NOW OUST I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, i 9 Light, lift MAIIAN0YC1TY.PA. IXFOBT . On lite ItlKhtTrnclc, 8KVKHN, thoUrocor, i still on thorlRhl track nnil come to tunc Willi another train oad of Fine Or. cerios, Uannod Goods, Meats, Flour, etc. Centre mul White 8l8 Shenandoah The Evening Herald. ALT. Til 13 NEWS roll ONE CENT. Han n larger olrcultttlon In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Clrcn lntlon books open to nil! .mmwpm yv pro-, r wxna uaa ms!snm lilDQUCDCBk UUMMEQF Dark. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. "What Nowa Gathorora Tako n, Moment to Toll About. Apple jack boiisom. Chestnuts nro cheap. Grapes are belter (since tho frost. The mnluga grapes are fine this year Sunday hunting is illegal any time Two weeks yet till the rabbit Benson jopeus. lied la the prevailing color for nieu'B iicok wear. Mosquitoes and Hies still linger In the lap of autumn. Tho mail who tolls you how he ue- came bald knows "wear oil" ho speaks, Fall trade is now due. If you want toreach the people advertise in the HtiltALD. It is to be hoped that wo may yet have considerable pleasant weather beforo winter puts in appearance. Now is tho time to go for autumn leaves. The forewt trees look lovely be decked in their variegated colors. Coming Evonta. Nov. !1 and ! Grand ontorlainmnnt, "Undo Tom nnd Eve," in tho 1'. M. church. Nov. 6. Socond anniversary entertain ment of Major JennitiRi Council, No. 307, lr. 0. U. A. M., in Ferguson's thentro. Nov. 18 Grand supper in Bobbins' oporn nou;o for tbo bonoflt of tho Trinity Ko- formod church. Novombor 20. Grand suppcrin llobbius' opora house; benefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. 1'. L. A. Ohlldron Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gonllo action and soothing cflocts of Syrup of Figs, when in nood of a laxative, and ii tho father or mother bo costive or bilious tho most grat ifying results follow its use, so that U is the host family remedy known and every family should lmvo a bottle. THIS IS AS ADVIUtTISKMKKT. Drm'f tend it unftM von tcant to. It Is not a ghost story ending In on alleged blood purifier, composed of mercury, lodlno or arsenic, but a new therapeutic ajtent discovered by tho Urazil lan Indiana Cactus Illood Cure tho only purely vtuntAh1p remedy known for the hitherto lncura- ble blood poisons of scrofula and specific disoaso endorsed by luoderu science. A GOOD SHOE FOK TTITJ (hi rJC WriTirpTT (ton OK T?OU' XUJLb iPXtlOj 11 JXX1X kPa.4U. JU with slnble, on Repairing Neatly Dono. Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Main St., Shenandoah. WANTS, &c. Advertisement in thtt rnltimn. tint errrpdlnn 5 fine, 6 )e. (or one insertion; 75e. tor two; SI for three; one week, Jl.M; two weeki, 12; one n oiui, w. RENT. Store and dwelling, slnble. on East Coal street, near Main, lor lent to a cnod rwrtv. Annlv to Jonathan Ilogers, 229 West Coal street, or nt HKUAJ.D oince. FOIt SALE. A large "Morning Llzhl" double heater. Hultoble fir a store, or dwelling. Apply to II. A.Hwnlm South Main street. 10-13.f Tho Intricacies of a Vlieolbnrrow. If yon havo occasion to uso a wheel barrow, leavo it, when you aro through with it, in front of tho houso with tho handles toward tho door. A wheelbar row is tho most complicated thing to fall over on tho faco of tho earth. A man will fall over ouo when he would never think of falling over anything else. lie nover knows when ho has got through falling over it, either; for it will tanglo his legs and his arms, turn over with The Bottom is Knocked 0ut Of former prices on Furs of All Kinds. This season our prices aro lower than over on cheap, medium and high-class goods. Wo should hoTery pleased to havo you como and see these goods. FOU SALE No. 31 South Main street, next door to the First National Hank Inquire ol M. P. Coury. 10-21-lw FARMS FOR SAIjE. Areyou look ltie for a farm? If so call on or write to J. J. Keblor, Frackvllle, lu as to where they are located and for terms. ft22-tf FOR BATiE. A beautiful double rod Iron fence, suitable for fencing ceme tery lots, or for gate around dwellings. In- qulro of l'resbylerlnu church trustees, 9 0-tf FOR SALE. A store room and dwelling on East Centre street. Oood reason for selling. Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. It. Ooyle's ofllee. 9 29-lm TTOR SALE. A JL' li I'Si SALLIE SENIOR'S nice 23 hero farm lor sale. Hlx miles from Shenandoah. lleautlfullv situated ou n nubile road Uood dwelling. Good barn. Krult trees beginning 10 near, ah voune. ttnienaiu stream oi water running through the the land. This Is 1 a (rood cnance for n man who wants a small i unit, inquire oi .inu.tH u. liuiion, posi cilice bulldli g, room 0. u-Otr PROPOSALS.-Pronosala will be received at the Schuylkill County Alms house for furnishing 15) tuns of chestnut, 60 tons ol storo nod 15 tons nt ees coal. until noou of Monday, November 2d, lbDl, coal to be delivered ou Ahnnhouse Biding near Bchuyl- ktll Haven. WILLIAM LEININGEll, TIIOH. J.TUACKY, IIAUIiY II. MCQINNIS, Board oi Poor Directors. TAEUD A. DPIEIHilP!