VOL. VI.--NO. 225. SHBNAND O AH. PA.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1S91. ONE CENT. THE SURE KO AD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP THEOUGH PEINTER'S INK ho ies Js, s; LI LL in- utt ilre ob rce-an- tho irea Pa. 1 IL, I IV ftt- ted isj SB. oal1 tail J Republican State Ticket. AuniTon aEXEK,u.i Gen. DAVID MoMUftTRIE GREGG STATE TKliASVHEUl Capt. JOHN W. MORRISON. Dekyafcj-ftt-Xfirfe to the Constitutional lOnvcfidcm . S. L. SHIELDS, ISAIAIt C. WEAK, WM, I. SCHAFFEIl, 1II3KMAN KKEAMKB LOUIS W. HALL, St. L. KATJFVMAN, r HANK KEEDKlt, II. M. EDWAKDS, n.7. M'COKMIOK, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, J. II. rOMEKOy, CYRUS ELDEll, JOHN CESSNA, JOHN S. LAMBIE, mi. n. KoaEKS, jamks l. iikown, JOHN KOH13KTS, T. V. 1'OWDEHLY. County Ticket. Judge lion. D, B. Green. Sheriff Benjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director George Hcffiicr. Unexpired Term Harry H. MeGlnnls Constitutional Convention Tielegntes. ROBERT ALLISON. Port Carbon. B. I1IJKD EDWUttH, Potlsvllle. JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City. It Didn't Work. It would seem that tho newspapers have been mistaken, after all. Loqua-', jfecloua barbers are tho thing for tho. average customer, and tho being "talked to doath" joke is a baseless myth. We aro told that tho proprietor of a St. Louis shop, impelled by tho, great outcry against loquacious bar- bors, recently hired a deaf and dumbj assistant. Hut tho schomo didn't work. . "Though tha man was an excollont workman," says tho barber, "In lesS than a week ho found his razor almost as Inactive as his tongue. IIo had evi dently been through the same experi ence in othor cities, for ha very philo- sophioally offered to work for less than ecalo wages, and did so. I kept him nbout three months and then dropped him, for no fault except that ha could i not work up a regular patrons' trade. When all othor chairs were occupied tome ono would go to him, and ho "picked up a considerable outsiders' busi ness. But tho way overy-day customer loft tho chair for others convinced me that the average man oxpects to bo en . tertained while being shaved, and kicks when ho isn't. Deaf mutes seem to mako excellent baseball players, -.but aro not nhenomenal successes in jj parber shops." CENTS PER YARD FOR a good liouio made rug car ot. It is one of those "xlra heavy caniets. madoof the best vain and clean raps. Finest line of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carpets la Shen andoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. HIGH GRADE GOODS I Do you want a strictly choice article of BUCRZ- WHEAT HOUR? If Fancy Ifeiu Process Buckioheat Hour as the VERY FINEST in the MarJict. Ash tar "Eiyersicle Buckwheat ITlonr 1 " Just received a new lot ERGL. TIic Best -we linve Iintl tills season. Also New No, z Itlaclccrcl. Medium size WliUc and Pat. Our first invoice of New Fruit Is now open. New Currants, Raisins, Citron and. Lemon Peel. Try our new Cleaned Currants. Free from Immediate use. Our BEST MINCE MEAT is tnc Best we can buy "We Icccp no Common Brands. Our "NORTnWESTEKjT DAISY" is made oj the Best Grade of Minnesota ITheat. It is easily Baked and yields MORE and BETTER BREAD than ordin ary Hour. It is sold AT ORDINARY HOUR. Ivy "Old Time" white MAHANOY PLANE. Newsy Letter Prom a Rotable Correspondent. Wm. J. Ilanlon and wifo, of Sunbury, aro visiting tho former's parents at this place. St. Patrick's T. A. IS. Society, of town, was represented by 'Squiro W. J. Reynolds at the general convention of tho order, hold at Wllllamsport on Tuesday and Wondes day last. Dr. llronson, of Glrardvlllo, was a vlsi'.or in town Thursday. Tho 0. & 1. Co. is having tho loading schutoa at West Hoar Kidgo colliery raised to allow tho loading of tho largo gondola hopper cars now coming into such guneral use for tho transportation of coal. Hereto fore, the schutus havo been too low to al low of loading anything higher than the old style black cars. Our enterprising