VOL. VI.--NO. 223. SHEST AKD O AH. PA.. "WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1891. ONE CENT. THE STJEE EOAD TO OPULENCE LIES KNEE-DEEP TP1EOTJQI-I PEINTER'S" INK " tt J I 1 ""Vf h. ad Republican State Ticket. AUnilOIt OUXliHAL: Gen. DAVID MoMURTIUE GREGG 8TATJS TllEASVltBIli Capt. JOHN .W. MORRISON. Veltgatea-at'Jaroe to the Conatttuttonal convention: .. S. Ii. SHIELDS, ISAIAH 0. WEAK, WM. I. SCIIAPFEH, HERMAN KKEASIEK IXJOIS W. HALL, FRANK ItEEDER, II. O. M'CORMICK, J. II. rOMEROY, JOHN CESSNA, WM. B. ROGERS, M. Ii. KAUFFMAN, H. M. EDWARDS, GEO. S. SCHMIDT, OYIIUS ELTJF.lt, JOHNS. LASII1IE, JAMES Ii. BROWN, JOHN ROBERTS, T. V. l'OWDERLY. County Ticket. Judge Hon. D. U. Green. Sheriff Benjamin Smith. Jury Commissioner Maj. William Clark. Poor Director George ITeffner. Unexpired Term Harry H. McGlnnis Conatltutlonnl Convention litlegatcs. ROBERT ALLISON, Port Carbon. S.1HIRD EDWARDS, 1'otUvllle. JOHN J. COYLE, Mafaauoy City. Ruskln Studying Art. Such a lover of art is John Buskin that ho often adopts novel methods of ' studying artistic ofTects. On one ocaslon ho astonished tho waiter at la hotel by calling for hulf-a-dozen bottles of champagne.- They woro brought,, and tho man was ordered to pour out slowly tho contents of ono bot tlo Into a deep plato, whllo Busltfn sat and watched attentively tho foam of tho offorvesclng wine. When it hod nearly subsided, another bottlo was poured out In tho same manner; fizzing and bubbling, tho wlno made its way In to another plato, and tho great art crltlo still sat watching keenly tho re sult Ono bottlo after another, until tho wholo six wcro exhausted, was poured forth in O1I3 way, and then Buskin, turning to tho waiter, mode him a present of the wine, advising blm, with a touch of his own quaint dry humor, "nottodrlnk it all himself." Llko tho famous painter who sat all ono day throwing pebbles into tho "water, and marklnff tho ripples thev inado on its surface, Ruslrin had beon taking an art-lesson from tho efferves F cencq of tho champagne at all this ex- penso of tlmo and monoy. 4 Oa another occasion ho engaged n . 1 &md of tho best musicians from Lon Ai 1jM0Q n great expense, and mado thorn CENTS PER YARD FOE n good home-made rag carpet. It is ono of those xlra heavy carpets, mudoof the best ynm mid clean rafs. Finest Hue of Velvet Bnissel ami Iugraln Carpets la Bhen undoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. HIGH GRADE GOODS! Do yon want a strictly WHEAT HOUR? If you Fancy New Process BucJcioJieat Hour as - tho VERY FINEST in the MarJtet. Ash "Riverside Buckwheat Elonr I " Just received a new lot jcttEL. Tlte Best -we Ituvc liatl x mackerel. Medium size White and Pat. Our first Invoice or New Trout is now open. New Currants, llulsliis, Citron and Lcuiou Peel. Try our new Cleaned Currants. Free from dirt and stems. Ready for immediate use. Our BEST MINCE MEAT keep no Common Brands, Our "NORTHWESTEBN DAISY" is'jnade oj it. Best Grade of Minnesota Wheat. It is easily BaJted and yields MORE and BETTER BREAD than ordin ary Hour. It is sold AT THE SAME PRICE .AS ORDINARY HOUR. Try "Old Time" white Wheat GRAHAM Hour. wnilo no compared tho rhythm ol tho trained music of man and tho untrained melody of nature. Flo Is so tnuch in fluenced by Impulse that his eccentric ities might bo put down as tho result of something akin to madness by thoso who do not know hlmi but his Impulses aro nil In tho right direction, and tho outcome of a kindly heart Hearing One's Solf. "It is a singular thing," says a phy sician, "that a man does not hoar hla own voice exclusively through hU cars. The prevalenco of throat deafness is a proof to tho layman of tho connection botweon tho ears and throat, and this Inability to hear ono's self speak Just as others hear us Is another instance In somo pooplo this peculiarity Is very marked, and In my oaso, if I spoak Into a phonograph and lot tho machine grind out tho sounds