- Itis not necissary to go about It surreptitiously, as do the gamins in tho picture, If you would take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in dre.'S goods, cloaks, wraps and rugs. Our store' Is a little world's fair In it self and visitor muy freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialties this week in the lino of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. 'RICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Second hand school booka bought sold at Max Heoso's. anuV tf A Raro Chanco. A first class property on North llaln stroet for Balo. Can bo had at a iair prlco Apply to A. J. Gallagher, Muldoon build ing, cornor Contro and West streets. 10-20-lw Primo oysters, tho best tho market affords, always on hand at Coslctl'e. 8-22-lf him and rear up in front of him, and just as ho pauses in his profanity to con gratulato himself, it takes a now turn and scoops more slim oil of him, and lie commences to ovolute anow and bump himself on fresli places. A man novel ceases to fall over a wheelbarrow until j it turns completely on its back or brings up against something it cannot upset. It is tho most inouonsive looking object thero is, but it is moro dangerous than a locomotive, and no man is secure with ono unless he has a tight hold of its han dles and is Bitting down on something. A wheelbarrow lias its uses, without doubt, but in its leisure moments it is tho great blighting curso on truo dignity. Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill 8. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. A FINE SHOW rnilE I'll IliADEI.PIIIA 4 HEADING COAL X akdiuoh WJirAttr, PROPOSALS T Kfltt SUPPLYING THR MINES OPEIt- atcd by the Philadelphia & Hi ndlng Coal nnd Iron Company, with mining timber, laggings nnd sills, will be received at tho office of the Purchasing Agent, 2CT South I'ouriu street, I'liiinnp num. 11m.11 nnvem er isi. ittii. Forms nt nronnfals. sneclflcatlnns aud list of collieries to ne fciippuea, win ue lurnisuea ou application to K C. I.UTHEU, General Bu- penun-naeui, roiiBviue, i n. ALBERT FOSTER, 10 13-15.17-20 22-21 Purchasing Agent. AMUSEMENTS. If you want to see a fine display of Boots and JJlimtJUHON'fl TUEATIIU, P. J. FERGUSON, MAHAQEB. W. S, SNYDER'S feidat, ootober so, '91 Do you want a situation ? Do you wantholp? Do you want to sell your business ? Do you want to sell or oxclmngo rcall ostato ? If so, call on Max Kecse, Shenandoah, agent for tho United States Employment! nnd Uusincss Agoncy, 41 and -10 Broadway, Now York. Oystora. Oysters aro in season. Go to Schooner's. Families suppliod. Parlors for ladies. 9-1-tl I Prettiost oil cloth Fricko's carpot storo. at O. D 9-18-tf Do you sutler with Consumption, Coilehs or I uoia87 you can do curea n you inao i-an-1 TlnaCouli nnd Consumption Cure. 25 and CO col U. Trial bottles lreo ut Klrlln's drug I faioro. Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller'B old stand,) Corner Coal ami JnrcIIn Hts. AL. G. FISLD & CO.'S Custom Work and Rcpuirlug Done In the best style. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 30 E. CENTRE BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE, Finest brands of clears always on hand. The nest temperance annas. FIRE INSURANCE. , Largest and oldest reliable purely cafih com panies represented uy Famous Minstrels! A NTIQUlTY can be tolerated In almost any the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can afford to tvcnranclem headgear, and even they take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no moro to bo up with the times than It will to be halfa mile behind them. Everything about our $1,60 hat Is hand some but thn price, and !1.50 for such n hat can scarcely be called anythlne but a ridiculously low figure. Tho same can be; said of our 2)0 neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods Is the lowest priced In the market. S, Main St. SO A NT, A "NT Shenandoah A refined and elegant presentation of legit! mate minstrelsy uy a mouei company. Th Apodal wonder, first American appear a nee. The three klnes of music, first Ameri can nppearance JCIBULE, eun and sword manipulator, xne micuani ramuy oi nve licopie, meaievai musicians. a rouicmes Military Hand, and a classic orchestra of 18 eminont soioibis ine nipgesiuna oesi. irav' eiing on tueir own tram oi paiace cars. Grand Concert nnd Street Varade at 11. SO a, m. each day, J. W. Vogle, Manager Friooo, fJOnncl7Go SCHOPPB "Waters' "Weiss beer is tho bost. Iloilly sole agent. John A 6-6-tf Tako your carpet rags to U. D. Fricko's I carpet storo and have them mado into a first-class carpot. 