ON TAJF I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On llic Right 'rrnclc, 8RV.KHN, tlieOroeer, iestlll onthorWit track and romiw lo limn with another train load of Fine Or coriei, Can nod OooJs, Heats, Flnur. etc. SDH V AUGUST'S, Centre nuil Wlilto Bts., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. ALL TJIK NKWS Fnit OlK OKNT. lias n larger circulation In Bhcnandoah tUau nny other paper published. Circu lation tonk npen to a!. BEOION 'ROUND. A Budget of Interesting Articles on all Topics. This information N glciiued from it book the Board of 1)1 tec to re of the Citv Trusts curried wltli them duiinir tht'ir trip tliiuugh tills region this week: "The luwst producer of thfso collipriHtt is tho Win. I'inii, which In 1S90 had a total of 2S't,58 11 tons, und the first eight montliB or 18'Jl produced 174,081.I'J tons." Secretary Tlieo. V. llarron, of tho Ashland Hoard nf Trade, has leen corresponding with several parlies re.'ntly in connection with tholeasiiiK ol the defunct shirt p'ant. He lun hopes of locating u woolen factory Mint will i;ivo employment from 75 to 100 bauds. A snap swindler hns pulled people lu BloomsiiurK and lipiKhboriiiK towns aclling a worthies compound for 2 and tirtjiiilsinjr to send ii law book o nil purchasers, free of charge, which he never does. lie may work aiound this wav. Keep wi eye open for him mid uiulco it interesting for him If he doc. . Whether it be a "T" rail or a flat rail, the fuct remains that Aehlaud la willing to hail the advent of the elec tric railway with joy. Wo need n boom and It will come with the cats. Ashland Telnyram. George Chisnell, who won name, fame and n little money anil became one of tho most noted short distance sprinters In tho country, has been working in the iniues at .Blackwood, near Mineri-villo, lately. Last week ho met with an accident by which he had one of his feet crushed, and it is thought the injury will leault in his retirement from the track. The man who has neither character nor honor to wouud Is usually sens! tivo In the region of the pocket book. T'lerepoit Mint the price of eoflee is coming down ought to pleaso oveiy husband, even if his wife keeps on making it hot for him. As marriage lias always been con nlderetl u lottery, isn't it possible that tho publisher of n paper who publishes weuuiug notices could bo luillulutl V Coming Events. Nov. 3 and '1 Grand ontorlalnmont, "Undo Tom and live," in the 1. M. church. Nov. C Second anniversary entertain ment of Major Jennings Council, No. 807, Ir. O. U. A. M., in Ferguson's thentro, Nov. 18 Grand supper in Kohbins' opera nou o for tho benefit of tho Trinity Ito formod church. November 2fi. Grand tupporin ltohbins' opera liouso; bonout of Ludy Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. 1. L. A. Second hand school books bought cold at M ax lleosa's. and tf Prime oyston", tho best tho market affords, always on hand at Coslett'f. 8 22-tf Oysters. Oysters are in season. Go lo Schoencr's. -Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 9-Hf Prettiest oil cloth in own yricko's carpet store. at O. D 0-18-tf Tako your oarpM rags to O. D. Fricko's carpet store and have them made into a flrat-clasi carpet. 0-18-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Malnbrldge's old stnud, Cor. COAL and WEST STS., and offer to the public the finest Hue of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED! Pro visions, Plait and Oysters, Green and Smoked Ham auU I'llieli. ' I3kxi,u.km. Xjomoxis, The place to buy your aohool books cheap is -Alao Helmlar'l Companions, Ilnok Htraps. benobl )lag. Tablet, etc. Everything aud anything r quired In ubool. siaien, rencitis eio,, so:u ro Utlfnud wholesale. Books Suilul! for liastaDtl WesAlaliaDoj Twp, Don't forgt tbs plsoe if you wish to save juoni-y. 2sL. MBLLET CHAS. T. HICE'i OLD STAND. 