AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, On the Rljrlit Trade. SEVKKN. thoOrocor, is still on tlio right track and rome to time with another train load of Fine Or ccrios, Cnnnod Goods, Meats, Klour, etc. Ccntro nml "Wliito 8ts., Shenandoah. The Evening Herald. AU TUB NEWS FOlt ONK CENT. Has r larger circulation In Bhennndoah than any other paper published. Circu lation book" open to all. , HASTILY, AFFAIRS CAUGHT "What Nowa Gathorors Tako a Moment to Toll About. Fulling leaves. Colds are prevalent. Ice tuiles are decreasing. Another disagreeable day. There Is much sickness In town. House, cleaning Is in full lilnst. Hollow E'en the Inst of this month. The time for holding the county In stitute is coining rupldly. Sour kraut making Is keeping many of the housi-keepeia busy. Buy Keystone flour. Bo caroful that the nnmo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, l'a., i printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw Coming Evonts. Nov. 3 and 1 Grand ontorlninmont, "Uncle Tom and Eve," in the 1". M. church. Nov. 5. Second anniversary entertain ment of Major Jennings Council, No. 307, Ir. O. U. A. At., in Ferguson's theatre. Nov. 18 Grand supper in Itobbins' opora nou'o for the benefit of tho Trinity He formod church. November 20. Grand supperin KoMins' opera house; benefit of Lady Harrison Lodgo, No. 10, A. V, L. A. Second hand school books bought cold at Max lleoae's. and tf Fire Insurance. It is n mattor of self-interest for every proporty holder to insuro his property as well as his household goods. No man can loll when tho Are llond may destroy his savings of rrany years, and thus ronder hitn homoloss. If your property is insured by David Faust, you need have no fear from such a catastrophe, for ho represents nono but reliahlo companies. 10-20-tf Legal blanks of all kinds for sale, at the Hkrald olllco. 'Oml Sees Vnu." As tho 4:30 train from Now York reached Stamford Wednesday, an antique- looking dame thrust her head out of the window opposite tho refreshment room door and brieily shouted, "Sonny!" A bright looking boy came up to the window. "Littlo boy," said she, "have A you a mother?" "Yes, main." "Do you love her?" "Yes, mam." "Do you go to school?" "Yes, mam." "And are you faithful to your studies?" "Yos, mam." "Do you say your prayers ovory night?" "Yes, mam." "Can I trust you to do an errand for me?" "Yes, mam." "1 think I can too," said tho lady, looking stead ily dowu on the manly face. "Here is llvo cents to got mo an apple. Remember, God sees you." J. M. Bailey. l'rimo oystors, tho best tho market affords, always on hand at Cosletl'E. 8-22-tf Oysters. Oysters are in soason. Go to Schoenor's .Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 0-1-tf Pretllost oil cloth in own Pricko'e, carpet store. at O. D 0-18-tf Take your carpet rags to C. D. Fricko's carpet storo and huvn them mado into n first-class carpot. 0-18-tf THE OLD TAKEN JAMES S.THOMAS Is now located at Jlulnbrldge's old stand, Cor. COAL and WEST STS. and offers to tho public the finest lino of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Provisions, Fish and Oysters, Green and Smoked llamnud Flitch. Bananas. Iiomons. The place to buy your school books cheap is Also Scholar's Companions, Hook Wraps, Bebool Hag i.m.v., via. r.vvryuuut ami anything required In school, Hiatal, iienolla eta, sold re lull and wholksale. Books Suitable for East and West Manoy Twp. Don't forget the plane If you wish to save money, CHAS. T. RICE'S OLD STAND. SCHOOL BOOKS. 