The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 22, 1891, Image 2

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Mrs. Yorko Aston nilcd When
Told Sho Was Divorced.
IIow Capt, Yorke, Ei-Asslstant U. S. Navy
Paymaster, Got Hid of His Wife,
Tlie Complaint Published In nt Obscure
Dakota l'npnr--lt Allo Unfnlthful
neiii Whleli Clinrgo I Indlenantly De
nied by Mrs. TorkeThn Captain Mar
ried tit Widow nt a llusilnn Count--Tlio
Dlvnrce to be Contested.
Sea Giiit, N. J., Oct. 23. Tho report
thnt a divorce had been granted by the
Dakota courts to Captain Lewis A.
Yorko created Intense surprise here,
where Mrs. Yorko has a handsome sum
mer cottage and Is well known. She
was the most astonished person of nil
tot she was not awaro that her husband '
was seeking a divorce.
About n week ago Captain Yorlce, who
ltd voaf. luinn AaalatAMt l.n.nn
, .,. a..,. ..... . . I
, , , "
riuu Hi DismnroK, i. u.t U3 n,veiyn,
Countess Deszchllnska, of Iiussin. The
Countess had lived for severnl months at
Dawson, N. D. , and met Captain Yorke
at Uismarck by appointment.
Ihe Fargo divorce records show that a
decree of separation was granted to Cap
tain Yorke on September 10. The pa
pers prove that nn alHdavlt was made
that Mrs. Kmma Yorko could not be
found In this country.
The summons was published in an
obsoure weekly paper In Kargo. The
complaint charges her with improper in
timacy with 15, Desplnvllle Picot.
The charges made by the ox -Paymaster
that his wife was Intlmnte with E.
Desplnvllle Picot Mrs. Yorke chnractor
iKeti as false and slanderous. Mr. Picot
has for years been a friend of Mrs.
Yorke's family, who are well-known in
Pennsylvania and liavo a bonutlful
country sent at Uryan Mawr.
Mrs. Yorko avers that the charges made
by her husband that she bad boon in
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Florida with
Picot are cruelly and maliciously false.
She has employed Gcorgo Northrop, a
prominent Philadelphia lawyer, who has
known her slnoe childhood, to b 'gin pro
ceedings against tho ex-Paymaster to
have his alleged divorce doclared fraudu
lent. Mrs Yorke declares that tho alleged
now wife of Cpt. Yorke Is not the widow
of a Itusslnu count, as she claims, hut is
still the legal wifo of a liubortllnata
ofllcer in the United States Army. Mrs.
Yorko says that she hn.s met tho alleged
counters and knows all about her.
"The friends of Mrs. Yorke's family say
"tXat her husband's conduct caused tho
separation of the couple two years ago.
After the reparation tho Captain went
West and secured tho divorce, which is
claimed to be bogus.
Mrs. Yorke's family say that when
tho suit being now instituted by her
comes into court her good character will
bo provon beyond question, nnd both
Captain Yorko's so-callod dlvorco and
second nmrrlago will bo shown to bo
Uymencal: Wnilibiirii-Hodges.
IlAVKHSTiuw, N. Y., Oct. 22. Tho
marriuge of General Ira M. Hodges'
daughter, Margaret Knapp Hedges, at
the Central Presbyterian Church, last
night, to Morf F. Washburn, of Stony
Point, was the most brilliant wedding
ever held In Rockland County. Two
thousand Invitations wore issued, and
prominent guests from all over tho Stato
were present., Tuo ceremony tooic place
at 0 o'clock, Itev. Dr. A. S. l'reomnn nnd
Itev. J. II. I-'aulks ofllelating.
Clutmed llnltnn Is No Ulqrnmlat.
Bhooklyk, Oct. 22. It is reportod
that William C. Iiolton, who married
Miss Lillian V. C. Shulor of Newark,
N. J., four weeks ago, whllo at the same
tlmo hu has a wife living Hare, wis
divorced from Mrs. Bolton in Dakota.
It Is said ho wout there In February
and ocqulrod a legal residence by ro
niaiuini; six months. Mrs. Bolton, how
ever, awalta his return to prosaoute him
for bigamy. Sho denies that he has a
legal dlvorco.
Itato Oil tine; Mutt Ho Htnppori.
New Yohk, Oct. 23. Tho Executive
Commltteo of tho Trunk Linos Assocla
tlon met yesterday to consider Western
bound froight rates. Charges woro also
in ado at tho mooting that somo of tho
lines wero cutting rates. It was decided
to maintain tho presaut tariff, and a re
solution was passed to the o fleet that if
any of the lines connected with the
association aro cutting rates It must
ceaso at once.
DIarblo Firms tu Consolidate.
