The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 28, 1891, Image 3

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    Frcsents In the most elegant form
or TUB
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most Cxccllant remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
s-srasfcra? asp fxgs
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tho oxcess ot
oil lias beon removed, Is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nml is thcrcforo far inoro
economical, costing les3 than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Nearly every pattern of 5a Horse
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. Iri most cases the imitation
looks just as goocf as the genuine,
but it hasn't the xvarp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
The fact that . Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the a. trade mark is sewed on
the inside of the Blanket.
Five IVlllo
Extra Test
I Baker
100 fi'A STYLES
at prices to suit everybody. If you can't pet
them from your dealer, write us. Ask foi
the 5a Book. You can get it without charge.
WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia.
Dank Counters, Tyler1 System Port
ablo, Unoqualed In Stylos,
Cost and Flnl5h. . , ,
180 rft CsUlofw of Counirrtt beak cle.a Hlot,tre4 Ifl
Cylora, Hoaka. r'rra PfltUf lSCrnt.
Office llcka and Type
writer Cnbluets. 20
Ntvle. Ilusi andebeap-
I est on earth, with great
eduction la prices.
ISO pure atalu Fite
rMitg j etn, fruli i
1?.W, thftlrt, laklM, Hok
CablaeU, Legal lllault
(.blurt t, tie., a alotk.
Pi rial work cnad tm Brdtr.
irti.y.n dtsicco., hi. j.oui., sr0., v.h.a.
i Clltheater'a KnjlliL llluaoaii Unit
flrlxlnbl Md tlnlj (.'mulae,
aa c a ' f iu it iKoiti hi
Urn Rt v . ' .n r I rl , .i l1 l Tia-i
Ibnim. it lb me ri . . Take
mnj irraita 1 1 tfa in i it m. 'aula.
fiuMjn.iii Awif4tt ii ' 'mien'.A.
la iaujp for jam u it. it .UiuoalaU aoi
Uultcf fop l-aille," in tetter, by ret ere
too.) Dr rel.u. l'blladia. r.
he I'o.llHeCllre for llieetfMnof kell-li
or Sexual 1'oner, InipotcncyiSo. Sofretl mirfaltblo
our Sneclflcw will send one Full Jlliiiilli'a ndlelntt
Suxl Much Valu.l.U InfontiUloa KIIKK. Aadrtxa.
U.M.CU.. UJ UruaUwuv. NsnYark
(ou trill
Democrats Already Fighting tho
Great Battlo of '92.
L Warning from Now York to Pennsyl
vania Republicans.
Dlcvolnnil'n Speech Calling tlio Dom
oorncy to Arms for tlio Presiden
tial Cnnipnlfru of Next Year
Distributed In Circular
Form Tlii-nngtiout tho
Country liy tho Deni. ,
ocrutlo National
(Special Correspondence.)
NkwYokk, Oct. 27.
Pennsylvania Republicans h.ive nn
Dbject lesson in tho ioliticnl canvass
In this state.
Tho excitement of tho campaign be
tween Fassett and Flower lias rarely
been exceeded in national fights.
The fact is, that Democrats generally
regard this as the skirmish of tho great
presidential battle of noxt year, as it
really is. Thoy nro makinir this the ono
Issuo of their canvass. Tho better ele
ment of the Democracy, which is bitterly
opposed to tho Tammany tirar ticket, is
being drummed into lino with tho argu
ment that a vote for tho Republican
state ticket on Tuesday noxt will bo u
vote for the Republican candidato for
president noxt year. Thoy say that Re
publican dofeat next week in New York
and Pennsylvania, where the Democrats
behove they have a first class chance to
win the state, will mean practically a
walk over for tho Democratic candidate
for president fcoxt year, whoever ho
may be.
Following upon the Democratic vic
tories last fall, they say success hero
and in Pennsylvania now would not
only dishearten, but demoralize Repub
licans throughout the country.