22 East Centre St., Swnanooafi. I SCHOOL BOOKS. I 1 HUM CITY, 11 an uiiwiixwo iirtmnoiiooM. noVnnli to ha KM r Wife lie Claims TViw Forced tTpnu lllm. Albany, N. Y Oct. 23. Charles Van Leuvon, an Albany lad, about 18 yearn of ago, according to Ida own story Just made public, claims that he was forced to marry llertlia Winnie, also of Albany, last November. She is SI years old. Van Louven'a mothor, who keeps a hotel, began suit for the annulment of the marriage last July, and the rafereo who heard the case re ports in favor of annulling it. Van Leuvon saya ho first met Bortlia at a dancing school In this city. They often danced together, but Anally alio made her intentions to him ao evident that the members of the class began to make fun of him. Then ho tried to get rid of her, but she would not be cast nslde. About the middle of last November, nccordlng to the lad's nnrratlvo, he visited liorthn'a homo upon her invitation, and there, under threat, he was cotnpolled to mnrry her. Miss Winnie's story Is to tho effect that tho young man mndo violent love to hor, and that ho practically com promised her by his marked attentions. Ho h si; oil her to marry him and she consented. Afterward ho tried to break tho engagement, but the entreaties of herself nnd mothor prevailed and the wedding took place. Charles has soen ids wife only twice since that fateful November night, almost a year ngo. llertha says the ronson is that his mother keeps such a close watch upon him. A SUIT AGAINST Sl'OIINKIl. l'renlilent Hanford of tlio Atlitms Suing tlio l'ormer Vlc-I'roIlont. New Youk, Oct. 23. Henry Sanford, the now President of the Adams Express Company, has begun n suit against Clapp Spooner of Bridgeport, late Vice President of the Company. Tho sum mons informs Spooner that if ho does not answer judgmont for $690,903 will bo taken by default In that suit, Judge Patterson of the Supremo Court, lias arnntad an attachment aialn3t nr. Spoonor's property in this State on the grouml of non-reslUenco. Mr. onnioru made tho affidavit upon which the writ was issued. He makes tho same charges against Snooner that ho did against John Hoey, It is cbarned that Snooner. Iloey anil others bought an intorost in the New York tc Hoston Despatch Company, tho Kinsley Express Company, and Union Express Company on March 35, 1802, for $711,095, and sold it to tho Adams for $3.'0)000. They acquired the remaining interest In the three companies on Marcn 12. 1888. for $80,009 and sold it to the Adams for $300,000. Air. Sanford nl lenes that Snooner nnd his associates, in fraud of tlio riuhts of tho Adams Com pauy, appropriated $090,903 of its funds. Coanectlctit'n Treauryhlp Fight. Nr.w HA.V1-.N, Conn., Oct. 23. Marvin H. Sawyor filed his replication In tho Superior Court yostorday in his caso against K Stevens Honry for the State Troasurvshln. In It ho denios tho do. fondant's allogatlon that no ono "has Leon found bv tho General Assembly to have been legally chosen ns his (said Honrv'sl successor in olnco. nnd no per-, son has been qualified to enter upon the execution of tho duties of tho office us hii successor." Tho plaintiff, though, ad mits that ho has filed no bond with llor gau O. IlulUoloy. Mr. Sawyor concludei by calling K. Stovons Henry a usurper, and asks to have him ousted from tha office. Tll llrldce Ouvo Way, HAor.nsTow.v, Md., Oct. 23. A span of the bridge now In course of construe lion over tho Potomac River at Hancock, Md., gave way in the evening and pre clnltatcd two representatives of the Uro ton ISridgo Company of Ohio, named Smith and Stone, nuil a Mr. Blakell of tills cltv. 00 feet into the river below. The water in the river was compara tively shallow and Mr. btone. who cam down head Urst. was instantly killed, Mr. Smith fell on his sldo and received probably fatal Injuries. Mr, Clakeall was luoky enough to striko tho water feet first and received only severo bruises about the 1bk. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, J0 IS. CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE, FiliMt brands of c I Kara always on hand. ino uGBt temperance unuKs, OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES ! COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N. Main SI, Families sunnllcd wlfti raw nvstcm bv the hundred. Alive. FKHUUPON.l'rop. adies Largest Line in the County AT JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS A GOOD SHOE FOlt FOR $1.75, WORTH $2,25. Repairing Neatly Dono. S- Xj. BBOWlsT, Common Sense Shoe Store, 110 South Slain St., Shenandoah. A FUIl, LINK til? r LOTHING ELEGrANT OVERCOAT Ladies' and Children's Coats, kj Goods, Shoes and Underwear For ladles, men and children. All of which wiuee sola a per cent, meaner man they ran bo bought eltcwlitre. ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, rA. 3T"Watch for the UED HON lu front.-ff LADIES Tlio coo) evenings should remind you Hint Rcnietbiug light in weight is suitable for you to wear for head-covering?. We have the largest stock from which to select your Nubias and Fascinators, and tho real beauty of them are men ttiiape nnu THE LOW PRICES. Wenlso have an elegant line of Silk and Wool Mittens. MORGAN'S : BARGAIH : BAZAR People's Oyster Bay EGAN' 11UII.OINO, T2 12. Centre St., Sliciiancloali GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. OYSTERS Itiw, Slewed, Scalloped, lMnnedor Fried to orUer. Families supplied at their housn w'th the best oysters loo iHuraei auoras. All Orders PromptlylFilled SALLE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Hi N.MAINST., SHENANDOAH CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Elc. 451 CENTS for a window Bhade Ith UlUKe, others for 55c 05o nnd up. HhadeB inadt r ttoreo and private dwel luu's. A new lot of shad ingaand fringes to match. G. 3D. FRIOKB'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin Si, near Centre Coats WANTS, &o. A dvertuemenfg in thtx column, nnt rrceptUnn tinett&'c.for one insertion: 75c. for two-91 fm three one week, 81.00; two ueeks, 82; one month, 83. WANTED. housework. A clrl for general Oooi wogea paid. Apply at Herald oruce. v-rj ii OR ItENT.-Store nnd dwelling, nltli stable, on Kaxt Cosl strret. mnr Main, lor leut to a good prly. Apply to Jonathan Kogen, 229 West Coolstreei, or nt 1IKKALD oOlce. 10U-2W OR SALE. A large "Morning bight" double Jicaler. Hullable fr a sloro. or dwelling. Apply to II. A.Mwalm Umith Main street. 10-13-tr FOIt SALE No. 31 Snutli Main strict, next door to the First Natlonxl llaak luqulre ot M. P. Conry. 10-21-lw "TANTED. A good Rirl forgon- T T ' eral housework. Apply at IlKIlAM) onice 10-ll-tr DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. Ono of the most desirable proper ties or. West Oak street, for sale on reasonable lerms. Appiy at lvowse s grocery eaore, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets, tihenandoah. I'a FARMS FOR SALE. Aroyou look ing lor n larm? If so call on or wnto to I. J. Kehler. Frackvllle. In.. ns to where Ihty are located and for terms. 8-22 tf FOR RALE. A beautilul double rod Iron fence, suitable lor fenclm: ceme- lerv lots, or Tartrates around t wi-lUnes. In quire of Presbyterian church trustees, 9 9-tf F OR PALE. A store room nnd rcnso.i fo telling, Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. II. Oyle's otllce. 0 20-lm I70R SALE. A nice 28 ncre farm ? lor pale. Hli mllos from Uhonandoah. lieautlf illv situated on n nubllo road Uood dwelling. Good barn. Fruit tries beglnnleg to bear. All young. Splendid stream oi water running through the the land. This Is a good chance for a man who wants a small rrm. Inquire of Jnn.es U. Ilutton, post olllco bulldl e, room 0. u-U tf WANTED. Persons in want of help (male or female), a situation, a partner, lo buy or sell a business or real es talo, to cull and examine our sytm. Agents in n.i principal clues, flux licrse, nienm- snip, xicaei nun uei'erm Agnej, riiijijuii. doah. Agent for the United states Employ menlaudlluslnets Agency, 41 and4 Jlroad' way, Nework. 1031ni C1HARTER NOTICE. Notice is J hereby given that an apppcatlon will lu made to the Court ot Common l'lras of MolmvlklU rnnnlv.nn MnndliV.Oetober2fith.A. l).. lMJi.nt iuo ciock in ine forenoon, unner mo "Lorpt.raiiuu ucl ui me ioiiiijttiuwtaiiii in 1'eniiByiv ania, aprrovea April v loii," aou tie hiippiemeius mereio, inr ine ensiieri an utemled fornoratlon to be callld 'tit. Iv; mer's Catholic llenerlclal Society of tjbenan- aoan, ra." uaiu assocmuon is 10 ue iccaica nt Mhenandrnh. I'a.. and to have lor Its obleol the malutennuce of a society for soclai, edu- cai'onai anu nenenciai purposes 10 us mtm oers irom iunas cnneciea inerein. H. U. i. JlOIjl.Ol'JITKll. Att'y for Annllcants, BnKNANDOAll, I'a., Bept. 28, 1691. 9 28 Sw AMUSEMENTS. jrjlrtGUKON'H THEATUE. V. J. FEKQUKON, JIANAOKll. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, '91 The hit of last ceasrn! The greatest Irish comedian, HERBERT CAWTIIORN, In tho .unny farce comedy, Little Nugget I Tyrolean Swiss Warbling, Bongs, Dani-cs, h peclalllcs. Famous Nugget Quartette, New icenlc and mechanical effects. 2?l-iooia, 2G,SO nncl7Go Beats on sale at Klrlln's drugstore. SCHOPPB DANCING SCHOOL Robbins' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Commencing September !. ORCHESTRA OP 10 PIECES ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. PAIlTIESln reed o! of stove repairs of any de orlptlon should call n on me, as I keep constautl f on hand a mil supply. Buy the best range In tho A marael, NEW " D BROAD- D C.I It is guar R nnteed to do WAY. perfect work. As to the price, It will suit you. This excellent STOVE stove be had only Irom M. E. PRATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTISD, R00F PAINTING promptly attended to. 7-6-3m 331 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com pauies leprescuiea uy ID-AVIID FAUST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanaoah.Pa. Itlls not reofBsarv tono nbout It surrentltlouslv. na do tlio munlna in lluv picture, if you wou'd take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in dres Roods, cloakH, wraps and rugs. Our stnre is n little world's fair in it self and visitors may freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned; u mi j. b iiuvo nmiiuiuu active speuiniuesiuis weeu in i ue line oi ury.uooas, Coats, Wraps, etc. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. A NTIQUlTYcuu betoleraled in almost any thing but bats. If tho head Is out of date the rest of the body Is pretty sure to follow salt. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can afford to wearanclent headgear, and even tbny take a good many chances when they do It, It will cost you no more to bo up with tho times than It will to be half a mile behind them. Everything about our SI. CO hat Is hand some but the price, and tl.60 forsucli a hatcan scarcely be called anything but a ridiculously low figure. The same can be. said of our23o neckwear. Onr line of gents' furnishing goods Is tbo lowest priced In the market. 13 1, Main S! S0ANLAN Shenandaati A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE, We are making a big drive In fur niture, but malicious desire is not its object. We desire to dispose of u large surplus stock, and propose to give our patrons tbo benefit of some txtraordi nary bargains. J. P. Williams 8c Bro., Soulli Slain St., LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS D?. JT. CLBAEY, Sealer In all binds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and a rut-clans stootc. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 -V. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest BtocU In town, Arllslic Painting, Graining and Decorating! J. P. GARDEN, 10 2 dm 221 W. Centre fit.. SHENANDOAH, 9 Light. Dark. The manufacture of good Clothing is not all fafr salllng-l' Is full of in trlcate detail. The proper laying out, cuttiug uud making up all require judgipent und careful treatment to ob tain a satis actory flulsh. Good ready-made Clothlnglsascarce artiole. Our Ioug experience in man ufacturing enables us to produco tho- best our extensive business Insures the lowest prices. Cor. 13th fx Chestnut Sis. McHWtinile Clotliliijr lu Plilluclelplila. Grand Opening, FAI.T. AND'WIN TElt STVI.ES OI" MILLINERY ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest nnd largest assortment In Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Onr line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN. TRIMMED IIATd Cannot Too ZSct-ucillocl. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice CreamY BREAD AND CAKES, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders nrnrnntlv attended to. Particular at- fentlOD paid to Halm, Picnics, festivals, etc IF. KIEXTBC-A-lSr NOllTII MAIN UTUEET, Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENNA Newly Refitted and Renovated. T0NS0RIAL7 PARLORS ! Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SlIAMl'OOJNQ, ETC., 11V E. G. T. WADLINGER, Under Post olllco Building, Main and Oak Bts., Shenandoah. 3llot and cold baths, I'ollte, prompt and J Q M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ! Offlce-M West Lloyd Street, Bhenoi"