IlDTbAND, Vt., Oct. 23. Tho two great
marble concerns of this place, tho Ver
mont Marble Company and the Sheldon
Marble Company, are t 0 be consolidated
in the near future. The Vermont Mnr
lile Company, of which Secretary Proctor
is the head, will take tho management
of all the nuarrios. The new arrange
tnent will put all but a few small com
panles lu tho state uuuer one munago
Amerloau Shipping League.
BATH, Me., Oct. 29. The North At
Inn tic branch of the American Shipping
League met last night aud organized by
electing linn. tr. 11. Twltchall, l'rostcient.
aud a long Hit of well-known publl
men and others vloe -presidents. Hon
Nelson Din flo t delivered an addross and
ringing letters wero read from Senators
J? rye and Hale aud ex-Senator Uhandler,
i Kiwv jKiisiiv nitinrs.
The Monmouth County grand Jjry
nave indlctou anmuei . .Moiutyro, pro
urletor of the Hotel Treinont at As
bury Park for selling liquors In his drug
ator under tno no tel.
George Nowlife. a Paterson Barber,
married a girl from Now York city about
a. week ago. She lias disappeared with
considerable money and property be
longing to her husband.
The Treuton police have arrested Dan
iel Itvnu. susneoted of having murderoi
on Monday his wife of one day. He was
unable to give a clear Idea of his more
meats that nigh", as ho was intoxicated
Ernst Nuppnn of Quttonburg, treas
ursr of a local benevolent society, ha
dIApp6srd. Ids accounts wore shor
$300, Ilia wife has turned ovor to the
assoeUtlon 188 aud the and Iter ohll
Atti itf dastllut,
Monnghnn Wli-r'Hliouls Ht til n Mystery
1li Insurance) on IIU I.tfn.
WmtChkstcr, Pa., Oct. 22. There li
BtUI no clue to the whereabouts of Law.
yer H. Jones Monaglmn, who left hit
home here several weeks ago for New
York, where ha mysteriously dlsnp
peared. No claim has bean mada upon the In.
surance companies hy his family for tho
Insurance on his life, and probably none
will be, unless positive proof of Monog
hHn's death Is found. The family can
not receive the $22,000 Insuranco on his
life for sovan years unless his death la
proven before that.
The law of Pennsylvania provides that
whon a man whose life Is Insured disap
pears, no claim for the insurance money
can bo made for seven years, aud that
during that tlmo the premiums on the
policy must be kept up. If, howover,
proof of tho man's death It found, than
tho premiums so paid aro returned with
the prlnolpal
No reason can bo assigned for'Monag
han's disappearance, but that ho atone
tlmo contemplated leaving this Stato Is
ulimrn htr l.h.y f:i i t Hint In 1RSW ,
I wrote the Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company, stating that his health was
falling; that he was offered a position
with a mining company at Tuoson, Ari
zona, nnd with the oonsoat of tlio com-
Pny, he would nccent It,
his removal
idea nt tho time was that
would affect his 11 fo insuranoe.
Contract Labor Law Violated.
Boston, Oct. 22. Jacob Dick was ar
rested yesterJoy ohnrged with violating
the contract labor law in importing
musicians to this country. It was al
leged that the musicians brought over
by Dick are nil minors, and that tho
contract for tholr services are made with
their parents In Oermany. Dlok organ
izes them Into bands and leases tholr
services. Ho claims that the young men
aro "artists" and therefore not omeu-
able to tho law.
Thinks ?3,000 Will llonl the Injury.
PlTTsnuRo, Oct. 22. Miss Margares
Hoffman has b' ought suit against Harry
Darnhnrt for $28,000 for breach of prom
ise of marriage. She is 28 years of agei
met Darnhart at Braddook in 1381); was
engaged to be married to him In Novem
ber, IbuO, but he has refused to keep hla
This llnrely Happens.
Cobtlasd. N. Y.i Oct. 23. Mrs. Jus-
n M. Pierce, of Ilomor, who died yes
terday was 01 years old. Sho was mar
ried 70 years acto, nnd during that tlmo
she and her husband have never beau
parted even by a single day's numnco.
Mrs. Tierce was widely known through
out tho county for her charltublo doods.
The Liberals won In the recent oloctfon
In Chili.
Vice-President Morton and family aro
back in Washington.
The National Episcopal Missionary.
Council is lu session at Detroit.
Elghteon lottery Indictments
been found at Sioux Falls, S. D.
1'at Killen, the heavyweight
flghtor, died in Chicago last night,
Hon. William Jackson will succeed
Mr. Balfour as Chief Secretary for Ire
Tho rollot of Chancellor Llvingstono
of Ohormont, N. Y., was discovered in
Washington yestoruay.
Direct won throe straight beats from
Hal Pointer at Nashvlllo, Tenn., yostor
day. Time 3:10, 2:0014, 3:11.
