Presents In the mot elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOU8 JUIOE or THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER ftND BOWELS. Itl t Vic mo st excellent remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When oneii Pihous orCjntlipateJ so THAT PURL CLOOD, liKFRESHlMQ BLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH tlATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK voun onuocsT FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FIANC1SC0, CAL. IOUISVIUE. KY NW YORK. N. t. GOLD MEDAL, PABI3, 1878. W. Baker & Go.'s from Which tlio oxcesa of oil has been removed, 13 Absolutely Pure aud it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thcrcforo far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cap. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persona in health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Blck Headache and relieve alt tho troubles 1qc! dent to a bilious state of tho system, suah an IMzzlness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distroes after eating, l'aln la the SI Jo. &o. Whllo tholr mo3j xcmorkable success has been shown la curing 4 iloaSacho, yot Carter's Llttlo Liver TOTa ore equally valuabloin Constipation, ouring and pro- Zl;-Uti:iTlZ.z:i:iinlz:i. I eorrectandlsordersofthoetouiachjitlmulatatha liver and regulate tho bowclj. Evon it they onlj curca f Acbo they would bo almost priceless to thoso who I euf for from this distressing complaint; but f orta ixnitely thelrgoodnoss doea notondhere,and thosa lublo In eomauv ways that thov will not bo wil ding to do without them. But after allslck head Is the bane of so many lives that hero fa wnora wo make our great boast. Oar plus euro It whllo ethers do not. Carter's Little Liver Tills are very small and 1 very easy to tone, one or two puis maae a aoso. They are strlotly vegetable ana do not gripe or purge, but by their geutlaacUon please all who use them. In vials at S3 cents; Ave for $1. Sola 1 by drugglata every vhero, or sent by moll. CARTER MEDICIHC CO., ?,'ew York: SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Dank Counters, Tyler Sy&tom, Port ab!Oi Unequaled In Stylos, Cost and Finish. 150rreCaIalufuof Cvuuien, VttU etc., Illaitrated la Colon, lloolte Free PoiUu l&CtaU, TynslSStV Tyler's oyi urllvr Onblneti, JSOO Ntjlea. lIi'Bt AiiU cbeap- cut on earth, wtlb croat reduction in prices. ISO eaUWua Frff. ro.tigt 13 fit. lull Him of IctU, Ihelrm, TaMra, Hoot 4W, ft tat, LrRkl ItUuk ffcljiitfli, tlf IwijBla(ock. BurfUl work atarie Itt ardrr. t viaat jm:sic co. i sc. umi, Mu, v.t. a. 1 C'hlebctcr'a KiikIUIi Dlftucud Hrd. XNNYRQYAL PSLLS mure r.. ti it. L3n-Tfctk Urmrjist ur Ch ftert t i tl J'm-A miofu uranj in iii-a iua t. tint iuo Uim, a- ilftl with blue rl i . 'I'&Lq nantlirr. Rtttitt danatmut tiil.n iiu turn anil imiUtUm. A' VrQglnt, or Read 4a, In Ptmpt fur )Witcmri, Ktluoolaii kuij lUtleT for I-oJ lew, in Utur, by rrtura 1UIL 10,000 T ti..otill'. t,itmi jtptrt l(faajitiCliemliiil Cari Ann Hi, iiiml Coiitr FREE TO MEN Vwhavt iuUlvpCuio for tbeetftfcuvCiWC abuw, IfnrlylUreBBrlnWerTourillebllltrrUvd ct tieiuall'owvr, Impotcncj floBretlt our faith In our Bwcltto w will end ono Vull Bf on I h Dledlolne 0Mi Much Valattla Information fllKlC. Addrea. u.M.COM05ilroadty. f-eivVork Breakfast Cocoa CARTER'S! iivra fill 1 PILLS. SIW 1 I k K IJ? L " ? w w n ill .11 HOPKINS WILL CASE Tlio Great Suit Cnco Moro in Progress at Salem. SEARLES AGAIN ON THE STANP. He Didn't Want People to Think Ho Was Bought for a Husband. Ills Reasons for Objecting to tha Mar riage Settlement When He Stated Tlint He Never Did Uuslnrss on Sunday Kveu Tim Hopkins Smiled Vtuo of Mrs. Hopkins' Property Standing ltooiu Only at the Trial. Sales!, Mass., Oct. 22. Standing room was at premium lu tbe Probate uourt yesterday, the oocaslon being the re sumption of tbe Hopklns-bearles will contest. Edward F. Soarles was called to the stand, nnd Mr. Hurley after calling attention to numerous transfers of per sonal property from Mrs. Soarles to Stillman and subsequently to Searles, began a rigid cross-examination. Soarles, In reply to a question ns to tho tlmo of the marriage agreement, stated it was in October. 