The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 27, 1891, Image 2

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A Formal Demand Miulo by
Minister Egnn.
The Junta Mntlo to Understand that
Wo Moan IIuhIiicss.
Opinion General that tho Reparation Do
mandad Will Be Made.
XIr Itlalnfl Tnkei Charge of the Affair of
fttate mill lias a Conference With the
l'rlilnnt Ilngarillni: Clilltnn Affair
I.uhilon C'lipUMItt Hnpfl Thnro Will
Jin Kn War Great Indignation at Hip
Slat Dtpai tintmt.
Santiago, Oct. 27. Acting on instruc
ttoni from Washington, Minister Egau
yesterday, after making a brlof but
polntoil summary of nil the facts in
volved In the recent trouble, formally
demanded reparation from tlie Govern
ment of Chili
Mr. Kuan expressed in dlitlnct terms
feeling of groat indignation which the
iStnte Department at Washington feels
at the whole alTair, and in for mod the
Junta that thla is no Informal sugges
tion; that the United States Government
expected some kind of satisfaction for
the assault upon the llaitlino e s crew
und demanded an immediate explana-
of the whole affair and reparation for
the injuries inflicted.
The opinion prevails iimonK forolgn
ministers that the Junta will immeill
tely make the reparation demanded.
The sympathy of the foreign residents
Is entirely with Captnin Schley and
.Minister Egau's action gives great satis
faction. John Turnbull, another of the Balti
more's wounded men. died yester.lny.
lie had received no less than 20 stab
wounds, several of them penetrating his
lllnlno Talux Charge
WAKniKOTon, D.C., Oct. 37. Secretary
Mlatno has taken in hand the Chilian
correspondence and devoted his entire
time yesterday at the State Dopnrtm nt
to Its consideration and to mastering
the details of tho situation.
lie readied the department early,
walking over from his house, and had
not been long at ills desk beforo ho re
ceived a call from Secretary Tracy. The
two Cabinet Ministers wont together to
tho White House and were in conference
for nearly an hour with tho President.
Tho subject under consideration was
tliu state of tho Chilian dispute. Neither
Secietary Maine nor Secretary Tracy
cared to say anything for publication in
regard to tho conference or tho futura
courso of the Administration.
tvoui.n m; roit peace.
ElnrlUU Interests Slight Suffer If tlie
United Slates and Chill Should right.
London, Oct. 37. Tho news of tho
critical relations between the United
States and Chili has oxcitod lively inter
torost horo, esnoclally in circles inter
ested in South American trade. As
KnglisU capital virtually controls tho
nitrate doposits, and is established in
that control more firmly than ovor by
the result of tho war, thcro is a general
desiro on the part of those interested for
jieace. War between tne uniteu
States and Chill would mean, sootier or
later, a blockade of Chilian ports and
Interference with foreign trade.
Tho English nitrate kings, of whom
Col. North is tho chief, do not object to
tho Chilians hating tho Americans and
ljoycotting American trade, but they do
object to a war that would int-rforo
with English trade. It Is thought prob
able that KngllBh influenco will bo used
to induce, the Chilians to give satisfac
tion to the Americans.
To Uhu tho lllock System.
MkAdvim.e, Pa., Oct. 27. Tho New
York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad Co.
lias decided to ruu their trains under u
block system, the same as tho Pennsylvania.-
The road is to be divided into
four divisions for dispatchers from Sala
3anca to Corry; Corry to Meadvllle;
Jleadvillu to l'ymatuulng, and from
Pymatunlng to Kent. Two additional
eta ot train dispatchers will bo required,
the business being done from tho Mead
vllle olllce. Twenty-six additional telo
fjraph operators will be required, nnd
sixty-seven elevated signal towers will
be built.
(iolil Ililck Thief In Custody.
Newoastlb, Pa., Oct. 27. William
Wattson, who stole a gold brick, Aug.
7, from the Wolls-Fargo Express Com
pany at Mohawk, Cal., was captured
yesterday. Ho sold the brick for $000
In Denver andCwiis traced to this vicinity
liy Special Detective Campbell of Buf
falo, who placed tho matter beforo
Jlayor Brown. Mattsou was found liv
ing with Ills wife, whom ho married a
law weeks ago. Ho was committed to
Jail to await requisition papers.
He Was Not Murdered,
CoitTLAND, X. Y., Oct. 27. The In
quest into the oause ot the deatli of Hor
ace Williams, whose body was found In
t creek near Lafayette Mills, and who.