It Is thought in Montreal that a gen
eral oleotlon will toko plaoe throughout
the Dominion In December.
Itev. Dr. Cutterbuck was nrratgned In
London for taking 3,200 pounds from
a widow under pretence of investing it.
Mnjor-Goneral Schofleld's annual re
port of tho operations of tho army dur
ing tho year has boon submlttod to tho
Socretary of War.
Drongth Is causing heavy lossos In tho
Ohio Iron region. Around Jackson
alone tho loss is $1,500 dully, nnd it la
Impossible to run furnaces.
Wonthcr Indications.
WAinmaTox, Oot. 22. For ISastcrn Now
York: Fain coolon northwesterly winds.
Vor New Kngland: Cooler; northwostorly
wiiulii, fnlr.
For Eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jorsoy,
Murjiand and Uclawaro: Fair) ooolon north-
uoslorly wind i.
For Yctern Now York and Wostora Pens.
sylvala: Fain cooler; northwesterly winds.
New Yon it, Oct. Sl.-Moaor on call loanol
cany at 3 to J per cent.
s, 1O0T Itoi UJ
s. 1UU7 Coup lllUl
B9tf PnciOa IbHU
Central 1'itciuc , 'M
CLiica.-o. llur. St Qufnoy u:i
liomwure & iiuunon iog
Uul. Lack. & Western Hi's
Krlu 3uU
Erie pier , LS.i
lAxm bhoio l-'Hli
Louis & Nn.ll 7UU
MiuhUun Central looij
Missouri I'aclUc..., 6tlJ
New Jersey i eutral HU
Noitbwuatem ,U6l
Oiouon NarlKntlon 73
memo Jiuii ..-!
Iteailliiit UH
ltock Island K l
St Paul.
, .in
union t'Aomo.,,.
Wetern Union. .
Wheat closed steady. No. 3 red winter 105H:
Deo. ion.
Comclosud steady. No. S mixed. OSaBJJfc
Nov. 5M.
Outs closed steady. No. S mlxoJ, SiKa.lJ;
Nov. oa
IlUTTEn . '
Creamery, Btnte A I'oan.. extras. 31 o.a3Uo,
Creamery, westero, tints 28 o.a:i0 o.
Crestaory, wustorn. sooouas 24 o.a20 o.
btatuilairy, u. f . tubs, extras. .,,20 g,uM)g,
Riate factory, full cream. Bout, fancy.. OUalO
tstate fuotory, full cieum, Aug. faucy...UHuDfi
i-tuto lsoun v. full cream, line.
tita:e factory, full eieaui. good to priuioSltaOu
StMio tuoior, common to lair 7 a
N. Y. State, now lalj. per doi.,,,3.1)ac,s21 o,
lean, new laid 4JHc.s2k o.
Western & .Nortuwoatoru, gooa to
priino Ias33 o
. crsur How. per liW ,,,,.,,,1 07sl 73
fiweet potatoes, va., cuoioe i U7
lava I'omruT-
Bpilinr cbluiceiis, choloo. larare per lb, . all
ttprnu oliicito'it, prune ,.,..1041U
iowi,Jijrwy,eltato Jel-a., perlo., ,, 11 11J
Dai.sso I'ouLTnr
rfiY -
1 lip'tf chk's, PhUs., a a.lUMpai,,.,W ata
Editor Carter Comes Up
Annihilato It.
They Are Viiibly Agitated When Con
fronted by Their Nomcsis.
Mr. Carter Couldn't Stand tho White
wanhlnc divan Thornton and Miss Jew
ell br tho Mount Olivet Church, and II
UUoInc to Vlnillont lllmiolf-llc Hits
nn Anliluvlt from the Oar Conductor
Who Saw the l'alr.
New Yonlt, Oct 22. W. It. Carter, of
tho Jacksonville, Fla., "Metropolis," ar
rived in this city yesterday on the stoam
shlp Algonquin.
Whon Samuol N. Thornton nnd Eva
Jewell, of Brooklyn, arrived in Jackson
ville nnd told the thrilling story of their
big drift and subsequent roacuo nnd
landing upon Florida shores, Mr. Carter
was Bent to intorvieiy them. Mr. Car
ter announced that Sam and Evn were
romancing, and brought proof to show
that ho trnvolod with them in a railroad
oar from I'ensaoola to Milton, a little,
way station between Peasncola nnd
Sam and Eva vigorously denied Mr.
Cartor's story. Thoy said that It was
a case of mistaken identity. When they
arrived at tholr Brooklyn home the dea
cons of Mount Olivet Church, to which
thoy bolong, sent an emissary to Jack
sonville to investigate Mr. Carter's story.