1888. Searles was unabla to toll why 1 lmotny Hopkins was not Informed of tho mar- ringoday, us the matter was leftontlroly wltli Mrs. Hopkins, Witness testified ho did not suggest to Mrs Hopkins that it would be well to notify Timothy. So far as tho marriage settlement was concerned tho proposition camo from Mrs. Hopkins, it being her wish, before she married witness, that he havo au equal share in the estate. Mrs. Hopkins made tho proposition about ten days prior to tho marriage. Witness was at Great Harrington at tho timo. When witness said ho objected to n miyringo settlement, sho. asked witnoss If he would release her from tho contract at nny timo sho wished, and ho ttild her he would. The marriage settlement was oxecutod through tho agency of Mr. Stillman. Witness did not remember whether Mrs. Hopkins asked Timothy to glvo her a schedule of the property in California. Mr. f-earles said ho frequently Blgneil documonts without reading tho con teuts, he trusting entirely to tho Infor mation submitted vorbally by his coun sel. Witness said ho had no knowledge of tho marriage settlement contract, but ho had reason to beliovo that his wife know all of the provisions named. Ho was certain tho contract was in his favor, as ho had nothing to give her. So far an witness knew, Stillman and Hubbard never submitted a written statement of tho account of tho copart nership, all Information regarding tho property being submitted verbally. Never know of Sirs. Soarles kooping a diary except during tho wedding tour. Mr. Hurley called for those dlarios and tho Court ruled them admissible. Mr. Burloy next produced the will of Edward F. Searles, of July 10, 1838, leaving all his property to his wife, tho torniH being the sumo as in her will to him. Witness had recollection of but one codicil to his wife's will between tho tlmo of her marrige and death. In regard to the business affairs of the estate, they wore suggested by his wife nud tho transactions oxecutod by Still- tnan. Just previous to the marriage of Mrs. Hopkins to witness sho suggested that I Mr. Stillman visit California to luvostl gate her affairs. At this stage of the hearing a letter written by Mr. Stillman was road, giving reasons for not recording tho deeds' of land in .Mr. Searles' name, also the rca sons why tho marriage settlemont con- tract should not bo recorded, as it would prompt too much gossip Tho letter also explained in detail Stlllman's dealings with Cyrus W. Field, in relation to the Washington building, costing ovor $2,000,000 and tho "Mall and Expross," and concluded with tho statement that Senrlos' lucomo would amount to $000,000. Mr. Stillman reported both to Mrs. cenries nnu 1 Searles and to witness that tho Call for nin proporty wns In good condition, thus nliaylug any rears tuat witness anil nis wife entertained Witness was at Mr. Stlllman's house on a Sunday ovening to return a social call. Uurley iou didn't go to sco him on business f Searles I don't go to see people on business Sunday never did and novor will. Mr. Searles' reply caused a ripplo of laughter throughout tho court room. Even Timothy Hopkins' fact brightenod Into abroad smile. Mr. Hurley asked the witness at tho n "-moon session If he whb awaro that Stillman & Hubbard had a voice In the kind of securities they could withdraw, and he replied that ho only know that tlx y could draw that amount. Witness wald that when ho signed tho supple mental agreement he understood that tho Hreat Harrington property was ox- empt from tho copartnership assets, nnd was put iu his nnuio to protect It In caso of Ulcut. A will of Edward F. Soarles, dated November 23, 1887, was introduced. It lef tiio inenmo of n sum sufficient to yield 10,000. a year for ths support of his tut .. r and tho residue to his wife. 