The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most elegant form
of Tim
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
sj item, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma-
IT.. I InKilllnl fsMtcfl.
neudinir on a weak or inactive
conditiou of the
It is thcmostcxcdltnt remedy known to
When one is Miliius or Constipated
so that
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
. Baker & Co.'s
from -which tho excess of
oil has been rotnoved, la
Absolutely lnro
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in its preparation. It lias
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Stnrch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far more
economical, costing less than one cent
a c((j). It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably ndapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors cvorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Nearly every pattern of sa Horse
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. In most cases the imitation
looks just as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine itisn'tworth one-half as much.
The fact that . Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the fa. trade mark is sewed on
. the inside of the Blanket.
Fivo Mllo
Extra Test
at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Ask for
the sa Book. Yoa can get -it without charge.
WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia.
Dank Countors, Tyler System, Port
able, Unequalod In Styles,
Cost nnd Finish. .....
ISO Paga Catslagv. r, Deiks etc., Illustrated la
Colors. Iliioti, Frefl roitata lSOaU.
Also 'i-yier's jaoyni
Office Desks nntt Type
writer L'ubiuets, aoo
Styles. Ucst and cheap.
I est en oartb, with great
reduction la itricos.
ISO tkre caUlurn
ro.t( It ft. Fail !! of
Dobls. I !ft!r.. TkblvB. Hook
Ct Cibliit. Lt-.l Blank
Cullarlt, tU, IajUtok.
Birr rial work Hid to ordvr.
TYLiiU DESK. CO.. St, I-ouli, MoV.8.A.
fr!nnlaul llnl uenuine
ra aJwaa r ha' 1 ilicii
Urofflti fur (HjivAf Jf-ra ; .d Pia-.
umJ Brand In (aJ-dlLd u M B llli
IMXea. fcuoJ w Kin n -in laite
iinalh. tfjfuiM rfdMdj iri aubjlitua
tiunt and .muuiiu At l'ruxEiali,orBaS4.
In .Urn pa fv pnrti i Urn t Urn)oliaj mi
Uillef fur J'Usllai," tn lettti , Ij return
Alalia 14MHIOT H,iwani.l'. JVama l"apr.
DrufiirtJ. X 'JiUAtiaw
UhTea I'u.illvoCure for tnoeueciaoism a.i)uuu.
Sur l(5c flo ws I will sinil one Full Mois Ma f lertlclne
sma tUKh Valu.b e Information I'HISK, Aiitrcsa,
ana UrottdWBV. Wow rk
HI AMafffT
imBs rail i isEsa a mj
E JTsfT"-" M '"1
f- w
Boll tT all Loo l
Uiijnst Coiiflnoniont of a
Woman in' a Mad House.
Shocking Cruelties on ths Tort of tho
Attendants of tho Institution.
Afflicted Willi a F.rer, When Convalot
cant llor Husband Had llor Incarcer
ated Its nn Insane Asylum Mto "Whs Fer
feotlj Ilatlonal-llad to. Work for tho
Other Inmates, Who Occasionally Gnv.
Her Soma of Their Cast-On" Clothing.
Bkooklym, N. Y., Oot 20. Mrs.'
Boll a Nau, the wlfs of August 0. Nau, n
wall-known furniture doalor of this city,
who has Just been released from tho
Long Island Home, a private insane asy
lum at Amltyvlllo, by Justice Cullen of
the Supremo Court, had been confined In
the asylum four years, and Lawyer Al
bert Bach says sha was porfeotly sane all
this time. Mr. Bach said this morning:
"Tho conllnement of the woman in an
insane asylum is tho groateit outrago
that I havo uvor heard of. Sha Is oue of
tho brightest and most intelligent
women I have over met. Four years ago
she had uuerperal fever, which is at
tended almost Invariably by a greater or
less loss of reason. As soon as she was
ahlo to leave her bed her husband placed
her In the IJloomlngdule Insane Asylum.
