The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 20, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--KO. 222.
Republican State Ticket.
AVinron ojixmn.izi
to tho Constitutional
A. B. 1i. SHIELDS,
n. o. m'coruiok,
County Ticket.
Judge lion. D. B. Green.
Sheriff Benjamin Smith.
Jury Commissioner Maj. William
Poor Director George Ileffner.
Unexpired Term Harry II. McGinnis
Constitutional Convention Delegates.
8. BWRD EDWA RD3, Pottsvlllo.
JOHN J. COYLE, Mahanoy City.
, The "rush for lands In Oklahoma la
i like tho rush for stocks In Wall stroot.
For tho fow who want tho land and tho
IS Stocks for permanent Investment thore
jt Jil aro thousands who want to speculate
and got a ehaneo to skin somebody.
iBtosd forests aro .found In various
parts of tho world. In many cases
thoy aro hardened by somo peculiarity
1 of tho atmosphoro and aro found (stand
ing just as thoy wero when clothed
with green foliage, thousands of yoara
Tns'baldheada may find a llttlo com
fort In tho fact that that emlnont au
thority, tho London Lanoot, denounces
03 f also tho doctrino that abundant hair
Is a sign of bodily or mental strength In
man. It says that despite the Samson
precedent the Chlnoso aro mostly bald,
yet they form tho most enduring of
races. Tho average modhouso furnishes
proof that long and thick hair Is not a
Blgn of Intellectuality. Tho easily
wheedled Esau was hairy, whllo the
' mighty Caesar was bald. Long-haired
men aro generally weak and fanatical,
and men with scant hair aro tho philoso
phers and statcsmon and soldiers of tho
l world.
A series of military tests has been
..feTnado In Germany to detcrmlno tho
' lPSDeed of bicycles .as compared with that
a good homo mado rag carpet.
It is ono of those pxtra heavy
carpets, macloof (he bestyatti
nnd clean rngs. Finest line of Velvet
Brussel and Ingrain Carpets In Shen
andoah at
mutob pies, mince piks.
We open to-day otir first lot of
I and confidently recommend
to be the Best in the Marliet.
"Northwestern Daisy" Flour
Always give satisfaction. So does "Riverside." lhey
MAKE WHITE BREAD and are Easy to Balce.
Don't forget to examine our stoclc. Over 30 different
patterns to select from. All IT'tdtJis and Prices.
ot norees. Ill covortntf n distance of
thirty-two miles two cavalry officers
rodo against two Infantry officers
mounted on bicycles. Tho lattor ac
complished tho journey In B15 minutes
and 010 minutes, respectively, while tho
two lieutenants on horseback arrlvod
at tholr destination seven minutes be
fore tho first bloyolo rider. Over a
courso of twenty-flvo miles tho same
result was obtained, the riders arriving
a fow mluutos In advance of tho bicy
clists. In both cases tho cavalry officers
only rodo at a ffallop for tho first fifteen
mlnutos of tho journey, whllo tho blcy
ollsta wont at full spoed all tho way.
Koeplng Young.
Keep tho young young, says a wlso
writer In tho Chicago Tost. Youthful
nc8s In ago Is bettor than a bank ac
count with premature decrepitude.
What man can enjoy his money if ho
bo broken down and senllo In middle
llfo? What pleasuro Is thero to him In
tho contemplation of his dollars when
tho body la weak and tho body is
drained of its vigor? But with health
everything is possible And there
comes to tho poor healthy man and tho
poor healthy woman a keen relish of
llfo, a strong pulsating of tho heart, a
buoyancy and a joy to llvo that no
amount of monoy can buy. It cannot
bo bought, beoauso It is ono of nature's
best gifts. And while naturo bestows
these gifts generously, thoy aro novsr
sold in tho market place.
Tho Grapo Output.
In reply to a recent statement by a
Buffalo paper that thoro"would bo about
twenty-flvo hundred carloads of grapes
sontoutof Chautauqua county, N. Y.,
this season, an extensive grower of that
region says a careful estimate shows
that tho ylold in tho old vinoyards this
year will bo only about sixty per cent,
of that of last year. Tho inoroased
acreage, however, is expected to mako
np tho doflcloncy, so that thero will bo
about the-samo amount for shipment as
last year. During tho harvost of 1890
thoro was shipped from that section
threo hundred and fifty-eoven carloads,
and thore will bo about tho samo amount
this year. This may seem llko a largo
.quantity, but If evenly distributed to
all tho Inhabitants of tho country, would
only give them about a bunch npleco.