morcbonts, Messrs. Frymro & Harris, have added a meat market to their already cxtonsivo estab lishment. Wm. II. Trezlso, an old and practiced hand at the business, will havo chargo of tho now department. A largo consignment of electric light apparatus, lamp hoods, framos, olo., has been received at tho P. & K. station horo for the Frackvillo Electric Light Company, Things are beginning to take on a business like aspect, and wo are cheorful. Tho clothing store of I. llefowlch, or. Bridgo street, was tho scene of an at tempted burglary late on Saturday night, last, which was fruttratod by the clumsiness of the would-bo thief himsolf. Ho under took to gain an entranco through the back window by picking out tho pieces of a cracked pino of gla'8. In tho operation ho brought tho wholo pnno down with a crash that attracted thoatlontionof several persons near by who hastened to tho spot in time to prevent the thief from capturing any of the gords. Ho succeeded in making his escape, but not beforo ho had been roc ognized. At St. Mary's church on "Wcdnosdsy, October 21st, at 10 a. m., the Rev. James Ojborno officiating, Jamos Boylan was married to Mi'8 Ellen Murpby, both of town. The groom was attended by James Crane, of Oirardville, and tho bride by her sister, Miss Mary Murphy. After tho ceremony tho bridal party proceeded to the residenco of tho biido'a parents, where a sumptuous repast Mas servod to tho largo assemblage of friends and relatives of tho happy pair, who had gathered to do honor to tho occasion. Tho festivities wero con eluded with a reception, after which the young couple started on an extonded tour of several of tho eastern cities. On their return tboy will coramenco houskeoping In thoir handsomely furnished house on Wator street, i Wo extend our congratula tions. List of letters romaining uncalled for in tho post office at Mahanoy Plane, Oct. 22, 1891: AVallace Seaner, P. J. Mullaby, John McCool, S. Y. Middleton (2), R. P. Fonnessy (2), John Trevclhan, Ellas Stoely, John Kehler, Jchn Creamer, John Cos- tello, Victor Burchill, John P. Powers (5), J. O'Donnoll, Thomas Hughes, Wm. liar rison, Mrs. Underwood. you do toe recommend our of 1.AIIGE BLOATER MACK dirt and stems. Ready ' for THE SAME PRICE AS Wheat GRAHAM Hour. TOWNTALKER ' THOUGHTS OP THIS AND THAT THREADED TOGETHER. THEMES TERSELY TABULATED The Tattlo of tho Tattlora Timoly Taken and Told Typograplcally in a Tasteful and Tempt ing Tone. This Is ono of 'Squiro Monoghan's latest puns: A man who had beon deaf and dumb fqr ton years walked into a black smith shop the other day and picked up a hub and ,spoke. Ugh I V John A. Soraphin, a Polish gontleman of Philadelphia was In town to-day. Mr. Soraphin is a gontlomen who exerts somo Influonco among his countrymen in tho Quaker City and is a member of tho Polish American Independent Club of that city. Ho is now ono of the independents who are clinging to tho tail-board of the Democratic wagon and will speak for tho D -mocratlc Kftto ticket In this town on tho 29th inst, Ho speaks in Nanticoko to-morrow night. "Whon will tho electric railway bo built?" is a question that is heard fro' quontiy. The qunstioners aio principally men who opposed tho "T" rail, and who expected to sco tho cars running tho morn ing alter tho rail was adopted. Superin tendent Eporlo, who wilt havo charge of the construction, says "Work on tho road will begin on Monday, noxt, but not In town. Tho rails will first bo laid in the country districts. After tho completion of that part of tho work tho men will bo suf ficiently experienced to lay tho rails through the towns in short timo and with very little inconvenionco to tho travoling public." ... It will be news to many pooplo in town to hear that Cusick and Burns, tho two young men who were formorly residents of this town, and who wero taken to Virginia a fow weeks ago to stand trial on post office robbory charges, wero acquitted. They aro in Philadelphia again. V The assertion by the Chronicle that tho mucb-lalked-of