again, I don't rccognlzo tho volco at all. In regard to singing, tho varying ability to hear ono's solf with tho cars plugged up with cotton makes itself evident, for whllo ono member of a chorus will only hear tho blended harmony, or discord, another will hear littlo boyond his or her own voice, and mako occasional bad breaks in consequence. I know a man who used to sing a very fair bari tone, but whoso volco is now only adapted to tho weakest falsetto. Yet ho doesn't realize tho change, and I bo- lieve ho v oncstly thinks ho sings as well as over. This apparent impossi bility may bo a dispensation of Prov- ldcnco to prevent mon with exceptional ly ugly voices being driven to suicide." Remarkable Growth. Tho growth of the Argcntlno repub lic In tho past thirty years has been re markable. According to recent statis tics tho population of tho ropubllc is now 4,000,000, as against 1,350,000 In 1601. Thoro aro now 7,000,000 acres under cultivation whoro In 1801 thero were 400,000, and whllo In that year thoro wero but eighteen miles of rail road in tho country thoro aro now over 8,000 miles in operation and 0,000 moro, including the great transcontinental route, in course of construction. Tho public dobt has grown pretty vigorous ly, too, however. It has Increased from 617,000,000 to 8013,000,000. Buoklon's Arnica Salve. Tho Best HaIvg In tho world for fTiitjt Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait ltheum, Fever, Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChllDlalns Corns, nud all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Files, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to elve perfect satisfaction, or inonev refunded. Price 25 centB rer box. For sale oy u. ii. iiagenoucu. Alwnys go to Coslott's, South Main stroot, for your prime ovstors. 8-22-tf A Surprise. Keep your oyo on this local. Koagoy, tho photographor, will have his now open ing in a fow days and will have something interesting that will surprise tho pooplo. If Stationary packages, 5 and 10 cents each, at Max Keoso 8. . tf choice article of BUCK do we recommend our far of LARGE M.O ATEIt MACK- this season. Also New No. is the Best we can buy. We BORODGHJTEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL. CORPS OP REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Tho Glrnrd Trust Now on a Tour Through tho Coal Region and Will bo Here To-morrow. Collieries Visited. Tho Board of Directors of City Trusts to tho Girard Estato in Schuylkill and Ool umbla countios is now on a tour through this region. Tho members loft Philadel phia, via tho 1'. & B. B at 4:30 yostorday nflernoon and arrived at Hazloton at 8:25 p. m. At 8 o'clock this morning thoy loft Ilazicton, via thoL. V. B. B., and arrived at Park Placo at 8:40. Carriages woro takon to tho farms on tho Joseph Evans and Thomas Davidson tracts, Brndon- vllle, and uftor a brief stay thoro tlio di rectors drovo to town and mado connoc tion with thoir palaco car at tho L. V. B. B. depot at Ono o'clock. Tho Lost Crook reservoirs woro next visited and then the directors wont to tho Hammond and liar- riion collieries. After dining at Girard villo the directors started eastward again, stopping at Pucker collieries No. 2, 4 and 3. As tho Herald was going to press tho directors arrived in town and proceeded to tho Kehloy Bun colliery. Tho echedulo called for their departure at C:20 for Hazh ton, whom thoy will remain ovor night To-morrow tho directors will leavo Hazlo ton at 8 a. m nrriving hero at 9 a. m. and proceeding to tho Wm. Penn, Packer Nos, 1 and 5, East Boar Bidge, "West Hear Bidgo and Girard collieries. Tho Board will dino at Girardvillo at 12:30 p. m. morrow, affor which tho Big Mino Bun plane, North Ashland colliery, Continental colliery and the piano to the Centralja drainage tunnel. After taking suppor at Girardvillo tho directors will loavo that place at G:19 p. m. for Philadelphia, arriv ing there at 