When New York Democrats are con
fronted with the statement that tlio
Democrats in Pennsylvania say this
election has nothing to do with tho pres
idential campaign they reply with n
laugh that tlio Democrats could never
hope to win on national issues in Penn
sylvania, where there aro so many in
dustrial interests entirely dependent on
tho tariff. They tell yon that it is nec
essary thero for the Democrats to keep
local issues conspicuous in all their
fights. Democrats hero are compli
menting Harrlty for the adroit manner
innvhioh he has kept tho Bardsley busi
ness to tho iront, thereby shutting out
discussion of national questions, at
least tor a goou part ol the campaign.
Thoy tear, though, that the iBardsley
rackethas been played for nil it is worth,
and that thero is danger nhcid in the re
maining days of the canvass.
Tho Democrats hei6 aro very much
E leased over the sentiments expressed
y Cleveland in his speech, bringing tlio
presidential issue so prominently for-
wurti in ms euorc to save r lower.
They havo had big posters issued and
circulars distributed bearing an extract
from Cleveland's speech. Ono of these,
which has been sent out broadcast by
tlio Democratic national committee, ex
sept in Pennsylvania, roads:
Cleveland Sounds the Slogan,
Tho Election Next Month Is lint tlio
Skirmish or tlio presidential
llnttlc Next Year.
This is what Cleveland says:
I do not forget that we nro gathered together
lo ratify our statu nominations, and that wo
are Immediately concerned vt ith a stato cam
paign. ItBeems to me, lion over, that wlillo
national questions ot tho greatest import nro
jet unsettled, and when wo ure on tho cvo ot
a national campaign In which they must he
ngaln prosscd upon tho attention ot tho voters
uf the country, tho Democracy of tho great
Btatoof New York cannot and will not eutlicly
ignore them. If wo fall to retain ascendoney
in the Umpire state, no ruattir upon what Issue
It Is lost, and no matter how much our 0111x1.
nents may seek to avoid great and important
topics, It win no claimed as tuu verdict of our
people against tho principles and platform of
the national Democracy.
fou a Republican this yeah.
Congressman Bingham, ol' Philadel
phia, was over hero on Saturday and
saw one of these circulars. -He showed
great interest iti it.
"I tell you what it is," said he to a
friend in the lobby of the Hoffman
house, "the Democrats here have tho
right idea of this situation. It ought to
bo evident to everybody that the battle
of '1)2 is already on. Tho presidency is
being fought for now just as earnestly
as it will be the case next year. Tho re
sult of tho elections Tuesday will go far
toward settling tho presidential canvass
of '1)2. The Democrats in Pennsylvania
aro seeking to cloud tho issuo. The Re
publicans, however, aro waking up, I
"The thought struck me, when I saw
this speech of Cleveland's gotten up in
this circular, that the Republicans in
Pennsylvania could not got a better cam
paigu document thau this very Demo
cratic circular. It speaks the truth and
that ought to bo driven home into the
very soul of every Republican in our
state. They should be made to realize
that a Democratic! victory in Pennsyl
vania would bring disaster to the Re
publican cause throughout the country.
It would deaden the eifect of the bril
liant victory McKinley is bound to win
in Ohio, and, whatever may lie tho re
sult in other states, Pennsylvania waver
ing in her Republicanism now, as would
bo indicatod by tho defeat of tho two
gallant soldiers on the state ticket,
would be a national calamity."
Tuesday noxt will be election
liny. Sco that your neighbor is pro.
imred to vote, and set him a Kiiod ox
ample by voting tho out li e Kcpubll
cnu ticket.
llc&pcclttilly Itoferred.
"You may fool somo of the iieople all
the time and you may fool all the people
some of the time, but you can't fool all
the people all the time." Abraham
Lincoln, Respectfully commended to
the- king foolers, Pattlson, Harrity,
Qensel & Co.
flighest of all in Leavening Power.
Hnvoy Mnntt Makrs Grave Charges
Against the American Mlnlitiir.