It resulted in the vindication of Sam and
Mr. Carter now comos to provo to Sam
and Eva's fellow church members that
his story is true,
"When I called at the St. John's
Hotel, " said Mr. Carter yesterday, "and
rrent up my card, Thornton was not in.
Eva stepped out into the parlor to see
The moment I saw her I recognized
in tact tue recognition was mutual.
Eiio uttered an exclamation, became ashy
vhite, and, with a gasp, fell Into a chair,
for a moment sho oould not speak. Sho
dimply Held her hands over her face.
"This is a remarkable story you and
Mr. Thornton tell," I said: "You aro
the same woman thnt camo with me
from Pensacola to Milton.
"Eva became indignant, and refused
to say a word. She then left mo hur
riedly. 1 then lookod up Thornton and
identified him nt. once. His manner,
too, indicated thnt hu rocogulzod me,
"After tho couplo arrived home n gen
tleman from their church came down to
Investigate their story. Wo gave him
all tho information wo ha 1. I person
ally told him how Impossible was tholr
story. I obtained fir him a
sworn affidavit from tho oar con
ductor, who also identified Sam
nod Kva as tho sumo who had traveled
in his car, and bo left convinced, we
thought, that Sam and Eva wero lying.
To my surprise wheu ho rcturnod ho
cast doubt upon my story, and had tho
church vindicate the man and woman.
This placed mo in an embarrassing
position. I was urged to come horo to
expose the whitewashed vindication. I
propose to do ho."
Mr. Carter is a guest at the Hotel
Marlborough, no will communicate
to-dny with the nuthorltos of Sam and
Lva a church.
Llbbio Sunderlnnd's Fatlior In Jail.
Bi.NOHAMTON, N. Y., Oct. 22. Will.
I am Sunderland, father of Ltbbio Sun
derlnud, the girl nbductod by Wilson,
the Female Baseball manngor, who has
just been soutoncud to five years' im
prisonment for tho crime, though living
separato from his wifo, has on several
occasions created n disturbance at her
house. Two nights ago ho visited tho
placo for tho purpose of talking ovor
Llbble's case, and tho result was a fnini
ly fraens, in which tho furniture was
l broken and Sunderland was arrested.
Yesterday ho was boh to need by Justice
Downs to threo months' imprisonment
In tho Albany penitentiary.
Governor Jones Ii Itotlount.
New Yohk, Oct. 22. Lieutenant
Governor Jones, who Is nt the Park
Avonuo Hotel, said yesterday that he
would, according to tho constitution of
the State, nssumo tne uutios or. uover-
nor whllo Govornor Hill was nhseat In
Georgia. Ho declined to say what his
speollio Intentions wero. Govornor Hill
Is oxpoctod to arrive in tho city to
morrow. OlUclals TuUo No Stack In tha Humor.
OniOAOo, Oct. 22. World's Fair
officials treat with contempt tho report
from Paris that France will not partici
pate in tho fair because of the exhibition
buildings being constructed of wood.
They declare that the report was started
by hostile French newspapers for the
purpose of being subsidized, but their
ambition will not be gratified.
Dlphlliorln In a Norwegian Village.
Mahsiiai,ltown, In., Oct. 22. Black
diphtheria is spreading at an alarming
rate in a Norwegian settlement In Sol
diers' Valley, Ilnitison County. Four
teen persons recently died of the disease.
One family of ten lost six mombers.
The place ln.-aeen quarantined. A ter
rible state of affairs exists.
Itrovet Brigadier-General James
Brown died at Albion yesterday.
Dr Cbauncey M, Dopow addressed a
Itenublieau meeting at -fiyracusa last
John Davis, wholesale Jobbar In mil
linery goods, Now York, assigned with
out ptefereuees.
A frelaht wrock on tho Contral Hud
son at Tribes Hill last night delayed
trafllo for several hours.
The Preshytorian Syuod, represent
ing the churches in Now York and New
Kncland. is Homing its taucn annual
session at Wutertown.
Tho customs receipts at Now York for
tho first 20 days In October were $3,U1H,
012 against S11,4J1),378 for the corres
ponding period last year.
James B. Van Woert has been chosen
to fill the vutancj caused by the resig
nation of Secretary Van Sloklen, of tne
Holland Trust Company of New York,
WlllUtu TisWhltehouse. a member of
the Censolldated Kxchange, while
i i tflmpon.i i; iuhu. uimui(Jnou buiuiuo
temporu.-'ly lusaue, attempted suicide
Excels all others, in purity, flavor and economy.
-w., ...nuyj uacu, isk yuur grocer. nm
Tho end
of -woman's peculiar troubles and
ailments comos with Dr. Pierce's
Favorito Prescription. It cures
them. For all tho functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and
chronio weaknesses that afilict wo
mankind, it's a certain remedy. It's
an invigorating, restorative tonic,
soothing cordial and bracing nerv
ine purely vegetable, non-alcoholic,
and perfectly harmless.