10:10 p. m. PERSONAL. Lew. Grant; of Pottsvillo, was in town last evening. Chas. Zuncs, of Pottsvillo, was in town tho past fow days. J. Harry Jamos, Esq., spent sovoral hours in town yesterday. Senator B, J, Monaghan and wife ro- turned from their bridal tour last night. Mr. and Mrs. Edw'ard Johnson, of Sandy nun, aro visiting relatives in town. District Attornoy Koch and his deputy, A. L. Shay, Esq., woro in town last even ing. Ex-County Commissioner Goo. D Moyor, of Orwigsburg, was in tovn laiit ovoning and this morning. Dr. J. S. Callon returned homo last ovenlug, after having epont the last two woeks In tho cities of Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington. Hail Matters. Postmastor Colo, of Pottsvillo, has com pleted tho Inspoction the post offices in this county. Tho now letter boxos for goneral uso will soon bo ready and will cost $1,10 apioco. Tho farmers want tho free dolivory ex tended throughout tho farmingcountry. Postmaster Gonoral 'Wanamakor will make another effort at tho coming session of Congress to have Postal Telegraph and Postal Savings Banks. It has boon suggested that letter boxos be attachod to olectrio earn. If all tho suggestions that will bo mado to tho department by Postmaster Colo aro carried out, the facilitios will bo greatly in creased. As soon as tho olectrio road is completed and in operation, It is expected tho froo do- livery will be extended. Tho stroot letter boxos aro to bo nowly paintod from greon to rod. Ladies, if you want fino writing paper and cnvolopcs to match, call on .Max Booso. . tf Birthday Party. A hirlhdAV nnrtv um hnlrl hv Mlaa T.anu Herman, of Bowers streot, on Monday ovenincr. in honor of hflr lfilh birllidav. Games of all kinds, and singing wero the pastimes ot tao evening. The following wore the guets : Miseos Carrio Ploppert, Llllio Lonhart. Ivatin TTmhanh. CUm Dabb, Mary Howard, Mamie Herman, llannan iJradloy, Anna iiopkine, and Messrs. John Mumhv. Frank Schmlcknr. John Poff, Fred Engleberger, Chas. and Albert Herman, Anthony Carl, John Smith. Oysters aro in season and the best in tho market aro at Coslett's. 8 22-tf Another Robbery. Tho shop on Markot alloy, near Coal ftreet, owned by a Polish blacksmith, was brokon Into nt a late hour on Monday night and sovoral tools and bar a of Iron woro stolon. It is believed that tho thieves wero thn same parties who broke into tho Zerbey rosldonco at Lost Crook oarly yea- torday morning. Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at the Hkiuld office. 'TIlTt DETItOIT TO till ItAISKD. A Gnu Iloat Sunk 11 Votrj- For Ilxhlbl tlon n Ihs World' Fair. New Yoiit, Oct 81. Tho gun boat Detroit, of tho Ilriil-.h Navy, which was was sunk In Lake Erie during tho war of 1812, when Capt. O. H. Perry won his famous victory, U soon to bo ralsod Iby Capt. Michael Carr, of Buffalo, ono ot tho bast known pilots on the lake and an oxporioucsd dlvor.Tho boat wlUJbo ex hibited at the Chicago World'i Fair. Tho Detroit now lies off Squaw Island where she was sunk and her whemabouts aro known to but few. Sho has boen no hindrance to navigation and probably for that reason has not boon touched. As soon as the boat Is put on dry land bIio will be overhauled and put in presentable condition. The Detroit was captalnod by Capt. Barclay, and was built solely for war. Sho was pleroad for 18 guns and meas ured 303 tons. When completed hor captain said sho was ono of the best boats on the lakes. Tho Detroit was pitted against tho strongest of Capt. Perry's ships tho Lawrence on Sept. 12, 1812, and only went down oftor four hours ot awful fighting. It was on that day that Per ry's name became famous. Evory com manding officer ot tho Detroit and their Boconds wero cither klllod or wounded bo sevorely as to be unable to keep tho deck. Tho Detroit had"guns ot four dif ferent calibers. WHERE IS LIVKSErT lie is Wanted to Teatlfy nt the Ilarrls burir Loglilntlvo Inquiry. PiTTsrtURG, Pa., Oct. 