CI jlt XE'i SHENANDOAH. PA.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2G. 1891. ONE CENT. VOL. VI.-ISTO. 227. THE SURE ROAD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP THROUGH PRINTER'S INK i Republican State Ticket. GEN. DAVID MoMURTIUE GREGG STATE TltEASVltEltt CAi'T. JOHN V. MORRISON. nclfgates-at-Tsira to the ConttttuHonal Convention: A. B. Ii. SIIIKLDS, ISAIAH 0. WEAK, TOI, I. BOIIAFFEK, IIEH5IAN KHEAMER LOUIS W. HAIib, M. Ii. KAUFFSIAN, FHANK KEEDEK, It. M. EDWAUDS, H. O. Jl'COltMICK, OEO. S. SCHMIDT, J. II. VOMEKOY, OYHUS ELDER, JOHN CESSNA, JOHN S. LAMBIE,. WSI. 11. ROGERS, JA5IE3 L. BROWN, JOHN ROBERTS, T. V. FOWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge Hon. D. B. Green. Sheriff1 Benjamin Smiih. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director Georae Heffner. Unexpired Term Harry H. McGinnis Constitutional Convention Delegates. ROBERT ALLISON, Port Carbon. 8. BURD EDWAUDS, Pottsvillo. JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City. For Judge, vote of D. B. Green. Vote for honest Ben Smith for Sheriff. Firemen should votoor a Constitu tional Convention. George Heffner has proved that he was a capable and honest Director of the Poor. Re-elect him. Major William Clark is the Re publlcau candidate for Jury Commis sioner. Ho was a gallant soldier. Only through the medium of a Constitutional Convention can ballot reform be secured speedily and surely. Republicans should turn out in full force on Tuesday next and show their Democratlo neighbors that their votes count for something. There has been entirely too many stay-at-home Republicans in the past. frfjSjkk No better ticket was ever presented (jS, i"5- ior mo support 01 voters man tue ue- publican ticket, Btato and county. CENTS PER YARD FOE a good home-made rug carpet. It is one of those xtra heavy carpets, made of the bust yarn and clean rags. Finest line of Velvet xsrussei iuiu .nigrum carpets in ouuu audoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CAEPET STORE, HIGH GKADE GOODS! Do you want a strictly choice article of BUCK WHEAT JBLOUR? If you do we recommend our Fancy New Process Buckwheat Hour as the VERY FINEST in the Market. AsJs far "Riverside Buckwheat Flour 1" Just received a new lot of LARGE BLOATEIt MACK EREL,. Tlie Best we liave liatl Uti9 season. Also New No. i Macltcrcl. Medium size "White and Fat. Our first Invoice of New Fruit Is now open. New Currants, Raisins, Citron and Lemon Feel, To- our new Cleaned Currants. Free from Immediate use. Our I1EST MINCE MEAT keep no Common Brands. Our "NORTTIWESTElRir DAISY" is made oj the Best Grade of Minnesota Wheat. It is easily Baked and yields MORE and BETTEB BREAD than ordin ary Jilour. It is sold Al ORDINARY HOUR. Try "Old Time" tohlte Democrats as well as Republicans will show their appreciation of It by (jolng to the polls in November, nnd electing every man. Vote for D. R. Green for Judge. Harry H. McGinnis, who Is now filling the position of Poor Director mado vacant by the death of Charles R. Kane, Is n man of good business qualifications, honest and popular. He should receive the vote of every Republican and will receive many Democratlo votes. A circular Is being prepared and will bo Issued shortly to the volunteer firemen of the state asking all to vote In favor of holding a Constitutional Convention. W. W. Wutuler, the secretary of tho State Association, says that under tho present constitution no legislation can be secured for firemen, and that if firemen want recognition they must vote for a new constitution One week from to-morrow Is elee tlon day, and It behooves one and all to go to the polls and 'vote the entire ticket from top to bottom. Tako your neighbors with you and help to roll up a grand majority for Green, Smith, Clark, Heffner, McGinnis and the whole ticket. A little effort on the part of every Republican voter In the county will elect the entire Republl can ticket both state and county. Get to work at once, talk the matter up from now until election day and get out the entire Republican vote of your district. Postmaster-General Wanama keu thinks that free delivery in far ing districts will pay for itself. Wher ever it has been tried it ImB proved to be remunerative. If such a system should bo adopted by Congress on the suggestion of Mr. Wanamakor, it would be one of the greatest boons to the villager and farmer that could be Kiveu them. To have their letters and papers delivered at their doors