The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 22, 1891, Image 1

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    YOL. VI.--NO. 221.
Republican State Ticket.
AvntTon OEXim.tL:
Delegatea-nt-Large- to tho Constitutional
County Ticket.
Judge lion. D. D. Green,
Sheriff- Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner MaJ. William
Poor Director George JTeffner.
Unexpired Term Harry U. MoGinnis
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
H. BUBD EDWM1D', I'ottsvillo.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
. vjurious via Document.
Ono of tho dealers In second-hand
books In Washington has unearthed a
curious old document In tho shnpo of a
subscription list, written on a long
parchment and bearing date 1774, In
which George Washington, Charles Car
roll, William Ellory and several other
notable Americana bind themselves by
their autograph signatures to pay tho
various Bums set opposlto their names
toward tho expense ot cleaning tho bed
of tho Potomac river.
This Is said to be a word picture of tho
young king of Servla, aged sixteen,
who 1b to becomo n full-blown king in
two years: "Ho is a lanky, pale-faeed
lad, who wears his hair cropped close In
Pronch fashion. Ho has his mother's
largo, fine eyes, but his forehead is low,
and ho docs not seem to bo possessed of
tho Bamo shrewdness and quickness of
his father. Ho has had a miserable
education, and leads a solitary life,
without having a Binglo plaything."
It Is said on reliable British authority
that there Is but ono British officer left
who fought at Waterloo, and all pro
tondcrs aro warned to ring off and die
as modest folks as they wore born.
This ono officer Is Lieut. William
Ilowett, of tho Itiflo Brigade, born In
1795. Of lata ho has been in falling
health. Ho lives at Southampton.
a good homo-made rug carpet.
It Is ono of those xtm heavy
carnciB. tuadoof (lie bestymji
and clenn rags. Finest Hue of Velvet
TSfuseel and Ingrain Carpets in Suen
andonh nt
Do you want a strictly
WHEAT JJZOZFR? If you do wo recommend our
Fancy New Process Buckioheat Hour as the VERY
FINEST In the Market. Asjt Jar
"Riverside Buckwheat Flour ! "
Just received a new lot
EREL. Tlie Best we liave lincl
i Mackerel. Medium size "White and rat.
Our first Invoice of New Fruit Is now open. New
Currants, R.alslii9, Citron and
Cleaned Currants. Free from
Immediate use.
lcccp no Common Brands,
Our "NORTIIWESTETiN DAISY" is made oj the
Best Grade 'of Minnesota, Wheat. It is easily Baked
and yields MOKE and BETTER BREAD than ordin
ary I'lour. It is sold A THE SAME PRICE AS
'Ivy "Old Time" white Wheat GR ATI AM Hour.
It has just been ascertained that tho
mothod of writing mentioned In tho
book of Job Is still practiced by somo of
tho natives of Coylou. "0," says tho
patriarch, "that my words wore now
wrlttenl O, that they woro printed In a
book I that they wero graven vlth an
Iron pon." It Is tho lattor implement
which Is usod by tho Coyloncso. It is
guided by a notch out In tho thumb
nail, and tho marks so engraved aro
rendered plain by being rubbod with a
dark dyo extracted from the juico of
tho palm.
TnosB who havo not been permitted
to climb tho Alps, visit Homo, look
down from tho Pyramids, walk about
Zlon and Jerusalem, may learn moro of
thoso places from books than is known
by many of thoso who havo visited
them. This is a comforting thought to
thoso of us who cannot bo spared from
homo long enough to "tako in tho
sights" In foreign lands.
But few peoplo know how to blow
out a candle. When a candlo Is blown
out a very disagreeablo odor Alls tho
room. This is very cosily prevented.
If you blow upward tho wick will not
smoulder, tho bad smoll is avoided and
when you want to lgnlto it again tho
wick will ba found sufficiently long.
Aruoros of tho numerous railroad
accidents which havo happened In
Franco recently somebody suggested
that doath ought not to be represented
hereafter with a scythe in his hand but
rather on a locomotive holding the
Tho Oldest Dwclling-IIonso.