petition to Council asking it to restrain tho Lithuanian people from Uflng bands in their parado on Sunday, noxt, was presented by Councilmnn Lamb, "a straight-out liepublictn," is an as sumption that has no ground. Mr. Lamb did not know of tho petition until it was read in Council. All the talk nbout that petition is Democratic bombast. Tho petition itself has been .distorted with a view to poisoning tho Lithuanian voters against tho Republ'cans and tho shouting about constitutional rights has been resorted to as a cover for political trickery. Now tho only councilman who know anything about that petition was a Democrat c member Mr. Bottcridgc, who stated at the Bpecial meeting of council on Wodnosday ovciiing last that ho knew of tho petition a week before it was presented. Mr. Bet' teridgo kept this knowledgo under cover, however, until his party had a chanco to raise a political storm, and has since tried to shoulder a knoledge of tho potition upon Mr. Lamb. There Is another point that the Democrats must considor. Tho council that passed tho resolution that ra sed the wind is, In reality, a Democratic body. This whole a A air may result in a healthy boomerang, and then won't there bo a scamper in tho camp of tho political tricksters? The bands will play then, with a vengeance Several years ago, how many wo aro not told, a party of Milton gontlemon wero discussing ways and means to securo iron works for that town. Onoof tho men was a confectioner in a small way. Uoastonhhed his companions by offering to give ('25 to ward establishing iron works thero. They wore the more surprised at the offer because they know he did not have tho monoy, but they said nothing. In n fow weeks, or months, a committee waited on him with a demand for "that ?'25." Mr. Confoctloner didn't have the cash, but his credit was good, and ho went out and borrowed the quarter hundred. In a few days work was commenced on the now plant. Tho con fectioner saw the first shovel full of ground taken but for tho foundation ; ho watehod tho work as it progressed ; he saw new facet, those of the skilled artisans, employod to build the works, around tho town ; in a few days those men cornmonod buying cigars and other things at his place. It wasn't long until bis trade had increased 100 per cont., and ho concluded bis $25 -had been woll Invested. And ho found blsnoighbors wore also prospering, and tho town boom ing right along. Inquiry developed tho fact that nearly all tho business and monled men of tbu town had subscribed to tho works. Tnat is how Milton got tho large and prosperous industries It has to-day. It is tho tamo way Willlamsport, 'Wilkos Uarro and Scranton got theirs; it Is the only way Shenandoah will over get any thing. The electrio railway, by tho way. started from a small beginning. PERSONAL. Mn. H. A. Acker returned homo yester day. George Brico, of Dolano, was in town last night. L. Jflhnko'ki, of Mt, Oarmel, was in town visiting Iricnds. I'ostmastor Wagonsoller, of Shamokln, was a visitor to town last niidit. Itov.iE. H. Homiir. of Prackvlllo. will dolivcr a lecture in Mt. Carmol this oveu ing. Mrs. E. W. Wildo, accompanied by Miss Minnio Hauler, went to Philadelphia this morning to spend a few days on bu-ineM. 'Squiro J. J. Monaghan has returned from Mauch Chunk, whero ho was tho guest of W. J. Sweeny, formorly of town. Petor Moriz, a brolhor-ln-law of John rfchelfiy, and nn un loof Postmaster Buyer, died on his farm near Crossona on Wednes day. iames Grant, of town, and M. M. Burke, of Brownsville, weroeloctod officers of the Pennsylvania Catholio Total Abstinence Union, at Wllliamsport, on Wednesday. County Chairman James, Poor Director Harry McUinnws, Postmaster Culver, of Port Carbon, and Doputy Sheriff Smith were visitors to town last nifcht and wero entertained in the rooms of tho Shenan doah Ucpublican Club. Several addresses wero madn and the candidates left the town thoroughly satisfied with the'r visit. Elootrio Flashes. Shenandoah still claims to bo