The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1891, Image 2

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A Mlo Who Was Hurt at tho
Yandorbilt Ball.
Claims that the Edison Eleotrio Company
it Responsible for tho Injury,
An Knglno Used to ruruUh tho Powor for
the Klcelrlo Light l'rtghtennl llnr
Horses unit Tlinj Ilecnino Unmniiairo
abloBlin M'xi Thrown Out nntl Sus
tained Injuries from Which Slit. Will
74evnr Fully Recover.
New York, Oct. 20. A novel lawsuit
which will areata n sensation In tho in
ner circle o( the Four Hundred of this
ouy has Just been instituted.
It 1b mora than probable Mint tho hour
ina, when It taken pi row, will cull (or
the presence on tho witness stand of
some of the Vnnderbllts, Astors, Whlt-
noys aud other leadlnir society lights,
The suit Is the outcome of tho famous
ball given by Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt
at Newport, on Auust 18, of Inst year.
It Is brought by Miss Dresser, of Now
port and New York, against the Edison
1 lectrlo Company of Newport, of which
Millionaire John Whipple Is tho troas
Miss Dresser estimates her damages at
Job, 000, and the suits are tor that amount,
Her lawyers are Richard W. CJ. Welling,
of Wall street, and W. D. lieelker, of
Providence, H. I.
Miss Dresser Is well known In society
ns a friend of Mrs. uornellus Vanderbllt,
the (joclets and other wealthy people.
She owns n cottage at Newport also, and
h is taken a prominent part in the social
functions at that fashionable report.
Miss Dresser was one of the guests nt
the great Vanderbllt ball. It was the
event of the season at Newport, and no
ex mho had been spared to make it it
gi.ind success.
- feature of tho occasion was the light
ing nf the spacious grounds surrounding
tUf andetbilt cottage by electricity.
'I Ins was a very expensive mntter and
the contract was given to the locul Edi
tion Lieut ric Company.
The effect fully warranted the outlay,
iiml the giounds took on a fulry-like as
pect. Scores of guesU were present from
New York, Uostou, Providence and
ot her cities, and the ball was acknow
ledged to have been tho finest ever given
nt .Newport,
A temporary onglne had beou loontde
In a corner of the grounds to furnish the
jjowu for the electric lights. Alias Dres
ser on the evening of the ball hired a car
riage from Steivnrt'i- atnblos, ns her own
horses und carriages wore In tho coun
try. The enrriago was drlvon by Will
iam IialTorty, who is to bo nil Important
wituoss in the suit.
Miss Dresser was one of tho bellos of
tho ball, nnd enjoyed herself hugoly in
tlm brilliant itssomblngo. AtlillO o'clook
n tn. she called her carriage and started
to roturn homo. Tho engine on the
grounds is said to lwvo boon runnlug at
lull sneeu. As tuu uairiugu i"ni'iK
tho engino the horses bocaino uutnanago
lila nnd dashed away.
The team ran along Ochro Point, sorl-
nniiiir near tho ocean, to Auuandalo
Ituad and then turned Into Nurrngan-
Kutt avenue
.lust onnnslto the Unndsomo Travers
rottnuo the carringo upset nnd MIbb
Iiressor was thrown out upon tho stony
cround. Miss Dresser was severely in-
lured and did not take any active part
in tho social gayotles of Newport during
the balanoe of the season.
Mrs. Clews and many other ladlos called
on hor dnily for some time after the ac
cident, to leuru bow sho was progress-
ina. Nothing mis said about a suit for
several months uftur the occurrence.
It was noticed by the people a New
port this summer that Miss Drossor
walked with dllllculty, and that n limp
was plainly peceptlble. It Is said that
the lady has nover recovered from tho
effects of tho accident, aud will bo lame
tor life.
As time pnssos the effect beoamo moro
sorious, and Miss Dresser experiences
more and more difficulty In attending to
her own social duties.
Tim certainty that sue would nover
fully recover from the injury finally In
duced Miss Dresser to begin tho suit, tho
papers in which have been served on
the Edison Electrlo Light Company, of
At tho oOlco of tho Edison Electrlo
Compuny Counsel Lewis said yester
"The suit has been brought ngninst
b subsldsry Edison Company, the stock
of which Is mostly now in .Newport. Wo
are not Interostod in the suit, except as
minority stockholders in the Newport
Company. The suit Is betug defended
by local legal talent thero."
Col. Snmuol R. Haney of Newport has
been engaged to defend the suit.
Miss Dresser's action lias been brought
In tho United btntes uourt, nnd tho
papers aro made returnable Nov. 10
Itoush lastiKt of the Ktrurla.