It was thought, had been murdered for
eome pension money which ho was
known have, resulted in a verdict ot ac
cidental death. John Dobblu, who was
suspected of having same knowledge ot
Williams' death, was arrested but
jproved an alibi.
Starting I'oaaants Rob a Train.
Sr. PHTEKsBunoil, Oct. 27. Owing to
the famine robberies ot unheard of bold'
ness are becoming frequent. On Thurs
day night last, near Itoator, on the
Slosoow-Cauousu railway, a band of
utarviiig peasants pursued and captured
a freight train. Tioops from the fortress
wont iu pursuit, and overtook the rob
bers who win no summarily ueait witn,
llouirht Jlanorort'a Sutnmar llealrinnca,
NbwpohT, R. I.. Oct. 37. Hermann
Oelrichs of New York has purchased a
aumuier reiidence her, owned by the
lielrs ot the late George Bancroft, the
historian. The house was occupied by
llr. Bancroft for a quarter of a oentury,
and Iias not been rentad since bis Uaatu.
ilr Oelrichs will taar it dowa and
Uc it trith A saodwn villa.
iiaiiii un l-oitr.loNiins.
Tliclr Kxtprmlnatlnn Urcoil Hy Prncla-
matloii In a Chtneno J'rnvlnec
Shanghai, Oct, 27. Tho nntl-foreign
movement continues in the Ilunan pro
vince. Among the rebol chiefs are many
of the Viceroy's magistrates and
Tlie Government scorns or Is unnblo
to prevent the spread of tho uprising
and its propaganda against foreigners.
'llio lolluwing is the substance or. an im
portant document which has been dis
played on the walls everywhere:
we, the inhabitants who are desirous
of provoutiug tho violation of our coun
try, let us propare a plan of defences, so
that every district may take up arms
and assemble Its forces. Every great
district should furnish 20.00J mtu, every
lesser district 15,1)01), every smaller dis
trict 10,000.
"Let us chase from tho provinces the
devil-mouthed European pigs. Having
the power, money and men, and being
brave, let us destroy the enemy.
It will be much better to burn tho
dwellings, churchos and mission build
ings than to conllscate them for the pur
pone of increasing the revenues. We
will extinguish Arcs daugerou to Chi
neso dwellings.
"Let us stamp out tho culto of Jesus,
tho heavenly pig. Let us punish the
converted Chinese, the traitors. Let us
punish tho families of tho guilty on the
ships of the American Ueet. Germany
comes Hying to our uid."
the l'rovlnco of Ilunan, whoro, ac
cording to tho above dispatch, foreign
ers are In Imminent danger, is one of
tlie most, if not tho most turbulent and
aggressive in China. Thence come the
best lighting men of the Chinese army;
indcod, tho liuuiiuose form the backbone
of the army. It is a self-contained prov
ince, 80,001) square miles in area, with n
population of 20,000,000. It is a wealthy
province, and the people in general lire
strong and well made, and have a do
ctdedly comfortable appearance. A
large number of tho high oilloials of tho
empire are drawn from that province
Tho riots at Ichaug are nttrlbutod to
the llunanuse and, In the opinion of Mr.
Gardner, tho llritlsli Consul, the dan
gerous element in the mob at Wasuch,
ut wnose nanus tliu two .bnglislimen,
Messrs. Green and Argent, met their
deaths, were Hunan men. This is no
new phase of the provincial character;
the Huanese have invariably offered an
uucompi omisiug opposition to foreigners
and all their works.
It is the only province In which the
members of tlie China Inland Mission
have been unable to establish themselves,
ami it is the only province in which no
foreign invention of any kind has found
admittance. It is the only province,
nlBO, In which opium is not produced.
Uutof nineteeu provinces ilunan was
tho only one which would not permit the
introduction of the telegraph. When
tho telegrnphlsts arrived a mob of 10,000
drove them back, and hence the tele
graph liuo stops on tho other side of tho
laug-tse-Jviantr. A Chinese olllclal re
cently said that Hunanoso was moro
powerful than the central govornmeut.
Da. (Jrllllth John, a well-known mis
sionary, says that the incendiary plac
ards nro always issued by tho gentry an 1
scholars with tho full cognizance of the
magistrates and simply fathorod on tho
people. Strong demands havo been made
on tho central government that ilunan
shall bo made safe to tho foreign trav
eler, and that the issue from it of infa
mous autl-Cliristian literature be
The IlraKfiuan Was Negligent
Rociiemeh, N, Y., Oct. 27. In tho
Circuit Court, No. 2:J9, Carrie
A. Munson, as administrator, against
tho New York Central and Hudson
Htver llallroad Company, n uon-suli was
granted on tho ground that the decoase.l
brnkeman had violated tho rulos of tho
company in not using a coupling stick.