and thus avoiding n necessary visit to the post office, would be to these people a great benefit. The Postmaster-General is striving to raako the post office department of more benefit to the masses thanit ever has been. Wo hope Congress will givo him the necessary aid. dirt and stems. Ready for Is tlie Best we can buy. "We THE SAME PRICE AS Wheat GRAHAM Hour. 5 BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANTNGS BY THE LOCAL, CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Rov. Powlok Proaohes an Interest ing Sermon on Oonsoorntlon in the Methodist Church. Large Attendance, A largo congregation in tho Methodist Episcopal church listened last ovonlng to a pormon on consecration from Romans XI 1-1-2, "I boseech you theroforo.brothron, by tbo mercies of God that yo present your bodios a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable sorvico. And bo not conformed to this world but bo yo transformed by tho renewing of your mind." Wo havo no proof that St. 1'oter ovor saw Rome. Tho Roman church was probably founded by porsons who woro convorted at Jerusalem on tho day of Pen tocost. Tho noed of apostolic c unsels led St. Paul to address them in this op'utlo. Ho uses tho morcles of God as an argument In favor of thorough dodication to God. Tho consciousness of God's goodnoss in dolivoring us from sin, should lead us to do tho same. When "attitude, latitudo and platitude" becomo tho substituto for ex perimental religion and hell begins to spew, as it did to-day, and mon rovol in its vomit, it is high timo for God's children to botake thcmsolvos to prayer and to present their wholo powers as living sacrifices to God. Wo aro not called on to dlo for rO' ligion but to live for it. To oxomplify its principles and illustrato its doctrines In our daily lifa. Conformity to tho world is in consistent with tho obligation laid upon us It is often difficult to seo the difference be tween tho dally llfo of professors and un- professors of religion. It is a disgraco to a religious man to bo governed by tho spirit of tho ago and to chorish tho samo am bitions and possess tho samo aims as men of tho world such rollgion is vain. It was mado tho plain duty of tho christians of Rome, as it is of those of Shonandoah, to be transformed transfigured changed and mado different from othor men in their aims, principles, ffurposos, habits, etc. And when such fruits do not appear in thoir lifa it is becaueo thoy aro degenerato sons and daughtors of a lifeless creed. Ono of tho roproacho3of our ago is that in tho Bacrod name of religion morality is often crucified by its own votaries. St. Paul says to Romo and to christians of overy ago and ovory clime: "Bo not confortnod to this world." Llvo abovo it. Bo superior to it. Do not imitate iU methods. Rofaso to resort to its expedients. But what ro sponso doos Rome and the rest of tho world mako? A religion that does not mako men bottor than tboso who aro with out it is worthless. And religious instruc tions that bid defiance to thoso apostolic admonitions aro a delusion and a snare. Next Sunday evoning tho pastor will preach a special sermon, by request, to tho Jr. 0. U. A. M. The finest noto papor and envelopes in the country at Max Reese's. tf PERSONAL. Joe. Laughran, of Ilazleton, spent Sua day here. Stephen Goho, of Reading, is visiting friends in town, Constable John Rail, of Delano, spen yesterday in town. Miss Sadie Maburgor, of Pottsvillo, is the guest of friends in town. Col. Geo. L. Brown, of Frackvillo, spent soverai hours in town County Commissioner Bowes, of Glrard- villo, was in town yesterday. Mrs. J. P. Finney and Mrs. 0. A. Koim aro visiting friends in Philadelphia. Contractor Eber'o, of tbo Electric Rail way, spent Sunday in Philadelphia. William Thirlwoll and Will Steele, oi Ashland, took in tho Sunday parade. Edward Mullon, of Shamokln, spout yestorday In town tho guest of friends.' J. J. Watkins was among tho Mahanoy City peoplo who witnessed tho parado yostorday. Rov, J. W. Porkenpino, of Port Carbon will preach this evoning In tho Methodist Episcopal church. Misses Tiliie Groscb and Bortha Staehle, of Fishbach, woro. tho guests of frionds in town over Sunday. Rev. Wm. Powick returned on Saturday from Reading, whero he attonded tho M E, district convention. Mrs, J, 8. Boyer, of Tamaqua, and Mrs. A. A, Qroenawald, of Pottsvillo, mother and sister of Postmaster Boyer. wero in town yosterday. District Attorney Koch, Assistant Dis trict Attornoy