New Yohk, Oct. 20. The Ktrurla ex
perienced rough weather on tho trip
aoross. wuuii turee uays out she ran
into a violent storm nnd tho engines
were slowed up for four hours. The ves
sel lurched so badly that the nnssenKors
woro thrown down. One woman in tho
cabin received an Injury to her spine.
On Frldnv an electric storm was encoun
tered, which, beyond frightening many
ci me people on uoaru, uiu no barm.
Tntul Ilir Iluuui Ilrawl.
riTWBUKo, Oct. 20. Jorry Buckley, a
young married man, was shot through
tho head and Instantly killed In front
ot Stein's Hotel, nt Soarksburir. and
Harry Stein, the proprietor, was shot in
the thigh, about 11 o'clock Saturday
night. The shooting was dono by two
colored men, nnmed Akens aud Morris,
ami was tue result 01 a uarroomuupute.
It Was ait Historic Ilarn.
Oni.T. ra.. Oct. 20. Tho burned barn
on the farm of Frank Y. Kaufman, near
this place, was tho oldest barn In Berks
County, having been erected in 1740. It
was a substantial stono structure and
had quite a history. It was a matter of
tradition that General Washington sta
bled his horses there.
Villages Swept Away bjr l'louili.
Madu ID, Oct 26. -The floods are again
working terrible devastation In Bnaln.
and have swept away villages In Ureas-
ca ana Almerla.
BltAULllS-llO.'KtNH OA si:.
The IIcoUIimi Allottliitt tlio Will to Ktand
Nut it Victory for miller slile.
Salrh, Mam, Oct. 80. Speaking of
his judgment In theSenrlos-ltopkins will
ease on Saturdny, which allows the will
to stand, Judge Harmon says:
This decision ot mino Is not at all on
the merits of the case. Why we have had
only about a third of the evidence to be
put In, and the most Important "Wit
nesses have not been examined. Mr.
Thomas E. Stlllmnn, Mr. Timothy Hop
kins, and, In fact, none of the contest
ants have been examined at all. Counsel
have simply been trying to get nt what
evidence they could from the petitioners
ror the will, and they hare followed the
very ordinary course of procedure. They
hnvo not attempted to fully prove their
case here, for they bnve no desire to
show their hand. They hnvo roservod
their ovidenco for the Supreme Court.
iso, tills is not a victory lor either
side," he addod. "I hnd only one
course open to me nnd ouo decision
to make. This is only n step. This
oase has just begun."
Timothy Hopkins, ai soon ns the de
cision was announced, gave notice of
appeal, nnd It Is apparent that this enso
may drag through the courts for years.
Iho will of .Mrs. Honklns Soarles di
vided her great wealth between Searles,
hor second husband, nnd her ndopted
son, timothy Hopkins, nnd both wore to
serve us trustees without bonds. But
shortly before her death sho caused a
codicil to be executed in which so much
of tho original document ns related to
limothy was struck out and Hubbnrd. n
lawyer nnd friend o Searles. nut in his
place. The nllegod lllegalty of this al
teration, said to bo the result of undue
influence, misrepresentation and fraud,
was the main contention of Timothy
Hopkins, when ho opposed tho probate of
tho will.
All the private popora of Mrs. Hop-
kins-S.'arles were put in ovidonoe. Thero
were sacklonds of letters, diaries and
.iocumeuts of every description read.
and when the private check book of Mr.
Searles was called for a determined effort
was made to keep it back, but tho court
lecxied it was necessary. One of the
reasons given by henries for disinherit
ing Timothy Hopkins was that the
young man had hired detectives to spy
on his mother nnd himself. This Hop
kins denied, clnimiiiKthat the detectives
were hired at the request of his mother,
who had doubts about tho disinterested
motives of Mr. Searles.
Tho Clever Way In Which Two rhltailol-
plila Turgors Woro Ciiptui-uri.
Philadelphia, Oct. SO. Detectives
Miller and Tait brought bank with thorn
from Kennobago Lake, Mo., Hurry JIc-
Glatchoy nnd Charles J. Care, charged
with uttering forged pnper. It is
charged that the prisoners changed a
$50 chock to $5(100 and got it cashod.
In New York aud Boston they robbod
jewelry stores. Two weeks ago thoy
camo to Konnebago Lako. They woro
heavily armed nnd spent tho tlmo very
v llnngciy Lauo guiuo named Jim
Smith met thorn In a gamo ot poker
ono evening, and mistrusting something
was wrong from a remark kept his eye
on thorn. On tho arrival of tho detec
tives Smith guided" hem nearly to tho
camp. Thoy hid in the woods, smith
wont to camp, got tho mon drunk, pulled
the cartridges from their rifles and re
volvers, gave the officers the slgual, nnd
their nrrest quickly followed. Nearly
$4,000 in cash and diamonds was ro
coverod. Thoy Woro American Citizens.