22 East Centre St, Shenandoah. J TltK HISNATK INQUISITION. Treasurer llnyernml Deputy Superinten dent fitewitrt Olve Tettlmony IlAimisnuno, Pn., Oct, 23. State Treasurer Doyor was subjectou to n rigid examination yesterday afternoon, nnd largely on Ids connection with tho draw ng of the Philadelphia school warrant? for $420,000 and the delivery of his check for that amount to John Uardaley, who used $800,000 of It In paying an old debt to the school district of 1'hiladelphla, but .'still owed It 14-15,000, all of which I was lost. William Llvoaoy, his chief clerk, whoso whereabout is at present unknown, was tha first to suggest to him the payment of the money in order to prevent it from going into tho Sink ing Fund. In pursuance of a conference between them, he said, Llvesey visited the De partment of Public Instruction and asked for tho necessary warrants. Any thing done by Llvesoy, he doclarod, was within the scops of his authority and he (tho witness) was rosponslblo for it. Ho deforrod greatly to bis chief olork, who had much oxperlenco in tho office. In view of this fact ho intimated that he was left In lgnoranco of $150,000 paid to John Bardsley on Decombor 31, 1890, in addition to tho drawing of warrants of $420,000 for the same party. He was also much nnnoyed about that time by the failure of tho Jamison bankors and Dolnmntor & Co., involving a loss to tho State of $135,000. Deputy Superintendent o Public In struction Stewart tosrllled the State Treasurer mado porsonal applica tion for tho Uardiley warrants, nnd II. Hollowoll, secretary. of the Public School Board, testified that he had prepared tho cortiticates on which tho warrants were Issued at tho instance of Bards loy. The State Treasurer, by advloo of his counsel, claimed that tho money paid to Bardsley was for the year 1890, and not for tho year onded on the first Monday In Juno, 1891, as contended by tho At-tornoy-Goneral, and that, consequently, the Philadelphia school district was en titled to over $wu,uuu. ISUNCOISD OUT OF 88,000. A Hank Dlroctor Who Is Considerably Sadder and M'lsor. Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 22. It has Just loaked out that Goorgo Fltts, a farmer ac McLean, and a stockholder in tho Second National Bank of Cortland, was buncood out of $8,000. It had been known for wooks that ho had boon vic timized by sharpers representing them selves to be nephews of tho late Judge Boardmnn ot Ithaca. Mr. Fltts is very rotlcont and refusos to discuss tho matter. How tho bunoo men got tho money is not known. lbo shnrpors went to Uroton, hired a horse and wagon, drovo to Doruytor, where thoy left tho horse nnd took tho cars for Little Falls. They sent back $20 to tho ilvory-stablo koepor, tolling him whore tho horse was. A nophow of Mr. Fltts said last evening that tho nmouut lost by his uncle was $8,000, nnd it was bucured by giving him an interest in a bogus laud deal , Post Oflleo llepartiueut Finances. Wabiukoton, Oot. 22 Tho annunl re port of tho Auditor ot tho Treasury for tha Post UlUte Department showing the receipts und expenditures of the Post Otlice Dupui'tmont for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1801, has been submit ted to tho Postmaster-General. It shows that tho postal rovenuos during tho year woro $05,031,785. Tho expenditures to Soptembor iiO, 1891, were $71,002,403, louvlni? an excess of oxnondltures over all revenues of $3,730,077. L'idies, if you want fine writing paper and onvolopes to match, call on Max Keeso. tf JOHN II. EVANS' SALOON, 30E.OI5NTRE ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of cltmiM alwftvs on hand. 1 ua uvbf, njijiiwruuctj uriuKS. FIRE INSURANCE. largest and oldest reliable purely cash com. panics represented uy 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah, Pa. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES COFFEE HOUSE, 32 N. Main St. Families supplied with raw oysters by the hundred. MUS. FEltQUs'ON, Prop. iMIOf Ladies' Coats, Largest Line in the County. JN0. B. PRICES SONS A GOOD SHOE FOR $1.75, WORTH $2,25. Repairing Neatly Dono. S- Hi. BROWIT, Common Sense Shoe Sfore, 110 South Main St., Slicnnndoali. A FUI.I. xfzn OF CLOTHING ELEGANT OVERCOATS! Ladies' and Children's Coats, Dry Goods, Shoes and Underwear For ladles, men and children. All of which win no sola us per cent, enraper man they can be bought eiiewhere. ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. flS-Watch for the K1SD HON In front.