The justice said that had Munson used
tho stick he would not havo hoen be
tween the trucks and tho accident would
not havo happonod.
Couutorlolt Sivotllali aioney.
Washington, Oct. 27. J. A. W. Grip,
Minister for Sweden nnd Norway, has
forwarded to his government an elabor
ate report of one of tho most oxtonsivo
counterfeiting enterprises ever under
taken. I ho money counterfeited was
tho 1,000 Swedish mark note, und the
skill displayed showed that tho counter
feiter was an artist ot no mean ability.
Great quantities ot tho spurious money
have been spread broadcast In Europe.
Moxlcun Steamship Line.
Philadelphia, Oct. 27. The stock
holders ot tho Mexican steamship enter
prise to be put lu operatiou between this
city, Cuba and the Gulf ports of Mexico,
incorporated yesterday. Tho olllcors
elected aro: William F. Bomont, presi
dent; George K. liartol, secretary and
treasurer; James W. Porch, general
manager; ThomaB A. Gummy, attorney.
Tho first boat loaves here on January 1
and then every two weeks.
The San Frauclan. NooUa Repair.
WABnisaTON, Oct. 27. An order was
sent to Admiral Brown at Callao yester
day, ordering tliu cruiser San Francisoo
to return to Sun Francisco for repairs.
The San Francisco has been ut sea for
eome time now, und her bottom is badly
in need of cloanlng and painting and the
department cousider it unwise to delay.
The Kaliorand III WliUken.
DeiiLIN, Oct. 27. Tho Emperor Will
iam having shaved oil his beard has ob
viated the necessity of carrying into
court the cases involving the execution
ot the orders In relation to the busts and
photograph ot the Emperor, which had
not been delivered when he grew his
Col. O'llnlrue All Ulght.
Wabuwqto.v, Oct. 27. It Is authorita
tively denied at the Treasury Depart,
ment that Col. U'llelrne, Assistant Com
tnissloner of Immigration has been re
moved or that Ids removal is contem
plated. NKW YOllit NEWS I.N UUIEC
Governor 11111 addressed a meeting at
Schenectady last night.
Kudyard Kipling and James Gordon
Bsnnett arrived JnN'ew York yesterday.
The Erie Railroad ran a special from
Buffalo to Hoboken yesterday in 0 hours
and 11 minutes.
The Now York Central's fast express
made the run from New York to Buffalo
yesterday in 8 hours and 43 minutes.
Theodore Sttrtmon, a real estate and
inturanoa man ot Cortland, assigned
I ytsttrday, wlU liablllHw pUoed at
J 1160,000.
lltissian Count Who
Wanted in Brooklyn.
And Took in an Agent to the Tuno of
Thn Count Claimed to U Heir to Vast
KtiU In lluaila lie Had Tapars anil
Mmluli to Show He Wat an Army
Officer, and II Waa a Smooth Talker
Numsroua Vlotimi-IIo Has Dlaap
pvarad, BkooklyK, Oct. 27. Count Roderick
von Graff, a princely looking young Rus
sian with n tongue that had the faculty
of talking its way right Into the pockets
of those favored with his acquaintance,
is wanted In Brooklyn for handling
$100,000 worth of Brooklyn real estato
on nsrve and paper only and of leaving
many worthless checks and forged notes
behind. A, S. Lamphore, a real estate
agent of Flatbush nvenue, Is particular
ly concerned, It is stated, about tho
whereabouts of tho alleged Count, Mr,
Lamphere Is the man who Introduced
tho affable Count to Brooklyn Boclety
and afterward bocamo a victim of his
scheming brain and tnctics.
It is said that Mr. Lamphere was
talked out of $50,000 during his nquaint
nnco with tho Count, who borrowed the
money at Intervals in sums ranging from
$00 to $1,000. Tho amount was ironerally
.loaned on mortgngo bond, and in order
to meet tne interest on tho property
bogusly bought by tho Count on Carroll
street, which is ono of tho choicest lo
calities in Brooklyn.
By n enrious chnln of circumstances
and good luck the Count's victims,
however, were never caught to any
great extent. So far as can be learned
in tho courso of his short career In
Brooklyn circles, which dates back but
a year, ho had held a mortgage on about
fifty house and about half that number
of lots. When tho Count wai first In
troduced to the real estate owners ho
said that sonio of his rolatlves in Russia
owned an ostato valued at 1,000,000
roubles, and When conversing witli any
one he always mentioned the fact that
lie would eventually inherit much of tho
As he was well recommended by high
Russian army ofilclals by lotter, and
had papers and medals to show that ho
had served in the Russian nnny with
tho rank of Captain, mid had been ban
ished for certain political reasons, no
one thought for a moment to look into
his past history.