They would not keep her there long, and
soon discharged her a improved. Then
two physicians cortllled tuot they
thought Mrs. Nau was insane, and upon
that certificate, without taking hor bo-
foro a magistrnto, sho was placed In the
Long Island Homo.
"A fow weeks ago nn old blind man, a
cousin of the woman, named Bernard
Groiner. wont to Hiss Lathron and told
her that ho had heard that Miss Nau was
perfectly sane, and that she was sub
jected to tho most degrading Indignities
in tho lnsano asylum. Miss Lathrop
went to Amityvillo and had a long tulk
with Mrs. Nau. She said that her hus
band paid $8 n week for her board, but
did not send her any clothes. Sho had
to work for tho othor iumateH who oc
casionally gave her some of their cast
off garments.
"I obtained n writ of habeas corpus
Saturday afternoon and had tho woman
taken before Justice Cullen. Dr. J. E.
Bowman of tho home, with an attondant,
accompanied her, but ho loft tho court
room before tho cabo camo up, and ho
sent his return of the writ iu tho form
of a Iettor, in which ho simply said that
ho could not assure tho woman's frlouds
that she was perfoctly sano, or that It
was safe for her to be released.
"Justlco Cullon said he would hold an
examination 6n Wednesday, and advisod
mo to sond physicians to examine into
tho woman's mental condition. Hor
husband, who was In court, 'then con
souted to hor release, Baying her sister,
who lives in Poughkoopslo, was willing
to. take care of her. Thereupon Justice
Cullen signed an order for Mrs. Nuu'b
release. She will never go back to her
husband. "
A Swiss Town Destroyed lty Fire
Church Miraculously Suved.
PaUIS, Oct. 20. A most disastrous flro j
has destroyed the nourishing town of
Metrlngen, in the canton of Berne,
Switzerland. Tho fire started in a houso, :
and owing to a prevailing high wind
gnlned rapid headway, spreading fur
iously through the entire town. Despito
every effort, building after building was
caught and crumbled. All tho popula
tion, except tho children, agod and holp-
less, joined in fighting tho Humes, but
tho most heroic labor was vain.
Tho posto!Uco,.town hall, railway sta
tion, hotels, shops and houses went
down liko stacks of hay. The flames
curled llorcely around the church, and
tho devout Swltzsrs made one moro rally
to save their venerated place of worship.
AlmoBt as if by a miracle tho fire was
borne by the gale In another direction
and the church oscaped doitruotloa.
Besides the church, the Hotel Sauvago
and threo houses are all that is left
standing. The poor weavers of the town
haw all their property disappear. Tho
wind carried tho llninos into an adjoin
ing wood, whero the fire gralually lost
its fury and died out. Moro than 8,000
families are homeless..
rarnelllta SI. I. Pelted With Mud.
LoKDoy, Oct. 20. Tho Parnellttes and
Antl-I'arnollltos held numerous meet
ings In Cork yesterday. Tho most sin
gular Incident of the day was the mud
peltlug which John O'Connor, tho l'ar
uelllta M. P., received at the instanco of
priests. O'Connor was going about can
vassing for Itedmond, and was followod
by Canon O'Mahony and two curates,
each with 1111 open prayer book in his
hand. The priests urged the people to
eject O'Connor from tholr houses. Upon
O'Connor's refusal to retire he was
pelted with mud. When O'Connor
peicelvod that the excitement was grow
ing, he concluded to retire.
Tho Davis WUI Case.
Helena, Mont., Oct. SO. Judge
Hatton of tho Silver Bow District Court
hns d enled the motion for tho contest
ants for an immediate trial of tho Davis
will case, and set the date for April 18,
18S12. The first trial resulted lu a dis
agreement of the jury.
llnglaiid'a National Debt.
Londos, Oot. 20. Chancellor Oosohen,
in an address refuting some of tho state
ments made by Liberal orators, dojlaros
that tho goverment has reduced the na
tional debt $105,000,000 within five
years, ending last March.
Ni:v ji:itsi:v limisfs.
Tho convention of tho Christian En
deavor Association of Now Jersey olosed
in Newark yesterday.