WAsiunotox, Oct. 28. Senor irdntt.
tho Chilian Envoy here, who hai bo en
regularly appointed, but whose cred en
tlnls havo not arrived, called ou Secretary
Blaine yesterday and had a long talk
concerning the murderous assault upon
American sailors in Valparaiso.
Senor -Montt explained the details of
the alTuir, which had corns to him In hi
oflkinl capacity, and he charged that
Minister Kgun In really responsible for
tho .trouble oxisting between Chill nml
tho United States. Ho said that during
tho revolution In Chill, when the Con
gresslonnllsts endeavored to make a se
crot advance on Valparaiso and surprise
Balmncedn's troops, tho United States
vessel Baltimore actually played tho
part of spy.
Ills chargo Is that the Baltimore dis
covered that the Congressional army
was making a forward movement; that
the vessel which should havo maintained
a neutral attitude steamed along the
coast along tho landing pluces, whoro tho
Insurgents wore located; that tho Balti
more then hastenod to Valparaiso and
roportod to Egan, who tminedintoly laid
all the facts before Balmaceda.
Tho victorious party claims that their
plans wore divulged to tho enemy
through Kgan's interference, and that at
the battlo which ensued they auffero.l
a loss ot nt least 1,000 soldiers, as a di
rect result ot Egan's osplonago. As It is
understood that tho Baltimore was ac
tlvo as nn agent of Baluiaceda and Egan,
the populace is bitter toward thatr ves
sel, and that accounts for tho attack
upon its crew.
Now Mrs. Turnor 11ns Half tho Fortune
or liar Slrangsly Won II114I111111I.
Hartford, Conn., Oct. 28. Tho mar
riage n mouth ngo, of Goorga Turnor, an
eccentric old bachelor, In Bristol, a small
town twelvo miles west of hero, had an
unexpected Hoipiol this morning, Turnor
corresponded for somo time with tho
womnn, .who lived In tho West, their
aqualutanco having beon brought about
by an advertisement in a Now York
A marriage was arranged, but Turnor
would not go West after his bride, und
insisted that sho must co:no to hsr new
homo alone. She failed to nrrived on
tho oppointod train, and Turner was
guyed unmercifuly by tho people nround
tlio railroad station, whore lie waited all
day. They insisted that the woman
was only fooling him. Tho woman.
however, arrived on tho evening train.
bhe and .turner wore married that even
Turner died yesterday, loavlns an es
tate estimated at $50,000. Mrs. Turner
will receive halt of tho ostate, and will
thus realize a handsome sum for a
month's trip to the East and a brief
matrimonial experience.
A Ilevoltlug Murder.
PARKEnsauno, W. Va., Oct. 28. This
city is excited over tho murder commit
ted in a divo known ns tho Spencer
Ranch. A man named ltexroad had his
bowels dug out in a most revolting
manner, und was brutally killed. John
Smith was stabbed and cut iu tho back
and may die. Fivo persons havo been
arrested and the police have in their
possession tho weapons used. When vis
ited tho pluce resembled a slaughter
Coy Tolls How tlio Murdor Was Done.
TlTTSFtELD, Mass., Oot. 28. Murderer
Coy, wben taken to the sceno of hH
crime, pointed to out the officers whore ha
had buried Whalon's coat and vest. Tho
articles were unearthed by tho officers
and found to he covered with blood.
Coy4hen took the officers to the houso
whoro the murder occurred and showed
how the crime had been committed. No
important now points wero revealed by
the trip to the scene of tho crime.
Marriage a FAllure Here.
Ppeasantyille, N, J,, Oct. 28. Ja
phet Ireland, the husband of the womnn
who eloped with Ezra Ireland three
weeks ago, ato an apple yesterday which
had beon filled with "rough on rats,"
by Mrs. Ireland befora the olopement.
Tin holes found In the peelings showed
how the poison had been Inserted. Mr.
Ireland has been taken seriously ill and
Is not yet out ot danger.
Western Union Taxes.