It was during ono of his earlier visits
that the Count became acquainted with
Mr. A. S. Denuellou, a wealthy roal os
tato owner of Carroll street, who then
owned tho old Tabornncle. Tho Count
presented himself with such flattering
recommendations that when the subject
of selling tho old Tabernacle property for
$20,0J0 was broached, it was at oncp set
tled with Mr. Lamphoro na tho broker
of the Count.
The bargain was transacted on mort
gage bonds nt 4 per cent., tho wholo
sum to bo paid at tho end of six months.
Tho latter part of the bargain was never
lived up to and tho mortgage was fore
closed. Mr. Lamphere lost by tho trans
actions the broker's foo ot $1,000, and
was put to no end of annoyance by tho
tactics of his false friend. This was
only one of many similar transactions,
and in most cases Lamphere, it is said,
did not escape so easily. Whero the
Count lived during his stay in Brooklyn
is not known, nnd whither ho has gono
is still a deeper mystery.
Young Doorfllucur' Dofnlratlou Will
lloaoh 6150,000.
PlTTsnuno, Oct. 27. The amount of
School Board Treasurer Doorilinger's
shortage is growing, and will probably
reuch $50,000. In addition to the $18,-
000 first missing altered drafts aggrega
ting $15,000 have been discovered. Bo-
sldos this, dollcits aro reported In the
accounts of the Dextor Spring Company,
Modern Building and Loau Association
nnd the estate of Archibald Wallace, of
which Doerllluger was executor.
There seems to be no doubt that tho
young man attempted suicide when his
shortage was discovered, but his life
was saved by the prompt work of the
physicians. Doerllluger Is said to have
gone to the country, but no one seems
to know his exact whereabouts.
llrazll und the World's Fair.
Wasihnoto.v, Oct. 27. Tho Presi
dent ot Brazil has asked from the Con
gress ot that Kepuullc an appropriation
ot $550,000 to pay the exuenso of its
representation at the Chicago Exposi
tion. Tho original estimate was $325,
000, hut the plans ot the Brazilian Com
mission, as developed, coutemplato so
extensive nn exhibit that the larger
Bum is required to carry them. It seems
probable that Urazll will expend more
money in her representation at the ex
position than auy untlou except tho
United States and more than auy ot the
States ol this country except Illinois,
EpanUlt lllvurs Over Their Hanks.
JIadiui), Oct. 27. The rivers
throughout the country are out of their
banks. The celebrated leaning tower at
Sarugossa, the tower of Follpe, so well
known to Amoricau sight-seers, has
been uudormined by the (lowing waters
and threatens to totally collapse. Hall-
roads have ' been washed away and the
streets ol (Jeroua are miniature lakes,
Valencia is practically without railroad
Henry George to tha Pop.
Roue, Oct. 27. Henry George has
written a lotter to Pope Leo, thanking
Ills Holiness for bis labor encyclical,
which encourages the discussion ot labor
problems and hslps on the ultimate tri
umph of truth. The Pop has sent a
reply through Cardinal Gibbons.
The drug store and residence ot Dr.
George J, Hooverf at Paradise, were
completely destroyed by Are. Loss, $10,
000; Insurance, 4,000.
As a result ot the corontr's Inquest In
th cats ot Jerry Buckley, killed In a
saloon row at Rharpsbnrg, Saturday
night, Usury Acton was committed to
jail without ball, tharjsd with murdir,
and Gtart UorrU u kU a fa at-
F"rr TV "7e RF E CTLY
h n r a " j
is far cheaper and much
iry it once. All
K 15 W JI.KMT r..UIU.t.
The lawyer of Il.nxmen hire formed
a local bar as . .a ii fi tni purpose
of protecting tiem-t lives gauit abuse.
FrltiS Beilhler atiumplol to swindle
Patterson jewelers yoster lay by buying
goo Is on worthless checks. He Win
David C.Brownlee. who last spring fired
throe shots at Cyrus 1 nnny, in Orange,
and Vinconoo Capoto, wh stabned a man
about the same time, were each sentenced
to ten yours in S nto IVinou by Judge
Klrkpntrlck In Newark yesterday.