By order of the State Board of Health,
nveral horses have been killed at May's
Landing, ns they were suffering from
acuto glanders.
Austin Gibbons. llKhtwelght pugilist.
took out his second papers in the Pussalo
CountyCourc Saturday, and is now na
American oltlteu.
Ilobert btovens. a theatrical agent, at'
tached the wardrobe and scenery ot
Frederick Warde, the actor, Saturday
night for $10U at the New Jeisey City
Opera House, for an alleged UebU
Wards paid the money under protest,
aud the property waj rejeawa.
rUghest of all in Leavening Power.
rLKAsnn nrrosiTOiis.
Superintend cut Preston's llrport on
tjluter County Savins; Hunk.
KilfosTOM, N. Y., Oct. 20. Bank Su.
perlntendeut Preston's statement to the
trustees and depositors of tho Ulster
County Savings Institution, which closed
its doors a fow weeks ago, has caused
groat rejoicing among all tho. parties
The superintendent nnnouncos that
tho examination Is nearly completed,
that tho liabilities of tho bank have
been ascertained from tho lodgers and
there yet remains to bo dono tho com.
pnrtson of individual pass books with
tho depositors' ledger balancos before the
actual liabilities can bo announced. Tho
examiners are also engaged in examin
ing the assets and this work will bo fin
ished in a few days.
While tho deflcionoy is larger than was
at first reported, Suporlntondont Proston
is confident with tho co-operation of de
positors and citizens tho bank can soon
resume business. In his opinion the
prosent assets of tho bank are capable of
paying at least eighty-five por cent, of
deposits, providing tho bank can have a
reasonablo time, and that ultimately tho
depositors will be paid In full, with duo
allowance for shrinkage-.
Whon tho report of tho bank's con
dition is made ho will submit a plan of
resumption which, if approved by the
court, will avoid the necessity of a
long, tedious and expensive receiver
ship. It is rumored that tho grand Jury,
which is now In session, has indlctod
Ostrander and Trumpbour, tho default
ers. It la said that both nro indioted for
enibeztsloment, and Trumpbour also for
perjury. The Stato Hanking Depart
ment is censured, It is also said, for not
having made the discovery of the bank's
trouble yours ago. j
Another Mysterious Murder In Connecti
cut Absolutely No Clue.
WATERnunT, Conn., Oot. 20. Another
mysterious murder occurred on tho no
torious Nnugntuck turnplko last Thurs
day night when John Hrlody, nn aged
farmor, was boaten into lnsonslbllity
and lefo tor dead in the brush by tho
roadside. Some persons passing heard his
groans nnd carried him to the home of
John Foloy. He could tell nothing about
. the assault nor doscrlbe tho assailant,
and tho police havo had no clues. He
I inlUa,l Bnmawhnt Rnfiifililv nli.lif. o,..l
told those at his bedside that he was a
good-looking Btranger on the road to
whom he gavo a ride, and who pulled
out a bottle of whlskoy from which both
drank. He immediately lost his senses
and fell into the bottom of the wagon.
Ho fell back on his bed and died after
telling this much of the story, and tho
only cluo the police have is of tho "good
looking stranger."
The Naugatuck turnpike, whore the
assault occurred, Is famous for highway
robberies. iaI
The l5th Anniversary of the Church In
This Country Fittingly Obsorvud.
New Yonlt, Oct. 20. Tho 125th anni
versary of Methodism in this country
was celebrated yesterday in its original
home, the first Methodist church ever
built in America, known as tho John
Stroct Chapel situated iu ono of the
oldest and bus lost sections ot the
city. Tho morning's servlco was con
ducted by Hev. William Gorman, who
came from tho birthplace of the church's
first pastor in Ireland.