'x ..e letters from Stillman and HIbbard to anil Mrs. Seniles were offered and oci .i.,.ud the remainder of the afternoon. Most of tlmni were of no particular in terest. Tho Hist dated February 11, 18b2. from Mr. Stillman when In Call foruin, estimated Mrs. Searles' property, exclusive of the Great Harrington ostate at 850.0lM3.O00. Referring to her desire to give Tim Sherwood Hall and money nnoiich to run It. he sava it will require tho income of S500.000 yearly. Tim had honestly endeavored to do his bet for her, and any mistakes had been duo to vontb. On November 18. 1887. ho wrote that he had drawu a new will for Mrs. Beatles, which had been rendered noces' aarv bv a chaueed condition of affairs On April 1H, 1888, Stillman wroto that tho property was of moro value than he first thouuht. Ho had to net rid of her Interest in the "Mail and Express," and they ought to thank Providence that It raited ub men with more money than brains to relieve them ot their bad in vestments. Attempted Murder and Rulolde. New Yohk. Oct. 82. Casslm Morey, au ex-newspaper reporter, who lot tha past year bus bean suffering from a mild form of Insanity, "hot AnnU M. Ward and then himself last Bight. Neither if seriously Vouodad. flighest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOOUTEH AND THE LIST GROWS. Moro Corporations in Which Candidate Wright Is Interested, Ono of "Corporation Hob's" Towns men Gives Homo of tho ISuekers of tlio Democratic Candi date for Auditor Gen eral of tlio State. While Democratic candidate for auditor genernl Robert E. Wright, of Lehigh, is out on the hustings tolling tho farmers what a good friend of theirs he has been, and attempting to explain nwny his bitter fight against their bill before tho legislature for equalization taxeg, some of his townsmen in Allentown havo been turning on the light on his l ecord ns an agent of corpo rations, lie is shown to havo been practically supported for years by corpo rations. IIo wont to Harrisburg as tho representative of vast corporate interosts to oppose the Taggart tax bill, better known as the granger bill. A short time ago tho names of a few of tho corporations with which Candi date Wright has been identified, either as president, director or attorney, were given. iere is a revised list : Western Union Telegraph Company. Lehigh Valloy It. li. Co. Central Hallroiul of Now Jersey. Philadelphia & Heading 11. It. Co. I'erklomen It. It. Co. Catasauqua Fogelsvillo H. It. Co. Allentown Terminal It. It. Co. lierksand Lehigh It. It. Co. Irontnu It. 11. Co. Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. Allentown & DutUlubem Itaiild Transit Co. Allentown Passenger Railroad Co. Iletblehem Iron Company. , Thomas Iron Company. Cruno Iron Company. C.itnsiuiquu Manufacturing Company. Allontown Iron Company. Allentown I tolling Mill Company. Allentown Eloctrlo Light Company. Lehigh Vnlley Car Manufacturing Company. Stemton Car Company. Frledensvlllo Zinc Company. Keystono Cement Company. I'enn Mutual Lifo Insurance. Company. United Socurlty Life Insuranco and Trust Company of Pennsylvania. West End Improvement Company. Elliger Heal Estato Association. Lebigh Slnto Company. Mcndow Iirook Slnto Company, Allentown National Dank. Washlnuton Slato Company. Lookiue over this list, tho farmers of Pennsylvania will conclude, as Master Khone, of the State Grange, and others have done, that Candidate Wright is scarcely to be preferred to General D. McM. Gregg, tho gallant soldier, tho