Boston, Oct. 28. Treasurer Marden
has received from the Attornoy-QenoraJ
the sum of $fi2,G09, which Is tho amount
of taxes collected from tho Western
Union Telegraph Company for the past
five yoars. The telegraph company bit
terly contested the payment ot thoso
taxes, and oarrled the oasa to tho Sup
remo Court of the United States before
thoy would succumb.
Tho llnnlis to IU nxamlneil.
WAWlttOTOif, Oct. 34). Aotlng Secre.
tary Spauldlng has appointed J. P. P.
Brown, Charles Shobel, W. J. Thomp
son and W. P. Moxey, experts to ex
amine tho Keystone ami Spring Garden
national banks of Philadelphia, Thass
experts will he paid by tho committee ot
fifty of Philadelphia and be uudor th
direction of A. It. Barrett, chief expert
of the secret service division, Treasury
Wants 810,000 From Her I'iokle Lover.
Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 28. MlssAnnln
Farmer ot this city, brought fault against
Win. Holz for 10, 000 damages for breach
of promise of marriage. Holtz ran awaj
the day set for the wedding while tin
intended bride, her bridesmaids and tin
clerirvrnnn wore awaiting ills arrival.
He returnod last week and Miss Farmer,
acting on the advice ot tier trlenus, do
termined to prosecute him.
Lgal blanks of alt kinds for eale at the
Hkhalu office.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Doenilnjrer In Custody.
OitAHA, Neb., Oot. 28. Thomas Doa
(linger, defaulting trensurer of the Pitts
burg, Pa., school board, was arrested
here yesterday as he was stepping from
a Rock Island train. He at first gava
his name as Henry W. Jones, but after
ward acknowledged his Identity. HIi
shortage is $25,000.
suit i:nolamh hukvitiisk.
Mrs. Julia Benson died nt Bridgeport,
Conn., yesterday, aged lOOyonrs.
Tho New York & New England road's
September gross earnings increased $21,
000. Tho works and proporty of tho Car
penter Granito Company at Concord, N.
II., have been attached.
Mrs. Lucius Chandler, mother ol
Louise Chandler Moulton, Is dead at
Putnam, Conn., aged 78.
The pleasure steamer Roxmont, owned
by Br. Grueno, ot Boston, was burned nt
Long Island, Lake Winlpiseogco. Loss,
Horace IJ. Thompson, of Mnldeu,
Mass., the gato tender who was found
on tho Hoitou & Maine track with his
skull broken, died yesterday.
The nomination of Col. Thomas Cogs
wolt for Railroad Commissioner wn3 yes
tcrdny rejjeted for tho third timo by the
Governor's Council at Concord, N. H.
Babies Oan't Eat Applo Dumpling,
Bin thoy can havo gilt-oded attacks of
Wind Colic. Dr. Hand'i Colic Cure al
wnys euros it Free samplos for a fow days
at J. M. Uillan and O. J. McCarthy's drug
Soon people will he thinking of
Christmas proseuts.
Alva's Brazilian Hpeclflo Co. :-I wish to
har my gra cful testimony to the virtues of
y uir mjgtcai cure fur king's evil.
my ucpnow, now nine years mil, uorn
scrotal ms and allllclel with swelling, koro '
eyes, etc., in spltd ol doctirs hi d titood pari- I
tiers, kept growing worse, Ids health hrovno
oroKcu, nis uopk was mil ni lumps o-o t
lurgn one, a running !ore nLd tuocatOfccemcd
lioneleits. Oue month's uso of the Cactus
Cure, to the ntonlshmint of overyboly, i
drove away the lumps, healed the sore, and j
cured the eyes. I
lie lias never felt or apppared so well in j
years, --nd we feel that his life-long troubles '
are under control of your wonderful medi
cine, lor wnicu we cannot, uo loo tnauRiui.
Hits. JKNtNlH WYN,
235 West iff til St., New orR.
Bold at Klrlin's Drug Htore.Ferguson House
Block, tjuenandoai..
The beautiful Indian summer will
soon be with us.
A Fatal Mistake.