In tho euro of periodical pains,
prolapsus and other displacements,
bearing - down sensations, nnd all
"femalo complaints" and irrcgu
laritios, " Favorito Prescription " is
the only medicine that's guaranteed.
If it doesn't givo satisfaction in ev
ery case, you havo your money back.
"You pay only for tho good you
get. Can you ask more ?
The easiest way is the best. Reg
ulate the liver, Btomach, and bowels
with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Thoy cleanse and renovate the
system thoroughly and naturally.
Sick Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, nnd Bilious Attacks, aro
prevented, rcliovcd. and cured.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where he will be pleaed to meet the wants
or nis menus ana tne puouo in
Everything in the Drinking Line.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
juarnage licenses anu legal cuiiins
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency.
General Fire Insurance Business. Represent!
the Northwestern Mfo Insurance Co.
OFFICE-Muldoon's bulldlni;, corner Centre
anu vet,i bis., auouauaoau, i-a.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale,
A tno story double Irarae dwelling honse
more unci restaurant, on East Centre St.
2. A dwelling aud restaurant on Kast Centre
3. l)elrable property on corner Centre and
Jardln streets, suitable for business pur.
4, A two story double irame dwelling, on
West I.lovd street.
5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen-
trti fttrrnt.
(1 Two 2alnrv dwelllncn on the corner of
Coal ana cneslnut streets Miore room ic
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street with n arsa warehouse at the rear.
8. Three two-si ory double frame bulldlnge
corner or Liioya ana unuori streets.
KllttHourl, KniiHtiHi Arkansas
Texas, KelJrtiHlca, I.otiiHlnna
Colorado, Ulali, clltoniln
Oregon, "Wiiiililii k ton, Mexico
New Mexico or Arizona.
and will seud me n postal card
or letter stating
Wiicre you are going,
When you are going,
Where you will Bturt from,
How many tliore are In your party,
.What freight anil baggage you have,
I will write you or call at your boureand
Airnlsh you with the fullest Information
regarding routes, lowest rates of all
classes, besides maps, descriptive and It
lustrated land pamphlets, resort books,
Hot Borings guides, etc.
Cheap Farming Lands In Missouri, Arkan.
biv, i.uuaus huu aeJLus.
J. P. McCAflN, Eastern Trav. Agt.,
Q. E. P. Agt., 891 Broadway.New York
Iron Mountain Route,
rnallv nulnblv. PArmanantlv llestoreri,
IVeukDci, NcrvoumeH, lleblllty. nnd all
the train of evils from earlr erroriorlater oxcessei,
the remits of overwork, ilckneaa, worry, etc lull
strength, development, and tone Riven to every
organ and portion ol Hie body. Blmplo, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure
Impossible. 2.OU0 references. Uook, explanations
Via proors manea (leaieaMreo. .tuurevs
bhib MEDiatL co buffalo, h. y,
PilY&IblAif AND SDK9E0N,
&&.t Kast, oehtre Street;
bsuu Mm Mt semu bibwww St ip-XliaiLy,
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10. 1891
Ptutflenser trains will leave Hhenaudoah for
Mauch Chunk, Lehichton, Slallnslon, Oata.
sanqua, Alleniown. Bethlehem, Enston, Fhtl
ntlelplila nnd New York at 5.47, 7.40, B.OS a. m..
122, 3.10,5.23 p.m. '
For Uclvldere, Delaware Wnler Oap and
Htroudsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.29 p. m.
For Lambcrtvllloaud Trento , 9.08 a, to
For White Haven, WllRes-Barre and Fitu
ion 5.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10 and 6.20 p. m.
ForTunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 and 6,31
p. in.
For Anbnru, Ithaca, Heneva and and Lyoni
10.41 a. m nnd 5.20 p. m.
ForLaeeyville, Towanda, Bayre, Waverly,
Klm!r, Jtoch(ter, JJiilTklo. .Niagara Falls,
Obleago and all points Went at 10.41 a. m.,aud
i.M p. m.
For Clmlra and the West vlaBalamanctt at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, llazleton, Htockton,
iter Yard, Weathrl and Penn Haven .luuo
tlonat5.4f,7.10,8,iJSn. m.and 12 52, 3.10 and
2S p.m.
For Jeanesvllle, lvlston and Ueavo:
Meadow, 7.40, 8,03 a. m. nud 5,J p. ni,
For Horanton at 5.47 I'M. 10.41a, m. 3.10 aud
:3H p. m.
For Har.le Urook. JmMn, urlfton and Free
load at 5.47, 7.40, 9.0S, 10.11 a. iu 122 3.10 and
5.20 p. m.
For (luakako at 6.17 and 9.03 a. m Mid
1.10 p. tn.
