fthe 4 4 SHENASTDOAH. PA.. TUtXKSDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1891. VOL. TI.-NO. 230. ONE CENT. THE SURE ROAD TO OPULEFOE LIES KNEE-DEEP TH.BOUGI-I PRINTER'S INK i ii .. . ""' " " "" ' Republican State Ticket. AUniTOJl OEXEItAZl GEN. DAVID MoMUBTRIE QREQQ STATU TIWAJSVllEItl - Oapt. JOHN W. MORRISON. I Dclegates-nt-Zargei to the Constitutional Convention: A. B. I. SHIELDS, ISAIAH 0. WEAK, WM. I. S01IAFFEB, HERMAN KREAMER LOUIS W. HAIili, M. Ii. KAUFFMAN, FRANK REEDER, II. M. EDWARDS, II. 0. M'CORMICK, OEO. S. SCHMIDT, J. II. POMEROY, GYRUS ELDER, JOHN CESSNA, JOHN 8. LAURIE, WM. B. ROGERS, JAMES L. BROWN, JOHN ROBERTS, T. V. POWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge lion. D. D. Green. Sheriff Benlamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director Qeorae Heflher. Unexpired Term Harry II. MeQinnis Constitutional Convention Delegates. ROBERT ALLISON, Port Carbon. 8.BURD EDWARDS, PotUvllle. JOHN J. COYLE, Mabanoy City. The Woll men wero doing the town vesterdav. Thev ran against more $ jailth men than they expected. Go to the polls early next Tuesday and get out a full vote for the Republi can state and county ticket. Rally 'round the flag, boys, rally for Gregg and Morrison. F. W. Beciitel, William J. Matz, Mason Weidman, O. F. Rahn, A. S. Faust, D. E. Nice and A. W. Bchalck are out for Judge Green against "Wadllngcr and they say two-thirds of the Democratic lawyers of the county are with them. Poor Wadllnger. Many local merchants havo received letters from the Dealers' Protective Association, of Philadelphia, asking them to vote for tho Republican can didates because the platform of that party pledges the repeal of mercantile .j-aessments levied by the state. The plotter closes thus: "As a purely busi ness matter every dealer in the com monwealth should yoto and -use his CENTS PER YARD FOE a good honie-mado rug carrot. It is ono of those nxtra heavy carpels, made of the best vain and clean raps. Finest line of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carpets iu Shen andoah at C. D. FEICKE'S CARPET STORE. HIGH GRADE GOODS! Do you want a strictly choice article of BUCK.- WHEAT HOUR? If you do ive recommend our JTancy Jtfew Process Buckwheat Hour as the VERY FINEST in the Market. Ask far "JRiVerside BuckwHe&t Floiir ! " Just received n new lot EREl. TItc Best Ave Iiavc lincl x mackerel. Medium size White and Pat. Our first Invoice of New Fruit Is now open. New Currants, Raisins, Citron and Lemon Peel. Try our new Cleaned Currants. Free from dirt and stents. Ready for immediate use. Our BEST MINCE MEAT Itccp uo Common Brands. Our "NORTUWESTEltlT DAISY" is made oj the Best Grade of Minnesota Wheat. It is easily Baked and yields MORE and BETTER BItEAD than ordin ary Hour. It is sold Al pitDINAJlY HOUR. rlry "Old Time" while Influence for the party which pledges Itself to do away with this offensive and Iniquitous tax. If the Republicans win, It will be repealed. If the Demo crats win, It will not he." Judge Green has been vindicated. The Chronicle has made a full retrac tion of the charge it made against Judge Green and Eckloy B. Coxe In a comment on the Shepp vb. Coxe case. 'We desire to make the fullest retrac tion of these charges" sayB the Chron icle. Wadlinoeh will be oollged to run pretty fast to keep within a respect able distance of Judge Green on elec tion day. Woll has not been pulled over the eyes of-the voters In this iooun ty. Ben Smith Is all right; Judcie Green Is on top. The Minstrels Coming. Al. Field's Minstrels opened the reason I at the City Opera House Saturday night to an immense audience and gave a perform ance that waa among tho best minstrel entertainments oyer presented here. Tho first part was new and uniquo and a decidedly pleasing change from anything seen heretofore, whilo the programme as a whole was rich In good things and epicy with roal fun. It gave gonoral satisfaction ton discriminating audience. Wo prodict for Field's Minstrels a most successful season. Stcubenvillr Gazette. Fiold's Minstrels will appear at Ferguson's theatre to-morrow night. Frosted reetmay be cured In ono or two days by tho oso of Salvation Oil, the great pain destroyer. Tho Milonowioz Inquest Deputy Coroner Brennan and his Jury last night concluded tho Inquest in the case of John Milonowicz, tho man from Ply mouth who was killed by an excursion train at the Lehigh Valley depot on Sunday night. The jury lound that tho case was an accidental ono and that no blamo could ba attached to the railroad company. BurchlH'a Restaurant. Charles Buichill is now located at corner of Alain and Coal streets, Shenandoah, Regular meals, at popular prices, served any time. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-14-tf The Ladder ftt lie Wrongr AVlnilow. McKEEsroitT, Pa., Oct. 29. At an early hour yesterday morning the cry of "Pollcel Murderl" was heard from one of the rear windows of the Ilockor real dence in this city. A young man was discovered on a ladder at the window of Mrs. Hooker's room. The police sue ceeded in capturing him. At his hear ing he sulci that ho had an appointment at the bouse wltb an inmnte. By n nils take he put tho ladder up at the wrong window. of LARGE It I, OA jTER MACK this season. Also JSew No. is the Best we can buy We THE SAME PRICE AS llheat GRAHAM Hour. SCHOOL BOARD ! A SPECIAL MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT. ARRANGING THE NIGHT SGHOOLS. Bis Toaohers Elocted for a Term of Four Months Oonsldorat ion of Complaints by Paronta Considered. A special meeting of tho School Board was hold last overling, Messrs. Beddall, Uonry, Muldoon, Gallagher, Bachman, Gable, Owons, Butts, Williams, Trczise, Biird, Brennan, O'llearn, Banna and Davenport being present. John B. Bainbridge appeared to ask that his daughter bo transferred to another school, as tbo relations existing between tno pupil and toacbor aro such that a change would be bent-flcia to all parties. The board decided to withhold its decision until noxt Wodnosday evoning, wjion the story of tho teacher will bo heard. A similar riquost was mado in behalf of Morgan Davis, tho relations botweon his daughter, Mary, having bocomo .trained. In tbit case tho teacher was prosont and stated her side of tho case, after which the board decided to sustain tho teacher. The night school question was then tnkon up. 'Ihoro were twelve applicants fur olec- tion. The board decided to elect six night teachers for a term of four months, the salaries to bo tho same as last year. The election resulted as follows: Mis Jennie Gunter, 15 votes: Miss Ida Lewis, 14; Miss Katie It. Burns, 14; Miss Battle Shaffer, 13; Miss Mabnla Foirchlld, 10; Miss Carrio W. Faust, 8. These six young ladies having received a majority of the votes cast were declared elected, Messrs. K. 0. McBalo and J. W. Burko received seven votes each and M. P. Whltaker 2. ' The evoning schools will bo opened in tho Union, Whito and Lloyd streets school buildings on Monday evening, November 2, at 7 o'clock. Pupils will be admitted without tickets to tbo same schools thoy at" tended last year. TtiQ school held in the Contre street building last year will be transferred to room No. 12, in tho Lloyd street building. New applicants for ad mission can procure tickets at tho Superin tendent's office, in the Main street build ing, at C:30 o'clock Monday evening. Pronounced. Hopeless, Yot Saved From a letter written bf Mrs. Ada E. Burd, of Groton. S. D., wo quote: "Was takon with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave mo up.saying I could live but a short time. I gayo mysolf up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not slay with my Irlends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advifed to get Dr. King's Mew Dlscoytry lor Oonsump tion, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at 0. B. Ba genbuch's drug store, regular eiz! 60c. and ?1.00. The finest nota paper and envelopes in tbe country at Max Keeso s. tf A Sneak Thief. Yesterday five pairs of shoes mystor- iously disappeared from J. Coffee's store, on South Main streot. Later in tho day two pairs of gum boots and one pair of leather boots were stolen from tho boot and shoe Btoro of Lamb & Co., on West Centro street. Policeman Ed. Williams and Con stable Thomas Boland found tbo boots in tho custody of a man from Mahanoy Plane who said bis namo was Michael Kane, but the police recognized him as tho man wh stoie snoes irom Air. ju organ s store, on r esv was streor, aoout two monlbs ago and gave his name as Michaol McOann Kane, or McCann, was taken before 'Squiro Williams. Bo was recognized by J. S. Williams, for Lamb & Co,, and one of Mr. Coffee's clerks. 'Squire WIUiamB demanded ?t,000 bail. The man was taken to tho Pottsvillo jail this morning. Buoklea'a Arnica Salvo. Tho Best Salvo in the world fur Ciita. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Ubarped Hands, Chilblaini Corns, and all Skin Eruntio tlvelv cures Piles, or nd navmont rpnntrnd ii is guaranteea to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2) cents box. For talo by O. B. Bagenbuch. Phconhs Phair. Tho I'hcenix Boso Company will hold a grand fair In Bobbins'1 opera house, com mencing on Tuesday, Nov, 3rd, 1891. " It will be one of tho largest and best fairseyer held In this county. 