Kio Grande City, Tox., Oct. 20. Two
of the men who wore shot at midnight
on October 10 at Guardado do Arriba
rauch, so summnrlly by order of Gen.
Garcia, becauso of tnelr nuogoa revolu
tionary proclivities, nro now known to
have been Juan Iiazan and Jose Augol
Vora, American citizens nnd votors in
this county. John B. Richardson, Ameri
can Consul at Mutamoras, Mexico, has
nnnounced that ho will mnko ft thorough
Investigation ot tho kdllng, nnd it the
men were American cltuoui no win
take further legal stops.
Btlll No Cluo to llio 3tystory.
Coiitlani), N. Y., Oct. 20. Tho death
of Horace Williams, whoso body was
found lloatlng in tho crook nt Lafayetto
51111s, Btlll remains a mystory. John
Dobbins, who was last seen wltu .win-
lams, has not yot turned up. It was at
first uuuposed that ho had met n simi
lar fato to Williams, but n careful drag
ging of tho croek revealed no body thero.
The authorities nro searching for Dob
bins In nil direction", but so far havo no
clue whatever. The theory of foul piny
has many adherents, ns was no
money found on Williams' body.
Ouo Hundred and Two years Old,
Terms Haute, Ind Oct. 20. "Aunty"
Baldy, Torro Hnuto'e oldest woman,
who has just readied the remarkable ago
of 102 years, was born Octobor 21, 1789,
at Saratoga, N. Y,, aud came to Torro
Haute in 1810, three years nftor tho city
was founded. Hor husband went down
tho Wabash In a flatboat for New Or
leans in 1823, nnd ha never returned.
Ho was probably killed by tho Indians,
"Aunty" Baldy never married again.
IllVninlit Commits Hittclile.
BcnAHTOii, Pa., Oct. 20. Michael
Mamie, who was In tho county jail
awaiting trial on a charge of bigamy,
was found hanging from Ms cell uoor
yesterday morning, having used u towel
in lieu of a rope in order to put au end
to his troubles. Mamie was qulto dead
when discovered.
Store tntri Anslnst till Jews,
St. PBTKnsnunan, Oct. 20. An order
has been mndo prohibiting Jews from
supplying splrltuoui liquors to tho
crown, anil tno Jowa are also promuuou
from selling liquors, except whoa in
tended for export.
Tho engagement ot Mrs. Marshall 0.
Iloberts and Col. Vivian of London Is
Tho annual convention ot tho Young
Men's Christtuu Association ot tho First
District, New York State, will bo held in
Nyack an November 20, 21 and 23.
VXIInm Glennlng went about Kenstco,
N. Y.. yesterday with revolver nnd
shotgun Reeking whom ho might inuke
pepper cattors of. Finally ho was lodged
in lull.
A German sulc!dtl In YonVors. He
left this pathetic notti "I have no
mo ey I will not steal or beg and can
not got work, so, God wllllg, I Will bid
goo by to tho world."
Captured in Now York by In
spector Byrnes.
Bwinulora Paid Out
a Month for Postage.
The Names of 00,000 limbless Men tn
Whom Circulars Hail linen Bent Fotind
In the Outflt, Wliloh Wn Very Com
plete Thoy HhiI n Printing lross of
Their Own rroralnent Western Man
Who Wiintoil Some of the "Stuff."
New YoitK, Oct. 20. Inspector Dyrnes
has broken up tho worst groon-goods
gang that has oporatod in this city for
several years. Iu tho arrest yesterday of
Frank Urooks, alias "Protty Frank,"
and Toronce, alias "Poodle" Murphy,
two of tho most dangerous swindlers
men In the country were captured.
In a trunk In tho room whero tho men
wero taken wero found forty-six books
containing 00,000 names of mon from
almost evory city, town ' nnd hamlet In
tho United States. Ono sot of books
contained tho right namos of thoso par
tlos nnd their nddresscs, while another
set hnd n clphor entry.
Two tin boxes wero among tho dis
covered things in tho trunk. In them
were $0,000 letters and telegrams from
victims, dated from overy part of the
Urooks nnd his confodorntcs hnvo dono
during the past few months an immense
business, or rather a preparation for it.