tho best lighted t wn in lliecounty. Tho Frackville electric light company is erecting poles in tho borough of G.lberton, to supply privato con timers. At Shamokin a drunken man attompled to block tho way of on electric car and came near being killed. Tho Borough Council of Gilborton has not yot granted tho right of way to the oloctrio railway company but will probably do so at its next meeting. Contractor Eberlo has beon busy all week getting ovori thing in shape to mako a start as soon as tho material fur tho railway arrrlves. Tho Gilberton Council wnnts 18 to 1G electric lights on tho streets of that borough but hesitates to give $110 per light per year to tho electric light company. It is said Mahanoy City capitalists havo sunk $175,f 00 in "West VirRinia in land speculations, This sum would almost havo built the now olectrio railway. Chlldron Enjoy Tho'pleasar.t flavor, gentlo action and soothing effocts of Syrup of Pigi, when in need of a laxativo, and if tho father or mothor bo costive or bilious tho most grat ifying reeults follow Its use, so that it is tho best family rernrdy known and ovory family should havo a bottle. Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each, at Max Keofo's. tf Work Stopped at Gilberton. Yi'fcterday ruorning tho oanh's surfsco about Gilborton colliory was carried down by tho caving in of workings insido thu mines. Thn scrapor lino and rock road wero badly damnged and necessitated suspension of work for tho dy. Work at the colliory was resumed this morning. Do you want a situation ? Do you want help? Do you want to sell your business ? Do you want to sell or oxchango real ostato 1 If so, call on Max lleese, Shenandoah, fluent for the United Statos Employment and Business Agency, -il and -10 Broadway, New York. Ellongowan Idle. Tho breaking of n shaft in tho Ellen, gowan colliory broakor yesterday causod a suspension of work at tho colliery and the place continued idle loday. "Mother, can I go out to fish?" No, no, iny little Bonny, You h low you've got u swollen foot, ily preel ma little honey," But they got a ooitio ot Mtlvullon Oil, and ho went ana caught au eel, and ale It like a man. Tho finest note paper and onvolonos in the country at Max lieeso's. tt Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. The Iiel BaUo In tho woild for, Out IlruUeN, Sored, Ulccrn, Salt lllieura, I'ovtr, Boron, Tetter. Chopped Hands, UIiIIoIhIiih Corns, aud all Skin kruptlonu, and positively curia l'llon. or no i av rcculr. d. It h guar antfedtogtve perfect Kallnfaollou, or money refunded. 1'rlou 2S cnu tr box. For rale by (J. II, iiUBtubuoli. Fhoonlx Phalr. Tho I'hoanix 1Ioh Comnanv will hold h grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com mencing on Tuesday, .Noy. 3rd, 1801. It will bo ono of the largest and host fairsoyor hold in this county. 10 11-tf , A Surprise Keop your oyo on this local. Keagey, tho photographer, will havo his now open In in a few days and will have something interesting that will surprise tho pooplo. tf "How dlvlue a tlitoe a woman may be made," wlien her cold l cured byiDr. Hull's Cough Byrup. Burohill'a Restaurant. Charles Buichlll i now located at oornor of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah. Kogular meals, at popular pricos, sorvod any timo. Ladles' dining and refreshment rooms attached, 0-11-tf PAY OR FIGHT ! INDEMNITY TO BE DEMANDED FROM OHILI. THE PRESIDENT'S BLOOD UP. Ho Wants Reparation for tho Assau't on Amorlcan Soamon. Tho Situation Looks Sorious. Soorotary Tracy's Advico. Wasiunoto.v, Oct. 23. There la likely to ho an interesting international dif ference between the United Statos and Chill. The Navy Department has received a cable report from Captain Schley of the U. S. Ship Baltimore, which gives tha particulars concerning the attack made by Chilians on two boat crews of Amer ican sailors. The names of tho injured Americans aro Hamilton Talbot, Turn bull, Anderson, Davidson and I'nlutor. Capt. Schloy cables that tho mob was composed of Chilian