Klllan Van Ronssolaor's house In
Rensselaer county, opposlto Albany,
N. Y., is said to bo tho oldest Inhabited
dwolllng-houso In tho United States,
It stands near tho Hudson river at tho
south end of Greonbrush, is of brick
and has a gambrol roof. Two port
holes out of which tho early Van
Bcnssolacrs shot at Indians plcrco tho
front walls, and a littlo plato In tho
roar, sot up by tho Albany Commemo-
rntivo society, shows tho edlflco to havo
been erected in 1043. Behind this ven
erable mansion Is a woll, on tho coping
of which "Yankee Doodlo" is sold to
havo been composed during tho French
war preceding tho revolution. In tho
old hall tho Dutch reformed sottlors
had religious services. An exchange
facetiously says thoro wero no Buddcn-
sleks in thoso days.
Always go to Cosloti's, South Main
etrect, for your prime ovstors. 8-22-tf
A Surprise.
Keep your eyo on this local. Keagoy,
the photographer, will havo his now open
ing in a few days and will havo something
interesting that will surprise tho peoplo. tf
Best work done at Brennan's steam
sundry! Everything white and spotless
Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar
nteod. choice article of BUCK'
this season. Also New No.
Lemon reel. Try our new
dirt and stems. Ready for
Is tlie Best we can buy "We
Tho Board of Directors of City
Trusts Return to Town and
InBpoot Neighboring Col
llorios. A special mooting of tho Borough Coun
cil was held last night, Messrs. Gable,
Lamb, Wurm, llopkins, Phalon, Bet-
teridgo, Moaklor, Holman, Amour and
J limes being present.
Chairman Uablo stated that tho mooting
had been called for tho purposo of taking
some action in rogard to the Lithuanian
celebration to take placo next Sunday
"It appears Council was a littto hasty in
tho matter," he said "and we havo come to
tho conclusion to rocon idor tho mattor."
Mr. Lamb moved that tho action takon
by Council last Thursday evening in ro
gard to restraining tho Lithuanian con
Erogation from having bands and drum
corps in tho proposed parado bo rescinded
Sir. Wurm seconded tho motion.
Mr. Lamb tbon spoko in favor of the
motion and said, "Wo havo simply
blundered. "Wo havo mado a mistake
When I votod for that motion I believed it
aos a mattor of law. I havo sinco found
that there is no law to back us in tho mat
tor. It was not on account of what ha
boon told to the public that it was a matter
of church, or against any particular
church, and I defy any man to say that any
action of mine could be considered bigoted
It was tho farthest thought from my mind
to tako stand on account of roligion. But
it is a mistake Had wo consulted tho
solicitor his advico would havo been differ
ont, but tho matter camo up so suddenly
and wo wore so busy with tho water and
"X" rail questions wo didn't give tho mat
ter tuulciont thought. It would bo woll to
have tho solicitor state tho law."
Borough Solicitor Pomeroy thon spoko
and donned tho law on public nuisances
IIo said, "So far as tho question of law is
concerned there is no law on tho statute
books of tho state of Pennsylvania that
prohibits tho uso of music upon the public
streets on Sunday. Ia fact wo havo lit.
or no statutory law in this state as to what
maybe termed a public nuisance Whetlior
A certain thing done is a public nuisance is
a mattor of fact and not a matter of law.
Tho courts of law have laid down in I'hil
adolphia, und the Supremo Court has coi
Armed it. that oven tho crying of news
papers on tho sir cola on Sunday is a public
nuisance if the people find tt so. That is,
if it disturbs tho public Sabbath, or in
terferes with any- body of citizens, but
that is a matter of fact tind should go to a
jury. Thoro is no doubt that if, Sunday
aftor Sunday for fifty-two weeks in tho
year, tho public was annoyed, tho judge
would send it to the jury to find whether or
not it amounted to a public nuisance, It
tho law said 'you shall not play bands upon
the public streets on Sunday it would ho
dill'eront.' But no law indicator what
amounts to a public nuisance on tho Sab
Mr. Ilolman then said, "If Mr. Tom
eroy's explanation had been made tho other
motion would not have prevailed."