Bucblon's Arnica Salvo.
The ISest Balvo In tho world for Cuts
Bruises. Bores. Ulcere. Salt Itlieum. Fover.
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbla'ns
Lornn. auu 1111 nam eruptions, ana positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mouey
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
ay v, 11. jiugeiiuncn.
Always go to Coslett's, South Main
stroet, for your prime oysters. 8-22-tf
A Surprise.
Keop your eye on this local. Koagoy,
tho photographer, will have his now opon
ing in a fow days and will havo something
interesting that will turprisotho pooplo. if
Fou tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
you need
Hla Opinions on Affairs Pertain
ing to tho Borough and Vioin
ity Put Into Interesting
It strikos mo that if some of our men of
monoy would loosen their pureo strings and
follow tho example of enterprise Eot by the
electric eailway pooplo Shenandoah could
bo raado a booming town within u year or
In conversation a few ovenings ago ono
of a party of gentlemen, referring to tho
political candidacy of certain parties in
tbis county said, "if doesn't get
around protty soon ho had bottor look out
forSbonandoab. Money is tho thing that
goes in politics and when thero is no monoy
thero is no go." This sentiment struck mo
as that of a political striker. Truly tho
root of all ovil is tho good old solid cash
and even among tho most intelligent men
we will find a sore spot whon tho coin fails
to connect with tho finger ends.
Yoar in and roar out wo hoar tho old
8ongof "the bar'l," "corporation candi
dates," "the politics of the day aro cursed
by tho use of monoy," "our government is
corrupted by the coins of tho rich," otc.
Yot wo hear somo of our most prominent
and intelligent in on grumbling because
"tho dust doesn't como." Too bad 1 Too
By the way, it strikes mo that tho evils of
our government brought about by tho uso
of monoy takes root in tho voter himenlf.
Tho prevailing opinion is that the candi
dates are ongagod during election time
chasing tho voters from corner to corner,
trying to induce them to accopt "a small
donation," but I, am clearly convinced that
in most cases the candiuato is tho chased,
Tho political striker is one of tho most
despicable of human boings. Ho is a con
glomeration of falsehood and hypocrisy.
Ho will yell for John Brown in a nominat
ing convention; ho will yoll for John
Brown when ho meets him, but ho will
voto for Bill Smith if John Brown doosn't
"como up wid dor duff."
Thore are thousands of oxcollont mon in
this country who aro doterred from enter
ing tho field of politics on account of their
abhorrence for the political striker.
A woll known gentleman told me not
long ago that it cost him ovor ono hundred
dollars to bo elected a school director in
West Mahanoy township. Is it surprising
that it should cost a small fortune to be
elected to tho Legislature ?
A workingman stood on a corner the
other evening and said, "I don't see how it
b, when a liquor man is nominated nine
times out of ton ho is elected." Coming
down to a dollars-and-conts view of the
thing it is tho easiest thing in tho world to
boo how such should bo tho case. As long
as drink will secure votes, so long shall tho
liquor doalers have tho advantage over
other candidates. Tho man In the saloon
or liquor business can dlsponse beverage at
a cost of fifty per cent, loss than tho man
who is not in tho business and can go tho
other candidate a" barrel or two better
several times during a week. In othor
words tho liquor dealers can dispenso more
boverago with ?300 than the othor candi
date can with 5600.;. How does it strike
If the merits and qualifications of a can
didato were looked to moro than tho size of
his purse wo could soon purify tho govern
ment of tho country, but I fear that such a
policy will never bo universally adopted,
Thero is too much socialism In tho people,
They say, "If Bill Sykei wants to securo
my assistance and voto ho- must shuro his
boodle with mo."
Thero is too much Sunday Snews spirit
in tho pooplo "As long as thoro's boodle,
In It I wid yer."
The finest note paper and envelopes In
the country at Max Keeso's. tf
Tho Sto Tronurr to b Examined Flrtt
letters of Dorr and Uveftoy.
HAnmsBUBO, Tn., Oct. 20. At tho ses
sion of tho Sonata InRt Thnrsday It wai
docidod thut Auditor General MeCamaul
should bo tho first wltnera put on th
stand, but yesterday Senator Fllmi
moved that the Stato Treasurer ba first
examined, owing to the probability oi
his being called out of the city at almost
any time by the carious Illness of hit
mother. This was agreed to.