Phvslolnns mnko no mnro fatal mlstnko
than when they Inform patients Unit nervous '
heart troubles come from tho stomach audi
are of llttlo routequence. Dr. Frnnklin i
Miler, tho nolcd Indiana fcpcclnllst, has i
itMlVMi tlio nnnlm.v In lila Itrtftlr rt.t '
"Heart Disease," which may belmdfioent
0, II. Ilugeuiiuch's drug storo who gusrantees
and recommends Dr. Miles untqunlod New
iieari uure, wnicu nas inn largest snieot any
heart remedy lri tho woild. it cure nervous
Hud organlo heart dlMAise, short breath,
fluttering, pain or tenderness in the side, arm
or shoulder, Irregular pulse falutlug,sinother.
ing, dropsy, etc. Ills Uestorutlvo Nervine
cutes headache, tits, eto.
Just one month from Thursday un
til Thanksgiving day.
Miles' Riorvo and Liver Plllo
Act on a now principle regulating the
ilver, stomach and bowels ihrmmh the nerves.
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily
cine biliousness, tiad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation, unoqualed (or men, women,
"hlldren. Hraallpst, mildest, surest! 51doses,
Acts. Hamples Free, at O. II. Uagonbuch's
drug storo.
Guns nro being put Into condition
i r the hunting season.
How to Succeed.
This Is the groat problem of Hie which few
satisfactorily solve. Home lull because ol
poor health, others want of luck, hut the
majority from deficient grit want uf nerve,
They ure nervous, Irresolute, changeable,
easily get the blues and "take the spirits
down lo keep the splrltB up," thus wasting
money, time, opportunity and nerve force.
Thero Is nothing like the llestoratlveNervlne,
discovered tiy the great specialist, Dr. Miles,
Ui cure all nervous dneases, as headache, tho
blues, nervuus prostration, sleeplessness,
neuralgia. HU Vitus dance, fits, and hyileila.
Trial bottles and line book of testimonials
Ireo at 0. 11. Hageubuch's drug store.
In a short time the screen doors can
bo put into winter quarters.
Oh, What a Cough.
Wlllyouheedthowavnlng? Tuesfgnnl per
ions of tbu sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can allord for the sake ot saving 50
outs, to ma tho risk Und do nothing for iU
Wo know Iron experience that Hhlloh's Curs
.rill Cure our Uough. It never falls. This
axptalns why more than a Million Hollies
bre sold the past year. It relieves Croup
ind Wbopplnc Cougb at once. Mothers do
not be without 11. For Dame llaos, tilde or
Chest, nseUhlloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
lX II. HageubucU, N. 11. corner Intu and
'loyd streets.
A cobb'er would not be laying a
heavy wager if he staked his awl,
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This Is beyond question the most sup-jesslul-Oougu
Medicine we have ever sold,
i lew doses invnrlnbly cure the worst oases of
Jough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won
teriu! suooovs In tho cure of Consumption Is
vtthout a parallel In the history of medicine,
since It's tlrnt discovery It has been sold on a
fuarantee, a test which no other medicine
Mil staud, li yon have a UoukIi we earnestly
isk you Ui try It. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and
11.(10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lanio, use Hhlloh's Porous Platter. Ho
Hold bv
0. It. Ilagenbucb, N.
E. corner Mala and
uioya sireeis.
Thero la still room for a good dnl
of pleasant weather before snow Hies.
A Yanboo Sheriff Frlghtonod.
A well known sheriff, living In Maine, ws
given up to die with what lug physician
called Consnmpllou, a friend advised lilm to
tiy fan-'l'ina Cough and I'onsumptlon Care,
recovery lounwea, ana ine nooior now uses u
for Coimlis, Colds and Consumption, Trial ,
bottles lree at Klrlin's drug store;
nn who in this tktition.
flow Charles Stoddard Forged Ills Way
Out of I'rlioii.
Jersey City, Oot, 38. Governor Bu
chanan, ot Tennessee, has made a requi
sition on Governor Abbott of New
Jersey, fo Charles B. Stoddard, the for
ger, now In the Hudson County Jail
awaiting trial for trying to get money
from a Httslleld hank on a forged tele
gram ssnt from Jersey City on August
0. .Stoddard was caught when ho called
for nn answer to the telegram.