Bock Lock, a Chinaman of New York,
went to Jersey City yesterday, looking
for "Neel" Smith, who, during a light
at Fell Btreet and tho Bowery Sunday,
cut off his cue. He applied for a warrant
for him from Justice Seymour, butfniled
to find Smith.
Many a man exercises his muscle
tliesotfuys by whacking away at a
carpet In the back yard.
The young mnn who pela up with
tho pun stioiild not stay up later than
10 o'efouk Villi the daughter.
ICOPYBlflHT 1691
A ringing noise
in tlio cars, headache, deafness, eyes
weak ; obstruction of nose, dis
charges falling into throat, some
times profuse, watery and acrid, at
others, thick, tenacious, bloody and
putrid ; offensive breath ; smell and
taste impaired, and general debility.
Not all of theso symptoms at once.
Probably only a few of them.
That's Catarrh.
A medicine that by its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing
properties has cured tho most hope
less cases. One that will euro you,
no matter liowbad your case or of
how long standing. A mcdicino
that doesn't simply palliato for a
time, but produces perfect and per
manent cures.
That's Dr. Sacra's Catarrh Remedy.
;A cash payment of $500, not by
you, as you might expect, bnt to
you, if you can't bo cured. It's an
offer that's made in good faith, to
provo their medicine, by responsible
men, tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's
That's tho kind of medicine to try.
Doesn't it seem so ?
Ladies' and Children's Coats,
Dry Goods, Shoes and Undervear
For ladles, men nnd children. All of which
will be Rold 25 per cent, cheaper than
tbeycau bo bought eliewhcro.
3-Wa1ch for the UED HON lu front.-C
iWeakneai of Body and Mind, Effect
Jtobml, toM BUMIUOII fully Itrilorfd. How lo tnltre md
bLrenrlhtanKlK.LMIhVrMirtUOIMJAhHA PARTS ofltltur
UJUl Arrum UIUXCDUri in uin nr IDUDfl
Abaoluttlr nnfillM 110 SB HtliATHKM HenfflU tsftdij,
Hrnttbtlrjfroa fiOtilitri and lorrlffn Countrl?. ttrltelhtm.
DetCrlpUte Iltiok, riliaKilon an4 proof mailed (itftledjrreej
People's Oyster Bay !
72 IS. Centre St., Slicnaiirtonli
Kiw, Slewed, Scalloped, Panned or
r Fried to order. Families supplied
nt their bouse with the bcstoyslerg
I no luniAvi. uuuiui.
All Orders Promptly Filled.
Ennllv. Oulnkltf. Purmanantltf RaatorAd.
tVeakaen, Nervouanea., Debility, and all
the train ot evils from early errors or later excesaea,
the reaults ot overwork, sltkneas, worr j, etc. Pull
atroneth. doveloDmont. and tone given to every
oiyan and portion of tho body, tilnjple, natural
meiooas. jumieaiaie improvement Been, failure
Impossible. 2,uuo references, llook. explanations
aua pmuia nmiiea i.oaieuj iruo. Auuraua
j a rouEBor,
elair bulldta ooruer Vain o4 Dati
KcC Mawt OcsJcc Mri; loateacr Otttr, r
Miaui im im I ai.fca a vw.way,
better than tea or coffee. .
reliable crocers sell it.
Leliigli Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891
"ftssenieer trains will leave Shenandoah for
Ihunk, Lehlgbton, Hlatlngton, Cata.
Allentown. Bethlehem, Kaston, I'bll
i and Now Yorlc at 6.17, 7.40, 9.0S a. m.,
For Uelvldere, 'Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg at 6.47, a. m.,and 6.26 p". m.
ror i.HmueriviuoHtin Trenton, .08 a, m
For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pltu
ton 6.47. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 and 5S p. m.
ForTunknannock, 10,41a. m., 3.10 and 6.2t
p. in.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyoni
10.41 a. in., and 6.23 p. m.
For Ijacej vllle, Towanda, 'Bayro, Waverly,
Elmlra, llocbester, liuHalo, Wlauara Falfs
Oli Icagu and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
T.SI p. m.
For Klmtra and the West via Salamanca al
3.10 p. in.
For Audcnrled, Hnrleton, Stockton, Lum.
Der Yard, Weatherly nnd l'enn Haven Juno
tlou at 6.47,7.40, 9,08 a, in. and 12.62, 3.10 and
Wo P. tn.
For Jeanesvllle, Lovlston and Beayei
Meadow, 7.40, B.0S a. m. and 6.26 p. m.
For Bcrantonnt 6.47 U0K, 10.41a. m. 3,10 and
5:2p. m.
For Haxle Brook. Jeddo, Brlrton and Free
land at 5.17, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 1ZS2 3.10 and
5.26 p. m.