Mr. Lamb's motion was carried, aftor
which Mr. James moved that u resolution
submitted by Mr. Pomeroy be adopted.
Mr. Hopkins seconded tho motion, which
was carried. Tho resolution read as fol
"Wiierkas, It appears to bo tho public
fontimont of tho citizen of tho borough of
Shenandoah that tho uso ot nanus ana
othor Instruments at tho exercises of tho
lavlncr of tho corner stono of tho bl.
Uoorge's Lithuanian Catholiu church of
Shenandoah on bun lay, tho '25th day of
October, le'Jl, should not bo probioitou;
therefore bo it
Resolved. That tho resolution horotjfore
passed by this council, prohibiting tho uso
ot tho same on the public streots of the
borough on the day aforesaid, be and is
hereby rescinded and tnat tho unlet uur
cess bo instruct od and is herobv. inslructod
to notify all persons concerned of this
action of this body.
Mr. Lamb then movod that a committee
of throe bo appointed to wait upon a com
mittoo of the Lithuanian church and make
them understand that tho provious action
was not any action against their church and
that there was no pri judlco against their
particular church. Mr. Hopkins soconded
tho motion and it-was carried.
Messrs. James, Hopkins and Ilolman
were appointed a committee to carry out
tho instructions.
Children Enjoy
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when In
neod of a laxative, and It tho father or
mothor be costivo or bilious tho most grat
ifying results follow its use, so that it Is tho
best family remedy known and every
family should bavo a bottle.
Phoenix Phalr.
The Phoonlx Iioso Company will hold a
grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com
menclne on Tuosday. Nov. 3rd, 1891. It
will bo ono of tho largest and pest fairs eyer
hold In this county. 10-11-tf
O. "W. Koltor went to Bloomsburg last
Mrs. II. A. Acker visitod Philadelphia
John II. Evans spent yeiterday in Will-
Mrs. Dr. Stoin is visiting her parents in
James Champion visited St. Clair yes-
torday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Samuol Acker spont yes
terday at Pottsvil'o
John Costett, tho South Main street green
grocor, wont to HaTisburg yeslorday.
Miss Mary A. Stcadman left town to-day
r Now York city, with the intention of
making tho metropolis hor future homo.
jonn uarnhart, dr., has accepted a
permanont position with tho Luburg
Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia,
Stationary packages. 5 and 10 cents each.
at Max Boose's, tf
Excellent Entortnlnment.
Tho storooptican lecture givon in tho
Presbytorian church last night by Prof.
M. W. Cleaver, B. A., was very instruc
nvo anu interesting, Tho tunioct was
"Johnstown and tho Oinnomaugh Valley',
and tho views of tho disaster that ho ell
that section a few years ago woro strikingly
realistic. Tho largo nudienco thoroughly
enjoyod tho ontortainmont.
Tho members of tho Women's Bel of
Corps celebrated tho anniversary of their
organization hit night by holding a supper
nnd ontertainmentin Bobbins' opera house,
Mombors of the O. A. B. and Sons of
Veterans wero among tho honored gucts
andthoy wero treated in a royal manner,
Candidate Sherwood Is Ineligible.
Houskllsville, N. Y., Oct. 22. At
torney-ueneral in Dor has rendered an
opinion on the question of eligibility of
Franklin D. Sherwood, Republican can
didate for benator in tho 7th District
He holds that Mr. Sherwood, being Park
Commissioner of Hornellsvllle and duly
qualified as such, is ineligible according
to Section 'J, Article 8, of tho Constitu
tion. Ex-Judge Danfortb, of the Court
ot Appeals of Mochester, recently wrota
an cplnlon to tho contrary. ,
Tho Carriers rinyed tho Ttuoof.