Thoy hnvo recently mailed 600,000 circu
lars to various parts of tho oountry. Tho
postago alone has cost In ono month
Sometlmoln with a year Drooks pur
chased a printing odloo, nnd with tho
outfit produced his own circulars nt a
reduced cost. When ho hnd finished ho
resold the press and materlul.
Replies will be coming In from the
500,000 circulars vory soon, but not ono
cent of good will Drooks or his confed
erates realize from thorn, for without tho
reoords and the cipher number tho gamo
cauuot be worked with success.
The olrcular which tho gang has dis
tributed so libornlly holds out tho usual
alluriug bait, Customers must come to
this city and do their business person
ally. Tho goods nnd rates aro 'described
as follows:
"My prices nre ns follows: $303 by $3,
000; $050 by $10,000; $l,00u by $30,000.
Those goods are ns lino as human skill
can niuka thorn. Not ono of my agents
have had the least dtflioulty in handling
them, nnd many have acquired indepen
dent fortunes."
All communication with tho "gang"
is by telegraph, using n cipher furnished
with tho circular, nnd prospective cus
tomers nre strongly warned not to uso
the malls, as discovery is tho Inevitable
Among tho lottora found was ono from
John F. Reed, who claims to bo tho
superintendent ot the Elgin Home Stook
Farm, Alpine, Iud., in which tho writor
sends $o0 for n small consignment of the
"stuff" to try and see how It works. If
successful, ho will engage in largor tran
sactions, ho says.
Arrest nf the Clnlks Likely to Ilevenl the
Dupunt l'tmdur 31111 Cuneplrtorg.
Wilmington, Del., Oct. 20. Tho do
tectlves who arrested the Clark family
for blowing up tho Dupont powder mill
claim that tho Information obtained from
tho husband will roBttlt in tho speody
enpturo of tho ontlro gang of conspira
tors and tholr conviotlon.
Tho Clarks, who consist of Kdward
Clark, Mary Clark, his wlfo, and Joseph
Clark, tholr son, flfteon years old, wore
arrested Saturday, and wero plncad tn
the Newcastle jail on n chnrga of causing
tho explosion of pupout's powdor mill a
year ago, by which explosion flfteon
lives woro lost, thirty people wore
wounded and sixty dwelling-houses wore
Tho detectives Ingratlatod thomsolves
into tho favor of tho Clnrks, aud finally
obtained tho information that lod to tho
Actor Clnrke to Spread Himself.
Noiiwalk, Conn., Oct 2G. Goorgo
Clarke, the aotor, now playing at the
Lyceum Theatre, London, has wrttton to
a friend here tuat he in tntenus to con
vert the large tract of luud whloh hd
purchased in this vicinity last year intc
a driving park and pleasure grounds,
with a half mile trotting track and
quarter mile running track. He says
that ho will also erect u large grand stand,
stables, club houio, dancing pavilion
and casino. Others aro interested with
Mr, Clarke In this venture, whioh will
necessltnto an outlay of from $100,000 to
Our Mury Not Plnlns for tho Stage.
New YoitK, Oct. 20. Dr. Hamilton
Grlflln, tho father of Mrs. Mary Anderson-Navarro,
nrrlved from England last
night on the Etrurla. He said that Mrs.
Navarro Is living happily at her home In
Kent, Kugland. In reply to the cabled
statements to the affect that Mrs. Na-'
varro dashes to return to tho stage as
Mury Audorson, and that she is in con
sequence discontened with hor domoitlo
life, Dr. Griffin Bald that such stories
were absolutely without foundation, nnd
are gotten up by Irresponsible corres
pondents, who have no knowledgo what
over ot Mrs. Navarro's surroundings.
Queen Victoria All Illght.
London, Oct. 30. Tho wild rumoi
that Queen Victoria had died suddenly U
bollevod to have orlglusted In New Yort
with a stock-jobbiug intention, Thora
was no truth in tho story. The Queen
is enjoying her usual excellent health,
Augnstln Daly is
theatro in London.
a new
Ex Bpcakor Thoma B. Boed wlU speak
In Ohio this woek for the uepuuiicans.
The Court of Claims is again in ses
sion In Washington, attor its summer
Secretary Blaine will return to his
desk In tho State Department to-mor
row morning.
The lury in the llbol suit of Ignatius
Donnelly against tho Minneapolis "Pio
neer Press" for $100,000 damages has
returns! a verdict awarding Donnelly $1
damages and $3 oouiuol fee.
is far cheaper and much
iry it once. All reliable grocers sell it.