For Quakako at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m., and
3.10 p. m.
For WtRirans, Gllborton and Fraokyllle at
3.60 and il.03 a m and 4.10 p. in.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Deiano
5.47, 7.40, D.US, 10.41, 10.68 a. m.,12.52,3.10,5.26, 8,03,
9.2i and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Creek, 31rardvllle and Ashland
1.27, 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. nt., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.33
vlOand 9.14 p. m.
For lUrltwater, at. Clair and Pnttsvllle
I. 40, ').0,S, 10.63 a. m 12.52,3.10,4.10, 5.26 and 8.0.
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.63 n. n.., 12.62, 8.10, 5.26 and
For Kaven Una, Centralis, Hi. Carmel and
-Uiamnkln, 8.62, and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
nd 8.06 p. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln for Shenandoah,
7jVll.M a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. in., arriving
atShenanloah,9.05a. m., 12.32. 3.10, 6.23 and
II. 15 p. m.
For lost Creek, Qlrardvllle and Ashland,
rX), 11.35 a.m., 2.41 p. m.
For Darkwater. Ut. Clair and Pottsvllic,
x), 8.0i), Hi, in., 2.45 p. m.
For Vntesvllle. Mahanoy City and Delanc,
oil, n.a5 a. m 1.10, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
ror xjoiiy, Auuenrieu ana iiazieton, o.m
in., 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Lohiehton. HlatlnitOD
'Tatasauiiuu, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastot
ind New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m;
trot ruuaaeipnia, l.iu p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Ast.. Bethlehem.
n:...i .1 n..i.
ursL mmni mm,
Capital, $100,000.00.
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Paid on Havlustt leioHllH.
nilHSourl, Kansas, ArltnnsnH
Texas, NcliraHlca, I.oulHlnun,
Colorado, Utali, Clltoriilii,
Sicyv Mexico or Arlnoua,
and will send me a postal card
or letter stating
Where you are Rolng,
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are In your party,
What freight and baggageyou have,
I will write you or call at your hone und
furnish you with the fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and 11
lustrated land pamphlots, resort books,
Hot Springs guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands in Missouri, Arkan
sas, ivansas ana 'xoxas.
J. P. McCANN, Eastern Trav. Ant.,
G. E. P. Agt., 301 Broad way.New York
Iron Mountain Route,
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written,
Aiarriage iioenses anu legal viaim
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Ageoey
General Fire Insurance Business, Ilepresents
ineitormwesiern i.iie insuruueuuo.
OrricB Muldoon'i bulldlne. corner Centre
and West Bis., uneuanaoau, ra.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1, A two story double frame dwelling house
store and restaurant, on East Centre Ht.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre
8. Desirable property on oorner Centre and
juruiu streets, suiiauie tor DUBinesg pur
4. A two-story double frame dwelling, 'on
w cel. uiuru 11 en,
6 Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two 2tory dwellings on the oorner of
Coal and Chestnut streets Htore room In
7. Two-torr single house on North Chfcstnat
street, with alaree warehouse at the rear.
8. Tbr M two-slorr double frame buildings
wwwm v. uwimmvuiuniiffiivrn
Philadelphia and Eoading Eailroad
Him Table n tjlttt JtiJy 10, 1801
, X?l Xew yrk vla Philadelphia, week days,
ilO 5.25, 7.2U n. m. and 12 ,i& 2.50 and b.M
m. Bunday 2.1U and 7.48 a. m. For Now
fork, via Maneli Uhunk, week days, 6.35.
Wi a. m. and 12.3 and 2.50 p. ni.
,..i?!nnna Philadelphia weekdays,
2 .19, 4.26, 7.20, a. m 12.85 8.S0 and 8.85 p! m.
l.tndav. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
, ? HarrUibnrg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a, m,i
j&, 3.00P, m,
eo'p "eatowl1' woek i 7-20 . tn., 12.SJ
.'n e'ottB."j week dy" 2.10,T.S0,. m..
Hi 3-,?na p-m- """day, 2.10 ana7.4J
a m., 4.30 p.m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week
d ys, 2.10, 6.fe, 7.20, a. m., I2.a 2.60 and 6.SS
v.Jr..Hanay z-lnd 7.48 a. ta.r 4.80 p, m.
Additional lor alabanoy City, week days 7,00
or Ijancaster and Columbia, week days,
20b. m.,2.60p. m.