-SS The cool evenings should remind you that frnethiuK light in weight Is suitable for you to wenr for heatl-eoveriugs. We have the largest stock from which to select your Nubias and Fascinators, and tho real beauty of theni aro tueir.snape ami : THE LOW PRICES. We also have an elegant line of Silk and Wool Mittens. S People's Oyster Bay ! EOAN' BUILDING, Z2 E. Centre St., SlienamlonU GUISE & BEYRANT, Props. OYSTERS Itiw, Btewed, Scalloped, Panned or Fried to order, Families supplied at their house with the best oysters the market ntlords. All Orders PromptlylFilled. SALLIE SENIOR'S Latest Styles IN Fall and Winter Millinery. Ill N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, 01 N. Malu St., iSheiiiindoali. The 'Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Etc. g I CENTS for a Ii with fringe, 8 ' j 05o uml up. .1. J for utores an CENTS for a wiudowfihade others forosc, Khnilea made nd private dwel Iiikb. A new lot of shad ings and fringes to match. C- IX FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre -AT- WANTS, &o. Advertisement u Iht rnhimn. frrpfiillnn 6 tint, 6"e. for one tntrrtton; 75c. tor two; SI for three; one week, J1.50; two ueeke, 2; one mown, n. WANTED. housework. atllKUAi.D office. A Irl for general G001 wages paid. Apply 0-1 v 11 FOR RENT. Store nnd dwelling, With BlablA. nn Kn.t. Pnfil strpM. tirnr Alain, lor lent to a frond Tirtv. Annlv In Jonathan Ilogers, 2D West Coal street, or at omce. 1UH-ZW TTOH SALE, A largo "Morning JJ Light" double beater. Kultablo fir a store, or dwelling. Houth Main street. Apply to XI, A. Hwalm 10-13-tf FOlt SALE No. 31 South Main street, next door to the First Nation I Hank Inqulrool M. P. Conry. 10-21-lwD "TXTANTED, A good irlrl for ceil- T T oral houseworlt. Apply at Hkkai.d olllce 10-M-tr DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowso's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Shenandoah, Pa. FARMS FOR SALE. Areyou look Ine (or a farm? If so call on or write to J. J. Kenlcr, Frackvlllo, Pa., as to where they are locaiea anu lor terms. s-zi-u FOR SALE. A beautiful .double rod Iron fence, suitable for fenclne ceme tery lots, or furcates around ' vellliies. In quire of Presbyterian church trnslees, 9 9-tf FOR SALE. A storo room and dwelling on East Centre street. Good renson foi selling. Terms reasonable. Ap ply at J. II. Ouyle's olllce. 1) 29-lm 57OR SALE.- A nice 28 acre farm HJ lor snip. Hlx miles from Shenandoah. He.iiitlfiilly situated ou a publio road Oood dwelling. Gnodbarn. Fruit tries beginning to bear. All young. Splendid stream ot water rumilntr through the the land. This Is a good cnanco for a man who wants a small mrm, inquire or J 11 1 is u. llutlon, post olllce build! g, room (J. s-otr "VXT ANTED. Persons In want of V V helD (mule or femaleV a situation, parvner, 10 uuy or Ben a uusincsR or reni f lalc, to rail and examine our system, Agents in ail principal cllles." Max Ketse, hleam ship, Ticket and General Agncy, i-henan- aoan. .iRum lor me uniieu rMuies jLinpiuy. nientnnd Uuslnes Agency, ii and4 llroad waj, New Kork. 10-3 lm T UIEPHILAfiELPHIA &UEADINQ COAL PROPOSALS T FOR SUPPLYING THE MINES OPEtt ated by the Philadelphia & Hiadlng foul and Iron Company, with mining limber, laggings nnd sills, will be received at the otnee or the Purchasing Agent, 227 South Fourth street, riiiiaaetpma, until jNoveniuer isi, iyi. Forms of proposals, speclflcitlons ami list of )i leries to ue sunniiea, wm do lurnisnea on application to it 0. l.UTUEH, General tin- terlntendent. I'ottsvlllo. Pn. ALBERT F03TER, 10 13-15-17-20 22-21 Purchasing Agent. "I HAUTE R NOTICE. Notice is hereby given lhat an application will bo made to the Court ot Common Pleas of Hciiuvittiu countr.on wonuay.october aitu.A. iuo ciock in me inrenoon. unaerine "Corporation act of the Commonwtnlth of irennsyiauia, approvea April if. itST-i," ana tho supplements thereto, for the charter of an luienaeu corporation 10 ue cnutu iiu ivasi mer's Cathollo Heneflclal Society of Hnenaii' doah, Pa." Bald association Is to be Ircnlcd at Hhennuiloab, Pa., and to have lor Its object ine maintenance 01 a society lor social, eun. ral'onal and beneficial purposes to llsintm bers from funds cnllecied therein. S. G. 31. HOLl.OPETER. Att'y for Annllcants. SHKNANnoAH, Pa.. Sept. 28, 1831. 