sailors and that the attack was planned. It in also stated that boatswain mate Itognn was shot by u polkeman. Tho American sailors were assaulted nt various places throughout the city. In viow of the Imminence of trouble Capt. Schley advises that Renr-Adralrnl Drown ba directed to come at once to Valparaiso to aid by his presence in seo lng full justice done to the victims of tho cowardly, bloodthirity milium who tried to murder unoffending Americans. The report of Capt. Soliley, which Sec retary Tracy laid before the Piesldent yesterday, will ba considered at to-day's cabinet meeting. To bomiind Indemnity. The opinion is that Minister Egan will bo instructed to demand immediate rep aration and indemuity from tho Chilian government. "I moan to hare no more ot this busi ness from any nation," said the Presi dent, "and the demand upon Chill must bo lmmedinto and peremptory." There will be four of the most power ful ships of the United States Navy nt Valparaiso when tho demand Is made, enough to enforce It if necessary, which Is what tho President means to do. There is much blttor feeling against English odlclals In Chill on the part of American offleers there, and a collision between tho two Js sure to occur If any more provocation Is ottered by English men. A Serious Aitpnct. For the first time since this difference between the United States and Chili has arisen the matter really looks serious. Capt. Schley is one of the best and most plucky olficors who wears the American uniform, and ho has informed Secretary Traoy that It has become Im possible for American officers to go ashnro without being Insulted, and that hereafter they mean to go Honied, and retent Insults In tho proper way. "We are losing our self-respect, by per mitting these things," says Schloy, "and the younger officers nro wild with rngo, and cannot be much longer restrained." "I do not wnnt them to bo further re strained," said Secretary Tracy to one of tho commodores on duty nt tho head of a great supply department, "nnd I have told Schley so. Therefore any day may bring news of a serious eineuto between the Americans aud tho Chilian mob, Instigated and serrotly encouraged, it is believed hero, by persons high in authority there." Submitted to till l'rnflby terlr. Wateiitown, N. Y., Oct. 23. Tho New York Synod yestorday decided to submit to the Presbyteries the proposi tion as to whether the synodlcal aid work shall be separated from that of the Homo Mission Board and conducted by the synod alone. Final action Is there fore deferred until noxt yoar. The synod decided to meet In the Fourth Presby terian Church at Albauy next year. The resolution pasied In 1890 against open ing the World's Fair ou Sundays was reafllrraed. lite Heap Will AMrmed. WlLMStANTlc, Conn., Oct. 23. Coun sel In tho Eunice It. Heap will contest agreed to take the case from tho jury and give it to Judge Hall to decide, who then passed n deoreo affirming tho will and codicil. Ily tho settlement F. Me Call Cushman pays $10,000 to the Blch mond heir?. Other legacies amount to about $4,400, and Cushman will receive about $15,000 after expenses are paid. AVaut. tilt) Fulr Opftu Hulldur- WoriCKSTKR, Mass., Oct. 23. At the Unlversallst Conference, Rev. F. A. Wlnklemun, of Illinois, submitted a resolution favoring tha opening of the World's Fair on Sunday, ou tho ground that tha working people would ba bane. ntd. A Cold Day at Holtubure. GBTTYSuuno,.Pa., Oct. 23. Tho Fifth Maryland Light Infantry, Baltimore's cract organisation, visited the battle field here yesterday and left for homo at 6 o'clock last night, having spent an ex ceedingly cold day on tho field, A Desperate llumllt Wiped Out. Havana, Oct. 23. Palenzuela, tho notorious bandit, was overtaken in the woods near Colon yestorday by soldiers and shot to death. He made a desper ato fight nnd killed several of his pur suers before being shot. Best work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. O. A. R. Notes. Thero will bo something of importance for