Tho whole day was devoted to holding
anniversary me jtlngs, participated In by
many of ths delegates who havo been In
attendance ut tho Ecumenical Conforonce
at Washington, and hailing from all
parts of tho globe. Tho clock which
stands in the lecturo room, and which
was sent to tho society by John Wesley
130 years ago, was ono of tho chief ob
jects of interest to those present. ,
Would-be Train Wrecker Arrested. 1
t.,,. A. on I.' 1 1 i . t....
iiUDIIUllU, UVIn U. MII.IVUI 111 uun.
of Ilostraver Towushlp, Westmoreland
County, was arrested at his homo yes
terday and lodged In jail at Greensburg,
for the attempted wrecking or a pas
senger train on tho McKcesport & Bella
Vernon road near MoMahon Station last
Monday night and for the same olfense
again Saturday night. Luse, who is 30
years old, confossed to both crimes. Ho
appears to have bcon actuated solely by
n mischievous spirit, as he says ha hid
noar by just to sou tuo thing strike."
He Is hold in $4,000 boil for court. j.
Four SXore Dotllos Fuutld.
Lkwes, Del, Oct. 20. The bodies of
four moro ot tho crow ot tho schooner
lied Wing, which was wrecked noar In
dian ltiver Inlet, have been found near
Indian liivor life, saving station. I hoy
will be kept as long as possible for iden
tification. Cornell vs. l'rlnaotuii Next Saturday. I
WiLKB9uAitlus, Pa., Oct. 20. Man
agers of the Cornell nnd Princeton foot
ball teams havo telegraphed here for the
use of grounds, and It Is thought proba
ble that the game botween thoso clubs
will bo played here next Saturday.
Marie Tempest Hotter.
New York, Oct, 20. Miss Mario Tern
nest, tho loading singer In tho "Tyro
lean" at. the Casino, who foil Friday
niirht. and has slnco been suffering from
concussion ot the brain, is better, and
will soon be uble to play again.
The labor organizations of Illinois are
ralsiug it fund to compel employers to
comply with tho Weekly Payment law.
It is reported that tho stool works
south of Grersburg, Pa., which have
been idle for about 15 mouths, have
been sold to Kustern capitalists and will
start um again ""r'v,
Sausage an'1 Ecropple are ripe.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Pheasant hunt era report birds very
scarce, and better dodgers than over.
If You Love Your Baby
Givo her Dr. Hand's Colic Curo. It Is ab
solutely safo and affords rcliof alwuy?.
Sttmplo bottles gratis at 0. J. McCarthj 's
or J. M. Hillau'a drug etoro. Be suro to
got ono.
The fcmluine mind Is now worried
about the kind of winter hat to get.
A National Evont.
The holding of the World's Fair In a city
soaroely tl'ty c ,rs old will be a remarkable
event, but whether It will really benefit tins
nation as much as the dUcoverv of the
Itestnratlve Nervine by l)r Franklin M.Irs Is
uouuuui. mis is J list wiiai uio American
TPo le need to cure their excessive nervoui
npss, dyspepsia, headache, dbxiuess, Meep.
lessness, neuralgia, nervous debility, dulluees,
rnnfuilon of mind. etc. It acts like a charm.
Trial bottles and fine book on "Nervous atid
Heart I)" with unenual'd testimonials,
free at O. II. HaKenUt.oli's drug store. Hit
wirmntetl to contain no opium, morphine or
uanperouH arvgs.
Thanksgiving day this seaon will
be observed with genuine gratitude.
Mllea' fterve and Llvor PIUb
Vet on a new
liver, stomaoh and
principle regulating the
bowels msrjMaA IM nnrt?.i.
A nmv dlaooverv. Dr. Mllea Pills soaedllv
oonstlpatlou. unequaled for men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! aldoses,
26ct. Hamples Free, at U. II. Hagenbuoh's
'trusf mure.
Already there Is talk of Christmas
and the coming holiday seuto'n.
Remarkable Faots.
Heart disease Is uunlly sunnosed to be In
curable, but when pmpeny Heated a largo
piuiiuiiiuii oi cages ran u curea, iiiusauk,
i limra Halnii. of Elkhart. Ind.. and .Mrs.