21. Sorgeant-at Arms Hutchinson ot tho State Senate was in tho city looking tor William Llvesey, the missing ex-oashler ot tho 6tate Treasury, who is wanted In Har rlsburg to testify In tho Legislative in vestigation Into tho affairs ot the Audi-tor-Gonoral's and State Treasurer's odico. Sorgeant Hutchinson callodupon Mrs. Llvosey, the wife ot the missing man, but was unable to learn anything con corning his whereabouts. . Curious Dlacovorjr of KuiujtbIihI Opium. San Fbancisco, Oct. 21. An Im portant seizuro ot contraband opium was made yesterday on tho coastlug etoamor Lakmo, which had Just arrlvod In port from Seattle. The discovery of the cantraband article was mado in a curious way. Tho customs officers had searched the vessel without finding any thing out of tho ordinary, when ono of tho officers was much struck with n picture which hung upon tho wall of the cabin. Ho thought ho would take It. Ho removed it from tho wall and was greatly surprised to find a large cavity In tho wall from which he ex tracted 172 boxes of tho choicest Chinese opium. Attempted Trulu Wrecking. PirrsnuKO, Oct.21. An attempt was mado to wreck tho McKoesport and Belle.Vornon passongor train oa tha Pittsburg Si Lake Erie Ballroad between McSIahau and Charlorol Monday night. As the train was rounding a curve the engineer noticed an obstruction on tho track, but stopped boforo reaching It. Half a dozou largo planks wore found across tho track. Had tho train beon running at a high rato of spaed a bad accidont would probably have resulted. Detectives aro searching for the mis creants who placed tho planks on tha track. Wliliton to Cnitch tho Williams Toam. Willi asistow.v, Mass., Oct. 2t. Bob ert Winston, who so successfully trained tho Williams Collego football eleven last year, has arrived horo and will again have charge of tho toam this season. Curtis, tho champion walker of England and Canada, is with him and Is In train ing for his attompt to break the ono mllo amateur champion record of tho world, which will occur next Saturday. Threw Herself from n Monument. Baivtimohe, Md., Oct. 21. The man gled remains of a young woman wero found at the baso ot the Washington monument on Mt Vernon placo in the afternoon. Sho had thrown herself from tho top of tho shaft which towered 155 feet above her dead body. Tho woman had evidently meditated suicide. The remains, weru recognized as those of Miss Alico Hocht of this city. Hilled Him. Mr While Hunting. No rt walk, Conn., Oct. 21. Fllllnl I. Qulttorrl, 20 years old, a Cuban student at Whlttack's boarding school la Wil ton, accidentally shot and killed him elf yesterday afternoon, while on a hunting trip. Gultterrl was the son ot a wealtny Uuban. His famllv hava been notified. BuroblU's Restaurant. Charges Buichlll it now located at corner of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah. Begular meals, at popular price, served any timo. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-11-tf Phamlx Phalr. Tho Phconix IIoso Company will hold a grand fair In Bobbins' opora houeo, com mencing on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1801. It will bo ono of tho largost and host fairs eyor hold in this county. 1011-tf It ts a well known faot that 1'anTlna Cornell and Consumption Cure lias oured Con sumption, Coughs and Colds when all ele railed. 