the veterans at thn meeting of Watkin Waters Post, No. 140, this evening. Tnore is considerable activity in Grand Army circles just now. Post 140 will start a sinking fund, for tho purpose of paving the members' oxpensoa on next Grand Army Day at Ilethlohem. Every old soldier- who has an honorablo dlsclmrgo should join the Grand Army of the Republic. Pensioners should be careful not to voto. for their enemies at the coming election. Colonol Geo. O. Boyer, D 'partment Commander, Is expected to visit some of tho Posts in this oounty aflor tho election. Girardvlllo Post is having some lifo injected into it. There has beon too much jealousy among some of the members. Waters' Weiss beer is the best. Itcilly sole ngent. John A 5-5-lf "Llttlo Nugget." Tho happy farce comedy, "Llttlo Nug get" has beon hero before, but tho most efllciont company that has over handled it, is tho ono which will bo at tho theatro to-night. New specialty peoplo havo been engaged, who assist in making an evening of refined enjoyment and hearty laughs. U. S. Cnwthorn still plays Harney Q' Brady, nnd any ono who has Boon him onco will wish to eoj him again. Thero a peculiar humor about Uawthorn's Irish man. It is delightfully quaint and original, nnd thero is a confusion or blundoringirt his utterance that Is positively irresistible, for the reason that it suggests a type of character that Is now to the stnge, yet too true to rea'ity. This is tho impro'sion that lingers from seeing htm hero last season. Oysters are in season and tho best in ho market nro at Coslett's. 8 22-tf Grand Oponing. J. Coffeo has opened a now btrgain storo in tho post r.ilico building (liMon shoo storo old stand) with a full lino of boots and shoes, dry goods of every description, hoiiory, notions, ladies' and gents' under wear, etc. Hia prices aro way down. Children's school shoes, with tips, 60 nnd CO cents. Misses' school shoos 85 nnd 90 cents, Lndios' pobblo and French kid $1. Men's working boots, doublo soled, 51 75. Hoys' shoes, ?1.C0. Gentlemen's dress shoos, 1. Woonsockct rubber boots, ?2.25. CkII and oxamlno tho other goods and got tho prices. They beat all. 10 22-3t Always go to Coslott's, South Main stroct, for your prime ovstors. 8-22-tf "Y" Programme. Tho following programme will bo offered at tho meeting of thu "Y'e," to bo held to morrow evening: lllble le-son. Male quartette, A.Morennand party. Iteport or the llmlfonl delegate. Heltetloii from "Y Bells." Do'-Uniallon, Mr. T. Davis, Itendlnir, cirluno Tempest. Critic, Hnr'y Oavert. Monroe doctrine (continued). It Is a well known Isot that Pan Tlnit i..,K,i tin,, iiiiiniiiiiiii inn vuie nil!, ciueu tua Mimpttnn, UqukIis aud Colds when all elso failed. 2inml fiO rtltu. Trml hntflos fn.no. Kirliu's dru-i store. Flro Insurance. It is a matter of self-interest for every pror erty holder to insure his proporty as well as his household goods. No man can toll when the flro fiend may destroy his savingsof nnny years, and thus render him homeloss. If your proporty is insured by David Faust, you need havo no foar from such a catastrophe, for ho represents none) but reliable companies. 10-20-tf Buy Keystone flour, lie careful that tho namo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on overy sack. 3-3-3taw Endt- Allen. Pctor Endt and Miss Dora Allen, of Delano, wero married at Philipsburg, N. J., on Wodnosday ovoning. Tho groom la ono of tho popular passongor train brako man on the Lehigh Valley railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Endt will mako their homo in Delano. Legal blanks of all kinds for solo at tho II khali) office A Rare Chanco. A first class property on North Main street lor sale. Can be had at a talr prico. Apply to A. J. Gallagher, Muldoon build ing, corner Centre and West streets. 10-20-lw Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf WANT A FISH ? For Breakfast? A Mackcral? Wo havo 'em. White and fat. Bright and sweet. No oil. ..No rust, lib, ilb, lib, li lb, 1J lb. GRAF'S, No. l22North:JardlnStrrt