For William sport. Rnnbnryand Lewlstmrs,
ireek days, 8.25, 7.20 and 110 a. m., 1,85, 7.00
m. Bnnday 8:25 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
I or Mahanoy Plane, woeK days, 2.10 8.Z5,
2i, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 12.35, 1.35, 2.50, 6.65,
7.00 nno i.ii i, m. Bunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7.48
a. m. 4,05, 4.30 p.m.
Z'lU, u 7.48 a. m.. 8.U5. 4.W P.
- aaouiBim nun uuauiuniU TV r, vtk Unvn,
.2., 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 and 0,26
iiow xurs via I'onaaeipnia, WCMU4J
ays, 7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.1.",
ouuuay, dahi p. m,. DlgQl.
beave Neir York; via Maneh nhim:. uMk
lays, 4.80. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 4.0J p. mi
L,efl,VB Phtlalnlnhln vuv rtava . in nnA
10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. from iroad
id Oallownill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 n. m.
from Kthano lireenatreels. Hunday 0.05 a.
m, U.S0 p. m. from 9lh an6 umd.
jjoive leading, weex nays, 1.33. 7.10, 10.06
ud 11.50 a. m., 6.55, 7J p, m. IJnnday 1.35 and
f.iou, m.
tieavo Pottavllle, week days, 2.40,7.40 a. m
0 11 p. m. Bnnday, 2.40, 7,00 a. m. and
eo . m.
i wave Tamaqua. week days, 3.20, 8.48 and
2 ; a. in.. 1.21. 7.13. and 0.18 n. m. Himrinv L2n
43 iu. and 2JM p. m.
eave Mahanoy city, week: days, 8.40, 8.18
ad 11.17 n. m., 1.51, 7.42and 9.44 p.m. Bun.
iy, ti.w.n a. m,, a.ixi p, m.
lieive Alahanov Plane, week davs.2'11. 4.C0
i.30, 8.35, 11.69 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 5'20, 2. 7.57, and
"m i. ui. DuuiuiyAi:, sou,a. in
37,6.01, p.m.
ixwve Ulrardvllle (Rappahannock Btatlonl
vttL days, 2.47 4.07. 8.38, and 9.41 a. m., 12.05,
12, 5.2H, 8.82, 8.03 and 10.00 p. m. Bunday, 2,47,
j , 9.oo . in. o.ii p. ni.
xrftave VVUllamsnurt. weeKdavs. and
i.oo u, u, tf.? ana
p. m.
Bunday 11.15
For Baltimore. Washington and
the west
ivonue station. Plilladelphla, (P. & H. It. B.j
t 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m., 1.34, 4.21, 6.53 an
.a ii. e u. a. a., mrougn trains leave uirara
a !. iu. aunoay, i.irj kv.xt a, in., .u
oo anu i,ndp, m.
1 cave Philadelphia, Chestnut Blreet Whar t
id doutU atreet Wharf.
Tor Atlantic Cftv.
Wcek-dvs Einress. 8 00. 9:00 a. m.
.00, i.eo, 5 00 . . vocouisuodatlou
at. and 4.15, 0 30 i. 'u.
uuaava. rJmrMs. 8.00. 0.00 a. m.
oomni'i gallon. i.OO a. m. and t.45 a. ra.
rwuinrninj, leave Aunnuo t;uy, aepoi
ttantloand ArtraasaS nvenuei. Woeklai r
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. and 3 15, 4.00, 5.30
l, in. Accommodation u.uu, 8. 10 a. m. and
.30 n, in. Buudavs -ISmress. 4.00. fl.00 n. m.
Accommodation. 7.30 a. m. nnd C.ib p. m.
u. u. jia ueni xass'r asi.
1.. A. MoIiEOD. Pres. & Uen'l Manacer.
) and aflrr Sejtfember 1 1391, '.raint will teat
ttrtetianuoan at fouowi:
Jastle, Bt. Clair, nnd way points, 6.00, 9.13
in auu 4.13 p m.
Bnndays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Pottavllle, 6.00, 9.10 a m nnd 4. 16 p m.
Uundays, 600, 6.40 a m and 3.10 u m,
For Heading, 6.00, u in and 4.15 po
Bnndays, 000, 9.40 a. ra. nnd 3.10 pm.
For Potutown. Phoenlxvllle. Worrlitown
nd Phlladelnhla (Broad street station), 6.00,
. m, ana 1 .10 p m weeK uays
sucaays, euu, v.iu a m o.iu p m.
Trains leave Frackvllie lor Bhennndoah al
10.40 am and 12.14. 7.42. 10.03 n m. Uundays.
11.13 a m and 5.40 p rn.