, Senator Boss was grunted ponnlsslon
to present a resolution nuthoriilng tho
attorney general to summon John Bard
sley as a witness. The proposition wns
adopted with an amendment ompowor
ing tho attorney general to take similar
action with regard to another witness
whom ho might desire to examine in
connection with tho oas before tho
All tho original letters written by
Boyor and the missing cashlor, Llvesey,
to John Bardsley. which, together with
those written by McCamant, wore main
ly responsible for tho oalling of tho ex
tra session, were submittod in evidence,
nnd were followed by the submission of
other documentary evidence, to which
counsel for tho State Treasurer and Auditor-General
raised no objection.
At the night session ot tho Senate
Francis B. lleoves, and exports Vollmer
nnd Fnunce, wero oxamlnod to show tho
luterest received by John Bavdsloy. It
wa shown that (202,000 was received
in ono year, of which -90,000 was for
city moneys. The object of Attorney
donornl Hensel in Introducing this testi
mony la to show that about tho time of
monthly pnyment of intorost Bnrdsloy's
stubs Indicate that ho regularly sent
chocks for different amounts to tho Au-dltor-Qoneral.
This Una of examination Is to convlnoo
tho Senate that McCamant allowed
Bnrdsloy to hold Stnto monies beyond
tho legul requirement in consideration
of a share of tho Intorost money received
Dy the late city treasurer oi fhiladel
The Sonato adlourned at a late hour
last night to meet to-morrow morning
ai iu o'CiocK.
Desires to Bear Testimonv.
Henry Thorno, Traveling Secretary of
tho i . M. O. A., writes from Exotor Hall,
Strand, London, February 2d, 1888 :
"I desiro to boar my testimony to tho
value of Allcock's Bums Blusters. I hnvn
usod thorn for pains in the back and side
arising from rhoumatic and other causes
never without deriving b'enefit from their
application. They aro oasily applied and
yery comforting. Those engaged as I am
in public work which involves oxnosure to
suddon changes of tomperaturc, will do
woll to keop a supply of Allock's Porus
Plasters in their portmanteaus."
Waters' Weiss beer is tho best. John A'
lteilly solo agent. 6-5-tf
Ashland in Lino.
Messra. D. W. Price, Anthony Garner,
James K. Doegan, Thomas Simpson, John
Flenningand Louis Snydor, niombors of
the A'hland Borough Council, Frank
Kenlz, town clerk, and Hon. D. I). Phil
lips, of Gordon, wero in town yesterday
inspecting tho exhibition "T" rail laid by
tho electric railway company on Main
street. Last night tho borough council of
Ashland met and adopted tho "T" rail for
tho road through that town.
Burohill's Restaurant.
Charles Butchill U now located at corner
of Main and Coal streets, Shenhndoah.
Regular meals, at popular pricos, served
any time. Ladies' dining and rofreshmont
rooms attached. 9-14-tf
Boy Injured.
John Leo, a driver at tho Kohinoor
colliory, rosiding on North Catherine
stroet, met with a Borious accidont yoster
day aftornoon. "While at work a loadod
mine car ran ovor both his legs, and it is
feared ampdtatioii will be nocossary. Ho
was removed to tho Minors' Hospital this
Children Enjoy
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing eflbcts of Syrup of Figs, when in
nood of a laxative, and if tho father or
mother bo costive or bilious tho most grat
ifying results follow its uso, so that It is tho
best family rcrady known and every
family should have a bottle.
Second hand school books bought and
sold at Max Boose's. . tf
A Rare Chance.
A first class property on North Main
stroot for salo: Can bo had at a lair prlco.
Apply to A. J. Gallagher, Muldoon build
ing, cornor Centre and Wost streets.
Ladies, If you want flno writing paper
and onvolopes to match, call on Max
ReeBe. tf
( Oysters,
Oysters aro in season. Go to Schoonor'8.
Families supplied. Parlors for ladies. 9-4-tf
Prettlost oil cloth in town at O. D.
Fricko's carpot store. 9-18-lf
Best work done at Brcnnan's etoam
laundry, Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
anteed. Misses Nellie Ford and Sallio "Woomor
spent bunday at Mahanoy City and Delano.
But Mr. Zorboy and His "Wlfo and
Maid Narrowly Escaped Bo
ins Shot by a Hasty
At an early hour this morning burglnrs
succeeded in working thoir way into Fred.
Zorboy's residonco at Lost Creek. They
ransacked tho lower apartments and packed
silvorware and other valuables ready for
removal. Thoy thon wont upstairs and
wbilo In tho room adjoining tho sleeping
apartment of Mr. and Airs. Zorbey they
created a noieo that nwakoned tho sleepers.