9-18-tf THE 0LD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Ilainbrldgo's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS,, and oilers to the public the finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED I Provisions, Klsh and Oysters, Green and Hmoked Jlam and I'Tltch. Xtivuanas. Iiomoiis. CHANGE OF BASE Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand Tho livery and undortakincr establish ment conducted by Evan J. Davis at the corner ot Lloyd and Jardin stieots. has 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanaoah.Pa. NDAflfdNG SCHOOL Robbms' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING WEEKS 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleaied to meet the wants I of Ills mends and the publio in beon removed on account of his increasing tiii,:- : ti-:i.Jmm T : husinofsto the arEo stable formorlv oc- Xivoiviuiuy u iuo uiiuuiuy umo. cupled by rrank llecs, on J'ear nllay, rear ol U. W. lleddall i: liro's. hardware storo. Air. Davios has built up a laro business nnd by strict attention to the wants of his natrons cxnocls to increase it in bis new quarters. Gsntlo horses and lino buggies and carriages to turn at all times. Hpecml atlontlon Klven to tho CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., Shcnnndoah. Commencing September 28. ORCHESTRA OP xo PIECES ADMISSION, 25 OENTS. T1ARTIK3 In need of ofBtove repairs y of any deicilption should cull 1 on me, us I keep conslantl on hand a full sunnlv. Tlnv Undortnliins Department. ' I lie finest MOCK 01 lieers, Al(3, Uigars, ttC. ,ne uf st ranse ln "' A U h It la guar I SCHOOL BOOKS. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES! AT TUB COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N, Main St, Families supplied with raw oysters by the I hundred. JUJUS. I'KllUUHUN, prop. 45 marKct, N EW BROAD- O WAY. A CENTS for a window shade with frince. others for65o. nr.n .....I .... ..wl.. ulio unit uf. nuiiurD uimic 11 . . . - for stores and private dwel- if ff- t.w.u A nova lr,t ixl ol.o.l. J 11mm . . . ' . nun . u b v. .j...... Inga and fringes to match. C JD. FRICKE'S antced to do periectwork. As to the price, It will suit you. This excellent stove be had only from WM. Ii. PHATT, Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre rw hoofing, spouting, roof painting The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Hchalnr'a Comnanlonfi. Book HtrnpH, Ladies' Coats. 7-6-3m promptly attended to. 331 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah and anything required In school. Hiaies, pencils, eia, sola re tall aud wholesale. Books Suitable for East and West Mahanoy Twp. Don't forget the place If yon wish to save uioutfy, 3&. IMIZEjIjXjIEIT CHAS. T. DICE'S OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Shenanaoah. Largest Line in the County. AT JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS DO YOU wai;t A GOOD FIT ? and well made, fashionable clothes; If so, call on "W. J". JACOBS Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call and sen samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness ftuu luir pnuvH. With an surpassed assort ment of -Ready-Made Clothing we maintain an equal excel- enco in Furnishing Goods. In tasty and correct things for under as well as outer wear we can always bo depended upon. Our handsome lino oi com fortable Medium-weight Over coats iust the thing for late? Fall is made to ftt the buy er's pocket as well as his back. A. G. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY J Cor. 13th & Chestnut SjjJ ncHt-mntle ClotUliiir Iii iMillnclelpliln. A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE, We nro making a big drive in fur niture, but malicious desire U not Its object. We desire to dispose of a large surplus stock, and propose to give our patrons the benefit of some extraordl nary bargains. J. P. Williams & Bro. SoutU Main St., SHE O-A-IE-X Grand Opening, TALI. AND WIN TER STYLES OP MILLINERY ! ELLAM.M'GINNISS' -TSo. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest asortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's HUMMED AND UN TRIMMED II ATS Cannot too Xlciuallecl. HEADQUARTERS FOR v Pure Ice Oreani BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and KETAIL. nrrinru nrnmnllv attended to. (cntlon paid to Hulls, Picnics, 1 LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS E5. J". CLEABY, Dealer ln all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest stock ln town. Artistic Painting, Graining and Decorating! J. P. CAIiDEN, 10-2-Om 211 W, Centre Bt., SHENANDOAH. Particular at- estlvals, etc IF. KEITHCLlsr NOUTH MAIN BTREET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA Newly Refitted and Renovated.!! TONSOMAL : PARLORS ! six A.T7-i3Nrca-, Haw Cutting and Hair Dressing I BHAMPOOINO, KTC, UY E. G. J. WADLINGER. Under I'ostofflco Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shcnandoali. 3-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and careful attention. n M. HAMILTON. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe-2a West Lloyd Street, Bbenanoxmrt Pa.