The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 24, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-NO. 22G.
Republican State Ticket.
statu TiiKASvnnni
FitANK nuiii)i:n,
II. 0. m'cokmicic,
j. ir. roMEiioY,
Ccfunty Ticket.
Judge lion. D. Ii. Green.
Sheriff Benjamin Smith,
Jury Commissioner MaJ. William
Poor Director Qeorge lleffner.
XJnexpircd Term Harry H. MeQlnnis
Constitutional Convention Deteynies.
B.IIURD EDWUtD-4, I'ottsvllle.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
'n Evcnlnc Experience of Mr. Itodwell.
of Kelson Street.
ICopyrightcd by Leo & Shcparil. Boston, and
published by special arrangement with tlicm.I
Mr. Bodwell, of Kelson street, sat
clown for n quiot communion with hia
family and the newspaper on Thursday
'evening. All the children but the eldest
had eaten supper, and ha was industri
ously engaged at that task. Mr. Bod
well drew np to tho lamp, selected an in
teresting article that would undoubtedly
engross hia wife, and commenced to ro
produco it, while she, patient woman,
kept her eyes on tho children, as the
father was very sensitive to foreign
noises when engaged in reading. Bod
well had got down tho column some
-twelvo lines, and was just luying him
self out on tho big words, when ono of
the girls, while taking unusual precau
tion to step around a scuttle of coal,
actually stepped into it, and a bewilder
ing crash followed.
''Merciful heaven!" shouted Bodwell,
"what was that?" Mrs. Bodwell ex
plained, tho other children tittered, and
the girl, being a wise child, knew her
own father, and sagaciously left. Again
isoawell picked up tho paper, and giv-
ut spitetul twist, resumed tho ar
il V it was a moment or two before
w 'regained his composure, but the
author waa a man nccpaaititod with the
business, nnd tho skill with which he
a goutl homo ma(o rug carrot.
It is ono of those pxlra heavy
carrots, made of Ihe hee-t vain
and clean rags. Wiiest line of Velvet
Drussel nnd Ingrnlh Carptts In Blien
nmloah at
Do you want a strictly choice article of BVCBZ'
iruiMLX' JiXiUUMY xt you
Fancy JSTew Process Buckwheat Mow as the VERY
EJ1YEST in the Market. Ask
JUU V cl ttlU t5 JD UUL
W k
Jtdit received a new lot of
EREL. Tlic Best we liave lintl
x ftlncltcrcl. medium size White and Fat.
Our flrt invoice or New
currautSi iiaistus. Citron and
Cleaned Currants. Free from
Immediate use.
Icccp no Common Braud9.
Best Grade of Minnesota Wheat. It is easily Baked
and yields MORE and BETTER BREAD than ordin
ary Mow. It is sold A'l THE SAME BRICE AS
'Ivy "Old Time" white
handled the subject soon conquered tsort
well's mind. Ho became wholly ab
sorbed in tho matter, and at ono point
he involuntarily brought down hia
clinched hand with a force that amply
expressed his own feelings and very
forcibly stirred up thoso of one of the
children, who had caught tho full effect
of tho descending fist.
"Will somebody cut mo open?" plead
ed the despairing man, as ho caught up
tho shrieking offspring and fell to rub
bing its back, whilo tho mother dashed
after tho camphor, and tho other chil
dren, awestruck by tho affair, rushed
into tho hall to laugh. It waa full five
minutes before the injured ono was qui
eted, and by that timo Mrs. Bodwoll ex
pressed a de6iro to hear no more of the
articlo; but Bodwell was determined
then to finish it anyway, and he resumed
the paper. During tho progress of the
next reading a littlo girl came in to bor
row a flatiron, and the mother got up to
give it to her, moving about so quietly
that Bodwell waa not interrupted. The
eldest boy was still at his supper. He
waa a good boy. Whenever ho wanted
anything ho stood up and reached for it
himself, and did it very quietly.