For WUgans, Ullberton aud Frackvllle at
.Wandtf.OSa m.,and 4.10 p. m.
For Yutesvllle, Msliauoy City and Dolano
..47, 7.40, 9.0S, 10.41, 10.58 a. m.,122,3.10,V2l, 8.98,
:i vjd 10.27 p.m.
For lxt Oreek, 3lrardvlllo and Ashland
i.27. 7.48, 8Ji2, 10.15 n. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.36
-i 10 nnd 3.14 p. m.
For DarK-wuter, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle
.40, J.0N, 10J38 a. m., 12.52, 3. 10, 4.10, 5.26 and iM
For Bunk Mountain, New Utwton and
loroH, 7.40, 9.08, 10.51 a. n,., 12.62, 3.10, 5.24 and
4.0S p. m.
Fnr Itaven Huu, Oentralla, Mt. Carmol and
llwmokln, 8.52, and 10.15 n. m., 1.40, 4.4C
ind 8.08 p. ra.
Trains leave Bbamokln for Shenandoah,
.55 11.55 a. m.. 2.10, 4 JO and 9.30 p. in., arriving
it Hnenaudoah, 9.05 a. m., 12. "i2. 3.10, S.2d and
U.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek. Qlrardvllle and Ashland.
W, 0.10 HJ5a.m.,2.4op. ra.
For Darkwater. Bt. IJialr ana I'ottsvlUe.
5(l, 8.00, 9.30 a.m.. 2.45 p. m.
i'or xaiesvuie, aiaiinnny uiiy ana ueutnu,
00,11.35 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 8.03 p, m.
f or ljouy, A.uuennea anu ixaziowu, sjw
m 1.40 p. m:
For UrucU Ctinuk. Lehliihlon. Slalinftojo.
lal&sauoua. Allnntown. Bethlehem. BMtot
ind New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
ror I'niiaaeipnia, i.m p. rn.
t4pn'l Prim". Aort. Unthlln.i
first National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00.
W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, Cashier,
S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Opcu Sally Jfrom 9 to 3.
I'nltl on HnvlntCH IetoRltH.
Successor of the Unabridged
For tho ITamlly, the Sohool or the Library,
Tho work of revision occupied over ten
years, more than n hundred editorial la
borers having been employed, aud over
8300,000 expended before the first copy
hub priuitm.
A Pamnlilet of mieclmen nacres.
testimonials, etc., sent free by the publishers,
Caution is needed in Tjurclinslntr a dictions.
ry, as photOKraphio reprints of a comparatively
worthless edition of Webster are being marketed
under various names, often by misrepresentation.
The International, which bears the Imprint of
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.,
Has the local iigenoy for the
Thomas Coul Company this
year, and la prepared to fur
nish coal of all sized at rates
lower than, lust year.
Tuos. Baihd, Supt.
Horses aud Carriagos for Hire
Neiswonlcr's : Livery : Stable.
WeHt Coal Street.
OSoa Ueaiall'a bulldln lorner Main an Centi
'hiladelphia and Reading Bailroad
Time TU6r in eOeetJuly 1G, 1SV1
H"or New York via Philadelphia, week days,
.0 5.15, 7.20 a. m. and 12 36 2.60 and 5.M
ni. Himday 3M and 7.4S a. m, For New
rlr. Vln UE-k f U -1- .. - r r
'o, a. m. and 1Z.S5 Hud ibo p. m.
in. XS'R na I'hiiatlelphla week days,
'."i i,,a,73 "j.m- -.w and 6.56 pim,
unday , 2.10 and 7.48 a. m 4.30 p. ni.
Kflrrlsbur8. vroek aays, 2.10,7.30 a. m,i
,60, 5.65 p. m.
h'm Afientown, week days, 7.20 x. m 12.3S
. 0 j, m.
pnlll:i. . i jt . -. . .
u.'iiiL-, nnj Hit V F, 2.1W, 7, III ..
2.3i 2.50 1 and 8.66 p. m, Banday, 2.10 and 7.48
for 'rumauui and Mahanoy City, weok'
ys, 2.10, 6.&, 7.20, a. m., I23i 2.60 and 6.611
rn. Hnnrlntf O III il T JO n M a nn.
Aaltlona) :or Maiianoy City, weeU ilaya 7.00
Kor Jjancwlcr and Columbia, -week days,
TOfi.m., 2.50 p.m. '
tPm ILrMIIM.. l 1 -m a. a.
