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mastollcr's old stand,) Corner Coal unci jnrrtln HXh. Custom "Wo rlc and Repairing Done In the bostttjle. LEATSItri anil SHOE FIHDIHGS J", CLEAR1T, Dealer in all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-clans 8 loci. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson ITouFe building. SHENANDOAH, PA. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Oream 1 BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and EETAIL, Orders promptly attended to, Particular at- tentlou paid to Halls, Plcnlcn, rei csllviits, etc NOKTII MAIN BTF.EET, Niar Corner of Lloyd, SIIENAVDOAH, PENNA Newly, Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SUAMPOOINO, ETC., 11Y E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under Poslottlce Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. 45-Hot and cold baths. Polite, tiromnt and uuiuiui uueuuou. People's Oyster Bay ! EQAN' BUILDIKO, 72 IS. Centre St., Sliciiaiidonu GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. Itiw, Stewed, Scalloped. lMnnedor rrieu mortier, r ain lies supplied at their housR WtU the beatoyHlera me muricei auuraa. All Orders Promptly Filled. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 30 E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of clears always on hand. The best tcinperauce drinks. J. puujSBor, ATTOHMEr-HT.LAW. lfflM-.tlMUu"sbulldln corner Lfaln ia Osatil It. BRIOKER, 11. J)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 4o'. 8 KHit Osatte HtreeU Mtmnoy Uty, P Sxln n1 all cM"M iwww wwiwmw p M. HAMILTON, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. Otnot-26 "West Lloyd Blreel, better than tea or coffee. Lehigh Valley Railroad. ARRANGEMENT OF PAB3ENQER TRAINS MAY 10. 1891 Passenger trains will leave Hhenandoah ft. ifanehltlinnk, Leulglitnn, HlatlnctoD, CnU lauqua, Allenlown. Betliloliera, EnMon, Phi delplilaand New York at 6.17, 7.40, 8.03 a, m i:a, 3,10, 6.2.1 p. m. For llelvldere, Delaware Wnter Gap ane trouUuuric nt 5.47, a. m., and 6.2a p. m. For Lambertvllleaud Trento'i, 9.0S a, m For White Haven, Wllltus-Uarro and Pitt on 647. 9.03, 10.41 a.m.. 3.10 and 6.2 p. m. For Tnnkhan nock, 10.41a. ra 3.10 and 6.2 J, m For Auburn, Itlinca, Geneva and and Lyoni 10.41 a. in., ami 5.2rt p. m. ForLaoevvllle, Towauda, Hayre, Waverlj ilmlra, ttocheeier, HulTalo. Niagara Falit Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,ano i.2il p. m. For Hmlraandthe West via Salamanca nt 3.10 p.m. For Audenrled, llazleton, Btocktonr Luro ser Yard, Weatherly and I'enn Haven Jntic Ion,7.40, 9,0da. m.aud 12.52 3.10 an A 1,28 p. m. For Jeinesvllle, Levlstou nnd Heave Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 6;M p. m. For Bcrautonst 6.47 UOH, aula. m. 8,10 and i:2(lp. in. For Har.le llrook. Jortdo, Urlfton and Free !and at 5.47, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 122 3.10 and 5.28 p. m, ForQuakako at 6.47 and 9.0S a.m., and 1.10 p. in. For Wlgsans, (Jllborton and Frackvlllo al i.50 nud ) W a. m and 4.10 p. m. For Yatevllle, Mabanoy City nnd Delano iI7, 7.40, M, 10.41, 10,53 a. m.,12.52, 3.10,.23, 8,03, 4.2i and 10.27 p. m. Korlxiit Creek, 3Irardvllle and Ashland I. 27. 7.-10. R..-)2, 10.15 a. lu., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.35 1.10 nnd 9.11 p. m. For Darn water, Bt. Clair and I'otUvIUe .40, '.08, 10.63 a. m., 1232,3.10,4.10, 6.23 and H.U t. m. For Uncle Mountain, New Boston and vtorea, 7.10, 9.08, 10.53 a. it.., 12.52, 3.10, 6.23 and urlp.m For itavon Ituu, Centralla, ML Carmel and ihamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.41 4iiil 8.03 p. m. Train leave Bbamokln (or Shenandoah, r.Sr 11.55 a. in., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving at Shenandoah, 9.05 a.m., 12.32. 