Just as tho littlo girl departed with
the llatiron, tho heir, who had his fa
ther's boots on, stood up to reach ovei
tho table for tho sixth tart. The mothet
in returning detected tho vacant chair.
and fearing somo one would fall over it
and make another disturbance, she
thoughtfully moved it back to the wall,
and just got by us the heir settled back
with the coveted tart, and finding noth
ing but tmn air to receive him made
desperate effort to savo himself, but
waa too late, and cainodowu on the (loot
with ft crash that mado every timber in
thehouso sqncak.and tho horrified parent
on looking up, was nearly petrified with
amazement to see las own boots clawin
madly among tho dishes, whilo tho dis
tracted occupant was vainly endeavoring
to extricate himselttrom under the table,
That wound up the evening's entertain
ment The disgusted Bodwell put on
his coat and lied down street, leaving
tno very soro and mortiiied heir to sup
press the mirth indiscreetly displayed by
tho other children as he best could with
tho ugencies at hand.
Can Point "With Pride.
All good Republicans in the stato
should vote for Gregg and Morrison in
November, and we believe they will
for these men represent the principles of
government which have been so bene
ficial to the state and nation for the past
thirty years. Gregg and Morrison are
men to whom the Republicans of this
state can point with pride, for they are
of the stock which makes the best of
public servants honest, sincere men
whoso characters aro above reproach.
whose whole lives have been sient in
honest industry, in good deeds for the
umiun auu xur luuir leapeuuvo com
munities, and whose axperieuco has
been such as to fit them for the duties
which the Republicans propose to elect
tuein to pcriorni.
:It Would Astonish iiim.
It would astonish and probably dis
gust Governor Pattison to know how
many people did not read his message.
Hollow E'en tho last of this month
ao we rccommena our
W lti:L L JD 1U LLL 1
tills Hcason. Also New No.
Fruit is now open. New
Lemon Peel. Try our new
dirt and stems. Ready for
is tlic Best we can buy
DAISY" Is made oj the
Wheat GRAHAM Mow.
Whoro Thoso Who Aro So Dis
posed May Attend Divino
Worship To-morrow Other
Local News,
English Hnptist church, South Jardin
street, Hov. II. O. Jame, pastor. Troach
ingatl0:30a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Morn
ing subject: "When shall tho Dead Riso
Evening subject: Tho Testimony of th
Sheep Against tho King. Sabbath school
at '2 p. m. Daacon John Bunn, superinton
dunt. On .Monday evening at 7:30 th
B l. P. Union will moot. Oa Wednosday
evening at 7o clock a eonoral nraver meet
ueisn juetuoaist cDurcn. services on
Sunday at 10 a. m. and C p. m. Preaching
in Wo'eh in tho morning and English in
tho evening by Rov. James John, of Al
liance, Ohio.
Welsh Congregational church. Pieach
ing on Sunday at 10 a. m in Welsh, and
Op. m., in English by Rev. F. Tyl
Evans, of Lansford, and Rev. JamesJohn,
of Allianco, Ohio. Rev. Evans in th
evenirg will preach n funeral sermon in
memory of tho late Mrs. Mary Powoll nnd
Daniol Reoso.
M. E. church, Rev. Wm.Powick, pastor,
Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. Sunday school at 2 p m to bo fol
lowed by thodovotional mectingof tho Bp-
worth Lcaguo. General prayor meeting
lbureday evening at 7:30. Seats froo.
All aro welcome.
All Saints' Episeopalfchurch, Oak stroot,
near Main, Rov. Floyd E. Wost, rector,
Sorvicea as follows: Morning prayor and
litany w:th reading and sermon, 10:30.
Evening prayer andsorraon, 0:30. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. The rector officiates and
preaches at tho morning sorvico on the
second and fourth Sundays of each month
and at tho oveningIervice on tho first and
third, a lay reader offlclatingin hisnbsenco,
Ebenezer Evangelical church. Rov. H.
J. Ulick, pastor. Services Sunday at
10 a. m. in Gorman, and 0:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m
All aro heartily invited to attend.