Leave Foitsvllle lorUheuandoab, 10.15 ana
U.4S. a m 7.15. 9.42 p m, Bundays. 10.40 a m
$.15 p m.
Lieavo jfuuaaeipma (uroaa street, niaiion),
for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.67, 8.35 a rn
4.10 and 7.00 n m week days. Bunday A 50. and
0.23 am
K'orwew York, 8.20, 4.U1, .n. 5.35, P.50, 7.S0, s
.0)8.311. d.50.11.00andll.l4.11.35am.l2.00noon. T
(limited oxnress, 1.06 4.60 p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40, )J
iHu, t.vj. , e, vx, e.ou 7.i a.u una iuji p. ,
in, i..ui aiEnu
On Bllnnuyu, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, 8.12, 8.30,
11.33 . m. and 12 21, 12 41, 2.30, 4 02. (11m1
.fi'li. r, v. "2 1, rt , . u . . 11 111 and 12.111 m
For Sea Girt. Loue Branch and Inlermedinie
stations 6.50, Sio and 11.30 a. m., 3.30, 4.00 p. m.
weea uuys. ouuuuyi e Al u. in.
f or uauimore ana wasuingion. a.oo, 7.M.
.10 ana 11.18 a. m.. 4 41. 6 67. 7.40 n.m and 12.03
night daily and 8 31, 10.20 u. in., 1235 (limited
express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.31, 8.40
p. in. wen aays. ror uaillinore only 4.U1
weekdtvs. S.Oj. 11.80 n. in. daily.
For Htcbmoud, 7 20 a.m. aud 12.03 night
uuuy, 1 p. in, uuny, except, ouuujy.
irains leave xiarrisDurg lor .ruisourg ana
he west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m nrd
(limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 0.35 D m. Wav for
Alloona 10 a m and 4.10 a ni every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dally und 10.20
m week days.
Leave Bunburv for Wllllomsnort. Elmlra.
lanandalgua. Kocbester. BuflaloandMlaeara 1
far Vatklns, 5.30pm weekdays.
aim, U.1UKIU uaiiy, iiuu y in wiwft uajrfl,
i or anu iniermeaiaie uoin
lally. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 0.EO a m.
laily. 1.42 and 6.S0 n. in. week days. For
ttonovu 6.10 a ni 1.42 and 6,S0 p m week dajs,
..10 a. oa unndays.
iiM. n rumi, j.h,wuuu,
fon. Mnn'r Hen. Pass. Agt
2iine laoic m enea juay.iv, loui,
Trains leave Readme IP. & It. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Blrabboro, Joanna, Spring.
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Cliestor.Chadsford Junction, B. Jk O. Junction,
Wllralncton and Intermediate stations, dally
except Bunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 3.15
p. in. ounaay only ai p. in.
For Warwick, til. Peters and Intermediate
stations. dally except Bunday. at 9.20 a.m..4ind
o.i p. 111. nuuuuy uuiy a. m. (
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday only, at 12 m. tto '"
trot liammore ana wasntneton fu. awii.
It.) dally eicent Bunday at 6.25 and 80 a. ni.
and 3.15 p. m. Bunday only at 8.05 p. m,
Trains arrive at lteadlne (P.
t It. station
Irom Wilmington, B. tc 5. Junction, Mont
notion, mom .
chanln, Chaddsford Junction, West Chester
Lenape, Coatesvllle. Waynesburg Junotlor
Hprlngneld.Joanua, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Be)
ferl and intermediate stations, dally excen
Bunday at 10.20 a. in. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m. Bua I
aay uniy at. il.zi a. m.
From Ht. I'eters. Warwick and lntarmedlat
stations, tlally except Hunday, at 8.21 a. m
ana 2.23 p.m. Bunaay oniyaiop. m.
uirasDoro ana 11
Intermediate station!
Saturday only at 1.40 11. m.
From wosntngion ana Baltimore, dally ei
cept Hunday, 10 2
m. and 8 17 n.
Hunday on
H0WNKS3 BKIQQ8, Cen'l Pass. Agt.
y only at 1
t a. iu.
A. Q. M0OA UHLAN U, upt.
John R. Coyle, j
Real Estate Agent
OFFICE Beddall's Uuildino,
Cor. Miln and Centre Street. SHENANDOAH, P
I A two and one-half story double frati
dwelling bouse, with store-room and rr
tauraut. Located on East Centre street.
-A valuable property located on South Ji
din street. 4L
S -Hey en dwelling houses at the comvCffl '
bert and Lloyd Streets, qood )nTMmei
1 r-fv. , swun