3.10, 6.20 and II. 15 p. m. BDNDAY TKAINH. For Lost Creek, Glranlvillo and Asnlano, 9.10 11.35a. in., 2.4) p. in. For Darkwater. 8t. Clair and PottsviUt, ia0, 8.00, 9.30 . m., 2.45 p. m. For Y itesvillo, Mahanny City and Delano, ..00, 11.36 a. m 1.40, 4.10, 6.03 p. m. For Lolly, Auilenrlert and Uasleton, 8.0t f m., 1.40 p. m: For Muucli Cnuuk, Lelilghton, Blatlnfton, Oatasauqiia, AU. nt-iwn, lietblehem, ISaetoi tnd New York, 8.00 a. in., 1.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. in. K. B. BYINGTON, Uen'l I'ase. Agt., Uetlilehoru. first National Bank. TUK.tTRF, nilll.DINO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, 9. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open O.illy Prom 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Intd oil Bavluira DcpoHltH. IIF1 "YOTJ AHE GOING TO Ml4ourl, iCniisaH, Arkausan, Texan, NcliriiHlcu, Louislaiin, Culornclo, Utnli, Clllonila, Oregon, Wnslilnutoii.lluxtco, Mew Mexico or Arizona, and will send me a postal card or letter stating Where you are K0l"Bi When you are going, Where you will start from, How "many there are In your party, What freight aud baggage you have, I will write you or call at your house und furnish you with the fullest Information regarding routes, lowest rates of all classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il lustrated land pamphlets, resort books, Hot Bprlngs guides, etc. Cheap Far ml ur Laidi In Missouri, Arkan sas, jvausas auu 1 mus, J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Agt., W. E. HOYT. G. E. P. Agt., 801 Broad way, New York Iron Mountain Route, MISSOURI AND PACIFIC RAILWAY A J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Donds written. Marriage licenses auu legal ciaiiun promptly attended to. Real Est&ie, Collection and Insurance Agency General Fire Insurance Business. Ilepresenta the Northwestern line insurance uo. OrpiCK-Muldoon'e building, corner Centre and westbte.,aneuanaoan, ra. Oood Properties of All Kinds For Sale, 1. A two story double frame dwelling house Btoreand restaurant, on East i!entre Bt. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre Bireei. 3. Desirable property on corner Centre and jiirmu sireeis, suuaoie tor uusiness pur poses. 4. A two story double Irame dwelling, on T 1 Jill V U lirWL 5 Two2 story frame dwellings on West Cen ire Bireeu 8. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner of Coal and Chestnut streets Htore room In one. 7. Two-Btory single home on North Chestnut Btreet. with a I arc warehouse at the Tear. 8. Three two-dory doakl frame buildings liladolphia and Beading Eailroad lime Table 4 11 tgeet Juty JO, 1801 LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS For New York via Philadelphia, ween days, . 0, 7.20 a. in. and 1285 Z.SO nnd 6.59 in. Hunday 2,l and 7.4j a. in. For New irk, via Mauoh Chunk, week days, 6.25. l, n. m. nud 12.3ind 2.60 p. tti. ,or Uoadlnc and Phllndernhla weekdays, .10, 1x3b, l.ta, a. m., 12.36 2.F0 and 5.55 p;m, uiUy.210ana7.48n, in,, 4.80 p.m. nr llnrrlslmre, wcok days, 2.10,7.20 n. m,i 0, 5,S5n, m. For Aflentown, wee day, 7.20 . m., 12.88 0 p. m. 'or Pottavliie. week day. 2.10, 7.50,. m;, nd5.55p.m. Uunday, 2 to and 7.18 m, 4 30 p.m. "'or 'ruiuiuina and Mahnnnv nitv. paa1t d 8, 2..0, 5.25, 7.20, a, m., 12 31 2.60 and 5.55 p n. Hunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4M p. m. A .dltlonal (or fdahanoy Ulty. week (tare 7.00 a. F ir Lanraqtor and (Viliimlila. waaV tinvn. I J .. JU., .QU 1. 