Mary L. linker, of Ovid, illch., wero cured
dmssslstatHau Jose, 111., says that Dr. Miles'
New llcirt Cine, which cured the former,
worked wonders tor his wife." Levi Logan,
of IluchHuati, Mich., who had heart disease
lor so years, savs two bottle ninde film "feet
llkoa new man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
ISNoldaud cuarauteod by O. It Huuenbuch
tho druggist. Hookof wonderful testimonials
The moon the past few .nights was
rivaling the electric lights.
Oh, What a Cough.
WUI you heed the warning? The signal per
Haps ot tbe sure apprpach of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can afford for the sake of savtug SO
cents, to ruu the risk and do nothing for It,
We know fronj experience that Bhlloh's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why moro than a Million Bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Crimp
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Hack, Hide or
Chest, use Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by
O. H, llageubuch, N. IS. corner Main and
Lloyrt streets.
There eeems to be, In all parts of the
town, a general getting ready for win
Spocimen Oases.
8. If. Clifford. Now Cunel. Wis., wna
troubled with Neuralgia and UheumatUm,
nn aioinacu was utsoraerea, nis L.tvor was ar
leeted to an alarming degree. Appetite fell
away, and he win terriblv reduced In llftth
a id strength. Threo bottles of Klectno Hit
ters cured him.
Edward HhcplloM, Harrlsburg, 111., bad n
running sore on his lo of o ght years' stand
log. UmkI three bottles of Kleclrlo IlHUrs
and Foveu boxes of Uucklen's "imlca Halve,
anil bis leg Is sound and well. John Mpeaker,
Uatawja, O,, had live large Fever sores ou his
leg, doctors said he was lucurable. One bot
tle Klectrlo miters and oue box Ilucklen's
Arnica Hilvo cured him entirely. Hold by
u. jl. iiiigeuuuob, uruggisi.
Hanks of clouds are often broken bv
heavy drafts of wind.
Fathor Pablo Juarez Talks
Don llnmon Alva. Dear Sir: I havo tbe
sitlBfactlcuof lulormlngyou that tho Cactus
moon iiuro, oi win u you aro mo owner, nas
prouueeu ine most wandcriui results ror o
Irlend of mlue who has buffered from her
pello eruption, and I consider your cure 8
regenerator without nuiaunl. In the name
of my irlend I thank you sincerely, and be
ture I win recommend your valuable medl
cine, as 1 have agiln seen Its results.
xonrs Truly,
11 ' V. I'AHLO JUA11EZ.
Bold at Klrlln's Drue Htore.Fernuson House
diucu, suenauaoau.
The cooler weather has a tendency
to improve uusiness.
Shlloh'a Consumption Ouro.
This is bevond Question the most suo-
jossful Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
l few doses lnvarlabl v cure the worst cases of
uougb, Uroup, aud Ilrouchllls, while Its won.
aeriui Huccess in iue cure oi uousumpuon is
viinouia Daraiiet in ine nistorv oi medicine.
Jlnce it's first discovery It has been sola on a
ruaruntee, a test which no other medicine
an stand. It you have a Cough we earnestly
lsk you to try it. 1'rloe 10 cents. 6(1 cents, aud
11.00. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack
lame, nee Million's Porous Plaster. Hold bv
j. it. tiagenbucb, n, is. comer Main ana
Lloyd streets.
Since a bell Is
provided with
to tell Instead
tongue, it ought
being told,
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will surolrdn
you good. If you hare a Cough, Cold, or any
irounie wun inroat, unvst or uings, ur.
King's New DlsovL'rv lor Consumnllon.
oughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re-
uei, or uinuey wiu uo paid uaca. uutsrers
Irom La Orlppe round it Just tho thing and
under Its use had u speedy and perfect re
covery. Try a tample bottle at our expense
aud learn for yourself Just how good a thing
It Is. Trial bottles free at O. If. llngeubuch's
urugsiure, iarge size ouo. auu al.uu.
We have noticed that the larger a
man's moustache is tliu fonder ho is
of milk aud soup.
A Yankoo Sheriff Frightened.