Republican candidate for auditor gen eral. TIN, TIN, A5IKUICAN TIN. Major McKlnloy Tells a Story AVhloli Comes Homo to I'eniisylvaiilaiis. Pennsylvania's growing tin industry Is attracting national attention and ia figuring in the political campaigns in all tho northern states in which im portant elections aro to bo held next month. The RepuWicnn policy of pro tection to this, as well as other indus tries giving employment to American labor, is not forgotten by the working men of tho Keystone state iu tho present political canvass. Major McKinley, while addressing one of his rousing meetings in Ohio the other day, was interrupted by n man in the audience who handed him up a paper ou which he had written sotuo questions he desired answered. Ihe first quostiou was: "Is there any tin ore in tho Uuited States, and where?" His answer was. "Yes; in the Black Hills in Dakota; it is to bo found in San Bernardino county, Cal., and nt both of this places tin ore is being mined today. have seen this tin ore, which has been used and tested, and made into pig tin that has already been used for making tiuplate in the Uuited States." The second question was. "Whore Is tin plate mader' Ho at once nnswered: "In Demmler, Pa., and in Apollo, Pa.; In Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., and in Philadelphia, Pa. But Governor Camp bell," McKinley said, "complains of the tanit on tin, and no says that the peo ple have got to pay it all. Tho gover nor wanted to restore the tariff on su gar. Now," said McKinley, "admitting that we did pay all the tin tariif. ad mitting that wo cannot produce tin ore or tin plate in the United States, which would his hearers rather havo, two cents a pound put upon foreign tin plate or tue restoration ot two nud a half and three and a half cents nor wound ou su gar? If we do not aud cannot produce any tin this country which is false then the tariif on tin is a revenue tariff. and puts revenue into the public trous- ury. it aiso rosters an muustry wluon gives employment to American labor. We have evidenoe of this fact at home hero in Ohio and among our neighbors in I'ennsyivama." Reciprocity ami ltepubllonnism The Republican policy of reciprocity keeps pushing along. None of our Pun American republics have declined it, rumors to the coutrary notwithstanding, and all not yet in the treaty aro giving it favorable consideration. For tho first time American flour is going straight to Cuba in large quantities. It is opening every market heretofore closed to the products of our farms France and Germany to our pork, the west indies to our nour, uentrai and South America to a variety of edibles, Let us sustain the policy by sustaining the Republican party and Republican nominees. No PennBylvanian can af ford to voto against either Gregg or Morrison mis tail. U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Revival services will soou beglu in the churches. If You Lovo Your Baby Oivo her Dr. Hand's (Jollo Curo. It is ab solutely safe and affords relief alwayr. Samplo bottles Ktatis at O. J. McOarth;'c or J. M. Hillan's drug store. He suto to got ono. Cough cures lire iu active demand. A National Event. The holding of the World's Fair In a city scarcely llrly n im old will be a remarkable eveut, but whether It wilt rwilly beuetlttlns nation ns inuch as the dlecoverv ol tbe ltesUiratlve Nervine by l)r FranHHu Miles is uouutiui. iius is juhi wnai uie American people neen to cure tnfir exclusive nervous news, uyspepsia, ueanacne, uirziuess, sieep ietsneas, neuralgia, nervous debility, dullness, munition f mlnd.eto. It nolo like a charm. Trial bottles and tine book ou "Nervous and IIenrtl)leHi.c"wlth tinequHUd testlmonlHl, mat I' II. liHgentnoh's drugstore. It t wiirranied to vmiUUn no oifum, morphine or tlanyerowi drugs. Tho male white. handkerchief