Stoddard was sentenoed at Nashville
in May, 1890, for uttering worthless
checks in the name of Henry B. Davis,
to six years In the Tracy City Prison.
He was pardoned In last March' by Gov.
Buchanan, who now writes to Governor
Abbett and Chief of Police Murphy that
after Stoddard was rolessod It was dis
covered that tho petition for his pardon
and all the signatures thereto wero for
geries. The petition told a long story. It stat
ed that Stoddard's mother, a rich widow,
of Welker County, Qa., had remarried
one James Sherrllle, a dissolute man,
who was aftor the woman's money. To
get the son out of the way Sherrill put
worthless checks Into his hands and laid
a plot, which resulted In the son's con
vtotton. His mother had slnca died and
the young man was statod to be heir to
$37,000. Tho petition purported to havo
been waitten by N. W. Baptist, who de
fended Stoddard In his trial and to havo
been signed by a circuit judge, nearly all
the county officers and many well-known
men of Tipton County, Tenu., wherotho
trial took place,
Stoddard will bo tried In the Hudson
County Court noxt woek unless It Is de
cided to send him to Tennessee.
Kdltor Carter Intrrvlowed by Sam Thorn
ton's Pnstor.
New Yoiik, Oct. 28. Another chap
tor In tho Sam-Eva saw-log thrilling ad
ventures was unfolded nt the Marlbor
ough Houso yesterday by Pastor Junor
of tho Mount Olivet Church. Tho final
chapters will bo disclosed to-morrow,
when tho church committee, of which
Air. Junor Is tho only tanglblo member,
will present Its teport to tho church and
tljen give It to the nowspupors.
Mr. Junor called at tho Marlborough
House to get Editor W. K. Carter's
statement ot his identification of S.unuu I
nnd Eva as his traveling companions
from Pensnoola to Milton. He got It.
The statement has been made in tho
public prints many times by Mr. Carter,
but nevor before reduced to writing.
When written down it was decidedly
Pastor Junor, during his stay In
Jacksonville, got many statements pro
ceeding on the assumption, he said yes
terday, that biunuel Thornton was Inno
cent until the evidence provod him guilty.
Mr. Junor also took occasion while in
Jacksonville to hire a curt nnd traverse
tho same ron 1 that Thornton nml Miss
Jewell claimed they did from tho beach
to Jacksonville. Mr. Junnr also has a
statement from Conductor Barr, wherein
ho says the couplo kept him awako all
Thero May lie More Failures.
Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 28. The as
signment of Thoodoro Stovonsou will bo
followed, It Is thought, by other failures,
as other firms aro Involved. Stovonson's
resources nre light, consisting princi
pally ot a $ 7,000 interest in the Howe
Stovo Ventilating Company, of which
he is vlco-presidont. All ot Stovonson's
property is mortgaged in full. His lia
bilities will oxcoed -5150,000. A schedule
ot Mr. Stovenson's nffnir.s has not yot
been made up. Thero is considerable
excitement in buslnoss circles.
Tho l'ly Wheel Exploded.
Greenville, Pa., Oct. 28. A serious
accident occurred yesterday In tho Klm
borly Rolling Mills. An enormous lly
wheel exploded with terrific forco, com
pletely wrecking everything In Ps lino
of Hlght and probably fatally Injuring
II vo men. The names ot tho Injured aro:
Michael Shoemaker, Frederick Bollver,
James CllITord, Michael Spring and
James Edwards. Two of the Injurod
will surely die while tho others havo but
a bare chiiuco of recovery.
ISi lllih Guiana ami 'the Fair.
Washington, Oct. 28. Lieut. Welles
of the navy, special commissioner to
South America for tho World's Pair, ro
ports that tho Colonial government of
British Guiana has appropriated Ave
thousand puuis sterling to pay tho ex
pense of Its exhibit at Chicago in 1803.