A well known aherlll, living In Maine, wbs
given up to die with what his physictau
railed Consumption, a friend advised htm to
try Pan.I'lna Coiigli aud liousumiiilon Cure.
recovery followed, aud the doctor now uses It
for Couxhs, Colds nnd Consumption. Trial
Doilies free at Klrlln's drugstore;
Opinion (lennral That Ho Is lint I'oorlf
l'n 1.1 for Ills Six Days Itldo.
New York, Oct. 20. William Martin
nnd his phenomenal performance
on the sllont steed at Madison
Square Garden, was the principal
topic of conversation yostrday. How
tho lad, for lie is not much more, man
aged to stay on tht track 127 hours out
of H2, givuig only fifteen hours to rest
and sleeping only n little over half of
that tlmo, pinnies most people. Hut
Martin's iron constitution nnd his free
dom from the use of stimulants of any
kind solved tho mystery.
Tho fact that Martin would rocolvo but
$3,b00 or $U,000 for his work, and tho
others only in proportion, was vory
genorally deplored. Tho managers of
tho affair havo done themselves credit as
managers, but their treatmont of tho
men financially, even though It be by
nureement, Is exceedingly parsimonious.
They could give Martin $7,000 or fS.OOO
nt the very least and still havo a haud
Bome sum to their credit resulting from
tho race.
All tho racers wore about yosterday
and all Insisted that they felt chipper as
two-year-olds. Martin got about won
derfully well and Ashlnger Beemed to be
in splendid conditiou. Lamb lookod
smart, too, but Shock, Hoyst and Albert
showed tho effects of their severe work
plainly. The lnttor Is a badly broken
up man, but notwithstanding thislie in
ists that ho is tho greatest wheelman
living and uniiouiioes his ability to bent
Martin's record nnd the record of the
world. He says he can get plenty of
backing, too. Albert is dead gamo, as
ho showed in the race, but ho will havo
to grow some before he can reach tho
notch made by Martin.
At the close of tho contest Martin had
1,400 miles to his credit, Ashlnger 1,441,
Lamb, 1,302, Sohook 1,38, Albert 1,308,
Hoyst 1,301. Tho total receipts for the
week were $25,000 and tho net proceeds
$10,000. Of this Martin will yet 3, 100,
Ashlnger, $1,500; ltmb, lr720 Shook,
?000j Albert, $180; Hoyst, $350.
The Movement to Heeure It Not Likely to
London, Oct. 20. Tho attempts of
American women to ralso money to se
cure the release of Mrs Maybrlok have
created much oomment here.
Efforts to induce Home Secretary
Matthews to express an opinion on the
subject have not been Biiocessful, but
from talks with people who are in Mr.
Matthews' conlideuce In such matters
nnd whoso idoas rollect in a large meas
ure Mr. Matthews views on tho sub
ject, tbo movement stands a vury ro
moto chanco of suooe3.
Mr. Matthews overhauled the ovldcnoe
very tuorouguly, on the petition for n
roprlevo son i aftor tho trial, and ho Is
quito convinced that he has not kept an
innocont womau iu prison. Tho opinion
that MrB. Maybrlok could ba roloasod on
labeas corpus proceedings doea not take
root with eminent British lawyers, ex
cept with those who are engaged In the
oivll suit about the insurance nionoy,
which is expectod to bo brought to trial
late this year.
What is most required now Is not
inonoy, but new ovldonco on which to
support the clulm for a now trial. Tho
lawyers for the Crown say that nothing
has ns yet transpired In tho way ot now
ovldonco which will lead any British
judge for ono moment to consider tho
question ot a now trial.
Mrs. Maybrlok must remain in prison
for many months yet, unless tho Homo
Oll'co In the meanwhllo gots a hint from
tho Queen to release her.
Engineer Who Was Discharged
Cured Kxplrce lu Great Agony,
CoLusmtA, S. O., Oct. 20. On the
morning of Aug. 0, Kobert D. Morton, a
woll-known young engineer on tho lilch-
mond & Dunvlllo road, was bltton by n
mad dog, nnd twouty-flve hours later
ho was among tho patients of tho Pus
teur Instltuto, In New York City.