P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath Bchool at 2 p. m.
loung Peoples' Christian Endeavor at
p. m. every faabbath. Claseos meet Tues
day nnd AVcdncsday evenings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 0:80 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. II. G.
Russell, pastor.
Preaching in tho Trinity Reformed
church to-morrow morning and evening by
tho pastor, Kov. Robert O Boyle. Every
body wolcoroo.
Welsh Baptist church, cornr West nnd
Oak streets. Rev. D. I. Evans, pastor.
Sorvices Sunday at 10 a. in. in Wolsh
and 0 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday even
ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
i'Msbytorian church. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. bv Rov. W
McNally. Prayorlmoeting on Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock. All are cordially in
Get Good Insurance.
in insuring ouner your proporty or
your life select a company that can pre-
sont not only good names as its executive
officer;, but also that has somo evidence of
financial ability to pay in caeo of disaster.
In other words, purchase insurance that
will insure. According to Insurance Com
issioner Luper there aro a number of mu
tual fire insurance companies in this state
that aro practically insolvont, and ho has
roferrod tbo facts to; Attorney Goneral
Hensol for action. It is alleged that tho
insurance laws are defective against such
mutual companies; if so, his action and
tho investigation of the Attorney General
may load to such legislation as will protect
tho public from such irresponsible concerns.
David Faust represents nono but tho boat
nnd must reliable companies.
Do you fuller with Consnmntinn. rnnelia nr
Colds? You can be cured If you take I'an
'J'lua Contli and Consumption (Jure. 'JSand
60 ceits. Trial bottles free at Klrlln'sdrug
Waters' Weiss beer is tho best. John A'
Reilly sole agent. 6-6-tf
Do you want a situation ?
Do you wantbolp?
Do you want to soli your, business ?
Do you want to sell or exchange real
ostato ?
If to, call on Max Reese, Shenandoah,
agent for tho United States Employment
and Dullness Agency, 41 and 40 Uroadway,
New York.
"Mother, can 1 go out to llsaT"
No, no, my mile fcouny,
You know you've got a swollen foot,
HI v nreclous little lionev." '
lint they got a bottle ol i-ulvutlon Oil, and bo
went una cuughl nu eel, and ate 11 lllio a muu.
Ladies, If you want fine writing paper
and enveiopes to match, call on Max
Reeso' tf
Tho Pennsylvania Rtxllrond's Per
sonally Coniiuotod Towns.
Tho lonnsylvnnia Railroad is always
roaching out for so-nothlng new to pleai
tho public and tho Hkkalu 19 always glad
to record tho facts appertaining thoroto.
Last year It organized its own tours to tho
Pacific coast and thoy wore so successful
that they havo wisoly determined to have
them again this year with an additional
tour to Mexico, something never yot done
by a railroad corporation. Thoso tours
will bo limited to a cortain number ol
passengers, who will travol in r Pullman
voUlbtiletrain, furnished with tho luxurious
appointments of tho richest home, with la
dios' maid, stenographer and typewriter,
library, bath and barber, and.tmoklng and
library rooms, and an observation car in
truth an exact reproduction of tho Penn
sylvania Limitod.
The first tour leaves New York January
13th, and speeds direct to tho Pacific Coast
via St. Louis, Kansas City, Las Vtgas and
Santa Fe. Tho second tour, tho Mexican,
leaves February 10th, running directly to
tho City of Mexico via Cincinnati, Mam
moth Cave, Ulrmingham, Montgomery and
New Orleans, with incidental stops en
route. Tho third, February 21th, runs di
rectly to New Orloans via Cincinnati nnd
Mammoth Cave, and. thonco, after the
Mardi Gra3 festivities, to tho Pacific Coast.
Tho fourth and Cab, both through Califor
nia tours, will leave March 21th and April
20th, respectively.