Wariiinotox, Oct. 33. It has been
found, upon Inquiry byitho Postolllce
Department, that thti Philadelphia let-
tor carriers, who wore removed recently
by Postmaster Field, woro in tho habit
ot "playing the races " at Gloucostor, a
porting resort. They wero recom
mended for by God. Edgar ton,
Inspector In charge nt Philadelphia, as
persons liable to bo untrustworthy for
the honest delivery aud collection of
valuable mall.
nuoker's Schedule Filed.
New Yobk, Oct. 23. Tho schedule
In the assignment of Abraham Backer,
tho note broker, was HIoJ yesterday.
The liabilities are $1,028,040. Tho nomi
nal assets are $1,841,707, and tho actual
assets applicable to unsecured debts aro
$414,700. The liabilities as stated may
bo further increased by $1,010,180 of
contingent liabilities.
Pnruell Died Intestate.
LoNdo.v, Oct. 22. Mr. Puruell died In
testate after all, Somo time baforo his
marriago ho made a will In favor of Mrs.
O'Shea, but not being aware that his
marriago Invalidated that will ho made
no other, and now Mrs. Paruoll bocomoa
entitled only to her widow's share, one
bait of tho personal and one-third of the
real estate.
l-hided Her Porrows In n Woll.
Red Bank, N. J Oct. 32. Mrs. An
nie Munn, ncod 27, committed sulcldo
yesterday by Jumping Into a woll. Mrs.
Muun was married in Brooklyn two
years ago, and a child was born to hor.
A year later both husband and child
died, which so preyed on her mind that
she was subject to llts ot melancholy.
Secretary Blalno and party will arrive
ot Washington to-morrow.
Tho Glendalo Woolon Mill was burned
last night. Tho loss is $30,030; insured.
Tho First National Bunk of Madison,
Me., capital $70,000, Is authorised to bo
gin business.
The biennial convention of the United
States Uulversallst Denomination Is be
ing hold In Woroestor, Mass.
A new consumption euro Is reported
from Portland, Mo. Dr. John Blake
YhIte Is the discoverer
Frank H, Hook, of New Haven, was
lectori president ot the National Car
rla"go:ueu'a Association at Cincinnati.
Fine Work.
The 11x17 $5.00 crayon givon away with
a dozen cabinots by Itoshon, the West
Centre street photographer, will not fail to
convince anyono that nono but artists aro
omployed by our leading photographer.
. 10-22 U
The finest nolo paper and onvolopes in
tho country at Max Heeso's. tf
BurohlU'a Restaurant,
Charles Buichill Ii now located at oorner
of Main and Coal streets, Sbonandcab.
Regular meals, at popular prices, served
any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment
rooms attached, 0-14-tf
Two Mora Woddlngs Addod to tho
Record Misa Crawahaw and
Mr. Bodea and MIbs Tobln
and Mr. HlgglnsWoddod.
rho third prominont local wedding of
tho week took placo this altornoon nt tho
roin"onco of thn brlle's mothor, Mrs. Mary
A. Crawshaw, No. S3 North Jardin street,
Tho contracting partlos woro Miss natlio
it. urawsnaw, wno, until recently, ho'd a
clerkship In tho local post office, and Mr.
Daniel AV. Boden, of Mahanoy Piano, and
ono of tho P. & B. C. & I. pollco forco.
Tho ceremony took plnco at 2 o'c'ock,
Rov. William Powick, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
Only a low relatives and irionds woro
presont, it boing tho deeiro of tho con
tracting parties to havo tho affair as privato
as poib'o.
Miss Maggio Shnffer was tho bridesmaid
and Mr. Harry Proston tho groomsman.
Aftor the coromony thero was an infor
mal rocoption nnd collation and towards
evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Bedoa drovo to
Mahanoy City, whero thoy took tho P. &
11. R. R. train for Phi'adelphla. Tho
eoupln will bo absont about ton days, dur
ing which timo tboy will visit Wft.liington,
B'dtimora and other points. Upon their
return tboy will locite at tho rosidenco of
tho brido's mother, which was recon'ly
enlarged, rodocornlod nnd thoroughly ro
furnishod in an elegant manner.