Ho was Inoculated twice dally for
fifteen days, whon ho was discharged as
cured. Ho returned at once to this
city and resumed his .duties. Last Fri
day night, whllo on his engine, ho was
attacked by severe pal lib In his sldo,
where he was inoculated, and was at
onca taken homo.
During Saturday morning and even
ing he showed every symptom of hydro
phobia and a white froth foil constantly
from his Hps. This froth turneil to u
greenish color as tho end appoared, and
at 0 o clock yosterday morning he died
In horrible ngouy.
Morton wus 30 years old and loavos a
widow and threo Bmnll children. Tho
family severely condemn tho treatment
ot tho Pasteur Instltuto, and It is stated
that the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers intends to tako official notice of
the caso.
lias Llvsey aono to Kurope 7 '
Pittsburg, Oct. .20. United State
District Attorney Waltor Lyon states
that ho thinks It possible that William
Llvsej, tho missing ox-Stato Treasurer,
has gone to England. Mr. Lyon says
Llvsey Is an hmgllshman and his rela
tives live In that country. When Llv
soy roslgno.l his ofllcn, he says ho thinks
ho went to New York and sailed with
out telling his pooplo anything about
his Intentions.
Tliotiuht to Havo ISloped.
IlACKMTTBpWX, N. J. , Oct. 25. MtfH
Julia HowiA nut! William McCraoken,
wUo have Uibhppourod from ho re Aro be
lieved to havo ulopttl. Tli lutter U the
proprlotor of a tobacco factory, nail Mlaa
Howtfll, until recently, wm oiai'loyod a$
a clerk. In a store on Mala street It U
known that a he received tho attentions
of McCracken and that her parents did
not fuvor htm.
Jail Hroufceri Not Vet Caught.
PauWiiNo, O., Oct. 20. P. XL Good
win, Eck Evlok, Itobort TlnliiK, Charles
McCarty, who broke Jail Saturday, by
iwlnu oil tho cell hnra with a burxlar'a
saw. aro mill at largo. Sheriff Sailor
ban offered a rowan of )j200 far tho ap
prehension of tho oscapod prhonera.
Th& corner stone of TulTts now Divin
ity building la Uostun wu laid yoator-
The loss on ths burned building occu
pied by tbe Union Cotton ulnnlpg (Join
pany, Boaton, U $30,000.
Major W. Ct Manning, an ex-oldlor,
whoiti war record was full of excite wont.
has died lu Newport, Me., at the age
To test this ban a strip of huttier fn a bottle of
Acme lllscklpg snd lesro it.UMm for a dsj or a
month. 1 site 11 out and dry anil nmln It carefully.
'akesMmUar test wita French Unmins and Taste
Hakoa any kind of leather
Wntorproof, Soft and Durable.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak.
A Cane docker to Mahogany.
Snfl what can be done with 20c. worth of 1
Tnr .-7.
WOLrF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
cactus blood cure.
superior to tmm
Pari tics the blood by ex
pelling tho irapmitips through
tho proper channels aiid'novor
causes eruptions on the skirl.
Regulates the bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up tlio'system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails ' o cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered stato of stomach, liver
or ludnoys.
Sold at KlrllaV Drug Sic re,
Fergmon't Hntel Blvek, Shennndoah, Pa.
Ask my nixrntM for V. L. DnuctnM Slinen.
It lint lor stile In jour plucu nilc jour
ilenler lu send for culiiloguc, eccure the
ugeiicy mid get them lor you.
ItlSftBeamli'siBhots with nutacknor wax thread
to hurt tlio ft'et; mailo of tin- best 11 uo calf, stilish
ami cany, ami bei'dus? ire malt mora hov$ o this
grade tUan any other manufacturer, It eiiuals hatul
sewetl hIhmh ooatlntf from $4.JUto65.iO.
GSR, UO (.ciuiltin IlaiMl-Menrilt tho finest calt
JJ shoo over olTercil for fcJMWt equals French;
imported ulioea which cost from &s.0Un $r.I.(M.