Tho tours list ytar were so successfully
conducted that thoso who took them wera
unanimous in thtir praise of tho manage
ment. Tho trip to Mexico, liko thoso to
tho Paciflo coast, will bo just at tho right
season of the year, and all tho comforts, at
tentions nnd enro that is obtninablo on a
Pennsylvania Railroad excursion will bo
furnished on this. It will unquestionably
bo tho best way to seo tho land of tho
Aztecs and under tho most advantageous
circumstances. Tho rates aro reasonable
and cover all necessary expenses. Further
information can bo had of Mr. Goorgo W.
Bayd, Asisstant General Passongir Agent,
Philadelphia, Ta.
Tho finest note paper and envelopes in
tho country at Max Reese's. tf
At tho Main Street Orosalnn-
the L. V. B. R.
J. no watcn nouso at tho Ma n street
crosing of tho Lohigh Valley railroad is
so situated that E-idio McAteo, tho gate-
man, has sometimes found it difficult to pet
tho gates down in timo. Thoro is a deep
cut near the houso and it is impossiblo to
seo a train coming eastward until it ia al
most nt tho crossing. Tho Lehigh Valloy
compmy has now furnishod an electric ap-
pnanoj uy wmcn 1110 gatemnn will boab 0
to know of tho approach of tho train and
got tho gates down in ample time. A
small electric battery has been placed in
tho watch box and is connect! wlih
wiro strotched along tho track around
tho curvo to tho watch box at
tho Pennsylvania round homo, whoro an
other battery has been placod. At this
point n small wire attuchmont has been
placed at the side of tho rails. As tho
wheels of an east bound locomotive, or car.
touch this wiro it creates u current that
rings a large gong placod on a pole at tho
Main street gatoand gives McAteo warnlna
of tho train's approach. Tho gong rings
loudly until tho train passos tho crossing.
Last night somo mischievous boys cut tho
wires. They havo been repaired and tho
company has taken steps to bring about the
arrest of parties who may repeat tho act.
Buoklon's Arnica Salve.
The lleHt SnUfl In tliA unrld fnf rna
111 UIBVtf,
auteedtoglve perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Prlco 25 cents 1 er box. For safe
by U. II. llaeenbnch.
A Good Show.
Cawthorn's Littlo Nugget Co., gave ono of
tho best entertainments of the season at
tho theatro last night. Tho ojrapany is tho
same as was here last loason, with tho ox
ception of Mr. Ed. F. Cogloy, who, as
Jakey Kumpher, and in his tyroloan Swiss
yodelling, acquitted himself croditably,
and is proving himsolf a valuable acquisi
tion to this already strong company.
Phoonlx Phalr.
The Phoenix IIoso Company will hold a
grand fair in Robbins' opora house, com
mencing on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1601. It
will bo ono of tho largest nnd lost fairs ever
hold in this county. 10-H-tf
A Surpriso.
Keep your eye on this local. Keagoy,
tho photographer, will havo his now open
ing in a fow days and will havo something
interesting that will surprise tbo people, tf
"Ifow divine
a tulug a wnmnu may be
made." when her cold
cured by,Dr. Hull's
Uougti Syrup.
Burohlll's Restaurant.
Charles Uuichill ii now located at corner
of Main and Coal stroi ts, Stionuidoah.
Regular meals, at popular pricos, served
any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached. 0-1-1-tf
Four tintypes for 26 conts, at Dabb's, tf
A Dwolllnp: Outsldo tho Boromrh
Lino Burned to tho Ground
and tho Contents Lost.
Mysterious Origin.
Shortly beforo ono o'clock this mcrning
tlio whistlo of tho Kohinoor colliery
broakor was blown vigorous and tho fire
boll in tho tower of tho borough building
took tho signal and scundod n genoral
alarm. Tho blowing of tho whiitlo lod tho
peoplo to boliovo that tho breaker waa on
DroBndthoy jumped from, their beds and
flocked to tho colliery in drove?.
Fori unately tho firo was not as serious
a' at Urst supposed, but it was terlniu
enough to render n minor and Ms family
Tho firo was in a houso located just west
of tho borough lino ownod by Mrs. Uren-
nan and oc upied by Thomas llanna nud
his family.