The organized miners of Iowa have re
solved to pledge nil . mlH'iiU'i fur tho
Leglslnture of i.ho fei. r.o tn vnta for n
general elglit.ho'w iaw, almlniim of
truck stot-qs, Weekly pi.ymenis, Weigh,
ingot coil before Keren in-: and ra-tklivr.
it a penitentiary offanto for anyone to
ask ths signature ot their employes to a
contrnat that would waive the rights to
any oi tue nuorn demands.
Wi.nriir l".tttliu.
WjtsitisnTOX. Oct. SO. Tor ew Rn ?lanil;
Oonorallr filf: ill htly wuimor; southerly
1 or Kalern l'ormyl rani Jerr. nry
uli'l uil 1 I'eiswuw) lulr. f.Kl't! "ai inert
outheny wmd.
1 1 r Wesir i cw York and "wlcm l'enn-
rylnt'ilHi Oonerully fix r, cxi'Opt Htrl.t rain on
the lakes foutheny wind.
For l-.mKini ew V ik: Vulr, slightly
warmer: s aitlnrly winds,
A woman "rtm-doion,"
overworked, weak, nervous and de
bilitated that's a woman that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
madu for. It gives hor health and
strength. All woman's weaknesses
and all woman's ailments aro cured
by it. It's a legitimate medicine
not a beverage ; an invigorating, rc
Btorativo tonic and a soothing and
strengthening nervine, free from al
cohol and injurious drugs. It im
parts tono and vigor to tho wholo
For all f functional irregularities,
periodical ' pains, organic displace
ments and uterino diseases, it's a
positive remedy.
And a guaranteed ono. If it
doesn't givo satisfaction, in every
case, tho money paid for it is re
funded. No other medicine for
women is sold on these terms.
That's because nothing else is
"just as good." Perhaps tho
dealer will offer something that's
"better." Ho means that it's bet
ter for Mm.
Ladies' and Children's Coats,
h Us, Shoes and Underwear
For Indies, men nnd children. All of which
will be sold 25 per cent, encaprrtuan
they can be bought elsewhere.
tST-Wntch for the KED HON In front.-6
People's Oyster Bay
X2 E. Centre St., Slienniidonli
Urn, Btwed, Scalloped, Panned or
Fried to orrtcr. Families supplied
nt their house with tho best oysters
tue luameb uuurus.
AH Orders Promptly Filled.
Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Restored.
Veukuea, Nervoumeas, Debility and all
the train of evils from early errors or later oxoesaea,
tbe results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc Full
strength, development, and tone Klven to overy
organ aad portion of the body. Blmple, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure
lmpostlblo. 2.UX) references, llaok, explanations
ud proofs mailed (sealed) f reo. Address
KlosUeddall's bulldln loroer ifalu tad Oant;
to: 9 East Centra Btroeti Mahanoy Olry, P
tikln aDd all soeoial dliwaea a specialty.
:c5li . -
better than tea or coffee.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891
I'assoneer trains will leave Hhenandoah for
ManchChnnk, LehlKhton, Hlatlneton. Cata.
anqna, Allentown, llelnlehem, Kastbn, Mill
tdelphlaand New York at 5.17, 7.40. 9.08 a, m.,
For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
strourUburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m.
1'or Lambertvllle and Trenton, 0.08 a, m
Kor White Haven, Wllkes-llarre and Pitt
on 6.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 nnd 5.28 p. m.
For Timkliannock, 10.41a, m 3.10 and S.2t
jl, iu
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyont
10.41 a. m and 5.20 p. m,
Knrliacevvllle.Towando, Bayre, Waverly,
Kinilra, Ilocheeter, Buffalo, Nlanara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a, in. .and
1.28 p.m.
For y Imlrn and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrfed, Ilailetou, Stockton, Lnm
tier Ynrd, Weatherly and 1'enn Haven Juno
(Ion at 5.47,7.40, 9,08 a. m.and 12.52, 8.10 and
S Si p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and lloave?
Meadow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 6.23 p. m,
ForBcrantonatS.47 9 08, 10.41a. m. 8,10 and
5:28 p. m.
For Haute Brook. Jedrtn, Drlflon nnd Free
land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m 12.52 3.10 and
5.28 p. m.
Fur lluakako at 5.47 and 9.0S a. in., and
1.10 p. in.
For Wisirans, Gllborton and Frackvllle at
.50 and tl.08 a. m and 4.10 p. in.
For Vatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano
i.47, 7.40, 9.U8, 10.41, 10,53 a. m.,122,, 8,03,
l.2 1 and 10.27 p. m.
For lA-ml Creek, airardvllle nnd Ashland
I. 27, 7.43,8.62, 10.15 a. in., 1.00,1.40,4.10. 8.35
(.10 and 9.14 p.m.