10-U-tf A fine stock of guns and amunition for sale cheap at Max Iteese's. 10-2-1-tf A Surprise. Keep your oyo on this local, Keagey, the pbotogtapbor, will have bis new open ing In a few days and will haVe something interesting; that will surprise the pooplo. tf Fou r tintypes for Scents, at Dabb's. i f t ciiir.imnrr m at.tr is atkd. Crneltlei Practiced by Reclor In nn Or. phannce. DUDLIN, Oct 29. 8om startling tes timony was given yesterday at the trial of the Rev. Samuel Cotton, a rector at Carnocb, County Klldnre, who was charged with criminal noglect and lib traatmont of the children in the Car nosh Orphanage. The Ilov. Sanmel Cotton, whohas con ducted the affairs of the orphanage for many yunrs, has made many appeals ta tho public (or flnanolal aid and has re ceived large sttms ot in buoy by subscrip tion for the maintenance ot the orphan, age. But owing to numerous complaints which have been made against that In. stltutlon, the Socloty for the Protection of Children recently mado an Investiga tion into the manner in which the or phanage was conducted and thereby a horrible state of affairs was revealed. The agents ot the society found that the children were In an emaciated, filthy and raggod condition, nnd that they were covered with parasites. The toes of one of the children, It was testified to, had rotted oft. Another, a girl, had been chained by the legs to a log. The rooms of the orphanage were also found to bo In the filthiest condi tion. In tho kltchon was found n baby, six weeks old, covered with dirty rags and dying of com aud Inanition. Other chil dren were found in the sumo apartment crouched arouud a small fire, almost frozen and half starved. All of them wero weak and sickly nnd their growth had been stunted by the treatment re ceived ndner tho Ilov. Mr. Cotton's man agement. Tho sanitary condition of tho wholo es tablishment was found to be perfectly horrtblo. Somo of tho beds used by the unfortunate children wero merely old boxes and packing cases fillod with stablo nay. It was also shown that nil the child ren were kept in a perpetual Btato of terror by the Rev. Mr. Cotton, and that It would be difficult evon to Imagine a more deplorable state of things. The Rev. Mr. Cotton was committed for trial, ball, however, being allowed In order to enable him to nttend tho synod or tho diocese, or which body he is member. THAT CE1VTIF10ATK OB" DEPOSIT. Senator Uuuj Smjt Uo Hud No Politi cal Ueallngi With Ilardnley. Pittsburg, Oct. 29. Senator Quay ar rived In Pittsburg from Beaver last evening and repaired to his hotel. About the same time ex-Collector David Mar tin arrived from Philadelphia and met the Senator at the hotel. Mr. Martin came to consult the Senator regarding the certificate of deposit found among tbe Keystone Uanlc papers. A reporter called at the hotel and talked with both Senator Quay and Mr. Martin on the subject of tho certificate. Mr. Martin, when asked to explain tho transaction, salili "Senator Quay gave his note for $9,000 to Mr. Charles Porter and myself In Philadelphia to raise money on It where ever wa could. Wo first tried two or three gentlemen without success. Wo then took th note to Bardsley und asked ' him If he could not get It discounted for us. Mr. Bardsley gave us a check for the amount, which was cashed at the Third National Bank of Philadelphia, less the discounting of the note, $123. A certificate of deposit was sent to Senator Quay at Beaver, who sent on a check for t'J.OOO. Senator Quay had no dealings whatever with Bardsley In tho mutter. Mr. Porter and myself transacted the ontiro business. The note wus after wards paid aud I took It to Senator Quay In Washington." Senator Quay said: "I have never been acquainted with Bardsley and would scarcely know him if I saw him. I was not even acquainted with him po litically, nor ever had any political deal ings with hlra, Bo was not a party man, for whenever he ran for treasurer It was as a citizens,' candidate," Senator Quay had with hlra the chock that lie sent to Philadelphia in return for tbe certificate of deposit Ths check has no special significance, except, as the Senator said, it Is confirmatory of tho statement of tho whole transaction. A Receiver Asketl For. Pittsbuho, Pa., Oct 29. F. C. Miller, for himself and. others, yesterday Hied a bill in court requesting that a recelvor be appointed for the Dexter Spring Com pany. The total indebtedness, he claims, is $82,090. Many claims agnlnst the company aro pressing and within 30 days nt least $17,U0U will fall due. The company Is Insolvent, the late president, Theodore Doerfllnger (the defaulting school board treasurer), having fraudu lently appropriated to bis own use ?1U, 000 of the company's money. A Groumlert Harga Stopi Travel. Nor.WALK, Conn., Oct. 29. While the steam bar;e Hebe, Cupt. Greenwood, from Now York, with 200 tons of ooal, was passing through the draybrldga at Westpbrt yesterday she groundod and was left standing on a rook its tho tldo receded. A hole' was stove In her bot tom und she filled. Until the draw can be closed communication between the two sides of the river must be made by rowbouts. Old mnrluers say the vessel may bo In her preaont position for sev eral days. Hired llnys to lluy Liquor. New HAVkN, Oct 29. Wednesday Judge Illydenburgh, prosecuting attor ney, employed two boys, Walter Wyn koop aud William MoGuire, minors, to visit saloons mid get drinks. Tliey suc ceeded in getting drink-i at 130 saloons. Yesterday Judge Blydenburgh m via out warrants for the arrest ot the MO deal ers, and many have already Iwn served. The list Includes some ot tho most prominent men ta the city engaged in the llauor business. Iio jg winter nights are coining. NEWS GLEANINGS. SERIES OP ACCIDENTS THAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY. A WOMAN MAN AND BOY INJURED. Tho Man Foil From n "Wagon, tho Boy Was Caught by a Cos Wheel and tho Woman Fell. Charlos Potter, a boy residing at Yates ville and omploypd in tho breakor of tho Knlckorl ockcr colliery, met with a serious accident yesterday. Ono of his feet wa caught by a cog whoel in tho breaker and so badly crushed that it is feared amputa tion will bo necessary. THE "CHRONICLE" CRAWLS. It Retraota Ohurces Mado Against Judge Green. Tho Pottsvillo Chronite has published tho following retraction of an infamous libol 1 publifhcd in its desperate oflorts to injure Judge Orocn in tho prosont campaign : j.n our issuo oi uctoDcr Bin last, we published an editorial undor tho headingof of 'Millionaires and Our Bonch,' in which wo stated that an application had boon mado for tho continuance of the caso of Daniel Shepp et. al. vs. Eckloy B. Coxe et al., reconlly triod in our courts. In that artlclo wo charged that a statement was mado by counsel that dotoctlvcs cm ployed by Mr. Coxo, had been spotting and Interviewing overj juror on tho panel. Wo charged Judge Qreon with having slatod that there was nothing 'improper' this. "Wo dosiro to mako tho fullest rotracti ot tbeso charges against Mr. Coxo and against Judge IGrcon and to acknowledge that tho publication was mado without sufficient previous investigation of its truth and, after full inquiry, furthor to acknow lodge thatthoro was nothing in tho facts of tho caso to justify thiso charges or their pub.icatlon. " Woreceived thn information from sources that wo considorod perfectly trustworthy, and regrot that wo wero misled in the matter." Night School Notice. iro evening schools will bo opened in tho Union, Whito and Lloyd stroets school buildings on Monday evening, November 2, at 7 o'clock. Pupils will bo admitted, without tickets, to tho same schools they at tended Isst year. Tho school bold in the Centro streot building last year will bo transferred to room No. 12, in tho Lloyd street building. Now applicants for ad mission can procure tickets at tho superin tendent's office, Main streot building, at b:30 o'clock Monday evoning. By order of 10 2U-3t Lvuninq School Commitikk. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 conts each at Max Reeso's. tf Foil From His Wagon. John L. Glover, of West Coal streot, is omployod in a' ash haulor at the Kohlnoor colliery. Yesterday ho foil from his wagon and wus badly bruised about tho hips. Tho Result Of Morit When anything stands n test of fifty years among a discriminating pooplo like the American', it is pretty Rood ovidence that ttero is merit somewhere. Tho yaluo of a medicine is best proved by its continued ii6e from year to year by tho ssmo persons 4i d families, as woll as by a steady in eroasing sale. Fow, if any, medicines havo met with such continued success and popularity as has marked tho introduction and progress of Brandroth's Pills, which after a trial of over fifty years, aro con ceded to bo tho safest and must effective purgative and blood purifier introducod to tbo public. i This is tho result of merit, and that Brandroth's Pills actually perform all that U claimed for them, is conclusively proved by tho faot that those who regird them with tho greatest favor aro thote who huve ud them tho longest. Brandreth's Pills are sold In ovory drug and medicine storo, either plain or sugar coatod. Broke hor Log. Whon Mrs. Kdmund Jones, of Ellen gowan, was going for a bucket ol wator yesterday, f 11 and broke her leg. As Mrs, Jones Is of advanced years tho Injury Is I quito serious. "Angel of Night" 1 what Dr. Doll's Cough Hynip bos been termed tiy isreuts, wbobo Wnrrvlna aud coutchiue children Iiuva len Mioibedund rued, uocl imve teenred twct iminurr ry unh-k iuiu excellent reinouy, t rice only US ceuU u butile. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the name Lxtssia & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is printed on every sack. 8-3-3t&w PERSONAL. Prof. MIIps, of Minorsvillo, tpent last evoning in town. Dr. J. O. Biddle, of tho Minors' Bospltal, was a visitor to town this morning. J. Griffith Boward. of Pblladelnhla. waa tho guest of W. J. Jacobs last night. Miss Llzzio Harris, ono of Minorsvillo' s fascinating bellos, is sojourning among Shonandoah friomls, Mrs. Thomas Glonwright, of Mincrsvillo, daughter c.f Josoph Kchlor, of North Mala Btroot, is viilting in town. Superintendent W. B. Lewie, of Wm. Penn, and Superintondont Bdward ltoiso, of Ccntralia, greeted each othor at tho Lehigh Yalloy depot this morning. Thoy aro Squaro. Dr. Gelletti, who was in town recently with a band of Indians in tho interest of the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company, as in hard luck and aftor trying to balanco accounts at Frackvillo he guvo up and instructed tbo company that ho intended to abandon his routo in this section. During bis stay hero and in Frackvillo Dr. Gellotti contracted several bills for printing, but boforo leaving tho lattor placo an inspoctor employed by tho company liquidated all claims there. Dr. Golletti and bis Indians then pulled up stako3 and departed from tho region. Wo regrottod his uncere monious departure becnuso wo had an un settled account of over $18 and wo con cluded that it would remain unsoltlod, but, to our surprise, wo received from Boaly & Biolow, of Now Haven, Conn., agents for tho Kickapoo Indian Medicino Co., a chock for tho full amount duo us. Wo mako thU statemont because wo wish to place credit whero It belongs and Messrs. Bealy & Blgolow, togother with Dr. Golletti, will pleaso consider our hat off. Good Looks. Good-looks aro moro than skin deep, do pending upon a honlthy condition of all tho vital organs. If tha Livor bo inactive. you havo a Bilious Look, if your stomach bo disordered you have a Dyspeptio look and if your Kidnoys bo affjetod you havo a pinched look. Securo good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alteratlvo and Tonio acts di rectly on these vital organs. Cure Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion, Sold at C. B. Bagenbuch'a Drug Storo, COc. por bottlo. Lidies, if you want fino writing papr and envelopes to match, call on Mx Booso' tf Look Out lor Bargains. J. Coffeo is in Now York City, whero he is purcba-ing an immonso Btock of clothing, dry goods and notions whlch.ho will ell at bottom-ruck pricos. Don't fail to visit his stores on South Main streot and inspect this stock. People in search of bargains will find thorn thero. Everything will bo entirely new. Go early and get first choice. 10-29-3t Officers Elootod. At a regular meeting of ilopo Section, Mo, 10, J. T. of II. and T held on Mon day evening, the following offlcors wero elected to Borvo for tho ensuing term : W. A., Jno. Beach; W. V. A., Thomas Dove, r.; ltecorder, W. E. Powell; Asst. Hoc, Beber Books; Usher, Elmer Books; Asst.1 Usher. Ed. S. Williams; Insido Watch, John Oliver; O. P., Joseph Jones. Children Enjoy Tho pleasant flavor, gontlo action and soothing offocts of Syrup of Figs, whon in need of a laxative, nnd if the father or mother bo costive or bilious tho most grat ifying results follow its use, so that it is tha best family remedy known and overy family should have a bottle. Funeral To-morrow, The funeral of Walter, tho son of Daniel nnd Sarah Jano Jones will take place to morrow, at 2 p. m., from the residence, 205 South West stroct. "Guido to Boalth," a valuablo book, con taining tho indorsements of prominont physicians in regard to tho "Anchor Pain Expeller," tbo best known remedy for all forms of Rheumatic disoase. Mailed, free, of charge, on application to F. Ad. ltichter & Co., 310 Broadway, New York City, A fine stock of guns nnd amunition for salo cheap at Max lteoso's. 10-2-1-tf WANT A FISH ? For Breakfast ? A MacUcral ? Wo have 'em. White and (at. Bright and sweet. N.o oil. Wo rust, lib, Ub, lib, 11 1 J lb, GEAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Sir