Shay, J, J. Toole and John F. Wbalen wero among tbo Pottsvillo visitors to town yesterday. "Mother, can I go out to fish ?" No, no, my little sonny. You Know you've got a swollen foot, Mr m-cclmis little lionev.' lint tliey got a hbttio ot Halvatlon Oil. and he went una cuugut an eei, ana nio u iiko a mu, Ladies, if you want lino writing paper and onvolopos to match, call on Max Rooso- tf JUST ORITIOISM. Justice" Shows tho "News" Edi tors Up In Their True Light Editor Herald : It strikes mo v.ry forcibly that Mr. BHtoridgo, momber of tho Borough Council, did an unwiso act in allowing tho bull dozing triumvirs of tho News to givo an exhibition of thoir black mailing proclivities over his signature Besides, it places tbo gentleman In an unenviable light in the oyos ol all woll- thinbing mon. Thoso black-mailors of tho characters of mon whom tho triumvir aro so far beneath morally, socially, politically and otherwise, boingawaroof tho unsavory opinion tho public has in regard to thoir expressions on any important question, tako advantage of tho prejudices ot a narrow- iniuded citizen to givo expression to certain untruths that they, through cither fear or knowlodgo of tho fact that thoir own opinions would havo no weight, would not ftthor in their Paul Pry sheet. Mr, Betterldgo is mado to Fay that ho was awaro that such a petition was to be presented to council ovor a weok previous to its ap pearanco. Now, I am In a position to know that tho black-mailing triumvirs havo caused Mr. B. to toll an untruth. Tho Kewi little coterio of followers may bavo anticipated such a petition from tbo societies in question in opposition to the desecration of Xho American Sabbath, for thoy well know that such a protest would not emanato from their un-Amorican and bigoted minds. Mr, Lamb's action as a mombor of tho liorough Council needs no uoloico nor apology at my hands. Ilis vote, in woll as thoso members who sustainod him, goos to show that ho is truoly an American citizen and abelievorin tbosanctity of tho Sabbath Hid tho matter como up for considoration after tho parado of yostorday, there would bavo boon moro ot tho samo opinion, And after finding, according to tbo intorpretation of tho borough's logal advisor, that there was no law to sustain council in its action ho further shows his manhood and lair micdodnoss by moving a reconsideration Mr. B. might folbw tho example with much profit. Yestorday was certainly desocration of tho Sabbath, morally, if not legally, and tho foresight of tho petitioners to the Borough Council is to oo com mendod. Mr. Editor, a word in roferonco to tain parties who used tho Lithuanian peoplo as a moro' tool by which to show thoir hatred for the P. 0. S. of A. and tho Jr, 0. U. A. M. These parties try to mako it appear that tho societies in quoslion woro opposed to tho dedication. Such was not tho case, as a perusal of the petition will provo. Thoy merely and justly, too- protested against the playing of bands of music on our streets. To show that it is not an interference with their rollgious worship, the authorities in Mahanoy City took similar action and stopped tho bands, yet tho Polish church of that town was duly dodicatod. Perhaps Mr. B. could ox- pUin how this is an interference with their rollgious worship. Justice. Shenandoah, Oct. 20, 1801. A fino stock of guns and nmunition for sale cheap at Max Reeso's. 10-21-tf Another Acknowledgement. To the Officers of the Home Friendly So ciety : Gentlemen; Allow mo to thank you and your courtoous superintendent, Will iam T. Evans, and agent, Alfred Welch, for tho prompt manner in which you havo settled tho claim of my beloved daughtor. Catharine Balrd. Sho was insured only twelro weeks In your company and I only paid sixty cents and rocoived $28. 75 in re turn, which is tho full amount of tbo claim, I recommond all to join tho H ome Friendly Society, as thoy do exactly what they promise, and do It with dispatch. Thank ing you kindly, I remain, yours IIuou A, Baird. Brownsvillo, Pa., Oct. 20, 1891. 102G-3t Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts Bruises. ses, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever, s, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllulalns is, aud alt Skin Eruptions, and positively Bores, cures riles, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. I'rlco 25 cents per box. For sale by v. 11. ilagenmich. Pbconlx Phalr. Tho Phconix Hose Company will hold a grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com mencing on Tuesday, Noy. 3rd, 1891. It will bo ono of tho largest and best fairs eyor held in this county. 