i of plain Mllee' Nerve Hun Liver Pills Act on a now principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through tht ntrvet A new discovery. Dr. Miles' IMlla speedily cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid Jlver, plies, aooetlpation Unequaled lor men, women, children. Smallest, mll.iest,Mirei! Sidoaea, 36c ts. Ham pies Free, at O. II. IlRfaubuoh's drng store. The stove dealeis ure very busy ju t now. Remarkable Facta. Heart disease Is imnillv sunnosed 1o be in curauie, but wln-n properly treated a large proportion or cases an u i cureu. l mi Airs. tituira iiaieti, oi itiKnari. imi., auu .urn. MaryL. Halter, ol Ovid. Mich,, were cured alter .ullerliig a) years. 8. C. l.lnbur or, druialsl at Hun Jote. 111., snvs that Dr. 51 lies' New Heart uute, whlcii cured ine iormer. 'worked wouders lor Ills wile." Levi i ogan, of lluclmnan, Mich., who bad luiartdlsense lor 30 years, says two bnttlos made hlui "feel llko a new man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Ih sold aud guaranteed by u. II llagenbucli thodrugglst. Uookof wonderful testimonials fiee. Tho rattle of coal is dally heard the o , days. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warnlnir? Tbe slennl cer- haps ol tbe suro approach of that more ter rible dtxease, Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can allord for tbe sake of saving a) cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. we Know iron experience iiiai Million's uure will Cure your Coueh. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million liotlles. were soia me ptisi year. ii. relieves vruup nd Whopping Cousli at once. Mothers do not be without It. For Lame HacK, Side or Chest, uso rjhiloh's Porous Planter. Sold by U. II. llagenbuch, N. E. corner Main and uioya sirecis. Black is moro popular this year than ever. Spoclmon Cases. 8. If. Clifford. New Cusiel. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia unit Hheum.Ulnn, his Htomacli was disordered, his Llvor was af. tocted to aa alarinlmr degrto. AppeUte A-11 uway, and lie wai terribly reduced In UohIi n id blreugth. Three bottles of Klectrle Hit lers cured liim. IMwnrd Sbooberd. Ilarrlsburtr. Ill . had a running faoroou hlslcrof egnt years' stand ing. Ufeed thriJo bottles of Klcctrlo Hl'Urs nud seven boxes of Hncalen's Ainlca Salvo, aud bN leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Cat iwba, O., had dvo large Fnver sores on Ids leg, doctors said be was Incurable. Ono bot tle Electro Hitters aud ono box Hucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold bv O. II. ltageubuaL, Druggist. Gold cuiT" buttous areslill the go. Father Pablo Juaroz Talks. Don llnmon Alva. Dear Hlr: I havo the satisfaction of lnlormlngyou that the Cactus nuioo uure, oi win n you are mo owner, litis produced ttie inoit wonderful res nl Is for a Irlend ot mine who has sutlered from her petlc eruption, aud I consider your euro a n generator without nninual. In the name of my irlend I tbanic you sincerely, and be sure I will recommend your valuable medi cine, as 1 have ag ilu feeu Its results. lours iruiy, 11 V. PAULO JUAHEZ. Bold at Klrlln's Drug Htore,Ferguson House uiocK.aueuiiuuoat:. Men's collars are moderately high and straight out. Shiloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most nuc :esslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, i tew doses Invariably cure the worst casos oi 'ough, Croup, and Ilronchltls, while Its won. terlul suecets In the curo of Consumption Is vlthout a parallel lu the history of medicine. Ilnou it's first discovery It has been sold on a ftiaranteo, a test which no other medicine an staud. It you havo a Coll ah we earnestly uk you to try it. l'rloe 10 cent. 60 cent, and 1 1 .no. ir your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack ame. use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv ). U. llagenbuch, N. i;. corner Main and loyu streets. A seasonable request now Is, "Pleaio suut uie uoor." "Mother, can I go out to llsh?" No, no, my 111 tie sonny. You know you've got a swollen foot, My nreclmis little honey.'' flut they got a bottle ol Salvation Oil, aud ha went ana caugni au eei, ana ate n into amun, October ia a great month for wed' dlugs and it Is keeping up Its reputs' Hon. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you have a Cough, Cold, or nny trouble with Throat, Chest or Luugs, Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, l oughs and Colds Is guaranteed to give re. lief, or money will bo paid hack, hurftrers from La Grippe found It Just tho thing and under Its use hud u speedy and perfect re covery. Try a mm pie bottle at our expense and loarn for yourself Just how good a thlug It is. Trial botiles free at C. H. ltngenbucu's arug store, mrge size ouc. ami ex.uo. The bustle is coming buck again. A Glorious Rooord. Since the Introduction of the Famous Pan TinaCouali nnd Consumption Cure in this vicinity, the death rate from Comminution h'S decreased wouderfully ; it never rails to effect a cure, aud Is the best Couch medicine Try it. Trial boOIm free at Klrlln's drug tore. THE ntlAIIV MONfJIENT. Unvotleri In the I'resence or Tliousntula-. Gov. IMI tlio Orator. AtLixta, On., Oct. 22. Tho cere monies incident to the unveiling of tha Grady monument attracted an Immense crowd of strangers to the city yesterday. The city bore a holiday attire and 1 business was to a large extent suspended. One of the principal features of the un veiling ceremonies was the procession which formed on Mitchell and Washing ton streots and moved to the statue. Oov. Hill and the other guests, with the members of the Xloument Commit tee, took seats on the stand. Got. Hill was groetod with loud applause by tha crowd which had assembled about tha monument and which filled Marietta street lu both directions. It was shortly after noon when the Mexican Band, having rendered a selec tion, President Northen called the assem blage to ordor. Miss Qussiu Grady, tha only daughter of Henry Grady, then stepped forward and drew the cord which hold the canvas In place about tho figure on the monument. The cloth slipped from tha statue, leaving the brouie figure revealed. The monument was designed by Alex ander Doyle and Is of heiolo size. It represents Mr. Qrady with uncovered head standing lu an easy attltudo with the left foot somewhat advnncod. The general peso is that of an orator cngused in delivering a speech, the left arm hanging; by the side and the right crossing the breast and clasping between ths forefinger and the thumb the lapel of a full frock coat. On the right and left of the statue nro allegorical llgures of Memory aud His tory, and the figures surmount a great stone pedestal, the polished sides of which lar inscriptions. The oration of Govornor Hill was a masterpiece, and was received with tho greatest enthusiasm by tbe assembled thousands. Last ovening a banquot was given to Governor Hill by tha Young Mou's Dem ocratic League. The Governor responded to the toast "Dom oeracy. " THK TIIAIN JUJIl'KO THK Tit A OK. Fatnl Accident tm tbe 11. & O. Two Mtm Killed. Washington, Oct. 22. The east bound limited express from Chicago jumped the track a few miles west of Sir John's Run, on tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, yes terday afternoon. The engine, after leaving tho track, turned over, and Engineer Ruckles and P'ireman Richards were killed. Postal Clerks Lippinoott,-Cralg and Lavey were injured, but the passengers in the two coaches and sleeper, which, besides the postal and baugnge cur, made up the train, were only slightly shaken up. Tho train was running 40 miles an hour when