.jefc (lays. 8.25, 7.2) autl UW a, ni., 1,83, 7.00
ouuuur n. 111., O.UJ U. III
1 cr Mahanoy Plane, weetr days," 2.10 8.25,
it, 7.20 sad 11.80 a.m., 12.33, 1.85, 2.60, 6.55,
OOanf ' .), n. m. Sunday, 2 10, 8.23 and 7.48
m. J.06. 4.30 u. m.
ii. a.uo, i.iio t'. m.
ir Qlrardvllle (Itappahannock Station)
k days, 2.M, 3.23, 6.26, 7.20 and 11.80 a m.,
, 1 35, 2.60, 5,65, 7.00 ud H.25. p, m, Hnnday,
r or uiraravuie
10, .2 ,, 7.48 a. nr.. 3.08. 4.30 p. m.
or Ashland and ShamoKtn, rreek aaya.-
a. in., i.uo, t,w ana vj
in, cunaay ssi a. m s.VQ p, m.
Lave New York -via Philadelphia, weeK
nya.7.1S a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.10
iijhL, Handay, 8.00 p.m., 12.15 nlgnu
Ltve Ne York vlft iHlipti llfmnlr- wnAtr
, 4.30. 8.46 a. m 1.00 and 4.0) p. m,
ijBaVO Phllrtllnlnliln. uvu d In anA
10.(0 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 D. ra.. from Broad
,j I CallowniU and 8.3,5 a. m. o.i4 11.30 p. m.
rcni Rth anc t4rinn sLroeis. Hunrlnv 0.(19 n.
ra. 11.H0 p. m. from 9th sM i.rjn.
Jj'iave Keadlus. wtoilc davs. 1.3",. 7.10. ll'JiS
nd U.S0 a. m., 5.55, 7J57 p. m. Sunday 13 and , m.
iieavc rottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. ra
'.'10, O il p. in. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. in. and
,06 . ra.
. wve Taaiaqna, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 : .1. iu.. 1,21, 7.13, and D.18 p. in. Sunday 3.20
43 . us. aa20p. m.
.j.vo Maiianoy City, week days, 3,40, 9.18
:id 11.17a. m 1.61, 7.42 and 0.44 p.m. Bun.
y, 8.48,8.17 i. m., 3.2) p. m.
J.iave Mahanov IMano. weelr davs.241.4.C0
U, 95. ll.iO a. m.,l.')5, i0. 5 20, 8 26. 7.57, and
i n. Ml. Snndav 2.4, . 4.00. and 8.27. u. m
337,6.01 p.m.
ixave uiraravuie (Hannauannocc riuiiioni
VHek days, 2.47 4.07, 8.88, and 0.41 a. in., 12.0),
12, 5.5W, 6J2, 8.08 nnd lO.Od p. m. Hunday,2,47,
0 , EJ3 s,. m. 8.41, 5.07 p. m.
ijeave tVUllamsport, week days, 3.00,9.45 and
1.65 a. m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Scuday 11.15
. ai.
For Baltimore, Washlncton and the west
la B. O. R. K.. tnrouKh trains luave Glrard
-,,niu" nunbiuu, x: jiiinuriiuiin, ir. it, iv 11,!
it 4.18. 801 aud il.27 a. tn.. 1.34. 4.21. fi.58 an
.28 p. in. Sunday, 4,16 8.02 11.27 a. in., 4.21
OO ttDU D. ZU.
1 eavo Poiladolnhla. Chestnut sureet WUai I
a ux Boutli Btreet, Wharf.
For Atlantic Cltv. jm.
Weeli-dnvs Exnrt-is. 8 00. 0:00 a. ra. 2 sZS
3.00,, 5 00 . . Aooomaiodatlon,7.40a.
ia. ana 4.15, 0 30 i. :a,
nuaaays. express. 8.U0. u.uo a. tu. AO-
comm.i-i.uton, B.00 a, ru. and 4.45 p. m.
rseinruinB;. reave Auaauo t uy, aepot,
tiautlcand Arkansas avenues wetr-la s
Express, 7.00, 7.30, 0.00 a. m and 3 15, 4.00, 5.30
p. in. Accommodation 0.00, 8.10 a. m. and
4.30 p. in. Sundays -Express, 4.00, 0.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd S.Oo p. m.
u. u. i.ajuuiui, ueu-i tramx aei.
A. JM&dSOD. Pi es. & Gen'l Manazer.
nans aer September 1 1831, traint will tea
tihruandoalx at follows:
for Wlzcan. Ullberton. Jraokvllle. New
.Jastle, St. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 9,13
:u and 4.15 p m,
Sundays, 000, 9.40 a in and 3.1 Op m.
For Pottsvllle, 0.00, a m and 4.16 p m.
Sundays, 600, 0.40 a in and 8.10 p m,
Kor Headlns, 6.00, A m and 4.16 p n-
Snndays, 000, 9.40 a. in. and 8.10 p m.