Tho Governor-General has placed tin
work ot collecting and Installing the ox
hlbltln charge ot tho Royal Agricultu
ral Society of the Colony.
Righted The Schooner.
Boston, Oot. 28. The schooner Frank
McDonnell, which sailed from Lynn to
Philadelphia ou Sept. 29, and which has
been given up as lost, was sighted on
Oct. 17, by the schooner Bessie C. Beach,
The Beach reports the McDonnell had
beon badly battered about but did not
require assistance.
A Mystery Nn Longer.
Wll.KBBDAllltE, Pa., Oct. 28. A skele
ton has been found la tho woods near
here which proves to be that ot Thomas
Garrlty, a well known citizen of Wilkes
lwrre, who disappeared two yoars ago.
His fate has been the subject ot much
conjecture and great mystery.
Preilileut O'.VollI Iteilgiu.
Pittsbubu, Oct. 28. James Palmor
O'Neill resigned his position as presi
dent of tho Pittsburg League Club yes
terday to enter tha Insurance business.
Director William Kerr will likely be
elected as his sucoessor.
Five trnmps broke jail at Allentown
yesterday. f
Geo. W. Corryton, a paper-hanger ot
Chester, has asslgued.
Goo. W. Hess of York, furniture
d euler, has assigned. Liabilities, $10,
275. The oiuuloyei of the cotton mills in
Lancaster hnvo been notified of a pro
posed reduction in wagos to take eifect
on iNovemuar i.
Edward Jones, who was eroding n
stack at the Uast Lebanon Honing Mill,
fell from its top, a distance ot fit) f eot,
and lived only an hour.
A double allllotloii befell the family ot
William Strlokler of Columbia, A son
in jumping from a train fell under the
train and lost an arm. A few hours later
a daughter died, .
Acmo Ulackinq
To tert thli hsn k rtrlp of leather In a bottle of
Acme ltliclilnjc nil leers it there for a dr or
month, rake It out and drr and et amine it carernllr.
UI king u tMt wlth 1 ren!l1 DreaBnj; and Paate
Hakes an? kind of leather
Watorproof, Soft and Durable.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rocker to Mahogany.
See what can tie done with 25C. worth of
WOLFF H RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Purities tlio blood by ex
pelling tlu' impuiities through
the proper chani els and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones un the svstem
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails o cure .any con
dition produced bv impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
o kidneys.
Sold at Klrlin's Drug Store,
Fe-rguson's Hotel Block, Sltennmloah, Pa.
Ask my u sen Ih for W. I,. Doilclns Shoea.
If not lor sulv In oin plnco nslc sour
driller lo si-ml for cnliilount', secure tho
iiecncy, and uet thrill lor ou.
It It a Renmleulio", with tin tacks or war thrrad
to hurt theft-el, made of tin lit'st tlnu cntf, sUllsli
and cay, and because uv make more $lioc of this
trade than miy other tnnnufavtutcr. It t'tiuals baud
sowed stuu'R cuttlitK from Sl.fO to $T.fJ0.
i tz. un t.eniuuo iitiiui-NiMtri!, tnonnest cair
iJm Hhoo I'Vi-r otTrri-d for $1.J; equals treucU
Imported whleh co-it from $8.lito$W(X)a
00 llun.t.SmiMt Writ Mir, lino calf.
aXMBla t-tl cnmfort.ibll and durable. Tho tirst
slum nwr nftvivd at thin iitleo ; same undo as cus-
tom-madt nImhm oohMiiu from $ii.0ii to f.ix).
O and l'ttirt iirrlcrall wenr tlti'in. 11ntrnlf.
eamkw, biuooth ln-ddt. heavj threo boIcs, extcu
eloii ttiltxa ono pair will weuruyear.
So Oil II no en Iff no better hhoo over offered at
thU price; one trial tl contluco thoso
who want u shoo for conif rt and nervlee.
fflO 5 mill b'J.OO WotltiiitfiuniVft sboet
JJ Oi nro irv Htrnnif nnd itiirnhht. Tlifisn who
havo Riven them a trial will wear iioothcriiiakc.