Mr. Zorboy jumped from his bod and se
cured a rovolvor. Tho burglars became
alarmod and ran out of tho houso as Mr.
Zorboy fired several shots from tho window
of h's bedroom.
But tho oxcilcmont did not ond hero.
Mr. Zorboy, his wifo and tho maid drossod
tbt-inselves and hastenod to the parsonage
of Rev. Daggett. That gonlleman was not
at homo and tho houso was in charge of his
As Mr. Zirbey and his wifo and maid
approachod tho houso tho door was sud
denly oponod and flvo shots woro fired
from a revolver in rapid succession at tho
already badly frightened trio. Fortunately
nono of tho shots took affect.
After explanations tho visitors woro ad
mitted and Rov. Daggett's brother apolo
gized. Ho said that tho shots previously
fired had aroused him and when Mr.
Zorboy and his wife and maid approached
tho houso ho thought thoy woro burglars.
Tho burglars did not succoed in securing
much in Mr. Zerboy's houso. Thoy took
with them a pair of opera glasses valuod at
515 and a few other articles. Had thoy
beon permittod to leavo tho houso undis
turbed thoir haul would havo boon a good
Thero is no cluo to tho burglars nnd it is
not boiiovod that any of them woro hit by
tho shots fired by Mr. Zorboy.
Tho following resolutions woro road and
unanimously adopted at the last mooting of
tho Knights of tho Annunciation Society,
of Shenandoah:
WiiKitKAS, Tho Catholics of Lithuanian
birth and doscent. livintr in Shonandoah
and vicinity, have docidod to hold a dem
onstration t the laying of the corner stono
ot tneir proposed now cnurcn, on ounday,
25th instant: and.
Wukrkas, In holding such coromony
thoy aro exercising a ricrht ulainlv. indis
putably and firmly guaranteed by our Citato
Constitution to all our people, irrospoctivo
oi creou or nationality; anu,
Whkreas, Some persons, through the
societies known as Jr. O. U. A. M , Camps
zuu, ii ana usa, oi mo r. u. s. ol A,
have passed resolutions prejudging tho pro
posed cortimonv as a violhtion of the Sub-
bath, and petitioning tho Borough Council
to intorfern and prevent its free and proper
exi-rc o ; and,
Wukbeas, Tno borough Council has
recognized said resolutions and po'.ilion
when presonted, and has instructed tho
Uniol liurga;8 to Interfere with said coro
mony n tho name ot- tho borough ; now,
Resolved. That, as citizens and inhabi
tants of Shenandoah, wo hereby dnnounco
ana conaomn tne action ot tno uorougu
lyouncu as unwarranted, illegal and
bigo'ted in tho oxtrorao; and, in recogniz
ing tho appeal of a narrow, prejudiced and
un-American class, concealed bohind tho
names of certain sccietios, thoy havoplacod
themsolve3 in the humiliating position of a
municipal bodv. in the freest counlrv on
God's footstool, doscondmg from their
legitamato position as conservators of tho
right3 and liberties of our citizens, to uso
thoir authority illegally and against tho
Constitution in order to consummate an act
ol outraceous b Urotrv.
Jleaoh-ed. That wo horobv accent tho in
vitation extended us to participate in tho
proposed ceremony and thoroby oncourago
our follow citizens in tho exercise of thoir
guaranteed rights on tho broad principle
mat inn aoriagement ol tno constitutional
rights of any class of citizens is an Insult
and a monaco to all.
Oysters aro in season and tho bast in tho
market aro at Coslett's. 8 i!2-tf
Phoanijc Phair.
Tho Phoenix Hose Company will hold a
grand fair in Bobbins' opera house, com
mencing on Tuesday, Noy. 3rd, 1891. It
will bo one of tho largest und bost fairs eyor
held in this oounty. 10-11-tf
A GloriouB Record.
Since tho Introduction of the Famous Pan-
TlnaCoimli and Consumption (Jure lu tills
vicinity, tue aeaiu ram lruui o'onsumpuon
bus decreased wonderfully : It never lallu to
effect ucure, aud Is the btstCouijU medicine.
Try It, Trial bottles irte at Kirlln's drug
Stationary packages, 5 and 10 conte each,
at Max Reose's. tf
Call and see the list of ononincs and
business chances at Max Rooso's. If you
aroout of employment or in want of soma
ono to fill a noaltion. vou can b(4 Apnmu-
modatod at onco, A email fee Is all that Is
required for tho services of the agon t.
Legal blanks of all kinds for salo at tho
Herald office.