it was derailed. The accident was caused by tho breaking of on o of tho roar driving wheels ot tho engine. Tour Killed lly n Mloplaoeil Snitch. Galesduho, 111., Oct. 22. Tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy fast pasienger train, ran Into an open switch nenr Galesburg, III., shortly before midnight Tuesday, killing Mrs. Goorgo Allen, Uouiond, 111.; r. L. Johnson, Avon, ill.; Gcorgo Courtney, tho traveling engineer of Galesburg, 111., nnd A. A. Kmcrson, engineer, ofUnlesburg, 111. It Is thought the switch was opened with tho intention of wrocklng the train. Vnlo Will Not He Represented. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 82. Tho President of the Yale Navy has bean in formed by tho Commodore of tho Cor nell Navy, thnt Cornell, Columbia nnd the University of 1'enusylvanla, havo doclded to form an intercolloglato row lug association, which will hold Its an nual rogatta somewhere on tho Hudson, and asking Yale to send representatives to a mooting of collegoq lntorostod, to be held in Now York ou Saturday next. It Ian t believed that lolo will bo repre sented, as tho matter is looked upon as u rusa of Cornell to bring about a race with Yale. The Duseliel Mttrdnr. Wiutk Plains, N. Y., Oct. 23. Tho arrest of George Duschel, bus band of the woman who was found murdered Sunday afternoon, is regarded by of ficials here as an important stop towards tlio dotectlou of tho murderer. IJlood stains have .been found on Duschel's shirt sleevos, and they will bo submitted to exports for analysis. The Impression grows that Itobinson is thn victim of a conspiracy to fasten tho crlmo upon mm. Claim It Is a Conspiracy, Wheeling, W. Va., Oot. 22. William Jones, ono of the leading officials of Mar shall County, has been arrosted at Moundsville, charged with making an Indecent assault upon a brldo of thrco wcoks. Joues Is a leading church mout her aud actlva politician. Jones' friends deny the charge and claim that it is tho result of a conspiracy. Anxiety for Two Schooners. QLoucKSTEn, Mass., Oct. 23. The schooners Percy aud City Point, which sailed on codfishing voyagos August 25, have not been heard from since and It Is thought they huve been lost with nil hands. The Percy carried a crew of 12 men und tho City Point one of 14. Lieut- Coivles Wants tin Inquiry. Washinotov, Oot 22. Lieut. Cowles, lata lu command of the United States steamship Despatch, asks that n court ot inquiry be organlied in ordor that the cirouiustauoes of the wreck may be fully developed. Tho court will con vene early next week. l'EN.NSSLVANIA URIEFJ. Henry Q. Stanley aud Thomas Itallly, tho GUnwood postoffice robbers, will ba tried nt Pittsburg. H. C. Wtntoi'inoyer and John Longo necker, waro arrastod at Harrisburg charged with counterfeiting. Winter- mayor admits his guilt. The next meeting of the Woman's Home aud Foreign Missionary Society, of the West Pennsylvania Synod, will ba held at Chamborsburg. Dr. Banks, a prominent physician and politician, was arrosted in Wllkeabarro yesterday nnd held in $7,000 ball, charged with committing a criminal operation upon Nellie Bellas, who died on Mondny. Tha Pennsylvania Cathollo Total Ab stlnonce Union at Wllliamsport elected T I Pnmlilln. nt Will t .n nnrt nrAal. dantt James Grant, ot Shenandoah. Ban. ' eral vlce-prasidtnt, and W. 11 Burke, oi 1 Shenandoah, secretary. 1,000 REWARD feme Dlackinn vroLrrAio!?