For Duns water, Bi. Clair nnd Pottsvllle
' 40, 1.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.52,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and R.O.
D.m. For llnck Mountain, New Boston and
Moren, 7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. lr.., 12.52, 3.10, 5.28 and
H.03 p. m.
For Haven Knn, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
-Ihamokln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, i.4t
mid 8.08 p. m.
Trains leave Shamobln for Hbenandoab,
7JTi 11.55 a. m.. 2.10, 4.30 and -W p. m., arriving
at Shenan loah, 9.05 a. m., 12.32, 3.10, 6.28 and
II. 14 p. m.
For Iost Creek. Girardvllle and Ashland.
.40,9,10 11.35 a.m., 2.4.4 p. tn.
fqt uarawaier, bi. viair anu roiuiviub,
o0, 8.0(, 90 m. m,2. p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
,00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4., 0.08 p. m.
For liofly, Audeurled aud Uaileton, 8JX
tn., 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Liehlehton. Slfttinttou.
latasanana. Allentown. Bethlehem. Eastov
mil New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
r or rmianeinnia, i.w p. m.
Uen'l Pass. AkU, Bethlehem.
First National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Pn I a on Havlues Ueponlts.
SltHHourl, Kiiiihoh, ArlcnnsnH
Texnn, Nelirnsku, L,oniHlmin
Colorado, Utnli, Cnllloruln.
Orcco n.WiiHlitiiiiton jMex tco
itev Jiexico or Artroiia,
and will send me a postal card
or letter slating
Where you are going,
When you are going,
Where you will start from,
How many there are In your party,
What freight aud baggage you havo,
I will write you or call at your hoiife and
furnish yon with the fullest information
regarding mutes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and Il
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books.
Hot Hprlngs gnldes, etc
Cheap Farming Lauds In Missouri, Arkan
sax, ivauHus Muu i. ujuia.
J. P. McCAHH, Eastern Trav. Agt.,
G. E. P. Agt., 891 Broadway.New York
Iron Mountain Route,
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written,
carriage licenses ana legal maims
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance igenej
General Fire Insurance Business, Itepresentt
ineiMorinwestern insurance uo.
OFFios-Muldoon's bnlldiug, corner Centre
ana w est bis., anenanuoanj ia.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two-story double frame dwelling bouse
store and restaurant, on Kasfc inlrA Ht.
2. 'A dwelling and restaurant on Kost Centre
8. Desirable property on corner Centre and
.mruui streets, suitaDie lor Dimness pur
4.A two-story double frame dwelling,
West Llovd street.
5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen-
iru sireet.
8. Two a story dwellings on the corner
Coal and Cnestnut streets Htore room
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
streot. with alanre warehonse at the rear.
8. Three two-story double frame buildings
writer ui umojvl ana uuuorv svroets.
Philadelphia and Beading Eailroatl
zume lWbie in efltct July 10, 1801
fror New York via Philadelphia, wfek any,
'-.i. h an 12 35 4.60 ana 6 Jit
ui. nuuuey i,w ana 7.48 a. m. For New
rk, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.23.
Jf J'.au ' snna z.sop. m.
roriteanuigand 1'hlladefphla weet dAyn,
i'"'K na rnunaelpl
7.20, a. m.. 10S
m and 5.55 p: m,
1'or Ifarrlsburg, week dav. n. m
0. s.Mn. m.
Nor Allentown, week days, 7.20 , m., 12.83
0 ti. rn.
IZMtO andft.Mp, m. HunJay', a l6and7.j
"i , I.OV IN ill.
Kor lauiaona and Mahanoy Oltv. week
ys, Z.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.60 and S.5S
m. Hnndav,' 2.10 and 7.4Ra. m.. 4 an m
Additional (or Alubanoy City, week days 7.06
For Lancaster and Pnlnmlila. wAslr rtan., 2.60 p.m. ' '
Kor WlUlftnisnorl.. Hnnhnrrnnrt Twlntturn.
eoS days. 3.23, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 1,85, 7.GJ
. ru, auuaay b:zj a. m., p. m.
''r Mahanoy Plane, weett days, 2.10 8.23,
7.20 and 11.30 a.m.. I'A'ti. if, gnu has
.(Wane " m. Hnnday, 2 10. 8.25 and 7.8
01. 4.0S. 4.30 11. m.