Tho Columbia and Phoenix companiei
tried to get near tho sccno, but finding no
mrans to secure water thoy returned. Tho
Rescuo Hook end Ladder Company
ttoppod its truck at tho Kohinoor colliery
and soveral of its men onered what sorvico
they could give with their drag hooks and
other appliances, but by tho time they
reached the plsco tho structure was
doomed and nothing but tho foundation
walls and ono sldo of tho building was left,
Mr. llanna, tho occupant of tho building.
and hU wifo and infant child had a narrow
oscapo from falling victims of the flames
Mr. llanna had worked on tho night shift
and got homo shortly after cloven o'clock
Ho retired with hia wifo and child about
twelve o'clock. The latter foil intoasound
sleep, but the father was rostloss aftor his
hard'day's work. Fortunately ho was, for
had he fal'en into a deep -lumber it would
havo been his sloop of death.
As Hanna lay in a dozing conditid,-. ba
thought ho heard a noiso like the crackling
of burning timber. Gradually recovering
ins senses, llanna aroso from tho bod and
oponod tho doer of tho bodroom. Tho hall
was full ofsmike. Hastening back Mr.
Hannah aroused his wifo and chi'd. They
didn't havo timo to put on any street ap
parol and woro obliged to make thoir way
down stairs and out to tho road in thoir
night clothes. Hanna proceeded to nrcuso
tho noighbors. All woro nsloop and wholly
unconscious of tho danger at thoir doors.
The family in one of tho housos next to tho
burning structure slept so soundly that tho
window panes of thoir sleeping apart
ments had to bo broken with stones
to arouse them. Having alarmed
tho neighborhood Hannah returned
to his houso and tried to mako his
way through it to tho back room, but was
unable to do so. Ho then tried to get up
stairs again to got somo of his clothing, but
in this ho also failed. Thon ho tried to
savo tho conlonts of his parlor, but tho firo
mado such rapid hoadway that after ho
succeeded in removing n sidoboard and n
sifa he found it impossible to roturn tothu
h mso again.
Tho building was a two-story and attio
frame structure and formed.tho best kind of
material to food tho flamos, as it was old.
It was burned to the ground and alt tho
contents, with tho exception of tho two
pieces takon from tho parlor, wero des
troyed. Mr. Hanna stood in front of tho building
as tho flames gradually consumed each
piocoand said to a roportor: "Yos," he
said, "I am burned clean out and I haven't
got a cent of insurance. Evon tho cloth
ing went up. All I have is this old pair of
pants and bat and my wilo and child havo
nothing but thoir night clothes. I don't
know what started tho firo. It is a mystory
to mo. It startod in tho back kitchen and
tboro was no Are in tho stovo whon I wont
to bed, Yes, it is hard to bo burned out in
tho middlo of tho night, but ovorything
goos and I am plad we got out alivo. It
was a narrow oscapo."
"Yes, Tom, you were lucky," said a
bystander, "and I hope that this will show
tbo Girard Ettato people tho necessity of
giving lonio means to securo water in case
of firo. They have uny amount of wator,
but thoy aro too d n stingy to lay the
Desires to Bear Testimony.
Henry Thorno, Traveling Secretary of
tho Y. M. O. A., writes from Exetor Hall,
Strand, London, February 2d, 1888:
"I dosiro to bear my toetimony to tho
value of Alioock's Porus Plasters. I -havo
used them for pains in tho back and sido
arising from rhoumatio nnd other causes
novor without doriving benofit from their
application. Thoy are easily applied and
yery comforting. Thoso engaged as 1 am
in publio work which involvos exposure to
sudden changes of temperature, will do
well to keep n supply of Allock's ForuB
Piasters in their portmanteaus."
Oysters aro In season
market are at Ooelett e.
the best in iho
8 22-f
Air. Savage, representing tho paprhrue
of Plummer&Co of New York, was In
town josterday.
John Scheifly and Miss Ellie, and Geo.
M. 11 yer went to Cresona this morning to
attend tho funeral of a relative.
W. 0. Hitting, of tho Nescochaguo
Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, was in
town on business yoterday.