10 11-tf Bost work dona at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotlos. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. A Surpriso. Koop your eye on this local, Keagoy, the photographer, will bavo his now open ing in a few days and will havo something interesting that will surpriso tho poople. tf "How divine a thlup a woman may bo made," when her cold is cured by, Dr. Hull's vougunyrup. BurohlU's Restaurant. Charles Buichlll is now located at corner of Main and Coal etroets, Shonandoah. Regular moals, at popular prices, sorvod any timo. Ladles' dining and refreshment rooms attached 9-11-tf Four tintypes for 26 conts, at Dabb's, tf 1.900 MENIN LINE THE LITHUANIAN OHUROH CORNER STONE LAID, THOUSANDS OF VISITORS IN TOWN Drovos of Humanity From All Parte Botwoon Plymouth nnd Shamokln Thirty Four So cieties in Lino. Yostorday in town bnro as much resotn- bianco to tho Sabbath as tho Fourth of July dots to Christmas Day. Novor bofuro in tho history of tho town, with, possibly, tho oxception of tho timo when half tho town laid in ruins in 1883, has tboro been such a crowd in tho town. Tho only somblanco of tho Sabbath was tho closed (front) doors of tho saloons and tho oc ca;ional ringing of church bolls, but tho sounds of tho latter woro frequently drowned by tho music of tho bands. Tho music discoursed by tho lattor, by tho way, was sacred only in ono instancrt and that was a solection playod by tho Grant Band just beforo tho corner stono laying coro monies commoncod. Tho traffic ovor tho Lehigh Valloy rail road was treraonious. Station Agent Fer guson estimated tho number- of passongers at no loss than 3,000. Mahanoy City, alone, sent ovor 500 peoplo. This immense throng whs handled so effectually that but ono accidont, and that was a fatal one, a man from Plymouth losing his llfo. Thoso who witnessed tho doparturo of tho visitors woro surprised that tho accidents did not roll up by scores. Tho Lehigh Valloy depot, waiting rooms, platform, and all surround ing placos, woro packed with humanity and it was only with groat difficulty that tho tracks could bo cleared to mako room for trains to pull up to tho platform. Those who havo been at Coney Island or Long Branch, or Capo May, and havo witnessed a scramble for tho last boat can form but a slight idoa of tho scono at tho depot last night. The screams of cbildron, tho crios of womon and tho oaths of mon mado scene wholly uncommon for a Sabbath day especially in this sdction. Tho pooplo commenced to flock into the town at an early hour and continued to stream in until after ono o'clock. By that hour all thoroughfares woro thronged, Tho membors of tho various societies scatterod hero and thoro and whilod away tho timo intervening betwoon their arrival and tho starting of tho parado by visiting frionds. Judging fr m tho appoaranco of some of Iho visitors, their visits must havo been numerous and tbo receptions accorded them very enthusiastic. Said ono citizen to a reporter, "I can't soo whoro thoy got it." But anotbor cilizon said to tho ro' porter this morning, "If you had beon in ono of tho halls at tho cornor of Main and 0k straots you would havo scon plenty There was onough on tho floor for a ship to float on." But.howover that may b, it is duo to tho sooiotles to say that thuro wero no disgraco ful ecenos upon tho streets and tho duy ended tar more quietly than was expected, Tho parado started at; 1:30 p. m., under tho Chief Marshalship of Androw Molusky, in tho following order: FIRST DIVISION". Chief Marshal. Mounted Marshals. Clergymen in Carriagos. Grant Cornot Band. Knights of Annunciation. T. A. B. Society, Glrardvillo. St. Joseph's Legion. Glrardvillo. St. Patrick's T. A. B. Society, Mahanoy Plane. SECOND DIVISION. St. Patrick's Band. St. Patrick's Society, Shonandoah. St. Mi baol's Verein, Shonandoah. St. Joseph's Pionoers, Glrardvillo. THIRD DIVISION. Shamokln Band. St. Iuzefa and Gwardia Kosciusko So cieties, Sbamokin. FOURTH DIVISION. Sbamokin Band. Franciaka Saraflna and St. .forzogo Socie ties, Shamokln. Gwardia Walnoci, Mount Carmol. FIFTH DIVISION. Mt. Carmol Band. Stanislawl Kostky Sooioty, Gwardia Kos ciuski and St. Vetro and Powilo, societies, Jilt, uarmol. SIXTH DIVISION. Ilazleton Band. St. Petro and Powilo Society, Bazlotonj Jurgo Kareiway Society, Mahanoy Piano. SEVENTH