111. ir r vimanispori, Hnnoury ana Lewtsmirii, -e t days. 3.25, 7.20 aud 11.31 a. m 1,33, 7.00 m. Hnnilay 3:23 a, m., 3.05 p. m. rur iananoy rjane, weea aayn, z.iu .1, jjhqh ii.aj a.m., w.w, i.&i, ojxt. 00 and it.'- m. Sunday 2 10. 8.25 and 7.48 k. m -1.05, 4.30 p.hi. Kor Ulmrdvllle (Rappahannock Htatlon) - divs,2.tu. 3.25, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m 2.35. 1 35 U.60. 6.55. 7.00 ami 0.29. D. Qi. Hundav. l-M, 2 , 7.48 a. m 3.06, 4.30 p. m. j- nr Asnianti nnn KhHtunicin. weeir 2i, 5.25,7.20, 11JH a. m., 1.85, 7.00 and P,P" m. Hunaav 8.2i. 3.05 d. m. TKAIIia FOH BUENAiSnOAU 1 ijave Now York via Philadelphia, week f.7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.00. 7JS0 p. m alit. Bnnday, COO p.m.. 12.15 niBnt. leavo Ne York via MaiiPh Chunk, week ays, 4.30, 8.45 a. in., 1.00 aud 1.0 J p. m. 1 eave Phllndclnhla. wui davit. 4.10. and 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 p. m., fr.ira Broad . mi c!lowiiill and 8.3 a. m. and 11.30 p. m, rom 9th ane ,4reen titreeta. Huudav 9.05 a. 3i. 11. w p. m. irom vui anc uwta KeaatnE, week days, l.3. 7.10, I0.V6 ad 1LS0 a. m., 5.55, 77 p, m. Hunday 1.35 and i,48 a. in. Lrfovo Poltsvllle, week days, 2.40,7.40 a. m ."0, O il p. m, Uunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. ana 05 . al. .'.vo ramaqna, weok days, 3.20, 8.48 nnd 2 1. in.. 1.21. 7.13. nnd 9.18 n. m. Uundav 3.20 7 43 to. aud 2.50 p. m. .iave Mahanoy Ulty, weik days, 3.40, 0.18 a J 1L47H. ra 1.51, 7.42 and 0.44 p.m. Bun. 1 ly, P.1,8.I7 1. m., 3.1 p. m. Jjoavi nalianoy Plane, i?esk 0nm,'l'liXQ .0.3j. 11.39 . ml.05, 00. 5 20, 6 28,7.57, and 1 no n. m. Sunilav '1A . 4.03. and 8.27. a. m 3 37, 6.01, p. m. usave uiraravuie (ttappanannocK niaiioni i-aek days, 2.47 4.07, 6.38, and 9.41 a. m 12,0.1, '2 S,l, 8.31, 8.03 and 10.0H p. m. ttmi3ay,2,47, 0 , 33 i. m. 3.41, 5.17 p. m. hbavu Wllllamsnort, week days, 8.00,9.45 ana i,55a. m. 8.35 and 11.16 p. to. Hunday 11.15 .in. .'or Baltimore, Washington and the west la B. U. it. II., through trains leave Ulmrd 1 venue station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. K R.) .1 4.18,801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.84, 4.21, 6.55 ani 28 p. m. Uunday, 4.13 8.02 It 27 a, in., 4.24 55 nud 7.2) p. m. VTLANT1U OIT 1HV1HION. cavo Philadelphia, Uheetnnt dtreetVhaif a x lo.iin-iireei wnari i'or AllHtttfe Cllv. Weok-dnv -Express. 8 00. 9:00 a m. S.1 3.00. .00, 5 00 . 41. AooovilDioJatlon,7 40al aud 4.1j, u 30 . '11. huuIuvo. -Uxnre.n. 8.00. 9.00 a. id. Ao- coiiiai-nnm, i.OO a. m. aud i.45 p. m. bl.ii-nlnv ltu,od Altaniln .Tilt. rlannf frtantlonnu ArkansaH avenuei Vclr -oh' s Kzprtss, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00 a. m and 3 15, 4.00, 5.30 p. m. AccommoilaUon 0.00, 8.10 a. m. aud 4.30 p. m. Buudayx -Kxprexj, 4 00, 0 00 p. m. Accommodation 7.3 ) a.m. nul 5.0 j p m. u. u. ti.t.Nuuuh, nun 1 rv iaci, A. McLlWU. Hrnx. k (len'l Manat'er. .jNNSYLVAMA KAILRUAD. BOHUVUCII.I. JJIVIBION unit nrtft Siqrttmbcrl lS'Jl, troini Kill teat MticnanUoah as follows: for WlgKnu, (illberlon, Prackvllle, Hen Jaetle, Ut. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.19 i. m and 4.15 p m. Hundays, 800, 9,40 a m and JJOpm. For Pottavllle, 8.00, 0.10 a m and 4.16 p m. tlnndays, 0J. 8.40 u m nnd 3.10 p ut, for Heading. 8.00, a m and 4.15 pn. (Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. and 3.10 pm, For PotUtown, Phoeaisvillo, rlorrletows nd Phtladdlphla inroad ttreot station;, 8.00, a. m. and 4.15 p m. week aays nucdays, boo, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m, Trains leave Frsckvitle tor Hhenandoah at 10.40 a m and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. bundaya, .t. 13 a m an-t 5.40 p m. Lioave Poltsvllle lor Hhenandoah, 10.16 ana 1,48, a in 7.15, 9.42 p m. Hnndays, 10.40 u m 1.15 v Til. tieave Philadelphia (Broad blreut ntntlon), or Poltnvlllo aud Shenandoah. 