Mr. Goorge J. Uiggins, son of Tax Col
lector John F. Mgglns, of town, and who
is station agont at Sliamokin for tho P. &
R. R. Co., nnd Miss Julia M. Tobin, of
town, woro married yesterday. Tho cere
mony was performed In tho Annunciation
church, on West Chorry stroot, Rov.
Father Kane officiating, assisted by Rov.
Father J. A. Uoolahan, of St. John's
parih. Philadelphia.
Tho coromony was porformod at C p. m.
Tho ushers led the way up tho islo of tho
church. They woro Mossra. John A.
Feighan, af Philadelphia, Martin O'flnra
nnd Mlchaol O'Hari, of town, Nicholas J.
Mitton, of Philadelphia, nnd Jamo? O.
Fitzpatrick, of Tamaqua. Then fol
lowed tho bridesmaids, who woro
Misses Kathorino E. Neville, of Philadel
phia, and M'Liss Uiggins, of town, and
the maid of honor, Miss Lizzie R. Mitton,
of Philadelphia. Tho brido and hor
brother, Mr. John A. Tobin, of Mt. Car
mel, followod. Midway down the Islo tho
procession was swelled by tho groom, at
tended by his bost man, Mr. Henry M.
Cullon, of Philadelphia, and tho grooms
men, Messrs. John F. Hlgins, brothor of
tho groom, and Mr. Thomas J. Million, of
Shamokin, nnd tho procossion proceeded to
tho conter gates of the altar rail, whero tho
groom formally received tho bride and her
brothor. Tho participants then took their
positions at tho altar. Rev. Father Kane
thon procooded with tho ceromnny, at tho
conclusion of which tho bridal party re
turned to tho main oxitof tho church, tho
ushers bringing up in tho rosr of tho brido,
groom, lady of honor, bridesmaids nnd
The party thon drove to tho rosidenco of
tho brido's mother, No. 412 East Centre
stroot, whero tno brido and groom, assisted
by tho attendant Indies and gontlomen In
waiting received tho guosts under a bowor
of tropical plants and a hugo floral boll.
Tho rccoption lasted from C to 8 p. m. At
tho lattor hour an orchestra of ton pieces
struck up a grand march and tho brido,
groom and guosts, hoadod by Rov. Fathors
Kane and Uoolahan, proceeded to tho
banquet rooms whero covers had been laid
for over two hundred.
Tho proeents wore numerous nnd costly.
At MInersvillo yostorday aftornoon
Charles F, Kear, station agant of tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad at that place, was
married to Miss E nma, daughter of Henry
Moll, formally a residont of this town.
Tho ceremony was performed at the resi
dence of tho bride's parents, Rev. Thoodoro
F. Stevens officiating. Miss Lizzie Rob
bins acted as brldosmaid, and Oeorgo Moll,
brother of tho brido, as grcomsman. A
teception was hold immedUtcly aftor tho
ceremony. Tho bridal party aro now on
an extendod wedding tour.
Waters' "Weiss beer Is the best.
Keilly solo agent.
John A
Do you want a situation 7
Do you want help?
Do you want to soil your builnoss ?
Do you want to sell or exchange real
If to, call on Max Reese, Shenandoah,
agent for tho United States Employment
and Business Agonoy, 41 and 40 Broaiw&y,
New lork.
It Is a well known lact that 1'anTlua
Couth and Consumption Cure has cured Con
sumption, Conxlis und Colds when all else
fulled. 25 aud W cents. Trial bottles tree at
Klrl Vs drus store.
Kohloy Run Colliery and Othor
Placos Visited.
Tho B ard ot Directors of City Trusts to
iho Glrard Estato in Schuylkill and Col
umbia oountios rolurned to town from
Girardvillo vostorday afternoon. Their
Pullman palace car was side tracked at tho
Emcriok street crossing of tho Lehigh
Valloy Railroad and thoy woro received by
Supoiintendent Thomas lUird, who
oscortod them to the Kehley Run colliery.
Tho mombors of tbo party wero Joseph
L, Oaven, of Philadelphia, president of
the Real Estato Title Company ; B. 11.