DIVISION. Pittston Band. St. Kasimer and Jurgo Societies, Pittston. EIQIITH DIVISION. Plymouth Band. St. Kasimer Society and Gwardia Nara dowa, Plymouth. NINTH DIVISION. Froeland Band, Gwardia Kosciusko and St. Kasimor So ciety, Plymouth. TENTH DIVISION, liahunoy City Band. St. Juzupo and St. Ludwiko Society, Plymouth. ELEVENTH DIVISION. Gilborton Cilizons' Band. Citizens' Society, Shonandoah, TWELFTH DIVISION. Band. St. Juzupo and St. Kasimor Societies, Shenandoah, THIRTEENTH DIVISION. Hand. SU Polroand Powilo Society, Shenandoah. FOURTEENTH DIVISION. St. Jurgo Band. St Jurgo Society, Shenandoah. Tl A roliablo count showod that thoro woro 1,000 mon in lino, independent of tho mea in tho fourteen bands, and it took the lino twonty-two minutes to pass a Riven point on North Main stroot. At tho conclusion of tho parado Rov. II. F. O'Roilly, of tho Annunciation church, and the assistant clergymon alighted at tho roar end of tho foundation walls of tho now church and, entering tho space within tho walls, proceeded with a short sorvico. Rov. O'Roiily was assistod by Roy. J. J. Llotorzynskl, of Pittston; Rev.Abromajlia, of Mahanoy City: Rev. Klonowskl, of Mt. Caroiel; Rev. Alexander Burba, of Plymouth; Rov. Pautienis, Baltimore; and Rov. Osborn, Mahanoy Piano, and Rov. Schuttlohoofler, of tho Gorman Catholic church, of town. Aftor tho sorvico in tho spaco within tho walls tho clergymen proceedod to tho plat form orected at tlio southwest corner of tho elto and Hov. O'Reilly formally laid tho cornor stono. Rov. l'antienis, of Balti more, mado a longthy address and waa followod by tho othor Lithuanian clergy men. Owing to tbo numerous addresses In tho Lithuanian tonguo Rov. O'Reilly did not speak. Always go to Coslctl's, South Main streot, for your prime oysters, 8-22-tf EXCURSIONIST KILLED. Manglod as Ho Was About, Going Homo. John MHonowicz, ono of tho excur sionists to town yestorday, was instantly killod at tho Lehigh Valloy depot last night, just beforo ho was to leavo for his homo in Plymouth. Tbo man was run' down by an engine pulling ono of tho ox cursion trains up to tho platform and his bojy was horribly mangled. It was so badly cut up that pieces wero scatterod along tbo track. TbodoceaJod was 21 yoars of ago and un married. Ho was a mombor of tho St. Kasimer Society of Plymouth, and his re mains woro taken to that placo by members of tho society on tho regular oxcurslon train. An opon face silver watch and f85 in cash were found noar bis porson. Deputy Coronor Brennan ompanolod tho following jury: 'Squiro J. J. Monaghan, Joseph Temple, Thomas Mullahy, D. J. Conners, P. F. Burke and Goorgo Cor The jury viewed tho remains and adjournod to meet as soon as tho witnossos can bo sccurod, P. J. Forguson, tbo station agont, was an oye witnoss of tho accidont. Ho was so uncomfortably closo to tho docoasod when, tho accidont happonod that ho was knockod. by the train. Mr. Ferguson said last night: "Tho tracks woro crowdod as tbo train approached and wo had difficulty in getting tho peoplo out of tho way. Tho dead man and two others, who snomed to bo undor the In ti'ionco of drink, rofused to movo. I ran. across tho track and sbovod two of tho mon out of tho way. As I did tho othor man was struck and tho sido of tho ongino knocked mo down, outsido of tho tracz." It was learned to-day that tho fS5 found noar his body did not belong to tho deceased, but to a man residing at Glrardvillo. Tho lat tor has mado claim to tho monoy. II o says that whilo bo was holping to movo tho body from tho track tho bills foil out of '.his pockot. Tho claimant will appear boforo tho coroner's jury to-morrow night and mako a formal demand for tho money, with proof of ownorship. Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at tha Uerald offlco. Stationary packages, G and 10 cents each- at Max Reoso's. tf Fall of Goal. A Polandor residing in tho First ward was seriously injurod by a fall of coal in tho Sulfolk colliery this morning. IIe was taken to his homo. Buy Keytlont flour. Bo careful that tho name Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., ia printed on every sack. 3-3-ltaw Oysters aro in season and tho best In the market aro at Coslott's. 8-22-tf A fino stock of guns and amunition for sale cheap at Max Reese's. 10-21-tf WANT A FISH ? For Breakfast ? A Mackoral? Wo havo 'em. White and fat. Bright and sweot. Wo oil. No rust, ilb, 3 1b, lib, 11 lilb, GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Str