For l'ottstown. PUoenixvillo. jSorrlstown
cud Phlladelnhla (Broad street statloni. 8.00.
a. in. and 4.15 p m woea: days
unaays, cw, v.vj a m a.iu p m,
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Uhenaudr.&h at
10.40 am and 12.11, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Sundays,
11.13 r. m and 5.40 p m.
Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 and
11.48, a in 7.15, 9.42 p in. UundayG, 10.40 a m
r.15 p m.
IjsBve Philadelphia (Broad street station),
(or Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 6.57. 8.35 a m
4.10 and 7.03 1 m week dava. Sundas 8 60. and
W.J3 am
t'or New York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 0.60, 7.80,
208,30. j.50. 11.00andll.l4.11.S5am.l2.00ncon.
(limited emress, 1.03 4,50 p ra.) 12.21 12,44,1.40, .
2.30,4.90,4.02 5,0,6.2), 6.50 7.13 8.12 and lli.i'Tli .
m, 12.01 night. JM1-
On Hunoayu. 8.20. 4.05. 4.40. 8.80
11 . a. nn loot O Q,l A n, IIm.T
4.soi, s 2S, s " i. h.n , i .. 14 a m and 12.01 nlshl,
Kor Sea Girt. Lonsllranch and Intermediate
stations 0.50, S.25 nud 11.30 a. in., 3.30, LOO p. m.
week days. Suudayt 8.25 a. m.
For llalllmoro and WasUlugton. 3.50, 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 a. m., 4 41. 0 57, 7.10 p.m and 12.03
uigui. uuuy uuu o oi, iu.o a. m., iz aj iiitnuea
express with dining car tollaltimure) 1.30, 8. Ill
p. in. we. k days. I'or IJaltlmoro only 2.02, 4.01
wcetedays, 6.03, 11.80 p. m. dally.
r or lucnmomi, 7 zv a, 111. anu iz.wj nignt
dally, 1 30 p. in, dally, except Sund.iy.
iraina luavo xiarribuurg lor jriiisDurK ana
an west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and
,0 1 tUmlted) and i.40, 8 SO, 0.35 p m. Way for
Altoona. nam aud 4.10 p m every day.
!'"or Pittsburg only, 11.23 a nt dally und 10.20
m Vieek days.
lave Hunbury lor Wllllamsport, Elmlra,
uiaiidalena, Hoehester, DutlUoand Nlagaia
aiiSj e.iu a m uauy, ana i.m pm wees: aays.
ror atklns. 5.80 Dm weekdays.
Vot ICrle and Intermediate nolntn. 5.10 a m:.
tally. l'"nr Iacs Haven, 5.10, and 9.56 a in,
latiy, 1.42 and 6.30 p. ra. week days, ror
tenova 6.10 am 1,42 and 5,83 p m week days,
f.lo a. oi Sumlaye,
hah. m. l-UUIl, J,H,WOOU,
in. Man'r
Uon. Pass. Ast
Time table in effect llau.lO, 1891.
Trains leave Heading (P. & It. station) for
Gibraltar, Beyfert, Illratboro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesbnrg Junction, Coatesvllle,VV"est
Chester,Chadsford Junction, 11. & O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 a.m. and 8.15
p. in. snnday only at 3.05 p.m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
statlons.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 a.m., and J
5.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m. j
For lltrdsboro and Intermediate statisns. I
Saturday only, at 12 in. SJI i t
r or uaitimoro anu wasntngton in, ez 7iw J
uuuy except eunuay ni u.zo ana sio a. in.
and 3.16 n. m. Sunday only ai 8.05 11. m.
Trains arrive at. Heading (P. & It. station)
iroin Wilmington, 11. s. u. junction, Bionvj
chanln, Chaddsrord Junction, West, Chester,!
Lenape. Coatesvllle, Waynesburg Junotlon,!
Hprlngneld.Joanna, Blrdsboro, Uibraltar, Sey-fl
len ana iniermeaiate stations, uauy excepts
rjunaay ai iu.ui a, m. o.ra ana 0.1 ( p. in, aaa
aay only at u.zi a. m.
From St. Peters, warwicK ana intermediate
stations, dally except
and p. ra. Sunda:
Sunday, at 8.2J a. m.
ty only at 6 p. in.
d Intermediate stations,
From uirasDoro an
Saturday only at 1.40 n. m.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cent Sunday. 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17
p. in.
Sunday only at 11.24 a. m,
,v only 1
BOWNESS DltlGQS. Gen'l Pass. Act.
A. Q. MCOA U8I1AN D, Supt.
John R. Coyef
Real Estate Agent,i
OFFICE Beddall's Bcildimo,
Cor. Mtln and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA
l A two and one-hair story doable fram.
dwelling house, with stireim and res
laurauw iocateu on ias ventre st.
din street. -
a Seven dwelling htni6B at the corner of Gl
bert and Lloyd streew. Goodlnvestmentj
xerras rvasouame.