3") and 50 ceutsv Trial bottles Ireo at Klrlln'u Urus store. Traffic Delayed. Tho passeuKor train duo horo at 1:40 p. m. to-day did not arrlvo until 3:20, haying bn n hold at Quakako on acccunt of a coal train being wrecked by tho hi caking of an axle. HYMENWAR ! WEDDING AT THE GRANT MAN SION AT NOON. MISS BELL GRANT - MARRIED. Ono of Tax Colloetor Biggins' Sons to bo Married This Even ing Miss Crawsbaw's Wed ding" To-morrow. Miss iBabollo Leo Grant was married at high noon to-day to Mr. Edward O. Powlos, of Orange. N. J. Tho coromony was per formed at the residence of the bride's mothor, on West Osk street, Bov. Dr. Boll, of tho Pottsvillo Presbytorian church of ficiating. Tho parlors and other apartments of tho houso woro claboratoly decorated for tho occadon and prosontod a magnificent ap pearance Tho servico was of a privato charactor, only relatives and intlmato friends of the contracting parties being prosont. Tho bridesmaids woro Mlses Lena and Edith Powles, of Orange, N. J., sisters of tbo groom, Miss Loutrol, of Orango, N. J., and Miss Jessio Grant, of town, sister of tho bride. Tho groomsman was Mr. F. H Creary, of Orange, N. J. Misses Jean Grant, of Pottsvillo, and Violot Fiolders, of town, wore tho flower girls. After tho coremony a collation prepared by a prominent Philadelphia caterer was served, and a rooeptlon followed. Mus c whs furnishod by the S hoppe orchestra. Among tho gumta were Mr. and Mn. Schuyler, Nutley, N. ).; G. O. Bice, Easton j A. E. Binn, Allontown ; Charles Wood, Philadelphia; D. Horn, Jr., Philadelphia; Goorgo B. Hue. Philadel phia; William Foster, Philadelphia ; Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Earlo, New York; Mr. and Miss Loutrol, East Orango, N. J. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Castlo, Nutley, N J. j M8 Lindsloy. Now Uavon, Conn. ; J. F. Mock, Philadelphia; II. G. Chur, East Orange, N. J. ; "W. T. Brown, Philadel phia ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powles, Orango, N. J . ; H. F. Ayors, Now York; J. W, Hyatt and wife, East Orange, N. J. Tho groom and his brido loft town on tho 4:10 Pennsylvania train for Thiladolphia and from that placo will start on an ex tended bridal tour to-morrow. Upon thoir return thoy will occupy a handsomely furnished rosidenco in Orango, N. J. THEY STOLE DOGS. Throe Well Known Characters in Troublo Again. "Wall Noll, Matt. Frthoy and Thomas McDonald wore bofoio 'Squire 'Williams last night chargod with ttoaling throe val uable bull pups from an East Centre street Polish saloonkeopor. The pups woro stolon Saturday night and taken to Mt. Carmel. Thoy wero found thoro by Policoman Jacob Davis, in tho possession of a man named Charles Logan. Tbo pups wero carriod to oight different houses in Mt. Curraol in tho hope that tho police would loso trace of them. Fahoy pleaded guilty and ho and tho olhor two wore placod under f500 bail for trial at Pottsvillo. Logan was also arretted on a charge of receiving stolen property and ho, too, furnishod $500 bail for trial. Do you want a situation ? Do you want help 7 Do you want to sell your business ? Do you want to sell or exchango real ostato 1 If to, call on Max Bocse, Shenandoah, agent for tbo United States Employmont and Business Agoncy, 41 and 40 Broadway, Now York. Waters' Weiss boer la tho best. John A1 Koilly solo agent. 6-5-tf Two Moro Weddings. At 5 o'clock this ovoning Mr. Goorgo J. Higgins, of Shamokin, and Miss Julia M. Tobin, of town, aro to bo married at tho Annunciation church. To-morrow aftor noon Misa Hattio E. Crawsbaw, of town, and Daniel W. Bodoa, of Mahanoy Plane, aro to bo married at the rosidonce of tho bride's mother, on North Jardin stroot. Full particulars of both events will bo given In to-morrow's edition of tho Usr als. Second hand school books bought and sold at Max lteose's. tf Hoar Him To-night. Jordan, tho colorod man who is known as "Tho Toxai Cyclone" will sing and speak on tho issues of tho day from a plat form at tho corner of Mam and Centre strcots at 7:30 o'clock to-night. Firo Insuranco, It is a matter of self-interoet for evory property holder to insure bis property as well as his household goods. No man can toll whon tbo fire llend may destroy his savings of many years, and thus render him homeloss. If your proporty la insured by David Faust, you need have no fear from such a catastrophe, for ho represents nono but reliable companies. 