Kor Girardvllle (Rappahannock Button)
"If dftVS. 2.M. 3.21. S.2S. 7.VH nil IlJtlln. tn'
12.33, 1 Hfi. i.50, d,65, 7,00 nnd D.25. v. tn. Sunday,
iu, .-i 7,t a. m., 3.05, 1.30 p. m. Lm.
or Ashland and BUarnoKln, week days, t
,2 .,3.25, 7.20, US') a. m., 1.33, 7.00 and H,2S 12.
wannny 8 82 . m., 8.05 p. m,
lttlVO Mew York via Phllartolnhla Venn
ays, 7. a. m.,, 4.00, 7.:w p. m 12.11
am. ennony, 6.00 p.m.. 12.15 nienu
Usave Not York via Munch ohnnk. oin
ays, 4.30, 8.15 a. ra., 1.00 and 4.0) p. m.
tjOaVe Phllsdelnhla. wr davs. 4.10. unit
10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 6.00 D. m.. knta Broad
JtCallowlulland8.31a. ni.p.nil 11.30 n. m.
from nth and treen streets. Hnnday 9.03 a.
1. p. m. from Bin an (4reu.
'.0.10 iwiraLu, tvmtk UHVB, x.oi. v.iu, lu.uo
nd U.50 a. m., 6.55, 77 p. rn, Sunday 1.35 and
.to a. ui,
t.eavo 1'oltHvllle, west days, 2.40,7,40 a. m.,
.'0. 8 11 I), m. Hunrtar. 2.40. 7.00 a. tn. mirt
.06 01.
,ave TamaqUa, week days, 8.20, 8.43 and
2 1 n. Iu.. 1.21. 7.13. and U.1B n. m. Hundav 8.20
43 in. Mud 2.50 p. in.
..cave Mahanoy Oltv. week dnvs. 8.40. 9.18
ad 11.47. m.. 1.61. 7.42 and 0.41 11. m. Hun,
lay, 8.48,8.17 a, m., 3.4) p. m.
xiAve aiuanoy i'jaue, weeK oavs,z'4jtft.w
80, 9.33. a. m 1.05. 2M. 5-20. 6 20, 7.57. and
0. tn. Unndav 2.4j. 4.00. and 8.27. k. m.
8 37,5.01 p.m.
Litntve Ulrnrdvllle (ltannahannock Htntlonl
vec'x days, 2.47. 4.07, N.38, and 9.41 a. m 12.05,
de., n.uj nno iu.ud p. ni, nunaay, i.ll,
I ,i.3.m. r. m.
jjeave Wllllnuisporl, wees days, 3,00,9.45 and
,55 a. m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Hunday 11.15
Kor Baltimore, Washington and the west
11 B. A O. K. ft., throuzh trains leave Uirard
vvcuuc Bm,iuu, X uiinueiuuiH, MT. IV. I xfc.l
it 4.16, 801 and 11,27 a. m , 1.34, 4,24, 6.55 an t
vvtoue station, Philadelphia, (P. A R. It. It.)
a p. m. snnoay, i.iu e.ta a, m., l.n
55 and 7.26 p.m.
cave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whor t
:a 4oulh Btreet Wharf. ,Q
Cor Atlantic citv.
Week-dvs Exnrese. 8 00. 8:00 a. ra. 2.0O.
3.00,i."0, 5.00 .. ui. Aooouimodatlon, 7.40a.
tn. and 4.lj, 0 30 . iu,
4uuaaya. cUoreas. 8.00. 8.0) n. m. Ac
coinin.intilon, s.ou a. m. and (.45 p. m.
ttBinrntag, leave Aunntio uny, nepot
tiantloand Arkansas avenues. Week-davs
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m and 3.15, 4.00, 5.30
p. ra. Accommodation TJ.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p. m. Sundays -Express, 4.00 6 00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a.m. nnd 6.0a p. m.
u. u. naniiuua, ueu'i rass'r AKU
v. A. MoIiEOU. Pres. & Uen'l Manaser.
Hi nntl after Seiilcmler 1 1391, frafnj wilt leae
anenanaoan us rouowt:
For Viecan. Gllberton. Frackvllle. Now
.'astlo, Ht. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9.19
m ana 1.10 p m,
Bundays, 000, 0.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Fottsvllle, 6.00, 0.10 a m and 4.15 p m,
Bundays. C00, .40 a m and 3.10 p in,
For Reading, 0.00, a m and 4.16 pro
Sundays, 600,9.40 a.m. and 3.10 pm.