CJauc' mill M.7. tu'iiooi shoes am
UUy 55 worn hvllm lfrittiervvhri: t he v Hell
nn their merits, as the Inrrt-aslnn ftules show.
B ftflinc iimiu-tmMM. biioc, oess
hi4U I LsO Ittiiiirntfi. virvitl llshi pnuala French
Imported fihoet cntdlm; fiom $l.u) to Uti.ixt,
I.iiiIIcm ,5n, -.!.OI mid ft!. 75 shoo for
Mliwea aro tlio bent fliu) LHnigola. stj llsh uud durable,
('tuition. Sco that W. U Douglas' uaino audi
prlco oroetauipeil on tho bottom of each shoo.
.TosopSi 33ftll,
koq North Fourth St.,
th -'iily p'oulns (iirniBft Anrlas
tpwiklfil In tbeCDlUtl Btatfi bo U
tilo to cure BlOOd PolfiOrl!
Nervous Debility " 8p-
clil Oiseaaee r t.
ftkiD DtiMi. KM t(iti PiIqi la tht
bout i.SoreThront Mouth
ItitJohM, rimplri, rraptlcoa, ttofl or
hfi I'tdM, BirflltNi- IrrilBtlont.
Ii tlAitimtUom an! Runnlriitt,
Btritturt-i, Wffcknm tod Earl;
Amy ut memorj. tk hwu. mtU mnilelT. K14nj an4
IUal4r tlUcuta nd all ninlllnn tn '
ImlUrir. tlon ol Urwurk. Rt w eund in 4 t 10 ')".
rlW i onoe. Do not n no mi' r ,',Ter'
t!iD iin-tor, Quart, ramlii r-r fi.pltal PM -1 ln ha W .
Dr. TUEKh cuna poflhlvely nl wlthon. dunti a from
boalom did, toi'wi. middli oin iho rut-nit r.iK-t"t4TH
riSHUrlB rir, M Wi)r f Ml 1 I' ft bOOK
'TRUTH" firio-ln cjuvt 'l r twnm t.itli' 1 1 tBla.
Ir'ae 10 10 rtunilm w till tf WrN. m fall r 1 '
Yqt lUfrD0M aw W oda. -"i Batr4a Vb.1. (Ullj lime
Etoatuloua er lh analMit Ii ratal wart men tbal
P'lBT Doj.a, i iiiQuira polo drain.
Eerr AM can ba 8TX0HQ
and VIGOROUS in all raioacta.
loflarini from NERVOUS DS
B1LITX, Loit or rallies Llan
hood, rhyalcal Ezceaaca, Mantal
Worrr. Bt anted DeTaloomaat. or
riitorad to PERFECT HEALTH aud
HEN. tha Prlda and Fowtrof Hatlona.
We claim by years of prartira by
our i elusive methods a uniform
Otw i ii ni Trr..t,
-a. J II K (all aiilt
Afttlctlontof Men. Ttstlmonlau
' ' frrm 60 states nrt Tprrltorlea.
OUR NEW BfiOK WoWrffifatlSefSS
Itwhllt joucao. rull Enplanatlonl for 110MB TREAT
MENT. You can ba FULLY BESTOttED aa Thoniaall
tiaTibaanbyat . Raadaar taatlmonlala. Addraiaatoae.
tin trartblwl wMi tlmt- .nii(iii.a; Irrti.'nl (() so
i i-Atiil!f foil'jiii.u . . .1 i or JEJiuro or fruu tVm.
itjttfwiil H't-nk iMfn ul.aJ twti'ulr w, aoiuitj
tiao D4a DmOMO'NH'S 0lAbrnted
at .'t.u i r a apart
..hi lifonUUiu ofhotlf
v i 1 faN.rr FKAalf 1.11. AfldmSfi.
.lit '
' Hurler (Woa- frcG3.,3T,L0UIS. MO.