6.57. 8 3n m M n an T N n m wanV A a Trn tttinri.i (l fJ nr. A tl 9.28 am . for New York. 8.20, 4,05, 4.40, 6.35, H.60, 7.80, i.wo.o 0.uu, i.wnuu 11,11, 1. iu. uuiu; . (iuntteaex iress, i.ui i.ou p m.) ij.ii 12.11, 11, X8t, 3.20, 4.02 i, (i, 6.2), 8.50 7.18 8.U and 10. A m, 12.01 night. V5 nn Muuaays, 8.20, 4.M, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.80, Will, 11.35 . M. Kid 1221, 1241, 2 30, iOi, (limited. 4ll. 5 2S. 21 tin , " . ai aul 12 01 nlr For Sea Girt. LonBrnuch and Inlermedlat stations 0.50, 8.25 aud 11.30 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. Wf-ek days. Muudayi. 8.2.5 a. m. For Ualtlmoro and Washington, 8.50, 7.20, 9.10 and 11.18 .1. 111., 4 41, 0 57,7.10 p.m and 12.03 n hrul daily ana 8 31. 10.20 u. m.. 12 33(1 mliea axprebs wflh dint 11; car to llaltliiuire) 1.30, 3,48 j p.m. we Kdays. r or llallluiore only 2.02, 4.01 1 weexdivs. &.U8. 11.80 n. in. dallv. For iiicnuiona, 7 20 a. m. auu 12.1M nigui aauy, loop. m. unity, excepiaunnuy. ho west every day at 17.25 and 8.10 a m and , .til limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 9.85 n m. Way for AHooaa 1 m and 4.10 n ni every day. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m daily and 10.20 1 m week days. ) liaave bunburv tor Wllllamsnort. Klmlra. ' lananaaigua, uocneier, uuunioana jniagara -aii3, a.iu a m aauy, ana 1.42 pm weet. ays, for vatklns, 5.S0 p m week days. r or ine ana lniormeaiavo poinus, o.iu a 1 lallv. For Liock Haven. 6.10. and 9.E0 a : lally, 1,42 and 5.30 p. m. week days. For, itenova o.iu am 1.12 ana 5,10 p m weei aays, " 10 a. m unndavs. UAB. If POliU, Hen. Man'r J. It. WOOD. 'Ian. Pans. Aet I "XTTIliMINGTON A NOItTUEKN 11. It. . ....... km Ltime laoie tn tneci juav. iu. tovi. ?m Trains leave Readme (P. All. station! for i Gibraltar, Beyfert, lllrasboro, Joanna, Spring Held, Waynesbnrg Junction, Coatesvllle, West 1 Chester.Chadsford Junction, Is. A o. Junction, I Wllmlneton and Intermediate stations, dully I except Sunday, at G.2S and 8.80 a.m. and 8,15 p. 111. nunuay umy ai d.uo p. m. s. w For Warwick, HU Peters and Intermediate! stations, dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.nv,nd 6.19 p. m. Hunday only 8.15 a m. '. For llirdsboro and Intermediate sla Ratnrilav onl v. at 12 m. r or iMiumore ana wasningum i. a u. ".j It.) dallv exoent Hundav at 8.25 and 8.30 a. and 3.15 n. m. Hundav onlv al 8.05 n. m. 'irains arrive ai iteaaine r. a u.. kiauon Irom Wilmington, is, t 6. Junction, Mout-a chanlu.Chaddsrord Junction, West Chester,!! UCUnpC, Jd,CBVIllCI, naiuvgifui. UUUVI.WU,M Springfield, Joanna, iSlnlsboro, Gibraltar, Hey! fertaud Intermediate stations, dally except Hunuay ai iu.20 a. m. d.o anu o.u p. in. duq. flav nnivnt. 1121 a. m. 1 From Ht. Peters. Warwick and Intermediate! stations, dally except Hunday, at 8.2J a. m and 2.25n. in. Hunday only at 8 n. m. From uirasuoro ana luiermeaiate stations, 1 Saturday only at 1,40 p, m. H'rom waHuingio cent Sunday, 10 20 asblmrton and Baltimore, dally ex-1 ay. iu j a, m. o.ta ana H.17 d. m.i Hunday only at 11.21 a. m. bown(W3 mtiuus, oen'l Pass. AgU A, G. MOOA UHLAN 1), Snpt. John R. Coye, A.ttorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE Reddall's Buildino, Cor. Miln and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 a. lwo ana one-uair Btorv nontiiA nmm dwelling house, with H ire-room and res taurant. Located on East Centre rjAiAt. -A valuable property located on 80Q. la am sireei. S Seven dwelling bouses at the corner of G nun ana xioy a Bireeis. Goodlnvestmeml Terms feaaouable. 1 1