For Fottstown. l'noenixvllle. .Norristowa
indPhlladelDhla (Hroad street station), 6.00,
m. ana p m woe& uays
etneaays, v.w a m ,iu p mi
Trains leave Frscttvllie lor Bhenandoah at
10.40 nm and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Unndays,
il.13 am and 6.40 pm.
liava PottvUle lorrlhenandooh. 10.15 an
tl.43, a a 7,15, 9.42 p in. Hundays, 10.40 a m
i,16p m,
i.eave rnuaaeipnia (orooa Btreet station),
ror PottsvllleandHhenandoah. 6.57. 8 3? a m
4. 10 ana 7,uo p m weeir, aays,
Hnnday 0 60, and
x am
For He wYork, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40 , 5.35, .60,
,208.80, J.50. ll.OOand 11.14, 11.35am. Ot'noorN
lmllod oxwess. l.W 4.60 n m.) 12.21 12.41. l.f
2.B0. 4.29, 4.02 5, 6, 6.2J, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and lU.OuVt
m, 12.01 night.
On banuays, 8.20, 4.05, 4,40, 5,85, 8.12, 8.80, 9.60,
11.85 . m. aid 1221, 12.41, 2.30, 4 0.', (limited.
4.'vm.5'H. 2). H..i , -i ai and 12.01 nlghi
For Sea Girt. Lonir Itrnnoh and Intermediate
stations 0.50, 8.25 and 11.80 a. m., 3.30, 4.00 p. m.
weelc days, tiuuduyx B.-i a. ni.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3,50. 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 n. in., 4 41, U 57, 7.10 p.m. and 12.03
night dally and 8 81, 10.20 it. m 12 3i (limited
express with dlnlDg.cnr to llaltlmore) 1.30, 3.4(1
p. m. wo. u aays. (or nuitimore only wa, l.ut
week dys, 6.0S, 11.80 p. m. dally.
For Hlcbmoud, 7 20 a.m. and 12.03 night
dally, 1 30 p m, aally, except Sunday.
irtuns leave xxuxrisuurg tor x-itmuurg ana
he west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and
M (limited) and 3.40. 8 30. 9.85 n m. Way for
Mloona nam aud 4.10 p iu every day.
For Flttsbnrg only, 11.20 a m dauy and 10.20
m week days.
Leave bnnbnrv tor Wllllamsnort. Elmlra.
lanandaleaa. Rochester. Unflaloand Nlasrara
allg, 3.10 a m dally, and 1.42 pm week days,
if or Watklns, 5.30 6 m weekdays.
i' or Krie ana lutermeaiate points, s.iu a za;,
tally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.60 a m,
tally, 1.42 and 6.80 p. m. week days. For
'lenova 5.10 a m 1.42 and 6.30 n m week davs. !
M0 a. m Unndays,
ttiB. B. rOUH, J.K.WUOII,
Osa. Man'r Hen. Foes. Agt
TV .
Timetable in effect May, 10,1891,
Trains leave Reading (F.
. s it.
station) foi
Gibraltar. Heyfert. lilratboro. Joanna. Hnring-
fleld, Waynesbure Junction, Coatesvllle.West "
unesier,juausioru j unotion, u, a u. j uuouon, ,
Wllmlncton and Intermediate stations, daily 1
except Hunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 3.11 1
p. m. Duuuay umy ai n.vo p. m. 1
ror warwica, nt. meters ana iniermenjte
statlons.dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.tu.ffJst
e,iw p. in. nunuay oniy a. m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday nly, at 12 m. t '
a or uammore ana wasmnpton (it. it u.a.
1U dally excentBunday at 8.25 and 80 a. m.
and 3.16 p. m, Bunday only at 8.05 n. m.
Trains arrive at Heading (P. & It. station)
from Wilmington, II. & O. Junction, Mont
cuamn, unaaasioru junction, west unester,
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Waynebburg Junction,
Bprlngaeld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Bey.
fertand intermediate stations, dally except
Bunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 and 8.17 p. m, Hun.
any oniy ai a. iu, .
From Bt. Peters. Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Bunday, at 8.21 a. m.
and 2.25 d. m. Bunday only at 6 n. m.
From Ulrdsboro and intermediate stations, i
oaiuruay oniy at i.-iu p, m.
rrom wasningion ana xiaitunore, aauy ex
cept Bunday, 10 20 a. m, 6.62 and 8.17 p.m..
Duuuay uaiy nt a. ra.
NIMH BRIGGB. Gen'l Pass. Act.
a. a.
John R. Coyle,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. M Jin and Centre Street!, SHENANDOAH, PA J
X A two and one-half story double framtl
rluraiHriD hniien mill. . 1
-rAyftlnable proptjrty localed oa BoutU Jflrl
i I dual - M
S Beven dwelling houses at the corner of Oil J
"tn ana uioya streets, uooa investment!
.vitua iwuvusuia,