10-20-tf The finest note papor and onvolopos In tho country at Max Beeeo's. tf POLITICAL, It will bo Green. Don't fail to stay home and vote. Ben Smith has made a moat oxeellent d-puty sheriff under no lest than flvo shorifls, both Bepuhlicons and Democrats. He is fully qualified to fill the position ho will be olocted to. With Heffner and McGinnijs on tho Poor Board there will be honest business methods used. Sinco the Democratic treasurers of sov oral states havo gono unpunished, there is not so muoh said about Bardsley. Let no guilty man eecapo," is the motto of tho Bepubllcans. Can tho Democrats say as much. J. II. Pomeroy, Esq., will poll an un- umally large vote in this county for delo- galo at largo to tho Constitutional Conven tion. Juflgo Green will be olectod by a very largo majority. Soo that your noighbor gets out and voloa on T-ieeday a week. Tho first olection under the now law in this 6tato takes placo next fall. Bepubllcans, stand firm and givo tho onomy to undorsland that wo are "in it" this year. Tho appointments undor Governor Pat tison does not give satisfaction, to tha Ba publicani that votod for him last fall. Prettiest oil cloth in town at C. D. Fricke's carpet store. 9-18-tf The Broom Olub. Communicated. West Centre street was in oommotion this morning. The notes from the horns of tho butchers wore signals for the mass meet ing of tho liroom Brigade. Each woman mado a bow to her neighbor and each broom was brough to a present arms. Ono of tho women offered tho following resolu tions : lleaohed. That wo tender our profound gratitudo to our Borough Council for its leniency and its failuro to enforce tho or dinance relativo to animals roaming at larei on our streets. Ilesolcul, lhatwo extend our hoartfclt censuro and condemnation to tho said bo.V for discriminating against us and our sistors on MBin streot in romoving the sweepings every Saturday morning on said streot. lleaohed, That wo prosont our High Con slab, o with a suit of fur for the abln manner in which ho has carriod out tho ordinance relativo to goats, hogs, dogs and other animals on our stroets day and night. Jiesolved, That we congratulate tho elec tric railway company on its onorgy and pluck in bringing about means for bringing oilier induslries into our town. lleaohed, That wo moetoneo a wook until n roionn takes placo and roport to tho Herald through Street Walker. Boat work dono at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Laco curtains a spocialty. Al! work guar anteed. Electric Sparks. Frackvillo and Mahauov Piano will hn lit up with olectricity by November 1st. uontraclor Jiborlo, of the S.. M. O.. O. & A. By., has opened an offlco in Beddall's building. Everything is in readiness for a start. Tho first lot of poles and ties are oxpected to-nay. It is oxpocted that tho Ashland Contralia By. Co., will build thoir road and oonnect with tho other company. Ohlldron Enjoy Tho ploasant flavor, gontlo action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, whon in neod of a laxativo, and if tho fathor or mothor bo costivo or bilious tho moat grat ifying results follow its uso, so that it is tho best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottlo. A Rare Ohanco. A first class proporty on North Mala street for salo. Can be had at a fair prico. Apply to A. J. Gallagher, Muldoon build ing, cornor Conlre and W oat streets. 10-20 lw Tho Gurablors Hold. Eight of tho Polos and Hungarians who woro arrested whilo gambling in a houso on West Lloyd street oarly Sunday morning: woro given a hearing boforo 'Squire Will iams and each required to furnish 800 bail for trial at court. What's belter for a wound than Bnlvntlon OH? Kcho answers : "What." We answer: "Nothlnir." "Sosaywo all of us. sosuvwo all I" Duly 25 cm. Fou tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabb's. tf WANT A FISH ? For Breakfast ? A Mackoral ? Wo havo 'cm. White and fat. Bright and sweet. No oil. No rust, ilb, 5.1b, lib, lilb, 11 lb, GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Srm