Comcgys, president of tho l'hllado'nhln
National Bank ; John II, Convorso, mem
ber of the Btldwln Locomotive Works
Company, Philadelphia ; Willinm B,
Mann, Prothonotary of Philadelphia;;
John K. Michon, president of tho bank of
North America, Philadelphia j General
WHgner; James R. Gatos, prosidont f tho
Select Council of Philadelphia ; Judges
V. A. Prcgy, William B. Hanna, Joseph
C. Forguson nnd Hon. Honry Reed, c f
Philadelphia; Judges Cyrus L PershintC
and O. P. Uechtel, Pottsville; Judge E. It.
Ikolor, Columbia county; Major Hebor b,
Thompson and S. II. Knercher, E q ,
Pottsville; E. O. "Wagner, Oirarlvillc;
Frank H. Highloy, secretary of the B mrd
of Trusts; Hon. F. Carroll Browstor and
Francis E Browster, Esq., of Philadol
phin, solicitors to tho board; E. D. Hint1,
M. D., of Philadelphia, ono of thn otllcors
of Girard College; Dr. George "W. Gard
ner, Philadelphia; Thomas Moehan, of
Philadelphia, expert on forestry! and An
drew Mcdonald, Phi'ndelphin. ;ThO
special train was in charge of A-e-.stant
Superintendent Guorgo Brill, of tho L.
V. R R.
Aftor a stay of about half an hour at
Kehley Run colliory tho party lot tor
Hazlotcm, whero thpy romainod for tho
To-day tho directors returned to this
section and visited tho Wm. Ponn, Packor
Nos. 1 and 5, E ist and West Boar Ridga
and Girard colliorios. Aftor dinner at
Girardvillo thoy wont to Asliland nnd
Contrnlia and at 5 p. m. they had supporat
Girardvillo. At 0:10 p. m. thoy left tho
latter placo by a regular P. & R. train for
DoslroB to Boar Testimony.
Henry Thorno, Travoling Socretary of
tho Y. M. O. A., writes from Exotor Hall,
Strand, London, February 2J, 1888:
'I desire to boar my testimony to tho
valuo of Alloock's Porus Plasters. I havo
usod them for pains in tho back and sides
arising from rheumatic and othor causos
novor without dorlving benefit from their
application. They are easily applied and
Tory comforting. Thoso ongagod as I am
in public work which involves exposuro to
sudden changes of temperature, will do
well to koop a supply of Allock's Porus
Plasters in their portmnntcnus."
Oysters aro in season and
tho best in ho
8 22 t
market are at Coslett'.
Grand Opening'.
J, Coffee has opened a new bargain storo
in tho post office building (Bo-ton shoo
storo old stand) with a full lino of boots
and shoes, dry goods of every description,
hojiory, notions, ladles' and gents' undor
wear, etc. His prices aro way down.
Children's ichool shoes, with tips, CO and
00 cents. Misses' school shoes So and 00
cents, Ladies' pobblo and French kid ?li
Mon's working boots, double solod, $1 70.
Boys' shoos, $1.50. Gentlemen's drcs3
shoos, $1. "Woonsockct rubber boots, $2.25.
C-tll and oxamine tho othor goods and got
tho pricos. Thoy beat all. 10 22-31
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve In the world tor Cnta
IlrnlsoB, Bores, Ulcers, Bait ltheum, Fever,
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Bauds, Cbllblalns
CornB. mid all. Skin Eruptions, und positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed b give perfect satlhfactlrn, or money
refunded. Price 26 ceuts per box. For salo
by O. II. llugenbucli.
A Rare Chance.
A first class property on North Main
street for salo. Can be bad at a fair price
Apply to iV. J. Gallagbor, Muldoon build
ing, corner Centre and West streets.
10-20 lw
"How dlvlno a thing a woman may bo
made," when her cold Is cured by Dr. iiullM
Cough Syrup.
Four tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabb's. 'f
For Breakfast ?
A Mackeral ?
Wo havo 'em.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. No rust.
41b, 4 lb, lib, Hlb, li lb,
No. 122 NorthTJardin StrPA