0 28 3w AMUSEMENTS. JII-;ilt;UHON'M TIIliATIlC. P. J. FKBQU80N, 5IANAOKU. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, '91 The hit of last (easnnl The greatest Irish cooieuian, HERBEttT CMYTHORN, In the.unny farce comedy, Little Nugget I Tyrolenn Swiss Warbling, Bongs, DanccB, Specialties. Famous Nngget Quartette, New icenlc and mechanical eflects. Frloos, 3SS, BO nnd 7Go Bents on sale at Klrlln's drugstore. SCHOPPE DANCING SCHOOL Robbms' Opera House, EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Commencing September 28. ORCHESTRA OF xo PIECES ADMISSION 25 CENTS. TliVKTlEH lu need ol ofstovo repairs y of any dectlptlon should call n 1 on we, as I beep constant! . f on band a full snpnly Iluy At I the best range In the D 101.' Htw JLI It Is guar UHUAU- n U, nnteed to do WAY. IV perlectwork. A 0T" I If to the price, It will O ( VIZ suit you. This excellent fctovo be had only from W. U. PRATT, TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING, HOOF PAINTING promptly attended to, -TA-IdEl A It la not necessiirv to cro nbout It niirrnntltlmiatv. na il (1,Q ..r...,i,o i n, picture, If you wou'd take a peen at our elegant display of the latest novelties In dress goods, cloaks, wraps unci rugs. Our store la a littlo world's fair In it self and visitors may freely Inspect the exhibition without being Importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialties this week lu the Hue of Dry Goods. Coats, Wraps, etc. J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. ' A NTIQU1TY can be tolemted In almost any the rest of tho body Is pretty sure to follow suit. Nobody but a millionaire or a genius can afford to wcaranclent hendgear,and even thny take a good many chances when they do It. It will cost you no more to be up with the times than It will to bo half a mile behind them. Everything about our S1.C0 hat lshand some but the price, and 31.50 for such a bat en n scarcaly be called any thine but a ridiculously low figure. The same can be, said of our 23c neckwear. Our line of gents' furnishing goods is the lowest priced In the market. 3 S, Main St SCANT, AN Shenanioah A BIG DRIVE IN FURNITURE We are making a big drive In fur niture, but malicious desire Is not Its object. We desire to dispose of a large surplus stock, and propose to give our patrons the benetlt of some extraordl nary bargains. J. P. Williams & Bro.? Soutb main St., SHE IIST A-ISTID o-ajht: LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS dp. cr. GXuJTirsr, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Lnrgcst and cheapest stock In town. Artistic Painting, Gracing and Decorating! J. P. CARDEN, Liglit. Dark. PEEP!- The manufacture of good Clothing is not all fnfr sailing-!' Is full of In tricate detail. The proper laying out, cutttnc and making up all require judgment and careful treatment to ob tain u satisfactory finish. Oood ready-made Clothing Is a scarce- article. Our long experience In man ufacturing enables us to produce tho best our extensive business Insures the lowest prices. A.G. Yates & Co. MOW ONLY Cor. 13th fx Chestnut t5rf nest-mnclc ciolHlusr Mi I'lillmlclpliln. Grand Opening PALI. AND WIN TKlf STYLES OF MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS' -ISiO. 36- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest asortment In Huts, Ilonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN TJtlMMED IIATa Onzmot Too Ucixirvllocl. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Ice Cream! BREAD AND CAKES, 1 WHOLESALE and RETAIL, Orders promptly attended to. Particular at tention paid to Hulls, ncnics, Festivals, etc "KT ADftr l A TXT U1I T.T,-ni Near Corner of Lloyd, SHENANDOAH, PENN' Newly Refitted and Renovated! TONS 0 RIAL : PARLORS ' j Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing SUAMFO0INO, ETC., BY E. G. J. WADLINGEB. Under l'oalolllce Building, i Mnln and Oak Sts., Sbcnantloal1 49Hot and cold baths, Follte, prompt m UtlUIUl UllVUtlUIlt fi M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-20 West Lloyd Btreet, Bbenandot 7-6-3m 331 S, Jardln St. Sheiundoth 10-2 6m 221 W. Centre Bt., BI1ENANDOAII.