A Locomotive Explodes ond Kills
Four Mon
Engine 955, of tho Reading road, ex
ploded last ovi-ning aliout 7 o'clock at Crow
Hollow Switch, near St. Clair, killing four
of tho crew. Tho cause of tho oxp oslon
cannot bo aooounted for. Tho ongino was
standing still at tho time of tho accidont,
and when the oxplosion ocourrod soomod to
leap Into tho air, and jumped forward
about twonty feet and landod on tho sills.
Tho cab and two-thirds of tho long bnilor
were blown into pieces, and nothing re
mained but thojforward soction. The head
wai also blown out. Tho tank romainod
attached and suffered very little damage
Tho wood lining slowly burnod away, and
its flames threw out a fitful light, showing
tho batterod and torn remnants of tho en
gine. Most of the debris w-w found on tho
oast of tho engine, about thirty yard away.
whilo tho unfortunate victims woro carried
in tho opposite direction. Turner owes his
life to this fact. Had ho boon standing on
tho oat side he would have been blown to
pieces. It seem? strange and miraoul iua
that his li to was spared to him as it was.
Ho wa3 standing within throe foot of tho
cab, addresdng thnenrjneer, whon it all
occurred. Ilia ocapo from Irntant doath
may bo regarded as an interposition of
The fire pan was liurlod against a train of
cars and was b-tttered into a confined mass.
Heavy birs wero twisted and brokon and
lay in ;indiscriininated oonfusion around
tho tracks. It was a scene ol havoo and
ruin that mot tho gaze of thosewho hurried
to tho spot.
Wrack Master William Sebold, of Palo
Alto, had his crow on tho grounds and re
moved tho debris to all' w trains to pai9 up
and down on one track. The mm workod
like trogans, although tho night as dark
and a strong wind drove tho rain in gusts,
dronching them to tho skin.
Tho names of tho unfortunato mon who
mot thoir doath by tho oxplosion aro:
Enginoor Honry Wugnor, married, agod
15 years, homo at Palo Alto,
Mahlon Koith, brakoman, married, 30
years old, lived at Palo Alto.
Charles B-mors, brakoman, married, agod
3,5 voars, homo St. Clair.
Oharlo3 Uonaickor, 28yoars, singlo.homo
St. Clair.
Bauors lived for sovoral hours after tho
accidont and diod beforo, ho could bo re
moved to his homo.
Crow Hollow Switch is almost opposito
Mill Creek. Long strings of loadod and
empty coal cars aro aseortod at this point
ond started on their destination. It is
about a half-mile south of St. Clair and a
little ovor a mile north of Port Carbon.
Wo k was immediately commenced by a
rescuing party in search of tho bodies.
Turner was found about 30 feet east of tho
engine, lying in a hole. Ha was not, in-
jurod, but romainod in a dazod condition
f r sovoral minutes. His lantorn was torn
from his hand and could not be found.
Tho body of Keith was found to tho west
of tho ongine lying on top of a loaded coal
car. He was blown into tho air and dropped
into tho car. His body was badly dis
figured and blackened. His logs wero al
most torn off and bo was tho only ono who
was found on tho west side of tho ongino.
Tho othors wore all found on tho oist sido.
Honnickor's lifeless body was about fifty
yards from the tracks lying among tho
bushos. Ho was badly cut around tho body,
but did not loso a limb.
Bauors was groanin? in aclump of bushes
about forty yards away until tho roscurora
found him. He was unconscious and ro
mainod in that condition when death came to
his relief. His body was disfigured, but
did not bear many marks.
Wagner, the enginoor, was found about
n hundred yards away. His body was al
most cut in half and tho entrails protruded.
Almost every bone in his body was brokon,
Ho was picked up in a doublod-up position,
lying neor a stream of water. His left foot
was almost off. Tho legs woro held to tho
body by strips of flash. His remains woro
gathered up in a piece of canvas.
All the bodies woro removed to tho baso
ment in tho weighmaster's ofllco, a short
distance below St. Clair. Tho bodlos ol
Wagner and Keith woro romoved to thoir
homo In a box car at a late hour. Bauera
aid Iloncickur wero taken to their homoa
in St. Clair.
What's be Iter for u wound than KnlvnMnn
Oil? liohn unswers : "What." We answer:
"Nothlnit." ".so say wo all of us, so say wo
all I" Ouly25cts.
For Breakfast ?
A Mackeral?
Wo havo .'cm.
White and fat.
Bright and sweet.
No oil. No rust,
ilb, lib, lib, li lb, 11 lb,
Nc. 122 North Jardin Stnu