- . To twt this hanjf a rtrfp of leather In a bottto ol Acme lilac kinff and leave It there for a dr or mouth. Taki! It out and drraudexatninultcantfullr Mike a similar Uat with Trench Vmmng ud Tacts lilac king. M'sflCM Blacking U&kea any kind of letther Watorproof, Soft nnd Durable. Change a Pine Table to Walnut. A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak A Cane Rocker to Mahogany. what can be done with 2lC. worth of WOLrP 4 RANDOLPH, ITilUdelphla. FOE SALE IK ALL BT0KZS. CACTUS BLOOD CTJEE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAP. RILLA Parities llio blood by ex pelling the impuiities through. the proper Cain els and never causes eruptions on the ykin. Regulates tho bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system, and gives you an appetite. Never fails ' o cure any con dition produced by impure r impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Bold at KIHij'b Drua Slnre, Ferguson' t Hotel Block, Shenawloa,, Pa. Attic tnv llDPllla fnr V. ,. llntlclna Slinpn. If not for anle 111 your place iislt nr dealer to nend for eiitnlognc Nccuro tho ntrencv. nud set tlictn (or voll. PT-TAKL SO HUBsTITUTK. jEJ S3 SHOE CENTRE.. HIE BEST SHOE III THE WORtO FOR THE MONEY r It Is a seamless shoe, u lili m, tacks or wot thread to hurt tlio feel: lllliile uf tin. lii'Kt lino r-nlr. Atvllnh nnd easy, mill cai.sf mnlv taore thnm of this grtitlt' tlmn uaf i,i, , isriuitfii'fifit',, It equals hand sen ed shoes eostlliK from St ') to Si.lK). 25 OlMic inline lland.seued, tlio finest calf shoo ever for $u; equals Ircnclt Imported shoes which cost rroni SS.l.itoSUUu. C A UO Illltld-Sencil Welt Shoe, lino calf, stylish, comfortable unit durable. Tlio best shoe over offered at this price ; same grado as cus. torn nuulo shoes costing fiolu SIMM to AS.IO. ffiQ -It Police Mine, Tanners, Itnltrend Men witf and LettcrOirrlersall wcarthom. tlncralf. seamless, smooth iuslile, heavy three boles, exten sion edtfe one pnlr w III wear a year, fljfe Af) duo enlfi uo belter shoe ever offered at llll )!I1-U, I'll,- ITHIl Mill coiiviuL-e who want a shoo for lomfort mid service. fiA 'J.! nud WorhliiettiiinVi shoes 3'a&a ore Mry snout? aud durable 'llio-o who haio Klven them a trial will wear no other make. Qmua) 35. Oil mill IM.73 sehooi suots aro hrW W V S voril bv tlio boi seervwliere. thevscll ou theTr merits, ns the Increasing sales show. ft oftiae eil.tll' mimi-Ntm-cil shoe, ncsc &jSSle ICO lloiiuolu. vert stvllsh: ouuh.rrcncri Impoitid shoes costln from gl.ikl to Sto. jniiiCH' ?..tiu nun ri.7, stioo lor MlMesnro the best line UoUKola. stylish aud durable. 'Hilton. See that W. I.. Douglas' uamo and price are stamped un the bottom of each shoo. . i.. uifuuis, uroi'Kioa, uasa. ST osopli 3311, DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and woll made, fashionable clothes? If bo, cull on "W. J". CTAGOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Janlin Street, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the latest iroods nnd the styles. Good workmanship, nroimilnes and lair prices. DR. THEEL. 538 S??'3,,3,FP.u1ri!?.u8.V. i-enultie (( rnimn ah rteu Hpcialltt tmh.-riui.-4 mb iwti U hit- to ouru Blood Polsorif NervouB DebUltyani Spe cial Diseases r th Bkiallu KodBpotiPp-lni tn th tKuo,soreThront Mouth, M-ichti, Pliujil-i, 1-ruitliiiH ton or hr.i rhrm. Swelling Irrititlcm, ltiHtnmatini and Kuarttn(i, tiui'.turea, WckDc tbl tailj dear. meuurr. wsk htvk mcoUl amlrtr KIIupt an Bla-Mtr IHihin turl kl) UlKrt r.atjlllnr 'i"'11 M ItnUawri limi or OTt-rwork Kvemt ttt curM In 4 t IU a' rller t m lo pnt Iom h". do matiir what afl-r-Urioc Doctor QuMk, Family or lloiltal Ptoy.lrltn has fall d. Pr. TIUKL cure positively 'Hhout d't. titl-a nm ttalCW ntD. VOL'M, UlfiULI AT Ml TTMWI C'"T MM iTIK UiMUDi. rich ft pftftr. trad a. atainii fir bOOk "TRUTH" e.Tin QoaokJi ouder worTt U tln . nlkla. Amkr fmrn 9 to , luv'n t to B, VM ai a hai. Bv'g to to. ftuDfUr tlllll. WritorcaUati4Wac1. Vt lUlmeaM m W4a, "4 (Uturdaj P blla, dally Ttm A FIM SHOW If you want to se a tine display of Hoots ante Shoes, goto W, SNYDER'S Boot aud Shoo Store, (Masteller'k old stand,) Corner Coal and jnrdlii HtH. Custosu Worlc nud Rcpnlriusr Dose In the b ityle. rani i". iy I T-r-riVW WHY IS THE W L DOUCLAS