Rev. and Mrs. McNally woro tendorod a
donation party last evening by tho ladlos of
tho Presbyterian church. The goolthings
presented wero plentifu'.
Misses Liazio Reeso and Cathorino Jamost
roiurnod lad night from Seranton, whoro
thoy spent tho past week a delegates to tho
uaptiet loung People's Union.
Rov, Jamoe John, formerly of town, but
now of Alliance, Ohio, is visiting frionds
in town. To-morrow bo will preach in tho
Wolsh Methodist and Congregational
churches. On Mondav ho Will loavo for
New sail for Wales. Aflor a briof
stay thcro ho will return to Allianco with.
it is said, n partner for llfo.
At Alaska tho other day I ran agninst
Dan Dougherty not tho silvor tongued
orator who d uba tho same nnmo on hotel
register all over tho country, but our own.
Dan affablo, tali and stately, and I might
say good looking. As I said beforo, I
"ran against him." The collison was not &
costly one, although it took place on tho
railroad. Mr. Dougherty was piloting tho
pay ear over tho road and in a conversa
tion of limitod duration recited his ex
periences on tho Mt. Carmel branch. Dan
wa3onooftho first conductors "on tho
branch" and was a popular punchor. Ho
could appreciate a good juke and I recall
ono at a drummer's oxpon'o. When tkft
Poweo was put on it was looked upon with
considerable disfavor. Ono day tho train
slowed up as it often does to coax a eow
from the ongino front. A drummer asked
Mr. Conductor what was tho matter andi
tbo matter was oxplained. Near Alaska
tho train camo to another Etind-stiU.
"What's tho maltor now?" was tho qusjrj
from tho inquisitive drummer. "Cauaht
up to tho cow," said Dan, nnd there was a
silence that only tho shrill whistlo of thei
locom'otlvo could break. Mr. Doughorty
workod his way up in railroad oliicleney
ond is now conductor of tho Shenandoah
branch. Hi Carmel News.
Children Enjoy
Tho pleasant flavor, gontlo action anlt
soothing ctl'octs of Syrup of Figs, when in
neod of a laxativo, and if tho fathor or
mother bo costivo or bilious tho most grat
ifying rosults follow its use, so that it is tho
beet family rempdy known and ovory
family should havo a bottle.
Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each,
at Max Reeeo's. tf
Grand Opening-.
J. Coffeo has opened now bargain storo
in tho poet oilico building (Iloston shoo
store old stand) with a full line of boots
and ehoes, dry goods of every description.
honory, notions, ladies' and gouts' under
wear, etc. His prices aro way down.
Children's school shoes, with tips, CO and
CO cents. Misses' school shoos 85 and DO
cents, Ltdies' pebble and French kid 81.
Mou's working boots, doublo soled, 81 75,
Hoys' shoos, SI CO. Gentlemen's dross
tlioos, 81. Woonsocket rubber boots, 82.25k
Call and examine tho other goods and got
tho prices. Thoy beat all. 10 223t
Always go to Coslott's, South Main
street, for your prime oystors. 8-22-tf
To Meot Monday.
Tho Mahanoy Valloy Ministerial Asso
ciation will hold n montly meeting in tho
Methodist Episcopal church of this places
on Monday next, Interesting topics will
bopresentod for consideration at the morn
ing and afternoon sessions, which will bo
gin at ton o'clock and two. In tho even
ing, at 8 o'olock, tho eormon will bo de
livered by tho Rov. J. W. Perhenpino, of
Port Carbon. All tho sessions aro open to
tho public. Resident clergymen aro re
spectfully invited to attend.
Buy Keystone flour. He careful that tho
name Lbbsio & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is
prinlod on every sack. 3-3-ltaw
Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at tho
IIkkald offloe.
A fine stock of gunt nnd amunilion fer
sale cheap at Max Reoso'e. )0-21-tf
For Breakfast ?
A Mackcral?
Wo havo 'em.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. jSto rust,
lib, ilb, lib, li lilbj
No. 122 North Jardin Str