CtA 00 HiiiMl-Si'Ufil Writ Shoe, lino calf.
iSfVm sti UbIi, comfortublo antl tin ruble. Ihe best
shoo over oiTfri'tl nt thin iilco t aitnio era Jo as cus
tom mu'lo HhtM'1 fostlnn from 6.tiu to
JTSO 30 I'-nlli't' Mioei Fiirmers. Hatlrnad Men
4Ja uiul letter Carriers all wear them; lino calf.
seamiess, siuomn inwifie. neavy inreo soies, uxien
Blou pJiH. ono pair will wear 115 ear.
t all 11 nt call 1 uo tn'tler shoo ever otiPreil at
alftMa thU itrleo: ouo trial will eouvlnco thoso
who want fitsluKj for comfort and nervlce.
CIO - mm ;. uu woritiiiBiiiiiirN snoca
130m nro vert strontr nnd durable. TIioko who
hio Riven them atrial will wear uo other make.
MffTtiVe' 9wtl nun l.7' ncuooi enoes am
twvL V O worn tivtho Lmnevervwherei thcVRoll
ou thcTr merits, as the lnereaslnR sulen show.
uUILO DuiiL'oln. vervntvllBlii eoualsFrcucli
tmtrurtetl shoed costing from gi.cOttt 9C.().
Imillcd 'J.flO, S.00 mut shoo for
MImos aro the best lino ixmgola. Kt Ilsh and durable.
Cniitlou, eo that W. L. Duugloa' uarao and
prtco aro etatu ped on tholrfittom of each shoo.
i. i. UwUU LtL Si UfWn.UJUt iUUBBw
arojgojpla 33 a 11,
rounn ot.,
th nnlr gfDUln Geraiaa AtncHcao.
PrwclalUt In the UnlWJ BtaUa who ta
abl U cure BlOOd PolSOtlf
Nervous Debility m Spe
cial Olsenseti '
hklu PI' "' KmI hita Palm la Xbm
tar-..soreThroat Mouth.
Rlttoh, rinl1eB, Kroptloni, aofl or
hard L'lcrri, BwelllDft, Irritation a,
Innatntnationa and Bnantoia
fculotumi, WcalDcaa an-J Eatlj
aT, loat nwmorr mak back menial aniUlT. KMmj inl
mailer Dtaraaea and all IM?aay reiatttnn from E.taaf.
In llwrt tlrtri or Overwork. Itccbl caa eiirwl la 4 to 10
relief al ooo. P not loae tmy. no mmttr nat
tUInf HoflWr, Quack, Family or lloijltal Ptyaldan haa nll.
Dr. TI1KKL ourci pOBltlvety and without aclttUoo fron
bailnea. oid, torna. Mmota oid anotMoai eoitTinrtiTiw
wiauTina rlfh or poor, fv.i tc lUmp tor bOOK
"TRUTH" e,wlnf Qatwka onrliT wro Uadnn-nlata.
IIimt, Mallr from to 1, Wfti 8 t , Wrf. and taU
Ir'ira 6 W 10. avndar 9 till It, Wrtw or oall and 1
ler UufMtiiOua Weda. 4 BtturJay TMli, tlallj Tuat
Has tlio loonl agency for the
Thomau Coal Company this
year, and la prepared to fur
nlnh coal of all glzod ut rates
lower than last yeur.
Tiios. Baiud, Bupt.
Horses aud Carriages for Hira
Neiswonler's : Livery : Stable,
West Coal Street.
Vlitn tryablttl wi
tfa tf-oai. .'i)inrf Irrat-'ularitie -t
, -hi o xro-surB. or frof dm
l-MIUNQtly tollowi
aUUoDal U aaki,.
all f
! 'nurt ulr aei, siiriiu
Ue DR. DiiCHniHC'W C -iflbruten
- , .a part
't'oaa DthiMlr
n, iitoi fc"d ii '"f -fl
IrninJ. htiit ter it
an tfrt,tl. Addnwa,
III I 111